Tony's Room - Mountains

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Warning: The following story contains gay incest and underage characters. Read at your own risk. Enjoy! :3

Tony is 16 and Trevor is 10

Darren and Mary had been courting for about a year before marrying; forging a friendship and a strong bond before falling in love for each other. It had been four months after they wed, that Darren thought that a camping trip would help the family adjust.

Tony helped Darren load the camping equipment into the back of the minivan while Mary packed food in the cooler. Trevor was up in his room haphazardly packing stuff to take on their trip to Yosemite National Park.

"Got all your stuff?" Darren asked Tony.

Tony nodded and pushed his gym bag full of clothes in the back, "Yeah that should be everything." He had a backpack full of CDs, books, and other things to keep him preoccupied on the trip.

Trevor stumbled out the front door, carrying Mary's suitcase full of clothes (she helped him pack) and a backpack full of things that he wouldn't even use during the trip, but felt it was pertinent to bring them anyway. Tony helped him get his things in the van while Mary followed with the cooler and a tote bag full of other essentials.

With the van packed, the house double checked for security, and the kits in the backseat, they began their trek. They would be camping at a place called Housekeeping Camp. The brochure said that it had lodges out there, but Tony and Trevor wanted to sleep in a tent. Darren and Mary would have the cabin to themselves.

Tony read Lord of the Flies quietly to himself while Trevor engrossed himself in his videogames. It wasn't long before Trevor shut off his game and took a nap. Mary would look up every once in a while to check on her boys in the backseat.

Outside, the afternoon passed over the mountains in the far off distance while The Beatles sang their silly, classic love songs over the car radio. Tony looked up from his book to watch the scenery pass by. He sighed softly, feeling vaguely content. His eyes started to droop and before he knew it, he was off in slumber land as well.

Tony wasn't sure how much time had passed before he was startled awake by a stirring down near his groin. He opened his eyes and looked down at Trevor, who was slumped down over his crotch. His zipper was down, his fly spread wide open, and his underwear tugged down under his balls.

Tony's eyes widened and suddenly he was quite awake. Trevor looked up and grinned at Tony mischievously.

Tony mouthed the words, "What are you doing?"

He nuzzled Tony's plump sheath and whispered, "I wanna suck your cock."

Tony shifted uncomfortably, his cock hardening and peeking out of his sheath. He looked up to see if Darren or Mary had noticed. They're eyes were still on the road ahead.

He looked back down and mouthed, "You can't"

Trevor looked up at Tony with pleading, playful eyes. He puffed out his bottom lip and whispered, "But I'm horny." Tony could tell by the stiff bulge in Trevor's jeans.

Trevor nuzzled Tony's balls and sheath affectionately, kissing and licking his heavy sac. Tony shuddered and breathed out heavily from the attention. Mary and Darren couldn't see Trevor from behind the seat; all they could see was Tony sitting up and looking nervous. The music was loud enough to drown out any small moans or noises from the backseat.

Trevor pushed his nose under Tony's balls, nuzzling his taint and smelling his hot, musky ass and ball sweat.

Tony's cock slipped out of its sheath as Trevor teased him. He tried his best to look relaxed and inconspicuous, but the more Trevor played with him, the harder it was to keep his composure.

Trevor rolled his tongue up Tony's round balls and slowly up his hardening shaft. A bead of pre gathered at the tip, which Trevor gingerly cleaned off. He kissed back down the hard foxmeat and over his balls. He licked his lips and opened his maw, sucking one of Tony's balls into his maw. Tony bit his lower lip and let out a low moan.

"You okay back there?" Darren asked.

Tony gulped and nodded, "Y..yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You don't look okay."

Tony was sweating, making his fur damp on his head. He said carefully, "Ju...just a little stomach ache..."

"Well, there's some Pepto in your mother's bag if you want it. You think you can make it to Yosemite?"

Tony nodded again, "I'm fine..."

"How's Trevor back there?" Darren said, straining to look for Trevor in the rear-view mirror.

"He's fine...just napping," Tony said quickly.

"Alright..." Darren said, focusing back on the road ahead.

Trevor giggled and let go of Tony's balls. Tony gave him a stern glare for almost getting them in trouble, which Trevor countered by taking Tony's cock and stroking it slowly with his paw. Tony held back his urge to moan again; biting his lip and curling his toes in pleasure. Trevor wrapped his lips around Tony's cock and started sucking. Tony gritted his teeth, shifting his hips as his brother sucked him off less than five feet from where his parent's were.

