Tony's Room - One Last Dance

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"I don't wanna be your friend, I just wanna be your lover. No matter how it ends, No matter how it starts."

House of Cards - Radiohead

Tony knocked on Trevor's door and leaned in, "Hey Trev..."

Trevor looked up from his homework at Tony.

"You wanna go on a walk?" Tony asked, feeling it came off a little awkwardly.

Trevor nodded and mumbled, "Sure..."


It was a pleasant Sunday afternoon as Tony and Trevor began their walk. The weather was fair as summer gradually became autumn. The trees still had their green leaves and the flowers outside of neighbors' houses still clung to their petals. The weather was warm, but a slight chill in the breeze meant that fall would soon be on its way.

For a while, neither Tony nor Trevor spoke. They just walked down the street to the park. Despite the good weather, the park was fairly deserted, save a couple cubs playing on the playground equipment.

Tony found a bench which looked out over a duck pond and sat down. Trevor sat next to him.

Tony took a deep breath, still unsure of what to say to him. He blurted out, "I'm sorry, Trev..."

Trevor didn't say anything. He just looked up at Tony with the same blank, morose expression he had since Tony came back from the hospital. There was a hint of curiosity in his face as he looked up at him.

Tony leaned forward and ran his fingers through his headfur, sighing deeply as he tried thinking of the right words to say and the right order to say them in.

"I'm sorry that...I tried to kill was stupid..." Tony said, looking at the ground.

Trevor spoke softly, "Why?"

Tony shook his head, "I guess...I...I just...felt..."

"Was it because of me?" Trevor asked sadly, furrowing his brow.

Tony felt like he couldn't find his tongue. He shook his head and rubbed his paws together.

"I was just...going through a lot of things, Trev..."

"I didn't tell anyone, Tony..." Trevor said, a soft whimper in his voice "I promised I wouldn't...I pinkie-promised."

Tony sat up and looked down at Trevor. "I know...I just felt...I went into a dark place, Trevor. Sometimes when you're depressed, you feel like there's no hope left and things will never be good again."

"But things do get good again, Tony..."

"Yeah...but sometimes it doesn't feel that way...." Tony sighed, "I also stopped taking my meds. They were to keep me from getting really depressed and I just stopped taking them. I thought about all the things I did...and I felt like I couldn't live with myself. I felt like my life was just spiraling out of control and I couldn't get those thoughts out of my head. I just wanted to disappear and..." He choked up, unable to finish.

Tony felt tears welling up behind his eyes. Trevor, whose eyes were also tearing up, put a paw on Tony's leg and rubbed gently.

Tony sniffed and said, "I did something selfish and stupid...and I'm sorry..."

Trevor looked up at his older brother. He felt sad and couldn't understand why Tony would just kill himself and leave him all alone, brotherless. He still saw the older brother who loved and protected him over the years. He saw refuge in his brother's arms when times were tough, and happiness when they were together.

Trevor spoke up softly, "Tony..."

Tony looked down at Trevor, eyes full of guilt and remorse.

"I forgive you..." Trevor whispered.

Trevor sat up and hugged Tony tight. Tony hugged his brother back, his tears staining Trevor's shirt as they held each other. The other cubs had left the playground, leaving Tony and Trevor alone.

"I'm so sorry Trev..."Tony sobbed softly, squeezing his brother, "I can't...I shouldn't have ever done that...I never should have left you..."

Trevor sniffled and squeezed Tony back, "It's ok, big brother..."

They held each other for what seemed like eternity, neither wanting to leave the embrace. The other cubs had already left the playground, leaving Tony and Trevor some privacy. Tony rubbed Trevor's back and whispered, "I love you Trevor...I promise I'll never do anything to hurt you like that again..."

Trevor nodded and sniffled softly, "I love you too, Tony..."

They held each other for a while more before letting go, sitting back in silence as they watched a paddling of ducks glide by on the pond.

Finally, Tony spoke up softly, "I's time you find someone your own age, Trevor..."

Trevor looked up, confused and slightly alarmed. Tony looked back down at his brother, seeing the look of someone who just got dumped. He put his arm around Trevor and said softly, "Trev...I still love you, and I always will. It's just that...we can' know..."

Trevor looked down at the ground, looking completely rejected. Tony knew that look and feeling all too well.

"I'm too old now, little need to find some playmates your own age. Go have fun with them like we do..."

"But...I won't love them like I love you, Tony," Trevor said, sadly.

Tony gently rubbed Trevor's back, "I'm sure you'll find someone..." he tried to smile but it was just as hard for him to say these things as it was for Trevor to hear them.

"Listen..." Tony said gently, "I will always be your brother...I will love and protect you...I will always be there for you...but I can't be...anything more..."

Trevor clenched his eyes as tears rolled softly down his cheek. Tony held his brother close, wishing he didn't have to say these things.

"I'll always love you, Trev..."

"I'll always love you too, Tony..." Trevor said, crying softly into his brother's shirt.



