
Story by RC1138 on SoFurry

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#4 of A Wonderful Life

What we've all been waiting for...

A Wonderful Life

Book 4: Triumph

Chapter 1 Reclaiming

The Next Morning, Captain Sean Reynolds Quarters, Fort Lasque on Tronc, 0838 Military Time

A dark, ice blue cloud moved over Sean. He saw it coming, yet he couldn't move. As it came in contact with his pelt he screamed in pain. It was so cold; it actually felt like his body was freezing as he watched. The fox struggled against it but he couldn't move, all that happened was the cloud continued enveloping his body.

With it up to his shoulders now, Sean was thrashing about, feeling the terrible pain as the unexplainably cold air moved down his chest, groin, legs and tail.

In absolute terror he screamed out, "Sarah!"

A moment later he awoke, clutching the rabbit closely and breathing hard. Sarah was just staring in terror at Sean, no clue as to what could be wrong with him.

For a good ten minutes they laid like this, until Sean managed to push the pain and fear out of his mind and realized what he was doing.

"You... you okay?" Sarah asked quietly, looking into the freighted fox's eyes.

Sean gulped but nodded, "Yeah... bad nightmare," and then it re-hit him, and he smiled widely, "I- your still here..."

Sarah smiled warmly and nuzzled him, "I never want to leave you again, Sean."

Sean pulled back for a moment and stared at her. He had to be dreaming; this was too good to be true... wasn't it? Looking back at him Sarah just smiled, and parted her lips a fraction of an inch. Carefully she moved in and kissed him, and that was when Sean realized this was really happening, and after kissing her for a few minutes, pulled back and hugged her tightly.

"I can't believe it..." he whispered, "I can't believe your..."

Since last night Sarah had been compelled to apologize, and now that they were both rested she nuzzled him and held the sides of his face in her paws, "Sean I... I have to say this."

He got worried instantly but nodded for her to continue.

"I want to say I'm sorry-"

"No Sarah," he whispered and held the sides of her face in his paws, "you don't have to, we both made a mistake. I should have reacted better, I should have been nicer, but I don't want to think about that ever again."

"But I have to Sean, I can't not tell you this," she whispered, "I wish I had seen what you were to me years ago. Even if I didn't want to marry you, I never stopped loving you; it was stupid to do that. We could have been fine," then the rabbit swallowed hard, "When I heard you were going on missions, real ones, I got so worried you would..."

She trailed off and Sean, taking her paws in his, kissed them softly.

Sarah took another deep breath and continued, "I was so worried you would die, and I couldn't ever fix this, cause I always knew I wanted to, something always told me I had to be back with you, I didn't feel right with anyone else."

At hearing that Sean did feel a little bad. Not because she worried about him, that drew him closer to her, the fact that she said "anyone else."

For a moment she just looked at him and saw his frown, "What's wrong?"

"Noth-" Sean stopped himself, he wasn't going to lie, "I just... what bothers me now the most is that I didn't fix things back then, and that in that time you may have found someone else to be with."

"There's no one else I would let myself be with," Sarah answered, "I'll never love anyone the way I love you, Sean."

"Well that's my point," he said and rested his far head on hers, "I worried, from... from when Will told me you were dating some dance partner in school that I might lose any chance at being back with you..."

Sarah thought back, then realized something and smiled, "Sean..." then smiling very softly and lovingly said in a quiet soft voice, "Sean, I've never really dated anyone, and I've never been with anyone other than you."

A few seconds past and Sean smiled equally as warmly and whispered, "I love you Sarah."

"I love you Sean," she replied and they kissed passionately.

Their tongues wrapped around each other's and they kissed as they once had so many years ago. They enjoyed it this time on a different level though, this time they felt like they were really in love, more so than ever before. A few hours ago they were on the verge of hating each other, for the most part, and in that short time they felt closer now then ever before. When they had been kids they had sort of tumbled into love, it having been clumsier then this. This, this was more adult, more serious and mature than before and it's effect was greater.

As their lips separated they nuzzled each other softly. Sarah's ears were still pinned back, as were Sean's, and they both tried to coax them back to stature but one final thought in each was keeping their ears suppressed.

"I have to ask Sarah, I just..." Sean whispered, "I want to hear you say it again... that you'll marry me and be my wife."

Sarah smiled, and nodded softly, "I love you Sean, and I want to marry you, and I want to be your wife for the rest of my life."

No sooner had she said that then they were kissing again, even more passionately than before. This time their ears perked back up and they both felt complete. As they kissed, they drew their bodies even closer, running their paws over their bodies and rubbing each other instinctively. They'd both wanted to be this intimate for years, it had been killing them inside and those repressed feelings, now let out, were causing a mental and physical sensation that neither could comprehend. All they knew, and quite frankly, all they carried about, was that the fur they were kissing loved them, and that's all they wanted.

After a few minutes, and groping each other without hesitation to any and all parts of each other's bodies, it finally donned on both of them that they were indeed, still naked. They had started last night with continuing their "tradition" but finished with reclaiming their love, but in the process they hadn't reclothed.

Sarah pulled back and sighed softly, she moved her paws, which had been resting on the sides of Sean's face, down and over his shoulders, and onto his lower back, just above his tail.

In a mild tone Sean began, "I-"

A half second later Sarah put one of her paws to his lips, quieting him, "Sean... I want to."

The fox moved in and kissed her again, this time holding one of her still toned breasts in his paw and with his other began slowly rubbing her moistening pussy lips. Sarah moaned weakly.

Unable to keep it bottled up, she whispered, "Oh Sean... I want this; I've wanted this for years."

"Me too," Sean whispered back and continued kissing her, whispering into her mouth repeatedly, "Me too..."

Sarah, for a split second, was disappointed. She didn't feel the way she had before they'd been broken up, before sex had lost it's meaning. Back then she would lose her ability to play back. Sure, she felt comfortable enough to not have to be demanding or even competitive, but way back when she couldn't really have sex with Sean, it was more of him making love to her. Then she realized it, she was old enough now, mature enough now, that she could love him on an equal level.

With this self-revelation the rabbit sighed blissfully and moved her kisses down Sean's neck. He felt every hair stand on end as she rubbed her short snout in his chest, shoulders, and under his chin.

Sean softly pulled her face back up to his; he couldn't bear not to kiss her for even mere seconds. Sarah obviously took him willing, and kissed him back just as passionately. They kissed deeper this time, letting their tongue almost tie in each other's mouth, and barely stopping to breath.

A minute or two later they were out of breath though, and they had to pull back, barely inches, and in the time being nuzzled each other softly.

"I've wanted this for so long," Sean said rather soulfully, he was panting with heat and excitement, "and I don't ever want it to end."

"It won't," Sarah replied, felling his soft fur on her face, "never again, we're always going to be together now."

Sean couldn't help but smile and kissed her softly this time, and, without even thinking, softly pushed the rabbit onto her back, and laid down atop her. Sarah relaxed herself; her heart was beating quickly in anticipation yet she felt amazingly at ease. That was what was the same from their old relationship, she felt safe and calm around Sean.

Unable to stop herself, Sarah smiled widely and gleefully kissed Sean again, then in an adoring and loving tone the rabbit whispered, "Can you cum in me? I really want you to, I've wanted that for years."

Sean nodded, "I have, too," then smiled just as happily and added, "I love you so much, Sarah."

They kissed again, both feeling hot now and ready to mate. Sean rubbed his paws down Sarah's neck, down between the oh so soft fur in between her tits, all the way down to her pussy lips which he rubbed softly, giving her clit a soft rub too, but then shifted his paw to his own sex piece, and, giving it a quick rub, then guided it to her drooling, waiting passage. Carefully Sean rubbed the head in between her folds, easing it around, rolling it over her clit, and all the while he kissed her as passionately as he could manage.

Sean was sure that Sarah was ready when she moaned tensely, yet pleasantly, into his mouth. Slowly he slid into her. He felt a slight resistance; she'd must have been working out more than she had as a teenager as her cunny's muscles were definitely tighter.

They both groaned at the feeling, joined together in the intoxicating bliss of love and sex.

A moment later Sean was hilted inside the already squirming rabbit, and they both had to part lips momentarily to take a deep breath. Not for long though, and, even though Sean was buried within her, they focused more on kissing and hugging at the moment rather than then the sex itself, just as they had wanted.

Before she would let herself start off however, Sarah needed to say one last thing, it was still eating at her terribly.

"Sean?" she whispered weakly right into his lips.

"Sarah," he replied, his happy tone oh so evident.

"I- wait, I know you don't want me to say it, but I have to apologize," Sarah began, the fox already showing distaste for hearing her say that, "I hate, hate the fact that we broke up-"

Sean put his paw to her lips, "You already said this to me, Sarah, remember?"

"Yes but I didn't finish," she replied and took a deep breath, "I- it was my fault we broke up, and I need to hear you say you forgive me, I know you don't want to think that but I know you do and I need to hear you forgive me."

For an instant Sean almost did say so, but then he thought for a moment. Deep down, even now, he wanted it to have been Sarah's fault, and he knew, partially, it was, but he couldn't hold her responsible, not now, he wouldn't let himself trick himself into thinking that. He'd played just as big of a part in it as she did and he intended to ease her mind.

Holding the sides of her face and rubbing her ears Sean whispered back, "There's nothing you need to apologize for, Sarah, I don't- we both made things bad, and I learned from it."

"So did I," Sarah whispered.

Sean smiled, "And we both equally made the point to break up, instead of trying to work things out. We both should have done that, we both fucked up, but not again, right?"

"Never again," Sarah said firmly, "I'm not gona forget what it felt like to lose you."

"I wish we both could," Sean said quietly, "because I never want to think about it again, I just want to think about you."

They kissed again; they really couldn't bear to separate their lips that long. As beautiful as each other's professions were to their ears, words were still below what they're bodies and minds felt when they were linked like this.

Inside Sarah's pussy, Sean's cock twitched and caused a visible reaction in Sarah, who yelped at the unexpected burst of feeling.

Sean's tongue and soft pets spoke actual words to Sarah, as did her squeezing hug and wrapped legs around his.

Slowly Sean, barely purposefully, began a soft rotation in his hips. He could feel the unbelievable warmth of Sarah's velvety cunny holding and cradling his cock. He could, as did Sarah, feel every small twitch, every spasm, and every tremor in their linked sex pieces, and it was only making them to want to be even closer.

The movement of his hips finally caught up to both Sean and Sarah, and they were unable to keep kissing between soft moans and deep breaths.

The rabbit cooed as Sean made a mild thrust, nuzzling her neck all the while and massaging her breasts and ears as well. This was by far the softest that they had ever made love, but up till now it was definitely the one that was filled with the most love. It may be because they were now more emotionally mature, past the teenage, pleasure seeking phase, or maybe even simply they realized what they had was priceless, for money, reason, or victory, nothing was worth more than the other's love. Either way Sarah felt better now than all the other times they'd had sex before, as did Sean.

Sean made another soft thrust, and licked into the rabbit mouth, entwining his long tongue with hers mid air. They pressed their mouths together again, making a new seal.

This time they wouldn't break their mouths apart, even though Sean now actually had a soft rate, as did Sarah who matched his thrusts with equally soft ones of her own. They were in a pleasured state of euphoria, brought on by the countless factors and loving concepts running through both their minds at an unimaginable rate. That aside though, they both couldn't believe how great this was. Not only were they enjoying the pleasure of the act, obviously, but their minds were really catching up with them now, and they both started to realize, this was really real, that they were having sex with their partner, their real partner, and they were going to be with each other and love each other, forever.

The moment that thought went through their minds, in an odd coincidence it happened simultaneously, they began kissing each other with even more fervor than before, now lapping at each other's tongues and the insides of each other's mouths.

Sarah groaned as Sean rolled his cockhead deep inside her pussy, over her special spot. She gripped her paws around his chest and ground her hips against his, trying to push him as deep as he'd fit to further join them.

Panting hard himself, Sean managed to whisper a strained, "I love you, Sarah," who returned an equally breathless, "I love you, Sean."

Sean could feel the sweat forming under his pelt, just as he could smell the layer that was forming beneath Sarah's fur. The aroma in the small room would have been offensive to anyone but the joined pair, which the pheromones only made it more enticing for the both of them.

A few more humps by Sean made her moan in a high-pitched tone. She lowered her paws till they were wrapped around Sean's rear, allowing her more leverage to hump him back.

Then Sean remembered something that he hadn't thought of in more than six years. He slowly, continuing his soft but powerful thrusts, moved his body slightly lower and down, as to line her up in a better way. Sarah was to engrossed with the whole situation to notice his extra movements until she felt her entire body spasm and convulse as his cockhead pressed against the back of her pussy.

"Oh God, Sean!" she moaned helplessly as the convulsions of her snatch overwhelmed her.

Sean held his cock in place there for a moment and held her face to his, kissing her softly as her eyes closed tightly in the exhilaration of the pleasure.

When he did back off, a few minutes later, Sarah's cunny took a few moments to return to a slightly less agitated state and after she caught her breath Sarah stared up at the fox and smiled.

"I... I love you so much Sean," she began and rubbed the fur on his cheek. "and I really do want you to cum in me, like the way we used to okay?"

Sean had obviously been thinking of it and nodded. He kissed her quickly, the rabbit licking his lips as he pulled back, and began thrusting in and out of her again, no harder than before.

All the while, he couldn't help but think this was Sarah, it really was Sarah. It really was her sizable furry tits, pressed together against his chest, her super soft furry hips locking every now and then with his, and it was her long elegant legs that squirmed when he pressed her special spot. He smiled and held her head under his neck and continued rocking their bodies together.

Sarah's moans became more constant and strained, soon reaching a climaxing point and they both knew she was close.

Still holding the sides of her head Sean looked down into her strained eyes and whispered, "You ready?"

She nodded rapidly and drew herself in closer to Sean's body, feeling the unbelievable warmth of his fur enveloping her and the comforting feeling of his presence. The rabbit felt the base of his cock swell, and just in time, so to speak, he forced it inside her.

Right away both furs pinned back their ears, the first spasms of orgasm beginning to take them. Then with a rush of blood to their nether regions, they both came simultaneously; groaning and straining against the force, clasp so tightly that under any other circumstance it would have hurt. Sarah's pussy gripped and tugged on Sean's cock, fitting it in perfectly warming them both up.

They didn't scream or curse or speak though, they couldn't. All Sean knew was that he loved Sarah, and Sarah's mind mirrored his.

The first full gush of the fox's cum spat into her pussy, pushing a cavity inside her filled with his juices, which moments later, much to Sarah's delight, began seeping even deeper still inside her hungry sex.

They were tied together, they both new it from the start, but as Sean's cock spurted more cum into her, filling her up, they both realized for the first time in years what that really meant, to be tied.

Still rattled from their orgasm, and breathing hard, Sarah pat Sean's face softly and whispered, "You... your going to marry me?"

"Yes," Sean whispered and nuzzled just the very tip of the rabbit's snout.

Sarah sighed happily, "We're going to get married," then the reality of the situation sank in and in a slightly worried tone Sarah repeated, "We're going to get married..."

Being about as close as one can get to another, Sean noticed her tone and in a caring tone asked, "What's wrong?"

"Sean, I'm gona be a terrible... wife," she explained, "I'm not a normal girl, and I'm not gona be very good at marriage."

"You want to marry me right?" Sean said, checking with a mild amount of worry.

"Yes, but I just... want to warn you I guess," the rabbit replied, her ears still pinned back.


Sarah knew what he was insinuating and said bluntly, "Sean, I'll never leave you or not be with you, I love you too much to do that."

That visibly relaxed Sean and he held her more tightly in his paws.

"But I'm just worried I won't do well as a wife," she whispered quietly, looking right into Sean's eyes.

Being as loving and patient as anyone could, Sean just pat her face and shoulders, "How could you be bad?"

Sarah didn't have an answer to that, what she was feeling at the moment was based off of an irrational fear, moreover one she couldn't explain.

"I guess we still have some problems to work out, huh?" she replied finally.

Still smiling Sean kissed her forehead, "That's okay, cause we're gona work them out, but we're gona do it together."

It took a moment for Sarah to really understand what all that involved, and she smiled back and kissed Sean.

Minutes later the furs were asleep again, tied, and in a level of comfort and ease that both had wanted for years, and would never sleep without again.


It was about four o'clock before they reawakened, still tied together by Sean's knot and still clasping each other tightly. By some chance, the lack of Sean's presence had gone unnoticed all day, leaving the two furs alone to sleep at ease.

Sean woke up first, followed closely by Sarah. He managed to pull out his still plump knot and Sarah, too relaxed to help herself, let the leftover cum still inside her flow out in a small, but constant, white thick stream.