Trevor pulled his lips off Tony's member with a wet, audible slurp. Tony looked down at the grinning foxcub and scratched behind his ears. Trevor licked around Tony's swelling knot and mouthed, "Love you."

Tony mouthed back, "Love you too."

Trevor went back to sucking Tony off, taking as much of his older brother's cock as he could down his throat. Tony closed his eyes and laid his head back on the seat while jolts of pure electric bliss surged though his pulsing member. He breathed heavily through his nose, trying desperately not to make noise or draw attention to the backseat. His heart pounded in his chest from excitement and fear of getting caught. He felt his climax slowly build, keeping his teeth clenched and his breathing controlled.

Trevor pulled back up, keeping his lips wrapped around his cocktip. He suckled it like a bottle as he stroked the shaft and knot, making Tony squirm with pleasure.

After five minutes of enduring Trevor's skillful paws and lips, Tony came in Trevor's maw. Every muscle in Tony's body clenched as he rode out the intense orgasm; his cock throbbing painfully as it pumped load after load of musky cum in Trevor's hungry maw. Trevor's tail wagged happily as he held his brother's cum in his muzzle, savoring it before swallowing every drop.

Tony began to breathe again, though shakily. He looked back down at Trevor who was still suckling the tip and stroking the shaft, milking the last few drops of seed. Trevor grinned and pulled up, licking his lips.

"Will you do mine?" Trevor whispered.

"When we get to the camp site..." Tony whispered back, glancing back up to see if Darren or Mary had noticed.

"You boys alright back there?" Darren asked.

Tony nodded and smiled, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Feeling better?"

Tony grinned, "Yeah, a lot..."


The sun was setting as they entered the campground. The road had gone from smooth pavement to rough dirt. Tony and Trevor looked out of the windows in awe at the tall, dark silhouettes of trees against the deep purple and orange sky. Mary and Darren drove slowly, following the lights of the tents and campfires as they looked for cabin number 34.

"We're here!" Darren said jovially when they finally reached their home for the weekend.

They all piled out of the van and began unpacking their things from the back of the vehicle. Tony stretched his legs and back while adjusting his eyes to the new surroundings. He felt a little disappointed when he saw the cabin as it wasn't at all what he expected. He expected a wooden log cabin, with a fireplace, no electricity, and isolated from civilization.

It was basically just three concrete walls with a tarp covering the top and another tarp for curtains that pulled close in the front. When he took his bag inside the cabin, he had an even worse shock. The room was as bare and vacant as the outside; a large two-person bed, two bunk beds, and a three tier shelf below a mirror and an electric light. There was no TV or telephone and the showers and bathrooms were communal much to Tony's dismay.

They unpacked their things and quickly set up camp. Darren and Mary made their bed inside the cabin while Tony and Trevor set up their small two-person tent outside. The sun was now gone so they worked by the light of a lantern. There wasn't a lot of space between the wooden fence in front of the cabin and the dirty sand that led to what sounded like a river not too far away, but they managed to get their tent up.

Despite his disappointment, Tony kept his complaints to himself but in his head he thought to himself, "This is going to be a long trip..."

Tony crawled into the tent and spread out the sleeping bags. Trevor soon followed, bringing in pillows and nightclothes. Tony searched his bag and pulled out his toothbrush, which brought up the question: "Umm...where do we brush our teeth?"

Darren took them to the bathroom and shower hut, which was past the laundry room building. Beyond there was a small grocery and a supply store. There were also vending machines that were fully stocked. Even though the living conditions were disappointing, it made up for it in amenities, Tony thought with a sense of relief.

After they brushed their teeth in the bathrooms (which were also surprisingly clean and modernized) they briskly walked back to their cabin. Along the way, they could hear other furs chatting and cubs playing in the dark. Further ahead, there was a ruckus like there was some kind of party going on. There was a 10 p.m. noise curfew though so it quickly settled down before 11.

Back inside the tent, the two brothers read quietly in their separate sleeping bags. This was only a ruse though. They were waiting for their parents to check up on them and go to bed before having some nighttime fun. They exchanged lustful glances as they pretended to read. Tony felt his cock straining against the band of his sweat pants as he kept it carefully hidden under the plastic sleeping bag.

The zipper opened and Mary poked her head in, "You boys alright in here?"

They both smiled and nodded in unison, "Yes, mom!"

She smiled back, "If you need anything, we'll be in the cabin. We made the bunk beds for you just in case."

"Thanks mom!" "Love you!"

