Win... Win...18

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#18 of Hard Times

Ted's son's discover something about their father... and like it... While Tawny and Terri the Lioness go looking for conquests of their own... As Killan sets his grand plans into action...

Win... Win...

"What about Frank?" Fred asked with a leering look, as he stroked his fraternal twin's erection swiftly. While his handsome brother stroke his, the two or them playing their favorite game. Who's hot and what would you do with them, if they were under your control. He knew at once he'd asked to right question, because Georges long slender dick bounced up even harder in his palm.

"Hell yeah... he's almost as hot as Coach Murphy. I'd sooooooo suck him off, or maybe letting him slam that thick Goat cock up my..." George's husky voice went silent, as he motioned for silence the two of them froze listening intensely. The horny pair had thought they had the house to themselves, with Vera and their mother at the doctors. And their dad was supposed to be at work, but the sound they were hearing was voices. The voices where deep and gruff, Dad was home earlier it seemed. But he wasn't talking now, instead it sounded like surprisingly high pitched grunts and groans. The two horny teenagers looked at each other for a minute, curiosity at last getting the best of them.

Tucking their raging hard-on's into their baggy sweat pants, and snuck down the back stairs. Knowing their parents bedroom was at the back of the house, the boys stalked through the dining room. The bedroom door had been left half open, and the light was on inside. While the dining room and hall were unlit, slowly the pair slipped up and peeked into the room. Whatever it was the two boys were expecting to see, it certainly wasn't this... Jordan, the big black Bull that they had both met, who had been hanging out around the house alot lately. Was sitting on their parents massive king sized bed, his back leaned up against the head board. While on his fat crotch sat their father, completely naked Ted was obviously riding that huge Bull cock.

Both brothers mouths dropped as they exchanged shocked looks, their Dad was taking a cock up his butt. Riding up and down it slowly as the big black Bull's flabby hands rubbed over his pale naked belly and chest. "Ummmm your starting to get round and soft..." Jordan moaned as he, ran those huge hands down to cup and squeeze Teds ample ass cheeks. Spreading them wide, giving the Humans watching sons an even better view of that big cock spearing up their fathers ass. "I'm glad to see you threw those hormone treatment away like I asked you to... I like my sexy Steers nice and chubby." The Bull's beady black eyes devoured that soft pink body, even as Ted impaled himself repeated on that huge cock. The burly Human had become very practiced at taking his Bulls mighty cock. And was moaning loudly in appreciation of that huge male organ, smashing into and rubbing over the only sex organ Ted had left. The hard prostate gland buried deep in the soft pink Human's hairless ass.

At the door Fred and George looked at each other confused, at what they were seeing. Their big straight ex-jock Dad riding a cock like some wanton slut in a porno movie. And that huge black Bull calling him a 'sexy Steer' the boys had enough knowledge to know what a Steer was. "YY...Yes sir... I live to please." Ted moaned breathlessly, clearly having fallen into his new position as Nullo rut boi fully and completely. Having spent the past weeks serving the big Bull, and all of the others members of the Rakhouse. The big Human was a very popular Eunuch rut toy for all the furs in the Nutters.

Jordan's shiny black lip's curl up into a lewd leering smile, as he spots movement at the bedroom door. And as Ted slides smooth up and down his long hard fuck stick, the fat Bull deftly maneuvers that big body around. Turning the burly Human Nullo around into the reverse cowgirl position. Only to be rewards almost at once by loud gasps of shock, as the two peeping boy get a look at their fathers naked shaven crotch. Fred and George starring transfixed by the sight of their father's smooth crotch. Gone was that mighty nine cock, and those hefty lemon sized testicles. Only smooth skin and a dark line of stitches reminded on Ted's hairless groin. Thick black fingers reached around to run over that smooth skin. "You know I really love the feeling of your smooth crotch, I may have all of my Steers Nulled." The big Bull moaned excitedly, as he looked over Ted's broad shoulders. The smile on his muzzle spread even wider, as he saw the stunned looks on the two teenaged boys faces. Grabbing Ted's mop of red head, the big Bull pulled his head back and grunted into his Nullo's ear. "Why don't you invite your sons into the room." It wasn't a question, and the sexless Human knew it by the tone of his Bull's voice.

"Please don't make me..." Ted moaned as that hard bovine cock speared inside of him even harder.

"They've already seen you... their watching right now." Jordan explained, twisting that big Human head around to show him the boy's heads peeking into the room through the cracked door.