They both chuckled softly at the sight and held each other closely, not able to bring themselves out of the serene state of love and comfort, not that they would have if they could.

Sarah's mind wandered though, she recapped on everything that happened, everything that was said, and thought that it was good. Then her mind went on to think of what was next, and couldn't contain her worries.

"Oh God Sean," she said, "What are we going to do?!"

"What do you mean?"

Biting her lower lip Sarah pushed her head into his pelt, "We're going to get married."

To himself Sean thought, "This is gona take awhile," then aloud he whispered, "Sarah, are you really-"

"No," she huffed softly, "I do, I really do want to marry you, and I am going to, but... we're gona havta tell everyone, right?"

"Yeah..." Sean said at a draw, not sure where she was going with this.

"Well," Sarah began, pushing herself up to be on eye level with him, "I- before... like a year or two ago me and my dad had a big fight over this, 'you shouldn't be so worried over what your supposed to do,' 'you love him, why are you hurting the both of you,'" she quoted, "and I..." she didn't have to finish, Sean was intuitive enough to know where she was going.

Trying to calm her down, surprised that she could be on edge at all, Sean nuzzle her whole face very, very softly and in a calm voice asked, "Sarah, your parent's love you, I love you, no one is judging you, and the whole 'supposed to' or 'expected to' is just people guessing on what your gona do, you shouldn't worry about any of this," then, worried about his own words, he added, "you should enjoy this cause you want this."

"I do, Sean, please believe me that I do," Sarah replied and gripped him tightly, trying to make him know how serious she was.

"Then why are you worried? That's all that should matter to you now. That's all that matters to me," Sean replied, still calm.

Sarah nodded and continued hugging him, but minutes later her worry resurfaced.

"But I still don't think I can-"

Sean raised a paw, and almost began yelling. Because Sarah was so worried about being married, he was starting to get worried, and he almost yelled at her but he remembered, he thought back to what it was like to lose her once and controlled himself.

"Sarah, what are you really worried about?" he asked quietly.

Shrugging sadly, "That I'll be a bad wife."

"Why would you be?" Sean asked.

"Cause I don't know how to be a good one," Sarah replied, not even listening to her own words.

The fox sighed, and, with amazing patients, looked her in the eye and asked, "Sarah, do you love me?"

"Yes Sean, and I want-"

Sean raised a paw to cut her off again, "Just answer what I ask you, okay. Do you love me?"

Playing along the rabbit nodded and whispered, "Yes."

"You want to marry me?"

"Yes," she repeated.

Nodding as well Sean continued, "Do you know I love you?"

"Yes," Sarah answered again, calming down a little.

"And you know I want to marry you, right?"

"Yes," Sarah said, seeing somewhat where this was going.

"Then what else is there? That's all that matters in the end, why would you be worried about this?" then in a softer tone, "Be honest Sarah, it's just you and me, no one else, no one will ever know. What is it that your so afraid of?"

For a moment she just stared at him and took a deep breath, "I'm not good enough to be your wife."

Sean hadn't expected that at all, and the surprised look on his mug attested to this.

"I- you're to good, to nice, I don't deserve you," she went on, "and I don't know why you choose me. I mean I think I do, but even then you could have had more pretty girls or smarter," then with a slight glimmer of her old self add, "maybe not stronger."

It took a few seconds, but Sean thought up an appropriate response and pointed with his free paw to his S-M6 rifle on the wall.

"Why do you think I use that gun over the standard issue?" he asked.

Sarah just shrugged, her mind quite far from guns at the moment.

"Seriously," he went on, in the same constant tone, "Why do I choose that gun over anything else?"

"Cause..." Sarah rolled her paws, still not following.

Smiling, Sean whispered, "You know exactly why. The same reason I choose any piece of equipment over others"

Sarah forced a soft giggle, "I don't," then Sean eyed her in a fake stern, way, "I don't know. Cause it's the best?"

Hearing that Sean smiled and nodded, "Keep going."

"Cause it's the best and... it's the best? It's better... than... the... rest..." Sarah got it.

A few more silent moments past and Sean kissed her cheek, "You are the best, and nothing and no one is ever gona tell me otherwise, especially you," Sarah looked up and listened, "I love you cause you're the perfect female for me, and you're the best one I've ever seen or can even imagine. That's why I love you, and that's why I will marry you, Sarah."

Smiling widely and holding him tightly, all Sarah could manage in reply was a weak, "Sean..."

He was right, and for the first time in her life, Sarah felt completely at ease with her entire life and the entire universe. She didn't need to impress others, he'd told her why, and she didn't have to impress Sean anymore, her heart told her why.

Still wanting to comfort her, the fox went on and added; "Now the only thing you should be worried about is getting out of the Army."

Sarah nodded, not terribly focused, but after a few seconds it reached her and her ears perked up in a puzzled way, "What do you mean?"

"We're not suppose to do this, since you are an Army doctor now," Sean explained, and kissed her softly again; he wasn't able to stop himself from being so affectionate, having waited seven years to be so.

"If you think some General is gona stop me from being with you, then you underestimate me greatly Captain Reynolds," Sarah snickered, although in a soft and more humorous way.

Ignoring any possibly problems in even the near future, Sean and Sarah gripped each other softly and did nothing for the rest of the day, only focused on the one fact, the fact that mattered the most; they were in love.

Two Days Later, Nivia Resort Colony Inter-Island Bus, 1:44 PM Local Time

Sean wasn't stupid at all, he knew his lover, he knew how she thought, he knew her feelings and worries and hopes, and he knew it was way to much to fast for her and that going off and telling their families what had happened right away would only make the still somewhat skittish rabbit even more fearful. Instead Sean opted to take her away for a few weeks "vacation," or at least that's what he told his base commander as he stepped on the transport to take him off of Tronc. Where the were going, which they took great care in hiding, was actually one of the most luxurious and famous resorts in the whole Federation, which was the main reason they were traveling under an assumed name, of course though, as husband and wife, newly weds no less.

Nivia Resort, located less than a day's travel from Conakry, was basically one, rather large, ocean world, with hundreds of thousands of island speckled across it's surface, some as large as hundreds of miles in diameter, and others as small as a square mile or so, and all for rent for those looking to get away from it all.

Sean and Sarah had opted for one of the smaller ones, being that was about all they could afford, with a small, one room cabin, and a few calm palm trees. What they didn't realize though, was that roughly twenty-five years ago, Sean's parents had done something extremely similar for their honeymoon, only this time there were no wolves to put a damper on the relaxation.

The strange thing was that of any place either of them could have gone, this was actually the place they would have normally disliked the most. The fox, over training and operational time, had grown to love high altitude mountains and colder climates, and had always hated sand as it irritated his fur terribly. For Sarah, well Sarah was an entirely different case. She really didn't like anything as far as locations. Sarah knew she didn't like beaches, and she wasn't particularly fond of traveling in general, but that wasn't why they where here. What had drawn them to this location above all else was the solitude. No one could find them, no one would try, and more importantly, they didn't have to think about anything or anyone but each other.

As the bus dropped down and landed on the sand on the island, Sean and Sarah both let out a deep breath of relaxation, knowing that they were really going to have some time to collect all their thoughts. They got off the bus with the few possessions they had with them, and watched the bus take back off and slowly fly away to pick up the next happy couple waiting to take a holiday.

They watched and waited, till the bus was nothing but a small black dot in the distance, and then the clothes dropped. Much the same way as they did when they would just meet on Sean's birthday for the past few years, but this time they did it for different reasons, and it was for reasons, not a single animalistic reason. The sun on the island was very warming, as was the sand and water, but more importantly it was to remove all sense of inhibition or attempts to conceal anything. Plus, they did like being naked with each other. Juvenile yes, but that's what this was about, being happy as possible with each other.

For a moment they just stared at each other's sun bathed bodies, smiling in way that only a pair in love would understand. Sean took a step towards her and Sarah matched his. Their bodies, their fur pressed against each other's chest. Arms still at their sides, Sarah was the first to move her paws, brining them up Sean's back and wrapping them around his back. Sean moved his as well and placed his paws on the rabbit's soft hips, holding them close against his own. In a soft sign to his lover, Sean wrapped his busy red tail around her leg; a little inside joke that they'd both forgotten about since they were just teenagers.

Sarah smiled and parted her lips softly, another hidden sign between the lovers, and Sean pressed his against hers, feeling the warmth of her breath and tongue inside his own mouth.

Then, in a move she hadn't used in at least seven years, Sarah lowered a single paw down Sean's back, to the very base of his tail, and in holding it oh so softly in her paw, Sean involuntarily "yiffed" into her mouth.

Embarrassed, Sean grinned and apologized.

"I love that sound," Sarah whispered and nuzzled his whole body with hers, "you don't need to be sorry about it."

They kissed some more and Sean, without a word, walked her over to the shade of one of the palm trees, and sat them both down. Now holding paws, they coddled each other's bodies quietly, both trying to think of something to say.

Sean was first and whispered, "I do wonder what our parents are gona say."

Knowing, and feeling, that this was the right time if there ever was to talk about this or anything so she nodded to herself and replied, "I'm just worried about mine. Your mom and dad will just want to shake your paw and give me a kiss, my parents are gona make a big deal over it," she sighed and continued, "when me and my dad talked about you, a year or two ago, I... I guess I came off like I hated you or the thought of being with you, and I know he's going to say something like, 'spoke to soon, honey,' or something like that."

Sean thought for a moment, "Well, he was right, right?"

"Yes but..." Sarah sighed and forced a weak giggle, "I don't want either of them to be right."

"Why not?"

"Cause then I was wrong," the rabbit explained.

Hearing that Sean chuckled softly and rubbed her arm, "Don't look at it as right and wrong then... look at it like... like win or lose."

Sarah gave him a confused look.

"Well in the end you did win, right?" Sean whispered and rubbed her paws with his.

It took a moment for her to follow completely but when she did her soft smile returned and she nuzzled him lovingly.

A good half hour had past of silence, when Sean dropped a bombshell.

"You would never divorce me, right?"

Almost hurt by the question Sarah looked up into his eyes and without hesitation said, "No... never."

"Why?" Sean asked, this being one of the few things weighing at all on his conscious.

She gave him another confused look.

Taking a deep, and worried filled breath, Sean whispered, "I know you don't think I deserve you, and I guess I kinda feel the same way. And I just want to know why you would never leave me again."

"I-" Sarah tried to begin but the fox put a paw to her lips.

"Really, really think, it's not so much that I need a guarantee it's... well I can worry too, right?"

The rabbit nodded and sighed. She rested her head against Sean's chest and thought hard. Of all things she had been avoiding the "why do I love him" question, but she could understand, sort of, to why he would want to know, he'd told her, it was only right that she tell him.

It was a good half hour before Sarah made a sound or moved, the whole while Sean sat patiently watching her ears twitch every now and again in deep thought.

"I gues- no, I do love you because of what you do for me," she answered, the honesty quite noticeable in her voice.

This time it was Sean who was confused and he asked her what that meant.

Trying to look and sound as serious as possible, "Even my parents don't make me feel this... this... comfortable?" she sighed and smiled very softly, "I can't think of the right word, but no one else makes me want to just stop and... be quiet."

Sean smiled and went to say something but Sarah stopped him this time.

"There's more, Sean," she continued, "and it's more important than that. I just want to be with you. I can't tell you why but I just do, and I never want to be away from you. I'd rather die then break up with you or not see your face again. I want to spend my whole life with you," she looked right into his eyes, "and I will."

They kissed. Sean didn't need to hear more, that was more than he needed to hear. They kissed so passionately that Sarah eventually rolled on top of Sean, feeling completely natural and fluid with the soft and loving action.

Realizing everything was game, Sarah shifted herself and whispered, "How are we gona be together now?"

"You mean in the Army or in general?"

"Both," she continued, "I mean it's easy for me to leave the military so we can be together, but, I mean can I stay with you on base?"

Sean nodded, "You can, and we don't have to. We can live off base too," the fox shrugged, "I can pretty much get my self assigned anywhere I want, considering my name and the face I graduated the Academy."

Hearing that Sarah's ear's pinned back and she looked down in a sorry way.

"What's wrong?" Sean asked, worried that he may have said something wrong.

"I kinda... I mean we missed a lot," she said vaguely, "like I don't even know what you've done or what's happened to you for the past few years."

He nodded and brought her face back up to his, "I don't know what you did either, and we got plenty of time to tell each other, okay?"

She nodded to and placed her head back on his chest. Another hour past before Sarah looked up again.

"Are we taking turns or can I ask something else?" she said in a soft tone.

"Go ahead Sarah," the fox replied equally happy.

Her attitude change though and she visibly became serious, "This ones big though."

He nodded for her to continue.

"I-" she wasn't sure how to say this, "I can't-" the rabbit stopped herself, thinking harder.

A few minutes past before Sean whispered, "Sarah's there's nothing you can't do."

"Yes, I can't have offspring," she replied, then bit her tongue and thought, "bad way of wording that."

Sean was noticeably shaken and in a concerned tone asked, "You mean... I mean your okay I thought?"

"No, no, not like that," she said, whishing she'd given it a moments more thought before wording it like that, "I can, but I can't do that yet or ever... I don't know... I know what your going to say but I just don't think I can be mother."

Relieved that physically she was okay, not that it would have dissuaded his love, Sean held her to his chest and whispered, "Will you do me a favor?"

She nodded into his pelt.

"Of everything, don't worry about that," he replied tenderly, "I'm not on that yet, and if we ever are, we'll handle that when it comes."

"Well do you ever want offspring?" Sarah asked, terrified of the concept on every level.

He shrugged, "I don't know, I think that's a conditional thing. One day maybe, but maybe not," then with a smile he added, "we'll see how we feel when tomorrow comes."

The answer satisfied the rabbit. She further buried the side of her face into his chest and closed her eyes, resting in the warm air, on her warm lover, now without a single care in the world.

Eight Days Later, Nivia Resort Colony, 11:06 AM Local Time

"Are you sure your ready?" Sean asked, holding his paw on the receiver of the phone.

Sarah took a deep breath and nodded, "Yes."

"Okay," Sean whispered softly, and into the phone, "Yes we'd like a pickup around," he looked at his watch, the only clothing he had on at the moment, "noon? If possible."

On the other side of the room Sarah was sprawled out on the bed, watching Sean. He nodded a few times to himself and hung up the phone.

"They'll be here in an hour to pick us up," he walked over to the bed and padded his way over, "and then we'll go to either Foc, or Conakry, it's up to you."

"Do you have to report in right away?" Sarah asked.

The fox shook his head, "No, I've pretty much taken a leave of absence, and to be honest they're probably waiting for my resignation."

The rabbit cooed, "You don't have to do that."

"I wasn't going to, not unless you wanted me to," Sean replied, "but you still gota answer me, Sarah."

The rabbit's ear's lowered slowly, realizing she was going to have to make a decision. It wasn't so much she was scared of seeing her parents, or admitting she'd been wrong, Sean had calmed her mind to the point nothing could bother her now, but she still had her own inhibitions against going home.

Conversely, Sean couldn't wait to get home for a multitude of reasons. First of all, he wanted to tell every living soul he could find that Sarah was going to marry him, and that they were happy and together again. Second, he wanted to see both his own parents and Sarah's under the happier conditions, being that the last series of visits he'd been slowly but surly worsening in mood. The biggest reason though, the thing that he wanted to do the most, was to fulfill an almost boyhood urge to sleep with Sarah again in his bed. Ever since that trip they'd taken to Conakry, that had ended in them separating for the past few years, Sean had dreamed of what could have happened, and taking his new fiancée to his own room, and making love to her in his bed as, in Sean's mind even now, the idea of being a fiancée really didn't mean anything. To him, the moment Sarah said yes, she was his wife. The ceremony and vows, as nice and important as they were, to him, were secondary, once she agreed to it in the first place to him that was as good as anything.

Thinking of this he cuddled her against his body, rubbing her soft rabbit fur and nuzzling her short snout with his.

"Well?" he asked gently.

"I'm scared," Sarah admitted, weakly, into his arm.

"Don't be, nothing bad's gona happen," Sean replied in a reassuring tone, "We're going to go home, see both our parents," he shifted himself so that Sarah was actually laying on him, "our mothers are gona squeal and hug us, your dad's going to be to proud to say anything-"

"And your dad's going to shove you in the arm and say, 'you couldn't help yourself, huh?'" Sarah added, warming up a little to the whole situation.

Kissing the top of her head Sean whispered, "Nothing wrong with that, right?"

"I guess not."

"Then lets go do it," Sean replied and sat her up.

They started packing but then Sarah made gasp, causing Sean to spin around in a fright.

"What's wrong?!" he asked, having been jumpy for the past week and a half.

Looking around helplessly she made a confused grin and put a paw to her mouth, "Sean... where's our clothes?"

