New Lives

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#1 of A Wonderful Life

A Wonderful Life

Book 1: New Lives

This story follows the events of the lives of Sean Reynolds and Sarah Atric, (the kit and bunny from Ranger's Tail) mainly focusing on the events surrounding their birthdays, October 12th and November 3rd respectively, throughout their lives.

Chapter 1 Always Friends

The Reynolds' Home in Hartsdale, Foc 8:29 AM Local Time

Sean heard light footsteps moving around outside his room. He didn't open his eyes or move; he just laid silently and listened carefully.

Another step, and then a soft ruffling, the footsteps were in his room now.

The young fox tried not to, he really tried not to but he smiled against his better judgment, he knew what was coming.

A soft presence laid down in the bed next to him, followed by another presence sitting on the opposite side of the bed. Sean still kept his eyes shut but the look on his face more than gave him away.

"Sean..." a sweet female voice said quietly, the excitement present in her tone.

He tried to fake a sleepy look as he fluttered his eyes but Sean was to excited himself to finish the act.

"Happy birthday Sean," the other voice said, and as Sean's eyes adjusted he saw what he already knew, his parents were sitting with smiles on their faces.

Half a second later the small fox was hugging his mother tightly, excited as he had been looking forward to this day for months.

All of a sudden though the kit's outlook changed and he frowned slightly, "Do I have to go to school today mom?"

"Yes honey, you do," his mother answered.

"How come?" he asked quickly back, not wanting to waste half his birthday at school.

Cathy, not to interested in having Sean away, looked over at her husband but he was adamant in his gaze.

"Yes Sean," Steve replied and moved closer to him, "but hey you'll come home soon enough and have your party okay?"

The young fox sighed and nodded. He got himself out of bed while his parents filed out to get started for the day. For them, life was so different now, so much better and happier. Steve, true to his natural outlook, volunteered at various jobs around town, not so much to just help, but to keep himself busy, being that he didn't necessarily need to make much of an income. Cathy had, two or three years after Sean was born, began classes and was now a certified nurse and worked, albeit for low pay, at the local hospital. The Reynolds had more than cut themselves a nice piece of the universe and were quite literally living happily ever after.

The kit had grown up quickly, as all offspring do, but he was still innocent at heart, having not been rocked out of childhood the same way his parents had been. His fur was deep red, just like his mothers, with his paws, front and back, and ears black and a huge tail for such a small kit. He was also oddly muscular, and much stronger than any of the other kits in his school or neighborhood. Either way though he was loved deeply by his parents and he loved them just as much.

At breakfast Sean ate cheerfully and quickly, actually starting to warm up to the idea of going to school. His friends would be over after school but it would be fun to hang around with them in school on his birthday as well.

"Ready Sean?" his father asked, grabbing his keys and walking to the door.

He nodded and ran up behind him, following him out to the car.

Once at school Sean was quite literally the center of attention, more so than normal. His parent's escapades had filtered down to him, making the kit a point of interest of everyone in his town and all those that encountered him. Also, Sean was quite friendly with everyone he met, making him an easy fox to get along with. On top of all this he lived in a fairly small town, with only a few other youngsters so he just rose to the most notable positions, at least those obtainable by a 12 year old.

So, as expected, everyone, even the older kit's wished him well on his birthday and the school day went quickly for him. At lunch the other youngsters sang happy birthday to him and he was given free cookies. Yet with all this attention Sean focused on only one thing, being around his best friend, just as he always did.

Once everyone had gone back to their own meals Sean got up and sat down next to her, smiling widely.

The bunny, the only bunny on in the whole town other than her mother, smiled as well and gave her friend a small hug.

"Happy birthday Sean," she said happily.

"Thanks Sarah," he replied just as happy.

What was most expected, and also unknown to the two youngsters, was the nature of their relationship. Their parents, all on their own, had come to the conclusion that eventually Sean and Sarah would be much more than friends. It was inevitable, just from how much the Atric's and the Reynolds were linked already it was somewhat a given, and the fact that it was well known that they were best friends already added to everyone's suspicions. Of course, no one talked about that, not to each other and defiantly not to Sean or Sarah.

Sarah had grown up quickly as well. One would expect her to be a little distant emotionally being literally the only bunny in the whole school and other than her mother, the only one on the whole planet, but she had adapted well and was good friends with all the kits in the school, for the most part. Some of the other young female kits looked down on her, as she preferred to play sports rather than play with dolls or something. Her growth reflected that, she was strong and well built, soft brown fur and relatively short ears for a bunny her age.

Taking a bite from his sandwich Sean asked, "So did your dad say if you could stay overnight?"

The rabbit sighed, "No," Sean frowned right away, "but... but I'm gona ask him again right after school, I think he'll let me go though," Sarah took a bite of her own sandwich, "I don't understand the big deal about all this."

Sean just shrugged, he didn't either.

After lunch the kits had their recess. They played a game of kickball, Sean was one of the captains, but not because it was his birthday, he was always a captain in whatever they played. However, because it was his birthday they didn't do a coin flip and just gave him first pick. Of course he picked Sarah and the other captain sighed and threw up his paws in defeat, knowing now the best player was already picked.

Still though, the other team put up a good fight, but they couldn't really compete. Every time Sarah got up to the plate she kicked a homerun. In the field she could run twice as fast as any of the other kits and managed to catch almost any ball on her half of the field. So, in the end, Sean's team won in large part to Sarah.

The two friends left school together and went their separate ways, both actually worried that they wouldn't be able to spend time with each other that night.

The Atric's Home in Hartsdale, Foc 4:02 PM Local Time

Sarah carefully walked up to her father. It wasn't that he was an unapproachable furry, he just tended to not take kindly to begging.

"Dad?" Sarah called out quietly.

Sean looked up from his paper, smiling at first at his daughter, but soon he recognized the look on her face and knew what was up.

"Yes..." he answered quizzically.

The bunny forced a grin and blurted out, "Can I please stay over at Sean's house daddy, pleassssse?"

The fox sighed, there was no getting past this, it was impossible to set the two young furries apart, which was exactly what he was afraid of. Still he resisted the idea.

Sarah read her fathers face and sat down on the couch next to him.

"Comon daddy, how come I can't stay?" she said.

He wasn't going to even attempt to explain his worries with her; he hadn't even talked to Emily about his thoughts just because he thought it was so stupid.

Sean looked at his daughter's pleading mug and smiled, "How about this Sarah, we'll talk to Sean's parents about what they think."

At that Sarah grinned widely, knowing that she'd won, she loved winning.

The Reynolds' Home in Hartsdale, Foc 6:49 PM Local Time

"Hi guys!" Cathy said as she let Sean with Sarah in toe into the house, "I'm sure Sean will be really happy to see you Sarah."

Sean let his daughter run downstairs to where the rest of the youngster's were playing and whispered quietly to the vixen, "Do you think it is okay if she stays the night here."

"I don't see why not?" Cathy answered, seeing only the innocence of play.

The other fox sighed and nodded, gave Cathy a small hug and returned to his home.

Downstairs the kits and Sarah we're having a grand time. They played with the various toys and games, but the central game was formed around a large corner of the basement by the laundry room.

Sean ducked behind a chair and gripped his water gun. He nodded to Sarah behind the neighboring chair and gestured up and down. The bunny's ears were securely tucked beneath a helmet but they struggled to free themselves as she was listening closely to where the "enemy" was.

Then in a burst of water, Sean shot up and squirted two other young kits. Instantly they returned "fire" but Sean was quick enough and ducked back down beneath the chair. The other two furries seeing a chance stood all the way up and jumped on top of the nearby couch but that's when Sarah had them. She had snuck quickly and quietly and popped up behind them, drenching the two kits in a flow of lukewarm water.

"Alright we give up! We give up!" one of them said and threw his water gun to the floor and laid down by the couch.

Sean walked over ominously and put his squirt gun to the surrendered kit's head.

"Goodbye To-"

Sean was stopped sort as a water gun's muzzle touched the back of his furry head. He threw his paws up and dropped his water gun, not wanting to lose entirely.

He turned to see his father holding a water pistol to him and Sean giggled and threw himself at his dad.

Steve chuckled and held his small son up, being that he was still light enough to that with.

"You know better than that Sean," Steve said in an easy tone, "Don't hit your enemy when he surrender's, you lose a good source of intelligence that way."

The kit didn't pay attention; he just laughed happily and hugged his dad.

The man stood up and set Sean down. He turned his attention to the couch and sighed, glad that this would only last one night. Half the carpet was soaked and there was cookies and popcorn everywhere but then again, Sean never got to do this so one time would be okay, Steve would deal with it.

"Is anybody hungry?" Mr. Reynolds called out and everyone in the room looked up excitedly.

Soon the relatively large man was stormed by eleven sets of paws as the kits and single bunny scampered up the stairs to the kitchen.

Following slowly Steve whispered to himself, "Apparently."

Dinner was simple, take out as you'd expect, and once ever one was done they did the must-have embarrassing moment for the birthday kit and turned down the lights and brought in the cake. Once the deed was done they dug in and no sooner had they finished their meal had they stormed back down to the basement.

They played out the rest of the night and by eleven or so they were all pooped so they prepared to turn in. The sleeping bags were brought out and, once they had all put on their pajamas they snuggled into their sleeping bags in a makeshift circle.

It didn't take long for everyone but two furries to fall asleep, those two furries who remained awake were, obviously, Sean and Sarah whose sleeping bags were right next to each other.

They whispered back and forth through the night, talking about nothing in particular. Eventually though they succumbed to their exhaustion and rolled over to go to sleep, but as fate would have it the night was not quite over.

At around one in the morning Sarah shook Sean shoulder softly, coaxing the new 12 year old awake.

He rolled over and, after his eye's re-adjusted to the lower light, whispered, "What's up Sarah?"

"I left my water gun next to my sleeping bag, and now it's all wet, can I sleep in yours?" she asked innocently, but Sean saw right through it.

But he didn't care, and after making room his friend snuggled in close next to him, facing right into his chest. They had done this before, on the various camping trips their families had taken together in the past, and although neither knew why, they both liked sleeping with each other in the same bag.

It only took minutes for the two youngsters to fall asleep.


Tom Coats, also one of Sean and Sarah's best friends, was a rather small kit, and had a rather innocent out look on life. He awoke early the next day, around seven AM and, quietly, got out of his bag and looked to his right. Next to him he saw the back of Sean's head, but he saw something else. Right up against the other kit's body was that of a sleeping bunny, Sarah. Her small, well small for a rabbit, ears laid on the pillow.

After thinking for a moment Tom decided to wake the two, but after padding his way over to his friends on all fours he noticed that they were embraced. A simple hug but Tom thought that wasn't something kits should do, only moms and dads did that in bed.

Being the innocent minded kit he was Tom, still rather stealthfully, walked upstairs to where Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds slept and knocked on their door.

"Who-whose there?" a male voice called out.

"It's Tom, Mr. Reynolds," the kit called out.

He heard footsteps on the other side of the door and a moment later the door opened with the tall human standing in it.

Seeing an... odd look on the youngster's face Steve asked carefully, "What's wrong Tom?"

"I don't wana be mean but I think Sarah and Sean are doing something bad," he answered, but then regretted having tattled on his friends.

Steve's mind went another way and thought the pair might be hurt, and asked in a mildly worried tone, "What happened?"

"Come downstairs," Tom replied and started walking towards the stairs making motions for Steve to follow.

Mr. Reynolds ducked in and got Cathy up as well, not because he wanted to worry her but she was a nurse now and she might be of need.

The pair followed the kit down and were met by and entirely normal sight, that is until their gaze shifted to Sean and Sarah's sleeping in the same bag.

Steve turned to Tom and whispered, "Thank you Tom, no get back in your sleeping bag, I don't want Sean to get angry at you."

The youngster smiled graciously and followed what Mr. Reynolds had said.

"Oh my..." Cathy whispered, mildly amused and mildly worried, "Steve are they..."

Carefully Steve kneeled down and looking into the bag and sighed in relief.

"No," he said as he stood up, "No, we don't have a repeat of Karl and Lucy."

Cathy sighed in relief as well; the thought needless to say had crossed her mind.

"I think we're gona have to talk about this, their both getting too old to still be doing this," Steve said, thinking of the times he had caught them in the same sleeping bag in the past.

They walked back upstairs and let them wake up on their own, not wanting to embarrass Sean and Sarah in front of their friends. As the next two hours went by all the parents came and picked their kits up, eventually leaving just Sean and Sarah left.

Cathy had called the Atrics and explained what had happened, both Sean and Emily were coming over right away.

They were rather calm, given the circumstances. Sean was a bit on edge, but it was more of an "I told you so" attitude towards Emily because he had figured this was going to happen.

After they all sat down at the dinning room table Steve called Sean and Sarah up from the basement.

"What's up dad?" Sean said as they emerged from the cellar.

"We need to talk Sean," Cathy gestured to the other three parents in the room, "we all need to talk, Sarah too."

The kit and bunny got worried right away, suspecting something was up but they had no idea what. They sat down next to each other at the far side of the table.

"Sean," Mr. Reynolds began carefully, "Why we're you two sleeping in the same bag last night?"

If the kit's face had been furless everyone would have seen him go white, Sarah too. This was their little secret and no one knew that they did that; well they didn't think anyone knew anyway.

"Hmm?" Emily added.

"Uhh... uh Sarah's water gun was leaking and her bag got wet so she slept with me," Sean answered, his bushy tail hid between his legs on the chair.

Cathy sighed, "Sean... there wasn't a water gun anywhere near either of your sleeping bags."

Sean and Sarah knew it to be true and didn't know what to say to that, their little cover stories we're more for themselves than for practical use.

"Well Sean?" Steve asked again.

Sarah sat up straight and said in a quiet but strong voice, "I'm sorry mom and dad."

At that the Atrics frowned and Sean said, "Why are you sorry?"

The bunny didn't know what to say to that. She had just figured she had done something wrong so she should apologize.

"They didn't actually do anything Sean," Cathy said to the slightly aggravated fox, "Karl and Lucy's situation hasn't spilled over."

Everyone in the room knew Karl and Lucy, they acted as Sean and Sarah's "aunt and uncle" so to speak but the parents were aware of the history of the two pups and at the moment weren't comfortable with the possibility of that happening to their offspring.

"Do what?" Sarah asked, not understanding.

"Honey why we're you in the same bag as Sean?" her father asked.

"We like doing that," the bunny answered, "it's nice and warm."

At that all four parents huffed, that was as far as they were going to let this go.

"Listen up you two," Steve said carefully, "you two are a bit-"

Sean put up his paw and whispered into Steve's ear, "Don't make this a challenge or they will definitely keep doing it."

He nodded and took a deep breath, "Are you two embarrassed?"

The two youngsters nodded. Sarah's ears were pinned back, she could tell her parents were upset, and Sean was the same, seeing an equally upset look in his parents.

"Do you know why?" Cathy chimed in, seeing where her husband was going.

They shook their heads; neither emotionally mature enough to understand the nature of being "caught."

"Well what you did wasn't bad necessarily," Steve said carefully, glancing at Sean and Emily who were listening very carefully to this, "but your embarrassed because you two aren't ready for that, you will be," Sean huffed a little, he was a protective father, "but not now, not for awhile, so off a little okay?"

Sean and Sarah nodded carefully and shifted uneasily. They didn't think there was anything that bad about what they did but if it was this embarrassing to get caught they both figured they wouldn't do this again, not unless they were sure they wouldn't be caught.

"Alright," Mr. Atric said and stood up, "since we got that taken care of I think we'll head home now."

Sarah got up and waved to her friend and the Atrics left to go home.

After they had been gone for a minute or so Sean whispered, "I guess I'm sorry too."

"It's okay Sean, just do me a favor and start cleaning up downstairs, your mother and I will help you in a moment," Steve said and the little fox got up and practically ran down to the basement to get away from this embarrassing situation.

Cathy giggled softly and laid her head down on her husband's shoulder.

"I thought he was a fox but I'm starting to think he's a dog at heart," Steve whispered and held the vixen's paw.

She shook her head and sighed, but took a deep breath and whispered, "Have you ever given those two thought?"

"Of course," Steve answered.

"I meant about them being together," Cathy added.

It took a moment but Steve whispered, "Ya, it's kinda obvious isn't it?"

"Mhhmm," the vixen sighed and nuzzled Steve's cheek.

"Do you think Sean and Emily know?" he asked nuzzling his soft vixen back.

Cathy giggled, "I think they know Steve."

Sean Atric's Car, Hartsdale, Foc 10:13 AM Local Time

"Please don't be angry with Sean, daddy," Sarah said quietly, "I was the one who got into his sleeping bag."

Sean sighed, "I'm not angry at him or you, I'm just..." he trailed off and added quietly, "worried."

When they got back to their home Sarah scurried right to her room and Sean and Emily sat down in their living room.

Sean sat down on the couch and Emily laid down, putting her head on his lap.

"Are you really not angry?" she asked quietly.

The fox nodded, "I'm not angry honey, I'm just worried."

"'Bout what?" Emily said, sitting up.

He sighed again and looked his wife in the eye, "Comon Emily, you've got to be expecting it."

Emily smiled and rubbed the fox's tail, "Well if you expect it why are you worried."

At that Sean lost words. He took a deep breath and laid his head on her shoulder.

"Hmm?" the rabbit pursued.

"She's my little girl," Sean reasoned then gave it some thought, "she may not act like it but she's still my little girl and I don't... I don't know-"

Emily gave him a kiss between his ears, "I do, and I think your going way to far and not seeing this for what it's worth, just two youngster's who are friends."

"I just don't know how long they'll be just friends, that's all," Sean reasoned.

"And so what if they become more?" Emily replied, "You said it yourself, it's kinda expected of them, the best thing we can do is embrace it and not make them feel uncomfortable."

Sean smiled and let his weight go into Sarah's shoulder, "I love you."

