Tony's Room - Magic Nines

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Warning: The following story contains gay incest and underage characters. Read at your own risk.  Enjoy :3

Tony is 15 and in the 9th grade.

Trevor is 9 and in the 4th grade.

Trevor was always the first one to arrive home from school. Tony would arrive home about 30 minutes later, and their mother would arrive home around 6 PM, usually with fast food. She had to work late to make ends meet for the family sometimes.

Both brothers had after school chores as soon as they got home. Trevor's jobs were to unload the dishes from the dishwasher and vacuum a room according to the day. Mondays, he vacuumed the living room, Tuesdays, he vacuumed the hallway and downstairs bathroom, etc. Tony's jobs were to load the dishes and clean a room, also according to which day it was.

The first thing Trevor would do when he got home, however, was strip off all his clothing and leave them in a pile by the door, like a pair of boots. And from 3 to 6 PM, Trevor would do all his chores and homework in the nude. Tony would do the same as soon as he walked in the door too. When chores and homework were done, they would play video games in Trevor's room, or a ‘sex' game in Tony's.

One Friday afternoon, Tony came home to his brother doing homework at the kitchen table, his tail swinging through the bars of the chair. Trevor quickly ran to come greet Tony as he was throwing his back pack on the floor. Trevor hugged him.

"Hey there, kiddo," Tony said with a wide grin.

Trevor smiled back and Tony picked him up in his arms, "How's my favorite brother?"

Trevor giggled, "I'm good!"

Tony licked the pup's cheek and set him down, "What're you doing there?" He said, referring to the homework on the desk.

"'s hard," Trevor said with a pouty voice.

"Well, what's so hard about it?" Tony asked as he got out some bread, turkey, and condiments to make a sandwich.

"I'm stuck on the 9's and 8's tables..." Trevor said. He groaned and dropped his head down to the table.

Tony took the worksheets and skimmed over them, "Well," he said, "You did well on the 7's and 6's. Those are usually hard too."

Trevor whined, "Yeah, but they took forever to do!" He added exaggerated emphasis on ‘forever'.

"Well I can help you with the 9's table," Tony said, "It's easy. I can teach you the magic 9's formula."

"Magic 9's?" Trevor said skeptically.

Tony smiled, "Yeah," he said, biting into his sandwich, "We can make it a game." He winked.

Trevor smiled and wagged his tail.

"But first," He said taking another bite, "You'll have to put your clothes back on."

Trevor looked at him confused. Tony winked again, "You'll see."

Trevor promptly ran and put his clothes back on. He came back in the kitchen as Tony was finishing off his sandwich.

"Okay I'm ready!"

"Did you unload the dishes?"

"Yeah..." Tony said with a groan.

"Did you vacuum the computer room?"


"Good," Tony said smiling, "Now all I have to do is..."

Trevor moaned, cutting him off, "Oh come on! Can't you do it later?"

Tony grinned a wide, amused grin, "Ahh, excited about the game, are we?"

Trevor nodded and wagged his tail excitedly.

"Well go up to my room, I'll meet you up there in a second."

Trevor hurried as quick as he could up the stairs and waited in Tony's room. He sat on Tony's bed, bouncing impatiently. He wondered what was in store for him this time, and why he needed to put his clothes back on. Tony followed in shortly with a pitcher of water and Trevor's homework. Trevor wagged his tail excitedly. Tony shut the door, closed the blinds, and flipped on the lamp.

"What's this game, Tony?"

Tony sat down on his spinning computer chair and faced Trevor. "Do you know how to play hangman?" Tony asked.

"Yeah..." Trevor said with a hint of suspicion.

"Well this is like that," Tony said holding Trevor's homework, "Except instead of letters, we have questions on your homework. And instead of a hangman, when you get an answer right, you get..." Tony smirked slightly, " take one of your clothes off."

Trevor's heart leaped as he got the game. His tail wagged faster. He giggled, "What if I get an answer wrong?"

"Well, then you'll have to put a piece of clothes back on."

"What if I get the first question wrong?"

Tony smiled and laughed a little, "Baby, how can you get 9 times 0 wrong?"

Trevor grinned and his eyes lit up, "It's zero!"

Tony smiled, "Very good, now choose what you want to lose."

Without hesitation, Trevor took off his shirt. Tony gazed at his little brothers chest, slowly forming into real biceps (probably from all the P.E. he's made to do) and his slightly pudgy belly, the last of his baby fat as it disappeared. Trevor smiled and proudly puffed out his chest for Tony.

"Great choice, hun," Tony said, smiling and feeling a stir in his jeans. "One more rule," Tony added, "Undies come off last."

"Hehe okie," Trevor said, "What's the water for?"

"So we don't get thirsty," Tony said with the same little smirk.

