School Honor 20

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#20 of Hard Times

Jordans fate is revealed... Enrique's prize claimed... Terri's meal finished...

School Honor

Jordan moaned partly in arousal, and partly in shame as he felt his fat calf makers yanked through that tight band, and then strangled by it. His fat ass flexed, more horse cum oozing from his debauched hole, and then he felt Jerome's hands seize his testicles. His heart skipped a beat and his balls throbbed in the stallion's strong grip... and then he felt the blade cutting in, sawing, slicing, castrating. He let out a wordless feral bellow as his fat body thrashed and struggled with all its strength. Fat thighs clobbering the wooden bed frame, as he bucked and struggled against the agony of getting his balls cut off. And that was the sight that Enrique walked in on... Jerome cutting the balls off a tied-up, screaming Jordan. At first the big red Bull froze... his jaw dropped in stunned shock. And then the black Bull bellowed again, a hoof thudding against the wooden bed frame. And the red Bull sprang forward, grabbing the big stallion in a choke hold, his arm around that long neck hauling him backwards.

"My Bull... is not your Steer!" He spat into Jerome's long pointed equine ear... even as the big stallion looked back surprised.

"AAWWWKKKK... Wha... What the hell?" Jerome choked, dropping the scalpel as the big red Bull threw him across the room, where he smashed into the door so hard it shattered. Grunting in pain the big roan stallion climbed unsteadily to his hooves, and then staggered back to the smashed door frame. "Yer Bull... What the hell... has he owned yer ass that much?" The big equine demanded, as Enrique lowered his head slightly aiming those sharp horns at Jerome.

"I won't let you nut him." The big red Bull warned in a low dangerous rumble, as he readied himself to fight and maybe kill the horse.

"Ohoooo you wanta do it your self..." Jerome sneered as he looked the Bull over gauging his seriousness, and then realizing he was dangerously serious. "Its no fair I had him first, I tapped and banded him... I should get to cut his balls off!"

"En... Enrique." Jordan moaned weakly, his head spinning still tied up and face-down on the bed. His big black ball sac halfway dangling from his crotch, shining crimson with his most precious organs exposed. "God... thank god... get... get RID OF HIM!" Jordan forced himself to say, gritting his teeth before collapsing back down onto the bed. With an aggressive bovine roar the red Bull rushed at the naked, sweaty stallion, and collided into him with a titanic _ 'THUD' _. They burst through the door onto the bedroom balcony, in a cacophony of confused whinnies and grunts. Until finally another forceful charge sent Jerome tumbling backwards and naked off the balcony... to land heavily on the grass far below.

The little pony quickly fled the room before Enrique returned, not that the big red Bull even noticed. His beady dark eyes were on that big black ass, as it drooled cum sexily. "Oh fuck... fuck fuck fuck... What happened?" He stammered hurrying over to his Bull's trapped ass, starring down at that sac that hung bleeding and half opened. His big red body trembled as he saw that bloody scalpel laying there on the floor, reaching down he picked it up. Starring hard at that mighty sac, as a sudden rush of desire raced through him. One flick of that razor sharp blade, and he could be the Bull. Have Jordan with him forever, serving him in delightful ways... it would be so easy. Sure enough, Jordan was the most vulnerable he'd ever been in his life. That fat body was tied up, his legs pulled wide apart; that big round ass was up in the air, and well-fucked by the look of it. And his balls dangled tantalizing... huge, proud, magnificent balls that really would be great trophies. He'd watched them empty in his own cow just a short time ago. Knowing it had filled many other cows... more than he'd ever had. They were just a few inches of scalpel blade away from being removed... he looked down at that bloody scalpel.

"I don't know Enrique, he... was gonna share this colt with me... and then. And then I don't know, I... I started getting really turned on by him. It was like, I wanted to do whatever he wanted to do... f-for awhile... Even when he was talking about nutting me, it... Ohooo Fuck that hurts!" Jordan's soft voice snapped the young red Bull out of his dark thoughts, and he quickly slashed the ropes holding him in place. Even through the fat black Bull didn't make a move to change his position.

"Ummmm sound like that new date rape drug... pretty cunning using it to get guys to give up their nuts." The red Bull snorted, thinking it might just be a plan for some males he knew.

"Enrique please, do something... let me out of this. I... I need to go to the hospital I think... Or maybe...? Geez you're a med student... Right?" The fat Bull asked, visibly relaxing as he looked back pleadingly into Enrique's eyes. "You can patch me right up..."

"Yeah... yeah its not that bad really... I... I can fix it." Enrique stammered his eyes looking over those huge ball's dangling in that bloody black pouch.

"Oh gods thank you Enrique." Jordan moaned burying his big blunt muzzle in the soft clean smelling bed sheets.