"Love you too! Get some sleep!" And with that, they were alone together. The lights went out in the cabin as Mary and Darren went to bed.

They waited a safe amount of time before Tony rolled over and pinned Trevor down on his back. Without making any noise, they kissed deeply in a flurry of pent-up, hormonal passion. Trevor squirmed, pushing his young boner up into the sleeping bag as they shared their intimate kiss.

Their lips parted. Tony kissed down Trevor's neck, eliciting a soft coo from the cub. Trevor pushed the sleeping bag down to his ankles and slipped his shorts and underwear, freeing his young, pink cocklet.

Without wasting a second, Tony got down and took the cub's meat in his maw. He sucked it devotedly, loving his younger brother's salty sweet flavor.

Trevor suddenly let out a loud moan, shattering the silence. Tony's fur bristled and he pulled up, putting a paw over Trevor muzzle and holding a finger to his lips in a "Shhhh" gesture. Trevor blushed and nodded, realizing his mistake.

Tony leaned down and took Trevor's cock again, bobbing slowly and rolling his tongue around the shaft. Trevor arched his back and whimpered softly as Tony expertly serviced his younger sibling.

"Mmmff...Tony..." Trevor said in a breathy whisper, "C...can I rim you?"

Tony grinned wide and pulled up off the tender cocklet, "God yes..."

Tony slipped out of his sweat pants and crawled over Trevor, straddling his chest carefully and dropping his tail over Trevor's excited face. He leaned forward, bending his back so he could suck Trevor off while Trevor rimmed his tailhole.

Trevor buried his nose in his brother's tail, feeling the hot, flexing tailstar on his lips as he breathed in the heavy musk. Tony's scent filled his nostrils as he parted his lips to lick the spicy hole, feeling another set of lips wrap around his cocklet and envelope it in warmth.

Suddenly there was a loud snap from outside the tent. Both their furs stood up on end with fright from the sudden noise. It sounded like someone stepped on a stick not too far away from their tent. They held still in the awkward 69 position, waiting for another noise. The silence felt like it dragged on for hours until they heard another snap.

They both quickly dashed back under their own sleeping bags and slipped into their night clothes again.

Tony lay under the cover, his heart pounding at a million times a minute. Trevor's was doing the same. He rolled over and whispered, "Tony?"

"Yeah?" Tony whispered back.

"Can we...tomorrow?"

"Yeah..." Tony whispered, "I still owe you." He smiled in the darkness of the tent.

Trevor smiled and gripped his cocklet, stroking himself to a dry orgasm. Tony listened to Trevor's soft, suppressed moans of pleasure, feeling his own member begging for attention. Trevor finished with a gasp and a sigh.

Tony leaned over and kissed his brother's cheek, "I love you, Trev..."

Trevor panted softly, post orgasm. He whispered back, "I love you too, Tony..."




The sun rose the next morning, waking the two siblings from their slumber. Trevor was the first to get up, yawning and stretching his limbs as he slipped out of the sleeping bag. He smiled down at his sleeping brother before getting up and unzipping the tent. As his eyes adjusted to the morning light, he gasped softly.

"Tony!" he said softly, "Tony, wake up!"

Tony made a growling noise and rolled over. Trevor shook him firmly.

"Tony you have to see this! Wake up!"

Tony opened one eye, giving him a reproachful morning look. He yawned wide, stretching and pulling himself out of the sleeping bag. He immediately regretted wearing sweatpants in a sleeping bag on a warm June night, as they were soaked with perspiration. "Mmmff...w'as so important?" Tony mumbled.

"Come on, you'll see!"

Tony sighed and crawled out of the tent. He looked up and his maw dropped open in awe.

Towering high above them, a magnificent grey monolith seemed to swallow up the brilliant blue sky. Half Dome Mountain loomed high over them, far off in the distance but still so tall that it took up half of the sky. It's smooth, grey wall faced them proudly, rising from the sea of green trees across the babbling river in front of them.

The two brothers took in the beauty of the landscape, unable to find the words to describe what they were seeing. All Tony could mutter was, "Wow..."

"You boys want breakfast?" Darren called from behind them. He was cooking scrambled eggs, bacon, country ham, and brewing coffee in the fenced in porch of the cabin. Mary was setting up the picnic table for breakfast. The boys quickly came in and helped out before sitting down to eat.

As they ate, they discussed plans for the day. They had planned to hike up Mist Trail to Half Dome and back. Darren reached into his bag and pulled out four slips of paper.

