Bro's not Ho's

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#2 of Bro's

Chapter 2 of Bro's... Tom and his gay brother Jonathan are back as is Tom's naughty girlfriend Candice...

Bro's not Ho's

Jonathon couldn't help but staring, as directly across the hall, his older brother Tom stood undressing. The big jock white tailed buck was down to his underwear now. And his round perfect bubble butt was hanging out of his sweat stained jock strap, sooooooooooo lusciously Jonathon half wished he had some predator blood. Just so he could pounce on it and take a bite out of it.... then pin it down and... The younger buck shivered in horror, as he remembered what that sweet ass had felt like on his hard cock.

"Hey stop spyin' on me ya little perv." Tom grunted and closed his door angrily, making Jonathon blush as he wondered if Tom's girlfriend would ever let him do it again. Had his brother spotted the iron hard erection in his shorts? Jonathan wondered guiltily, gods he hoped not. Half the high school already knew he was gay... only his big jock brother standing up for him kept them from harassing him. And now Jonathan had raped his brothers ass, without the big jock stud even knowing it.

It had just been to much of a temptation, as Candice his brother's naughty girlfriend had known. The sleek Tibearian feline had offered him the one thing Jonathan couldn't possiblely resist, a chance to rut his big brothers ass. And Jonathan had loved it... the feeling on his aroused cock of course, but more than that the scent and taste of that male body. The feelings of love that being on top of his helpless jock brother filled him with. The young Stag shivered with disgust at his own naughty desires, still it was the only thing he'd thought about ever since. All his jack off fantasies had been memories of that one sexual experience, even getting jerk off by that guy in the theater once had fallen by the way side.

It had been almost two weeks... and it still was just as vivid in his mind as it was the second he'd finished. Candice had not been back since, and he was beginning to think maybe his brother had broken up with her. When the sound of paw steps coming up the stairs got his attention, and then the naughty kitty came flouncing into his room.

"Hi ya Jonathan." Candice purred as she sat down on the foot of his bed, and looked at him smirkingly. As she suckled on a lollypop, flashing him a curious wicked smile. "How ya been?" The slinky feline asked, as she toyed with her cell phone. While Jonathan starred at her with a odd mixture of emotion's on his handsome Stag muzzle.

"Ammm Candi..." The young Stag choked, as he starred at the girl who had given him his fondest desire. Just the sound of that was completely wrong, and that wasn't even counting the fact that he'd raped his big bro. "I... I've been... Errr... feeling terr..."

"Terribly pent up huh... can't wait to have Tom again." Candice finished for him, ignoring the horrified and guilty looks on the young Stag's muzzle. "Well that's good because I've got a whole new plan..." The sexy feline announced with a wicked smirk, as she watched something on her cellphone. "Give me two minutes and then come into Tom's room." Candice smirked as she saw the look on Jonathan's muzzle go from guilty to horny in less than a second. "Here this... is for you." The sleek feline pulled something grungy off white from behind her back, and tossed it to him.

Jonathan's eyes widen as he saw it was Tom's jock strap, it was still warm and sweat dampened. 'Oho gods... she must had got it out of the clothes hamper.' Jonathan thought, as he lifted the under garment to his muzzle and breathed deeply. That thick musky male scent filling his nostrils and bringing his flagging erection hard to full noticeable hardness. "Heheh..." Candice laughed as she saw that erection poking up the front of the Stag's baggy sweat pants. "Two minutes... and then come in... you'll be needing that." She snickered swatting his erection playfully, as she bounced up off the bed and strolled down the hall. Jonathan instant began watching his bed side clock, as two minutes seemed to drag by forever.


Tom lay back on his bed, replaying the events of two weeks earlier. The passion and the pleasure of his anal violation, highly stimulating even now all these days later. The big jock stud had been highly pissed off at first, when he had realized it had been his brothers cock and not his girl friends dildo. Pissed off that what everyone had been saying was true... Jonathan was a fag. An worse still his brother had proven it in his ass, and forced Tom to face the fact that maybe he liked it to. Even since he'd been noticing the other guys dicks in the locker rooms. Thinking about them, wondering how good they would feel inside of him. Wondering how they would taste in his muzzle, how he would feel down on his knee's in front his jock buddies. Passive before their aggression, submissively servicing their lusts a receptacle for their cum.

Just then his half opened bedroom door swung smoothly open, Candi stood leaning up against the door frame provocatively. Sucking on a lollypop as she looked down at him smirkingly. "Hey boyfriend... you aint invited me over in awhile..." She accused pointing and rubbing her finger in that 'for shame' sort of way.

"Ammm... well my parents have been home alot..." Tom tried to lie, but they both knew his parents had been working the same as always.

"Awwww it wasn't because of that little thing I slipped up your tailhole was it?" Candice purred teasingly, as she thrust that lollypop in and out of her mouth seductively. "Because... ya know..." The sleek sexy feline murred slowly, as a wicked smile spread across her mouth. "That big, old, hard thingy didn't belong to me at all..." She taunted turning the cellphone towards him, to display the images flickering across the tiny screen.

