Tony's Room - Commando

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At long last!! Four drafts and 2 years later, I have finally completed the next chapter! I hope I did alright, it's been a long, long while :\ Contains sexy stuff and underage characters. Read at your own risk! And Enjoy :3

Tony's Room - Commando

After a lengthy stay in the hospital, Tony was finally allowed to return home. He had had his stomach pumped but the overdose had almost caused a complete shutdown of his liver and kidneys. A little longer and the rest of his body would have shut down with them and he would have remained in a coma for the remainder of his shortened life. After he awoke and was able to show that his brain and motor skills were functioning, he was kept for a while longer in a psychiatric hospital for evaluation. But they finally did let Tony go back home with a warning to his parents to keep an eye on him for a few months.

From the moment Tony woke up in the hospital bed, he felt numb. His first coherent thought was, "Oh God...I failed." The doctors and psychiatrists questioned him for his reasons behind trying to off himself, which he told them was stress from failing several classes from school, losing his job at Burger World, and being off his antidepressants for a while. What he didn't tell them was that he was having sex with his younger brother, and the guilt (along with his life crumbling and falling apart around him) was overpowering. Later he realized in retrospect, he would have hurt his brother a lot more by causing him to lose someone close to him.

Life didn't get better after Tony was released from the hospital. He was still without a job, and the time he spent out of class caused him to be temporarily suspended from school and his credits to be dropped.

The car ride home on the day of his discharge was long and silent. No one said a word on the way home. Trevor, who had spent the last few months in a state of shock and depression, didn't look at his brother. Tony just stared sadly out the opposite window, watching the world go by.

When they got home, Tony went upstairs and laid down on his bed. The sun was setting in the distance, a deep reddish-orange. Shadows from the blinds on his window created the jail bars effect over him. He sighed softly and stared up at the ceiling. He let his mind wander for a while, wondering what went wrong in his life. Why everything had built up to that one moment where he snapped and took all those pills.

He remembered things that happened many, many years ago.

Nine years ago....

The lifeguard otter put the whistle to his lips and blew hard. "Adults swim! All kids out of the pool!"

The announcement was met with a chorus of displeased groans from the little ones as they made their way out of the public pool. Greg, the otter, scanned the pool to make sure all the kids were out when he spotted something red floating near the bottom in the middle of the pool. It looked like...

Greg blew his whistle again and immediately went into action. He dived into the pool and made his way toward the small kit, grabbing him and swimming back to the surface. A crowd had gathered along the pool as Greg surfaced and laid the young fox on the concrete. A panicked vixen made her way through the crowd as Greg began performing CPR on the kit.

Tony coughed up what felt like a gallon of chlorine water as life rushed back into his body. He rolled over and thanked the otter for saving his life by coughing and vomiting up more water and the remains of his lunch.

Greg chuckled, "You ok, buddy?"

Tony nodded and wheezed softly.

Tony was swept up in his mother's arms as she thanked the otter for saving her son. The crowd applauded the otter's heroics before dispersing. Tony's mother talked to Greg and his parents as Tony sat on a bench and slurped a slushee.

Mary invited the otter family over for dinner the following night.

The otter family showed up at around 8pm to the fox household where Mary and Avery greeted them and let them in. Tony waggled his tail excitedly as Greg came in. He blushed and gazed up at the handsome otter, who greeted the 9 year old kit cheerfully, "Hey buddy, how're ya feeling?"

Tony almost couldn't speak, "I'm okay." Greg rustled Tony's headfur and grinned.

Avery and Mary got acquainted with Edgar and Pearl and their son Greg as they sat down to eat dinner. Edgar worked for a law firm and Pearl was in real estate. Greg was working part time as a lifeguard while attending his last year of high school. Avery was a truck driver and Mary was a stay home mother with Tony and Trevor, then aged 9 and 3. Greg was 18 and an only child.

