Debbie Chapter 4

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#4 of Debbie

Debbie continues to adjust to her new life as trouble brews

Debbie wakes up to find herself lying on something comfortable. She moans and slowly gets discover her transformed body. She was cougar colored fur with a lighter shade on her belly. She touches her face and feels the small muzzle there. Her fear and irritation causes her tail to move into view and she grabs it to inspect it. It had the same Cougar hair but with a tuft of honey brown hair that her hair has before. Wondering if she still has it she looks for a mirror or a puddle. Seeing a desk she lunges for it and begins searching the drawers till she finds a slight broken one. Looking at her reflection she sees her new face. It's a cougar face with silted pupils and silver and red eyes, her hair was back to the honey brown that it was when she was younger. She touches her face again trying to adjust and from somewhere she felt approval at her new look. "Good to see you awake Debbie." She looks to the source of the voice and sees a naked werewolf female. The red hair gives away that it's her friend Jezeca. Then she is filled with great fear and a voice in her head says. "DANGER! ENEMY! WILL HURT US!" Dropping the mirror Debbie leaps onto the bed and backs up till she reaches the wall. "Get away from me! Don't hurt me!" Jezeca droops her ears and tail before she realizes what's going on." She slowly approaches her friend.

"Debbie listen to my voice. It's me Jezeca, I would never hurt you, gain control over you cat."

"Don't hurt me please!"

"Debbie you're stronger than your cat. Control her!" Debbie starts sobbing and curls into a ball. Jezeca goes over to her and holds her letting her have a good sniff of her scent. "I'm sorry you had to deal with this Debbie. I promise you that you will not be alone. I will be there my friend. I will protect you." They sat there till Debbie fell asleep and Jezeca stayed with her. Petting her as she sleeps and her mate Silverback walks in.

"How is she?" he asks. She looks up and replies.

"Her cat is going to be the biggest problem. It is scare to death of us."

"Well if anyone can succeed in this it's you. I don't bet against you anymore."

"Proves you're a smart wolf in something." Silverback sticks his tongue out at her.

A couple of hours later Debbie wakes up alone, or almost alone. <Good the wolf is gone know we can plan our escape.>

"Our escape to where and why?"

<Anywhere, these are werewolves we are dealing with. They killed our sire and they will kill us.>

"I WANTED HIM DEAD! He turned me into this and if that wolf is really my friend Jezeca then I'm safe with her."

"I am Jezeca Debbie." A voice interjects causing Debbie to look at the entrance to see a coyote furred wolf holding a tray of meat. "Despite my outward change I'm still the friend you have known for years. I thought you'd be hungry." A growling from Debbie's stomach confirmed it. That causes the cat to drop the subject to eat. Debbie takes the tray and picks up a piece of meat and eats it. A shocked look appears on her face and she looks at Jezeca. "Yup I figured you would like it cooked."

"You better believe it." Debbie digs in while Jezeca watches with a smirk on her face. The meat tasted so good to Debbie she barely notices Jezrca leave to return with a cup of water. She pauses to drink a bit before continuing to eat.

In minutes she was finally done only the bones remain. She leans back rubbing her belly in satisfaction. She then looks at her friend and notices her nudity despite the fur. "You always like that?"

"Like what?"

"Well...naked. Despite your fur you're wearing nothing." Jezeca looks down at her naked form.

"Oh, I've just gotten use to that. It's easier on what clothes we do have and I learn first hand it's not fun being naked in human form out here. And you're just as naked as me right now." That statement causes Debbie to blush a bit.

"Come on, time for you to really see your new home." Jezeca extends her hand to her friend who takes it without hesitation and the werewolf pulls her up. Jezeca sees the fight between her friend and her cat in Debbie's eyes. Touching her friends new face she smiles. "Cat, do not fear me. Debbie has been my friend for ages and now you are a part of her please don't cause her anymore grief. She's had enough already." That hit the cat hard, knowing it's sire hurt it's other gravely from the memories it received and the cat stops fighting. Sensing the change Jezeca begins walking to the outside of the den when Debbie asks.

"Just what is this in me anyway?"