The fox felt a cold sweat run down his back. They hadn't worn clothing all eight day's they'd been there, much to the couples enjoyment, but they didn't have any clothes with them but the ones they had brought, and if they were missing...

Staring at each other for a few seconds they both ran outside as quick as they could to where they believed the bus had dropped them off. No clothing was anywhere in sight.

"Okay this might be a problem," Sean observed.

Sarah turned and giggled embarrassedly, "You think?" then she looked herself over and brushed some of the sand clinging to her legs off, "Sean what the hell are we going to do!?"

"There's robs in the cabin," he pointed out, "maybe..."

There was no getting past it, this was going to suck.

For a few minutes they stood there silently, then the rabbit sighed and said, "I hope you didn't leave your wallet in those pants."

Sean slapped himself in the head.

Not even having to been watching Sarah giggled softly, "Oh well, wouldn't be the first time we've had to run away naked."

Sean looked up meekly and walked over to his lover. He held her body right against his and kissed her deeply.

Chapter 2 Bulletin

Landing Pad Outside Hartsdale on Foc, 4:21 PM Local Time

Sean, with Sarah's paw looped through his arm, stopped for a moment to watch the transport ship take off and speed away.

Once it was gone he looked to his right where Sarah was and smiled. This was the first time in years either of them had come here and been happy. Down the streets they walked, making there way to their old neighborhood. They still hadn't decided to whose house they'd go to first, the Reynolds or the Atrics, but Sarah was quite noticeably pressing towards Sean's side and at the moment that was where they were headed.

It took a few hours, but eventually they found themselves sitting on the Reynolds' stoop, still holding each other lovingly and feeling utterly happy. They hadn't approached unnoticed however, and Cathy, who heard them dozens of yards away, poked her still vibrantly red head out the door and exclaimed in surprise.

"Sean, what the hell are you doing here?!" the vixen said as she pushed open the door and went to go down the porch but stopped dead short when she took a closer look.

It was Sean and Sarah, standing together, smiling, and holding paws. It didn't take more than a second for Cathy to get the whole picture and an excited smile spread across her mug.

Turning around back to the house she dashed inside, moments later returning with a confused and slightly disoriented looking Steve.

"Look! Look! Look!" the overjoyed mother exclaimed, "Their here! Together," then, thinking for longer than a half second Cathy asked very quietly, "You are together right?"

The two younger furs nodded in unison, both a little... perplexed with Mrs. Reynolds excited display.

One of Sarah's ears was hanging lower than the other on her head and she made a point of straightening it out as she stood, quite literally at attention, in front of Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds.

Sean stood with her, still holding her paw and straightened himself out as well. At that moment, standing couple to couple, Steve and Cathy really got it and the vixen made a soft gasp.

There reunion was finally catching up with them and Sean and Sarah couldn't speak, only nodded softly and Sarah held up her paw where the engagement ring, bought about eight years ago, sat happily on her paw.

"And... and your both okay?" Cathy asked, mildly speechless herself.

They nodded again and Sarah made a soft giggle, resting her head on Sean's shoulder in a way that only denoted the obvious.

Cathy gripped Steve hand as well, moving in close to her husband as a silent question between her and Sarah. The rabbit nodded so softly that her ears didn't even move.

It was half selfish, but the older vixen couldn't help but think that this was what she always wanted, and chocking back happy tears she gestured to the house and said, "Come- come inside and I'll call your mom and dad."

Sarah was to absorb in the moment to protest and she and Sean followed the Reynolds inside. Cathy called the Atrics, and, barely believing her, were at their house in about five minutes.

As soon as Emily saw her daughter resting on Sean's shoulder the older rabbit stopped dead short, utterly stunned. She hadn't even been involved with her husband's and Sarah's conversation, but she had listened in on the violent exchange with much alarm. They hadn't heard from her since and the mother was quite fearful that it had spelled the end of all the inter-relationships between Sarah, Sean, and the Atrics. The sight before her though confused her.

Mr. Atric, who had similar thoughts but was quicker on the wit, said in a clearly interested tone, "What's this?"

It still hadn't been officially said, and Sarah and Sean gave each other a quick look, neither sure who should say it first.

Sean gave his young rabbit's paw a small squeeze and, in taking a deep breath, he said, "We're getting married."

Every opposable ear in the room perked up, and every tail stopped short. All Steve could do was sigh in a satisfied way and take a quick glance over to Mr. Atric, who returned his look.

About a second later both Cathy and Emily stormed their offspring, hugging and kissing them both, just as the pair had foreseen.

Through the incoherent mixture of congratulations and sounds of absolute glee, the younger couple managed to make out two things that perplexed them; "wedding planner" and "wedding" itself.

As intelligent as they both were, the rabbit and fox had been shortsighted enough to not even think about that. To them both now, their thought line denoted that they were already married, at least to a degree, and hadn't even given the ceremony thought.

Mr. Atric though, had other things on his mind. He was still slightly affronted by Sarah's quite adamant speech when he tried to even open her ears to the concept of being back with Sean, and now two years later they were seemingly back together, moreover with plans of marriage. Needless to say, Sean had his doubts. He was going to make sure that Sarah wasn't taking the poor younger fox for a ride; Mr. Atric actually felt a need to defend him from his daughter.

"Sooo..." he began in a medium tone, "Sarah, how'd this go down?"

The question caught everyone off guard, even Steve.

Feeling put on the spot, Sarah shifted uneasily and answered, "What do you mean, dad?" the question was pretty open ended, and she wasn't sure what part he was referring to.

"How'd you two end up back together?" the older fox clarified.

"We just-" Sean started to answer but Mr. Atric glared at him fiercely.

In a low tone Mr. Atric whispered, "Let her speak."

The younger fox settled down rapidly. What Sean was really worried of was, that, although his daughter had been born a bunny, she'd grown up a fox, and was sly as anyone he'd ever met, and before he'd allow them to possibly make a serious mistake, Mr. Atric wanted to be sure of Sarah's state of mind.

"I guess, I don't know," Sarah answered, which was honest, what had transpired was almost a blur in her mind.

"Well you better, because I won't allow this 'till you do," Sean replied, completely stunning everyone in the room.

The way the older fox had said it, so seriously, it was more than clear he wasn't joking, but he had to be. Of anyone, he was probably the most responsible for getting the pair back together, everyone knew it and was sure of it; why on Foc would he not want the fruits of his labors to procreate, quite literally in fact.

It took a few minutes of silence for even Steve to get it, and even then he had hundreds of other possible ideas as to why his long time friend was acting this way; one or two were right, the others were all wrong. And there was no way Cathy or Emily could even fathom why Sean had said what he did, their minds were too engrossed in the concept of happiness to think of it not being allowed. Only Sean Atric was completely aware of the situation, and he alone would decide where it would go.

A good ten minutes of a very awkward silence past, with Sarah and her father in a dead staring contest. She searched her mind for the answer he would want, that would suffice him.

All Sarah managed was a shrug and to that her father sighed and shook his head.

Another few minutes of awkward silence past, some of the rest of the parents starting to catch onto what Sean was doing. Steve by now was 100% sure of why he was doing this, and agreed, at least in principal, with what the fox was doing.

All eyes on Sarah, she started getting nervous; not a good thing. The seriousness in her father's eyes made her very sure he wasn't kidding around and she was panicking slightly. She wasn't sure if he'd really stop her but Sarah didn't kid herself for a moment, she knew that once he said they wouldn't be married, they wouldn't be.

"I don't... I don't know dad, I just went to..." the rabbit wasn't sure how to word it and pinned her ears back in embarrassment, "to see Sean on his birthday," they all knew right away what that entailed, "and... well you should let Sean tell you, he said it after all."

She wasn't trying to pass the buck, but she really wasn't sure as to why he was doing this.

Before Sean could say a word Mr. Atric stood up straight and whispered, "I don't doubt at all that he loves you, honey..."

That one she got, and immediately was infuriated. Even Steve was a tad impressed by his bluntness. Sarah almost revered back to her obstinate self, disliking the almost universal disbelief in her love, but she calmed herself down and, in putting her paws over her eyes she thought very hard.

"Ugh... I," Sarah's mind was drawing a blank.

Then something happened that none of them, except for Sean, had ever seen before. Sarah started crying. It wasn't so much over what her father was doing, but that he was doing it. She couldn't deal with the distrust in her feelings and the young rabbit cried softly into her paws.

Immediately Sean started to try and console her, but all she did was rest her head on his shoulder and continue crying. A few minutes past and, without a word, Sean retreated with Sarah still on his shoulder up to his old room.

Mr. Atric swallowed hard. That wasn't the reaction he'd expected or wanted, and he wasn't sure at all what it meant. Emily glared quite angrily at her husband and Cathy gave hers a confused, fleeting look.

"That went," Steve gulp, "well."

Taking a deep breath Sean stood up, "I'm sorry Steve," he looked at Emily who was still noticeably pissed, "just... well I don't want them to make another mistake," then he nodded to himself, "maybe I did... but still."

"They'll figure it out," Cathy whispered, "They always do."


Carefully, Sean practically limped the sobbing rabbit up the stairs to his room. Once there she almost collapsed into his arms, and Sean had to pick her up to lay her on his old bed. The fox kneeled down beside her and stroked the back of her paws which where still covering her eyes.

"Don't worry Sarah," Sean said quietly, "Don't worry, this'll pass."

Sniffling, the rabbit lowered her paws and looked into Sean's eyes, "It's not fair! Why does everyone not want to believe I love you?"

Sean made a soft smile and brought his muzzle close to hers, "I believe you."

"I know you do, Sean," Sarah replied and managed to sit herself up, "but- do you think my dad would really stop us?"

It took a second of thought and self-convincing but the fox shook his head, "It doesn't matter, it's not his choice."

That made Sarah feel infinitely better. Wiping a tear off her furry cheeks, she scooted over in the bed and put out a paw for Sean to lie down by her side. Nodding, Sean slid next to her, both moving as one to coddle the other.

Sarah's mind was a torrent of thoughts, all pulling her mind in different directions, and yet all from the same point of origin, proving herself. The one thing the rabbit felt she had to do, she would do, would be to prove to everyone that she did truly love Sean.

Over the next half hour Sarah played over at least two-dozen ways to prove to everyone at once of her love, yet one distinct, but frightening, idea peered above all others. She could do it, she didn't want to, not yet, but she could, and if she did there would be no doubt in her convictions and dedication but it was something she really didn't want to do.

All the while Sean was watching her intently, taking careful note of every expression, every twitch of her face denoting deep thought. He wanted to calm her down, but whatever was going through her mind Sean knew he had to let her work out.

"I know how I can prove it him," Sarah began out of the blue.

"Prove what?"

"Prove that I love you," the rabbit answered.

Sean sighed but nodded for her to continue.

It took a moment but she nodded back and whispered, "We can have a baby."

The fox raised a confused eyebrow, "I thought-"

"If my dad, or anyone actually, sees that, then no one would ever think that I don't love you," Sarah explained.

"I thought you were- or you weren't ready for-" he looked down his snout at her, "that?"

"Well I..." Sarah paused, "I love you Sean."

Chuckling softly the fox held her paws softly, "I know that, Sarah, you don't need to prove it to me-"

"I know, I know, this is-"

"Or anyone," Sean finished, "and having offspring to just... that's something we should do for us and cause we want to do that, not for something else."

Sarah went to reply but sighed and nodded a few times softly. He was right, no denying or arguing that.

Sean figured to let her think for a little longer, but in the meantime he moved himself as close in as he could get and held her entirely in his arms, cradling her and patting her back very, very softly. Enough time went by this time that even Sean's mind wandered a little. He tried to think of a way to calm her down, set the bewildered rabbit's mind at ease.

One possibility came to mind and Sean decided to run with it, so he moved his paws up to her shoulders and got her attention.

"You really love me enough to let me call you my wife?" Sean asked softly.

Sarah frowned and pinned her ears back, "Sean that hurt, I thought-"

"I do, just follow me, you do love me enough to call me your husband, and let me call you my wife?" the fox repeated.

Nodding softly she replied, "Of course."


"Because I love you, Sean, and I want to," Sarah answered without hesitation, and she understood it less than a second the words left her lips.

Sean smiled in a very satisfied way, "That's all the proof I ever needed and more than anyone else can ask of you."

Sarah smiled back and wrapped her paws around Sean's chest, hugging him closely.

"So what are we gona do?" Sarah asked.

"We're gona get married."

The Next Day, the Reynolds' Home, Hartsdale, on Foc, 10:21 AM Local Time

After last night, although they were fine, Sean and Sarah had opted to avoid seeing either of their parents, and had snuck out both late at night, and again in the morning to get dinner and breakfast respectively.

On their way back, they both stopped and sat down in the park, taking some time to let things catch up with them. Sure they'd spent a week on vacation, but that was in it's own way a shock to them both, and the reality of the events was catching up with them.

When they walked into Sean's house they found Cathy, alone, sitting in the living room, reading quietly.

The vixen looked up and smiled, "I was wondering when you two would get back."

"You didn't know we left," Sean said.

"I'm your mother," Cathy replied and her smile broadened.

Sean just shook his head and he and Sarah sat down on a couch across from his mother.

"So," Cathy began, and set down her book, "how did this all happen?"

The pair shared a quick glance, one of Sarah's ears twitched as did Sean's tail, and Sarah took a deep breath, "Well, you- we..." Sarah wasn't sure how much Mrs. Reynolds knew.

"Your not fooling anyone you two," Cathy said, practically reading the rabbit's mind, "we all know about your little visits, so just go on."

Sighing embarrassedly, Sarah continued, "Okay, I went over to see Sean, I found him on some little piss port base on Tronc, outside in the snow, target shooting," Sarah chanced a look at Sean and almost laughed by the look of discomfort on Sean's mug, "couldn't have been more than two degree's out, and he's out there shooting in nothing but fatigues."

Cathy, with a motherly disappoint look, stared at her son in minor disgust.

Sarah actually managed a weak laugh and continued, "Anyway, I got him to come inside. He didn't want to, he was... angry at me I guess," she sighed, "and we got into bed," she continued as carefully as possible, "and he just..." she was about to say exploded but the double entendre reached her mind first and she finished, "...he just... started yelling."

"Yelling?" the vixen asked, that not being her idea of this great, romantic rekindling of a relationship that she'd envisioned.

"Yeah I... I was really angry," Sean explained, "I just wanted to know why she wouldn't marry me, and I guess I got too angry."

Still confused, Cathy looked at Sarah and tilted her head and asked, "And that convinced you?"

"No," Sarah answered, "I convinced me."

In a humor tone the fox added, "I just got her to be quiet long enough to listen to herself."

To Cathy surprise Sarah just nodded, not offended by the comment at all. Her son had changed a little, but Sarah was a completely different fur than who she had watch grow up. Saying she was more mature wasn't fair, Sarah had always been mature in most respects, but in a way she seemed smarter, and she also seemed more feminine. She was dressed in a skirt as opposed to loose pants like she had always worn, a tight sweater, and she was actually wearing a necklace; Sarah never wore jewelry before.

Not able to help herself, Cathy asked, "So you two are both happy now... right?"

"Very," They both answered simultaneously, then shared a smile that convinced Cathy that they weren't delusional.

A few minutes of silence passed and Sarah whispered bluntly, "Can you talk to my dad to get him to let us get married," she sighed and held Sean's paw, "We don't want to have to do it ourselves."

The vixen pinned back her ears and shook her head, "Sorry, I can't, it's not my place. And trust me guys," she looked the couple over, "I do believe you, both of you, and I can't tell you how happy I am," then Cathy smiled softly, "You know, I've always known this would happen, from the start, and I'm so happy, for both of you, that it's finally happened, I hope you'll always be this happy with each other, but... hmm..." Cathy thought for a moment, "Alright, here's what you'll do. You go to talk to your dad," she gestured to the rabbit, "and Sean, you stay here, I want to talk to you anyway."

Sean raised an eyebrow and peeked at Sarah out the corner of his eyes, saw one of her ears twitch, and nodded to his mother. Sarah stood up and nodded to Sean, to relax the fox a little, and she walked out.

Mother and son sat quietly, listening and waiting till the sound of Sarah's footsteps down the road faded away.

It took a few more minutes but Sean was the first to speak; "I... really don't know what to say."

"I didn't ask anything."

"Yet," Sean added, although not to be funny.

Cathy nodded, "Well I don't want to ask you anything, I just want to talk to you," she smiled and tilted her head at her son, "We haven't just talked in a long time."

The young fox sighed but nodded, not wanting to hurt his mother's feelings.

"So... what do you wana talk about?" Sean asked.

"Tell me about your plans, what you guys are gona do," Cathy suggested, leaning back in the chair, "I mean you've got to be excited right?"

