Tony's Room - Brothers

Story by Summerfox on SoFurry

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Warning: The following story contains gay incest and underage characters. Read at your own risk. Enjoy! :3

A long time ago...

Two years before the rocky divorce, Avery had become distant and abusive toward Mary and their two cubs. He gradually spent more time out on the road than he did at home and whenever he was home, Tony and Trevor feared him. Mary had to work most days to just to make ends meet, so when Tony and Trevor came home from school and saw their father's truck in the driveway they knew something bad was going to happen. They were often greeting with an angry accusation or demand and sometimes even a belt. It got worse with his drinking problem.

"Why th' hell did you not start th' washer!?"

"Where th' hell did you put them damn towels!?"

"Where m' goddamn keys, pup!?"

Little things would set Avery off, whether he was drunk or not. Tony would sometimes forget things, like forgetting to take the trash out to the road on garbage day. On one occasion, Avery flew into a blind rage, kicked in the metal trashcan in the kitchen, and cornered the terrified pup, shouting obscenities and spraying a haze of beer and spittle in his face. After the belt-whipping, Tony never forgot to take the trash out again.

Mary knew what was happening when she wasn't home to protect her cubs from Avery's wrath but she couldn't talk to him without getting into a shouting match. When she came to the grim realization that this was her life now and that they'll never go back to the good days, she went numb. She hardly recognized the man she fell in love with, shared her life with, and had two kits with. She finally snapped one night after she came home from work to find Avery drunk and passed out on the couch.

A couple weeks later, she filed for divorce. She sued, got custody of her cubs, and moved in with her sister until she was able to get back on her feet. Tony and Trevor recovered the best they could from the abuse and tried to move on with their lives. Trevor still climbed into Tony's bed and clung to him for protection. Tony used to protest and tell him to go back to his own bed, but after everything they had been through, Tony welcomed his brother with open arms.


Tony is 14 and in the 8th grade

Trevor is 8 and in the 3rd grade

"Hey faggot!!"

Tony's ears burned, hoping it was just some kid yelling it at someone else. He was too afraid to look, so he kept his head down and walked to class.

'No one knows I'm gay...' Tony thought, feeling a painful pit in his stomach, 'I hope no one knows I'm gay...'

Tony lived in fear of someone finding out he was gay. The feelings he had been fighting for so long had won. No amount of praying, looking at straight porn, and forcing himself to reject his urges made them go away. He simply gave up and accepted himself as a freak that God no longer wanted. He desperately tried to blend into the crowd, not wanting to be noticed by anyone. He kept to himself and was nice to anyone who talked to him. But he was not outgoing and never tried to stand out and draw attention to himself.

But still, the lingering fear and dread followed him. Anytime someone would call someone else a 'fag' he would tense up and desperately try to act inconspicuous.

"Hey fag! I'm talkin' to you!" The voice had a heavy southern drawl.

Tony walked briskly, pretending he didn't hear that. Inside, his heart was racing and his paws were sweating. He reached the privacy of the stairwell and breathed a soft sigh. He climbed the stairs, going over in his mind what would have happened if he had turned and looked. What would have happened? Where they even talking to him?

Maybe they were.

Maybe they weren't.

Tony got to class and sat down in his desk, his paws still shaking slightly. 'Just one more hour...' he thought with a little relief.

When Tony arrived home, the house was empty. He threw his backpack next to the door and sighed. He checked the fridge for food. There was a frozen pizza with a sticky note labeled "Dinner" on it with a little heart under it. He smiled softly. The note on the table read, "Will be home a little late tonight. Set oven to 350 and put the pizza in for 20 min. Love you, boys! Mom" with another little heart drawn under it.

Tony trudged up the stairs, feeling tired and a little sore. Trevor wouldn't be home for another 15 minutes so he decided to take a nice, warm bath.

Tony stripped off his clothes in his room, throwing a towel over his shoulder and heading to the bathroom. He paused in front of the mirror, noticing his slightly bulging belly and thighs. He grimaced slightly, feeling gross and ugly as he looked at his reflection.

'No guy will ever want me...' he thought to himself. He looked over his naked image and sighed sadly, filled with self loathing.

He ran the hot water and filled the tub, adjusting the tap as he slid his body into the warm water. He laid back and let the warmth in, feeling the stress slowly melt away. He turned the tap off with his toes and murred softly as he soaked. He took a washcloth and dunked it in the water, laying it over his eyes.

A while later he heard the front door slam downstairs and the sound of little paws running up the stairs.

"Tony?" Trevor called.

"I'm in the bathroom!" Tony called back.

Trevor peeked in the bathroom door and yipped, "Hey Tony!"

Without pulling the washcloth off his eyes, he responded, "Hey Trev..."

Tony and Trevor weren't shy about seeing each other naked; they were used to it after being babysat by Greg, even after they had moved away.