"Ahem let... lets see what the damage is like." The young red Bull mumbled, even though it was clear Jerome hadn't damaged any cords or blood vessels, slowly the big red Bull squeezed that soft black pouch. Popping the larger of Jordan's two nuts out, gulping as he saw it dangling there. And then that big hand holding the scalpel darted forwards, and that big jewel lay heavy and hot in the palm of his hand. Enrique suddenly felt very very guilty about what he'd been thinking, and stammered more to fill the silence than anything. "Oho Gods I'm sorry!" Enrique stammered as Jordan looked back at him and Moo-ed weakly as he saw the red Bull lift that huge nut up. "He cut one of your ball's off, but at least you've still got one left." Keeling down he searched through Jerome's kit and quickly found the needle, stitching up that opening in Jordan fat black sack. While dropping that fat Bull ball into a glass jar of preservative, and then clearing off the wound with bedine pads. Jordan breathed sharply and hard, but he held his tongue while his scrotum was being stitched. And then stood up towering over that fat sexy rump, even as he sat that trophy jar down beside Jordan's muzzle. "This... this is yours." He stammered as his guilt flared again, he'd cut out one of his Bull's balls.

"Ahah... gods no... no you keep it." Jordan moaned meekly as he looked up gratefully at the Enrique who was looking very very uncomfortable. "It... its just a relief... I'm not a Steer." The fat black Bull moaned when it was finally over, his quivering body collapsing into a sweaty heap on the bed. He gripped the sheets a little, and wiggled his hips as he managed to crawl up onto the bed. Enrique's eyes followed as Jordan big body slithered up onto the bed, the sight so sexy his long cock dropped from his sheath to dangle down between his legs. Even as his upper rolled back into a gloating smile, looking at his latest trophy as it floated around in that jar.

"So am I..." The handsome young red bovine agreed, as he slipped a big hand down to fondle himself. Enjoying the feel of his own big full sack, with it's twin jewels dangling fat and heavy.

Though he still lay on his belly with his fat ass in the air, and his tender wounded sac between two spread thighs. "Yeah, that drug must've been that." He sighed softly as he looked back at Enrique longingly for a second before closing his eyes. "It made me want him... made me almost feel like a cow. I mean, I liked the way he stared at my ass before, but that... just like multiplied it... Heh. Damn... I think it's still in my system because I still feel... like I need someone."

"Nee... need someone to what?" The young red Bull choked, as he struggled to keep himself from pouncing atop the sexy Bull so helpless before him. That big pink nose redden with blush as Jordan noticed his sexual excitement so very ill concealed beneath his white Rakhouse robe. Jordan took a breath and opened his eyes again, meeting the red Bull's gaze for a moment.

"You're thinking the same thing, huh?"

"I wanta please you..." He admitted slipping out of the robe, and climbing up onto the bed naked himself.

Jordan nodded, and rolled onto his side somewhat as the red Bull stripped and climbed onto the bed.

"I know. You're a good and loyal friend Enrique." Jordan said softly as he reached out, and pulled the red Bull down and melted their bovine lips together in a hot, wet kiss. Jordan reached between the red Bull's legs and fondled his stiff bull rod, and heavy, healthy balls. "Ammm... Yeah... oh yeah... that drug still has me feeling like a cow Enrique and cows should be mounted by bulls... don't you think?" He let go and laid down on his belly again, his wide hips swaying shaking his big ass for his male buddy. "Ummm, I think you've earned a fuck tonight, handsome..."

The young red Bull's mind was spinning, he'd been with Jordan a lot, but had never penetrated the black Bull.

"Your my best friend." He moaned as their lip's pressed against each other, a sudden feeling of love filling him, while down below that huge hot hand stroked his stiff cock. "YEEESSSS." He breathed hotly, as he watched Jordan lay down passively for him, tonight he was the Bull tonight he was lost. "Thank you my sweet Bull." He moaned, as he climbed up over those big round buttocks, pushing them apart with trembling hands. And then guiding his long sleek bovine cock to that abuse tail hole, slick with thick greasy equine cum. He found himself sinking inside with very little resistance, almost as if that tight hole had been made just for his cock. "Ammmm gods you feel soooooo..."

The fat Bull moaned as he's penetrated, his ass still sore, but the actual fucking feels more comfortable now. He tries to tense up a little, and tighten up for his best friend, the black Bull clenching his fat rump around that long bovine dick. "Ahh... yeah. Oh Enrique fuck me! Fuck me like you've always wanted my ass." Jordan moaned softly, begging the other Bull to ride him like a cow. "Fuck me good and hard and deep... I want you to fill me in ways that fucking horse never could. Make me... make me forget all about him... ohoh, you feel so good in my ass." He panted, that big round black rump wiggling, as Enrique slammed into it. "Ohh yeah... I love how your balls... drape over mine..."

Enrique draped his big hot body over Jordan's, covering him in a loving protective blanket of soft hot flesh, his lips nuzzling and kissing that sweaty neck. "Ummmm gods your so sexy... so masculine I love how your body feels under mine." He moaned rocking his hip's rutting his Bull slowly, wanting to be gentle and careful. "He's nothing my Bull, forget about him." The young red bovine moaned, his hot hands kneading and massaging that fat black hide. "Ummmm you bring me even more pleasure than Jill." He panted, joining Jordan in enjoying the feeling of their soft ball sacks rubbing and stroking against each other. Jordan moaned, the fat Bull panting, feeling his lover on top of him, a strong Bull breeding his ass. He still felt a little cow-addled, but this time it felt good. He almost felt like the best thing about having balls was getting to feel Enrique's against them. But hearing the red Bull talk of his cow, reminded Jordan how much he liked to fuck.