Nodding Sean replied, "Of course I am."

"God... I remember when I got married," the Cathy sighed, "I can't believe it, you're actually older than I was when I got married."

Sean cracked a smile at that.

Looking him in the eye Cathy instantly became serious and said, "You two aren't... I mean Sarah isn't..." she trailed off, having been thinking of the nature of her own wedding.

At first Sean didn't follow, but after a moment he caught on and, rather embarrassed, shook his head quickly, paws as well, and replied, "No! No! In fact Sarah told me she's not sure if she can do that."

Now Cathy was a tad confused and asked what he meant exactly.

"She just doesn't see offspring in the near future at least," Sean explained.

"How come?"

"I don't know," then sighing he added, "I think she's scared of it."

Cathy shrugged, "It can be a little intimidating."

"Where you scared when you had me?"

"Only once or twice," the vixen answered, "Otherwise I was pretty much excited the whole time," she sighed happily, "Your father helped a lot," a few minutes of silence passed, and she added, "Do you want offspring?"

Sean liked his teeth for a moment the nodded, "One day, I think one day I would, but not now."

To herself, Cathy thought "That's what Steve said," then aloud she replied, "Don't worry about it."

"Why would I?" Sean asked, not sure to what she meant.

"Well... ehh never mind," Cathy thought it better to not say anything, lest she put her snout someplace it didn't belong.

Instead she whispered, "What are you gona do about the military?"

"Sarah's not in the military so it's okay," Sean replied, "so she can live with me without a problem."

Cathy nodded in approval, "And where are you gona live?"

"That one I don't know," the fox started, "cause I'm definitely not staying on Tronc, and I don't know if..." Sean bit his lip but continued, "...if I should stay on active duty. I mean I know what you and dad did, and I know why, and I can kinda understand, I mean Sarah actually said something like that to me."


The fox nodded, "Yes, she said she was very worried when we had a fight right before I had that mission in space, you remember right?"

Cathy huffed, "Sean, honey, I'm your mother, I was so worried after I heard your name on the news I paced until you called and said things were fine."

Slightly embarrassed Sean nodded, "Well she was very worried, and I don't know, I don't think I would want to do that to her."

"Put it like this honey, if you did stay on active duty, would Sarah leave you?" Cathy asked rather honestly.

"No," Sean replied, a bit startled by the question, "I don't even know if it would really bother her and even if it did she wouldn't leave me over that."

Cathy sighed and nodded, "Then you just do what you think is best for you, I know Sarah will support you, and unless you think something bad will happen you just do your own thing. Just don't... don't give Sarah a reason to be worried is all."

"Oh...kay, now I'm confused," Sean said slowly, "I should do what I want, and Sarah will support me... but I shouldn't do something that would scare her?"


Shaking his head, the fox replied, "I don't understand what you mean by that."

That put a smile on Cathy's face and she nodded, "That's okay, I don't expect you to, not right now at least."

"Can you just tell me now, I don't want to scare Sarah if I don't have to," he explained.

Cathy considered it for a moment, then figuring that since he really was being selfless, she said in a very calm voice, "There is no simple answer, just keep loving her, and do whatever you have to, to keep that love."

He raised an eyebrow, "I already figured that one out, mom. As soon as we got back together I knew that."

The Atric's Home, Hartsdale on Foc, 1:13 PM Local Time

Coming up to the stairs was a bit of a feet for the somewhat fearing rabbit. Hell, merely walking away from Sean for the first time in weeks had been a feet she hadn't thought herself possible of, and yet Sarah had managed to pull herself and made her way to her own, old home.

She didn't even have a chance to knock on the door, her mother heard her walking at least a hundred yards away, and was waiting behind the door just to hear her step on the porch.

Emily opened the door quickly, scaring the younger rabbit enough that she flinched.

A little amused Emily ushered her in with a welcoming voice, "Comon honey, we've wanted to talk to you for awhile."

Not nearly as optimistic as her mother, Sarah smiled queerly, sighed, and walked in the door. Inside she found her father staring right at her from an easy chair. Clearly they'd both been waiting for Sarah.

"Hi... dad," Sarah whispered and stood uncomfortably before her father.

For a few moment she just stood in front of him, all the while Sean was waiting for her to sit down and get comfortable, but he sighed and looked down his snout at her and said, "Sarah...."

Barely aware of the situation, Sarah just grinned embarrassingly and sat down, this whole situation didn't sit well with her.

"So... have you figured it out yet?" Sean asked.

Taking an insubordinate tone Sarah replied, "Yeah, but I also figured out I don't have to prove anything to you, and I love Sean and I am going to marry him."

Unseen behind the younger rabbit, Emily smiled softly and made a soft nod to her husband.

Sighing, Sean sat up and whispered, "Sarah, you never did listen to me, did you?"

"Listen dad, no one can prove they really-"

The fox glared at his daughter, managing to shut her up, "You never listened to me because if you had just thought back to the last time we talked, remember, when you said those wonderful things to me, I told you I could never force you or stop you from marrying him."

Utterly baffled, Sarah tilted her head at her father, letting one of her ears fall to the side of her head.

Coming up behind her, Emily put her paws on her daughter's shoulders and said in a calm voice, "Honey, your father even got me on this one, but neither of us doubted you love Sean, we've always known that, and to be honest," she looked at her husband, "I think we did always want- not to say you had to," she added tactfully, "but we both wanted you to do this. Sean is a great fur, he's the always been your best friend, even over the last few years, and I know no one will love you back that way. We just, or I should say your father just wanted to make sure you were sure."

Sarah let out a low growl, she hated it when her parents played with her mind, but she'd promised Sean back on Nivia that she would be polite to her parents, so she bit her tongue.

Sean sat up and nodded, "What I was really worried about was that you two hadn't made up enough, I mean your mother and I had a problem right before we were married, and if we..." he trailed off, he rarely if ever thought about the events that transpired just prior to their marriage, but he sighed and continued, "We just want you to be happy, we always have, even if you haven't been able to see it."

Temper almost boiling over, Sarah was now gritting her teeth, but she just keep thinking about Sean and calming herself down, or at least try to.

It was however, more than obvious for both Sean staring into his daughter's eyes, and Emily feeling the muscles in her shoulders tighten that the rabbit was on the edge, and it was starting to bother both of them. Their minds were the identical in their line of thought that all they ever did was try and make Sarah happy, and support her, and she always got angry.

About to explode himself Sean leaned back on his chair and said in a forcibly calm tone, "What I don't understand is why you can't... it's not even that you were ever bad either, you were always a respectful kid, its just... you were just to damn stubborn."

Even Emily was a tad amazed at how patient Sarah was trying to be but the older rabbit had zero hopes that Sarah could keep this ruse on for much longer.

A few moments of silence past and Sean gestured with his paws for Sarah to say something, just to make sure that she was listening for a change.

The young rabbit took a deep breath, closed her eyes for a second, and began in a clearly irate tone, "Listen dad, I do pay attention to everything you and mom ever told me, just you told me the same shit over and over that it pretty much lost it's meaning."

Emily stopped holding her daughter's shoulders.

"And I'm not stubborn, I am allowed to have my own opinions, okay," Sarah added.

Getting angrier by the second, Sean replied, "See this is why I don't think your ready for marriage, you still think like a kid."

"Like I'm gona let that stop me," the rabbit answered.

That was all Sean could take, and he stood up, and in a lightning fast move grabbed Sarah by her arms and stood her up, gripping her the way you would hold an insubordinate child, which was exactly what she was acting like right now.

In a harsh voice the fox yelled, "Listen you little piece of shit for one fucking time in your life! I know there's another Sarah in there, another nicer kid than this little snot I'm dealing with right now!" calming down slightly, he continued, "I remember when you were just a little bunny, you were so nice and kind, you didn't have this... fucking attitude. I don't know even what it is or why you have it..." then thinking for a second Sean's ears pinned forward in anger and he yelled, "No, I do, I know exactly why you are such a little fucker. You're afraid! Your afraid just like you were afraid of what anyone, what we would think if you loved him!"

All the while that he had been yelling at her, Sarah, who had been terribly angry at the beginning, was now absolutely terrified.

"You know I know everyone wanted to call you a tomboy, and yeah, you played sports a lot, but your not a tomboy, you never were. You know why?" Sean asked, clearly getting some things off his furry chest, "Cause you give a shit about what people think about you! Why? Why on earth do you care?"

Sarah just stared at him.

"Answer me, God damn it!" he yelled.

"I-I-I..." Sarah stuttered, "I don't know."

Huffing, her father gripped her tighter, "Well I do. I mean I can remember, I can picture definite times when you were... like you were calmer. You were a different daughter sometimes. And yes, it was usually when you were with Sean. Like sometimes you wouldn't care if your mother and I saw you two kissing, or you'd sit down on his lap and fall asleep. Just sometimes you wouldn't care, and you were just so much happier and calmer. And I don't know why you were different. I know it must have something to do with Sean, I'm sure of it, but you were definitely different sometimes," then quietly he added in a somewhat mocking tone, "Since you care sooooo much about what we think about you we all like you better when your like that."

Inside Sarah's mind a myriad of thoughts and, oddly enough, personalities were flowing through. In reality, Sarah was all to aware that her whole attitude changed, and even at times she could control it, but two distinct ones she couldn't, they just took over her mind when they felt like it.

The first was her acclaimed "attitude." Whenever she wanted to feel strong, or be better, or distance herself, or pretty much avoid emotion or loss at all, this attitude would come out. She would get very sarcastic and snappy, argumentative too. This was the attitude that everyone disliked the most, and ever since she was about sixteen, it had been the most predominant.

Her second personality that could control her was also one that came out of fear, but this was much more hurtful to Sarah than others. Whenever the first attitude couldn't shrug off something, this one kicked in and Sarah became a closed book. She wouldn't hear anyone else's words, nor would she let on that anything was wrong with herself, and being that no one could feasibly know, she was given no comfort and often times this lead to mild boughts of depression. This second personality was reasonable for almost everything bad that ever happened between Sean and Sarah. Quite frankly it was responsible for almost every bit of bad blood between Sarah and other furs and people, including her parents.

There was however, a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Sarah's true personality, if you could even call it that, was buried beneath these façades and when it came out everyone around her not only actually enjoyed her presence, but were visibly annoyed when it would inevitably recede back behind her self imposed defensive personalities. An interesting fact was that in fact, Sarah liked to have this personality out the most, it let her be loving and soft in ways she couldn't be normally.

The reason though, that this nice, loving, warm, caring, adoring personality was able to be completely dominated at times by these other personalities was that they were stronger. They were stronger attitudes, they left her emotionally distant so that things like this couldn't hurt her, and most importantly in the rabbit's mind, gave her an excuse to be the way she was, to like sports and guns and playing and cursing and doing things "normal" girls shouldn't do and that Sarah was sure she would be ostracized for, even by those who cared for her the most. So, because of this line of thought, she let these stronger qualities govern her actions most of the time, and it had lead at times to total disintegrations of relationships she held close to her heart.

What did all these caught up emotions equate to in the end though? Aside from a very confused young rabbit, it did what her original intent to avoid was, it ostracized her from everyone that actually tried to be nice to her, tried to be her friend, and in Sean's case, tried to be her true love. And in all her life, he had been the only one, not even Sarah herself, who could conquer over her other emotions. It wasn't so much that he could dominate over her, but that he could calm her mind enough, and talk enough sense into her that Sarah's dormant personality, almost the real Sarah, could push itself free and she could be happy.

Now though, another fox by the same name as her true love, this one her father, had managed to break through her defenses and Sarah's true self was left naked to feel and hear and see what was going on, and more importantly what she was doing to herself.

Still very angry, although some steam had been blown off, Mr. Atric released his daughter but didn't move. Instead he glared at her eyes and watched as her return glare disappeared. Her normally direct and deliberate stare softened in an instant, her eyes opening fully. Her eyebrows went up and then she looked away from her father's eyes and stared off into the space of her mind, contemplating her own character.

Sean took great notice of her new look and chanced, for less than half second, a fleeting look at Emily who was staring back and forth at him and the back of their daughter in pure astonishment.

What had just been a torrent of thoughts before was now an overwhelming mental battle that was being waged in Sarah's subconscious. She tried her best to beat back the extra thoughts, the "what if's" that were discourage her from reaching the truth, but they were proving too much.

Unaware of herself, Sarah fell back into the couch behind her, continually staring off into space with that same vacant stare.

A few minutes past of slowly growing concern from her parents as no one said a word. The gears in Sarah's mind were turning, but the rabbit couldn't beat back her other personalities, they were just too persistent in being in charge of her mind.

"S-Sarah?" Sean asked, a tad worried he may be the cause of this reaction.

The rabbit didn't respond, she just continued staring blankly.

Now fearful for her daughter, Emily came back up behind her and placed her paws on her daughter's shoulders. She gave her a small shake but Sarah seemed almost completely comatose.

Rocking her a bit harder, Emily whispered, "Sarah, honey? Are you okay?"

Sarah didn't even hear her; her mind was to focused with her mental battle to finally be free of her nearly self-destructive personalities.

Both equally worried now, Sean and Emily shared a look that spoke volumes and in half a second the older fox was dashing out the door. He ran as fast as he could to Steve and Cathy's house, covering the half-mile distance in about seventy seconds. As soon as he reached the door he knocked urgently until Steve answered.

Seeing the distressed look on his friends face the human asked what was wrong.

"I need Sean quick, something's wrong with Sarah!" he said in an obviously worried tone.

Reacting accordingly Steve turned and ran upstairs, where Cathy was half asleep on the bed. He reiterated what Sean had told him and, once he told Sean who practically knocked his father down running for the door, the three foxes ran down the street as fast as they could, followed closely by Steve.

Sean managed to beat all of them, being the most worried, and didn't even notice that he practically threw Mrs. Atric aside who was rubbing Sarah's paw. The rabbit was now lying on her side, still staring blankly into space.

When Cathy ran in about ten seconds later with Sarah's father right behind her, she kneeled down next to Sean and at first wasn't sure that there was anything wrong. Then right away she noticed that Sarah was non-responsive and immediately checked to make sure she was breathing. She was, and Cathy checked her eyes. They were dilated and Cathy wasn't sure what to make of her condition.

Steve ran in a moment later and stared at the scene for a moment. Cathy looked up with a very perplexed look on her snout.

"What's wrong with her?" Emily asked.

"I... I don't know," Cathy replied and looked the rabbit over again, "she's okay, I mean she's breathing and her hearts okay but... I don't know," turning to her friend she added, "What happened?"

Across the room, Mr. Atric shrugged, "I don't know. We were talking, she was talking, and she just... lost it."

"Is she in shock?" Steve asked, moving closer to the spent rabbit.

The vixen shook her head, "No, she's fine, I mean she sure seems to be."

All the while Sean was barely listening; he just focused on Sarah's empty stare and rubbed her paw in his. Even being as close as he was to her, he couldn't imagine what was wrong with her.

"She just dropped?" Steve asked.

Everyone except Sean, and Sarah obviously, turned to Emily who just nodded, "Yes, she just... fell."

"Like she fainted?" Steve added, trying to figure it out.

Mr. Atric shook his head, "No, she seemed like she... she was just standing there and she sat down and... that was it."

Cathy stood up, "Well she's okay, but maybe... should we take her to the hospital?"

Emily and Sean shrugged simultaneously. They weren't sure of anything.

Always good at analyzing situations, Steve cocked an eyebrow and asked, "What happened, exactly?"

"We were talking," Emily began, "and-"

"About what?" Cathy asked, catching onto her husband's motive.

Mr. Atric now wondering if this was the case answered, "We were talking about..." he wasn't sure how to word it, "about how thick headed she can be at times."

"And what did you say?" Sean asked, now paying attention.

Looking down at the clearly terrified fox, Mr. Atric replied, "Just that," he thought back for a moment, "basically that she shouldn't care about what people think of her and that her... attitude, if she cares so much about what we think of her, is why we sometimes have a hard time with her," everyone in the room seemed a tad confused, but not in a bad way so Sean clarified by adding, "You know how she gets stubborn and... I guess... pretty much stubborn. Well I was asking her why she couldn't stop, cause there were times when she wasn't," he turned to Sean, "when she's around you mainly, her whole attitude changes and she's so much more pleasant and I was just trying to figure out why."

Hearing that Sean gulped and his ears pinned back. He understood completely what was going on. For quite some time Sean had known of Sarah's multiple personalities, not that she was schizophrenic. To him they were just the way she reacted to things. For instance, she could go from a strong leader to a calm lover, although he had notices certain trends in the changes. When she was alone with him, or right after she had calmed down with him, or really spent any serious time with him, she would be calm and very different from her norm, which was a somewhat sarcastic tomboy. Only now did Sean think that there might be more to all this.