"I know," Emily replied.

Chapter 2 Growing Pains

2 Years Later, the Reynolds' Home in Hartsdale, Foc 7:46 AM Local Time

"Mom? Dad?" Sean called out to his parent's room's door.

His black ears, which stood straight up and perky on his furry head, picked up the rustling of sheets then his father's familiar voice ushering him in.

The young fox was met with the sight of Steve lying on his side, not wearing a shirt, and his mother lying close against his body, but only her furry head was exposed.

"What's up Sean?" Steve asked.

"I'm leaving now," he answered.

Cathy looked at the clock over her husbands shoulder and asked, "Isn't it a bit early honey?"

He shrugged, "Sarah needs my help with her gun. Tryouts are today you know?"

Steve nodded and Sean ducked out. No sooner had he shut the door behind him did the young fox hear his mother squeal happily and the bed sheets start ruffling again. Sean emerged from his house shaking his head, trying not to picture what his parents were doing but by the time he reached Sarah's house his mind was clouded with images that no offspring wants to have.

Before he even had a chance to knock on her door Sarah opened the door and instantly noticed an... odd look on his mug.

"Something wrong?" the teenaged rabbit asked.

Sean shook his head quickly, trying to remove the images plaguing his mind and walk himself into that Atric's house.

Without a word Sarah lead him up to her room where her MCSL, short for Mock Combat Simulation League, gun was. Needless to say, being that both Sean and Sarah came from military based families, it was a given that they would show and interest in the mock-combat sport.

"So what's wrong with it?" the fox asked, picking up the gun and removing upper receiver.

Sarah shrugged, "I don't know, just jams to much."

Sean didn't react, he just took the receiver and barrel to Sarah's bed and sat down, quickly striping it and putting it back together. She sat down next to him and watched his nimble paws work quickly.

"I don't see anything wrong..." he whispered and got up to get the remaining parts of the gun.

Just as quickly as he had disassembled the gun he had it loaded and back to working order. Then, as a joke, he loaded and cocked Sarah's gun, spun around and fixed the teenaged rabbit in the weapon's sights. He knew what would happen, which is why, to himself, he did it.

Sarah, thinking he was indeed going to shoot, jumped at him and tackled him to the ground, pushing the rifle from his paws and sitting atop the slightly stunned fox's lap. It took about a second but it left Sean reeling and Sarah laughing uncontrollably. Then an awkward few seconds past after she had stopped laughing and Sean just laid on his back smiling.

To break that mood Sarah whispered, "You thought you were faster than me..."

Equally quiet Sean whispered, "I know I'm faster than you," and with that he scooted from beneath her and grabbed the gun, only to feel a swift kick to his gut. He was strong enough that it barely fazed him but he got the message.

After a few minutes of rough housing they got their bags together and left for school. Neither mentioned what Sean had done but they were both thinking of it. This odd... pressure had been developing between the friends and it lead to a few awkward moments, but they were still only 14 years old each so they ended up ending these moments with some sort of play.

School was a drag for both of them. Being that they came from good stock they were rarely challenged by schoolwork and ended up spending most of the day looking forward to gym and recess. Sarah had become even more athletic and strong than almost anyone, including Sean at times. She could out race all the foxes, and was much stronger than all the males of her age, and she was just better at just about every sport she played other than one, MCSL. For some reason she just lagged behind Sean in it but she refused to give up, and hence relied on Sean, who was quite amazing at the sport, for guidance and help.

At today's recess though, Sean and Sarah didn't join in any of the various games set up, instead they sat down next to each other by the fence and went over their strategy for the tryouts. There wasn't a doubt they'd both make the team, but they both wanted to make sure they did it well.

But, invariably, the kit up at the plate kicked a high fly and, Sarah seeing a chance to beat someone, jumped up and ran for the ball. She caught it of course and tossed it to the third base for a double play. And, as she expected the other team gowned and their captain immediately began whining about how she wasn't playing which she retort with, "I'm always playing, always."

She sat back down next to Sean who eyed her with discontent.

"You really need to calm down you know," the young fox commented.

Sarah smiled broadly and shrugged, "I gota win, you know that."

"Well we won't win if you don't start paying attention to this," he pointed to the drawing of the MCSL arena.

"What are you kidding?" the bunny huffed, "Like anyone's gona beat us."

"We can still be better," Sean pointed out.

She grinned again, "I'll settle for a win."

The young fox just shook his head quietly and they went back to planning but in reality it was he who was the most distracted.

Finally he worked up the nerve and whispered; "You know my birthdays next week?"

"Ya, I remembered," Sarah replied, appearing not to take a major interest.

"You gona come over?" he asked.

She looked up and scrutinized him, "Comon... aren't you to old for a party?"

Even quieter he whispered, "I'm not, I mean I'm not having a party I meant... you know, are you gona come over at night."

"Oh ya, why not? I always do that on your birthday just like you always do on mine," she answered and returned her attention to the playbook.

They had both limited themselves after being caught at Sean's 12th birthday party to only share a bed on their birthdays. Even still they didn't know why they liked sleeping in the same bed, but neither cared and it was something they both looked forward to on their birthdays. But this last year the interest had peaked in Sean, mainly because he had learned various parts of life, which apparently Sarah wasn't privy to quite yet. He didn't think he would do that with her, and he didn't think he ever would, she was his best friend, one of the guys after all, but still he liked it nonetheless.

So, with that cleared up, Sean felt immensely better and some of the growing pressure was lifted off him.

The bell rang and the kits, and Sarah, went back for their afternoon classes but Sean had gym, one of the few classes he didn't share with his friend. Still though he had his other friends there, so it was all bad.

"Hey Tom," Sean called out to his friend in the locker room.

"Ya buddy?" the other kit replied, walking over and setting down his gym bag.

Sean took off his school pants and slipped on his gym shorts, "You gona try out for the team today right?"

"Ehh, I don't know," Tom answered.

Hearing that Sean was surprised as hell, "What do you mean 'eh?' I thought you love MCSL?"

"I do but, well, Sarah gets kinda competitive," he answered, a tad uncomfortable, "And the other guys will laugh."

Sean's tail made curious circles behind him, "Laugh about what?"

"Well a lot of them think it's odd that we hang out so much with Sarah, she is a girl you know?" Tom reasoned, completely serious.

"She's stronger than you," Sean pointed out, sounding a little offended.

Tom shrugged, "She's still a girl."

"Whatever man, if you don't wana play them fine, but I'm not gona let some idiot who wants to laugh and sing songs about me stop me from playing"

The other young fox shrugged again and put on the rest of gym clothing.

"You know she's barely a girl anyway," Sean said just before he and Tom walked out into the gym itself.

"I know," Tom replied, "my dad said she's..." he thought for a moment to remember, "a tomboy."

Sean took note of that, finding it odd that Tom would have talked about Sarah like that to his father. But he did agree with Mr. Coats' description, Sarah was definitely a tomboy, but that didn't change anything, she was still stronger and faster than almost anyone else Sean knew.

They moved on to gym, playing a few games, all of which were won by Sean's team of course. The opposing team was pretty discouraged after the fourth defeat. Having been in the same class as Sean Reynolds for ten years they were starting to get a bit discouraged and were looking forward to high school next year where there would be a greater chance of not having to play against him.

The teenaged foxes left the gym at the bell and quickly dressed and finished up their classes. Less than a few seconds after the last bell Sean was out the door and at his locker, grabbing his gun case and running to met Sarah at the arena.

He saw Sarah sitting with her gun on her lap, playing with the sights, and low and behold Tom Coats was sitting across from her on a bench, doing the same with his rifle.

Sean walked over to them grinning, "Hey Sarah," she looked up, "You know Tom thinks you're a tomboy."

She let that sink in for a moment than got up, walked over to Tom and slugged him in the shoulder, hard.

"What's your point?" she question the young fox as he rubbed his arm quickly.

"Nothing I was just-"

"I don't care what you think," she said and grinned that evil grin she did right before she won, "I can still beat you at anything."

Tom looked helplessly over at Sean but he was grinning as well. He liked that Sarah was so strong and was a tomboy, since she was always on his team he ended up wining every time and she was a good and loyal friend to boot.

"Lets get ready guys," Sean said and brought out his own gun.

Sarah let out a low whistle at the sight of Sean's rifle. It was a perfect replica of his father's famous Thompson; same size same everything, but this was designed for MCSL. Mr. Reynolds' Thompson was famous in their small town, ever since he had opened up the shooting range by Sean's house. Most of the local fathers and single foxes had guns too, but they were modern ones, some even military grade, but no one, not on Foc or anywhere for that matter, had ever seen something like his Thompson. So, when Sean began to take an interest in MCSL it was only natural that he was going to have a unique gun, and what was more unique than a replica of his father's equally odd Thompson.

Coach George McSweeny, head couch for MCSL in Hartsdale, walked out of the arena and up to the assembling crowd of hopeful players, but the couch instantly saw the 6 that he would put on his team, well 7 actually, he was debating between two, there was no way that female rabbit was as good as everyone said she was.

"Alright kids," Coach McSweeny began, looking over them slowly, "you all know about this sport, at least I hope you do. It's the biggest sport played in the Federation, most of the better players end up going on to train at the Military Academy on Conakry," the old fox caught eye of Sean and smiled, "In fact we have the son of one of the best players in history."

All the young foxes glanced at Sean and huffed, all thinking that although there were 6 slots on the team, only five of them were really available.

The coach made a few notes on his data pad and pointed to 12 of the young foxes, skipping right over an immediately angered Sarah.

"Alright lets see what you all got," he said and watched as the group donned their vests helmets.

Sean was on Tom's team, as was another one of their friends Alan Tudrussel, a soft brown fennec fox who stood about a full head over all of them and had a bushy tail almost as long as Sean was tall. The other three players Sean didn't know and, naturally taking the leadership roll right away, put one of his friends with one of the unknown foxes, this way he knew they would get out right away. He paired himself up with the fox he thought would be the easies to hit, a perfectly white artic fox, and odd sight on Foc, named Michael Stone. Sean had never talked to him before but he knew that the young fox had a very positive outlook and thought this sport was a tad... violent for someone like Michael to play but he was there and Sean had to make the best of it.

Coach McSweeny blew his whistle and the match began. To the utter surprise of Sean, his white fox partner stood up right away, and in half a second had pumped out a volley of four rounds instantly, three of which struck a short orange fox and one hitting another one of the opposite teams players.

"Young, Volk, you're out," Coach McSweeny called out and the two surprised foxes walked out of the arena a tad demoralized.

"Tom go up the right, Alan up the middle," Sean called into his communicator and watched the other two stand up and move behind the various obstacles.

Sean stood up as well and to his surprise Michael yelled out "Duck!" and fired off another double tap, outing another enemy player.

"Paton your out too, good work Stone," Coach McSweeny commented.

Now, not wanting to be outdone by Michael, Sean called out to Tom, "Rush them now, there's only three left!" and he, with Michael covering him, rushed out to where the last three enemy players were hunkered down. Sean rolled into their bunker, shot one in the neck, sending his marker up and turned and fired on the second one. Simultaneously Tom and Tudrussel's partner shot the final enemy and in less than a minute Red Team had won.

"Excellent team!" Coach McSweeny yelled out, taking further notes, "Great shooting Stone and good movements Reynolds."

Sean walked out ahead of his team and went right up to Sarah who high-fived him.

"Wow that was fast," she commented, impressed at everyone's speed, "I had no idea Michael was that good of a shot."

He looked over at the artic fox, amazed himself.

A few other teams tried out, some interesting players but none that could compete with Sean's team, and everyone knew it. Then, in the last match up, it was only Sarah and five other's left, so coach McSweeny decided to play them against Sean's team.

Sarah and Sean didn't take this bad at all; they liked playing against each other almost as much as they liked playing with each other, but Sarah did feel slighted in one way. She had been forced to go last, and was forced on to a team of less than adequate players, certainty not of her caliber. The only one that might be even close to her ability was William Rattle, an average sized orange fox who really just had an impressive gun, but he showed promise.

The match began and, having seen Michael in action, Sarah's team laid down right away to avoid the marksman's aim. A tad annoyed Michael stood up and drew some fire from one of Sarah's teammates, forcing him to duck down.

"All right Tudrussel, lay down some fire and Tom you advance first, we'll come up close behind," Sean said and made sure his rifle was cocked.

As soon as the big fennec stood up he was hit a half-a-dozen times by Sarah's controlled fire, leaving his now surprised partner confused and went down just as fast.

The other teams fire had given away one of their positions and Tom and Michael each managed to pick off one of the player's, evening the score to 4-to-4.

Sean looked around carefully and whispered, "Tom advance from were Tudrussel did, since the guys that got him are out."

Across the arena he saw the other young fox nod and he advance far along the right side until he and his teammate had flanked the other team's position. During the interim two more of the other team had tried to advance and they were quickly shot by Tom, leaving just Sarah and William.

The bunny, having seen enough, rolled quickly toward Tom's position and fired and rolled again, her movements to fast for him to track well and after a third roll Sarah had gotten his position down and managed to down both he and his partner.

William stood up fast and shot at Michael who returned fire, but not fast enough and he was knocked out as well. Sean, now alone, waited for the sounds of William reloading and ran as fast as his young legs could carry him until he had a sure shot of the other fox and downed him as well, leaving just Sarah.

This part took awhile, Sean moving extremely slow and Sarah moving extremely fast. Right when Sean thought he had a bead on her she was gone and Sarah couldn't spot Sean or even guess where he might be. Then, just when things were getting mildly boring, Sarah slowed down as well and crouched behind an embankment, unknown to her Sean was crouched behind her with a clear shot. But, amazingly, he hesitated. He wasn't sure if he beat her if she would make the team, so Sean tapped his foot on the ground softly, which was more than enough for Sarah to know right where he was and turn and fire, leaving her victorious, just as always.

Coach McSweeny had caught it, but understood more than what most would think. Even though it was clear that Sean was better at this, and there were a few others better than Sarah, you couldn't beat teamwork in this game and teamwork was better between friends, so he crossed of the 6th name on his data pad and replaced it with Sarah's.

"Alright gentlemen," he called out and carefully glanced at Sarah who appeared unaffected, "I'll post the roster tomorrow, you all did well but as you all know, only six can play."

"You mean five," one of the dissatisfied youths muttered after glancing at Sean.

That was another name McSweeny had to cross of his list, but there were a lot of good players here and that disgruntle young fox wouldn't be that much of a loss.

Sean walked over to Sarah and put his paw on her shoulder, they were both grinning widely.

"I think we're in," the young fox said happily.

Sarah huffed, "Was there any doubt?"

The two packed up and started walking home. Sarah's was closer to their school but Sean still offered that she eat over at his house.

"Ya, sounds good. I just gota tell my mom and dad that I'm going," the bunny replied and ran quickly into her house.

Sean followed and waited in the living room. Mrs. Atric came in a minute or two later with Sarah in toe.

"Sean why don't you stay for dinner here? I already have it on the table and since your already here," Emily suggested.

Without hesitation Sean nodded and went right to their phone without question to inform his parents that he'd be staying at Sarah's for dinner. They told him to enjoy and went back to what they were "doing."

It was a simple enough dinner, not extravagant but simple comfort foods. Sean paid little attention to it though, as Mr. Atric was interested in how the tryouts went. While he would have been just as happy if Sarah had been a "girly girl," he was actually very proud that she was closer to a tomboy, and that she liked to play sports and things. It gave him a chance to really bond with her and do things he enjoyed as a kit himself.

"And Sean thought he managed to sneak up on me but I got 'em," Sarah said proudly and grinned at Sean.

Emily giggled, "Sounds like you got lucky Sarah."

"No mommm, I'm just a good shot," the bunny didn't like thinking it was luck or anything short of her own abilities.

For the first time it struck Sean that maybe letting Sarah win was a bad thing. And at that moment there was no escaping the thought line, now it would bother him until he told her, if he told her.

After dinner Sean and Emily offered to let the young fox stay overnight, in the guest room of course, but he knew better and left with a high five to Sarah and went home.

Next Tuesday, Tomkins Middle School, Hartsdale, Foc 1:34 PM Local Time

Last class of the day and Sean couldn't be more excited. Things had panned out just right that his birthday had fallen on the same day as his team's first big match. At first Sean was a bit apprehensive to Coach McSweeny's choice for players, but the roaster, which consisted of himself, Sarah, Will, Alan, Tom, and Michael, had grown on the young red fox and they were already a tight group of friends.

Moreover they were sure they were the best team on Foc. Michael Stone was probably the quickest and best shot in MCSL that anyone on the team had seen, including Captain Reynolds who watched one of their practices. It was making more sense to Sean and his coach; since Michael was pure white he stood out in the arena, making him an easy target. If he didn't shoot fast and accurate, he would be hit himself relatively quickly.

And as good a shot as Michael was Alan Tudrussel was bad, but he made up for it in two ways. The fennec fox could shoot faster than anyone else on the team and his huge form was extremely intimidating if he managed to get close. Since everyone on the team was relatively the same age, 13-14, they were all still a meager 4'11"-5'3", but Tudrussel dwarfed them all at a massive 5'9", much taller than Sarah including her ears. He was also strong, possibly accounting for his size, and could almost beat Sean in a wrestling match, but there was just something unique about Sean's strength. Also, as big as he was, Alan was pretty stealthy and gave Sarah a run for her money as well.

Next was Tom Coats, who while didn't have any amazing ability, would follow Sean's orders almost without question, even if it meant exposing himself to what should be a guaranteed perfect shot on him, but it rarely turned out that way.

Out of all of them William Rattle was a bit of a question. Something was odd about him, something that scared all of them. It didn't matter where the shots sounded like they were coming from, Will was always able to locate were the firer was perfectly. This instantly made him one of Sean's favorites, as a good spotter made a MCSL team the best it could be.