"How was school?" Trevor asked chirpily.

"Phenomenal," Tony said deadpan, "How was your day?"

"It was fine," Trevor said, sitting down on the toilet lid. He went into detail about his day, talking about his friends and teachers. Tony pulled the washcloth off his eyes and smiled softly at his brother, "Sounds fun..."

"It was," Trevor grinned, "Hey, can I get in?"

Tony looked up at him incredulously, "In the tub?"

Trevor nodded, kicking his feetpaws as he smiled.

"I guess so..." Tony said. They hadn't bathed together since they were little.

Trevor excitedly stripped off his clothes. Tony watched him, looking up and down his brother's slender body, admiring how perfectly shaped and beautiful he was for his age. He felt a stirring down below and cursed himself for looking at his own brother like that.

The tub was big enough for both of them to fit, but not without being in close contact. Trevor sat opposite Tony and playfully splashed him. Tony smiled softly for his brother, splashing him back. He dunked and put the washcloth back over his eyes, letting out a heavy sigh.

"What's the matter?" Trevor asked curiously.

"Nothing...just tired and had a bad day..." Tony said tiredly.

Trevor crawled forward, sitting next to Tony. He sat slightly on top of him in the narrow tub. "What happened?" Trevor asked, a concerned and sympathetic look on his face.

Tony shifted uncomfortably as his brother sat close to him, feeling slightly aroused again.

"It's nothing, Trev...I just don't like school very much."

"Why?" Trevor asked, looking up at his older brother.

Tony sighed, "Well...the work is hard, classes feel like they go on forever, and I don't really have any friends..."

Trevor frowned, "You don't have friends?"

Tony shrugged, "There's people that I talk to...but I wouldn't really call them 'friends'."

Trevor grinned up at Tony, "I'm your friend, right?"

Tony smiled, "Yeah, of course you are, Trev."

Trevor grinned and wiggled his tail under the water. He hugged Tony the best he could in the tub. Tony wrapped his arm around Trevor, feeling happy. Even naked, he didn't feel any shame or dirty feelings when he hugged his brother. He was reminded of all the times he protected Trevor and made sure he was safe. He had pulled glass from his little brother's paws and held him close at night, showing him love during a dark time. He heard other guys at school talk about how lame their siblings were, but Tony never felt anything but devotion to his brother, especially after the divorce.

Tony kissed the top of Trevor head softly. Trevor twitched his ears and looked up at his brother with a grin.

"Hehe, did you kiss me?" Trevor giggled.

Tony blushed softly, "Yeah...sorry..."

Trevor leaned up and kissed his older brother on the cheek, smiling innocently at him. Tony smiled back, blushing more.

"I love you, little bro..." Tony said, meaning every word.

"I love you too, big bro," Trevor said softly, happily.

Trevor rolled on top of Tony, hugging his chest and nuzzling his neck. Tony blushed and felt his cock growing hard, peeking out of his sheath under the water as Trevor rubbed against him. The white parts of his fur turned pink as he blushed with embarrassment. It didn't take long for Trevor to notice the change.

Trevor giggled, "Hehe, you're thing's getting bigger!"

Tony smiled embarrassedly and nodded, "Heh, yeah it does that sometimes..."

"Mine too!" Trevor grinned, "Wanna see?"

Before Tony could answer, Trevor stood up in the tub. His wet fur clung to his body as he started stroking his sheath with his fingers and thumb, coaxing his young, pink foxhood from its hiding place as Tony watched, maw slightly agape. Trevor's young cock stood at two and a half inches with the knot, which was still in the sheath.

Trevor giggled and waved his cock with his paw, "Hehe, see?"

Tony nodded, feeling horny and nervous at the same time, "Yeah..."

Trevor wiggled it and stroked it until his knot slipped out of his sheath. He stood proudly, his pink cocklet bobbing up and down, pointing at Tony who sat in disbelief as his brother proudly showed off.

Trevor grinned, "Make yours come out all the way too!"

Tony stood up feeling slightly nervous, wondering if he should do this. He was already hard from watching his brother unsheathe his dick. Trevor smiled and played with himself, watching Tony's lap intently.

Tony took himself in his paw and stroked slowly. He worked the knot out of his sheath as it swelled; exposing the full five inches of his member.

"Wow, yours is way bigger than mine!" Trevor grinned, not taking his eyes off Tony's cock.

Tony blushed, "Well, yours will get big too when you get older..."

Trevor grinned and stroked himself, "Hold it next to mine. I wanna see how much bigger it is."

Tony, who was still taller than Trevor at the time, knelt slightly so that their cocks where level with each other. He felt uncomfortable but extremely aroused at the same time. He ignored the nagging voice of doubt in the back of his mind as they rubbed and compared their sizes.