"I also said that she does these attitude shifts on purpose," Mr. Atric said, breaking into Sean's thoughts, "and that she should stop them."

Everyone's gaze eventually shifted to Sean, who was now exhibiting some of the same symptoms as Sarah; a blank stare and relatively no motion.

A bit worried that there might be something genially wrong that was spreading Cathy grabbed Sean and gave him a good shake, saying, "Sean? Sean are you okay?"

Still blankly, the fox nodded and said, "Yeah, and Sarah's okay too," then his gaze shifted back to his lover and he whispered, "I think she's just thinking."

Each couple glanced at each other, and Cathy asked, "Thinking?"

"We're gona need some time alone," Sean replied, ignoring her.

Emily walked over to him and managed to grab his attention completely, "She will be okay, won't she?"

Sean nodded quickly, "Yes, she's just gona need a moment, okay?"

Although not happy, Emily nodded back and stood up and awkwardly walked out of the room, followed by her husband. Cathy gave a moment's look at Sean, then at Steve who just bowed his head, and they walked out, leaving the two young furs alone.

Sean waited for a few minutes, still stroking Sarah's paw as a soft as he could. Eventually, unknowingly, the fox began making a calming, "Shhhhh," sound, not sure himself if Sarah was paying attention yet in a weird way he was.

Finally, after a good fifteen minutes, Sean whispered in the calmest voice he had, "Sarah... you okay?"

Sarah was still unresponsive, although she did blink once.

Even quieter, with his muzzle practically touching hers, Sean murmured, "Comon Sarah," then, not so surprised by his own words, he added, "Where are you in there?"

Deep inside the recesses of her mind, Sarah's mentality was unreadable. Metaphorically speaking, it was a literally battlefield, not without casualties either. On one side was her "bad" persona's, and by itself, shoring itself against obliteration, was Sarah's "real" self. Out of pure fear they were trying to lock Sarah permanently in this defensive state, so that Sarah would never have to appear weak or inadequate or worse, emotional over anything, again.

Not even aware of herself, Sarah whispered, "Help me..."

That caught Sean's attention he waited to see if she would say more and to make sure that she was physically okay. She was, and he gripped her paw tighter in his own while nuzzling her whole face with his.

Forcing a smile he pulled back softly and continued, "I love you Sarah, I know you know that, and it's okay to love me back, no one is going to judge you, they- we all just want you to be happy. Just..." he trailed off and to himself added, "...remember that."

It was actually strenuous for the rabbit to keep thinking, and her body moved involuntarily, in the form of her ears tightening up against the side of her head and her tail making a soft twitch one time on her soft rump.

Sean barely noticed it though; he was too attentive to her unfocused eyes.

Trying once more he whispered, "Comon Sarah, talk to me, I can help you okay, just talk to me."

The first visible sign of fatigue could be seen in a small trickle of sweat on the fur on her brow, coupled with a slight smell of something Sean couldn't identify on her. Fear? Maybe.

He gripped her paw so tight that he was wondering if it might hurt enough to shock her out of it.

Inside her mind Sarah could feel the heat on her head, but she kept focusing on what she knew she had to do. The rabbit just thought about being calm and nice, about sitting on Sean's lap, about feeling his paw wrapped around hers. Every time the thought to be embarrassed popped into her mind she pushed it away and refocused; every time the thought to worry about other's opinions came to her mind, she pushed it away and tried as hard as she could to feel Sean. It was a tough fight though.

Physically, she gritted her teeth in frustration. Some of the good portions of her strengths imprinted on the rest of her personality and she focused her mind.

"Why am I doing this?" she asked herself, "It's my mind and I should be able to do what I want."

"Sarah... its okay just listen to me okay? Just be okay," she heard Sean's voice echo in her mind.

Everything became clear in an instant, like the lights had been turned on in her mind and the other personalities scurried away and melted in her revelation. For the first time in a long time Sarah's mind felt lighter. Nothing was holding her back; nothing was forcing her to remember to stay in check.

Sarah blinked twice, and her eyes blurred and refocused. At first it was nothing but a red blur, but soon Sean's concerned features came into her view.

"You there?" he asked, and placed a paw on her cheek.

Licking her lips, Sarah took a deep breath, "Where's my dad?"

"Want me to get him?" the fox whispered, sighing in relief.

She nodded weakly and put her paws over her eyes, she had a booming headache.

A moment later Sean walked in followed closely by Mr. Atric. The two foxes kneeled down in front of Sarah, but Sean soon stood up and took a few steeps back.

Sarah stared into her father's eyes and sighed, "I'm sorry dad, I didn't mean to be an ass."

A bit taken back by this confession, Mr. Atric tilted his head in a perplexed way.

"I... I don't know why I don't want everyone to know I love Sean, or that I like to just be... calm," she looked past her father at Sean, "Its not that I'm ashamed of you or anything, I love you more than I can understand, it's just..." Sarah took a deep breath, she wasn't in control of her speech at the moment, she was spilling her guts for the last time, "I'm afraid of you."

Now Sean was the one who was very confused and he took a few steps closer to her, his now attentive ears pointed right at her.

Forcing a weak smile Sarah shook her head to herself, "That's not how I meant it. I mean I'm afraid that if I like you... love you and you go away I'll fall apart..." then quietly she added, "cause I would."

Both Sean and Mr. Atric got the gist to what she meant and were, needless to say, both surprised and not surprised at the same time. It made sense, and Sarah so obviously loved Sean in that way that it would be the logical thing to happen to her, but still Sarah was Sarah, the strong, sarcastic, somewhat arrogant rabbit who never admitted she was wrong or had lost.

Mr. Atric ticked and pat her ears, "Sarah, its okay to be scared and to admit it. No one will think less of you, you should know you've never done really anything that made anyone think less of you. Sure you've made mistakes," the older fox glanced at Sean, "but we all have. It happens. All you can do is get past them and try and be happy with what your doing."

"I know that now, I wish I'd known that sooner," Sarah commented.

"See don't do that, Sarah," Sean said from behind Mr. Atric, "don't worry about what you 'should've' done," he walked closer to her, now his bushy red tail whipping right behind Mr. Atric's head, "I love you Sarah, and it killed me when we broke up, but I don't wana think about that, cause that's in the past. What we do from now on is all I want to think about."

Sarah nodded softly and looked back at her father.

A few seconds of silence past. Sean and Mr. Atric were too used to Sarah voicing a counter argument but apparently she had really lowered her own attitudes.

"I don't wana fight anymore," Sarah whispered, she sounded very tired, but not in a defeated way, because behind her soft tone one could still identify a certain strength in her words, "I just wana be nice. I'm just not good at it."

Mr. Atric stood up and let Sean take his place.

Taking her paw Sean whispered, "You're the nicest fur I know, Sarah, and don't forget that, ever."

"I know, I mean I know I can be at times, but I don't want that to be the rarity, I want to be able to be nice most of the time," then looking into his eyes and squeezing his paw, "and I know you'll help me with that."

Sean nodded and lowered his face to nuzzle her. Seeing that things were fine, and that he should step out, Mr. Atric walked out of the room and reported what happened to his wife and the Reynolds.

Slowly, the rabbit started "waking up" and she was able to nuzzle Sean back, feeling infinitely better. Seeing that she was better to a degree, Sean physically sat her up, and sat down next to her. She immediately rested her body against his, resting her head on his shoulder, their soft pelts rubbing against each other in places.

For a good half hour they sat alone like that, until the tension was built up to high in the other room and Cathy walked slyly in, as if she were just strolling through the house. The vixen stopped and walked in small circles over to the sitting pair who didn't acknowledge her presence.

To curious for her own good, Cathy tilted her head and asked quietly, "Sooo... is she okay?"

Sarah was resting silently on Sean's shoulder and didn't make an effort to move, and Sean himself didn't even turn his head, he just nodded softly, barely visible by his mother.

"You two still need time?" she asked, sensing the calm of the two younger furs.

"Yes, mom."

"Yes, Mrs. Reynolds."

Both Sean and Sarah smiled softly at their own simultaneous answers. Cathy took the final hint and walked out, defeated. She'd pry one of them eventually of all the details.


It took a few hours, but Sarah eventually recuperated and they both got up and walked into the kitchen. There they found their parents sitting at the table, drinking coffee and talking quietly.

They all looked up to great the two younger furs, eyes full of concern and obvious questions on their minds.

Sarah took a step ahead of Sean, although continued holding one of his paws, and said in a confident voice, "I'm okay, I just had to figure something out."

"Are you better now?" Emily asked, quite worried about her daughter, not glad that she had practically gone into a coma in front of her.

The younger rabbit nodded, "I'm much better. I love you mom," she turned to her father, "I love you too, dad."

Now even more confused than before, Sean and Emily glanced at each other then back at their daughter.

"We love you too, honey," Emily replied.

Something was visibly different about Sarah. She hadn't lost that strong demeanor, she still spoke deliberately and spoke with a distinct sense of bravery, but it was missing something. No longer could someone hear a combative tone or more noticeably, she lacked that concealing undertone that bothered anyone who was around her for a prolonged amount of time.

Coughing slightly, Steve sat up and asked, "So... what's going on now that we've had this nice little scare?"

Sarah turned for half a second and smiled at Sean, "We're gona get married."

"Oh?" her father asked, although it wasn't to annoy her.

"I love him, and that's what we want to do," Sarah answered, not so much caring if her father doubted her, but because she wanted to say it.

Steeping up next to her, Sean place a paw on her shoulder and said, "We do need help though."

"With?" Emily asked.

"We... well I don't," Sean began, "I mean I don't think either of us know exactly know how to-"

"Get married," Sarah finished.

The two sets of parents laughed softly. None of them had what could be declared as a "planned" marriage. That wasn't to say that in either case it didn't mean as much as it could have, but in the Atric's case, they married each other, literally, on a battlefield, and in the case of the Reynolds, they were married roughly a day after being reunited, and granted it was an extravagant wedding, for them at least, they weren't exactly paying attention to the cake.

But given this, Cathy and Emily did both get excited. The thought of actually planning a wedding, having more time than a day or two, would mean they could do things in as an interesting way as they could imagine. In the fathers' case, they were looking at it in the same way, relief. They were both quite satisfied with the simple fact that things, in their mind, were going to be okay between their offspring, and that's as far as they'd let their thoughts on the subject go.

"So you'll help right?" Sarah asked.

"Of course, Sarah," Cathy answered.

The couple sighed in mild relief; they were actually worried they'd have to handle this by themselves, not that they couldn't, but they knew it would be considerably better with their parents help.

Two Day's Later, Fort Reynolds, Conakry, 1029 Military Time

"Alright sir, down the road and take a left, that's-"

"I know Sergeant," Sean interrupted, "I've been stationed here before."

"Yes sir," the dog replied and opened the gate for Sean to enter the base.

He'd been away, somewhat without a designated leave, for roughly half a month, and that wasn't exactly good military etiquette. In the passenger seat, Sarah sat quite calmly, having refused to let Sean go alone for any considerable amount of time.

A moment later Sean was parking their car in front of the base Commander's office. They both got out but Sean gestured for Sarah to stay in the car for the moment. She huffed but sat back down.

Inside it was a scene of a normal bustling Command building. Enlisted orderlies of all shapes and species running about with files, as well as various junior officers behind desks typing away.

Sean managed to get the attention of a lieutenant, a cat, who directed him to where the Commandant's office was. When he first saw the superior officer, Sean's freer spirit wanted to desperately laugh, but the fox controlled himself, barely.

Behind a desk that looked, comparatively, too small, sat a humongously overweight skunk, bent over a pile of papers, writing quickly. His rolls of black fur covered fat bulged from every angle under his dress uniform, and without his tail, legs and head, Sean would have easily mistaken him for a bean bag.

The fox, carefully, stepped in front of the skunk's desk and stood at a strict attention.

Looking up, the skunk sighed and finished writing his last sentence, looked back up and sat back in his chair. The poor chair screamed in agony as his weight shifted.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Captain Sean Reynolds reporting, sir," the fox replied, not breaking his stance.

The fat skunk shifted more in his chair, fumbled with some papers on his desk, finding the one he wanted, and leaded back into the screaming chair and read for a moment.

Looking up he began, "So, you've been gone for fifteen days. No leave, not even a request for family emergency pass," then taking further not to who he was talking to the skunk added, "Following in our father's footsteps are we?"

Sean permitted it for the moment and nodded, "Yes sir."

"Well luckily for you, your last," the General looked at the posting and frowned, "assignment, didn't seem to miss your presence up until a day or two ago, so you can return there as you want."

"Actually sir, I'd rather a transfer... anywhere else, sir," Sean replied.

"Anywhere?" the skunk pointed out, knowing what the red fox wanted.

Sean just stared at him, unable to speak.

"Don't worry Captain, we'll find a place for you here," the skunk groaned as he stretched out his paws, "report to uh..." he thought for a moment, "to uh, lieutenant Davis at the Ranger's barracks. They're in need of a new Company commander and your record," he looked it over again, "well I'm sure you'll do fine."

Sean considered the possibility, and knowing it was for the best, he started to nod but checked the motion, clicked his heals, and saluted the general.

"Dismissed, Captain," the skunk said and Sean walked out of his office.

A minute later he was getting his housing orders, a nice single story, single bedroom with kitchen home in the officer's sector of the base. Sean knew it was more than enough for him and Sarah. In fact his only worry as far as anything like that was concerned was what Sarah would do and how she'd get there.

When he got in the car Sarah sat there, noticeably eager to hear what was going on.

"Well?" she asked quickly.

Sean nodded, "I'm stationed here and," he pulled out the housing slip, "we got a place."

The cream rabbit smiled happily and hugged Sean. She had hopped into the driver's seat and, attesting to something she had apparently inherited from her mother, when she drove Sean to the Ranger's barracks, she did so at a speed fast enough to make him nervous.

She parked them outside the barracks and Sean hopped out, giving Sarah a queer look at her driving "skills." The rabbit raised an eyebrow and shrugged innocently.

Inside the fox found, just as he expected, he saw a fennec fox, about his same build, was checking over some papers.

"Davis?" Sean asked and the fennec spun around in surprise.

At first he stared at Sean with confused eyes, but then smiled and came over to Sean, shaking his paw.

"I haven't heard from you since... damn, years," Davis said.

Sean nodded, "Yeah... I had some problems but," Sean smiled happily to himself, "but their solved now."

"Oh? What were they?" he asked.

Grinning in that same devious way he did when he was about to win a match, Sean nodded to the door, "Well let me show you."

Now Davis was more confused, but followed Sean out of the barracks. He noticed when the sunlight his Sean's uniform that he was a Captain now, and the fennec felt a little embarrassed, being one upped one more time.

Outside a normal car sat, and in the driver's seat sat a cream brown rabbit who Sean coaxed out of the car. She was about Sean's height with her ears, and she was very attractive. Medium build with a nice sized rump and bust, Davis caught on fast, sort of.

"Sarah, this is Chris Davis, he was my best friend at the academy," Sean introduced, then he turned to the fennec and said, "This is Sarah."

The rabbit stared at her fiancé, surprised by the short introduction of herself, but Sean winked.

Davis, seeing the full picture, let out a low, "Ohhh so this is her uh?"

Then Sarah really got it, and felt flattered. Sean must have talked about her even during their breakup period.

"We're gona get married soon," Sean added.

The fennec looked at the rabbit, then smiled and looked at his friend, "See I told you."

Sarah, not even knowing the joke, still laughed and leaned on Sean's arm.

"So what brings you to my part of the Federation?" Davis asked.

"Well..." then Sean realized that the fennec was going to love this, "It sounds like you've gotten a Company Commander."

Davis huffed, "Well you picked the right unit. We haven't done shit in like, two years. Peace does have its downsides."

"Believe me, I'll be glad with the boredom," Sean replied and unknowingly gave Sarah a soft squeeze, "I just wana be closer to... anyone for a change."

"Well good to have ya here Sean..." then a little annoyed he corrected, "Sir... Captain."

Sean chuckled and wagged a paw at him. A moment later he and Sarah were driving off to their house, this time Sean drove so that they wouldn't get in trouble their first day.

When they stopped outside their new home, their first home away from their parents, they just stared at it for a moment. It really was simple, but it was perfect. More than big enough for them to start life together.

Sean got out of the car, followed closely by Sarah. They walked inside and fanned out, looking around the place. It was perfect for a couple, it really was, and they both were visibly excited.

Sarah laid down on the single couch in the small den and waited for Sean to be satisfied with his tour. When he was he sat down with her head in his lap.

"It's perfect," he said.

"I know," then sitting up and holding both his paws the rabbit whispered, "Now we should get married."

Sean stared at her for a moment, trying to read her face to see what she meant, but he couldn't tell.