That just left Sean and Sarah, who were already viewed by everyone else as the leader and XO, even though there really wasn't a designated "position" in MCSL but everyone, including Coach McSweeny, knew they were definitely the perfect leaders. The only thing he found bad about that was it looked like, at least to his more experienced eyes, that Sarah was a minor distraction to Sean. While it didn't appear that he was to her, McSweeny was sure in a few years he would be. It was for the better though, after reading a few articles about their parents' escapades, McSweeny expected that Sean and Sarah would one day be together, and quite frankly they looked like they were going to be a cute couple.

All that aside, Coach McSweeny was also sure that their team was more than adequate to at least go to a championship level, if not now than later on when they were in high school.

In the last week, and now especially today, Sean would run from his last class, Science, right to the arena and was usually there first ahead of his whole team, much to the anger of Sarah, but today Sean was held back by his teacher who needed his help cleaning up an experiment. When he made his way there, twenty minutes late, the rest of his team gave him looks to say, "Ha ha we beat you."

McSweeny wasn't as easy going and said in a stern voice, "Reynolds, get ready, I don't want us looking unprepared when the Wasps show up."

"Yes Coach!" Sean said and quickly threw on his fatigues and readied his gun.

The Wasps were, of all things, supposed, to be the best team on Foc, but Sean had his doubts. While they had some good players, the young eager fox was sure that they would beat them, but that reminded him of something, their new team was missing something, a name.

"Coach," he said approaching the older fox slowly, "What's our team name?"

He scrutinized Sean for a moment, the remember that he hadn't thought of one yet and felt stupid but tried to cover it up with, "I thought I told you all?"

The rest of the players had perked up and were paying close attention now.

"No coach," Sarah added, "you haven't"

The bunny was grinning widely, and although no one else on the team noticed it, McSweeny knew that she was aware of his fuck up.

He sighed and looked as if he was being wronged and thought for a moment, trying to think up a name and then thought of Sean's father and answered, "The Legends."

Sean thought for a moment and shrugged, it worked.

The young fox turned and drew the rest of his team into a circle and said, "Alright Legends, lets win this!"

They all placed their paws on top of each other's and yelled out, pumped up to win. They began practicing for a few minutes until the other team arrived. The Wasps also did some stretching and eyed over Sean's team, especially Sarah. Rabbits were an odd sight on Foc, being almost exclusively a fox world, and seeing one that was a girl in MCSL was just all the more odd.

A few minutes' later parents and faculty and students alike began showing up to watch this first game of the season. The Reynolds and the Atrics sat next to each other as close as they could to the Legends side of the arena, to cheer their offspring on.

After giving each other a thumbs up Sean and Sarah took their places on each side of the field, ready to go. The other team took an odd stance; a staggered formation but Sean instantly saw how to work against it.

The buzzer sounded and the match began. As per usual Michael managed to get a kill before the artic fox dived down and Tudrussel managed to get off around 20 rounds in three seconds, forcing the remaining five players to duck and cover.

"Move up the right!" Sean called out and watched Tom, Alan and Will follow his orders.

Sarah moved up carefully but was soon suppressed fire from the Wasps. Had she not been as fast as she was the bunny would have been hit. Seeing this Sean stood up and fired, managing to pick off one of them with a headshot and drawing fire away from his friend.

Using this opportunity Will and Tom opened fired with Tudrussel covering them with suppressing fire. They managed to down two of them before the remaining two enemy move into better cover.

One of them, a rather fat red fox, saw a white flash go by across the field and opened up, downing Michael with a headshot.

"Shit," Sean muttered and with a hand signal directed Sarah to suppress fire. She did and he advanced to her position, "Hop our way up, I'll cover you."

She nodded and Sean began firing erratically at the other's position. Sarah advance within ten feet of where the remaining Wasps were hunkered down and she covered her friend as he advance to her side.

"Alright you guys charge and Sarah and I will take out the last two," Sean ordered and he saw the three foxes on the far side of the arena advance under fire, Tom got hit but before he dropped his gun Sean and Sarah were on their paws, running at the last two enemy.

Sarah rolled past them and shot one, and Sean stepped on top of the bunker they were hiding in and shot the final one, ending that match in victory.

The crowed cheered and, out of sheer excitement, Sean and Sarah hugged, but quickly thrusted each other apart in embarrassment. Only their parents took real note of it and chuckled softly to themselves.

The foxes and Sarah cleared off the field and went to their congratulating families.

"Wow Sean you were great!" Cathy said and gave her son a kiss.

Steve gave him a pat on the head and managed to lift him. Sean was a tad embarrassed but there was little the young fox could do against his strong father.

A foot away Sarah's parents were just as happy and Sean gave his daughter a big hug, much to her discontent as well but she accepted it.

"Can we go out to dinner tonight?" she asked with a hopeful smile.

Emily smiled, "Sure honey."

"Can we go out to dinner with Sean?" she said, with an even bigger smile.

The rabbit looked at her husband than back at Sarah, "I think they have her own plans tonight, it's his birthday right?"

Sarah nodded and just then Sean walked over, "Do you all want to come with us? We're going out to that steakhouse by my dads range."

The bunny looked up at her parents excitedly and they nodded, they were just as glad to go out to dinner with the Reynolds as their daughter was.

Steve and Cathy smiled at there friends and motioned for them to follow.


"See you later Cathy," Emily said, giving her friend a hug as they left the restaurant.

Sean and Steve shook hands as Sarah and Sean stood next to their respected fathers.

Then, to the surprise of Sean, Sarah winked and said in a full voice, "See you later Sean."

Now everyone else took it at face value, tomorrow in school, but Sean was instantly sent into excitement over Sarah coming over that night.

The families parted ways and the young fox practically ran home. His parents thought it was odd, usually he tended to want to stay up late but they figured it had been a long day.

Sean spent ten minutes picking out a good pare of pajamas, but then sat down and thought for a moment. He couldn't figure out why he was so nervous now. In the past he had looked forward to this sure, but he felt like he needed to impress her for some reason.

The young fox shook it off and put on a pair of loose pajamas and got into bed. He opened the window by his room, just to give Sarah the right signal, the young rabbit usually snuck in through the back door using the key she had.

Sure enough, two hours later at around midnight, Sean heard a scurrying outside on the lawn and got excited immediately. Around a few minutes later Sarah walked in, wearing actually a rather tight pare of pajamas. She smiled at Sean and sat down on the chair next to his bed.

In a joking tone Sean whispered, "What took you so long?"

Sarah rolled her eyes, "I had a hard time getting ready."

"What do ya mean?"

The bunny stared at him for a moment, thinking, "I uh... I just wanted to make sure I didn't get caught."

Sean caught it but didn't call her on it; he had much more on his mind. All week he had been thinking more and more about how he let Sarah win in that match and he figured that he'd tell her tonight, but he was still worried that she might get angry and try and beat him up.

Without a word Sarah walked over to his bed, pulled back the covers, and hopped in. She laid down along side him and Sean, compelled by something he felt was right, wrapped his paws around her body and drew her close.

"Sean? What are you doing?" Sarah whispered quietly, not so much offended by the gesture, but feeling... odd by his touch.

Sean chuckled nervously and in a very quiet whisper replied, "I don't know, I'll let go if you want."

"No, no it's fine, just... na it's fine," Sarah replied and actually snuggled in closer to her friend.

It took a little while but Sean worked up the courage and whispered, "Sarah are you still awake."

In an abnormally sweet tone the bunny whispered back, "I was... what's up?"

"Promise me you won't get mad," he replied carefully.

Her interests peaked she replied, "Okay."

"I..." the fox paused, "I let you knock me out during the tryouts," he didn't release his hold of her in fact he unconsciously drew her closer, his guilt of lying to her released.

He expect her to yell or scream, or more likely hit him and be very hurt but of all things, the strong attitude melted away and Sarah just whispered, "Really?"

Very surprised Sean whispered, "Ya."

"Well thanks..." Sarah whispered back and laid her head down against Sean's chest.

"Your really not angry?" the fox asked, unable to comprehend her forgiveness.

Brining her muzzle close to his she replied, "Why would I be?"

"Well, I don't know, I guess I thought you'd be angry at me like that I cheated you or something, like that I didn't think you'd make it yourself..." he reasoned.

Sarah shrugged softly, "No, I'm glad actually, since I wouldn't have been able to be on the same team as you."

Sean couldn't believe it, Sarah never took something that equated to cheating very well, she couldn't be honest, but she seemed to be so he asked, "Your not just being nice cause I made you promise right?"

A little annoyed by his disbelief Sarah whispered, "No, I said thank you right? I told you I'm not that great at MCSL and I really wanted to get better, and I can't that if we're not on the same team. And besides, I didn't cheat, you'd did," she added with a wink, then thought for a moment, "You really wanted me to be on your team?"

"Ya Sarah, I really like..." Sean paused for a moment then went on, "I really wanted you to be on my team, you're my best friend right?"

Sarah was smarter than everyone gave her credit. Sure she enjoyed playing sports rather than dressing up or shopping or thinking about boys, but she was getting older and she was starting to understand things as well. She just smiled and managed to draw herself even closer against Sean, falling asleep with a last thought of, "I really like you too."

Chapter 3 Expectations

Exactly 2 Years Later, the Reynolds' Home in Hartsdale, Foc 10:29 PM Local Time

"Well thanks for stopping by for Sean's birthday," Steve said and walked the young rabbit to the door.

Sarah smiled kindly at Mr. Reynolds and stepped out the door.

Cathy stood next to her husband and before Sarah had taken a few steps called out, "You want me to call your parents and tell them you're on your way?"

"No thank you Mrs. Reynolds," Sarah replied, "I'm staying overnight at a friends."

"Who?" the vixen said, she didn't know Sarah had any girlfriends who she'd sleep over with.

At that Sarah hesitated a fraction of a second then answered, "My lab partner Clair, she wants me to teach her about MCSL."

Steve didn't notice it, but Cathy did, but she kept silent, figuring that it must be something Sarah wasn't comfortable talking about.

"See you later Sarah," Sean called out from behind his parents.

She smiled at her friend and said quietly, "See ya later."

The Reynolds returned to their house but Cathy lagged behind, watching Sarah walk away, which she did so rather aimlessly and slowly, and Cathy began figuring things out. She wouldn't stop it, but she was gona have a little fun with her son and his "friend" in the process.

All three of them walked into the kitchen and started cleaning the plates and throwing the takeout bags away. While most had big extravagate parties on their 16th birthdays, Sean opted for a simple one, only inviting his closet two friends, them being Sarah and Tom of course.

"Hey Sean," Cathy said quietly as she loaded the dishwasher, "Sarah's a really nice girl."

Steve looked up and gave his wife a curious look to which she giggled innocently. Sean didn't appear to react, giving Cathy all the more reason to continue.

"She's getting to be pretty cute too," she added, barely able to keep a straight face.

At hearing that Sean dropped a few plates and utensils on the floor, apparently he thought so too.

"Ma," Sean replied curtly, "she's my best friend."

Cathy shrugged, "I know, but that doesn't mean she's not a nice girl."

The young fox was unable to speak, he tried to think up a response but nothing he could say would change anything.

Seeing his son's distress, and very amused by all this himself, Steve turned and pat Sean on the shoulders, "Why don't you go get cleaned up, you still got school tomorrow."

Sean rolled his eyes and his tail hung between his legs, "Don't remind me dad."

Steve chuckled and pushed him softly towards the door, "Get out'a here."

Once Sean had gone Steve walked over and leaned against the counter next to his wife. He just grinned at her shaking his head softly.

Cathy gave him an odd look and sighed, "Oh comon Steve, isn't it obvious?"

"Which part, there's a few thing's I've noticed," he replied and took a step closer to Cathy.

She had been growing up too; the kids weren't the only ones. Cathy had matured quickly after having Sean but she did however keep her innocence's, something Steve was very grateful for. He was glad she had molded back into civilian life so well, well enough to help him start. In contrast Steve had become a tad immature over the last 16 years, beginning about two years into their life on Foc.

After he opened his shooting range, which he did out of the sheer need to be around guns, he had slowly eased into civilian life and had become much less regimented. He still was much more military minded than the rest of the fathers and husbands in the area, but Cathy was proud that he had toned down so much. Thankfully, he enjoyed other things just as much now, much to the happiness and pleasure of Cathy.

"Well?" Steve asked, trying to find out what she had observed of their son and his "friend."

Cathy shrugged and smiled, "Well for one I'm pretty sure that Sarah's waiting in the bushes for us to go to sleep."

"And how's that different from the last like? Four years?" Steve reasoned, having caught the pair, either sleeping in Sean's bed or hearing about it happening at the Atric's house ever since that first time on Sean's twelfth birthday, "Seems like they have a little tradition. Anything else?"

"They also are starting to like each other, Steve," the vixen pointed out.

Steve scrutinized her but could tell she was serious, "Sean definitely but Sarah? She doesn't seem like the type to, well... well you know be like anything other than just a play pal."

"Just cause a female's a tomboy doesn't mean they don't like be close to someone," Cathy reasoned.

"How do you know?"

At that Cathy was a bit surprised, "You don't think I'm a bit of a tomboy too?"

"Well... not really," Steve replied, "I mean you do things that..."

"That what?" she replied, she was making him squirm, not necessarily to piss him off or even because she was worried about what he thought of her, it was more for just fun, "You think I do to much 'girly' things?"

Steve threw his hands up in defense, "No I jus-"

She quieted him with a paw to his lips then wrapped her paws around his waist and let his weight go into her. He was still confused but as soon as her lips touched his and her placed his hands on her furry cheeks Steve knew she was just playing with him.

After kissing her for a while he whispered quietly, "So you think we should go to bed and leave them to do what they want?" which reminded him of something, "By the way do you think they... you know?"

Cathy didn't want to answer that, but whispered, "I don't think so, not yet at least, but... maybe soon," then she smiled and kissed Steve softly, "they will someday though."


Sean got out of the shower and rubbed down his fur. His mother's simple questions had gotten him... oddly excited and he wasn't sure what to do. Sure he had in the past had thoughts of Sarah, even mildly sexual ones, but he always shook them off and reminded himself that Sarah was his friend, his teammate, but just those things. However, he couldn't deny he did like her, he had for quite some time, but the fact that they did so many guy things just threw those thoughts away.

Once his fur was dry he put on some loose sweatpants but no shirt. In reality it didn't matter much, very often during the hot summers Sean would play whatever game they were doing without a shirt just as Sarah would wear just a tight, thin top, but the truth was neither thought anything of this.

He laid down to the right side of his bed against the wall and waited for Sarah to come in. After about fifty minutes Sean heard a light tap on his door and then Sarah walked in silently.

As she always did she sat down first in the chair by his bed, to chat before they went to sleep, but Sean, being such good friends, could see a mildly troubled look on her face.

"What's wrong?" he asked, sitting up in bed, exposing his unclothed furry chest.

To his surprise she looked away, clearly embarrassed, something she normally never succumbed to.

Still not looking back at him the young rabbit whispered, "Don't you think were both to old to still be doing this?"

Sean kind of agreed, but he still enjoyed this, he looked forward to it every year and whenever they went camping either he or Sarah would sneak into each other's tents and do the same them, but this was the first time Sarah ever reacted like this.

"Don't you?" she asked, Sean had been staring at her for a few minutes and seemed to come out of a trance.

"No," Sean replied in a quiet voice, then spoke louder in his most confident voice, "No I don't think we are, why would we be?"

Sarah rolled her eyes and finally looked back at Sean, daring not to let her eyes fall to his body, "Well comon Sean, we're both gona be 16 soon and this isn't something friends usually do with each other."

"So? Do you still like sleeping over?" he asked.

"Well... ya, it's nice but still-"

"Then you don't need to worry, it's not like anyone knows we do this and even if they did, who cares? We do it cause we like it and we're not hurting anyone so..." Sean left it open for Sarah to fill in the rest.

She did and sighed softly. Then, to the surprise of Sean, she dropped her pants and took off her shirt. Normally he wouldn't have given it a second thought, if he and Sarah went swimming and they didn't have suits she'd swim in just a sports bra and panties but this, this was different. Sean tried to block all that out of his mind as she threw her clothes into a pile and walked over to his bed.

Sarah didn't think much of herself removing her clothes, she was still focusing on... other things, but to not appear scared she feigned a weak smile and got into Sean's bed along side him.

At first she just laid on her back, staring at the ceiling, with Sean's warm fur pressing against her arm, but soon she felt better and turned on her side as well, but was surprised by what she saw. Sean was staring right back at her, but no at her face. His muzzle was looking straight down at her body and for one of the first times in her life Sarah felt mildly self-conscious.

Sean felt her gaze and looked up and was met by an embarrassed gaze by Sarah.

"Sorry..." he whispered.

Sarah didn't reply, she just wanted to fall asleep as soon as she could. So the young rabbit laid her head down, but by accident she laid it against his chest. She was too mortified to move, she was feeling things she hadn't ever experienced, and they weren't bad per se, but they made her uncomfortable.

On Sean's side it was much better, he was taken by what he thought was a nice gesture and he, carefully of course, wrapped his paws around her and drew her in close.

"Sean..." Sarah whispered, feeling very uncomfortable.

"What's wrong Sarah?" he asked, starting to feel very warm from her exposed fur against his.

She looked up and Sean looked down at her, surprised to see her ears pinned back in either fear or embarrassment, Sean wasn't sure which. Then he thought it might be both.

"I..." she sighed, "This is, this is wrong."

Not sure what to do Sean let his paws fall off her body and he placed them under his head.

The gesture made her feel even... stranger, and she feigned another weak smile and whispered, "I'm sorry Sean, I just, I just think this is something we shouldn't be doing."

"I know, but I think that's just because our parents tell us we shouldn't, I don't think it's really wrong," Sean answered.

Sarah looked him in the eye innocently, "You really like this, don't you?"