"That is your cat. She is there to guide you in your new situation. You can be a joined or separate as you want and despite things she will have your best interests at heart." Debbie snorts at that causing Jezeca to smirk. "I know it doesn't seem like it but it's true. It took me years to work it out with my wolf." When they emerge back out into the clearing Jezeca's kids, sister and female lover all come to greet Debbie. Debbie does her best to brace herself as the minipack rush up to her but their love and happiness are infectious and even her cat starts to relax around them. Jezeca always close by her side for comfort. Veli or pup as she now prefers to be called showed her the watering hole where the get the bulk of their water and gets another look at herself. Beyond the new fur and different head her body seemed no different then when she was young. In fact she looked better, lean and muscular yet still very feminine. She actually smirks are her reflection.

<We look gorgeous.> The cat says.

<I'll admit that I do prefer this to being old and wrinkled. So where do we stand?>

<Well the wolf is right I do have your best interests at heart. We are connected no and forever, how much depends on you. Admittedly I'm afraid for us surrounded by wolves as we are.>

<Her name is Jezeca. I'll trust you to use it. I don't know about the other wolves but I will give Jezeca the benefit of a doubt.>

<My apologies I just have a lot to overcome right now.>

<Well let's take this one day at a time alright?>


Things sadly weren't going as well with the rest of the pack. A couple of born werewolves approach Silverback. "Alpha may we have a word?"

"Of course, say your piece."

"We prefer a more private area." Silverback nods and the pair direct him to a secluded spot in the woods. "Alpha we want you to get rid of that feline before she endangers the pack."

"She's a fresh turn and the alone werecat around how can she endanger the pack."

"She isn't a wolf, we don't need her here. We're not suggesting to kill her just send her away."

"To where? She has no family, no pack to look out for her."

"Not our concern."

"Well the Alpha female believes it is."

"Well she's a reborn.." Silverback smacks him in the face before he can say anymore.

"SHE IS THE ALPHA FEMALE AND MY MATE! REBORNS ARE EQUAL TO US IN EVERY WAY! NEVER FORGET THAT!" Silverback takes a deep breath and continues." While I have some hesitation mainly because of what I fear who happen. Wolves like you, she was attacked and turned in our territory thus our responsibility. I don't want to here of this again." Silverback leaves them then but with a fear that this wasn't done.

Over the week couple of weeks Jezeca trains Debbie on how to be a were creature. Teaching her how to shift, hunt, and fight in her alternate form. Debbie's cat slowly got use to the wolves around her and started to like Jezeca and her family. She found Jezeca up on a cliff that overlooks the den one day hoping to have a chat with her. "Jezeca?" Jezeca looks over and smiles at Debbie.

"What'ca need?"

"I was wondering about you and your wolf. How you got to live with her." Jezeca motions for Debbie to sit and begins.

"It wasn't easy we clashed a lot at first and I didn't want to merge with her at all. That has caused us to be as separate as possible, you could say I have a split personality now. Over time she showed me that she loved and cared for me despite the crap I gave her. Now after all these years we are in a very comfortable relationship. You're trying to figure out how to deal with your cat aren't you?" Debbie nods. "You need to have a heart to heart talk with her to define things. She can help you with things as my wolf does me. I won't tell you which way to go but defiantly talk about it. Okay?"

"Okay." Jezeca then hugs Debbie.

"While I wish this didn't happen to you, but I'm glad to have you around for a long time my friend." After a few minutes of hugging the break off and Debbie goes to have THE DISCUSSION.

Debbie Chapter 5

Finding a secluded clearing she sat down and looked inward. \<Okay cat let's have a talk. What is your problem with Jezeca's pack?\> \<They're wolves they always hate us and try to destroy us. It's are survival I'm concerned about.\> \<Has Jezeca...

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Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 4

The next day Luke woke up and stretched and yawned. He felt a little more in tuned with this body and the therapy help. While defiantly not graceful yet at least he didn't have to use the walk as a crutch...much anyway. Walking into the dining room he...

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Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 4

The next day Luke woke up and stretched and yawned. He felt a little more in tuned with this body and the therapy help. While defiantly not graceful yet at least he didn't have to use the walk as a crutch...much anyway. Walking into the dining room he...

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