"Ohh... yeah? Really? Ammm, then I think we should make an agreement to never let a cow come between our balls... And when we can, we'll fuck our cows as a team and they'll love it." He bites his lower lip, and grinds his big rump back against the red Bull's hot loins. "Ohoh, yeah... feel our balls hanging together... make me empty my nuts for you buddy." The lustful young Bull struggled to hold himself back, hoping to enjoy this moment of hours, but it was impossible.

"Yes... yes really.." Enrique moaned as his thrusts began to pick up speed, that cock seeming to know just where to stroke and grind within Jordan's clenching anus. "Ohoooo damn that... that's so hot an idea they will love it." He moaned knowing that it really didn't matter, if the cows didn't enjoyed it he and his Bull would. "That's right... I want you to cum... cum just for me." The young red Bull panted, wrapping his strong arms around that thick soft torso and embracing Jordan hard.

The black Bull groaned under his best friend's lustful pumping, his big rump rocking with every thrust. He found one of Enrique's hands and squeezed it back, pulling to his soft man tits. He held the red Bull's other hand against his belly, as the lusty Bull had his ass... thrusting... rutting. So hot, so sweaty the room reeking of sex and wine... Jordan let the pleasure fill him up, and he groaned. Squeezing the red Bull's throbbing pole as his balls throbbed... and his bull hood burped seed onto the bed beneath him.

Enrique inhaled in a long ragging shuddering breath, as his fat male orbs quivered, drawing up within their smooth velvety soft pouch. And then his long Bull stick exploded deep within that hot clenching hole, the orgasm so intense his eyes rolled back in his head for a moment. Big red body humping and thrusting hard on instinct alone, as his orgasm filled Jordan's quivering ass full of scalding hot stud milk. "MMMMMAAA." He bellowed loudly as post orgasm bliss washed over him, leaving them both panting and whimpering breathless. Just laying there cuddled together, neither wanting to move or pull apart just enjoying the connection of penetrator and penetrated.

"I love you..." Was whispered softly in the silence of that room.


The grand ball room had been converted into a grand operating room, in honor of the Perth academies sculling team. Just so Killan could have the whole team done at once, and then the pillow room was just a door away. A quick lottery had been held to pick who would get to cut each sleek brown Otter, while Killan himself decided to do they sea Lion coach. A huge reddish Bear stepped up to stand beside the first table, and enormous grin of his handsome muzzle. The mighty bruin was a German exchange student, who had brought his collection with him. And as it happened had been discovered by Jocci who had invited the huge good natured Bruin in.

Jordan smiled weakly and waved at Red Grizz, as the big Bear had been nicknamed. The big black Bull was still struggling to recover from his recent near castration. He was still feeling weak from shock and blood loss, and the wound was sore making him walk straddle legged. Even his unflagging libido had been limited, although Brayden and Enrique had seen to his every desire. He been shocked and highly gratified at the little Nordic ponies reaction to his injury. Brayden as burst into tears at his Bull's loss, and taken to sleeping in Jordan's bed every night. While Enrique had been fuming and watching out for Jerome, the two of them glaring at each other across the classrooms.

Even now the two of them stood eying each other, both surrounded by a knot of their supporters. Word had almost instantly gotten around, even tho' Jordan had tried to keep things quite. Enrique had been besieged with requests to view the trophy he'd been given. But he'd denied every request, it was his private treasure and he wasn't sharing it with anyone. The big black Bull was very popular in the society, because of his skill, daring and his generous nature. And while there were no formal rules saying one member couldn't nut another. It was considered extremely bad form, and had made the big roan stallion intensely disliked by most.

Although he had a small group of supporters, who had either been jealous of the big Bull. Or just good friends with Jerome, and therefore on his side no matter what. And of course there were some who could move in either circle, like the German exchange student Red Grizz. The big Bruin was grinning broadly just then, as his huge paws fondling his Otter's sleek brown body. Fondling those plump orbs within that sleek brown sack, obviously pleased with the trophies he'd just won the chance to take. As the Otter's thick jock cock oozed pre-cum over the back of his big red paw.

Finn a tall slender sleepy eyed Sable Antelope smiled, and waved to the crowd. As he moved up to take his place by the second big sexy Otter jock, whose glazed eyes showed that he was medicated to help keep him calm. Most of the jocks had self medicated with alcohol, and a couple had been drugged by their fellows to keep them from resisting. This didn't keep them all from sporting thick oozing erections, as their naked genitals were displayed. Like all jocks they were proud of their sleek muscular bodies, and hefty male genitalia.