Trevor woke up in a cold sweat, his damp fur sticking to him. He panted softly, still recovering from his nightmare. It was just like the ones before, where his father was chasing him through the house angry. He never knew what he did wrong in these dreams, but he felt the raw fear of getting caught by his father and what would result from that. He ran through the distorted, surrealistic halls of his dream, looking for a place to hide and at the end of a seemingly never ending hallway, he found his brother's room.

He pounded on the door, unable to turn the handle. He tried to scream but all he could muster was a panicked croak. He could hear his father's stomping and bellows of rage coming down the hallway. He desperately tried to get into the sanctuary of his brother's room, trying to scream his brother's name. Just before he woke up he saw foamy vomit seeping from under the door.

Trevor sat on his bed, shaking slightly and hugging his legs. The last detail of the dream disturbed him deeply, bringing back the memory of the horrible night he discovered his brother had overdosed on a cocktail of medications. Normally if he had a bad dream, he could go sleep with Tony and feel safe, but now he didn't know what to expect.

Trevor got up and went to his laundry hamper, clicking his dry tongue in his maw. He dug down to the bottom of it and pulled out a pair of Tony's boxers. He held the boxers to his muzzle and breathed in deeply, faintly smelling his brother's musk; sexy, raunchy, and familiar.

Since Tony's and Trevor's talk, they haven't been affectionate towards each other as they used to be. Trevor knew better than to try and make advances and he didn't want to hurt his brother again. Instead, he would steal Tony's socks, underwear, and sweaty shirts so he could smell them or wear them. He would paw, thinking about how his brother used to make love to him as he breathed in his brother/lovers scent.

Trevor sat back on his bed, his hardening prick pushing up into the fabric of his underwear as he sniffed the boxers. His missed everything about Tony; the smell of his crotch and tail, the smell of his chest, feetpaws, and armpits. The taste of his lips as they kissed, the taste and feel of Tony's hot cock in his maw and the gush of hot, spicy cum when Tony came. He wanted Tony to piss on him and cum in him, but most of all he wanted to be held again. Not as a brother, but as a lover. He wanted the intimacy and love they used to have more than the dirty, kinky sex. But Tony seemed more distant and less loving now, cutting out intimacy all together.

He let the boxers fall to the floor. Even the scent seemed distant.

Trevor went to the bathroom to relieve himself, waiting forever for his erection to go down. After a glass of water he headed back to his room when he stopped. He saw that Tony's door was closed, causing his heart to pound quickly. He decided to go and check on Tony.

Just in case.

He opened the door slowly, seeing Tony sleeping face up. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Tony's chest rise and fall and heard his soft snoring. He crept into the room quietly and kneeled next to the bed, watching Tony sleep.

He studied his brother's peaceful, sleeping face, thinking of how handsome and beautiful it was. He wanted to kiss his lips and caress his cheek with his paw. He wanted to lose himself in his brother's eyes as they cuddled. Cautiously, he leaned forward and kissed Tony on the cheek. Tony stayed asleep, the kiss not waking him or even causing him to stir.

Trevor smiled and pulled back the covers, wanting to get in bed with him and snuggle close. Then he smelled it. The scent of hot, horny fox musk hit his nostrils like a train. He blinked his eyes and looked down at Tony's waist, seeing he was only wearing a pair of boxers.

His heart started beating quickly again. The heavy musk clouded his mind and all he could feel was primal lust for his brother's cock; wanting it, desiring it, aching for it.

He looked up at his brother, checking to see if he was awake before carefully gripping Tony's boxers and slipping them down. Nervous and excited, he revealed Tony's crotch, the musk even stronger now and overpowering. Trevor gazed down at the beautiful package before him. His cock was soft, still inside its sheath, and his large balls hung heavily.

Throwing caution to the wind and intoxicated with his brother's musk, Trevor laid his head down on his brother's crotch, resting his muzzle between his sheath and balls. He smiled and nuzzled his brother's sheath, reveling in the scent as he slowly explored with his nose.

His heart froze when he heard and felt Tony stir. He looked up quickly, seeing that Tony was still fast asleep. But then he saw that Tony's bright red foxcock was just waking up.

Trevor wagged his tail excitedly as Tony grew harder, his whole cock slowly emerging from its sheath. Trevor leaned down and licked up the length of the shaft. The spicy, salty flavor of his brother's cock and the strong musky scent filled his senses with pure lust. He lifted the cock vertically and began suckling the meat, feeling complete again.

He sighed happily as he sucked Tony's cock; the meat seemed to fill up his maw just right, like it was meant to be. He stroked the shaft with one paw and played with his balls with the other, worshiping his cock like there was nothing else in the universe that mattered. The taste of salty-sweet pre began to fill his muzzle.

Tony stirred and opened his eyes, "Wha...?"

Trevor froze as Tony woke up. Tony groggily looked down at his brother, who still had his dick in his maw and a shocked, fearful look on his face.

"Trev...what're you..."