"So I was able to get permits for all of us to climb up Half Dome but they're only good for tomorrow," Darren said handing out passes, "Anyone game?"

"What's Half Dome?" Trevor asked curiously.

"That mountain behind us," Darren said, gesturing over to the mountain, "That's Half Dome."

Trevor's face lit up, "Awesome! I'm game!"

Tony smiled, feeling slightly nervous, "Me too."

Mary shifted uneasily, "Oh, I dunno Darren...It looks really high. Do you think the boys are old enough to go mountain climbing?"

"It's perfectly safe, dear. Lots of furs take their cubs up it every year. They have cables going up the mountain that you can hold onto or hook yourself to. I've already got the supplies." Darren directed his attention to the kits, "How are you both at hiking?"

Trevor piped up, "We went camping at Lake Lopez in the cub scouts. We did a lot of hiking."

"Well, I do work out," Tony said, "I was in the scouts too, so I think I'll be good."

Mary shook her head, "No, I think I'm going to sit this one out, boys. You can come and tell me all about it when you're done. I'm still not sure about Trevor going though..."

Trevor gave his mother an exasperated look, "Moomm!" He looked to Darren to back him up.

Darren said, "Well, we have until tomorrow. We can hike up Mist Trail today, which should lead us to Half Dome. Then we can decide if it's okay for him to go hiking."

Trevor nodded, still slightly irritated but accepting of the proposition. And with that, they finished breakfast and got ready for the day.


Mist Trail got its name from the shroud of mist that seems to always surround the trail. The source of the mist is Vernal Fall, one of the two major falls along the Merced River as it carves its way through the valley. Though scenic, it is also one of the more challenging hikes as the water makes the stone steps going along the mountain fairly slippery.

Dressed in rain ponchos and sturdy hiking boots, the family made their way along the trail. They stopped to gaze in awe at the falls; their ancient, natural beauty and the majestic rainbows they create. They were all completely soaked by the time they had hiked past Vernal Fall, but quickly dried off as they hiked around Nevada Fall. The morning was gone and the afternoon sun was high in the sky with no clouds in sight.

When they finally made it to Half Dome, they could see a long line of furs going up the mountain. They were backed up like a traffic jam; furs waiting in line and holding the ropes as they ascended the nearly vertical slope while another descending line clashed toward the middle.

"That's why you got to get here early in the morning," Darren quipped.

Mary shook her head, "No...I'm going to sit this one out, Darren. And I don't think Trevor should be going up there either."

Trevor's eyes widened and he yelled, "MOOOM!"

Trevor argued for a while with his mother, trying to convince her into letting him climb the mountain. Only after convincing her that Darren, who was an avid climber, would keep him safe going up and down the mountain and pointing out that there were cubs just as young as him were climbing the mountain too. After much arguing, Mary gave in despite her reluctance to let Trevor near the dangerous looking mountain. Darren assured her that he would keep Trevor hooked to his body with a cable and that they would be completely safe.


Back at the campsite, Tony and Trevor had changed into their swimsuits and were wading through the river behind the cabin. There were other cubs playing further down the river, and a group of older furs fishing up the river. At its deepest, the water only came up to Tony's waist.

Tony sat on the smooth, water-worn stones as the crisp water travelled around him. He smiled and listened to the soothing sounds of the river, intermingling with the chatter of adults and the squeals of playing cubs. He opened his eyes and looked up at the sky.

Half Dome towered over in the distance, glowing ominously red from the setting sun.

While their mother had doubts as to allowing Trevor to climb Half Dome, she had no problem with Tony going. Trevor was more than willing to go on the hike. Tony, however, was a little more reluctant about it. Seeing how steep the climb was made him nervous and seeing the amount of furs lined up and down the mountain added to his fears by feeding his claustrophobia. Trevor's only fear was that he wouldn't be able to go at all.

Trevor came wading up to Tony, who was immersed in thought. He playfully splashed at Tony, snapping him out of his thoughts. He smiled wide, splashing him back and engaging in a mini-splash war with Trevor.

Trevor giggled and tackled Tony in the shallow water, wrestling playfully while Darren and Mary grilled dinner on land. Trevor leaned up and whispered in his brother's ear, "Wanna take a shower later?"

Tony hardened up underwater and groaned softly, "God, yes..."

"Boys! Dinner!" Mary called.