"What right now?" he asked, a little shocked if that was what she meant.

Giggling softly, "No, I mean now we should, we can. You know what I mean right?"

Sighing happily Sean took her in his arms, "Yeah, I can't wait."

A few minutes past and Sean spoke up again, in a slightly drowsy voice, "So I gota know, what are you gona do all day?"

"Work," Sarah replied.

"Well where? I mean it's not a good idea if you be a Federal Army doctor," Sean explained, "They may let it pass between you and me when we're married but it's a bad idea."

The rabbit thought for a moment and nodded into his chest, "Yeah I guess... but then it's Conakry, Sean there's plenty of hospitals in need of a good doctor."

Hearing that Sean chuckled softly, "Alright. I just don't want you bored all day."

Sarah giggled back but didn't reply. Instead she just snuggled into her lover's body, feeling a new sense in pride in finally really being alone with him in their home.

Chapter 3 Blend

Home of Tom and Doreen Coats, Corbanta, 1:12 Local Time

"Honey?" a tall, sleek vixen called out, "There's someone on the phone for you."

A somewhat underweight orange fur got off the couch and walked into the kitchen, taking the phone from his wife.

In a quiet voice he asked, "Who is it?"

"They didn't say," the vixen replied and stood by as her husband put the receiver to his head.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Tom?" the voice on the other side of the line asked back.

The fox didn't recognize the voice and replied, "Yes, who is this?"

There was a slight pause on the line, then the voice said, "It's Sean."

Immediately Tom was interested and said, "Sean?!"

"Yeah, Sean," the fox on the line said humor sly, "You know, your best friend, we haven't talked in years."

"Yeah... yeah," Tom sat down and nodded to his wife that it was okay, "God it has been years," then the fox remembered the instance of their last time together, "So... you been okay."

There was another pause on the line followed by Sean's voice, which was still happy, "Yes. Do you think you could come see u- me in like... two, three days?"

"Uhh... hold on," Tom put his paw over the receiver and turned to Doreen who was listening quite intently, "It's Sean Reynolds."

She remembered the old fox she had pinned for as a teenager, and asked what he said.

A bit surprised Tom replied, "He wants me to come see him in a few days."

"Where?" she asked.

"I'll ask," and he uncovered the phone, "Where's this supposed to happen?"

Sean said something that Tom couldn't make out, something to someone not on the phone, then into the receiver he replied, "On Conakry. I can send a transport if you want."

Listening close enough, the vixen heard it to and shrugged, "Yeah why not?"

"Ohh...kay, Sean, I guess we'll be there in a few days," Tom said into the phone.

"Great... wait 'we?'" Sean asked.

Tom chuckled, "Yes, me and Doreen will be there in a few days."

"Ahh, alright, I look forward to it."

The fox heard Sean hang up his end and Tom did the same. Turning he saw an amused look on his wife's face and all Tom could do was smile innocently back.

"We'll if nothing else it'll be interesting, uh?" he reasoned.

Two Day's Later, Landing Pad at Fort Reynolds, Conakry, 2000 PM Local Time

Sean stood at attention as he heard the hiss of the transport landing, and over the intercom he heard, "Transport D-4, landing and disembarking in two minutes."

Hearing that, the fox walked down to the landing bay and stood off to the side and watched the various furs depart. Most of them were in military uniforms, officers and enlisted alike, but at the end, escorted by two short dogs in uniform, stepped off two foxes, one male the other female.

Tom spotted Sean right away, but didn't recognize him. He knew that it was Sean, but he didn't look how Tom thought he would. He and Doreen walked over to where Sean was standing and just stared at each other for a few seconds.

A bit uncomfortable, as Sean wasn't as surprised of Tom's appearance and demeanor, he said, "It's been too long, Tom," and he held out his paw.

Tom shook it and, feeling more comfortable, replied, "Yeah, it has been," then recognizing the rank, added, "Captain Reynolds," he chuckled, "So the family tradition continues, huh?"

The other fox nodded, "Yep," then in a slightly vague way added, "couple of other ones too."

That got Tom's attention. Actually the whole situation was peeking his interest. This wasn't the fox he was expecting to see at all. Remembering that the last time they'd seen each other Sean had freshly broken up with Sarah, and that Tom thought he still was, the fox figured that Sean would still be depressed, probably out of the military; basically everything that Sean hadn't aspired to be.

Taking a chance Tom asked, "Your back with Sarah, aren't you?"

Sean grinned widely, "How'd you know?"

"I don't know, your... your not what I expect is all. Your happy again, the same way you were with her," Tom replied, then looking around he added, "So where is she?"

"Back at our house," then he made a gesture with his paw for them to follow.

Tom didn't move though and stopped him from turning his back.

"Hold on," he said and gestured to the respectfully silent vixen next to him, "You know Doreen I know, but I've wanted to tell you for awhile that we got married."

Stopping and thinking back for a moment, Sean bowed his head slightly and said, "Congratulations," then remembering more added, "What did ever happen with Austin?"

Doreen frowned and nudged her husband softly. Due to that Tom just shook his head but dipped an ear, something only really his lifelong friend could identify. He'd tell him later.

Now following Sean, they got into his car and drove to the housing sector of the base. Tom was surprised yet again that Sean had a house, and was starting to feel all around better of the situation. For a long time he had felt guilty over Sean and Sarah. He'd had years to go over things, and, being that he had been there, if not the catalyst for, every major event in Sean and Sarah's life as far as their relationship was considered, the fact they broke up did bother him. He didn't so much think of himself as responsible for that, he couldn't, he didn't know the details of what had happened, but in a passing thought he had come to the conclusion, years ago, that if he hadn't ever suggested that Sean and Sarah become more than just friends that they'd have grown up "better" and at least still be friends.

The house in question was small, one floor, white walls and a brown-shingled roof, with a door at its center, basically identical to the rows of officer's quarters down the road.

Tom helped his wife out of the car and followed Sean up to the stoop. Sean just opened to door, it was unlocked. Sean gestured for them to go on in ahead and they stepped right into what was a small, but comfortable, living room.

Draped on the couch they found Sarah half asleep.

"Son of a bitch..." Tom whispered, shaking his head.

Rather surprised, both Sean and Doreen turned, giving him an astonished look.

Chuckling nervously, Tom said, "Wrong way of wording that I guess. I just-"

The rabbit yawned loudly, squinted her eyes to adjust to the new faces, then stared at them for a moment, looking at all three faces. She was quite surprised that three very different looking foxes were staring at her, and only one, her Sean, was registering in her mind.

"Who are you... oh boy," she whispered as the memories flowed back into her mind, and she stood up on rubber legs, looking at her old friend, "Well this is interesting."

Tom chuckled and took a cautious step towards the rabbit, "I can't believe..." he was feeling so relieved, finding Sarah and Sean back together.

The fox looked back at Sean who was smiling softly, also feeling better to have part of his family back.

"And you're... your going to..." Tom couldn't finish his statement.

Sarah spoke right away behind him, saying, "Soon, we'll be married soon."

Seeing a chair nearby Tom sat down followed by the other furs in the room.

"In fact we actually were going to do it in about a week," Sean added, happiness more than apparent in his voice.

Doreen had been pretty silent all through this. She didn't really know Sean, she knew practically nothing about Sarah, and wasn't aware of most of the details of her husband's relationship with either of them, but she did know Tom very well, and could tell he was really effected by this. Being that she was sitting next to him, she used her bushy tail for one of their private, subtitle gestures, a small sloop behind and around his arm.

Tom picked up on it and chanced a glance at his wife, who said in a full voice, "You look happier."

It was a bold face lie, only Tom knew it, as he was supposed to, but it did lighten the mood, which was all it was for.

"I uh... we, need some help though," Sean began, "with the wedding."

Tom put up his paw, his mind waking entirely to the reality that maybe he had his friends back, "I wouldn't miss it for the world and we'll help you with whatever you need."

Sean and Sarah smiled, sighed in relief, and both leaned into the couch they shared.

For the next two hours they made small talk, catching up on each one's history, what they'd done and seen, not a one of them realizing that they'd all skipped dinner. Finally, at around a quarter past midnight, Doreen yawned loudly and blatantly started nodding off on her husband's shoulder.

Chuckling, Tom wrapped a paw around her shoulders and asked, "You wouldn't know someplace we could stay, do you?"

"Here, if you want," Sean replied, "or if you want I could run you over to a hotel right off base."

"Do you mind?" Tom asked.

"Driving you?" Sean began to get up, "No, let me just-"

Tom put his paw up and suppressed a louder laugh, "No I mean do you mind if we stay here?"

"Of course not," Sarah said, rather surprised, "It's just the guest bed... well you're sitting on it."

Realizing what she meant, Tom shrugged, as did Doreen. A pullout would be fine considering. All Tom was concerned with was seeing to it that his friends were really okay.

Consoler's Estate, Conakry, 11:01 AM Local Time

It had taken years, twenty-five as far as their parents were concerned, but today it was finally happening. The guests were seated, the military official was present, Sean was at the alter with Tom beside him, and Sarah waiting in the rear for her cue.

Although Sean suspected it, Steve hadn't done anything to get the wedding in the Consoler's estate, an unheard of thing for the most part. Sean and Sarah's luck could be attributed only to hearsay, as through various channels, the current Consoler, a cat named James Doyle, had the fact that the great hero of the Federation Steve Reynolds son Sean was being married to none other than the daughter of another hero of the Federation, Sean Atric. Hearing this he offered up the estate for their use for the wedding, which, after some convincing that it wasn't a joke; Sean and Sarah accepted the offer with immense pleasure and gratitude.

The wedding march sounded and Sarah, escorted by her father, walked down the aisle to where Sean was standing eagerly.

Sarah did look beautiful. It had taken a lot to get her a dress, not so much in finding one but rather getting her into the extravagant garment. She had felt silly wearing it at first, thinking it was to over the top, but when Sean saw her in it, and was left speechless, Sarah lost all doubt in the sentimental value of the dress. Hers was low cut, something she usually wasn't comfortable in, and not what most people would consider overly flamboyant, as the dress was, by most standards, a rather tight wedding dress. Sarah's figure was more than noticeable in the dress; aside from the fact her soft breasts were pressed up high.

Breathlessly and nervously, Sarah made her way up the aisle, the only things keeping her standing was her father's paw on hers and the greeting and loving smile on Sean's muzzle.

Her father let go of her, although it did take a noticeable moment, standing her at the alter, and he sat down. The minister, a General, said his opening words, but Sarah couldn't pay attention. She kept glancing at Sean out the corner of her eye. He looked handsome in his military dress uniform. She'd never seen him in it and it really suited him.

When it came time for their vows, Sean said his beautifully, speaking mainly of his joy that they were to be together now, and that he could spend his whole life with her. Unfortunately for Sarah, when it came to her turn to make vows, she drew a blank and completely forgot her prepared ones.

An uncomfortable silence went by with Sarah standing at the alter, and while even the minister started to wonder what was wrong, Sean could read every emotion on the rabbit's face and knew that she was thinking hard.

Closing her eyes for a second she took a deep breath, opened them again, and locked eyes with Sean.

In a full voice she began, "What can I say? I love you Sean, I always have, I don't need to tell you that, you know that. What I can tell you is I'm going to be with you forever. We're going to never be apart from each other," then she smiled with her devious grin, "Your mine now, Sean," then a bit more sweetly she added, "and I'm yours. That's all I want, and I know that's all that matters. I always think about where I'm gona be, or what I'm gona be doing, but I don't care about that anymore, because I know wherever I am, you'll be at my side. I'm proud to say that you're my husband, and I'm proud to say I'm your wife, and I always will be," then quietly so that only those on the alter could hear, "I always have been, you know that."

The General, seeing that Sarah had concluded her vows, presented the couple as husband and wife for the first time, and Sean and Sarah shared a kiss, possibly a bit to passionate for a wedding kiss, but no one frowned on them for it. There wasn't a thing that concerned them at the moment, which was just how the new couple wanted it.

Chapter 4 Delivery

Senate Hotel, Capital City, Conakry, 12:41 AM Local Time

It was too goofy for words but Sean hadn't been able to resist it. He carried the petite rabbit across the threshold of the hotel room's door. Sarah shook her head as he did, laughing at her new husband's fun.

When he placed her down at the edge of the bed and kneeled down in front of her, holding her soft rabbit paws in his and pressing them against his orange muzzle.

"I love you Sarah Reynolds," he whispered with a grin, loving the sound of that.

The rabbit smiled widely, loving the sound just as much, and replied to meet his own profession, "I love you Sean Reynolds."

Sharing a moment of loving bliss, they stared at each other until Sarah leaned in and their lips met, kissing for the second time as husband and wife. As they kissed the fox's tail wisped around happily and excitedly, denoting of what was on Sean's mind.

After a few seconds Sean stood up, his lips and mouth still attached to hers, and laid her down on the bed. Their lips parted and Sarah remained still as Sean's continued kissing down her snout, neck, and to her exposed furry shoulders.

Carefully he started removing, slowly and carefully, each shoulder of the white dress. Seeing where this was going Sarah got herself up and put her back to Sean, showing him the clasp to start removing the wedding dress.

It took a little while, but soon Sean managed to remove the corset portion of the dress, revealing an equally snow white, tight bra underneath.

Sarah giggled nervously and pushed off the bottom of the dress, revealing her silk, thin panties, barely hiding the outline of her slowly moistening pussy lips. They looked unbelievable to Sean, perfect for Sarah's figure and the pure white color of the panties against Sarah's creamy brown fur sent shivers down the fox's back.

All Sean could do was smile, and he laid her back down on the bed, kissing her neck softly and slowly working his way down to her shoulders. Even with all that time spent together over the past few weeks, Sarah felt even softer than before, and more importantly Sean wanted to make love to her. They hadn't really done that yet. Sure they'd had sex, but they still hadn't really consummated the regaining each other's love, and if there ever was a time to do that, this was it.

Still kissing her shoulders, the fox unclasped her bra and let if fall to the sides of the rabbit's body. Slowly he gripped one of her soft tits, rotating it in his paw as he moved his face back to hers, kissing her very passionately. He wrapped his tongue around hers, feeling the warmth of her whole body near his.

Sarah's heart skipped a beat from the feeling. He was so gentle and it was driving her mad, her whole body was relaxing and tightening up all at once, from his kissing, from his touching, and most importantly, from his love.

They barely parted lips and Sarah let out a soft moan, smiling contently and meekly licking Sean's lips.

Then Sean scooted the rest of the rabbit's body onto the bed, removing her panties as well. He kneeled on the soft comforter by her side and, skillfully, played with the soft fur between her two ears.

Sarah couldn't help but giggle but feel silent as he used only one finger. He dragged it down the top of her head, along her snout, down her neck, effectively cutting the rabbit in two. As it passed between her two tits Sarah felt a shiver pulse through her body and felt an unbearable tickling sensation inside her pussy.

Along her belly he continued, softly and slowly, sending further shivers up her back. Sean let his paw pause momentarily at the super soft fur right above her clit, then he dragged it right along, between her outer lips of her pussy.

Sarah moaned loudly, the tickling feeling was driving her libido insane.

Careful to not actually penetrate her, Sean continued rubbing between her soft velvet folds. Ever pass he made up and down his paw got a little wetter as her pussy sweat its sweet juices.

It was too much for her, she had to have more and Sarah bucked her hips against his paw, trying to force him in even just a little, but Sean wouldn't let her. He just moved his paw with her, making sure to continue softly rubbing between her folds but going no deeper than before.

Sarah groaned in aggravation. She knew he was doing this on purpose; he'd done foreplay before, but never like this, and it never got to her like this either.

Not missing a beat, Sean moved on the bed so that he was lying perpendicular to her body. Sarah barely noticed, her mind was too preoccupied with the tortures tickling sensation that was tantalizing her.

Her mind was white hot, she was terribly horny from this, and the rabbit almost jumped out of fur the moment she felt Sean's long, skillful tongue probe inside her.

"Ohhhhh Goddddd Sean!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

For a moment he paused and looked up from her steaming slit, grinned at his wife's pleasure, and returned to exploring her the depths of her pussy with his whole mouth. He thrusted his tongue as deep as he could, feeling the muscles of her cunt convulse and surge around the intruder, trying to capture it and draw it even deeper inside her.

Sarah managed a single clear thought, even her mind was stretched, that Sean's actions were tortures, and she'd get her turn on him soon enough.

The rabbit cut off her own thoughts with a now tensed moan. She was close, terribly close, and would have been shoved over the orgasmic cliff if Sean didn't pause every other minute just to cause her to hold. In reality, he was doing it for a number of reasons, although in Sarah's begging mind she couldn't imagine all of them, but he was really doing it because he knew it would heighten her orgasm when she had it, and he wanted this moment to last as long as he could.