Trevor didn't know that Tony had turned up the heat in the house and opened the downstairs windows. It was May, so the upstairs would get warm very quickly. Tony did this to help entice his brother to get more answer's right and quicker. The water was so that they didn't get dehydrated.

"Next question, 9 times 1?"

Trevor answered quickly, "9!"

"Very good!"

Trevor peeled off one of his socks and threw it playfully at Tony. Tony caught it and held it to his muzzle. He inhaled the scent of his brother's feet and murred softly. He could tell his brother had been running track at school. Trevor smiled, lifted his leg, and lithely licked his padded foot. Tony smiled and resisted grabbing his little brothers foot and giving it his own good licking.

"Mmmm, next one. 9 times 2?"

"That's easy! It's 18."

Tony smiled and confirmed the answer. Trevor took off his other sock and smelled his own foot scent and giggled.

It started to get warm, so Tony poured a cup of water for Trevor and a glass for himself.

"9 times 3?"


"Good!" Tony said. Trevor slid his shorts off revealing his bright white undies. His package bulged out cutely and sexily. He was excited that he was only a question away from getting out of those undies.

"9 time 4?"

Trevor frowned. "Umm....uh....thirty....two?"

Tony smiled, "Nope, sorry."

"Damn it!" Trevor swore softly. He wasn't allowed to say bad words like that around his mother but around his brother it was alright. He pouted as he put his shorts back on.

"Let me teach you a trick," Tony said, "What was the answer to 9 times 2 again?"


"And what does one plus eight equal?"


"Right, both digits in the answer add up to nine! Now what was 9 times 3?"

"Twenty seven." Trevor said, starting to understand.

"And what does two and seven add up to?"

"9!" Trevor said smiling.

"And what comes after two?"

"Three" Trevor said.

"And what plus three equals nine?"

Trevor thought for a second, then his face lit up, "Thirty six!"

"Right!" Tony smiled, then grinned wide, "Now...take those shorts off."

Trevor's shorts came off faster than they came on. Trevor sat back on the bed, spreading his legs, and gazing at his brother with amused and lustful eyes. He knew what was coming next.

"9 times 5?"

"Four....ty five!"

Tony grinned and looked at his brother. "That's right!"

Trevor shook excitedly and stood up. He gripped the sides of his undies and slid them down, kicking them off with his foot. They landed on Tony's muzzle this time. Trevor giggled and watched his brother hold the undies on his nose and sniff deeply. Tony started rubbing his crotch through his jeans.

"Mmmmm baby...." he said, taking in his brother's soft scent. It wasn't nearly as strong as his own, but he could tell Trevor was slowly becoming a man.

Trevor blushed and stood naked in front of his brother. Tony tossed the undies aside and gazed on his brother's nude form and his tiny cock and sheath.

"Next question," Tony continued.

Trevor interrupted, "But I'm nakie, already!"

"...9 times 6?"

Trevor thought, then said, "Fifty four?"

"Yup," Tony said. He lifted his sock covered foot and turned it towards Trevor, smiling and waving it. Trevor grinned and wagged his tail. He grabbed Tony's sock and peeled it off, revealing his bare foot. Trevor murred and gave his brother's foot pad a lick, smelling and tasting its salty flavor. He smiled up at Tony, who smiled back down at him.

"9 times 7?" Tony asked.

Trevor thought for a second, "Sixty three?"

"That's right!"

Tony's other sock came off, and Trevor suckled his brother's big toe.

Tony bit his lip, watching his sexy brother suck his toes. "Mmmmm, baby...9 times 8?"

Trevor smiled, "Seventy two."

Without waiting for a response, Trevor climbed on Tony's lap and grabbed Tony's shirt and pulled it off of him. Tony helped him remove the shirt and discard it. Trevor grinned and wagged his tail excitedly, rubbing his brother's chest around the muscles and tracing the nipples with his little index claw.

"9 times 9," Tony said, stifling a moan and grinning.

Trevor smiled, "Eighty one."

With out a word, Tony stood up and Trevor unbuttoned, unzipped, and pulled down his brother's jeans. Tony stood there in nothing but his boxers.

"Last question," he said, "How bad do you want your brother?" He grinned.

Trevor didn't respond. Instead he stuck out his tongue and licked his brother's package through his boxers, leaving a large wet mark. He tried to nuzzle his way into the front opening. Tony stopped him and lifted his chin up to face him.

"You got it right, babe," he said smiling sweetly.

Trevor wagged his tail and peeled Tony's boxers off in a flash. He dug his nose into Tony's groin, sniffing and licking frantically. Tony murred and held the back of his brother's head, feeling his wet nose and hot breath on his crotch. Trevor pushed his muzzle under Tony's balls and sniffed his musk deeply. Tony smiled and stroked his brother's brown hair.