Miranda was next, the big black Cape Buffalo Cow was just as she had claimed... lucky. And true to form had won the third round, and moved up to take her place by a nervously squirming Otter rower. Blowing Jordan a kiss, she smiling broadly at the watching crowd. Clearly excited the big bovine was fondling herself with one hand, while fondling her fearful captives throbbing cock with the other. Clearly enjoying the Otter jocks fear, and yet high state of sexual arousal.

Sanja the big smirking Crocodile won the next drawing, and slunk up beside his jock rower. Who was glaring around at those assembled, clearly the jock Otter wasn't drugged nor happy about what was about to happen to him. This one would be fun the big Croc thought as he fondled the angry jocks raging erection with one rough scalie claw.

Angie a giggling Hyena won after the Croc, and moved up to lick her Otter's quivering nose teasingly. Smelling the delightful scents of terror and arousal on the bound male. Wasting no time she shove her nose into his crotch licking and teasing wildly, but holding back from biting until it was time.

Derrick the darkly handsome Shark won the next round, and strutted forwards to take his place. Flashing that massive toothy grin, down at his Otter making the mammal quiver in dread. Their ancestors had been natural enemies, and the fear of those deadly dagger teeth was instinctive. "I always wanted to taste me an Otter." Derrick grunted making the Otter jock tremble violently within his bonds.

Maximilian a huge mastiff padded up to take his place with the next draw. The big canine grinning and licking his slobbery lip's, he'd made a whole pack of neuters back home. But hadn't gotten to make a single one since coming to school, and so was really going to enjoy this.

Githinji the pretty spotted African Wild Dog jumped up and down excitedly. Gith as she was known was delighted to having won the jocks balls, she'd never won anything in her life. And now here she had won a big fat pair of Otter balls, she'd taken a number of Antelope nuts in the past. But these guys all looked so sleek and athletic, while their cocks and ball's were so big and thick.

Killan smiled at the crowd even as he gestured for the branding iron to be heated, Terrance smiled stoking the fire. Soon the Perth Academy's rowing team would be altered and marked forever... It was a badly needed win, and going to be a school honor that was Never to be forgotten.


Derry lay back in the hard hotel bed, the massive draft horse's body even more impressive naked. As he watched the sexy golden Lioness climb up onto the bed between his long equine leg's. Her big hot paw's coming to rest on those leg's, as she move slowly up towards his massive throbbing genitals.

Terri grinned showing her sharp feline teeth, as a soft purr escaped out of her wide mouth. Sharp claws lightly pushed out of her paws, digging gently into the equines legs. "Ammm you look delicious my friend." Continuing to purr, she moved closer to the shaft and licked her lips with a sinister smirk.

"Humph... since when am I a friend of yours Puss puss." The big equine smirked, as his long thick stud stick rose up off his rippled stomach. That mighty rut muscle drooling long strings of slimy pre-cum as the Lioness approached. "Of course we are about to become much better acquainted... aint with Puss puss heh." Derry licked those thick expressive equine lip's, as he watched the tawny golden feline's big paw slide up to his crotch. Strong paws cupping and fondling those big magnificent stud nuggets, as Terri flashed him a lustful predatory smile.

"Oh I do believe we will become better acquainted indeed." Terri smirked, turned around and checked the tight bonds secured around the strong ankles. With a light thud her tail started to thump on the bed as she turned back to those hefty aroused organs.

"Heheh that's right gunna fill you up pussy." Derry snickered, as he watch the slinky feline twist around rubbing his long powerful legs again, the big draft horse not yet noticing the soft ropes wrapped around his ankles.

"How do I know you are going to be good for me?" Those paws rubbed over the horses orbs a few times, before gripping them tightly and giving the left one a nice squeeze.

"Good for you... Hahah." The mighty stud laughed, as he lay back watching her with growing amusement. And arousal as his huge cock jutting up straighter and straighter oozing thick rivers of cloudy pre-cum.

"Now if I am going to drain these... there are a few things I want out if you first." She gave the ball a harder squeeze this time, and rolled it around between her fingers feeling it glide from one side to the other.

"Ummm... Hey easy with that!" Derry snapped as those paws gripped his hefty jewels tighter and tighter, making the massive equine snort and reach down to grab her by the ear. "You aint in no position to be settin' terms Puss PPPUUUSSSS OWOWOOO!"

Terri hissed at the equine, and let her claws dig lightly into that sack. "I am in every position to do as I please. Now you will do as I say, or this is going to be much more painful than it needs to be." She squeezed that big firm orb hard again and hissed dangerously. Those claws dug deeper this time, letting a bit of blood trickle down the side of Derry's soft velvety pouch. "Now are you going to be a good little pony and listen to me, or do I need to crush this right here and now?" Her grip lightened on that big ball, but she still kept it in firm control. That big powerful body reacted before the horse even thought about it, bucking and struggling wildly for a moment. His big hand releasing her ear and falling to clutch at the edges of the bed as his squealed.