Trevor crawled out of the water while Tony waited for his hardon to go down. He watched as Trevor shook off, much to Mary's disapproval, and wrapped himself in a towel before scarfing down a couple hot dogs. Tony got out of the water, adjusting his swim trunks and hoping no one would notice his momentary arousal. In those moments, his anxieties over the hiking trip were forgotten.


After dinner, Tony and Trevor walked down to the shower hut which wasn't more than a five minute walk from their cabin. Clad in only their tee shirts and still wearing their soaked swim trunks, they walked barefoot along the dusty, dirt trail. As the day was winding down, so was the activity of the other furs who shared their camp.

Tony felt a sudden, romantic impulse to hold Trevor's paw, but he fought the urge. He smiled down at Trevor. Trevor beamed back up at him and walked a little closer.

They arrived at the shower hut as the sun was making its departure from the landscape. The sky was a deep hue of purple with a mix of orange, and red between the black silhouettes of trees. Campfires flickered and glowed and the laughter and chatting of the furs mingled with the chirping of crickets and the gentle current of the passing Merced River.

The inside of the shower hut was quieter and illuminated by harsh florescent lights. The faint smell of chlorine stung their noses as they picked a stall and entered.

Tony turned on the hot and cold tap and adjusted the temperature to a comfortable level. Trevor closed the stall door and locked it and quickly got out of his shirt and swim trunks. Tony stripped and hung his clothes on the door with Trevor's and leaned down over the horny, excited cub. They kissed passionately, fueling the thrill of being in public and releasing their sexual tension. Trevor suckled Tony's tongue as Tony invaded his maw, the both of them reaching down and stroking each other's sheaths.

Trevor panted and pulled back, his little foxmeat peeking from his sheath, " bath?" He asked with boyish cuteness in his voice.

Tony grinned wide, "Fuck yeah."

They got down on the floor of the stall, Trevor's legs crossing over Tony's as they scooted closer facing each other. They had drunk plenty of water and their bladders were nearly bursting. They had both planned for this moment, even without telling each other.

Trevor released his bladder first, coating Tony's white belly and chestfur with hot piss. Tony moaned softly and released his own, shivering slightly with relief as he aimed back at Trevor's chest. Their streams crossed, creating a miniature yellow fountain between them. Tony leaned in and lapped at it, letting the hot, salty urine fill his maw before Trevor leaned in as well. Their lips met and they kissed while hot jets hit their chins and inside their maws.

Trevor finished first, letting out a soft moan of pleasure as his stream came to a stop. He leaned down as Tony was finishing and sucked the rest of Tony's piss straight from the tap. Tony suppressed his moan as Trevor hungrily milked the member eagerly for his brother's piss.

Trevor pulled off once the last few drops were claimed and leaned up to kiss Tony again. Tony reached down and stroked his brother's young cocklet as they shared a loving, intimate kiss. Tony smiled and said softly, "I love you Trevor..."

Trevor scooted closer and sat on Tony's lap, cooing softly into his neck, "I love you too, Tony."

They embraced, holding each other under the warm cascade of water. The foxpiss rinsed away from their bodies while they held each other. Tony's paws slipped down Trevor's back and over his buttocks, spreading his cheeks and massaging his fingers over Trevor's tight cubbyhole.

Trevor let out a squeak, shivering with anticipation as he reached down between them and stroked Tony's stone hard cock.

Trevor whispered into his brother's ear, "Mff...Tony...can I mate you?"

Tony nodded and kissed his brother's cheek, "Of course, Trev."

Trevor grinned wide and sat up quickly, his little cubmeat bobbing softly as it pointed outward, fully unsheathed. Tony, still sitting at eye level with it, leaned in and took it in his maw, giving it a quick suck. He pulled off slowly, his lips meeting at the tip with a tender kiss. Trevor blushed softly and moaned, rubbing Tony's wet headfur.

Tony kneeled down on his paws and knees, arching his back and raising his tail. Trevor got behind him, growling softly as he rubbed his paws over Tony's firm asscheeks. He spread them and pushed his nose under Tony's tail, kissing down the crevice until his lips met his tight foxhole. Tony moaned and flexed it, relaxing as Trevor's tongue glided over his sweet, pink tailstar.

He pressed his lips up to the hole and gave it a tender kiss. He sat up and moved in closer, rubbing his tiny prick between his brother's rumpcheeks. Without penetrating, he humped into Tony's backside; gripping his brother's thighs and thrusting like a horny feral canine. Tony blushed, loving his little brother's animalistic dominance.