Throughout the dinner, Tony kept staring at the otter. He felt so entranced by the otter, remembering his slick, well built body from the pool. When Greg would glance over at Tony, Tony would quickly look away, pretending to be interested in his mashed potatoes. Greg grinned at the young fox's shyness.

The otters thanked Mary and Avery for dinner and Greg proposed that whenever they needed a babysitter, he was only a couple streets down from them.

One night, Mary and Avery decided to go out for the evening. They left the number of the hotel they were staying at and money for pizza and soda. Greg brought over some PG-13 movies (Tony promised not to tell) and his Playstation. Tony and Greg played video games while Trevor played with his toys. After Trevor went to bed, Greg and Tony watched a movie. Tony fell asleep halfway through, so Greg carefully carried him up to bed. Tony was already in pajamas, so Greg just tucked him in.

A little while later Tony woke up, clicking his tongue dryly. He crawled out of bed and padded downstairs quietly. He tiptoed past the living room. From the corner of his eye he could see the TV was still on and Greg was watching it. He crept to the kitchen and gulped down a cup of water. On the way back, he paused at the living room door to see what Greg was watching. His jaw dropped slightly as he saw porn playing on mute, while Greg slept on the sofa, completely nude.

Tony just stared at Greg for a while, awestruck by the otter's nakedness. He had never seen a grown fur, not even his father, naked before. He looked at the otter's handsome face, peaceful and sleeping. His eyes trailed down the slender but muscled torso. He had a swimmer's body, chiseled perfectly down to his six-pack abs. His eyes travelled lower, stopping on Greg's sheath. A little bit of his cock was peaking, little streaks of milky white fluid decorating his belly above it. Two large orbs, each big enough to fit in Tony's paws, hung below his sheath.

To Tony, Greg was like a beautiful Greek statue, carved from stone and brought to life. He blushed heavily and crept forward, marveling the body of the sleeping otter. Tony wanted so bad to touch him, to run his paws over his body and feel those firm muscles, kiss his beautiful muzzle and gaze into his stunning green eyes, but was afraid of waking him.

Fear got the best of him and he quietly retreated to his room. The image of the nude otter was burned into his brain, keeping him wide awake most of the night. When he woke up the next morning, Greg was dressed and making scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast.

Tony didn't forget that night. Over the next few days he thought of Greg, aching and wishing it could happen again. Deep down, he knew those thoughts were wrong. He should've been liking girls, not boys. Suddenly, he was seeing every cute boy he passed at school and imagining what their naked bodies must look like. He even wondered what his friends looked like.

A month later, Mary needed to pick up a job to make ends meet. They asked Greg if he could watch Tony and Trevor while Avery was on the road and Mary was working. He agreed and for $50 a month, Greg gladly babysat for them. He had just finished school and quit his job as a lifeguard, enrolling in online classes at a community college so he could watch the cubs all day and still attend school.

Tony woke up one morning just as his mother was leaving the house. It was summer vacation, so he had all day with Greg and Trevor. He laid in bed for a while, thinking of Greg. He didn't just want to see Greg nude again, he wanted to BE nude with him. The though alone sent shivers of bliss and anxiety through him.

Then he had the idea; the crazy idea that would change everything. He got up and nervously stripped his pajamas away. He stood in front of his closet mirror, naked as the day he was born, looking over his own body. He was slightly pudgy with leftover puppy fat; not even close to the model of Greg's figure. He looked at himself and breathed deep, preparing himself. So many things were going through his mind, all the horrible, possible outcomes and the one desired one. He wasn't sure how Greg would react, but he knew it was the only way.

He opened his door and padded down the hallway slowly, nervously. He ran lines to say through his mind, what he would say to Greg. Trevor was still sleeping, so Greg would be downstairs, preparing breakfast or doing dishes. He kept his eye on the prize though, the one thing he wanted so badly: To be naked with Greg.

The idea of sex never crossed his mind. He only wanted to be close to the beautiful otter who saved his life.