The tickling inside her was at its worst point, and Sarah could stand it no more, and she forcefully pressed her crotch into Sean's face, trying to grind out an orgasm by any means.

Sean pulled his head off and looked up across her body at her eyes. Staring back, Sarah's eyes were so full of pleading and want that Sean couldn't help but smile.

"Does it feel good?" Sean asked, not loosing his smile.

Breathlessly, Sarah nodded, and she managed to squeak out, "Please Sean... let me cum..."

At that the fox grinned. Sarah watched as he lowered his muzzle back down to her now completely soaked pussy. She pinned back her ears, awaiting the coming few moments and was immediately brought back to that same level of tension as Sean carefully ate the rabbit out.

She passed over the hill that had been holding back her orgasm and immediately began breathing hard, pulsing her hips and gripping the bedspread tightly in her paws.

Sean managed to seal his maw around her hole, licking and sucking as he felt her body squirm on the bed.

Then, the tension finally beginning to be released, Sarah took a deep breath and moaned in her breaths. Faster and faster she moaned until it was one continues sound and Sean felt her pussy "bite" down on his tongue, and he began tasting her sweat cum on his tongue.

"Fuck! Oh God Sean... it's to much!!!" Sarah screamed, her head rolling back and forth involuntarily on the bed in her orgasmic throws.

She came hard, Sean could tell by just how tightly her pussy constricted around his tongue, and the amount of her feminine liquids flowed from her body. An amazing musk came from her cunny, and equally one from Sean's body. It drew them together, pheromones running through their minds, heightening the experience all the more.

As her cum died down, sort of, it left her effectively paralyzed, her whole body, especially her pussy, was stiffened up. Sean just managed to free his maw from her velvet folds, and crawled his way so that his face was right above hers.

Sarah, weakly now, licked his panting mouth, tasting herself on his lips and tongue. Sarah hadn't ever realized how sweet her own pussy was, never masturbating and never taking the chance to taste Sean's lips right after a cunniling.

Managing to bring her paw to the back of his head, Sarah pet his ears softly, the red patch of fur right between his ears, then pressed his mouth to hers, they locked lips, Sarah licking the inside of his mouth, lapping up the remainder of her own juices.

Sean kissed her so passionately that, already being out of breath, Sarah had no choice but to pull back to take a breather. Carefully Sean positioned himself lengthwise against Sarah's soft furry body and cradled her in his paws. Her soft tits brushed against his furry chest, pressing them together and making his stone hard cock twitch against her leg.

Interestingly enough, as tired as she was from just the cunniling, Sarah was still terribly hot. She grinned her soaked crotch against his leg, feeling the warmth of his body against hers.

"I... you're my husband, Sean..." Sarah whispered happily, "I love you so much."

Sean felt so good hearing that. He gripped her softly and nuzzled her whole body with his. Her smell and her fur just made him want to burry his body in her fur, and Sean looked into her eyes longingly.

Trying to rile him up more, yet wanting to stay as loving as possible, Sarah nuzzled the underside of his muzzle and neck.

It didn't take long for Sean to get the idea and, looking down at his new wife, he whispered, "I want to really make love to you."

Sarah tilted her head at the odd statement, "That...s a weird way to say it."

"I know, it's just felt right to say," Sean continued, "I love you, and your really my wife now."

"Yes I am," Sarah whispered back happily, "and you're my husband."

Smiling quite happily, he replied, "and it's just little us now."

She giggled softly and repeated his statement, "Just little us..."

Something about those words, "little us," just made them both feel seriously together.

Sean repeated himself too, saying, "Always just little us," then kissing her lips softly he added, "We'll always be together cause of it."

Pressing her head into his neck Sarah smiled and closed her eyes. She wasn't loosing her hotness by any means, but the closeness she felt at the moment was killing her, but in a good way.

For a moment she just rocked her hips against his, then, without resistance from the fox, rolled him onto his back, laying her whole furry body on top of her. She could feel his still rigid sex piece squeezed between their furry pelts, the warmth from it and the still soaking pussy begging to meet it was sending that same tickling sensation into her body and Sarah moaned in as an inviting way as she could.

Without another need for suggestion, Sean reached down, cupping Sarah's pussy in his paw for a moment, getting his paw nice a moist with her drippings. He lubed up his cock a little. He pressed its head against her pussy lips much the same way he'd done with his paw, further tantalizing the rabbit.

Needing it inside her, Sarah forced herself back, managing to slip his cockhead and some of his shaft inside her. The buildup from before amplified the feeling tenfold and, rather electrified, Sarah sat up straight, staring at the ceiling, completely breathless. Her ears were pinned back and her tail stood straight out at an angle to her body.

Her paws were gripping Sean's chest rather hardly but he barely noticed, he was to glad with the look of uninhibited pleasure seen in the rabbit's gapping maw.

Closing her eyes and gaining some composure, Sarah made the forceful effort to push his cock even deeper inside herself, soon feeling full.

Sean looked at the rabbit seated on his body and, carefully, he sat up and clutched her to his chest. Her paws rested on his shoulders and her face quivered in an almost overdoes of pleasure. Behind him, Sean's red bushy tail was curled in a half circle, remaining still as did the rest of his body.

"Oh God... Sean please fuck me..." Sarah whispered into his firm shoulders.

Not wanting to disappoint her, Sean wrapped his paws around her lower back and slowly thrusted in. He felt her tits bounce against his chest and immediately the rabbit let out tense, breathless, and interestingly, high pitched, moans.

"Oh... ohhhh..." she moaned rather helplessly as Sean sheathed and resheathed himself into her depths.

Her pussy was so warm, so tight, that even Sean moaned a little. It tried to suck him deeper, and cradled and massaged his cock; Sean felt an unbelievable welcoming pleasure from his new wife's cunny.

Hearing him moan made Sarah love it all the more, and she managed to hump him back, pushing her hips in. Due to the placement of his paws, Sean was able to pet and touch her rear, especially her tail, which actually twitched and almost wagged in glee at making love.

Sarah lost the ability to hold her own head up and it rolled back on her shoulders, the rabbit moaning weakly all the while. Sean shifted one of his paws up her back and held her head to his shoulder.

Her strong hind legs were lying around his waist and behind him, but soon Sean rubbed his cockhead, deep inside her, on her special spot, and she almost choked him with how hard she squeezed his torso.

"Oooohhhhhh!!" she groaned but continued humping into his cock, the feeling was stupendous.

Aside from her pussy, her entire body quivered and convulsed and Sean humped her harder, brining her up and down on his lap. He wanted her to cum; he wanted her to cum hard and spray her juices all over his lap.

Unable to stop herself, Sarah screamed, "Yes! Yes! Yesssss!!!" and she felt her pussy stop convulsing and it clamped down onto Sean's cock, jerking him off, sucking and begging for his own cum to fill her awaiting hot womb.

She clenched her teeth and put her head into his shoulder, moaning in such a high pitch that Sean could barely hear it. The rabbit couldn't breath, her orgasm was to powerful, and she could feel a light-headedness taking over.

Sean couldn't believe how hard she'd cum. She was physically immobile now and her whole weight went into his body. Carefully he laid her down on her side, laying face to face and stroking her body and face softly as she twitched in her aftershocks.

After that cum, Sarah was so out of breath that she actually half breathed, actually scaring Sean a little.

"You okay?" he asked and brushed her cheek softly.

Closing her eyes and taking a forcefully deep breath, Sarah replied, "That was... I've never cummed like this before, Sean," then with a smile she added in a content voice, "it's cause you're finally my husband. Ohhh I love you Sean."

"And I love you Sarah, my sweet little rabbit," then in a sensual tone Sean added, "With a sweet little pussy."

Regaining most of her composure, and her horny side, Sarah winked and whispered, "It's your turn now."

"Your pussy feels great Sarah, it's been my turn all al-"

Sarah stopped him with a paw to the lips and rolled him on his back once again. Taking position on top of him again, this time her face against his, Sarah kissed his snout, down his neck, much the same way he'd done before. And in kissing all the way down his chest, right to the area above his pelvis, Sean finally caught onto what she was going to do and readied himself mentally for the feeling.

Just as Sarah had felt, Sean was rather surprised by the sudden warmth of Sarah's mouth as it enveloped his cock. She took as much of his seven inch length down her throat, quickly jerking off the rest of his pink member as she sucked and cradled his shaft and head with her tongue.

Sean breathed hard, the warmth from her mouth and the feeling of his cock slide effortlessly down her throat drove him just as wild as Sarah had been. Interestingly enough, giving Sean a blowjob was actually still stimulation her, and Sarah, doing something she actually never did, for any reason, reach down and began toying with herself. Even now, she still hadn't ever really played with herself, it never felt right, but right now it felt wrong to not to.

She took his full length, barely, and played with her clit at the same time, moaning on his cock. The vibrations made Sean twist his head in pleasured agony. Wanting to evict even more pleasure from him, Sarah stuck her tongue out under his cock, licking its base, soaking up and matting to fur on her face and his groin.

Moving her head side to side she moaned on his cock again, then slowly let it drag out her mouth. Streams of spit and precum trailed from her mouth, as her mouth remained agape hovering over his cock.

"I want your cum Sean," she whispered.

She jerked him off for a few seconds and gave the tip a soft lick. His body twitched at the feeling so Sarah did it twice more, then shoved his cock back into her mouth and continued bobbing her head up and down.

Her own pussy was reacting just as much to the blowjob as Sean's cock was. Both shuddered in anticipation of a good hard cum.

Carefully, not wanting to scare her, Sean rested his paws on Sarah's face, guiding her along his length. She grinned with his cock still in her mouth and gave the tip a soft lick, sending another shock wave into Sean's now weakening form.

Then, no longer able to control himself, Sean released the sides of Sarah's head and whispered, "Oh God Sarah I'm gona cum!"

Sarah moaned and let his cock flop out of her mouth, "I want to taste you. I've never done that and I want to."

Preparing himself, Sean tried to relax the muscles in the lower half of his body. For years he'd wanted to do that, but Sarah had always made it clear that she wasn't able to bring herself to let him cum in her mouth, but apparently she was okay now. Quite frankly she seemed to be enjoying this much more than she'd ever enjoyed sex before, which made Sean all the more happy and he enjoyed it all the more too.

Now licking his cock much more sensually, Sarah took it sideways along her mouth, dragging her soft tongue along his cock, lick along its whole length from base to tip. She knew he would taste good, and she desperately wanted it. If she could have her way, she'd fuck him all day and night until every orifice of her body was filled to the brim with his cum. Ass, mouth, and especially pussy drooled at the thought.

"I'm... I'm..." Sean repeated quickly and his hips managed a weak buck down Sarah's throat but she pulled her mouth back far enough so that the head of his cock rested firmly on her tongue.

The first gush of the hot semen that spurted from Sean's cock caught the rabbit off guard, it didn't taste the way she was sure it would have and it was much more forceful than she imagined either, yet soon she found herself enjoying it, and she put her tongue right over the tip of his member and let his cum fill in the space around.

She let it build up entirely, until his cock was literally dry heaving to release, before she let it fall from her mouth, yet she kept his cum inside her mouth, playing with it and tasting it.

Sean looked up and could tell. At first he was very surprised, then, as she swallowed it happily, he felt a sense of humbling. There was something amazingly submissive about Sarah being willing to take his cum in such a personal way.

Licking her lips and swallowing hard Sarah smiled weekly at Sean, mildly embarrassed by her own interest in doing this, tried hard to wipe as much of his leftover cum off her face so that she could kiss him again.

Seeing what she was doing, and know it wasn't that bad, Sean moved his face to her and kissed her, not tasting anything out of the ordinary.

"I love you so much Sarah," he whispered as they kissed.

He went to lay down with her but Sarah shook her head, "Oh we're not done yet."

The fox raised an eyebrow, but stared intently as Sarah brought herself back down to his now softening rod. His knot hadn't quite formed when he'd came, but Sarah still wanted to tie, she wanted to feel the same cum that had filled her mouth fill her twat.

Starting slowly, she ran a finger up and down the length of his cock, down the base of his balls, even feeling down his sheath. She did it smoothly and slowly and, much to Sean's amazement, his cock hardened again and mentality he became horny again.

It took no more than five minutes of this before Sean was just as horny as before.

Now sure that he was ready again, Sarah got up and crawled away from Sean to the top of the bed. She got down on all fours, presenting the most inviting view of her slightly open pussy and ass that anyone could imagine. She gave a slight twist of the hips and less than a second later Sean was upon her.

"Mate with me Sean," she directed and twisted her head back to give him a kiss.

Sean hesitated though. Not to kiss her, but because of what she said. "Mate with me," she'd never put sex in those terms before. Something was going on with her, not bad but something.

She reached back and pulled her velvety pink lips apart and the aroma of her sex filled Sean's nostrils. He got it right away and grinned so widely that even Sarah, in her state, stopped to ask what was so funny.

"Your... your..." Sean was to intrigued to finish his own sentence, then he shook his head and asked, "Are you sweating at all Sarah?"

The question hit her like a wall and she rolled onto her rump and answered, "Yeah... a little, I mean that's okay right?"

"Yes but... are you feeling hot," Sean asked and his new wife nodded so he added, "hot like your... in heat?"

Biting her lip Sarah made a confused and embarrassed grin. She'd never been in heat before. Maybe it was because she was always so strong, or that maybe she was a tomboy, but this was the first time she had gone into a distinct and definite estrus cycle.

It raised another question that Sean wouldn't worry about at the moment, he couldn't really, but he knew Sarah was very embarrassed by this, she didn't like relinquishing control of herself to anything, even to another part of her brain. That really wasn't what was going on, but Sean was sure that's how she felt.

Crawling over to her Sean held her paw in his.

"Just cause your body wants sex, Sarah, doesn't mean you don't either," he said, it was blunt and true, and it was exactly what she needed to hear.

The rabbit grinned, gave Sean's lips a quick kiss, then, holding one of his paws, repositioned herself on all fours.

Sean held onto her paw but didn't mount her from behind. Instead he twisted her paw softly, nudging her to fall on her back. Apparently Sean had his own ideas for positioning and, in taking her hind legs on his shoulders, mounted her from atop.

Softly he pushed his still slippery cock inside her body, the rabbit gripping onto the bed sheets in the same stressful way as before. Sean held the ends of her feet in his paws and continued thrusting in and out, somewhat faster than before. Her plump tits rolled and rotated themselves on her chest, begging to be sucked but Sean was too preoccupied with the wonderful slipperiness and warmth of her velvet passage.

Sarah's head rolled back and forth in pleasure, whispering to herself, "It's too much... oh God it feels good but it's too much."

Sean did hear her but he knew Sarah well enough that she was fine, she was just very physically sensitive in that respect.

"I want you on top of me," the rabbit said, and opened her legs so that Sean could lie atop her.

Most of all, they both did enjoy this. They both loved feeling the other's body, Sarah's breasts against Sean's chest, and Sean's pelt against hers. As soon as he started humping her again, the friction of their coats started making them both hotter than before. Both could smell the sweet aroma perspiring from the other's body as they sweat.

Lovingly, Sean nuzzled the side of the rabbit's face as he pressed in an out of her pussy. Her juices covered both their legs, matting the fur. Sean rubbed his paws down her back as she groaned terribly from the feeling of his cock inside her.

Since they'd been having sex now for enough time, Sarah's pussy was as awake as it ever could be, and she was having small orgasms with thrust of Sean's hips, driving his cock into her. They weren't big, but they were pleasurable enough that Sarah moaned and groaned the entire time uncontrollably.

Sarah wrapped her hind legs around his body, giving him further access to her slit.

"Oh God Sarah! You feel so good!" Sean groaned and kissed her lips softly

She couldn't reply, the feeling of his hard cock sliding in and out of her was more than taking her breath away.

Her pussy felt so good for the fox. It was so smooth, except her specially spot which was a tad more spongy feeling, and he made a point to press on it as much as he could, trying to make the shaking rabbit all the more pleasured. It was just to smooth and warm for Sean. Her juices formed a layer around his cock as her muscles grabbed and gripped at him.

Sarah's mouth was agape with moans and Sean was painting widely. Both their ears pinned back, Sarah's long cream brown ones beneath her head, and Sean's short red black ones to the sides of his own.

Then, her moans reaching a high climaxing point, Sarah went in a begging manner, "Yes! Yes! Oh God Sean yes! Fuck me! Fucking cum in me!"

Sean was close too; his thrusts became more fluid and forceful. His cock ached as the tip quivered and he could feel the tip open a little as his own hot juices started flowing from his body.

Sarah's womb opened willingly; in fact it actually "breathed" in, the result from her full orgasm. It tried to suck every ounce of Sean's essence into her, which his cock was more than willing to do.