Tony pulled back and carefully aimed his tip against the tight hole. In one smooth motion, Trevor pushed his entire shaft and knot inside. Before he could stop himself, Tony moaned out loud as his brother's young foxhood entered him. Trevor gave Tony's ass a firm smack. Tony looked over his shoulder at him. Trevor put his fingers to his lips in a "Shhhh" gesture. Tony blushed deeply and Trevor grinned slyly, slowly starting to thrust inside him.

As much as Trevor adored sucking cock, he was also a natural top. He loved giving Tony pleasure in any form possible, knowing all the right buttons to push to make his toes curl and his balls ache from pleasure.

Tony loved Trevor's cock because it was the right size for it to hit against his prostate when they mated and the knot was small enough to pop in and out of his hole easily: a sensation that drove Tony wild. Although he wasn't able to produce seed at his age, he was still able to have multiple dry orgasms leading to many long afternoons of non-stop sex.

"Ungh...mate me, Trevor..." Tony panted under his breath.

Trevor thrust his knot inside, pushing as far as he could go before pulling all the way back out. He repeated this process, watching his cock disappear in the tight, pink foxhole.

He began to speed up his thrusts; slamming his hips into Tony's with his knot popping in and out with each hard thrust. Tony grunted and whined as Trevor got rougher, taking the small cock easily but feeling his ass burning from the tug and pull. Despite the pain, he loved every second of it; his cock dripped pre and swung like a pendulum beneath him.

When Trevor came to his first climax, he hunched over Tony and hugged his waist. His cocklet throbbed intensely as he had a dry orgasm, whimpering into Tony's back. Tony groaned softly as Trevor's thrusts slowed down, feeling Trevor quiver with pleasure on top of him. They rested for a moment, breathing heavily in sync with each other. After a few minutes, Trevor picked up his momentum and began breeding Tony again.

As the small foxmeat pounded into Tony's prostate he started to feel his own climax building. His cock slapped against his belly with each forward thrust while Trevor's knot vigorously working his burning hole. Tony didn't need to touch or stroke his own cock when Trevor mated him. Trevor's cocklet did all the work for him.

Tony felt his balls tighten and his cock spasm. Electric jolts of pure pleasure coursed through his stiff member as he came in hot jets on the floor of the shower. He moaned loudly again, unable to control himself as Trevor brought him to orgasm. By the time Tony's load was finished, he had created a large puddle of foxcum on the floor.

Tony's arms quivered as he steadied himself to keep from falling into the puddle. Trevor stopped and pulled out, still close to a second orgasm.

Tony rolled over slowly onto unstained floor. Trevor rinsed his cock off under the now cold shower. Tony smiled and crept forward on all fours as Trevor waved his twitching cocklet enticingly. Tony opened his maw and took the young meat inside, sucking and moaning deeply. Trevor grabbed his ears and thrust his cock into Tony's maw rhythmically.

Trevor let out a high moan and quivered as he hit his second orgasm. He gripped Tony's head and pushed his cocklet as far as it would go. Tony felt the hot meat throbbing dryly in his maw, dreaming of the day he would taste his brother's sweet seed.

The world seemed to vanish around them. For a perfect moment, there was nothing else in the world as Tony held his brother's cock in his maw and Trevor ran his fingers through Tony's wet headfur.

Then they heard a deep, gruff voice from outside, "What the blue hell is going on in here?!"

The two brothers looked at each other with matching expressions that read, 'Oh shit!'


After narrowly escaping the large bear that interrupted their intimate moment together, they made their way back to the cabin. Mary was sitting at the picnic table waiting for them.

"Where were you? What were you boys up to?" She asked sternly.

"We were just walking around and checking things out," Tony lied, hoping she would buy it.

"You two just can't wander around camp, especially at night. Something could have happened to you two," she said a little more softly, but with concern.

Trevor smiled and moved close to Tony's side, "We were fine, mom. We just went down to that general store to look at stuff."

"And besides," Tony said, gaining confidence, "I'm 16 years old. I'm old enough to watch over Trevor at home. I can keep an eye out for him out here."

Mary shook her head, "No...just to be safe, you boys need to go with either me or Darren if you want to go anywhere. I don't want either of you getting lost in the dark, okay? And next time, please ask."

"Yes, mom," The brothers said in unison.

"Alright," Mary smiled, "Darren's getting the fire restarted. You boys want s'mores?"

They both grinned and nodded eagerly.