Trevor, his heart beating at a million miles-a-minute, slipped the meat out of his muzzle and pleaded, "Please Tony?..." He whispered softly.

Tony groaned softly, trying to sit up with his brother on his lap, " Trev...we can't..."

"Please? Just one more time?..." Trevor pleaded softly, his eyes tearing up. He whimpered softly, desperately wanting to pleasure his brother and share the same love they have had for years; deep, passionate, and intimate.

Tony, who was groggy and still half asleep, looked down at Trevor's upset face. Feeling too sluggish to resist and wanting to make his brother feel better, he caved in. "Fine...just one more time..."

Trevor crawled up his brother's midsection and kissed him on the lips. Tony resisted at first before letting Trevor's tongue snake into his muzzle. He murred softly as their tongues swirled and danced with each other, sharing one last slow dance before the night ended at the ball.

Trevor pulled up and gazed down at Tony. There was a glassy haze in Tony's eyes, but there was also a look of sadness, love, and lust. Trevor rubbed Tony's chest. It wasn't as strong and firm as it used to be before the incident. Tony had lost a lot of weight, going from built and well toned to skinny and frail.

Trevor still thought Tony was the most perfect creature put on the planet.

Trevor slid back down on Tony's lap. Tony watched as Trevor took his meat again, stroking it gently and sucking the tip. Trevor closed his eyes and bobbed softly on the tip, savoring the pre as he worked his way down the 8 inch shaft with his maw. Tony moaned softly, trying to keep quiet as Trevor devotedly worked his foxhood. He cradled Tony's heavy orbs in his paw, tugging them lightly. He pulled the hot meat from his lips and kissed up and down the shaft, worshiping every inch and detail of the hard, throbbing member.

Tony panted softly, watching his little brother suck him and feeling a pang of guilt and shame. He knew that Trevor wanted him just as much he wanted Trevor. 'This is wrong...I shouldn't be doing this...' he thought, 'I shouldn't want this...' He felt his orgasm building, burning with desire as Trevor stroked and sucked him.

Trevor could hear Tony's subdued moans and heavy breathing, knowing he was getting close to climax. He wagged happily, eager to taste his brother's load again. He rolled his tongue around the thick meat in his maw, knowing all the right spots to make Tony's toes curl.

Tony's breathing got sharper and quicker. Trevor felt the cock flex and fill his maw with hot cum. He felt pure joy as he swallowed quickly, each load almost completely filling his muzzle. Trevor stroked and milked the meat, demanding every last drop of precious seed as Tony's orgasm began to fade. He felt a warmth as he swallowed Tony's cum, like eating an old homemade recipe on a cold autumn day. It was comforting and familiar, tasty and filling.

Trevor licked his lips as he pulled away from the spent meat, his tummy pleasantly full.

Tony and Trevor locked gazes with each other, an uncomfortable silence falling between them.

"Thank you, Tony..." Trevor said softly.

Tony nodded, a morose and tired look on his face, "Yeah..."

Trevor crawled forward, laying next to Tony. "Tony?...Is it okay if I sleep with you tonight?" he asked cautiously. Tony smiled weakly and nodded, pulling Trevor close. Trevor buried himself in his brother's arms, nuzzling his chest, feeling safe and warm. Tony let go of him to pull his boxers back up and pull the blanket over them.

Tony fell back to sleep quickly. Trevor stayed up a little while, resting his head on Tony's chest and listening to his snores and the soft beating of his heart. He smiled, feeling the happiest he had felt in a long time. He nuzzled Tony's chest, breathing in his scent as he began to drift off to sleep as well.


The next night, Trevor waited until all the lights had gone off in the house and everyone went to bed. He waited eagerly, wagging excitedly until he felt that everyone was fast asleep. Around midnight, he quietly crept out of his room and down the hall to Tony's room.

He found that the door was closed, again. He reached for the knob and turned it, but it stuck. He jiggled the handle, feeling confusion and panic build up in him as he tried to open the door but couldn't.

He knocked softly on the door, not wanting to wake up his parents. "Tony?"


"Tony?" he said, a little louder.

He heard muffled and quiet from behind the door, "Go back to bed..."

Trevor felt his heart sink. He tried the handle again and Tony said, "No...go back to bed."

Trevor whimpered softly, his ears drooping as he let go of the handle. He went back to his own room, feeling devastated, rejected and broken hearted. He cried into his pillow quietly, hugging it to his chest as he went to sleep in his own bed.

As always, comments and criticisms are welcomed :3

Tony's Room - Monster

"_Tony thought about the relationship he had with Trevor all those years after. He had crossed a line that shouldn't have been crossed. Greg stopped him before they went too far and stuck to cuddling. They never went beyond that, ever. But he felt...

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Tony's Room - Commando

At long last!! Four drafts and 2 years later, I have finally completed the next chapter! I hope I did alright, it's been a long, long while :\ Contains sexy stuff and underage characters. Read at your own risk! And Enjoy :3 Tony's Room - Commando ...

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Tony's Room - Glass

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