"OWWW... OOWWW... Damn you crazy cunt!" Derry shouted, as those needle sharp claws dug deeper into the soft velvety flesh of his might ball pouch. Powerful legs jerking and flailing, it was only then the big stallion realized his ankles were bound to the bed posts. "Fuck... fuck... No don't! Stop... I .. I'll dd.. do what you want." Derry squealed, as he felt a hot trickle crawl slowly down the sides of his fat ball sack. The feline's muzzle moved down and her rough tongue slid out to lick along the base of his throbbing shaft. "Ummmm gods that tongue..." The mighty draft horse moaned, as his hefty erection was slowly licked.

She lapped a few times at the base of the shaft and lifted back up. "Call me a cunt again, and you will regret it for the rest of your life. Now be a good little pony, and put your hands above your head." Once the equine complied she picked up some more of the thick pink rope, she had used to bind his ankles to the bed and wove it in between the wrists. The hands had been positioned with the palms facing outward, making it somewhat uncomfortable. The rope was then wrapped around the thick head board and then back around the woven bindings securing her victim tightly to the bed frame. "So you seemed to like my mouth? Would you like me to use more of it? All you need to do is beg. I want to hear you to tell me just how much you want it. Derry snorted and trembled as he watched her tie his massive three fingered hands to the strong head board, the mighty brawler didn't like the idea of being helpless. Of course as long as she kept licking his cock like that he didn't have any real complains and those strong hip's thrust up at her.

"Ummmm fuck yeah I like yer mouth cu... Ahem yeah... yeah I'd love it..." The big equine moaned, as she told him he's going to have to beg for it, the proud stud was more use to taking what he wanted.

The feline purred as she made her way back down to the shaft. "Cu... Cu what?" She snarled at that for a moment, and then grinned as she pushed her way between the legs again.

"Ohoooo come on Puss puss... aint it plain how much I wanta be in yer mouth?" The big stallion snorted flexing that enormous rut muscle, lifting it to stand at full proud erection for her. Spurting hot slick droplets of creamy equine pre-cum everywhere, as that rough tongue continuing to go back to work. This time moving around the sack and licking at the small wound she created earlier. Her purring was growing now as the thick fat ball moved around under her tongue. Fluffy paws moved up to rub along those strong legs, and started to kneed into them as she harder and started to nibble lightly.

"Easy now... Easy now." Derry moaned, as he watched the pretty Lioness grinning up at him with a darkly wicked smirk. "Ummmm damn." The big draft horse panted, as that hot rough tongue lapped around his hard cock, ignoring it as it moved down to his bulging velvety ball sac. The saliva stringing the wound on that smooth flesh, before seeming to take the pain away even as the big feline's paws rubbed along his sweaty inner thigh's. As quickly as it descended, the tongue removed itself from the sack and disappeared back into the sharp toothed mouth.

"You know you taste delicious. Such a shame it's only going to be a one-time deal for the two of us." Terri grinned from ear to ear, as she toyed with her big sexy male prey.

"Awwww but it doesn't have ta be..." The mighty draft horse snickered as her hot mouth slids back up towards his aching erection.

"You know... I am going to help ensure neither you or Pike rape anyone else." That's when she quickly moved down and placed her lips on the top of the big blunt shaft and sucked lightly. One of her sharp fangs found the slit on the top and slid down before she bit down hard. Those pearly white teeth turned blood red as they sheared through that huge blood filled rut muscle. Blood trickled down the side of the Lioness's maw, as that rough tongue pushed around the shaft helping guide into her fangs. Another chomp bit deep into the head tearing it off, as she moved back to look at him... chewing it up slowly in her mouth.

"Errr... Wha... Pike and I rape anyone else?" Derry choked, as his eye's began to widen even as his hip's buck up trying to push more of his mighty rut stick into her muzzle. "Wha AWWWW WWWEEEHEHEEE!" The big draft horse scream wildly, as his whole body bouncing and almost vibrating as those sharp teeth shear into his proud male flesh. With a loud gulp she swallowed the head of the shaft down into her throat and grinned.

"Oh don't worry both you and Pike will be one in the same now. The only thing getting a good breeding now will be you." Her muzzle moved back down to that hard throbbing shaft and she started to chew on it slowly. Thinking of all the females Derry and Pike had taken forcefully, this was going to be for them. Flesh ripping sounds filled the air, as those dagger like teeth continued to chew all the way down to the base of that massive shaft. It was starting to become harder to chew at the base, due to the re-enforced fibers and thickness of the root. Holding it down with one big paw, as she had to pull her head back and tear the flesh until it came off inside her mouth. Blood was dripping off of her golden furry chin now, and a small pool started to form at the base of the equines wide sexy ass.

The big stallion's lip's were working now, as he screamed a loud string of obscenities at the Lioness. His voice raising almost comically in pitch, as he watched her gulp down his proud organ. "Oh my Gods... Ohooo my gods you crazy bitch!" Derry screamed in horror, his eyes so wide open that the whites are almost all that can be seen. "What the fuck... what the fuck are you talking about?" That high pitched voice squealed breathlessly, as his hip's struggling desperately to get away from that hot maw he'd been so eager to thrust inside of only moments before. The big horses struggles and protests growing steadily weakly and softer, as blood lost made him weak and light headed. "No...Nooo please it was Pike... not me he... he's the one..."