He didn't want her to get the wrong idea of him so Sean shook his head real fast then cursed under his breath, "N-yes- well... you know what I mean. I like doing this cause..." he couldn't finish his sentence, unable to speak.

At hearing that Sarah's fake smile turned into a real one, "Can I be honest?"

That was something she had never said to him, ever, just because on top of the nicest and strongest furry he knew, she was also the most honest so Sean just nodded softly.

"I do like doing this, I really do," she said and laid her head back down on the young fox's furry chest, "but we both know this is something that really just boy friends and girl friends do, not best friends."

The only thing Sean managed to reply was, "So?"

He regretted saying right away, he wasn't sure how Sarah would take it. Hell, he wasn't even sure himself how he'd meant it.

For his mental sake the young rabbit didn't say anything in reply but instead moved her body closer to his and, just as she had wanted, Sean wrapped his paws around her body once again. She wasn't sure what he had meant either but she was positive that it was nice, Sean was always nice, and that's all that mattered to her.

Two Weeks Later Allison High, Foc, 8:02 AM Local Time

"Hey Reynolds!" Michael called out to Sean as he and Sarah walked up to the school.

Coming a tad closer to the assembled group of friends Sean replied, "What's up?"

"Practice is canceled after school today," the artic fox said, actually sounding upset, for Michael at least.

Sean wasn't too happy and everyone could tell.

"It's not a big deal," Tom said.

Then Michael regained his usual happy smile and winked at Sean, "I figured we'd still do a little work though. Just cause coach ain't gona doesn't mean we can't be."

Tudrussel laughed quietly, "Actually Mike, it does."

The artic fox rolled his eyes and in a lightning fast move slapped Tudrussel in the back of the head. Just as quickly he began running as fast as he could for the school.

"You son of a bitch!" Alan called out and began chasing the already hysterical Michael.

Ignoring those two Sean turned back to Tom, "I don't think there'll be a problem if we stay like, thirty minutes and do a little practice after school. Hell coach might even be proud."

Sarah scoffed, "Ya, of you, captain."

Everyone snickered and Sarah added injury to insult by giving him a small shove but Sean ignored it.

"Comon I don't feel like being late," Sean said as he watched Michael, followed closely by Tudrussel, running now in the opposite direction of the school.

The rest of them entered the school and separated up to their different classes. It just so happened that in the first class of the day was one that Sean and Sarah were both in. When they entered they both took their usual seats at the front of the class, next to each other, and chatted as they got out their books and waited for the teacher to come in.

What they were talking, rather arguing, about wasn't so important but they got so engrossed in it that they failed to notice the teacher walk in and take his place at the front of the classroom. While the rest of the students quieted, Sean and Sarah continued.

The older fox cleared his throat and at that Sean and Sarah were brought to attention, shutting up quickly and staring embarrassingly at their teacher.

"Mr. Reynolds you can chat with your girlfriend after class, please try and wait until then," the teacher said in an exasperated tone.

Everyone in the room started laughing right away, much to the embarrassment of Sean and Sarah. Although things like this had been said to them many times in the last few months, that didn't mean they were used to it.

A group of, as Sarah affectionately referred to as cunts, snickered at the discomfort of the young rabbit but she shot them a glance that would have shut up the toughest male in the whole school. That of all things was normal. Sarah was often at odds with the "popular" vixens of the class. While they didn't care so much that she was different, being that she was a rabbit not a fox, they made sure that she was aware that they found it distasteful that she'd rather go play kickball or any sport than go to a party to meet guys. Moreover they were beginning to pick on her, as long as she would take it at least, that she didn't show any interests in boys, at least a direct one. They made fun of her relationship with Sean, but that usually didn't go past a comment, they still feared Sarah beating them up, and she would beat them up without hesitation.

It was no better for Sean, but he didn't show it like Sarah did, which only added to the teasing sometimes, since it appeared at least one of them agreed, if only to himself.

After this embarrassing event the rest of the class went by relatively easily, Sean and Sarah were both pretty good students although she tended to be a tad smarter, usually. At the bell they parted ways and the rest of the day continued in an average formality, nothing really worthy of memories to anyone.

Just as the team had agreed to, the Legends had their own practice after school. Sean and Sarah both, even though it wasn't an official practice, showed up as soon as they can but did take their time getting ready. Tom showed up a few minutes later and began getting ready next to Sean.

The young fox didn't pay much attention to his friend until he noticed Tom's ears flipping around on his head, as if he was observing a threat.

"What's up Tom?" Sean asked without looking up from his gun.

The other fox look over his shoulder and saw that Sarah was indeed engrossed with her own equipment on the far side of the area, but he still said in a very, very quiet whisper, "You going to the dance next Friday?"

"No," then the young fox huffed, "why, are you?"

"I want to," Tom continued, still in a whisper, "but I don't want to go by myself."

Sean turned and gave him a funny look, "What, you want to go with me?"

Tom rolled his eyes and sighed, "No, but I hate to disappoint you," then he paused and looked around for a moment then smiled.

After a moment Sean followed his gaze and saw where his friend was looking. A tall, sleek, and although Sean wasn't quite ready to focus on such things, sexy looking young vixen was sitting next to a tree.

"You can't be serious," Sean said and shook his head, "there's no way Doreen would ever go out with you."

Tom scoffed, "Ya but if I ask her when your not around I might have a chance."

"They don't like me that much," Sean reasoned, inherently not happy that the females of his school were often too ready to be close to him.

"Give me a break," Tom whispered, "I bet she fucking masturbates to you."

A half a second later Tom was rubbing his arm after Sean had slugged him good and hard.

"So what man, I'm still not going cause I ain't going out with any of them," Sean said and put the finishing touches on his gun.

Then in an even quieter voice Tom whispered, "Well then take Sarah."

Sean stopped short and just stared straight down at his gun, "Shut up Tom, before Sarah kicks your ass."

"Why do you think I'm whispering," the other fox said then bit his lip, letting out an exasperated, "Damn..."

"Don't tell me you agree with everyone," Sean said in a louder voice than Tom thought was safe with the very strong and easily anger rabbit a few paces away, "Sarah's my best friend; we are not together like that."

Figuring his ass was grass anyway Tom pinned down his ears and whispered, "Why not?"

"Your really asking for it you know," Sean said and zippered up his bag but Tom grabbed his paw.

"From who, you or Sarah," he asked quietly.

Sean looked down his muzzle at the paw holding his, "Both of us if you don't let go of my paw."

The other fox did so and asked, "How 'bout now?"

"What are you getting at Tom?" Sean asked, not enjoying this one bit.

"Everyone knows you like her, and everyone's pretty sure she likes you too," he replied, actually fearful of what Sean and Sarah would do to him if this didn't go well.

Sean hesitated half a second.

Before he could say anything Tom almost yelled out, "See! See!"

Tom's reaction only fueled the young fox's inability to answer. Carefully he turned and for one of the first times gave Sarah a really good look. She had definitely grown into a good-looking female. While Sean had no interest in the vixens that poked and prodded him, he knew that comparatively, Sarah looked much better. Maybe it was because she favored playing sports over going to stores and shopping but she looked healthier and had a much sexier figure. Her fur was that soft creamy brown, much like her mother's who Sean would openly admit was a hot rabbit, but Sarah's ear's were much sorter, much like his own actually. Embarrassingly Sean tried to avoid it but his gaze went to her mild bust. She wasn't big in that respect, and tended to wear a lot of clothes to cover herself up, but it was clear to Sean that she wasn't flat chested and he felt his heart beat a little faster.

Sean adverted his eyes quickly when she stood up and walked into the arena but he returned his gaze and noticed for the first time how nice her rear looked and how her little tail stuck out the back of her pants. It was very small, compared to his own especially, and Sean was drawn to it now. He wondered how soft it would be to his paws, having never really held her. Sure he held her when they slept together, but now he wanted to hold her to feel how her body felt in his paws.

He shifted his legs uncomfortably, feeling himself hardening, something he really, really didn't want to have happen over Sarah.

After a few more moments of staring Sean looked back at Tom who had also been staring.

"She looks just as good as any of the vixens around here," Tom reasoned, "and she belongs with you."

"What do ya mean 'belongs?'" Sean said, no one ever being so blunt to say that to his face.

"What you don't know?" the other fox replied, figuring it had to be just as obvious to Sean as it was to everyone else.

Sean shook his head.

For a moment Tom hesitated but he took a deep breath and answered, "Comon, you two do everything together-"

"Cause were best friends," Sean injected, not wanting anyone to assume anything.

"Duh!" Tom said, gesturing his paw at Sean, "you always say that! Did you every think that you really want to be more than that with her?"

Again Sean hesitated, then threw up his paws in disgust, "No... No! No! No! And when the fuck did you get so deep ya fuck head!"

Tom gulped, "Since everyone heard that someone saw Sarah leaving your house the morning after your birthday."

Sean blushed so hard that beneath the white fur of his cheeks Tom could see the skin go bright red. He pinned his ears back and looked away.

"Nothing happened," Sean whispered quietly.

"Doesn't matter," Tom replied quickly, "like I said everyone knows you two belong together, that just proves it outright."

Not everyone was at the arena yet so Sean took a moment to think, every now and then looking over at Sarah who was stretching, he was really warming up to how good she looked. But she was still his best friend.

"No way, I ain't asking her out, I guess I do like her but I don't know if she likes me," Sean said.

Tom rolled his eyes, "She sneaks into your house and stays overnight. Dude I think she likes you."

"We just do that on each other's birthdays, we don't do anything like what you're thinking," Sean said, rather to himself but unfortunately it only added to Tom's hardened belief about his two friends.

The other fox huffed, "So you sleep with each other twice a year but you can't ask her to a dance that everyone thinks that you two should go to together. What are you scared?"

Sean looked up angrily, "Your too scared to ask Doreen."

Tom shook his head in a "matter of fact" way and said in a full voice, "I'll ask her here, right now, if you just give it up and ask Sarah out after practice."

"Bullllshitttt," Sean said at a draw.

"Do we have a deal?" Tom said, he was going to ask the sexy vixen soon anyway.

"Why do you care?"

Tom shrugged, "I don't know, but your too chicken."

"Like that's gona work."

"It might," the other fox replied and, taking a really deep breath stood up and started walking towards Doreen who looked up right away and forced Tom to walk over to her, being watched the whole way.

He was nervous sure, but considering what he had just said to Sean Reynolds about Sarah Atric this was gona be a cakewalk.

Back by the arena Sean sat dumbstruck. He couldn't believe that Tom was doing this so easily.

"No way," he thought, "No way he can go through with this."

Then Sean had a worse thought, that if Tom did succeed and Sean didn't hold up to his part of Tom's agreement, even if he hadn't agreed, the other fox would never let him live it down.

Sean watched particularly attentively and saw Tom stand right in front of the vixen sitting on the ground. She smiled softly at him then, to Sean and Tom's discomfort, she looked past him over at Sean and smiled even wider. He looked away as fast as he could. When he looked back it was apparent that Tom had blurted out his request because she was giggling softly but seemed to continue looking back at Sean every now and again.

Tom turned and gestured to Sarah who was still stretching and then back to Sean, something that almost made the young fox charge his friend.

Doreen smiled softly again then nodded, and ripped out a page from her notebook, scribbled something on it, and handed it to the now bewildered Tom.

A few moments later the victorious fox strode back to Sean who was staring in disbelief. As Tom walked his ears unpinned themselves and his long tail made very happy circles behind him.

When he was back by Sean's side he said in a full voice, "Now if I can get like the hottest vixen in school to go out with me, I'm sure you can get your best friend to go to a dance with you."

"You don't know Sarah to well then," Sean replied.

"But you do," Tom added and before Sean could offer a response, not that he could think one up to that, the other fox had loaded his gun and ran out into the arena.

A moment later Michael, William, and Tudrussel arrived and began gearing up. Once everyone was ready they had their practice, as short as one could be. It really didn't matter, Sean was to distracted to really set it up and since he was supposed to be in charge, no one was really able to practice to their full ability so about ten minutes in they all agreed to just take the day off for a change.

As long as it had taken Sean to get ready, it took him a fraction of the time to pack up and try to run home, but Tom and Tudrussel, who had been made aware of the situation by the excited Tom, prevented him. And as oddly strong as Sean was, he definitely couldn't do much against Tudrussel.

"Big mouth told you too?" Sean said as the fennec fox literally picked up his comparatively small friend.

"We've all been waitin' for a long time for this," Tudrussel replied.

Sean let out an exasperated sigh, totally mortified by the concept of everyone waiting for Sarah and himself to "hook-up."

"Just ask her Sean, what's the big deal?" Tom reasoned, he was starting to really, really get on the young fox's nerves.

His snout puckered up and he whispered, "She wouldn't say yes anyway."

"This little faggot," Tudrussel gestured to Tom, "got a date with Doreen, and you don't think Sarah will say yes to you?"

Tom ignored him, for the moment, he'd get the fennec fox back later.

"Sarah's not like other female's, guys," Sean complained, trying to get his way out of this.

"No doubt, but we're still gona make you do this," Tom replied.

Tudrussel chuckled and added, "Even if I have to carry you over there."

It was odd to watch this for his friends; they never saw Sean shirk from anything.

"Okay! Okay! Fine," Sean succumbed, "but you guys get the hell out of here, I won't do this with a crowed watching."

"Do you want to be with her?" Tudrussel asked.

Sean didn't offer a reply; his mug was as easy to read as a book.

"Well then it shouldn't matter if everyone in the town watches you," the fennec fox reasoned.

After a moment Sean sighed deeply, "Your not making this any easier."

"It's my job to make this hard," Tom said and gave his restrained friend a mild punch in the leg.

Tudrussel put the red fox down and after dusting himself off and shooing his friends away he started walking over to Sarah who was talking to Michael. The artic fox looked up at Sean, saw the... odd look on his face, then looked past him at Tom and Tudrussel who made the necessary body motions, among them being humping the air, that Michael got the idea and said his goodbyes to Sarah to let Sean have his way.

She turned and watched the white fox walk away but smiled broadly when Sean came and sat down by her.

"Hey," she said in a friendly tone, then thought for a moment and her attitude turned playful, "Hey... what happened ya jerk off? I thought you wanted to practice today?"

"I did, I mean I need to talk to you," he said, his attitude miles away from Sarah's.

She noticed it right away and turned serious, moving closer to him as it appeared this was gona be big.

"Everyone knows about our birthday thing," he said quietly, as always he was comfortable saying certain things to Sarah he couldn't say in front of others.

She looked like the way she did during a match, "What!?! How?"

"Someone saw you leaving my house once, early in the morning," the fox answered.

Sarah rolled her eyes, "No wonder everyone keeps saying things like that," then she looked away and whispered, "I told you we were to old to still be doing this."

At hearing that Sean wanted to die, he knew she didn't like him the way he liked her but he chanced a look over his shoulder and saw his friends watching attentively, there was no way out now.

"Sarah," he said quietly and waited for her to look him in the eye, "Can I ask you something."

Right away she pinned her ear's back, more than smart enough to know what was going on.

"Can we go to the dance next week, together I mean," he said, feeling lightheaded once he had said it.

"Wha..." she hesitated and stared at him, then regained her composure, "Why? Do you want to play into everyone's ideas?"

Sean smiled softly and in a daring move placed his paws on top of hers on the grass, "No, I want to go with you because I want to," then took a deep breath, "would you like to go out with me?"

"You like me like that?" Sarah asked, masking the hopeful tone in her voice perfectly.

He took a moment to gather his thoughts then whispered, "You're my best friend Sarah-"

Sarah put up a paw and whispered, "That's not what I asked."

"Everyone says it's obvious," Sean whispered, terribly embarrassed.

In an act of pure amusement, at least as amused as she could be given the situation, Sarah whispered back, "I want you to say it."

"Do you?" Sean said, he was really afraid of what this would mean.

"If it's so obvious for you it should be for me too, but I still want you to say it," Sarah reasoned, slightly amused at how hard it was for him to admit this. She didn't want to admit it, but she had begun feeling that way too recently.

The fox sighed and looked his best friend in the eye, "Ya Sarah, I do like you like that. I don't know why, or even if I should but I do," he smiled weakly, "Do you?"

With her ears still pinned back she looked much smaller than normal and she lowered her head submissively, making her normal strong demeanor disappear, the young rabbit whispered, "Yes, yes I do," she looked up, her face looked like it did when they slept with each other on their birthdays, "Your not gona tell anyone are you?"

"You're embarrassed by me?" Sean said, not actually hurt, but a bit surprised by all this nonetheless.

Her eyes went wide and she grabbed his paws quickly, "No! No! I just... I'm just not... I don't want everyone to be right that's all."

They both sat for a long moment then Sean looked down at Sarah's paw clenching his. She saw his stare and quickly thrusted it back onto her own lap, Sean able to spot a mild blush beneath her cream brown fur.

"So we'll go out on Friday?" Sarah asked, just wanting to be sure.

The fox smiled widely, and let the excitement flow, "Ya, I can't wait."

Friday, Next Week, The Atric's Home in Hartsdale, Foc 3:51 PM Local Time

Sean stood nervously outside Sarah's door. The last week had been hard on them both for a variety of reasons. For one, they both tried as hard as they could to make sure their friends shut the fuck up. What they both feared the most was everyone knowing what they had admitted to. Also, they had both spent the week in suppressed anticipation, even hidden from each other, which was another thing; they hadn't said more than three words, outside of practice at least, to each other in about a week. That was something everyone who saw them took note of, since usually they were chatting about something to each other.

His worst fears were realized when Emily came to the door and ushered him, saying in a nice tone, "Hey Sean, Sarah will be down in a few minutes."