Trevor took Tony's cock in his paw. Tony bit his lip as Trevor curiously explored his rigid meat, studying it like a scientist would a new specimen. He ran his fingers along the veins and around his swollen knot, handling it carefully. Tony steadied himself as the foreign paws touched and caressed him, never having felt another fur's touch like that.

"Are you peeing?" Trevor asked amusedly, referring to the pre that was dripping from his tip.

"N-no... That's pre..." Tony said.


"Yeah..." Tony was having a hard time thinking of how to explain precum. "It's what the body produced when you rub it like that..."

"My friend says it's called sperm," Trevor said, "He says it's how you get a girl pregnant when you have sex."

"Y-yeah, he's right...but Pre is sort of like lube. It comes before sperm and makes it go inside a woman easier," Tony said, Trevor still holding his cock.

Trevor smiled, knowing how much pleasure he was giving Tony as he rubbed him. "Mine feels really good when I rub it, but nothing comes out. Sometimes it feels like I'm peeing, but I'm not."

Tony finally had to pull away from Trevor's grasp, his knees shaking as he lowered himself back into the water. The water had cooled down a lot since he had drawn it.

"Yeah...when you get older, your body will start producing it. It's a normal part of growing up," Tony said.

"Does yours make sperm yet," Trevor asked, kneeling in the tub in front of him.

Tony nodded, "Yeah, since I was 12."

"What's it like?" Trevor asked curiously.

"'s white and sticky...I dunno, like phlegm I guess."

"Can I see?" Trevor asked innocently.

"What?" Tony asked, dumbfounded.

"Can I see what your sperm looks like?" Trevor asked, his eyes on Tony.

Tony thought for a moment, wondering if he was really going to masturbate for his brother. The whole situation seemed surreal. He remembered what Greg had told him a long time ago, "That is something only grownups get to do. A cub like you shouldn't be doing that with a grownup..." Technically, Tony wasn't a grown up. 'We're both still young...' Tony thought as he gripped his cock in his paw, 'I guess it's okay for cubs to explore and be curious about bodies and stuff...'

He started pawing himself, Trevor watching eagerly as he pumped his cock. Trevor stroked himself in unison with Tony's rhythm, trying to keep in tune with him. Tony let out a shuddering moan, already feeling close from the attention Trevor gave him. Trevor watched as Tony's heavy, sagging balls bounced with his strokes. Trevor moaned as well, feeling his groin tingle as he followed Tony's lead.

Tony's breathing got heavier as his climax built up, feeling more pleasure than he had ever felt masturbating on his own. He moaned and arched in the tub, splashing water as waves of pleasure coursed through his body. He felt his body spasm as he came, shooting his seed over his chest. He had never came so hard before. He usually only made a small in a pool on his belly. He felt cum hit his chin and neck about five times as he climaxed. Trevor watched with wide eyes as Tony unloaded on himself.

When it ended, Tony was panting and shaking slightly. His paw fell limply from his cock, his body decorated with streaks of cum over his white and red fur. Trevor had forgotten all about his own cock when Tony had his orgasm.

"Wow!" was all Trevor could think to say.

As the post-ejaculation depression set in Tony felt a pang of guilt in the pit of his belly. He looked down at his damp chest fur splattered with cum, not feeling horny anymore. He sighed and furrowed his brow, sinking into the water.

Trevor asked, "Are you okay?"

Tony nodded softly and smiled feebly, "Yeah..."

"Did it hurt?" He asked with concern.

Tony shook his head, " feels very good..."

Trevor pulled the shower curtain and turned on the water, unplugging the drain to empty the bathwater. He flipped on the shower and reached up, straining as he detached the shower head and held it over Tony. Tony felt the warm water massage his chest through his fur as it washed away the seed. He smiled up at Trevor, who smiled back at him.

His smiled faded and he sat up, "You're...not gonna tell anyone. Right?"

Trevor grinned and aimed the water at Tony's face. "Hehe, of course not, silly..."

"Not even mom or your friends?"

Trevor shook his head and smiled, "I promise."

They both smiled, mutually agreeing that neither of them would tell anyone else. It was going to be their secret and their secret only. Trevor put the shower head back up and stood under the falling water. Tony grabbed a shampoo bottle, squirting some in his paw and rubbed it into Trevor's headfur. Trevor murred softly as Tony cleaned him, taking the shampoo and working it into Tony's chest fur as he cleaned away the rest of the cum that clung to his fur.


"Yeah, Trev?"

Trevor blushed and smiled up at him, "I love you..."

Tony smiled back down at him, "I love you too."

Tony leaned down and kissed Trevor softly on the lips, holding them there for a second.

Tony knew they weren't like regular brothers. The other guys he knew at school squabbled with their siblings, but Tony and Trevor got along and rarely fought. They were closer than normal brothers, but in that moment, Tony felt something change. Trevor felt it too, like a barrier had been lifted. They felt like maybe they were more than just siblings and more than just brothers.


