Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 6

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#6 of Chakat Universe

Luke Recreates himself..or should i say hirself

Coaldust wakes up the next morning and looks over at Luke's face. Shi was still sleeping but unlike previous times it didn't have a troubled exhausted expression on it that it usually did when shi slept. Even though against hir will Luke couldn't have gotten a better body. Coal was very blessed, to have two very beautiful companions, one a future denmate the other a potential one. Shi thought shi was lucky running into Medallion during an off day a couple years ago. Shi had no clue. While she enjoys both sides of hir sexual natural shi lean feminine and while Dallie was happy to oblige and Coal loved hir dearly the lion colored chakat was truly bi-sexual. Luke though was clearly Male biased and despite hir latest change will probably remain so. Shi could have remained their for hours just looking at Luke but hir bladder needed attention so with a sigh shi gets up and takes care of it. While washing hir hands hir stomach began to rumble. "Well I guess a quick shower to fully wake up and make breakfast." Shi sighs to hirself. Shi steps into the shower and begins to clean hirself. Washing hir black and gray hair she feels a hand grope hir breast. Expanding her empathic powers and confirms hir guess, Dallie. Using hir nose wouldn't help their Luke and Dallie have the same body thus the same scent but the bond shi has with them are different. Soon shi feels a weight on top of hir lower back and another hand gropes hir other breast. Instinctively shi cranes hir head back and it quickly meets Dallie's lips and the two kiss deeply. It's not surprising soon after the Coal feels something poke hir pussy and quickly Dallie's cock drive in making them both moan. For the next few minutes the only sounds to be hear was the water hitting the floor and the bodies, the slurps of two joined bodies colliding again and again and the moan and groans coming from them leading to a wail from both as they cum together. "I guess a water hose would be useless to use on you two." A familiar voice says with amusement. Both their heads jerk to the left to sweet Luke with an amused expression on hir face. ?I'm sorry Luke did we wake you?" ?The noise no, strangely it was your absence that woke me. Anyway I'll let you two get back to it." And Luke leaves the two speechless in the shower. However both took it as a good sign that the former human can find some humor right now. A load gurgle from Coal's stomachs declare the shower over. Minutes later Luke was putting the plates down with some eggs and bacon when his or hir as the former human starts adjusting the view on him/hirself two roommates emerge from the bathroom...looking like a pair of puffballs. Luke starts laughing hard at the look and the two just glare at hir. "I guess it was you who took our brushes." Luke points to their places at the table and their brushes were next to their silverware. "Breakfast is ready so lets eat before Coal's stomach eats us." Since Luke is finally having a really good mood they'll let the prank slide.....this time. The meal shows that Luke wasn't a bad cook and the two chakats noticed Coal had a larger helping on hir plate but considering the rumble they heard before had to agree with Luke's assessment. Coal left for work that day a little more optimistic then she has in a while. The next couple of weeks show the new demeanor Luke has. Both Coal and Dallie love seeing it as well as listening to hir music. One day however they got a knock at the door. Coal opens it to find a rabbit morph and a caitian standing there. "Hello, is this the house of Chakat Medallion?" "Yes it is." "And does a Luke Harter live here?" ?Yes but what do you want with him?" ?Well I'm Dr. Swiftfoot and my friend here is Dr, Dustseeker. We're historians and we heard that Luke Harter was from the 21stcentury thus has insight to an area we desperately need." Coaldust senses their honestly but shi fear for hir friends health. Shi turns hir head away from the door and Yells. "Dallie I need you at the front door!" Medallion soon walks up and asks ?What's up?" ?These two historians want to talk to Luke. Go ask him if he's up for it." The Golden Chakat nods and leaves and Coal addresses the pair in front of hir. "Luke has had a hard time adjusting and only recently start being more positive. So if he says no drop it." ?Of course." 