Jonathan's muzzle twisted in to a look of supreme pleasure, with his eye's tightly clamped shut. Huffing and puffing as he pumped and rutted, slow and steadily atop his big brothers back. Tom's eyes widened and he watched the action intensely, it wasn't the reaction she had been expecting. There was no out burst of anger... in fact the big jock didn't even seem really surprised. But his eye's were glued to the action happening on the screen, even as the Camera angles changed showing the action from different perspectives.

"So now you know... who really put what up your ass." Candice's lip's rolled back into a wide leering smile, but then melted into a look of confusion as Tom ignored her. Watching the action on screen... starring at the look of his own muzzle and then back to Jonathan's. Clearly they were both enjoying it, and the big jock was hard pressed to figure out which one was loving it the most. On screen Tom watched himself moan loudly, saying just how much he was liking what was being done to him.

'Ohoo gods... it feels... So... so good Candi..." Tom moaned making the already lustful Jonathon shiver with delight. "I... I love it... Fuck me... Fuck me hard... harder...'

"You remember that sweetie?" Candice snickered, as she watched her big jock boyfriend begin to shiver. "Begging me to get fucked even harder... you really seemed to be enjoying it. I know Jonathan was... he's queer for you bad. And after him giving you all that pleasure... I think you should return the favor. I wanta see you sucking his dick... your going to suck that big dick." The slinky feline explained, as she snapped her camera phone closed with a sharp 'Click'.

"I... I'm gunna wha?" Tom grunted, looking up as that images were closed off from his view. While his heart suddenly raced, at the thought of having a cock in his muzzle. The handsome Buck looked up at Candi in a mixture of shock and desire, even as the wicked feline repeated her order.

"You... are going to suck Jonathan's dick... and swallow your brothers cum. Or that video is going on Yiff-Tube, and the whole world is going to be watching you get fucked by your pansy brother. All your jock buddies... all the cheerleaders... even your parents."


Jonathan couldn't wait any longer, leaping to his hooves the young Buck moved quickly and silently down the hall. Edging up to his brothers bedroom door, just as he heard Tom moan softly. "Ok... Ok... I'll suck Jonathan's dick." The tall lanky white tailed Buck skidded to a stop in the open door way, his jaw hanging open as Tom and Candi looked up at him.

"Ummmm come over here sweety." Candice purred, gesturing to the spot right in front of Tom. Who was sitting on the edge of his bed, looking over at his younger brother. Slowly Jonathan moved over to the spot where Candice indicated, looking down at his older brother. As Candi moved around on the bed behind Tom, placing her head on his broad shoulder. So that both of them were facing Jonathan's aroused crotch, with its very noticeable bulge an a small wet spot blossoming on that gray fabric. "Go on... pull his pants down." Candi purred into Tom's ear, as both young Stag's were panting so hard they were almost hyperventilating.

Tom's big hands reached forwards, and grasp the baggy leg's of Jonathan's gray sweat pants. Slowly pulling them down his brothers sleek tawny brown legs. Even as the younger Buck nervously rose up on his hoof tip's, the jocky shorts beneath sported an even bigger wet spot. That long stiff Cervine cock, even more clearly outlined by the thin white cotton clothe. "Ammmm doesn't that look good?" Candice whispered tauntingly into Tom's pointed Cervine ear, as she reached out snagging those shorts and tugging them down.

"Ohoooo..." Jonathan moaned as his erection was pulled downwards, only to spring back up and outwards as his underwear slithered down his leg's and hit the floor. A sparkling string of slick slimy pre-cum splattered out over Tom's muzzle, as his brothers hard on stabbed out at him. Jonathan could feel his older brothers hot excited breath wash over his naked groin. The sensation making him feel light headed and off bounce, quickly the younger Buck reached out and grabbed his older brothers antlers. It was more to steady himself than anything, but from Tom's perspective it was a lustful dominant gesture.

"Ammm Queer boy is getting demanding." Candi snickered, as she watched Jonathan grab his brothers antlers and lean over that passive muzzle. "Go on Queer boy... tell your big bro what ya want him to do." Candi prompted, looking up at Jonathan and giving him a wink.

"Sss... suck me... suck me off." The tall slender young Buck moaned, as he watched his big jock brother lean forwards and nuzzle his oozing erection. "Ohooooo..." Jonathan moaned as that hot tongue slid up under his cock head, licking his slick pre-cum off of his iron hard organ.

"Ohoooo... look at that gay boy... your big bad jock brother is licking your dick... Bet you've been dreaming about that... ever since you nail that sweet ass of his huh." Candice teased, as she watched all the action over Tom's shoulder; as the handsome jock stud sucked the head of his brothers cock into his mouth.

"Ummm fuck!" Jonathan moaned breathlessly, as the head of his long pink Cervine cock slipped into Tom's hot oh so wet mouth. "Ohooo yeah suck it... suck my cock Tom." Jonathan begged even more lustfully, as his hip's lunged forwards spearing that slick cock deeper into his big bro's suckling muzzle. Candice was not doing much now, but watching the two of them fuck. Realizing how much seeing one brother fuck the other was turning her on, even more than the first time. Reaching down the sexy feline began to play with herself, as Jonathon began to steadily pound Tom's suckling muzzle. While Tom's hard pink Buck stick, began to ooze and dribble making a wet spot on the jock's boxer briefs. As his kid brothers thick cock pounded against the back of his throat. The big jock had stopped struggling, and now just thrust his muzzle forwards.