The next morning, Trevor woke first while the light outside was still very dim. Birds chirped in the darkness as the sun took its time getting to the sky. Trevor rolled over and pulled his wristwatch from his backpack and read the time. It was only 4:02 AM. The sun wouldn't be up for another hour and they had planned to leave on their hike for 5 AM. It would give them enough of a head start to beat the afternoon crowds that would surely be there.

He yawned wide and looked over at Tony who was still fast asleep. He smiled and reached over, touching his brother's cheek softly. Tony stirred, but didn't wake up. Trevor leaned down and kissed Tony on the lips softly and whispered, "I love you..."

A slight smiled appeared on Tony's lips as his eyes stayed closed. Trevor grinned and gave his chin a soft lick.

Quietly, he slipped out of his sleeping bag and stood up. He took his shorts and underwear off, listening carefully for any sounds from outside their tent. Nimbly, he stood over the older fox with his back to him and carefully crouched down.

Trevor's tailfur brushed Tony's nose, waking him up just as Trevor lowered his rump onto Tony's muzzle. Tony was greeted with the smell of hot, young fox ass with his nose touching the cleft under Trevor tail and his lips touching the sweet pucker. He let out a low morning growl and kissed the cub's other set of lips.

"Mmm...good morning, my love..." He murmured groggily into Trevor's rump. He opened his maw and licked the cub's warm, flexing pucker. If there was any way to wake up, Tony thought, this would be the best.

Trevor moaned softly and arched his back as the hot tongue grazed his hole, "Mff...morning, Tony..."

Tony ate out his younger brother's sweet foxhole for breakfast while Trevor sat on his muzzle, pawing. They stayed like that for a good long while until the heard stirrings of morning activities coming from their parent's cabin. Trevor quickly put on his pants as Darren came to wake them up. Tony savored the taste on his tongue and lips as they prepared for the day ahead.


After a quick breakfast, Tony, Trevor, and Darren set out for Half Dome Mountain. Mary, who decided against going herself, finally conceded to let Trevor go on the hike with them. She promptly went back to sleep after they left.

They avoided taking the Mist Trail hike since it was still fairly dark and the stone steps leading them around Vernal Fall would be slippery. So they drove all the way to Muir trail, which was easier on the legs and began their hike.

Sunlight was dawning as they hiked the dusty trail. As the world slowly came into light, they could see the mountains ahead and a pouring waterfall from one of them. Fields of wild flowers and age-old trees that lined the sides of the trail guided them towards their destination. Dew still clung to the grass as the morning slowly turned into day.

Tony felt the anxiety slowly creep back in him as they came closer to Half Dome. Every sign that told them how many miles they had to go set off another little panic attack in his chest. It was the same feeling he had when he went on his first roller coaster. From waiting in line to sitting in the train, waiting to go, and the long ascension to the top of the track; every new progression to the final destination seemed worse and worse.

They reached Nevada Falls, were the path began to get steeper. Darren took a few pictures of the boys in front of and then at the top of the falls. Tony smiled despite his nervousness. Along the way, he tried to rationalize in his head that everything was going to be fine. There hadn't been any deaths and very few accidents since the cables had been installed along the mountain.

It was about 6 AM when they finally reached the base of Half Dome. The sun was up and shining bright.

Trevor groaned when he saw that there was already a line going up the mountain. Although it wasn't as bad as it had been the afternoon before, they apparently hadn't been the only ones who planned to beat the crowds in the morning.

"Well," Darren said with a reassuring smile, patting Trevor on the back, "We'll still get to the top. Don't worry about it."

Trevor wagged and smiled back. He untied his windbreaker from around his waist and put it on. Darren took off his backpack and began unloading cabled from it, along with hiking gloves for the wire cables.

They stood at the back of the line (which only comprised of a few furs) and Darren hooked the cable that hooked to his waist to a metal loop on the back of Trevor's jacket so that in the unlikely event that Trevor slipped up on the steep trail, Darren could easily keep him from tumbling the rest of the way down the mountain. Darren didn't appear big or muscular at first glance, but he was a hiking enthusiast who had the core and upper body strength to support a cub like Trevor.

When they finally reached the start of the cable they slowly made their way up the mountain. Even on the ever increasingly steep trail, furs waited in line as they slowly proceeded up the mountain. Some of the more experienced and faster climbers went outside of the cable and walked around the rest of the climbers.

Trevor got agitated waiting for the slower, less experienced climbers in front of him to move and suggested that they do what the other climbers did. They soon found themselves on the other side of the cable moving quicker and climbing at a reasonable speed up the mountain. Trevor held up the front, while Darren tried to keep up with the surprisingly energetic cub and Tony followed them from behind. Tony's arms and legs shook with nervousness as he tried to match Darren and Trevor's speed.

