Tony's Room - Kisses

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Warning: The following story contains gay incest and underage characters. Read at your own risk.  Enjoy :3

It had been several weeks after Tony had had the inner conflict between his love for his brother and the repercussions of such actions. He knew it was wrong, and no matter how he tried to rationalize or lighten what he was doing with Trevor, he couldn't stop the pang of guilt every time they made love. And yet he couldn't stop loving his brother. Not for a minute. He loved everything about Trevor; how innocent and pure he was, the way he smiled, the way he was curious about everything, his open mindedness, the way he moaned during sex, and how his eyes sparkle when they gaze lovingly at him.

Tony knew that this love they had went far beyond just sex. But he knew that's all his parents, his friends and family, his co workers, the media, the authorities, and everyone in between would see it as. Just sex. Simple, dirty, underage, illegal, immoral sex. He wouldn't be able to explain how much his brother meant to him, or how he would never even have sex if it would hurt Trevor. But the sex did feel good for both of them. Even after a few weeks of anally taking Trevor, he was almost ready to take the knot. But not yet.

All these thoughts came to Tony as he and Trevor laid on his bed after another passionate love making session. Both still naked, and strings of Trevor's cum between them, Trevor laid on top of Tony's chest, hugging him close. Tony stared up at the ceiling, thinking troubled thoughts.

He still didn't know why he kept coming back. He didn't know why or how he caved in so easily to his brother's cooing and pleads. He was supposed to be the adult and the responsible one. He should have been firm, but something about his brother made him weak.

Trevor opened his eyes and gazed at Tony. Tony smiled back and gave him a lick on the cheek.

"Love you," Trevor said with a sweet smile.

Tony smiled back, unhesitating, "Love you too sweetie."

Tony's heart swelled with love before sinking with guilt. He thought to himself, 'Is that so wrong?'

Trevor wagged his tail and nuzzled Tony's chest. Tony smiled. He then felt a warm puddle dribbling across his thigh where Trevor's rump was. Trevor blushed.

"Baby, you're leaking..." Tony said kindly, "Let me get that...turn around."

Trevor got up and switched positions so he was still lying belly down on him, but with his tail facing Tony's face. Tony saw his little pink pucker drooling cum. He watched with slight horniness as the pearly white stream made it's way down to his fuzzy, tiny, scrunched up sac. He stuck out his tongue and ran it all the way up to the hole, gathering up his seed. Trevor moaned softly and arched his back. Tony smiled. He loved making his brother feel that amount of pleasure.

Tony lapped around the hole before pushing his tongue deep into his brother. He was still amazed at how clean his brother managed to stay. He pushed and rolled his tongue around Trevor's hot insides for a while before pulling out and sucking his cum from Trevor. Trevor moaned, shuddering slightly. After Tony sucked out what his could, he kissed Trevor's hole and kissed down to his sac. Trevor blushed and murred.

Tony pulled back and paused. He saw that Trevor's hole had gone from a pucker to gaping wide hole. His heart plummeted as he came to the realization, 'Oh my God...I'm going to give him anal problems...' His mind started working over the various horrible outcomes of this; Trevor would have trouble going to the bathroom, he could have prolapsed rectum, infections, etc. His mind only eased a little as his hole puckered back up to its original size.

"Somethin' wrong?" Trevor asked concerned. Tony looked up at Trevor. Trevor had already seen his brother's troubled face. Tony forced a smile and said, "No, nothing's wrong."

He knew that was a lie.

Trevor crawled back around to face Tony. He pushed himself up to kiss Tony on the lips. Tony murred and kissed him back, parting his lips a little. Trevor opened up too and they kissed passionately, their tongues moving back and forth between maws, wrestling and swapping saliva and cum between them.

Trevor pulled back and smiled down at Tony. "Tony," Trevor asked sweetly, "Will you marry me?"

Tony suppressed a surprised laugh down to a giggle. He grinned up at Trevor.

"Now why would you want to do that?" Tony asked with amusment.

Trevor's ears drooped, "I...thought that's what people who love each other did..."

Tony scratched behind Trevor's ears, "Awww, you're so sweet baby."

Trevor smiled a little, his ears still flat.

"Listen," Tony said, gently rubbing his paws up and down Trevor's chest and sides, "I love you too. And if we weren't related, and you were several years older...and if one of us was a female, I would marry you." Tony kissed Trevor on the forehead.

"But why?" Trevor asked.

"Well..." Tony started. He didn't know exactly were to begin. "See, marriage between two men or two women isn't allowed here. Only between a man and a woman."

Trevor's brow furrowed, "But that's not fair..."

"Yeah, I know...But it's also illegal for a grown up to marry a child...and well...You can't marry someone you're related to either," Tony said.

Trevor sighed and drooped his ears. Tony looked at him and felt bad for wrecking his dreams with cynicism and brutal, honest truth. 'Maybe I should have just gone along with it...' Tony thought to himself and he hugged his brother close.

"I just don't get it..." Trevor mumbled.

"Me neither, Trev," Tony said.

A few minutes of silence passed. They sat side by side, Tony's arm wrapped around Trevor comfortingly, while thoughts raced uncomfortably through his head. Trevor looked up at Tony and asked, "If you could, would you marry me?"

This question rang in Tony's head for a while. He smiled down at Trevor and said, "Absolutely."

Trevor's face brightened immediately and he crawled back on Tony's lap and hugged him tight. Tony smiled slightly and hugged him back while wondering if he actually would. If it was legal to marry 12 year old cubs that were the same gender...

'If there was no gender or social stigmas...If it was looked upon with the same respect as heterosexual unions....If 12 year olds were able to consent legally....'

Trevor never saw, but Tony's face turned into a mixture of self-disgust and anguish.

As always, helpful criticism and comments always welcome. I know it's short, but this one's mainly for character development. More stories on the way, :3

And thanks to all of you who have taken the time to comment, rate, and critique my chapters. It helps me greatly and I thank you all for it.

Tony's Room - Magic Nines

Warning: The following story contains gay incest and underage characters. Read at your own risk.  Enjoy :3 Tony is 15 and in the 9th grade. Trevor is 9 and in the 4th grade. Trevor was always the first one to arrive home from...

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Tony's Room - Bath

Warning: This story contains gay incest and underage themes...again. It also has watersports, so if that's not your thing, you don't have to read it. Enjoy ;3 Trevor padded down the hall to the bathroom, and Tony followed behind him. Tony watched...

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Tony's Room - Static

Warning: The following story contains gay incest and underage characters. Read at your own risk. Enjoy :3 Tony flipped through channels on his TV, not paying attention to anything in particular. All it did was take his mind off of other...

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