The last bit of that thick stud stick was ripped away by Terri's flashing feline teeth. "Half way done already! Why are you so upset?" The smirking Lioness asked teasingly as she licked her bloody red lip's. "You were begging me to put it in my mouth earlier." She observed with a light mocking tone, as she fondled the velvety bag just below that empty sheath. Sharp claws extended out of those big deadly paw pads, and started to drag them over that velvety sack. "These are next you know... I don't think you will have a use for them anymore... anyway." Those sharp claws dug into the middle of that sack, and started to slice it open.

"Oho Fuck... Ohooo Gods My... My... dick!" Derry whimpered his high pitched voice weak and simpering now, that proud stallion learning what it means to be the victim. "Wha... my BALLS... NO PLEASE NOT MY BALLS!" The horse manages to squeal even as he feels those needle like claws tickling the sensitive flesh of his male hood.

"Revenge is a dish best served... well warm today." The big Lioness chuckled in a low sexy purr, as she watched the big draft horse gape in terror. That sharp toothed muzzle moved down, and latched onto the left part of Derry's sack; and bit hard digging into the soft sensitive flesh with her teeth. She held there for a moment almost as if she was teasing him before ripping back and taking it with her. She was purring once again as her claws moved down to the right testicle and squeezed it hard causing it to pop. "Call me a cunt... shame on you." She grabbed tightly around the sack and pulled it hard. With a quick swish the sack was fully severed from the crotch and tossed onto the horse's chest.

"IIEIEIEEE!" Derry screamed, falling back to lay watching in helpless terror as those claws ripping and tearing at his sack. Those big wild eyes rolling back in his head, even as the last thing Derry saw was his big bloody ball pouch being tossed up completely detached onto his wide powerful chest.


"Heheh... Oh are you two poets?" Jill smiled, finding the big Bull's words both amusing and endearing, clearly he was intelligent as well as highly masculine. The big rich Bull chuckled lewdly, as he flashed the pretty cow his best dominant Bullish smile.

"Just around pretty cows like you." The black Bull responded, as his large palm came to rest on the big cow's wide rump, his other hand coming to rest on Enrique's. He gave both a squeeze, and jostled his fat and heavy, but well-dressed body up against the sexy Cow, and pulled her gently against his other side. "As Bulls we're two of a kind... really. We're very close friends... and since you're very special to him, I can't help but hope you and I will get to be... just as close." He explained, letting the big Cow gently feel the strength in his arms as he pulled her to his side, the weight of his body, and smell the young bovine musk under the civilized, clean scent...

That pretty bovine muzzle looked up at him with obvious interest, those wide nostrils flaring as she inhale the musky male scent of both her Bulls. "Oho Ho cads the both of you." She accused, but it was obvious that she was enjoying his touch and the closeness of those big hot bodies. "Ummm I don't know... he and I are so close, it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins." She joked leaning in to kiss the big red Bull lustfully on the mouth, even as Enrique moans reaching out to fondle her breasts with one hand while fondling Jordan's huge balls with the other.

The fat black Bull snorted in lust, as his heavy bovine sac was played with. "Mmm... well then I'm doubly eager to get to know you." Jordan rumbled, licking his lips as he watched the red Bull's hands caress and massage those big black and white breasts. His own hands sliding over the Cow's back and belly, while his bullish lust strained his slacks and pressed against her thigh.

"Honestly you kind of have my interest as well." Jill moaned as she felt those big hot hands fondling her lush body, the air suddenly filled with the spicy scents of female bovine arousal.

"If you're that much like your boyfriend... we're going to have a VERY good time together." Reluctantly, he peeled his hand away from her belly and slid it down Enrique's pants, making the red Bull gasp and groan softly. "Have you ever wanted to see two Bulls fondling each other in front of you... and more? Now you can." Jordan whispered hotly in her ear...

"Oho really If I'm like Enrique..." The pretty Cow asked questioningly, as she looked surprised at the two be Bull's. And then she snorted in shock and surprise as the big black Bull shoved his hands down Enrique's pants. The pretty Cow couldn't believe it... her big boyfriend was enjoying the touch of another male on his hot junk. "Wha... M...mmore?" She panted the sound of excitement plain in her voice, as that big lush body quivered in lustful delight.

Jordan grinned at the lush, lovely Cow and turned to Enrique. "My friend, I think we've piqued her interest." He observed, and then leaned over to press his thick lips against the blushing red Bull's. Enrique gasped in surprise at the sudden gesture... he wasn't sure how much about their relationship his Cow was going to learn. But the black Bull's hot thrusting tongue, while a rough intimate tug below his belt made him moo softly. And then lean into the wet, lusty kiss, throwing an arm around his heavy black Bulls sexy body. Jordan sucked firmly on that tongue, the two Bulls kissing like lovers while the Cow watched astonished; until finally Jordan pulled back, leaving her boyfriend panting for breath. "Enrique." Jordan invited with a big gloating smile, as he sensed the power he had in that moment. "Why don't you undress me for your lovely Cow here... I think she'd like to watch."