Present day...

Trevor didn't speak to Tony for a while. He didn't do it in a resentful way or throw spiteful glances over his shoulder. He didn't ignore Tony or get angry with him. He just stopped talking to him, only saying things when they needed to be said. Ever since Tony locked Trevor out of his room and subsequently broke his heart, Trevor had gone back into the depression he had been in after Tony's suicide attempt. He felt rejected and unloved, like the past five years didn't count for anything.

Tony tried talking with him, explaining why he had to do it. Trevor understood, knowing that Tony could get in lots of trouble if they continued. Tony told him that just because they were no longer having sex didn't mean that he loved him less. Trevor still felt like an important part of the relationship had been taken away though.

Tony felt sad too. He didn't like seeing his brother depressed and desperately wanted to make him feel better. But he knew there was nothing he could do other than be a friend; a platonic friend, a shoulder to cry on, and a brother. Just a brother.


Tony sat in the café, tapping his fingers anxiously as he waited for Greg to show up. They had reconnected online and agreed to meet up in a little mom-and-pop café in the nearby town. Tony was nervous, wondering about how much Greg would have changed since they had last seen each other. He took another sip of his coffee and looked down at his watch. He was an hour early to their arranged meeting time.

Tony felt his pocket vibrate. He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and saw that an unknown number was trying to reach him. Curiously he answered the call.


He almost froze when he heard the voice on the other side, "Hello son..."

"Dad?" He said, stunned.

"'s good to hear you again..." His father's voice sounded sober. He wasn't slurring his speech like when he was drunk. There was also a hint of sorrow in his voice.

Tony couldn't say anything. He hadn't heard from his dad in years since the divorce.

"How're you doing?" Avery asked.

"I'm...doing ok...How are you?"

"Well...I'm doing better. Got myself clean and got my old job back...getting my life back together again."

Tony didn't know that after the divorce, Avery's life had spiraled out of control. He lost his job and became dependant on alcohol. He had picked up small jobs to support his drinking until his funds dried up. He joined a support group for alcoholics and slowly got his life back on track.

"How's school going?"

"Well, I just got reaccepted...It's going good so far."

"How's Trevor?"

"He's doing fine..."

He was quiet for a moment, "...I heard from your uncle that you tried to kill yourself..."

Tony felt his stomach drop out from beneath him, "You did?"

"I tried to see you in the hospital," he said, his voice rising slightly with anger, "You mother wouldn't let me in to see you. I talked with her last night and she said I could talk to you over the phone..."

Tony could hear his father's voice breaking up. He listened as Avery went silent, hearing soft crying on the other side. Then he heard him sob, "I'm...I'm so sorry Tony..."

Tony felt his heart sink listening to his father pour his heart out. His eyes welled as Avery apologized for all the times he ever laid a finger on him and his brother. Tony tried desperately not to cry in the middle of the café.

Avery choked softly as he finished. He asked, "Can you ever forgive me?"

Tony rubbed his eyes and sniffed softly. He remembered all the abuse and terror he had put them through years ago. He didn't know if he was fully ready to forgive him for the trauma they went through. He took a deep breath and said, "Yeah dad...I forgive you." He looked around and quickly used a napkin to dry his tears.

"Tony...tell your brother that I said I was sorry...and that I love both you boys..." he said, his voice gruff and gentle at the same time. Tony had never heard his father sound like he did in all the time he knew him.

"I will.....Dad?"

"Yeah, Tony?"

"I love you..."

"I love you too, son."

They said their goodbyes and Tony hung up the phone, feeling emotionally drained. He sniffled and tried to keep from crying, wiping his damp eyes. While he felt sympathetic for his father and knew that the apology was genuine and from the heart, it would take a long time but he would eventually forgive him for all the past wrongs he had done.

The bell above the door of the café jingled as an otter entered.

As always, comments and critiques are welcome :3 Thanks for reading!

Tony's Room - One Last Dance

_"I don't wanna be your friend, I just wanna be your lover. No matter how it ends, No matter how it starts."_ _House of Cards - Radiohead_ Tony knocked on Trevor's door and leaned in, "Hey Trev..." Trevor looked up from his homework at...

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Tony's Room - Monster

"_Tony thought about the relationship he had with Trevor all those years after. He had crossed a line that shouldn't have been crossed. Greg stopped him before they went too far and stuck to cuddling. They never went beyond that, ever. But he felt...

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Tony's Room - Commando

At long last!! Four drafts and 2 years later, I have finally completed the next chapter! I hope I did alright, it's been a long, long while :\ Contains sexy stuff and underage characters. Read at your own risk! And Enjoy :3 Tony's Room - Commando ...

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