Although the young fox tried his best to not be, it was clear his was extremely nervous. Emily thought it was cute, in fact she found this whole situation very amusing. Her husband wasn't as easy going, but since this was a long expected event Sean wasn't as intrusive as most father's tended to be. The fact was that Mr. Atric liked Sean, and with efforts from Emily he had accepted what Sean meant to Sarah, so things were relatively okay from that point of view. None of it made the young fox any less nervous though.

Sean sat in the living room waiting, trying to calm himself down. So many times in the past he'd sat there, waiting for Sarah to be ready, but then again all those times had been to play a game or something, not go out to a dance.

To add to his discomfort Sean had to force himself to not look at Mrs. Atric. While in the past he had known she was definitely a sexy mother, during the past week Sean had been taking as many chances as he could get to look over Sarah's body and he was surprised how much she looked like her mother. With this newfound interest came a side effect, he was starting too take much more interested in the way Mrs. Atric looked. While it was Sarah that he was beginning to love, Emily was full grown, and Sean, in a guilty thought, hoped that Sarah would look like one day.

But all that aside Sean was eager to be able to talk to Sarah about how much he liked her, it may make other things better. He was sure they would still play sports and stuff with each other, and still be friends, but they'd be able to enjoy another level. That made him feel a little better about this whole situation.

Upstairs in her room the young rabbit was terribly upset and confused. She had no idea what to wear. The fact was she really didn't own anything "dance" worthy. She didn't own any dresses, nor skirts. In fact she didn't own any clothing that a male couldn't wear without embarrassment.

Finally, being that there was no way she would wear pants at a dance, no matter how much easier that would be, she pulled on a robe, stuck her head out her door and yelled, "Mom, I need some help please!"

Emily got up and went upstairs, finding something she had almost never seen in almost 16 years, a very, very freaked out daughter. Sarah looked like she was about to fall down in a fetal position. It was more than clear now how much she really like Sean, she never got this nervous about anything and apparently she cared what she looked like in front of him. She never cared what she looked like in front of anyone, even her parents.

"You need help picking out clothes honey?" Emily said and sat down on her daughter's bed.

She nodded quietly.

"Okay," Emily replied and stood up, "lets see what you got."

As her mother looked through her closet Sarah stared down at the floor in embarrassment, awaiting her response.

In a whisper quiet voice Emily said to herself, "I could of sworn you had at least one dress..."

"No mom..." Sarah said in an exasperated tone, "No, I don't have a single dress, skirt, I don't have anything other than jeans, fatigues or shorts, and not even short ones!"

Emily stared at her daughter in total surprise; she had never seen this side of Sarah. She had never heard anything come from her mouth even related to some type of clothing designed to impress someone, especially a boy.

Not able to think of anything else Emily said, "Do you want to borrow something of mine?"

"Can I?" Sarah whispered, obvious that she had known that was what was going to happen.

Mrs. Atric chuckled and led her daughter into her room.

She thought for a moment and turned, "Stay here for a moment."

"Why? Mom Sean's waiting down-"

"I may have things in there you shouldn't see," Emily said, trying to lighten the mood. She wasn't being dishonest also, but she figured it might set Sarah's head right a little bit.

It worked and the young rabbit shuttered at what kind of... things that might be in her mother's closet.

A moment later Emily called Sarah in and she was met by the sight of a completely opposite closet to her own. As many pairs of pants Sarah had, her mother had twice as many skirts and dresses.

"Now this will be a little tough," her mother warned, "I am taller than you."

Sarah wasn't so sure right away. She really couldn't remember the last time she had worn a dress or something, she wasn't sure how'd she look. And her mother was tall and... bigger. Discreetly, Sarah looked her own barely clothed body over, not impressed by what she saw. Compared to her mother, her breasts were rather small, although in reality they weren't, Sarah started feeling self-conscious, something she rarely, if ever, felt. This was the first time she had ever thought about her own... sexual appearance. Quite frankly she couldn't believe she was thinking about it at all. Would Sean Care? Was he possibly expecting something... well... sexy from her? What's worse was she felt compelled to look sexy for Sean, which scared her a lot.

"Hmm, well..." Emily sighed, "Well what do you want to wear?"

"Something nice?" Sarah answered, totally inexperienced in this department.

Emily rolled her eyes but kept her cool, she could only imagine how hard this was for her daughter.

"Alright," she replied kindly, "lets figure this out. Skirt or dress?"

"What would I look better in?" the younger rabbit asked innocently; as annoying as this situation was Sarah was being oddly submissive, another thing Emily hadn't really ever witnessed before.

"Hmmm," Emily thought, she really hadn't seen Sarah in either of them before, "Well do you plan to dance or just look good?"

Se thought for a moment and then shrugged, "I don't know how to dance, I know Sean doesn't, but I figure we'll try."

"Well then a skirts out of the question," Emily replied and pushed a row of short skirts down the row, "a dress it is. How formal is this."

"Formal?" Sarah asked weakly.

"Dress up honey, like are the boys going to wear tuxes or-"

"No," Sarah interrupted.

Emily had figured that much, considering Sean wasn't exactly dressed up, but then again he never wore anything short of play clothes either so it was tough to know what was dressed up to him.

"How playful then?" Emily then asked, figuring she must be getting closer to the right set up.

Not wanting to say anything, Sarah just gave her mother a perplexed look.

Emily was being quite out of character too, being extremely patient with her daughter who, although was submissive now, was still very, very trying, as usual.

"Okay honey," she began quietly, "tell me, do you really like Sean?"

Sarah didn't dare say a word or change the direction of her gaze but it didn't matter, her silence was defining.

The older rabbit reached out and held her daughter's paw, "This is one of those things you can tell me about. We all know you two like each other, I just kinda want to know... well... how much?"

"A lot..." Sarah whispered very quietly, almost to low for even a rabbit to hear, "and I guess your asking if I want to look good for him."

"Well do you?"

"Yes," then she looked up and threw her paws up defensively, "not for anything like that! I just want him to like the way I look for once."

At hearing that Emily smiled softly, "Sarah, I think Sean likes you for something other than your looks, he's deeper than that. No, he likes you because you're such a good friend to him, and I'm sure that's the reason you've started to like him this way too. Am I right?"

Sarah nodded, feeling a bit at ease that at least someone understood.

"So then don't worry so much about how you look, and Sarah, I know you won't hear it, but you're a very cute girl," her mother said confidently, knowing anything will give the nervous teenager some confidence, "and while that's no the only thing that makes Sean like you, I'm sure he's more than aware of it by now. Here," she grabbed a brush and for the first time since Sarah was about three, Emily ran a brush through her hair, surprised at first by the resistance but remembered the way she kept her hair.

Under normal circumstances Sarah would have been apprehensive but she knew her mother was one of the most beautiful females she'd ever seen, so anything that Emily could do for her would work wonders, and Sarah wanted to look good. For once she really wanted to look good, she couldn't understand why or how, she just wanted to look good, if only just because it was the way Sean may be looking at her tonight.

Emily managed to work her daughter's hair into a more straight fashion. Again the older rabbit found herself surprised at her daughter, she had no idea that Sarah had such long hair. Under normal circumstances she kept her hair constantly tied up in a bun, Emily couldn't remember not seeing in that style, so seeing that her hair, when released, managed to reach past her shoulders was very surprising.

"Oh... kay," Emily muttered as she finished brushing her hair, "now lets get back to a dress."

"Poor Sean..." Sarah thought, not able to imagine how he feels being forced to wait like this.

After looking for a few minutes Emily had found the two dresses for Sarah. On herself, they were extremely tight, and she usually only wore them when torturing her husband, but they might just fit Sarah perfectly.

Taking the two dresses of the rack Emily held them up, "Alright, take your pick. There's this one," she held up a light red dress; strapless and probably made for a more defined figure, "or this," she held up a black dress, which was open almost all the way down, between the wearer's breasts and almost to their panty line, but even as much as Emily knew Sarah wanted to impress Sean, that one might be a little to... advanced for her yet. Still, if Sarah wanted it Emily wouldn't stop her, this time at least.

"Oh mom..." Sarah whispered, "Those are just... to much..."

"Well honey there's really nothing else, none of my other clothes can fit you yet. Maybe in a year or two but right now these are the only two things that can fit you," Emily reasoned.

Sarah knew she wouldn't be comfortable wearing the black one, but the red one would probably make her stand out, something she really didn't want. It wasn't so much she didn't want everyone to know she liked Sean, or that even she was at the dance, it was just she didn't want the "normal" girls to think she had succumbed and joined their camp just because she liked Sean.

"I don't know..." Sarah whispered.

Emily, ever the creative and intrusive rabbit, thought of an idea most mothers would never even considered, "How about we let Sean chose?"

At first Sarah didn't believe what she heard, so she asked, "I don't think dad would..." but she saw her mother shaking her head and Sarah's ears were pinned back right away, "No! No! No! There's no way I'm asking Sean to come up here- No!"

"Honey he can't wait all night," Emily whispered, "so either you gota choose or you can just ask him."

"No! I... I guess the red one," Sarah whispered and her mother handed her the dress.

Emily smiled and watched the younger version of herself, albeit a bit more tomboyish, walk out and back to her own room.

Back downstairs Sean had been waiting roughly a half hour, however patiently; he couldn't help but wonder what was going on. It wasn't like Sarah to take so much time, hell usually she raced him. He sat on the couch, his nervousness growing with each passing minute. His ear's danced on his head, listening to every creak of the floorboards, waiting from when Sarah would come down so he could at least talk to her, this week had been to long.

It took another ten minutes before Sean heard footsteps and he stood up eagerly but to his grief it was only Mrs. Atric.

The older rabbit looked at Sean and smiled, "She'll be down in a moment Sean, she just needs to finish getting ready," she walked towards the kitchen and half turned, "now you be nice to her Sean, she's very nervous."

As Emily walk away Sean sat down very surprised. Sarah was nervous? And Emily was telling him to be nice? Sean was never mean to anyone, why on Foc would he be to his best friend? Sean was much more worried that she would be mean to him, especially if she was feeling nervous. Sarah was never nervous, and Sean figured he was the reason why.

He laid his head back on the couch and stared at the ceiling. For a moment he considered calling this off, he didn't want to force Sarah to do something she was uncomfortable with, he wasn't even all that comfortable about all this, after all he didn't know how to dance. Originally he hadn't given it much thought but he realized he couldn't dance and as hard as he tried to force himself he couldn't try and practice by himself, he just felt to stupid dancing in his room alone.

All of a sudden Sean felt a paw tap his leg and he look up. Sarah stood before him, her ear's hanging lazily on her head, meekly trying to look as normal as possible, but Sean couldn't believe his eyes, she was wearing his dress. He'd never seen her in a dress; moreover she looked really, really good in the dress.

The strapless red outfit couldn't have been worn by her mother, it would have been impossible. It fit Sarah perfectly, if not a little small in fact. Sean had never realized how... big Sarah was. Sure he'd seen her even in just a bra, but the dress really showed off her bust.

"Let's go," Sarah said quietly.

She didn't sound too excited so Sean remained seated for a moment.

Sean began in an equally quiet tone, "We can-"

Sarah put a paw up, "No way I put this thing on to not go."

"It looks good," Sean said, trying to be nice but apparently it had the opposite effect on Sarah who looked away in embarrassment.

He stood up and tried to hide his interest in the way she looked but his tail gave him away, making erratic circles behind him and Sean walked her to the door.

The walk to their school was uneventful, Sean spent the whole time catching glimpses of Sarah through the corner of his eye and she spent all the while with her paws crossed in front of her, not sure what to do with them being that she didn't have pockets.

Almost as soon as they caught sight of the school the worry that they had both been holding in released and they both stopped walking.

Knowing his friend well enough to know what she was thinking Sean whispered, "Lets go 'round back."

She nodded and Sean heard her ears move with her head. It may have taken an extra few minutes but they reached the back door of the auditorium, inside which was the dance. They could hear the music and mild chatter inside but neither could push open the door.

Sarah looked down at her own paws and they were actually trembling, something she had never had happen before in her life.

"Sean, please don't make me do this," she whispered, not looking anywhere but straight ahead at the closed door before her.

"I wouldn't ever make you do anything you didn't want to Sarah," he replied without hesitation.

They stood silently for a few moments then Sean blurted out, "I don't know how to dance Sarah."

"I don't either," Sarah answered.

After a few minutes she whispered, "I can't go in there Sean."

"It's okay," he replied, happy either way as long as she was comfortable, "you wana go somewhere else?"

Another few minutes past and Sean repeated himself.

"I can't move..." the young rabbit whispered, she had never been this terrified in her entire life.

At hearing that Sean's mood lightened up a fraction and he cracked a smile. He stepped in front of her and looked her in the eye, "Comon Sarah, what happened to you, since when do you care what anyone thinks about you?

Sarah clenched her teeth, not sure what to do. Her biggest thing was not caring what anyone thought of her, that she didn't act like "normal" girls or that she played real sports, but she now realized she didn't have a choice, she couldn't do normal girl things.

For a moment he thought, but Sean realized he couldn't think of anything to really do for her, so he just stepped closer and wrapped his paws around her. To his surprise she lurched out and held onto him for dear life.

"Its... its okay Sarah," he whispered and rubbed the exposed fur on her back, he was surprised how soft she felt, "lets just stay here."

Still holding her Sean looked around for something to sit on and spot a pile of milk cartons. He managed to slip out of her grasp and took to cartons and they sat down across from each other.

"We'll just sit here's okay?" he said in a kind voice.

He was actually terrified, but it appeared whatever was going through Sarah's mind it was literally crippling her. Not for one moment did he like seeing her this nervous.

"We can just stay here, then later on if you feel better we can go anywhere else you want," Sean added, moving his carton a little closer to hers. He saw one of her paws shaking a little and he took it in his and stroked it softly.

For a long while, close to an hour they sat like that, Sean patting her paw softly until it became an unconscious effort. Then Sarah almost seemed to come out of a trance and looked down at his black paw holding her cream brown one. She smiled softly and looked up.

"You feeling a little better?" Sean asked kindly.

She nodded.

"What do you want to do?"

Sarah took a deep breath, "Lets try dancing."

"So you can go in there?" he asked, just making sure she had not doubts.

To his surprise the young rabbit shook her head, "No, lets just try here."

"Okay," Sean said quietly, feeling better about that idea, he wasn't fond of the idea of dancing in front of... anyone, except Sarah of course.

The fox stood up, still holding Sarah's paw, and she stood up as well. Barely a foot between them they stared at each other, hearing the music in the other room. They didn't know what to do and eventually they both chuckled weakly.

"I uh... I don't know what to do," Sean said, still holding her paw.

Sarah thought for a moment, "We can watch I guess for a little while I guess, to get some ideas."

After a moments thought Sean agreed and, after further thought, they pushed opened the doors and walked in. At first no one noticed them but neither kid themselves, Sarah was the only furry in an auditorium of over a hundred that wasn't a fox, moreover she was the last furry anyone would ever suspect at a dance, in a dress. It was more likely to see Sean at a dance in a dress than Sarah so within about a minute almost everyone in the room was either staring or glancing cautiously at the pair.

Across the room their friends spotted them as well and moved over to where Sean and Sarah were hunkered down, watching everyone watching them. Michael, Tom with Doreen, Tudrussel, and Will walked up to the pair and stared at Sarah in amazement.

Right away Sarah's mood actually reverted to her normal combative one and said, "What are you all looking at?"

Tudrussel and Will shook their heads quickly and looked like they were coming out of a trance.

"Wow..." Doreen said and scrutinized the rabbit. Comparatively, Sarah looked much better than the orange vixen, and everyone knew it.

"Just cause I'm in a dress doesn't mean I can't or won't kick your ass," Sarah said and held up a clenched fist.

Her friends, except Tom obviously, chuckled weakly. It was odd seeing Sarah's old, butch attitude yet seeing her look... well... sexy in a low cut dress. Sean was the most taken aback, but for a different reason. He couldn't figure out what happened to her, how she had been so much quieter when she was with him alone in the back room but now seemed to be back to her old self. Then Sean wondered, maybe this is her act; maybe she really wasn't such a tomboy.

Doreen's eyes drifted to Sean and she smiled, "Hey Sean..."

Everyone then saw something no one could believe or understand, Sarah's ears stood on end and her eyes narrowed. She clenched her fist tighter and looked about ready to beat the living crap out of the vixen. Then they figured it out, she was jealous, and it was clear then that she really liked Sean.

Seeing her long leg's tense Sean knew she was a second from pouncing so he softly held her paw and gave it a squeeze, bringing her mind back. He lowered one ear and Tom, being a good friend too, knew what that meant and led himself and his date away.

The rest of their friends started walking away and Will said, "We'll leave you two alone."

Tudrussel, suppressing a laugh added, "Have fun."

Sarah huffed but Sean squeezed her paw again and she looked back at the fox, and instantly her mood changed again. She lost that strong look and it was replaced by one Sean still couldn't identify.

They smiled at each other then turned their attention to the young furs who were dancing. The other partiers had, for the most part, lost interest in watching Sean and Sarah and had returned to what they were doing. Sarah watched intently, memorizing exactly how to dance but Sean couldn't figure it out, moreover he couldn't focus for some reason. There was a smell coming from Sarah that was stopping him and he was also distracted by his constant looks at her, making sure she was okay.

After about ten minutes of watching Sarah squeezed her friend's paw a little tighter and turned, "I think I get it, lets try."

Sean sure didn't, but if she felt comfortable enough to do it right here in the room so was he.

They turned to face each other and almost immediately it became evident that, in at least one way, Sean and Sarah were different. Sean couldn't dance at all, his feet failed him and he appeared to just be shuffling around but Sarah, Sarah danced perfectly in step to the music. It shouldn't have been so amazing to Sean in that time frame of barely a minute, but Sarah really could dance.

Time was lost eventually and they continued dancing, through song changes and all. With each new song Sarah seemed to get better and better, moving perfectly, and Sean appeared to get worse and worse, but neither's attitudes were low at all; they were both enjoying themselves entirely.