Knees shaking slightly, he entered the kitchen. Greg was making pancakes and scrambled eggs for breakfast. Greg turned to Tony as he entered and said, "Oh hey kiddo! I was just about to call you for..." Greg froze mid sentence at the sight of the naked kit. Tony smiled nervously and said, "Hi..."

Greg gained his composure and grinned wide, "Heh, forget something today?"

Tony shook his head and swallowed, "Nope...I uh....wanted to be naked today," he said with a grin. He was shaking slightly from nervousness and the adrenaline pumping full course through his body.

Greg chuckled and looked away, a hint of uncertainty in his voice, "No problem, buddy. Just make sure you're dressed when you're mom comes home. Pancakes?"

Tony nodded and sat down at the kitchen table. The cool wooden chair felt different under his naked rear. Greg laid the stack of pancakes down on the table in front of Tony. He was smiling but he seemed to be avoiding looking directly at Tony.

"So what made you decide to go commando today?"

Tony felt the unease dissolve slowly. He reached for a pancake and said, "I like being feels nice."

Greg went back to the eggs and put on some bacon. "I'll bet it does...I sometimes to it in my room or when no one's home."

Tony saw and seized the opportunity, "You can do it here too!" He said eagerly, his tail wagging a little.

Greg grimaced slightly and shook his head slightly, "Ahhhhh...don't think so, kit..."

Tony's ears drooped. His anxiety was starting to creep back in. "Please?"

Greg looked troubled. He shook his head again and grinned slightly, "Nah, I think I'll just stay dressed. You can ah...go around like that if you want."

Tony drooped his head and ate his pancakes. He stayed naked the whole day, playing indoors mainly. Trevor, who was still being potty trained, wanted to go naked too but he ended up only wearing a diaper around the house. Greg seemed uneasy at first, but got used to it after several hours. He still tried to avoid looking at Tony's body though, mainly glancing at his face when they talked. Tony put his clothes back on as soon as his mother's car pulled up into the driveway around 5 pm.

For the next few days, Tony would wake up when his mother left the house and walk around the house naked, playing video games and hanging out with Greg who insisted on remaining clothed.

Then on a Friday afternoon, Greg asked Tony, "Why do you insist on getting me out of my clothes?" There was a hint of both amusement and mild annoyance after a barrage of pleads from Tony.

Tony grinned and sat on the couch next to him with his controller in paw, "Because it's fun!" He sat close to the otter, making the otter slightly uncomfortable. Tony had gotten used to being naked around Greg long enough and felt comfortable. He giggled and started the game, "...besides, you didn't mind being naked on our couch when my parents went away." He grinned up at Greg's shocked face.

"What?? How did..." Greg slunk down in the sofa, terror and embarrassment written on his face. "Oh god... "

Tony, slightly worried, said, "Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone..."

Greg shook his head and stood up, " was incredibly stupid of me. I shouldn't have done that in the first place...I'm so sorry kid..."

Tony stood up and wrapped his arms around the tall otter, only coming up to his waist. Greg froze up, but Tony spoke, "No....I liked it..."

Tony blushed, having realized what he just said. Greg just stood there silently, looking down at the naked cub hugging his waist. Greg swallowed softly, "Huh?..."

Tony looked up at him, his eyes pleading. Greg's heart was racing. "Please?" Tony said softly.

Greg breathed in deep and sighed. After a second he said, "Fine..."

Tony wagged and yipped with excitement, letting go of the otter's waist. Greg was shifting nervously, a look of doubt on his muzzle as he took off his shirt. He let it fall to the ground. Tony watched happily, grinning ear to ear as he watched the sculpture become unveiled before him.

Greg unbuttoned and unzipped his cargo shorts, letting them fall. All he had on was a shark-tooth necklace and his boxers. He uneasily gripped the band of his boxers, pausing. He made his mind up and breathed deep, sliding the boxers all the way down. There he stood before Tony, completely and gloriously nude.