"Your liking that aren't you?" She whispered tauntingly into his ear, giggling as he nodded his head yes. Tom couldn't believe how much pleasure that hot smooth rut stick gave him, as it glided in and out of his soft suckling lip's. The big jock realized that he had actually began to intensely enjoying it... what he thought was so horrid and gay. "Now don't gag him Queer boy." Candice teased, as she watched that big cock thrust deeper and deeper into her boyfriends muzzle. Those sleek black lip's pursed up, suckling more and more lustfully as that hard cock fucked between them.

"Ohooooo gods... but he's... he's swallowing my... my cock." Jonathan moaned weakly as he strain to hold back, even while Tom's mouth moved down his throbbing erection. The big jock panting for breath through his shiny black nose, until it pushed up against his brothers tawny sheath. A soft hot paw wormed it's way into Tom's boxer briefs, and nimble fingers began fondling his hard cock. "Ohoooo Tom... Ohooooo yeah." Jonathan moaned weakly his hands sliding down those rough antlers, to fondle the soft fur of his brothers head and ears.

"Ammmm somebody is enjoying having that big hard cock in their mouth." Candice purred, as her hot little paw slowly stroked the full length of Toms aching erection. Amusement rich in her voice, as she watched her jock boyfriend bury his nose in his younger brothers crotch. "Do you like it as much in your mouth as you did up your ass?" Candi teased as Tom began to bob his head up and down that pulsing Buck prick, as the big Buck ignored her and focused on the organ in his throat.

"Yeah... Ummm fuck yeah... that feels soooooooo good." The younger Buck moaned prancing and dancing in place, as his big brother sucked harder and faster on his thrusting organ. Jonathan knew his brother had never sucked a cock, but the pleasure he was giving was undeniable. What Tom's mouth lack in experience, he was making up for in passion putting forth maximum effort. And his brother was feeling it, that young cock was unused to the sensations of hot saliva coated lip's suckling on it. And so was over stimulated by the intense pleasure, and thus rapidly was pushed to his peak. "Ummmm Tom... Tom I'm gunna... gunna ccccuuuummmmmm." Jonathan moaned loudly, as his long thick Cervine cock tensed as hard as steel between those velvety lip's. Even as the young Buck struggled to hold back a moment long, and then his pulsing cock was surging. Hefty young ball's drawing up sharply, as he spurted gush after hot salty gush of rich Stag cum into his brothers ravenous mouth.

Candice giggled in delight as she heard her big jock boyfriend gulp, and swallow again and again. Knowing he was taking the cum, just like he'd made her take his own. Sitting back she watched as Jonathan muzzle hump his brother slower and slower, until at last the young Buck sagged in exhaustion. While Tom just sat there with his brothers cock in his mouth, until Jonathan's shivers at last dead away and he pulled back. Slipping out of Tom's mouth with a lewd sounding 'Slurp', as the younger Buck stepped back and looked down. His eyes widening as he spotted Toms erection, a big delighted smile splaying over his panting muzzle. Quickly the young Buck climbed onto his brothers bed, sleek round ass upturned that short white tail held high.

"Rut me please." Jonathan begged, even as Tom stood up and stripped off his boxer briefs. And then climbed up behind his younger brothers sleek furry ass, grabbing those round hip's as he readied himself.

"Hey... No that's for me..." Candice growled, even as Tom leaned down and spat on the tiny pink pucker of Jonathan's tail hole. "He's my boyfriend Queer boy." She protested again angrily, as she was forced to watch as Tom guided his fat cock into that taboo orifice. "Tom... I'm here!" But the big jock Stag was already ball's deep in Jonathan's ass, and grinding slowly in and out. A oddly euphoric look plastered across his handsome muzzle, as Candice climbed out of bed. Snorting angrily over her shoulder as she stomped out of the room. "I'm going home call me when your through fucking your brother."

Tom glanced back over his shoulder, only mildly concerned that she had left. While Jonathan moaned and held up her phone, replaying the video of their first time for them to watch. And then Jonathan emailed it to himself and deleted it from Candi's phone so she couldn't use it against them. As Tom snickered and pounded that tight virgin tail hole for all he was worth. Discovering that it gave him more pleasure, and feelings of desire than his girlfriends sex ever had...


Win... Win...18

Win... Win... "What about Frank?" Fred asked with a leering look, as he stroked his fraternal twin's erection swiftly. While his handsome brother stroke his, the two or them playing their favorite game. Who's hot and what would you do...

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A night in Dushnikh Yal

A night in Dushnikh Yal "We honor the bravest fighters, but I have seen many types of bravery in my travels." The huge thickly muscled Orc warrior danced nimbly around that practice dummy, his glittering steel axe...

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Yeah it's another Skyrim based story about what really happened when Dryston tried to brawl a certain big Orc... takes place before the Hero's undoing of course... Brawler The huge green skinned Orc had just stepped out...

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