Like the first drop on the roller coaster, it's quickly realized that it's not as bad as it seems. Though it was steep, Tony quickly felt the apprehension dissipate as they made their climb. Half an hour later, they reached the summit of Half Dome.

Tony, Trevor, and Darren looked out over the horizon. There were almost no signs of civilization as far as the eye could see. Mountains still had leftover snow from spring in the distance and far below them at the foot of the mountain, trees and winding rivers made up the vast, virtually untouched landscape.

Tony thought nervously as he peered over the side of the mountain, 'That's a really long drop...' The prospect of that made him take a step back.

At the top of the mountain, they had a quick lunch of sandwiches Mary had made them with a bag of chips. They preserved their water for what would be an even longer trip back down the mountain.

Tony hadn't realized how steep the mountain was on the way up. Looking back down, he felt his lunch fighting its way back up his esophagus when he saw how far up they had come and how steep the climb really was. It seemed like a complete vertical drop at some points. Slowly they descended the mountain, clinging to the cables for support.

Trevor was now starting to show some nervousness as he clung to the cables for dear life. They made their way down as other furs were still making their way up. They had to move out of the way so that others could get around them.

It seemed like an eternity, but they made it safely back down the mountain. They were all thoroughly worn out from the hike and eager to finally get back to the cabin and rest.


The next morning, they packed up and left early, waving goodbye to the hospitable camp they had stayed at.

Trevor watched as Yosemite slowly disappeared into the distance from the back of the van. They had talked about maybe another trip next summer or a trip up to Yellowstone. Trevor remembered all the fun things they had done and all the wonderful things he had seen over the past few days and couldn't wait to do it again. Soon.


Tony was nearly finished with his book when he decided to rest his eyes for a while. He set it down on the seat next to him and saw that Trevor was fast asleep. He smiled wide and chuckled, getting an idea. He looked up to the front where Mary was driving and Darren was napping in the passenger seat, making sure they wouldn't notice. Trevor was hunched to the side, just out of view in the rear-view mirror.

Tony grinned and sucked his index finger, getting it soaked with plenty of saliva. He eased his paw down the back of Trevor's pants and underwear, sliding his fingers through his crack. Trevor was startled awake by the sudden intrusion. Without lifting his head, he looked up at Tony with a look that asked, 'What are you doing?'

Tony grinned wide and whispered, "Payback," softly.

Trevor grinned wide and wagged his tail softly as his brother's fingers found their way to his foxhole. Trevor grimaced and bit his lower lip as Tony pushed his finger firmly into the tight hole, feeling the sharp pain as it slid in slowly.

Tony smiled and rolled his finger around the tailstar, making Trevor whimper softly with pain and pleasure. Trevor's little cocklet hardened up and pushed painfully against the fabric of his underwear, aching to be released.

Tony checked back up at the front to see if they had noticed before ducking his head down and undoing Trevor's fly. He tugged the front of his underwear down and freeing the pink foxmeat. He sucked it quietly while fingering him.

Trevor gritted his teeth and resisted the urge to make any noise. He breathed heavily through his nose as Tony's finger invaded his tailhole and his hot, wet maw enveloped his cocklet. He whimpered softly as he began to climax.

Trevor's cocklet twitched as he climaxed in Tony's maw. Tony could feel Trevor's tailhole clenching around his finger with each orgasm and the little member throbbing dryly in his maw. Trevor let out a soft whine and clenched Tony's neck fur.

Tony pulled up off of the little foxmeat and pulled his paw from Trevor's pants. Trevor sat up and grinned at Tony, whispering, "Asshole!"

Tony stuck his tongue out at Trevor and chuckled, "You know you loved it."

Trevor grinned back and leaned down, kissing Tony on the lips.

Trevor whispered, "Thanks big bro..."

Tony whispered back, "You're welcome, baby bro..."

They shared another tender, intimate kiss before sitting back up in the seat and looking out opposite windows. Between them on the seat they held each other's paws; their finger's interlocked together as they watched the beautiful scenery outside.

As always, comments and critiques are welcomed :3 Thanks for reading!

Tony's Room - Brothers

Warning: The following story contains gay incest and underage characters. Read at your own risk. Enjoy! :3 A long time ago... Two years before the rocky divorce, Avery had become distant and abusive toward Mary and their two cubs. He gradually...

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Tony's Room - One Last Dance

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Tony's Room - Monster

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