Then it came, what many had been waiting for and what Sean and Sarah didn't know was coming, the final song, the slow song.

Sarah led off; already having done so with the last five or six songs, and placed Sean's paws around her waist and rested her own around his neck. Sean couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe what was coming over his friend. Just last week she had been playing just about the roughest sport for young teens in the federation and now she was slow dancing with him, placing his paws on her waist and was clearly happy. What must be understood is that Sean was also enjoying all of this of well, and was thankful for her attitude change. He wouldn't want to see her always like this, but he was enjoying it nonetheless.

All the while during the rest of the dances though, Sarah had been thinking. At first it had been of her own newfound abilities, she was just as amazed as Sean was of how naturally she took to dancing, but eventually, as she was looking at Sean the whole time, started noticing Sean.

She had never viewed him so much as a male, but just as a friend, but she was starting to realize how good looking he actually was. His dark red fur, his strong arms, and although he was a terrible dancer, he was quite agile and could move quickly, if only out of sink. He was handsome too. She didn't exactly see humans as at all physically appealing but Sarah could tell Mr. Reynolds was good looking for human standards, and his son being a furry must have inherited that trait. The most important thing, what she had noted all night from the moment she saw him in her house, was how nice and understanding he was with her. The young rabbit was sure any other male would have run away by now but Sean, true to his form, had stood by his friend. Needless to say she was warming up to the idea of seeing him as something other than a friend.

"So I guess your glad I ask you huh?" Sean asked quietly, smiling at the cream brown rabbit.

She nodded softly and seemed to move a little closer.

They danced a little longer and Sean asked, "You're a really good dance you know."

"I never did before," Sarah answered softly.

Again she seemed to move a little closer, Sean wasn't sure though.

Sean took a breath and said quietly, "You know you do really look good in that dress."

To that she just smiled but Sean was sure she moved closer this time because he felt her chest touch his. Her small muzzle was mere inches from his and now their roles reversed, Sean was getting very nervous.

A minute later the song ended and although they stopped moving, Sean and Sarah didn't remove their paws from each other. They stood motionless just looking at each other, their minds elsewhere. They stood like that long enough that the other furries in the room became aware of them. More time past and soon everyone was aware of them. It wasn't until six minutes later that they managed to regain composure and realized everyone in the room was staring at them in mild confusion and interest.

They let their paws fall from each other but Sean managed to catch one of hers in his and held it softly.

"I think we should go," he said just quiet enough for only Sarah to hear.

Carefully they walked out together the same way they had came, every eye following them until the door's shut behind him. Literally a second before the tumbler had fallen and the door was shut both the young fox and rabbit heard loud chatting begin. They became self-conscious and were a little embarrassed, but only to others, not to each other. In fact they both felt drawn to the other now by some strange force, feeling much more comfortable when they were together like this than in any other way.

Without a word they walked to her house, still hold each other's paw, and feeling quite at ease with the universe, a change for the both of them.

When they arrived at Sarah's door, a slightly classic situation, Sean knew what he wanted to do, but he wasn't sure if it was okay, he still wasn't sure if it was appropriate but he was sure he wanted to.

He wouldn't have known it, but Sarah's mind mirrored his, only after tonight, dancing with someone that she had previously only seen as her best friend, being the center of attention for a different reason, and being told by Sean that she looked good had made her different, all at once. Now all that coursed through her mind was, how to make this even better.

"I'm glad we did this Sarah," the young fox said quietly, still holding her paw which he hadn't released since they left the dance.

"Me to," she replied with a smile.

"No," he moved closer to her but was glad to see that she didn't recoil, "I'm really glad we did this, I'm glad that I was able to do this with you," then took a deep breath, "I want to do more things like this with you."

Sarah thought for a moment and smiled even more happily, "I would like that too. Actually, there is something else we should do together."

Managing to keep his mind in the right place Sean asked, "What?"

The rabbit's heart was so beating uncontrollably in her ears that she barely heard herself say, "I think we should try kissing each other, just once at least as something other than friends."

After a few seconds Sean managed a weak, "Yes."

Sarah was completely ready but as nervous as she was Sean was many more times as tense. For at least a few minutes they just stared at each other, Sarah getting a little worried she may have been to brash with him.

"Sean?" she whispered quietly and ever so slightly edged her way closer to him.

The fox shook his head a couple of times, his ears very perky and alert on his head, and whispered, "I know I'm just-"

"Scared, so am I, but it-"

"Feels right, I know," Sean finished, their little exchanging making him feel a little bit better given the situation, "Okay," he whispered and moved in close to her.

At first they just nuzzled each other softly for a few minutes, both slowly feeling the other out, then Sean parted his lips softly and felt hers part against his. They pressed together and almost pulled apart when they felt the warmth of each other's tongues as they touched but soon the feeling overcame each other and they moved even closer, soon their bodies touching and both feeling terribly hot.

They only kissed for a few seconds and Sean pulled his muzzle a fraction of an inch away and looked Sarah in the eye, then, quite romantically placed one of his paws on her cheek and the other on her shoulder and kissed her again.

Sarah, who was enjoying this just as much, let her own paws run up along his back until she was running her paws through the fur on the back of his head.

This kiss was much more passionate than the last one. Their tongues moved skillfully in each other's mouths and they let their bodies almost grind against each other. The feeling was tremendous. Sarah eventually tilted her head to his, to be able to bring her muzzle even closer to his to allow more movement within their connected mouths.

Again they pulled apart a fraction of an inch, both mildly out of breath, but less than a minute later they pressed their open muzzles together again and continued kissing. They did this more than five times in over an hour, neither wanting this to ever end. They felt so good doing this that they wouldn't have stopped, no mater what, even if they wanted to. Even if everyone in town had been watching they wouldn't have stopped, and what the two young lovers didn't realize was that, for once, no one was. This was their own private embrace and they couldn't understand why they had never done this before.

After an hour of kissing they were both completely out of breath, and finally separated their mouths completely. Although they weren't actually smiling, both realized that neither had been this happy ever before.

"I..." Sean trailed off, not that he could find any but words were useless now, so all he managed was a very quiet, "See ya tomorrow," but he didn't release her, and she didn't want him to.

She smiled and kissed his cheek, very tempted to move back to his mouth but she pulled away and went inside her house, thinking only of the future.

The Next Day The Reynolds' Home in Hartsdale, Foc 8:42 AM Local Time

Sean was very, very confused now. After what happened yesterday he wasn't sure what to do. Actually he wasn't sure what to do before the dance, but he was more unsure now. There was no denying that he loved her, not to Sarah and not to anyone else; everyone had seen them at the dance, but today, specifically tonight, would probably pale in comparison.

The reason for thinking that was today was Sarah's birthday, and Sean knew what he, and who he was sure everyone thought was his girlfriend, did on each other's birthdays. Should he still offer to sleep over? Should he even make the offer and just show up? What if she freaked out? The concept terrified him.

"Talk..." he whispered to himself, "I need to talk to her..."

"What'd ya say honey?" Cathy said, not turning her head away from the stove.

"Nothing mom," he replied quietly, trying to fake a confident voice.

He took some solace in the fact that at least his parents didn't know what happened but Sean didn't kid himself, by Monday everyone in his little town would be aware of what was happening between him and Sarah, his parents not excluded, but he wanted to push that as far as he could away. He just knew his mother would squeal happily when she heard the news and his father would try and say something profound.

All of it would terribly embarrass Sean, but that actually wasn't what he was most frightened of, he was really scared for Sarah. She didn't like attention, she didn't like being thought of as a "girl" and she really didn't like the concept of being a girlfriend, all of which she would become once word got out. Sean didn't want to see her go through that; he had to talk to her, he needed to right away.

Without a word he snuck away from the breakfast table and returned to his room. He saw his clothes from previous night on the floor and if he concentrated he could still feel Sarah's mouth against his as they kissed.

The young fox dressed and grabbed his MCSL gun and started walking around rather aimlessly. He looked at his watch eventually, it only read 9:22, he wasn't supposed to show up at Sarah's until around four, for when she had her birthday dinner to which Sean was always invited.

For around two more hours he walked around aimlessly, stopping every now again to sit and think but all that he could think about was Sarah. All he wanted to do was be with Sarah, and not all for just the obvious reasons. He generally liked being around her before, but now he wanted to hold her and dance with her forever.

Sean shook his head; he was getting way to ahead of himself. Finally he laid down on the grass and fell asleep. He hadn't managed to fall asleep last night, he had too much on his mind, so this rest was quite welcomed.

He slept for about three hours, various passer bys taking note Sean, some aware of the previous nights events, some not, some learning it from other passer bys. It didn't matter to Sean anymore though; he loved Sarah, that's what mattered.

When he did wake up it was 3:11, late enough. He picked up his gun, but then thought about it. They lived in an honest enough town and it would be hard to take such a unique gun as his, so he walked to a nearby bush and stowed his gun inside it, a perfect alibi in the case he ended up sleeping over with Sarah.

Upon arriving at the Atrics, Sean was met by the excited face of Mrs. Atric, who hadn't been able to coax and details out of Sarah, and figured she'd have a much better chance at cracking Sean.

Sean barely paid attention to her questions though, much to the older rabbits dismay and seemed dead to the world until Sarah came in from the kitchen, her face lighting up as soon as she saw the young fox sitting on her couch.

"Sean!" she yelled happily but controlled herself, seeing her mother in the living room as well.

The young fox smiled back at Sarah as she sat down across from him on the couch.

Emily watched attentively and could wait no longer, "So... how was the dance last night?"

"Uh-" Sean cut himself short and glanced over at Sarah.

Her ear twitched ever so slightly and Sean knew to be... discrete.

"It was uh... nice Mrs. Atric," he replied cordially.

"What'd you guys do?" the older rabbit continued, she was going to get something out of these two, something had to have happened.

Because Sean was there and, for whatever reason, Sarah felt calmer, she sighed and answered, "We went to the school, danced for a little while and came back here mom."

The one of the other rabbit's ears hung lazily in confusion, "'Little while?' You didn't get back 'till around..." Emily thought for a moment, "... 11:15? 11:30? You guys didn't go out to dinner or something did you?"

Both of the teenaged furries bit their lips, they hadn't realized they had been walking around and then kissing for so long, they had left the school at 10:00.

"Hmmm?" Emily questioned.

"No, no mom we hung out at the school with our friends for a little while," Sarah answered, hoping her mother would buy it.

That cleared it up in Emily's mind. Being the resourceful rabbit and mother she was she had taken the liberty to call some of Sarah's friend's parents, just to find out what she could through them. It wasn't because she was nosy; it was because she was hopeful and excited. She was glad to see Sarah clearly happy about Sean and she did want to see them together, they made a good pair. She was 100% sure that for at least an hour and a half they had been doing something else, Emily just wasn't sure what, but she wasn't that intrusive to need to know.

A long uncomfortable silence past for about ten minutes until they heard a knock at the door. Emily got up and returned with a few of Sean and Sarah's friends in toe. It was only Tom and William, but it could have been all of them, it was still awkward now. Everyone was still friends, but things would change if Sean and Sarah started really going out, and the way things were going so far that's how things were looking.

"Hi guys," Sarah said, still sitting next to Sean.

They seemed to be looking at Sean and Sarah, but like they were expecting them to jump on each other and start making out. They seemed to stare at Sarah a little bit more though; they were still a little shocked. Sure they could imagine Sean kissing and dancing with some girl, he was just like any other guy, but Sarah wasn't like any other girl, and the sight of her in Sean's arms while they danced had left an impression on everyone.

Sean saw a look of distress in Sarah's eyes so he said, to get attention off of her, "So Tom how'd you date with Doreen go?"

They question caught the other young fox off guard and after a slight stutter he managed to say, "It uh, it went well actually."

"Really? How well," Sean continued, catching a look of gratitude from Sarah out of the corner of his eye.

As Sean and Tom talked about his date with the vixen Sarah thought only of how nice Sean was. She knew, she knew what he was doing and was so grateful for it that she'd be willing, for maybe the only time in her life, do what everyone expected and jump on top of Sean right now and kiss him furiously.

Thoughts like that had ravaged her mind all night, not allowing a moments rest. She couldn't believe that she had kissed him like that, and that it had been so good. The scarier thing for the young rabbit was that she desperately wanted to do it again; she wanted to kiss him again like that being that it was so good the last time. Obviously as soon as she had thought about it alone in her bed she had remember tomorrow was her birthday, her 16th birthday, but most importantly it was a birthday. Sean would be sleeping over and she would have a chance to kiss and huge him all night, maybe even dance a little. That was another thing, never had she realized how much fun dancing was, and even though Sean was less then skilled at it she still enjoyed doing it with him; she was actually looking forward to future dances, something she never saw herself doing before.

It was all too much to fathom all at once for her young mind so she took mild solace in the fact that Sean appeared to be just as nervous.

"So you think you'll get a few more dates out of her?" Sean asked, the conversation had been continuing as Sarah was deep in thought.

Tom nodded, "Ya definitely."

Having watched and listened carefully, Emily stood up and walked into the kitchen, a few minutes later she called out for Sarah to follow.

A moment later she walked into the kitchen and asked, "What's up mom?"

"Sarah honey, we need to talk," Emily said cordially.

The younger rabbit whispered something under her breath and as she sat down at the kitchen table her ears slowly pinned themselves back, expecting to avoid hearing things they didn't wish to hear.

"Sarah," Emily began, standing about five feet from her, "I think we need to... talk about you and Sean, what you two may be doing, what you've already done."

"Mom I really don't wana-"

"This isn't something you have a real choice about Sarah, and I'm not telling you that you should stop or your doing anything wrong," Emily said sternly, but not with an angry tone, "it's not that hard to tell you two..." she left it open for Sarah to fill in but the teenager didn't budge, "Sarah do you want me to say it or will you?"

"No," she replied defiantly.

"Okay. How much do you like him?" Emily asked, she was going to have Sarah say it.

Still Sarah sat still and quietly.

"Do you love him? You've known him long enough to possibly be that sure," Emily said, thinking of her own relationship with her Sean.

At hearing the word "love" Sarah's eyes went straight to the floor, making it more than evident to both of them that she didn't have to say it, but Emily was just as persistent as her daughter, and wasn't going to settle for anything less.

"I'm not going to tell anyone," she whispered, "'cept maybe your father, but I want you to tell me exactly how you feel about him."

With her ears still pinned back Sarah said very quietly, "I do love him, I just don't want to be his girlfriend."

"How come?" Emily asked, liking this breakthrough.

Then Sarah's attitude reverted back to her normal combative one, "Cause I don't want everyone to be right."

"Right about what?"

"Right about that me and Sean are supposed to be together," Sarah answered, quite seriously.

It took a few moments for Emily to make sure her daughter wasn't kidding, then whispered, "What?"

Sarah clamed up again, visibly.

"Okay, Okay," Emily said in a full voice, she'd figure out what the hell Sarah had meant later, "How much do you love him?"

"Huh?" Sarah said, but this time she wasn't being combative, she really didn't understand degree's of love.

Emily sighed and smiled softly, "Well do you love him enough to be much more than your friend."

"Yes," the young rabbit replied without hesitation, but Emily was sure she hadn't understood her answer.

"I mean enough to do... sexual things with him?" she clarified bluntly.

Someone could have knocked down the house around Sarah and her mother, nothing, well almost nothing, would have removed her stunned gaze at her mother.

"I guess they haven't already," Emily thought, that reaction being a guarantee of that, so she began in a confident voice, "Honey, I know you know about how that works and I'm not sure if I can stop you, or that I really would try, but if you do-"

"Mom I-"

Emily put up a paw, stopping Sarah mid syllable, "No, you're going to have to listen to me now for a change."

The younger rabbit cringed at the thought but she sat. Her ears had crept open a little bit, feeling amazingly at ease at least getting her confession behind her.

"If you do, do that, and I know you know how to do it and how it works," school curriculum never changes, even in small areas, "just I want you two to be careful."

"I wouldn't let myself get pregnant," Sarah replied, quite seriously.

Emily could do nothing but chuckle, and ended up laughing at her how naive her daughter was. She laughed loud enough that, what was the one thing Sarah desperately didn't want happened, her father came in from the backyard.

He walked over and rubbed Emily's paw, "What's so funny?"

Even Emily stuttered, not sure if or how to word this to her husband, he wasn't exactly in the best of favor of all this. Although Sarah didn't act specifically like it, she was still his little girl and he was just as protective of her as he was of Emily, so the last thing he'd want to talk about was her possibly having sex.

"Hmm?" Sean pried.

He looked his wife and daughter over, and years of being a father and husband melted away and his previous military training showed, he read them both like a book.

"What's going on Emily?" he asked, not able to tell what they were talking about, just that it was something they didn't want to discuss with him, "Emily?"

"Well Sean," she began, not able to hide things from him, "I was just talking to Sarah about sex."

All things considered he took it well and only sighed deeply, "And?"

"And I was telling her we won't try and stop her but! But, I was about to clarify the importance of being smart about it," she said to the visibly shaken fox.

His normally vibrant tail hung tensely against his leg and both Sarah and her mother could hear the older fox grinding his teeth.

Again Sean sighed and rolled his paw, "Alright go ahead."

Now there were a few... other things Emily was going to "clarify" about sex with her daughter, but she really couldn't do them now, not with Sean standing right there, it would be to embarrassing for her, for Sarah, and for her husband.

"Okay. Sarah, if you do that..." there was no easy way of saying this, "you have to be careful to..." Emily couldn't say it.

Mr. Atric sighed, "Honey, Sean is very good boy. I knew his father; you know that, I've watched you both grow up, as did Mr. Reynolds, and I don't think either of us are terribly surprised this is happening."

The teenager sat quietly, knowing better than to be combative now, not that she could have been anyway, she was still stunned over the though of even considering having sex with Sean.