'Put them in the living room he'll see them." Medallion yells from the hallway. "Alright." Coal yells back and turns to their guest. "Well I'm Chakat Coaldust child of Snowboard ans Nightsky. Have a seat. And please address Luke as a male." Medallion made sure to have a couple of chairs for any bipedal guest when shi moved in. They instead went for the couch while Coal took a bean bag to lounge on. Those have come back with a rage since quadrupeds were made. Soon Medallion and Luke enter the living room. The historians looked on with fascination. Besides the hairstyle and expression the two were identical even down to the scents. Since they already meant Medallion earlier they could tell you who was who. ?Mr.Harter, thank you for seeing us." ?I understand you want me to talk about my time, but that's a different Earth. From what I know morphs are supposed to be around a lot, heck your Gene Wars was supposed to start so how can I help you there?" 'Well the only difference from what I heard was the fate of your parents and morphs so you have a lot to offer. A lot of records from that time were destroyed so someone from the time, even if it's from a parallel world is of immense value to us and we are willing to pay for it." "Well if your that desperate then let's begin." Luke lays down on a couch and they begin. For a couple of hours Luke answered their questions giving as much detail as shi could. Finally though Going through that much of hir past was toomuch. Tearing up a bit. Shi says. "Sorry I can't do anymore today. Maybe another time work it out with Medallion." Shi starts getting up to head to hir room when Dr. Swiftfoot says. "Thank you for your time Luke. Really it was a pleasure." Luke just nods at him. Medallion and the historian exchange numbers and shi escorts them out while Coal checks on Luke. ?You okay honey?" Shi asks. ?I will be but it's like reopening and old wound." ?You don't have to see them again if you don't want to." ?But a want to. History should be known and remembered, otherwise we make the same mistakes." Coal goes up to hir and hugs hir to help comfort hir. ?I'm proud of you love. To face that pain again." ?Thanks to you and Medallion." ?You know you can call hir Dallie." Luke smirks and replies. ?Maybe one day. I guess we'll have to go at a slower rate then." ?Alright how does every other day sound?" ?Sounds good to me to try that first." ?Good let's have supper I STARVING!" That made both Luke and Coal laugh at hir. After the meal Dallie when to the communication console to tell Dr. Swiftfoot when they could continue when shi saw that she had a message waiting for hir. Shi opens the message and the image of a anthro female wolf appears...or nearly female. " Hey Dallie Alexis here, we haven't seen you in a while and we are getting concerned. Your boss said some sort of family business, which I hope is going well. But Trea's going to be having hir graduation party tomorrow and wanted you to be there. We're hosting it at the Double H call me when you can." The message ends causing Dallie to think. Trea's was a good friend the Dallie new when she was a cub. Shi had to be there for that but Luke is still adjusting. Then the proverbial light bulb goes up in hir head. She first calls Swiftfoot to arrange the next meeting then she goes into Luke's room where Luke was on hir keyboard again. "Hey Luke how do you feel about going to the outside world?" Luke turns and hir eyes narrow and shi asks. ?What are you up to Medallion?" ?I graduation party is being held at one of my favorite clubs and I wondered if you want to come along? I think it would be good for you to go out for once and this is the perfect place." Luke cocks hir head as shi thinks for a few minutes. ?Do I have to wear anything special?" Dallie shakes hir head. ?Just a T-Shirt. Thanks a bunch you won't regret it." Dallie got in contact with Alexis to relay the news. "And Alexis I'm bringing someone special with me." The wolf eyed Dallie through the screen. ?So you finally tied the knot so to speak with Coal?" ?I did butr shi has work tomorrow so can't come, I bringing someone else." ?Do I know this person?" ?You've seen hir face but haven't met hir yet. Note Shi going through an adjustment period right now and while visiting the club will be good tell the group to take it easy on hir." ?Will do cya tomorrow then." The next