"Mmmmm, you want to know what you won?" Tony said, looking down on his horny little brother.

"Hehe, what?" Trevor said, his voice muffled under Tony's ball sac.

"You won a free facial," Tony said with a smile.

Trevor's ears perked up and his tail wagged excitedly. He pulled his nose out from under Tony's crotch and looked up at Tony with joyful anticipation. Tony rubbed his sheath and grinned, "You wanna help me get warmed up first?"

Trevor nodded eagerly. Tony sat back down in his computer chair and spread his legs open, beckoning the pup. Trevor crawled forward between Tony's legs and sniffed at his brother's impressive 6 and a half inches of manhood. Tony stroked his sheath to make it come out for Trevor, knot and all. He grabbed behind his knot and gently rubbed his dick across Trevor's beautiful face, smiling down lovingly at him as he did this, watching Trevor equally enjoy himself.

Trevor closed his eyes and let his brother's warm member rub his face like a lover's caressing paw. He opened his muzzle and let his tongue protrude. He felt the tip of the cock lower to touch his tongue, pushing in his mouth a little. Moaning softly he welcomed it, suckling the tip eagerly and tasting the familiar tang of his brother.

Tony sighed and let his brother suck his cock tip like a baby at a mother's tit. Trevor suckled happily, tasting the pre that came out. Tony placed his paw on the back on his brother's head and stroked gently.

The heat of the room was overpowered by the powerful musk. The only heat they felt was the horny heat of lustful play, like a fever. Tony took a sip of water, then leaned down and held his brother's muzzle, lifting his head up gently to face him. Tony gently spit the water into Trevor's open maw. Their lips touched and Trevor drank the water thirstily. The drink turned into a quick, passionate kiss.

When the kiss broke, Tony stood up. His swollen meat stood out almost 7 inches, including his knot, which he gripped in his paw. He smiled down at his brother. "You ready?" Tony asked, stroking his cock.

Trevor nodded and closed his eyes. He shifted his position to sitting on his knees like in prayer, and holding his muzzle open and his tongue hanging out. Tony smiled and petted his brother behind his ears, "Good boy..."

Tony spit on his cock and lubed it up, stroking it. He reached down and squeezed his sac and then squeezed his knot. He held the tip over his brother's waiting face, so innocent and beautiful. He gazed down the rest of his brother's naked body as he stroked his cock, eying Trevor's tiny sheath and balls, his young chest and tummy, and his clean and shiny fur.

Tony pounded his cock, feeling the burning climax approaching slowly. He moaned softly and whispered, "Oh're so beautiful...."

Trevor's face didn't change, but his tail wagged happily.

"I just wanna....wan...ohhhh...." He moaned as he felt the rising peak of his orgasm getting ready to hit. He kept pounding it, with raising intensity and passion. Just as he was ready to buckle under the intense pleasure, he released his load, directly into his brother's open maw.

Trevor flinched as the pearly white rope hit his mouth, he closed his muzzle and savored the flavor of his brother's seed as more cum landed on his muzzle, face, hair and chest. Trevor moaned and opened his maw again, catching another load.

"Oh, baby...." Tony said with a shudder. He shivered with pleasure as his orgasm finished. He dipped his cock in the pup's open muzzle and let him suckle the rest of it out. Trevor grunted hungrily as he sucked Tony's tender and sensitive cock. Tony could only bite his lower lip and watch Trevor, covered in sticky lines of cum, suck him clean.

When Trevor was done, Tony picked him up and held him in his arms, face to face. He leaned close and kissed Trevor softly on the lips. They parted and Tony licked some cum off his brother's muzzle.

"You did good, baby," Tony said sweetly.

Trevor wagged his tail.

"Maybe tomorrow, we can practice your 8's table while mom's at work."

Trevor grinned brightly, "Hehe that sound's great!" He said enthusiastically.

Tony smiled, "Alrighty then," he nuzzled his brother, "Let's get you cleaned up before mom gets home."

As Tony carried Trevor in his arms to the bathroom, he said, "You know, I think I want a special brother bath..."

Sorry about the longass wait. I have been busy failing exams and such. More stories on the way. This is just a little filler story, more plot developing chapter's will come later. And yes, this happened prior to "Static" and "Bath".

As always, feedback and criticism is welcomed. Thanks :3

Tony's Room - Bath

Warning: This story contains gay incest and underage themes...again. It also has watersports, so if that's not your thing, you don't have to read it. Enjoy ;3 Trevor padded down the hall to the bathroom, and Tony followed behind him. Tony watched...

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Tony's Room - Static

Warning: The following story contains gay incest and underage characters. Read at your own risk. Enjoy :3 Tony flipped through channels on his TV, not paying attention to anything in particular. All it did was take his mind off of other...

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