"Now I guess," Sean glanced at his wife, "if you do that then you..." neither could say it, it was hard for both Sean and Emily to explain the none-basic parts of sex to a teenaged girl, especially when it was their daughter, "... when you have sex... you know how that works right?"

Sarah managed a weak nod, wishing for everything to be back in the other room with her friends, and Sean.

"Okay, well you know what..." the older fox took a deep breath, "...tying is?"

Taking a careful look at his wife Sean saw that she was just as stunned with as their daughter, apparently she hadn't thought to mention it.

Sarah shook her head, not knowing what that was.

Mr. Atric rolled his eyes, he thought this was going to be a nice calm day, enjoy seeing his daughter's 16th birthday, but instead he was giving her "the talk" but he would roll with it, "Well, you know how a male's... parts work?" Sarah shook her head, "Well when he..." he tried to think of a better word than "cums" and after a moment did, "finishes, that part of his body grows much bigger than even normally and if it's still," he perished the thought, "inside you it can get stuck, it's called tying."

For some reason that didn't sound so bad to Sarah, but if her father was going through this embarrassing conversation to explain it to her then there must be a good reason.

"Now that alone isn't bad," Sean said, feeling Emily squeeze his paw to let him know it was okay, "it's just then that you'll be much more likely to get pregnant."

Never, not in Sarah's whole life did Sean ever think he'd have to explain any of this to her, she didn't strike him as that kind of bunny that would ever really do this. It wasn't because he didn't want her to per se, it's just she seemed... so much like a male that it just never struck him that she'd be in a position where a conversation like this would have bearing.

"Now," Sean thought to himself, "I had better chat with Steve about all this."

Emily, who had been quiet the whole while, pushed herself up from against the cabinet and said in a oddly tense tone, "Well this has been, fun," the other two furs sighed and she looked at Sean, "I think you and I need to talk," she turned her gaze to Sarah, "And I think you should go be with your friends, have a drink of water first to calm down a little."

It took a second for the words to reach her brain but Sarah nodded and did what her mother said.

When the young rabbit was gone Emily sat down where she had been sitting and looked up at her husband, "You did good Sean."

He nodded weakly.

"If it makes you feel better I don't think Sarah will do that for awhile, but if she really feels the way she says she does about Sean I think it's necessary for her to know what to expect and what she shouldn't do," Emily explained.

"No, no I understand," Sean replied, although he didn't wish it was like this, "it's just-"

"You never thought Sarah would be in love," Emily finished, "I know, I think it's a little odd to but we both saw this coming," she thought for a moment, "And if it had to be any boy, Sean's the best one it could be, just basing on what kind of furs Steve and Cathy are..." she thought for a moment, "people... eh you know..."

"I know that honey," Sean replied, "That's why I'm not making a big stink. I mean if it had been any other one of them, like Thomas or that big fennec, Alan," he didn't need to finish.

"But Sean, it's Sean," sometimes things got confusing because of the names but Sean had always been so taken by Cathy and Steve's willingness to name their boy after him to care, "and even if they do things like that, you-"

The fox put his paw up, "I know," he chuckled, "you seem more nervous than I am about this," then he scrutinized the rabbit and smiled, "What else do you know?"

"Okay Sean but you can't get angry at me," she said.

"That bad?" he replied and sat down across from her.

"I think we may have a little sleep over tonight," she replied.

The fox tilted his head in confusion.

Emily took a deep breath, "You remember when they were little," she thought for a moment and managed a smile, "littler, at Sean's birthday party when we found them sleeping with each other?"

"Yaaaa?" Sean replied, already filling in the necessary holes.

"Well they seem to have a little tradition about all this, sleeping over," she put her paw up to make sure she could continue, "and I know, I really know they haven't done anything yet, I'm sure of it, but..." she really didn't have to finish.

Sean looked down at his paws and thought for a moment, sighed and whispered, "Well we can't stay here tonight, I wouldn't be able to stop myself," then he used every ounce of himself to focus on something else and smiled widely, "I can think of a few things you and I can do tonight."

"What?" Emily replied, herself not able to divert her thoughts.

"Well since it's kinda obvious Sean's not going to his house tonight, why don't we visit Steve and Cathy," the fox smiled, "I'm sure their gona want to chat, and I know I want to."

Emily nodded and stood up, Sean following suit but he came up close behind her and wrapped his paws around her chest, kissing her neck softly.

"Then," he whispered into her neck fur, "then you and I can do that thing we always wanted to do, rent out a cheap motel room and..." he trailed off because Emily began giggling softly at the thought.

"Sounds like a date," she smiled and closed her eyes as she rubbed her muzzle on his powerful arms, "let me just pack the camera."

Sean groaned... but he didn't object.


"Alright guys," Sean said and saw his daughter and her friends look up as if they had been caught doing something wrong, they probably were but Sean didn't care at the moment, "new plan for tonight. Mrs. Atric and I ordered some food," he reached into his pants pocket and pulled out some cash, "pay him when he gets here."

"Where are you guys going?" Sarah asked, sitting up from the card game.

Mr. Atric smiled at Sean, who wasn't the wiser to the situation, "We're going out for the night. Now I hope we can trust you all to have your fun, not do anything you wouldn't want your parents to know about, and leave at around," he thought for a moment, "eleven, twelve; no later than twelve. Alright?"

The teens nodded.

"Good. Sarah," Sean said and turned to his daughter, watching Sean out of the corner of his eye, "we'll be back in the morning."

Without another word Sean, with Emily close behind left, both carrying rather large bags given that they were only going to stay over somewhere for one night.

A few minutes after they had gone all hell broke loose, as anyone would expect a group of six teenagers. Between the food, MCSL guns, and the fact this was one of the first times they had a house to themselves it was a given that they went a little wild. However though, of all things no one drank, not that they could have, being that Mr. Atric was smarter than that and had locked up all his alcohol. It didn't matter, with an exception to Michael every now and again, none of the teens ever had much interest in drinking anyway.

Much of the night ended up being a blur anyway, everyone enjoying themselves, and, most importantly, forgetting themselves. All the built up feelings and worry about the events surrounding Sean and Sarah were ignored for a little while.

When eleven thirty rolled around however, things started becoming a little... antsy. Sean had, had the thoughts of spending the night over all day and Sarah; well after her parent's talk she wasn't sure what was best now. She still wanted to kiss him again, it had been so great, but she didn't want to have sex yet, she hadn't ever even thought of herself having sex and towards the end of the night she could think of nothing else.

The one problem was, as the night came to an end, none of their other friends wanted to leave. It was possible they all figured they'd stay over, or maybe it was because they were to lazy to walk themselves back, or maybe even they wanted to watch or see where Sean and Sarah went from her but either way they showed no signs of wanting to leave.

Sean caught Sarah's eye and she opened her lips a fraction of an inch. Without words they both knew what needed to be done if they were to enjoy the last part of the evening alone. It would be okay, Sean could hide over in the morning since Sarah's parents wouldn't be back right away and it was a Sunday, but they still had to get the other four teenagers out of the house, and there was really only one way.

With shaky legs Sean stood up and walked over to where Sarah sat; watched carefully by everyone although they continued with their indiscriminate conversations. His bushy red tail sat next to his sprawled out legs and, smiling at Sarah, leaned in and gave her a small, yet still enjoyable, kiss.

It was about twelve seconds after Sean's lips left Sarah's the group of friends took the hint and left right away, not saying a word, not laughing or joking, they didn't want to know.

Once they had left Sean chuckled and whispered, "Well that worked."

Sarah didn't answer she just smiled back and moved closer to him. Their lips met again but after Sarah placed her paws on the sides of his face they both lost their balance and Sean fell atop her but they didn't stop kissing. Instead Sean used the positioning to allow himself to pet her arms and legs as he kissed her deeply.

They kissed for hours, the pleasure they got from it couldn't compare to anything they had ever done before.

As if reading each other's minds they both got up and walked up to Sarah's bedroom. They both undressed to their underwear and got into bed and picked up where they left off. It was even better now, because their mental hotness was coupled with an actual rise in heat from their bodies as they pressed and grinded against each other.

They were both getting better at kissing now too. They both tilted their heads at angles to allow their mouths to be opened perfectly enough to tie their tongues together in the unbelievably hot space between their lips. Had not their paws been petting and prodding each other's bodies they might have drifted to sleep eventually, but as fate would have it that was not the case. Sean, not even aware that his paws were moving at all, finally came in contact with Sarah's breasts. At first the rabbit didn't care, she didn't notice it, her mind to engrossed with his tongue swirling around with hers. However, given what breasts naturally were, Sean's paws, for lack of a better way of wording it, used her breasts as a handle and eventually he was mindlessly toying with them through her bra.

It didn't take long for this new sensation to reach her brain and Sarah began moaning, something she hadn't been doing before, into his mouth and a moment later they realized why.

For the first time in almost another hour Sean pulled his lips away and in a mildly strained voice whispered, "Sorry."

Even in the dimly lit room Sean could see the rabbit wasn't at all bother, her ears lay lazily on the pillow and she looked hot, an aroma came from her body driving Sean's mind wild, he had to kiss her again.

He went to and Sarah accepted it but her paws cut him short as they shot up his own undershirt. Sure it felt good but it caught him off guard and his lips broke their forming seal around Sarah's.

"What?" she asked in a quiet and clearly happy voice.

"Nothing, just didn't expect that," he nodded his muzzle towards her paw still rubbing the fur on his chest.

"Well I was enjoying what you were doing before so I thought you would too," Sarah answered, then looked visibly frightened and in a quiet voice added, "oh Sean, I have to tell you something."


"I love you..." the rabbit whispered and licked his lips softly.

Sean smiled and nuzzled her, "I love you to Sarah."

"I mean I really love you, and I actually don't care anymore who knows it," she said and moved closer against his body.

"So do I Sarah, I just, I just never want to get out of this bed," he chuckled softly and continued nuzzling her, slipping his paw carefully back onto her chest.

The rabbit giggled, she giggled in a way Sean had never heard her do before but the sound was so stimulating he wanted to make her make it again and again.

He rubbed her breasts, taking one in each paw and began kissing her again, Sarah completely open to it but another effect to place, Sean started getting hard. This was new, even lying in bed with her in the past this had never happened before and they both noticed this right away.

They both looked down and saw the tent in his underwear and Sean felt very embarrassed. He wasn't mentally at that point yet, but it appeared his body thought he was. It was so hard it hurt and he felt he had to let it flop out but he controlled himself, but Sarah couldn't look away from it. She had never seen something like this before, she hadn't even seen a picture of a penis before, only the ones in the health pamphlets from school but it certainly wasn't like this. She didn't want to admit it, but she wanted to see one. However, she had made up her mind during the party that she wasn't ready for sex so asking Sean for a look would be way out of place.

"Sarah if you keep looking at it I'll never calm down," Sean said and forced a chuckle.

She looked up and was clearly flustered, surprised by the sight, "Uh... oh sorry Sean, I've just never seen..."

Seeing how nervous she was Sean closed his eyes and did everything to calm himself down, and in about five minutes he had softened up enough that it wasn't so obvious but it was now in the forefront of both their minds.

Still, they went back to kissing, much to both their enjoyment. Eventually their paws got to working again and before a few minutes had passed Sean was groping her as she was groping him and soon he was stiff again and back to full glory.

"Sean I can't do that yet," she said bluntly, although she kept peaking at his cock as it strained to get free of his underwear.

"Neither can I, I mean I don't think I could," Sean replied, honestly.

That made her feel a little better, she was worried he might pressure her but he really was a nice guy, but for some reason she was compelled to explain.

"It's not that I'm scared or something, I just don't know if I could put something... well... there," she explained.

"It's okay Sarah."

"I know, I just don't want you to think I don't like you, I just never did anything sexual like that before," she grinned innocently, "I've never even touched myself."

That struck Sean as odd, even he did that.

"You mean you never masturbated?" Sean whispered, he was glad he could talk about things like this with someone else.

Sarah apparently wasn't so comfortable and looked away.

"No," she said embarrassingly.


"Never," the rabbit replied, still embarrassed.

Sean was surprised, "Wow. I mean I thought everyone masturbates."

"I don't."

"I realize that, it's just most girls I've heard of do," Sean replied, again being honest.

Sarah was feeling like an "oddball" again and said quietly, "Well I don't."

"How come?"

She shrugged, "Doesn't feel right, I never get... horny I guess."

"Really?" that was really surprising, Sean got horny all the time, often for no reason.

"Sean," Sarah said, he was making her feel inexperience, "I don't know much about... this stuff."

Sean nodded, "Neither do I, but I know a few basic things."

"Still, I don't know, I mean today was the first day I ever talked about it before," she replied, "and like I said I'm not scared of it, I just don't feel comfortable about it, I mean... I mean maybe one day but not now," she continued and Sean began reading her face, "I do love you, and sure one day we could do that," she took a deep breath but Sean's face didn't change, he just watched her carefully and starting thinking, "I mean it would probably feel good but I don't know what to do-"

Sean threw his paws up, "Sarah, I understand, you need to take a breath and calm down."

"I am calm," she replied in frantic voice.

"No your not," Sean smiled and rubbed her face.

"Yes," she chuckled, "I am," she saw his lips part slightly and knew some kissing was coming soon.

He scrutinized her with an exaggerated look.

"I am!"

Sean was sure what to do, so he took a deep breath, forgot his anxiety about this situation, and he said in a confident voice, "I'll calm you down."

That told her it and she readied herself for a kiss and said, "Oh ya? Ho-"

The rabbit was cut off by Sean's paw thrusting down the front of her panties. Her eyes went wide right away and she stared past Sean, looking as if she had been shot. He was terribly worried she would scream or hit him, but she just stared ahead, stunned. Very carefully he fumbled with her pussy lips, rubbing the outside and not daring to try and stick his paw inside, but it was having and effect, her eyes went even wider. He pressed in between her pussy lips and she yelped.

Immediately he removed his paw, and brought it above the covers and held the sides of her face, "I'm sorry! I just figured-"

Breathing hard she managed to reply, "It- it didn't hurt, it's okay Sean, just please don't do that again."

He nodded, thinking he might have ruined what he had been building with her, but he had only done it because he wanted to see her happy. Very carefully he held her head in his paws and rested it on his chest, figuring they'd go to sleep but she was still stunned.

After a few minutes, neither having fallen asleep yet, Sean felt her hold his paw and turned to see her biting her lower lip.

"Sarah I'm sooo sorry, I just wanted you to-"

"I liked it," she interrupted and, so slowly that she could feel every inch of fur on her chest, she slowly brought his paw back down to her pussy.

It had felt good from the moment he started, but after he had removed his paw and her parts had "woken up" her pussy started feeling really good. Enough she had gone through it in her mind and figured Sean was worth it; he was worth having sex with right away.

Surprised and still feeling guilty Sean didn't move his paw for a few minutes but when Sarah moved her muzzle back to his and opened her lips he knew things were back to normal, or the new normal. So, realizing that it was okay, Sean began rubbing her soft lips, both the ones on her face and the one's in her panties.

Eventually though they were unable to continue kissing, Sarah was moaning too much. Sean was surprised it felt that good and Sarah couldn't think of anything but the feeling in her panties and how much she loved Sean.

As things progressed Sarah began grinding, unknowingly, against Sean's paw, loving the feeling. He got the idea and began moving faster and faster, soon pressing between her lips and feeling the super soft flesh inside her.

She moved closer to him as did he, soon half his body was on top of her, the warmth between then incredible. They were both sweating but it was great. Sean slipped his other paw under her body and around her other side, giving him access to push away her bra and play with one of her furry tits.

"Oh... ohhhh..." she moaned in pleasure, then felt it, something growing, it felt so good but right as it was on the edge she had a feeling that scared her and she yelled out, "Sean stop! Stop I'm gona pee!"

The fox stopped dead short and removed his paw from her panties.

"You okay!?" he asked in a worried tone.

Sarah took a moment to regain her breath but nodded quickly, "Ya... ehem ya, it felt great, I just was about to... pee, that's all."

"Hmmm," Sean wondered, "I think that's what's supposed to happen."

Interested in any information on this new activity Sarah asked him what he meant.

"Well," he began, all the worries or embarrassment gone between the two, "when I masturbate and when I cum, that's when my stuff comes out, it feels, at first at least, like I have to pee, but then it feels really, really good," he shrugged softly, "I don't really know how female's parts work but I guess it's probably the same way."

Sarah nodded and looked down, his cock was now pressing against her leg.

"You know Sean," the rabbit began, feeling like since he had seen her parts maybe she should see his, "I've never seen a penis before."

He looked her in the eye, "You sure?"

Trying to force her eager smile away she nodded.

"Okay," he whispered and reached down.

He removed his underwear and Sarah watched eagerly. She had enjoyed his rubbing so much that, as apprehensive she had been to the idea before, she was warming up to the concept of sex rapidly.

When she saw it she was, for the third time tonight, shocked. In full glory Sean was around 6, six and a half inches, not the biggest fox in the town but he might as well been fourteen inches, Sarah couldn't imagine having something bigger than an inch or two inside her, she was sure anything bigger would be terribly painful. Sean's cock became an impossibility to her.

"Is it always that big?" she asked, not removing her gaze from the fox's member.

"No," he replied, his self confidence going up at the sound of the word "big," "it only gets like that when I'm excited."

To that Sarah looked up and smiled, "And your excited now?"

Sean tried to shrug innocently, "Ya, well why wouldn't I be? Aren't you?"

The rabbit nodded and looked back down, "Can I... you know, touch it?"

"Sure," he said, trying not to sound as eager as he felt.

Meekly Sarah reached down and, feeling the warmth grow as her paw came closer to it, hesitated, but then reached out and grabbed it.

"Ow!" Sean cringed and pulled away.

"Oh! Oh! Oh sorry! Oh what did I do?" Sarah asked, putting her paws to her muzzle, her ears hiding behind her head.