morning Luke was awakened rudely by Dallie hitting hir with a pillow. "COME ON! Lazy bones, it's 10:00 am freshen up we've got to go." "Okay, okay lay off I'm up!" Coal helped Luke in brushing than handed hir a T-Shirt that shi picked out for hir the other day smirking. Luke puts it on along with a belt all taurs use to carry stuff and joins Medallion by the door. Medallion gives a surprise look on hir face and asks. "Are you seriously going to wear that?" ?What, you said I just needed a T-shirt?" Medallion points to a nearby mirror and the T-shirt was a nearly comfortable white Tee, though a little tight on the breasts since Medallion and large breasts for a chakat. But on the shirt with a heart replacing love was "I love big boobs". Luke rolls hir eyes and shakes hir head and mutters. ?Coal. Well it is true. I do like big boobs and Medallion when I look in the mirror and stare at my breasts I get an erection. So will you're friends have an issue with it?" ?Honey, they're going to love you." Medallion says with a smile. The two of them were on the road when Luke asked. "So where's this party?" "At Double H." ?Double H?" ?A nick name for Hermaphrodite Haven. As it's name implies it's a haven for all herms of any species and does it's best to cater to theirs needs." ?So this is an exclusive club?" ?Only in that you have to be a herm to enter. As chakats we don't need anyone to vouch for us. Not everyone is comfortable with herms so this place gives us a place to relax and be ourselves and I figure you can learn a lot about being a herm here." Luke sighs at that. Just be yourself honey, well as much that there is in the new you." Medallion parks in a lot and the pair walk to a large building with a pair of H's displayed on the sign and the handles. "Now Luke I want to pull a prank on my friend Alexis. Shi's and wolf herm who runs the front desk as well as being on of this branches managers." ?And you want her excuse me hir to mistake me for you?" ?Yup, so you on?" ?Only if I get a good dinner." ?Deal." Luke grabs the handles and opens the door and steps in. Shi observes an elegant hallway with a pair of doors with the familiar double H handles. ?Hey Dallie!' Luke looks over to see a sex and feminine looking anthro wolf getting up from a desk in a corner with a standard door behind and to the left of the desk. The wolf comes up and hugs Luke and says. "Trea was so glad you could come, so where's your friend?" Luke whispers in hir ear with a smirk. "Right here you got the wrong kitty." Alexis loosens the hug with a confused look. "Huh?" Then the door opens again and Medallion steps through and Alexis breaks the hug completely. "What the heck? There's two of you?" Grinning Medallion answers. ?Alexis, meet my new twin Luke Harter. Luke this is Alexis Timber." ?New twin? I have to hear this." ?When we've got everyone together, don't want to repeat myself a bunch of times." ?Amen to that." Luke comments. ?Well a pleasure to meet you Luke let me get you a day pass. Since this is your first visit it's free." Alexis goes back the desk and grabs a pass. As shi returns shi notices Luke's shirt snorts and asks. " I have a feeling that Coal is behind the shirt." ?You'd be right, but it's true and Medallion say to be myself so....boom." Alexis laughed at that. ?Luke, I think we're going to be good friends. I have to finish up a couple of things then I'll join the group so go on and Luke, enjoy your visit here." Medallion open the main doors to a short hallway that turns right and into the main hall. There Luke finds chairs, tables, and couches and various furs of every species lounging around enjoying them selves. Medallion elbows Luke and nods hir head to a group sitting at a table. There they found three dog morphs, a husky, a german shepherd, and their child. A cat morph with white and black fur pattern. All four essentially did jaw drops at the sight of two Medallions heading toward them. Medallion breaks the ice. ?Hi everyone this is my new twin Luke Harter. Luke this is Teri, Erin, and the guest of honor Trea." Medallion points to the Husky then the Shepherd and the their hybrid child of eighteen. Trea got up and huggs Medallion. "Thank you for coming but I missed you being here." Medallion returns the hug and replies. "You're welcome, sorry I couldn't be here lately but Luke needed my help." Erin, Trea's sire was about to ask THE question when Medallion interrupts hir. "When