The young red bovine looked back and forth from his Cow to his Bull, gulping for breath as he watched the look on Jill's pretty muzzle. The sexy Cows lip's curled up into an excited smile, as her eyes drank in the erotic sight of the two big males together. Their kiss making her wet in sexual excitement, even as she unbuttoned her blouse slowly. "Well go on." She moaned to Enrique, as he eagerly began unbuttoning Jordan shirt and then helping him stripping out of it. And then he knelt in front of the big black Bull unsnapping his trousers, slowly sliding the zipper down. And then pulling them down those hefty black thigh's, once they were laying on the floor. Enrique slowly, sexily dragged those silk boxers down over those hot hefty Bull organ's, waiting until they flopped out before leaning into nuzzling them gently.

Jordan's meaty Bull shaft bounced up when freed from his boxers, slapping the hang of his gut before settling down to sticks straight out, a lewd red flagpole against his glossy black fur. He stood proudly, his legs apart, and moaned softly when the red Bull nuzzled his male organs. He put a hand on Enrique's head and gently ground his loins against the other Bull, sliding his stiff dick and those heavy black balls across his muzzle. He looked up at the Cow as she undressed, his eyes feasting on her wide body and heavy chest as she slowly opened her shirt. "Ohoh yeah... show us your body, beautiful... we both want you."

"Oh do you... glad you've not forgot all about me." The sexy Cow giggled, as she watched her boyfriend kiss those big black ball's like they were her huge full pink teats. Slowly she dances and swung her wide hip's as she wiggled out of that short skirt, and then reached back unsnapping her lacy bra and dropped it to the floor. Standing before them in only her soggy lace panties, as she worked them down her shapely legs while she move up close to them. Watching as Enrique licked and sucked Jordan's massive red Bull cock, lubing it with his own saliva. "So whatcha going to do for me?"

"What're we each going to do for you... you mean." Jordan smiled, and let go of Enrique as the naked cow strolled closer. He slid his thick arms around her hips, caressing her wide waist and round rump, then felt up her sides and groped her large, soft breasts. He kneaded them in his large hands, while his shaft oozed pre onto Enrique's face. The red Bull looking up from his Bull's male assets, to see those strong black hands fondling his girl's bare breasts. He watched those palms squeeze her heavy tits, and then pull her against his large body. His muzzle was gently sandwiched between the two of them, a cheek to either hip, then Jordan patted him on the shoulder. Even as her lush body pressed against Enrique's head and neck. The dripping sex leaving long silvery drops of her liquid excitement oozing down his cheek.

"Stand up Enrique." gently commanded, and as the red Bull rose Jordan began to strip him.

"Ammm yes sir." The big red Bull moaned as he climbed to his hooves, only to have those strong hands strip his clothing off leaving all three of them naked and excited. His long red Bull cock jutting straight out in front of him, hard as iron from watching his Bull and Cow together. Smirking as he peeled off his shirt, undid his pants, and dropped his boxers to the ground. Then reached down and scooped up the red Bull's sac and held it against his own, showing them both to the naked cow.

"You're gonna get both of these tonight." He assured her with a wide grin, while pushing Enrique against her. "We're going to take turns."

"Oho Hoo... each of you huh." Jill smiled as she pushed into those huge hot black hands, enjoying the caressing and groping a long moment.

"That's right." Jordan nodded, and stepped close, pressing his fat body up against Jill's plush frame. "Starting with me!" He boldly stated and slid his arms around her, pressing his lips to hers and his tongue into her mouth while his hard pole pressed against her belly. He slid a hand down to squeeze her ass, and another rubbed her thigh. Jordan leaned his weight into her, making her gently take a step back... and finding herself against the bed, naturally she would next be layng down on it. Jordan reached back and grasped Enrique's balls, squeezing them firmly as the red Bull watched his Cow lay down and spread her legs for his big black Bull. That wide, fat black tail swishing excitedly over his thick thighs, and those heavy, proud black balls hanging between. The big Bull ready to take possession of the Cow Enirque had brought for him.

Jill smiled as she allowed herself to be maneuvered back onto the bed, looking up lustfully at the big black Bull as he climbed on top of her. Inhaling deeply as she felt the heat of his big round cock head against her wet sex lip's. "Ohoooooo." Enrique moaned as his fat ball's were squeezed his long cock drooling a slimy river of pre cum, as he watched Jordan slid that huge cock effortlessly into his Cow. Only then realizing that Jordan had not put a condom on, Jill couldn't use the pill so Enrique had always used a rubber.

"OOOOOOOOOO YES." Jill moaned in delight as those huge black ball's spanked her big sexy black ass, while his mighty cock bottomed out inside of her. cautious part of Enrique had a fit at the risk the black Bull was taking, he could get his Cow knocked up like that. But another part of him couldn't help but be thrilled, as he watched those huge fertile black balls swinging between those fat Bull's leg, counterweight to the spinning bovine tail. That bare, blood-red shaft sliding so surely into his Cow's plush slot... he could get his Cow knocked up like that. It made his own heavy balls thrum and gurgle, pre-cum spilling out the end of his dick. It thrilled him to see the Bull doing exactly what his big balls wanted him to do... no hesitation, no doubt. It was a wonder the fat black Bull hadn't castrated him when he'd had the chance. But he hadn't truly needed to, for he owed Enrique's Bull pussy. The red Bull came up behind Jordan and groped those heavy, swinging balls, earning a grunt from the rutting Bull, and a reach back to have his own reddish Bull balls fondled. He felt them tugged, and he allowed Jordan to lead him by the nuts, pulling him onto the bed and directing him to where both Bull and Cow could play with his package.