Reaching down and slowly rubbing his dick Sean whispered, "Its okay Sarah, you just need to be gentle, like I was with you."

She nodded and with a slight hesitation she eased her paw down the front of his body along his cock's shaft. It was amazingly warm, almost as warm as his mouth; hard and soft at the same time; in short it was like nothing she had ever felt before.

She jacked him off very slowly, feeling the way his cock felt but for Sean it was unbelievable. Her furry palm cradled his member and he couldn't watch, his head rolled back and he had to try hard not to thrust in her hand.

"Sean?" Sarah asked and Sean swung his head back to meet her gaze, "Sean, this really feel's good to you?"

"The best Sarah," he whispered and made a small thrust with his hips as she softly tugged on his cock.

The rabbit bit her lip, and feeling how warm his cock was and a strange, yet satisfying wet feeling in her own sex piece, whispered, "I was wrong," Sean opened an eye and saw her smile sincerely, "I am ready."

Sean "woke up" right away and whispered, "Sarah, it's not cause I pushed anything on you is it?"

"No," she smiled even wider and stroked his cock more skillfully, "no I just needed to see that it was okay."

"Okay," Sean said but didn't move.

"Okay," Sarah repeated and also remained still, and a minute later added, "I don't know what to do though, specifically."

"I... I uh have a general idea," Sean chucked; "I..." the embarrassment reappeared.

As obvious as it had been from the start that they would end up like this, getting as close as two furs could, but it hadn't even crossed Sean's mind until the last moments. Now he was struggling to remember something he had heard from someone about how to have sex. He'd never actually seen it done before, but Sarah seemed like she wanted to and he didn't want to make her nervous.

Sarah let go of his cock and rested her paws on his shoulders as he moved his body on top of her.

"Well," he began, "well here," Sean took off his shirt and then reached down and took off her panties and Sarah, seeing where this was going, removed her bra, leaving them both completely nude, but terribly excited.

Sarah had one final thing she wanted to say, "Sean, I love you, so please be gentle, I mean I don't know anything about sex so don't do anything I can't handle."

It wasn't like Sarah to not want to take on an extra challenge so Sean really took that to heart, she was scared, but eager, but scared outweighed that so he stopped and made sure he remembered everything he could about sex.

"Well I've never had sex, you haven't right?" he asked.

"No, obviously," she answered, a little more worried but she wasn't going to stop now, not with him positioned over her.

"Well I know the first time for females hurts a little in the beginning, but gets better," Sean explained, he wasn't going to surprise her with anything.

Now a little apprehensive but still sure that she was going to do this Sarah asked, "How come?"

"I don't know, I just know I have to..." he paused to remember how the older fox had worded it, "I have to 'pop your cherry,' or that's what Tom's older brother said anyway."

It didn't sound that painful, but Sarah already knew teenaged boys like to think up odd names for things, but she trusted that Sean wouldn't do anything that bad.

She sighed and whispered, "Alright lets go."

Sean nodded very softly and pushed himself up a little above her. He lined his cock head up with her awaiting passage slowly pushed towards it. The moment her soft outer lips he let out his breath which he had been holding and had to remind himself that it was Sarah lying there, and he had to be very, very careful. Slowly he managed to push his tip in, but he felt resistance inside so he pulled out and laid down next to her.

"Okay," he whispered, "what I was just pressing on, that's what I have to 'pop' or break or whatever."

"And that hurts allot?"

Sean wasn't sure but it was better to assume the worst so he nodded carefully.

Hearing that Sarah took a deep breath, "Okay, okay I can do this, lets just kiss a little before okay?"

"Very okay Sarah," Sean replied kindly and for a long while they kissed, not as deeply and fully, but much softer and deliberate.

A little calmer Sarah nodded that it was time and Sean repositioned himself atop her, his cock hovering mere inches from her lips.

"Okay... ya, okay we're gona make this easier," he said in a calm voice, "spread your legs a little."

The rabbit nodded and did so, and in the process her puss lips opened a little, revealing the soft pink insides of her body.

Sean kissed the top of her head, "And uh... hold my paw, just in case."

Sarah nodded again, took a deep breath through her nose and clasped his paw in hers, unknowingly squeezing it tightly out of nervousness.

"I love you Sean," she whispered and let her head lie flat against the pillow, looking straight up into his eyes.

After a moment of thought Sean reinserted his tip and pressured her hymen.

He looked her in the eye carefully, as if to say, "I don't want to hurt you, are you sure?"

"Do it quickly, so it hurts less," she replied.

Having thought of that from the start by the time she has gotten to the word "less" Sean had let the weight of his hips go and he thrusted into her to the hilt, instantly he felt her body go ridged against his and she clasp his paw so hard it hurt, but he didn't dare say a word. Her head was next to his, and when he his to look at her she had that same shocked expression on her face, staring at the ceiling.

Sean couldn't understand it, why something that was supposed to be so pleasurable had to be so painful for females the first time. Sean had seen her slice her paw open on rocks, and this simple act was getting a far bigger reaction.

In that quiet, serious, new tone she had developed overnight Sarah whispered, "Sean," she took a labored breath, "Please, very slowly take it out."

Now worried he had really inadvertently injured her and did so, it took around 15 seconds to remove himself entirely but, as they were both looking down, could see the blood streaking the sides of his cock long before that.

"Oh my God Sarah..." Sean whispered and cradled her in his paws, "I... I don-... I think that's supposed to happen."

"So do I, but it still hurts a lot," Sarah replied, her tone a little, ever so slightly, more relaxed.

The fox nodded and reached across her body the where the covers were bundled up.

Seeing what he was doing Sarah grabbed his paw, "No I still want to do this, we've gone this far already, why stop now?"

"If it hurts you that much Sarah, I can't... I can't do that to you," Sean replied and laid by her side, leaving the covers off though.

"Well you said it only hurts the first time and just in the very beginning," Sarah reasoned, surprised by her own urge to do this, "well we already past that part, why stop if it's supposed to feel good now? I mean did it feel good to you at all?"

He shrugged, "I didn't notice, I just saw you in pain and couldn't really notice."

Meekly she moved her muzzle to his and licked his lips, "You really love me?"

"Of course."

"Well I love you too, and I want to do this with you, just with you," Sarah replied, realizing she really didn't trust anyone the way she trusted Sean, then smiled softly, "I want to do this."

Sean nodded, "So do I, lets go slow though," he added, being a little wracked from the smell of blood coming from Sarah's pussy.

"That's what I want, but I don't want to stop," Sarah replied and laid back down in her position.

For a moment he just looked at her then smiled and pat her face. She nuzzled his paw and slowly he pat his way down to her neck, her chest, pausing to rub one of her tits again, down her unbelievably soft belly fur, down to her waiting, open pussy lips. He cupped it softly and heard a small moan come from the rabbit. Figuring she did enjoy some stimulation to the area he took the chance to play with her and look her over nude, he hadn't had a chance before.

Sarah really was a sexy rabbit. It was possible that it was just because the only other species he'd seen nude was fox's, but there was something about how sexy her body look, her petite figure, lazy long ears draped on the pillow, her soft short fur, and her long, surprisingly elegant legs that made Sean wonder how he hadn't noticed this part of her before.

Finally he nodded and this time positioned himself on top of her, so that his cock laid flat against her body. Of all things Sarah, whose sexuality had been warmed up again by his mild foreplay, reached down and guided his cock to her waiting passage. At first she figured she could "hold" him, this way she could make sure how deep he went, but then decided, she really did love him, and really trusted him like this, so once his cock head was inside her body Sarah rested her paws on his shoulders, looking into his eyes which were mere inches from hers.

Slowly Sean hilted himself, and saw some pain go across her mug, but it was considerably less than before. He laid still on top of her, and to ease her pain, if only a little, he kissed her softly, but she was unable to really kiss him back. As the minutes past though she loosened up though and soon began kissing him back as passionately as before, eventually moving one of her paws off his shoulders and onto his face.

It was then Sean noticed for the first time how great her pussy felt. It was so warm and soft, holding his cock as if it was in another place. Still though, at the moment, he was enjoying kissing her much more so his mind focused on that, the new bridge between them taking a slight back seat. But, as it happens to all males in his position, his mind caught up with his body and, although still focused on kissing his new lover, began slowly pulsing his hips, an inch or two at the best, but the motion was enough that it soon wormed it's way into the consciousness of both their minds.

Breathing hard Sarah released his hips and began grinding her hips against his, "Wow Sean, that... that feels good... don't stop, don't stop..."

Sean didn't plan to, her pussy felt to good, but he propped himself up on his paws, so that he could make softer, yet stronger thrusts in. He didn't know how he had learned to even do this much, but he was certainly enjoying this.

Once above her and looking down on her sexy body, he made slow, strong thrusts into her. With each thrust her small tits rocked on her chest, the sight of which drove his mind wild, and between that and the feeling of warmth and the happy, pleasured expression on Sarah's face he began picking up speed.

The only thought from Sarah's mind was how great this felt and why on Foc she had waited for his. She looked up at Sean who smiled as he fucked her softly, and pat the side of his face. The rabbit couldn't believe how good this felt, his warm cock going deep inside her, soon she found herself moaning and unable to hold her own paws up so she rested them around his neck.

"Oh yes..." she moaned, "Oh God yes Sean..."

While Sean wasn't moaning he felt the same. Having pawed off in the past he knew what stimulation to his cock felt like but nothing could compete with this, and she loved him, which just made it that much better.

Sean's arm's were getting tired so the fox lowered his body to be right atop hers, feeling her soft furry breasts rubbing against his chest. Apparently her breasts were sensitive because as soon as he did she started moaning faster and more strained.

Then her moans went faster and faster, Sarah felt something tingle deep inside her pussy.

"Sean, oh God it feels great! Don't stop! Don't stop!" she rocked her hips against his then it hit her, "Sean take it out! Take it out! I'm gona pee!"

The fox had a quick thought then slowed down but he didn't stop.

"Does that feel good for you?" he asked in a slightly strained voice.

"Oh God yes but I don't wana pe-"

"Go ahead, if it feels good then just let go," Sean reasoned, having his own suspicions to what this might be.

Sarah looked him in the eye then stopped holding in and again that shocked look went across her mug and she locked hips with him, pushing his ass a little bit into the air.

Practically screaming she felt her whole pussy convulse and paralyze the rest of her body while she came. Sean didn't stop humping her either, prolonging and enhancing her orgasm to the fullest it could be.

When it did pass Sean did stop and stroked her face as she caught her breath.

Closing her eyes slowly, the rabbit whispered, "Sean that was great... what was that?"

"You said it felt like peeing at first right?"

Eye's still closed she nodded.

"I think... I didn't know girls could but I think you came," he replied.

Sarah opened her eyes and gave him a submissively confused look.

Sean chuckled softly, "Well when it feels the best, like the very end for a guy we cum, and, well in us at least, stuff comes out of our dick and at first it feels like pee but it isn't."

"I've never felt anything that... good," Sarah replied, then thought for a moment, "make me cum again."

"Can you?"

She giggled softly, "I don't know. Can you?"

"Well not really," Sean replied but thought of a few instances, "I mean if I try hard I can keep going after I'm done the first time but it's not as good."

"Even if it's like, half as good that would be unbelievable," Sarah replied and braced herself for more fucking, "You still want to go right?"

"Of course," he whispered and kissed her softly and regained his positioning.

Once again he began moving his hips, this time his motions were more fluid and they both enjoyed it more. Sarah loved this, she loved Sean, she loved the way it felt when she came and wanted to do this all night and had all intentions to do just that.

"Oh Sean, this is so good..." she moaned as his cock went in and out of her.

He was breathing hard but managed a smile. It was just as good for him as it was for her. Loving how soft her fur felt against his San wrapped paws around her neck and nuzzled her face as they rocked hips against each other.

Seeing as he wanted to be as close as possible, something Sarah wanted too, she placed her paws on his back and rubbed it, but as his fucking felt better and better to her, her paws moved lower and lower on his back until they came to rest just above his tail.

Just then he rubbed his cockhead inside her pussy somewhere, over what felt like a spongy portion of skin and Sarah gabbed onto the base of his tail in ecstasy and let out a pleasured moan. Sean too made a sound, but it was one that stopped them both dead still, he yiffed.

For a moment they stared at each other, but Sarah couldn't hold it in and she giggled softly. Sarah learned fast and pat the base of his tail and he yiffed and looked at her helplessly and embarrassed.

"Ohh, now that's funny," she whispered and kissed him.

She wouldn't do it again, tonight at least, but as funny as she found it she also found it kinda cute. Sarah couldn't imagine where that came from or why, but it was nice to be able to do something to him like that in the this atmosphere.

He looked guilty and gave her a hard thrust, causing her to moan graciously. Ignoring his yiff they continued fucking, soon both of them getting close, very close. Then Sarah remembered what her father had talked about, about tying, about what that was.

"Sean," she said in a strained voice.

The fox stopped trusting but instead made circles with his hips inside her pussy.

"You can't cum in me okay?" Sarah whispered.

"I wasn't gona," Sean replied and nuzzled her softly.

He really was nice.

They both fucked each other, as hard as it was for Sarah to move she managed to keep her hips moving with his, letting his cock go deeper than he could make it go alone.

"Oh yessss! Oh God Sean!" the rabbit moaned then he rubbed that same spongy spot again and winched, "Harder! Harder right there! Ohhh myyyy God!"

Apparently that part of her pussy was very sensitive and when Sean made purposeful thrusts on it her pussy quivered and convulsed, similar to when she came.

It felt so good Sean started to moan, "Sarah... oh God Sarah! Oh you're sucking me deeper!"

She was unable to even moan words now and just managed a weak nod and clasp her paws on his back even harder.

They humped for a few more moments and then Sarah really felt it, his cock felt like it was getting bigger and his strokes became more forceful.

Another few moments past and Sean whispered, "Sarah... I'm gona cum!"

Sarah expected to feel his cock leave her but all she felt was a slight twinge of pain in her pussy lips but his cock remained lodged inside.

"It's stuck!" he yelled and tugged and then it really hurt and Sarah gripped his neck.

Having seconds to think Sarah weighed the chances. She could force it out, they could probably get it out but it would be terribly painful and ruin the night but it would guarantee she didn't get pregnant. But on the other paw she could just let him cum inside her, and make this a real night to remember, but her parent's warning weighed over her head. But she realized, she never listened to her parents, why start now when she was having sex with someone she truly loved?

"Just go! Just cum in me!" she blurted out, so close to her own cum it was driving her mad.

He stopped short and said, "Are you sure? I mean I can get it out if I-"

Sarah's cum so close she could taste it and she moaned, "No we're tied! I don't care now, just cum with me! Oh God Sean cum!!!"

Realizing there was little else to do Sean continued thrusting, much slower now because he couldn't move as well and just as he was about the release he lost control of his neck muscles and his head laid atop hers, their foreheads touching and looking into each other's wide eyes.

Sean's cock quivered and pulsed, stimulating Sarah to her orgasm just as the first gush of cum shot from Sean deep inside her. They screamed into each other's face, unable to control themselves. Sarah, having only came once before, less than a few minutes ago at that, had little to compare this one too but it was definitely much better but Sean knew how much better this was. He'd never had such a powerful cum; it felt like his balls were being emptied and what more it felt like Sarah's cunny was greedily sucking it deeper and deeper.

While it might have lasted but thirty or so seconds, it felt like it lasted for an hour for the linked teenagers. When their orgasms subsided, the brunt of it had left them weak and unable to move, they just stared into each other's eyes as the feeling faded.

It took a full ten minutes for Sean's body to relax against Sarah's and he laid his head against hers. They were both still out of breath and both feeling amazingly tired, the fact they hadn't slept much the night before became quite evident.

Still though, the calming effects of their linked orgasms were brining them to enough ease to not need to fall asleep, not yet anyway. Very softly Sean stroked the young rabbit's cheek, both of them smiling

He didn't want to word it like this but Sean had to whisper, "I'm sorry Sarah, I don't know why I couldn't pull out."

"It's cause we tied," she replied unoffended, she had actually enjoyed the feeling of being filled very much.

Tilting his head softly Sean asked, "Tied?"

"You don't know?"

The fox shook his head.

"Well when you cum, part of your... cock grows, big," she smiled at how great that felt, "and it makes it so you can't remove it when your cum comes out."

"I'm sor-"

"Don't be, I like it," Sarah said and nuzzled his face softly, "this feels great, its like... I feel you so deep and your really filling me."

Her furry cheeks coddled his face

Sarah pulled her mug back and kissed his lips softly, "I love you so much, this is so nice, you're so nice," she sighed and kissed him again, "it's perfect."

"I love you to Sarah," Sean whispered back, unable to speak much more.

Looking for a moment she saw the tired look in his eye, and knowing how tired she was the rabbit whispered, "Lets go to sleep."

"This isn't to uncomfortable for you?" he gestured to his still hard and buried cock.

"Sean, the best thing I can think of would be to fall asleep like this everyday, with you or course," she replied.

The fox smiled, pulled the covers over his back and whispered, "Sounds like a date."


**Love Front** **Book 3: Birth** **Chapter 1 Content** Four Weeks Later, Consular's Estate, Conakry 12:24 PM Local Time "Good evening Captain Atric," the cat stifled a chuckle and nodded to the rabbit, "Captain Atric." Emily smiled, "Hello Mr....

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**Love Front** **Book 2: Broken** **Chapter 1 Careful** Combined Special Forces' CP Brooklyn, New York 2102 Military Time This was more than just dangerous, this could end with many soldiers dead all because of two furries. Sean and Emily were...

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This one takes place about mid-way through Book 7 of Ranger's Tail, and takes place over the period of about 7 weeks at first, and progresses from there. I would suggest, to truly appreciate this story, that the reader at least glance through Ranger's...

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