everyone gets here I tell Luke's story." "Yah I certainly don't want to hear it 15 times in one day." Commented Luke. The two sit down as Alexis joins the group followed by another chakat with blue fur with a teal patch over the lower back with blond hair in a ponytail. Going to Luke the chakat hugs hir and says. "Hi, I'm Raindrop, child of Seawind and Lollypop." Luke extends his hand. "Hi I'm Luke Harter." this causes Raindrop to arch an eyebrow but takes the hand. The group chatted for a few minutes until they were joined by a cat morph named Lisa. Then Luke saw an amazing site. A mouse morph and considering where they were a herm as well. What was amazing was that shi was tall and..buff. This was a mouse that worked out and was proud of it wearing the skin tight clothing shi has. The mouse stepped up you the twin pair with a thoughtful look on hir face. After a minute the mouse comments. "If it wasn't for the scent I would have said you dyed Coal so spill it." "Yes everyone is here now, explain your twin." Medallion then explains how Luke got into hir body and life. The group listens on with a look of awe and sympathy towards Luke. Medallion doesn't mention the suicide attempt as that was rather personal for the trio. Finally the story was over and they focus on the reason they met. Trea's graduation party. They chatted and embarrassed Trea a couple of times. And they took to Luke quickly making him join in on the antics until they started getting hungry so they decided to have lunch. Luke orders and expensive meal saying that Medallion owed hir for the prank shi agreed to do. To which Alexis comments. "Betrayed for a meal." ?No betrayed for a little fun with my sister." Luke perks up a bit when shi hears that and after the meal was done a waiter brought out a cake for desert and they all give a final toast to Trea and blessings for hir future. It was evening when the group breaks up for the night and Medallion and Luke head home. During the ride Luke comes out to admit. ?Medallion it's still hard for me to accept that you consider me your sibling so easily." ?It's just the way we chakats are. We love having new members to the family no matter how they come into the family." For a minute Luke just sits the speechless before tears come from hir eyes. ?Thank you Medallion, thank you. You don't know how much this means for me." Medallion just hugs Luke and shi softly cries tears of joy and stay that way all the way home. Over the next couple of weeks Medallion and Luke become a regular site at Double H. So much they earn the nickname the sunlight duo. More changes appear in Luke as the fact letting hir hair grow again as well as except for Double H where a top is require Luke went around topless. When Coal ask about the change Luke just shrugs and comments. "Well since it's allowed why not. I love these beauties you know." Even hir music was getting more up beat and that was giving Dallie and Coal an idea but would wait to act on it. They did have one odd scene though. Coal was about to go into heat and shi wanted to clarify things with Luke. So the three of them talk in the living room. "Luke me and Dallie want to have a child and I'm about to go into heat soon." "But what's that got to do with me? You're mates, you should have kids. Might be cool to be an aunt. Can't believe I just said that an aunt. I should be an uncle. (sigh) I still have so adjustments to make." ?Thank you for the blessing Luke but there is one other thing." Coal then steps closer to Luke. 'Luke, will you be my denmate?" Luke sits there shocked Shi been studying chakat customs since it became sure that shi would live and die a chakat. Composing hirself Luke answers. "I love you both, you're the closest thing I have now to family. I'm honor Coal by your offer but, I can't accept." Tears start filling Coals eyes and Luke hugs hir deeply and explains. "Honey I'm just not ready yet. I still need to discover who I am now. Could you accept my offer of Companion though?" Luke breaks off to the two of them could see eye to eye. ?Yes, luke yes. I can accept that." Shi hugs him again. "But don't think I won't try to get you into a denmate one day." ?knowing you and Medallion I am not surprised." Medallion joins in the hug and a peace settle between the trio. Days later Coal's heat comes in and Luke was gonna let them have some privacy, but they wouldn't have it. Shi was family and almost a co-mate so