Tony stepped forward and smiled, feeling nervous and excited again. Greg blushed deeply as the tip of his pinkish red cock peeked from his sheath. Tony felt his own starting to grow. He grinned, "See? It's not so bad, right?"

Greg sat down on the couch, "Yeah...I guess so."

Tony sat close to him, finally feeling his body against Greg's. He still wanted to reach out and caress the otter's whole body, but resisted. He smiled up at Greg, who smiled back down.

"Yeah, I guess it does feel good, " said Greg. He put an arm around Tony. Tony felt as if he had died and gone to heaven. Together, they played video games until it was time for lunch.


After a while, Greg and Tony got used to being naked around each other. Tony would wake up and run downstairs as Greg made breakfast in the nude (with the exception of bacon, which he wore an apron to make. He would run up and hug the otter, nuzzling his abs and feeling his groin pressed against his chest. Trevor, not wanting to be left out, abandoned the diaper after potty training and joined in with them. Tony and Greg played, bathed, and ate together, all in the nude.

One hot afternoon in August, Trevor napped peacefully upstairs as Trevor and Greg laid on the couch together. Tony confidently cuddled up close to Greg, who didn't resist. He put his arm around the fox and smiled, watching TV. Tony looked up at the otter, leaning over and rubbing a paw over the otter's chest slowly. Greg cocked an eyebrow and looked down at the cub. Tony gazed at the otter's strong chest, running his fingers through the thin, brown fur and tracing the lines of his muscles. His paw fell down to his abs, noticing the otter hardening up again.

Greg cleared his throat and said with a hint of nervousness, "Uhm...I don't think you should do that..."

Tony looked up at Greg, "Why?"

"I think ah...I'm enjoying it a bit too much..."

Tony grinned mischievously and wrapped his paw around Greg's sheath. Greg jumped and backed away. Tony looked hurt, almost ready to cry. "But..."

"You...we shouldn't do that...I could get in a lot of trouble, kiddo."

Tony looks down, hurt. Greg put his firm paw on his shoulder and said, "Come on...please don't be sad..."

"But why?"

"Because...maybe when you're older, huh?"

Tony looked up at the otter, who smiled back at him. Feeling rejected and confused, he broke down and began to cry softly. Greg pulled him close and hugged him tight. He rubbed the fox's back softly as Tony sobbed softly into his shoulder.

Tony sniffled softly and looked up at the otter, who was looking back down at him with a look of concern.

"I could get in a lot of trouble...just for this. You know that right?"

Tony shook his head softly.

"That is something only grownups get to do. A cub like you shouldn't be doing that with a grownup, okay kid?"

Tony sniffled softly and nodded, "I guess so..." He looked up at the otter with pleading eyes, "Can we...cuddle?"

Greg thought for a while, then smiled, "Yeah...sure."

Tony smiled, his cheeks still damp with tears. He hugged the otter tight, feeling his warmth radiating and his heart beating softly in his chest. He wanted to know why touching down there was so taboo, and why the otter wouldn't let him that close. He was happy for now though, to hold and touch what he could.

"One day, can we?" Tony asked softy.

Greg was silent for a moment. "...Yeah...when you grow up, kit."

Tony whispered softly, "I love you...Greg..." He blushed softly, not knowing what to expect.

"I love you too, Tony."

Present Day...

Tony cried softly, memories of his lost love coming back to him. Months after their forbidden cuddle, they picked up and moved across the state with Mary's work. Tony and Greg fell out of contact and forgot about him for a long time.

Tony thought about the relationship he had with Trevor all those years after. He had crossed a line that shouldn't have been crossed. Greg stopped him before they went too far and stuck to cuddling. They never went beyond that, ever. But he felt loved by him. Maybe Greg had wanted Tony as bad as Tony had wanted him.

'What the hell is wrong with me...' Tony thought with despair.

Tony's door opened up slowly...

As always, I look forward to comments and criticisms. It's been a while, so be gentle ;D

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