"Ohhhhhhhhh!!!" Sarah screamed at the top of her lungs, latching onto Sean's body and wrapping her arms and legs around him.

Sean could feel his whole cock being sucked into her and he locked hips with his new wife. He groaned let his head fall to the sides of hers.

For Sarah her orgasm actually grew, just as Sean's knot did, tying the pair together. It swelled in just the right spot to make removal impossible, and to press inside her in a way that Sarah was sure she'd faint from the overwhelming ecstasy. .

Their linked orgasm could have lasted for hours, or mere seconds, or a happy medium of the two; neither carried or could physically notice. The feeling of involuntary muscles shuddering inside their sexes was to demanding of their whole persons, except one part, a deeper part of both of them. Something inside both of them, it was love, just dwarfed the actually physical sensation of the orgasm, and linked their minds together.

In reality, their orgasms did take awhile, about two minutes each of convulsing, and when it did end it took them so long to regain something remotely close to a normal breathing rate to be able to say anything.

Sean spoke first and, in petting the side of his love's face, whispered, "We really are going to hold each other forever."

Placing a paw between them, onto her breast above her heart, which was beating so hard and fast they could both feel it's pulses, the rabbit whispered back, "We're never going to be away, we'll always be together. I know it here," she pat her own heart and flipped her paw to pet his.

They both smiled with in such a content way it spoke millions of words.

"I'll always be your wife," Sarah added happily.

"And I'll always be your husband," Sean replied, then more poetically added, "and I always have been too Sarah, I've always loved you, and wanted to protect you and wanted to see you be happy."

That made Sarah feel great, and in a moment of post coitile clarity she spoke, "I've always wanted to marry you too. A part of me always said 'you love him, you truly love him with all your heart, marry him and be his wife,'" then smiling even wider, "and it's finally come true, I can call you mine."

Careful to not press to hard on her, Sean wrapped his paws beneath her and held her close to his body.

"It'll never be Sean and Sarah again, will it?" she asked in a happy tone, "It'll always be Sean and his wife Sarah."

"No," Sean whispered in reply, "It will always be Sean and Sarah, always and."

"Your always so nice to me," she said softly.

"It's because I love you Sarah, I want to be nice to you, and be happy with you," he replied in a loving tone.

Being that her estrus period had been more than satisfied, the exhaustion from her multiple, heavy orgasms feel upon Sarah and she was starting to feel more and more tired.

Seeing it, Sean pulled the edge of the oversized hotel bed's covers over them both and snuggled both of them into the bed.

With a final word of the night, just before they both drifted into exhausted, sleep, Sean whispered, "I love you Sarah Reynolds."

She moaned in reply, and then fell asleep, in a full embrace with her lover, her best friend, her husband, her Sean.

Outside Indy's Bar, Entertainment District, Conakry, 2:02 AM Local Time

"Just follow me," Steve said to the fox following closely through the crowed.

They were both a little amazed actually, that neither of them had been recognized as the "hero's of the Federation" that they normally were. In a passing thought they both realized they were getting old.

When they had finally made their way to the bar, Steve ordered up two beers, one for himself and one for Sean.

As they were served the human turned to his companion, took a deep breath and said, "Well it took... twenty five years but we're finally have a drink over our children."

Sean chuckled softly and nodded, "Yeah... it was obvious from the start, it's easier to tell now."

"They do love each other in a different way than we love our wives though," Steve added, "They didn't have war involved."

Sean nodded and agreed with that to. It didn't mean they loved their wives any less, it just they had that memory of war and other unspeakably terrible things there.

Taking a drink from the beer the fox's ear's lowered slightly and he said, "We know what's next don't we?"

"No we don't," Steve began, "I don't even wana think about that. We finally got to see them married, that's good enough for me," then chuckling he added, "I'm not that old yet."

Sean was sure it would be soon. He knew his side of the family, and he knew Steve's, and he knew what to really expect.

Taking a sip of his own beer Steve added, "I'm just glad they cut out a nice life together."

"Me too," Sean replied, then sighing, the fox said, "I wonder where Emily and Cathy ran off to."

"Who knows," Steve answered with a chuckle.

A few minutes of peaceful silence in the lively bar passed between the human and the fox. A lot was on both there minds. It was still hard to believe that Sean and Sarah were actually married. It had always been alluded to, that was acknowledged by everyone, but now that it was said and done, a thought that had been born roughly twenty-five years ago had finally passed, and in reflecting on it, both of the fathers realized how much of the two fur's lives had already been dedicated to each other.

Drinking the last of his beer, Steve breathed in stiffly and asked, "You uh... think they'll be okay?"

"In what way?" Sean replied.

Steve considered it for a moment then said, "I can't help but worry about them."

"Think how I feel!" the fox exclaimed in an amused voice, "Sarah may have been on her own for the last few years, but... damn their really on their own now."

They both let that sit for a moment, each nodding slightly to himself.

Sean added, mostly for his own sake, "They'll do fine. I think they'll do fine."

"As long as they stay together, they always do fine," Steve said, and chuckling to himself he added, "Their a doctor and an officer, they've got nothing to fear. One can make holes, the other one can patch 'em up."

The fox chuckled softly, "Their just so... inexperienced."

"Were we?" Steve pointed out, "You gota remember, you and Emily were younger than Sarah is right now when you had her. So was Cathy with Sean," then in a moment of humorously charged self-pity, the human added, "I'm the only old fart who went into this knowing what it was."

"Yeah but I had experience, Emily had experience. They've never dated anyone but each other," Sean commented.

Shaking his head Steve replied, "I don't think they have to, I think their about purpose built for each other as anyone could be."

"Ohh don't say that around Sarah, you know she hates that," the fox said.

"Still?" Steve asked incredulously, "I mean I didn't mean it like that but it would still bother her after he 'episode' thing?"

Sean bobbed his head, he had a point, and the fox replied, "I guess. She's just... she did change a lot. I mean up until a month ago she'd been a think headed kid and now, well now she's grown up."

In a moment of clarity Steve whispered, "You know I think you should know, Sean was just as think headed as Sarah, if not worse sometimes. Just I think its cause he's a boy that it gets confused with him being proud, but he's made his share of boneheaded moves."

Forcing a weak laugh, Sean took hold of another beer and said, "There's another thing that I have to wonder about..." making a toothy, nervous smile, the fox continued, "Well what was the main thing our wives had in common when we were married..."

There were a lot of thing in common; conditions of meeting them, attitudes, war, and... other less mentionable things. Steve let his silence speak his question, and it didn't take Sean long to realize why he wasn't answering.

To clarify, the fox said in a hushed voice, "The fact that they were born so soon after we married their mothers."

"Ahhh... I see..." Steve said at a draw, "They don't- I mean their not. They would tell us, they have no reason to worry about something like that."

"I guess," Sean replied, "but that is the next step. I mean it'll happen. I know Sarah's not-" he stopped when Steve held up his famous gesture for someone to halt their speech, raising his hand open palmed.

"It's not my business what they do. I want to know, I actually hope they do, but that's their deal now, and if they choose to tell me, then that's great, if they don't, that's their choice, but it's their own thing."

Sighing, the fox held up his beer and said, "I'll drink to that."

Newly Weds Suite, Senate Hotel, Capital City, Conakry, 11:38 AM Local Time

Sarah could feel her new husband's body moving softly against hers. It took a moment for her mind to catch up to the events and, the waking rabbit yawned and opened her eyes to Sean's open eyes mere inches from hers.

"Hi," she whispered in a sweet voice.

"Hi," he whispered back.

"What'ch ya doing?" she asked.

Smiling Sean replied, "Watching you sleep."

An odd thing yet it didn't bother her at all.

"We're still stuck," he pointed out, and he pat her side, from her neck to the sides of her rear.

The rabbit became aware of the feeling of fullness inside her and looked down. Sure enough, his cock was still buried inside her, their hips locked and right against each other. Sarah shook her hips against his and saw that he was really still stuck.

Shrugging, Sarah smiled contently and lovingly, and in laying her head under his neck she whispered, "That's okay, I like this a lot."

"So do I," Sean replied and continued petting her.

His paws fell to her back and he mindlessly toyed with her tail. The little brown appendage relaxed and laid itself out when he touched it, much the same way Sarah's body was calmed against his.

Having had some time to think while he'd been watching Sarah sleep, Sean had recapped all of their first nights experiences and in a soft tone he asked, "So... that's your first time in heat?"

Sarah forced a weak, embarrassed laugh, "Yes..."

Trying to be humorous in the clear sight of her uneasiness, the fox whispered, "You picked a hell of a time."

Now completely embarrassed she looked up, "I didn't- I guess I did. It felt different. Not better or worse but it was different feeling like that."

A few minutes of silence past and Sean said so lovingly it made Sarah's heart leap, "I'm so glad you're my wife."

All she could offer up in reply was a weak voiced, "So am I."

Sean smiled at that and kissed her cheek. Another silence past but this time it was interrupted by them both feeling, much to their disbelief, a wad of cum dribble out of his cock into Sarah's still opened channel.

Confused, she tilted her head and asked, "Was that?"

"Yeah... a little," he replied.

Figuring it was about time that they pulled apart, Sean rotated his hips and tried to free his cock from her depths, yet it held firm, keeping to two tied together. They both looked down as he made further attempts but he was still unable to free himself. He didn't feel horny, but Sean, becoming aware, realized that he was indeed at full mast inside her.

Another dribble of cum worked its way out of him into her. Figuring that attention to it, keeping it on Sean's mind, would make it less likely to go away, Sean and Sarah submitted to the fact they were going to remain stuck together a little longer than usual and just cuddled each other under the covers.

Time slowed down for both of them, the only thing they really were aware of at the moment was the feeling of each other's soft pelt against each other and the lazy movement of the sun's rays across the room.

It was a good hour of blissful contentment before finally their bodies had calmed entirely and Sean's cock poked itself out of Sarah's body.

They both felt it moving and looked down, and saw just as it fell out it was followed by a gushing first of clear, almost watery liquid from her pussy, then by thick streams of what was clearly Sean's seed from inside her.

At first it wasn't that out of the ordinarily, and although they both watched intently, it didn't bother them. It was only after enough cum had seeped out of her body that a thick, gooey puddle of sticky cum had formed underneath them.

"Oh... shit..." Sarah whispered and reached down with her paw and pressed on her pussy lips to open them wider.

All that happened was the stream of cum came out faster. Then they both realized it; he must have been slowly dripping more and more cum inside her all night.

It took awhile but soon the trickling of cum stopped for the most part, but for some reason Sarah could still feel it inside her. Not much, but she knew some of him was still inside her.

"Wow..." Sean whispered finally and edged his way up in the bed, so as not to lay completely in the puddle that was soaking the sheets.

"I think we should get up," she said.

Sitting up and nodding Sean replied, "Yeah I think we should," then once out of bed and feeling the dried cum on his own fur added, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... just filled," then the rabbit bit her lip nervously and looked around the room.

She spotted what she was looking for, her small bathroom bag, and picked it open. Sean watched as she fumbled though it for a moment, then more nervously pushed through it, then in fleeting, almost fearful way, tossed the contents onto the floor and hunted through them.

"Whaaaat'ch ya doing?" Sean asked quietly and took a small step over to her.

Looking up, still with her soft lip under her teeth, "I... hold on," and she continued rummaging through the contents.

There wasn't much there; toothbrush, shampoo, hairbrush, that was pretty much it. Sean couldn't think what could be so important that she would carry in a toiletry bag.

Defeated, the rabbit feel backwards, spread legged and staring at the ceiling.

Chuckling softly, Sean kneeled down by her head, "What's wrong?"

"I need to- does this place have a pharmacy in it?" she asked.

"No," then very confused he asked, "Why?"

She sat up and held her knees with her paws, "I don't have any of my morning after pills. I gota go get some."

"How come?" Sean answered, not having given the query any thought.

The rabbit giggle softly and looked up with an as-a-matter-of-fact face and replied, "Why do you think? I could get pregnant."

He sighed softly and gestured for her to sit on his lap. Padding over till she was right against his body, the rabbit sat up and laid on his chest.

"Would that be that bad?" he asked softly.

It wasn't so much he wanted offspring now, nor was he bothered by her lack of interest, if not fear of it, but he wanted to really understand it. That was what this was about all in the end; he wanted to know everything about her.

"Sean I'm just not ready for that," Sarah replied and, although she knew it wouldn't, hoped it would stay at that.


"Damn..." she thought to herself then said quietly, "I don't know."

"Sarah..." he pushed, knowing that answer was always her bullshit answer.

She rolled her head against his body and replied, "I'm just not ready. I don't know anything about being a parent," then trying to make Sean agree with her she added, "I barely know myself enough, look how close I came to not being able to be with you."

The ploy didn't work and Sean, holding her by her paws said, "Sarah it isn't that we should do that now, it's just... well we shouldn't be afraid of it. I'm not, I mean I don't think I could do that right now, but we shouldn't be afraid of it... and I don't think we should stop it if it happens."

"I can't be a mother, I just can't be. I don't even know how to be a wife!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Yes you do," Sean whispered, "Cause I don't think you should be anything else than you've been your whole life me, and I think that's the same way you should be with offspring."

"Something bad would happen," Sarah whispered, "I just know it."

Sean couldn't answer that one, bad things happen, and the last thing he wanted to do was sound foolhardy and say that they wouldn't.

So, given that, all he could answer with was, "We shouldn't be afraid of it, Sarah. And the fact is that it's strange it hasn't happened yet... and it probab-"

She put a paw to his lips, "Don't say it please, why do you think I know I need to get those pills?"

"I know, I took biology too," Sean replied, trying to make her calmer, "I know what happens when a female goes into heat," the fox had realized it was likely he'd gone through his own equivalent last night as well, "but even still. Wouldn't it be nice though? I mean a little... you have to wonder what it would be like."

"I do, but I don't wana know for real," Sarah whispered, then, clearly upset added, "What if I hurt it? I mean I know something bad would happen."

"I know you would never hurt anything we had together," Sean said in a strong voice, "Your not that kind of fur, and even you couldn't tell me otherwise. I don't really think you could hurt anyone you cared about."

"I hurt you," Sarah reasoned.

Staving off frustration, Sean replied, "And look how bad it hurt you, and all we did was separate. Imagine something like a baby we made, I know you could never hurt it."

Sarah couldn't explain the feeling; just a shiver of fear and a cold sweat ran down the fur on her back every time she thought of offspring. She told Sean so and he rubbed her troubled back softly.

Speaking in a tone that had a visibly calming effect on his wife, Sean whispered, "L-lets not do anything. I'll let you decide this time, but then from now on we'll just let it sit, unless you're truly worried."

"If we do, and then..." she didn't want to say the word so she just skipped it, "there's really no turning back... are we really ready for that."

Stealing a phrase from her Sean replied, "I don't know. We'll know when it happens but I do know everything will be fine either way."

"But we haven't even had time to-" she cut herself off, "It's selfish but we haven't just been together with each other alone."

Sean ticked and held her softly; "We've been alone with each other for twenty-five years. It'll always be little us."

She looked up, "You said that last night."

"It's still true," Sean replied, "We could have hundreds of kids, it'd still always be little us."

It took a second but she cracked a smile, she liked that phrase a lot. The rabbit laid her head back down on his chest. She wouldn't think about it. She would let things sit, and cry on his shoulder in fear when she had to if she still felt as frightened in the future as she did now, but she knew that his shoulder would be there if and when she needed it.

Just as Sarah submitted to his confidence, and then almost as a cosmic joke, Sean's own uncertainties wiggled their way into his brain. The fox came to realize, as his tails anxious circles denoted, that his own siding towards offspring was completely un-backed. He had never really thought about it, the possibility of it. In reality, the only reason he'd sided that way was because Sarah had been so afraid of it, and he wanted to put her mind at ease. He wasn't ready to be a parent at all.

He peeked at Sarah out of the corner of his eye and saw her looking up at him, and although she didn't even know it, something about the look on her face calmed him, and Sean believed his own statement that things would be fine either way.


**A Wonderful Life** **Book 3: Persistence** **Chapter 1 Adjustments** Two Days before Sean's 19th Birthday, Federal Military Academy Conakry 1223 Military Time Three months, three long months and Sean was still angry and reeling from his breakup...

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**A Wonderful Life** **Book 2: Inclinations** **Chapter 1 Truth** Next Year, Saturday, Reynolds' Home, Foc, 10:09 AM Local Time A small animal scurried on the roof above Sean's room, managing to bring Sean away from his slumber. He half opened his...

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New Lives

**A Wonderful Life** **Book 1: New Lives** This story follows the events of the lives of Sean Reynolds and Sarah Atric, (the kit and bunny from Ranger's Tail) mainly focusing on the events surrounding their birthdays, October 12th and November 3rd...

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