shi got to watch the consummation of Coal and Dallie's love. Shi recognized some of the techniques Coal used on hir when shi needed relief. Though Coal and Dallie would have pulled Luke into their mating they new they would push it too far if they did.....for now. They did notice the erection shi did have watching them and the feelings they picked up from hir. Finally though Coal did paw Luke off for relief and the trio fall asleep with smiles for to at least to the natural born chakats, another wall was broken. Well Coal did get pregnant during those nights and the pair helped Luke with hir empathic talents in the time to follow. Now though Coal and Dallie's parents were coming to visit and Luke's hair was just as long as Medallion's and for non empaths harder to tell the pair apart. So Coal takes hir back to Fur Artist and Pinky. Seeing the pair the poodle lights up and races to them. "Coal and who is this Dallie or Luke?" "Luke." Pinky sighs. ?So another buzzcut to the beautiful hair." ?Not this time." Surprising the other two. "I want to see what you can do." ?Okay hon, Have a seat." For the next hour Pinky and Luke went through various styles and nothing seemed to click until. Pinky was fiddling with a bunch of hair and had it in front of Luke's right ear only a few inches from hir eye. "Wait." Shi says. ?What is it hon?" The poodle asks. Instead of answering Luke asks Coal. ?Coaldust did Medallion ever wear hir hair near hir eyes like this." Coal thinks for a moment and then shakes hir head. Looking back at Pinky shi asks. "Anyway to keep this here?" ?That's easy hun." Pinky gather a bunch of hir hair together and secures them with a clamp. Moving hir head around proves the the hair would always settled on the right side of hir face. Shi then smiles at the look and then a light goes on in hir head and the smiles gets bigger. ?Anything else you want to do hun?" Luke looks at the mirror a bit, seeing the NEW hir really for the first time and says. "No. This is good thank you Pinky." The Poodle sighs at the simplicity of the look but it's what the customer wants, at least it isn't a buzz cut this time. Shi pays the bill and shi and Coaldust get back into the PTV. There Coaldust asks. "Okay I sense something back their, what is it?" ?I'll tell you tonight with the others." This causes Coal to huff and pout causing Luke to chuckle. That evening near then end of a great dinner with Coal and Dallie's parents Luke stand up and hits a glass with a fork to get everyone's attention. "Everyone I have an announcement to make. First I like to thank you all for the love and kindness I have received. I would not wish what I been through on anyone, but if they had to I wish they have someone like you guys to help them. I told Coaldust and Medallion that Luke Harter was dead but I didn't know what to call myself then. Now I do, I'm Chakat Redstreak now." Coaldust's sire Nightsky quips. "Child of Sungold and Fireblaze?" Redstreak is surprised by that and looks to Medallion's parents to look at eachother and shrug and Sunspot steps up and says. "We would be honored to adopt you as our daughter formally and legally." Redstreak stands here speechless before answering. ?I'm honored, I really am. But I have to decline right now. But I will consider you family." ?Well the offers always open. Now FAMILY HUG!" With that all of them pour on to the newly named chakat and Redstreak finally feels a bright future is ahead of hir.

Continued in the Tales of Redstreak

Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 5

Commander Antilles called a meeting and Luke and medallion meet up with the scientist working on his case. "Thanks for meeting us Luke, Medallion. This is Dr. Grey." The bunny morph with glasses and a white coat adjusts his glasses. "Thank you...


Debbie Chapter 4

Debbie wakes up to find herself lying on something comfortable. She moans and slowly gets up...to discover her transformed body. She was cougar colored fur with a lighter shade on her belly. She touches her face and feels the small muzzle there. Her...


Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 4

The next day Luke woke up and stretched and yawned. He felt a little more in tuned with this body and the therapy help. While defiantly not graceful yet at least he didn't have to use the walk as a crutch...much anyway. Walking into the dining room he...

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