"Ummm look what we've got here." Jill moaned in amusement as he looked over at her big sexy boyfriend, while he lay back watching her get ridden by another Bull. Watching Enrique's handsome muzzle as lust, jealousy, fear and awe warred over control of his handsome features. "Look at how hard he is... he's hoping you and I enjoy this as much as he is." Jill giggled, as those big hot hands fondled and stroked the massive bovine junk between Enrique's thigh's.

Jordan snorted in lust as he thrust, his hard pole feeling nice and deep in the big, plump female. Her slick passage made his shaft throb in lust, tingling in sweet erotic pleasure. And his heavy balls wanted to cum in her, to give her belly his proud cream. "Ummm, then let's leave him no doubt." He murmured to her, and grasped one of her breasts, lifting it to his muzzle and nuzzling it lustily. While taking her hand in his... and guiding it to Enrique's throbbing red balls. He folded her palm around those bovine stones, and squeezed them with her. Making the red Bull moan as his Bull and Cow both put pressure on his calf makers. His shaft jumped oozing pre-cum over their arms as he moaned, watching his nuts get squeezed with wide eyes. Even as Jordan panted, Jill moaned and the fat Bull's flagging tail whipped back and forth hard. Enrique watched the black Bull's fat nuts ride up and pulse, as his own were squeezed hard. He put a hand on Jordan's sweaty ass, and he knew the Bull was cumming in his Cow.

"Ummm... Ummm." Enrique moaned gustily as his hefty calve makers were squeezed, the sights, scents and sensations intensely arousing to him. "MAAAA..." He bellowed excitedly as his hip's began to hump and thrust, even as his own hands found Jordan's huge ball's. Holding them in trembling fingers as he felt them quiver and pull up, ejaculating an enormous load of calve batter into Jill's quivering sex. Her heat scent obvious now, she was ready for a breeding and Jordan had just given her the first of many that night. "Yes... Awwww yes... fill her belly my Bull." Enrique moaned weakly as he realized a calve was coming out of this night.

Jordan moaned loudly, those big sweaty Bull stones throbbing in Enrique's hands as he poured his lust into that sexy, sweet Cow. He leaned forward and slid his thick tongue into her hot mouth, taking her breath away for a long minute as she panted around his lustful kiss. When the black Bull finally let her lips go, she lay panting on the bed, and Jordan slowly eased himself out of her. He knelt next to Enrique and gave the red Bull a firm pat on the ass... motioning him to take over. And as Enrique slipped past him Jordan grabbed his balls again, and whispered in his ear. "I filled her belly." He whispered hotly, as he held the red Bull's needy stones in a light grasp. "And now it's your turn. Cum in her, empty your whole nuts... do your Bull proud." Enrique shivered in lust, as he obediently climbed between Jill's legs, feeling his big strong Bull holding onto his balls.

Jordan snapped awake from his dream of resent past events, feeling relieved and horny. Opening his eyes the big black bovine looked up in horror, above him a big smirking stallion knelt. Holding up a jar with a single big pale Bull testicle floating around in clear preservative. "Looks like our Steer has finally woke up." Jerome snickered looking over at the big red Bull who was holding a identical jar with an even larger testicle in it. "Time to serve for masters Steer." Enrique's sneered wickedly as he shared a gloating laugh with the horny stallion.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Jordan screaming sitting bolt up right in bed, trembling and shivering as the small Nordic pony cuddled close to him.

"It's ok... your ok... it was just a dream my Bull." Brayden whispered, as he cradled the big sobbing Bull in his arms gently. "We're here with you." He assured as the sexy black and white Cow sat up and joined in hugging the big black Bull.

"Enrique is guarding the door." Jill assured as she wiped the frothy sweat from Jordan's broad forehead and kissed him gently.

Jordans Loss...19

Jordan's loss Enrique hefted his calculus books as he stepped off the elevator on to the fourth floor, and strolled slowly down the hallway to the corner room. Knocking on the door boldly, five solid knocks before pausing to listen to...

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Roped and Raped

Roped and Raped "Ummm... I really enjoy knowing that." The big Zebracorn confessed with a naughty smile, as he looked the rangy Hyena over. "I'm a pleaser at heart... and the thought of giving anonymous males orgasms really pleases me..." "Oh...

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Bro's not Ho's

Bro's not Ho's Jonathon couldn't help but staring, as directly across the hall, his older brother Tom stood undressing. The big jock white tailed buck was down to his underwear now. And his round perfect bubble butt was hanging out of his sweat...

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