The flimsy door to the cheap motel room flew open violently, smashing against the wall with a loud bang. In the door way stood a short broad Bulldog, dressed in a pea green sweater with a black leather jacket over it. Dark baggy slacks slung low around his chubby hip's, and a pork pie hat on his round head. Pikes beady eyes bulged as he took in the sight in front of him, two naked females lay intertwined on the Motel bed. The sleek tan skin of the Human female, blending with the tawny golden fur of the slinky feline.

"This is Terri... she's a very good friend of mine." Tawny purred huskily as she looked up at the pugnacious little canine, with a lusty smile even as the two females rubbed their bodies together lustfully. "I hope you don't mind that I invited her." Pike looked stunned for a long moment, and then his beady eyes narrowed dangerously. Quickly he stalked around the room, checking in the closet and bathroom before coming back around to the door.

"I thought this might be some kinda trap..." The leering Bulldog grunted as he licked his drooling lip's, it did little good. He was salivating all over the place, slobber dripping down on to his jacket and sweater. "But... yer really on the up and up... ya want me to finish what I started in the back of yer car... Huh bitch?" Moving over to the still open door, he stepped outside and spoke to his big draft horse pardner. "Looks ok Derry... why don't you keep watch out here just in case... When I'm finish you can have a go... heheh." The big equine smirked and nodded taking up a position beside the door, as the stock canine closed it...

"I'm gunna put some puppies in you bitches." Pike snarled as he quickly struggled out of his clothes, and headed for the bed. As Tawny and Terri spread out so he could climb up in between them. "So which one of you bitches wants to get the knot first?" Tawny's flat face twisted up into a grimace, luckily the Bulldog couldn't read human expressions at all.

"Ummm you said you was going to take me... show me how much of a bitch I could be." Tawny purred as she reached over, stroking that growing sheath and tight canine ball's.

"Hahah... that's right cunt." Pike snickered, remembering how he'd almost had his dick in her last time in the back of that old station wagon. Before that old crone across the street had started caterwauling, and saying she had called the cops. "Your no good husband can raise my pups, after I show you what a real male can do..." The blunt muzzled Bull dog licking his chop's, as his red bone rose up out of his sheath. The knot small, but throbbing and growing as the little canine climbed over Tawny's naked fur-less human body. His sharp nails almost painful on that bare flesh, as he fondled and explored her lush female form lustfully.

While the tawny golden Lioness lay beside them, her huge hot paws stroking and playing with both of them. Nimble fingers working to get Tawny's naked sex wet and ready, while helping slip Pike's growing knot out of his greasy sheath. Her soft hot body, pressing against them both as she helped guide that throbbing pointed canine cock. Tawny moaned, as she felt that hot wet cock tip slid over her puffy aroused sex lip's. As the pugnacious little canine began humping the instant he felt his cock touch her hot naked skin. Terri pulled it down and guided in into that dewy human sex, making the pair both moan with delight. Even as the Lioness moved back down those withering bodies, watching as the little Bull dog's ball's bounce and sway with intense green eyes.


Jordan couldn't help but smile at Ted's reaction to seeing his teenaged sons. The big Bull could feel his fat Nullo's anus tightening up around his meaty bovine pole. As the human went pale, and Jordan firmly rubbed his broad naked back. "Don't worry about it so much. If they've been watching this long, they're obviously interested... so lets go ahead and show them everything. Who knows, maybe they'll get scared off." Jordan quipped amused, as Ted's hopes lept in hope for that possibility.

"O-okay. Boys... come on in here... I... guess it's time to see what happened to your dad."

Fred and George had to push that door open wider, as they crowded into their parents bedroom. Their pale blue eyes wide, as they starred at the fucking pair. Watching as their naked, cockless fathers smooth round ass cheeks slowly rode up and down on that huge Bull cock. Gulping as they stood there with their own erect cocks standing out proudly in front of them. Long strings of clear pre-cum drooling from the spear shaped cock tip's, as the stood looking nervous and uncomfortable. "Ummm where's yer junk?" The boys blurred at lasted, as they looked up at their fathers bright red face, even as that long black Bull muzzle lay across his shoulder.

Jordan grinned broadly as he caressed Ted's soft belly, then groped his smooth crotch in front of his boys. Making a show of displaying just how far Ted was from being the male they remembered. "Ohooo that's a long story, isn't it Ted?" The big Bull snickered, fingering the line of stitches where that big humans cock had once jutted out. "First of all, he sold his balls to me to pay off some bad debts. A very brave and wise decision that saved your family many hardships... especially your mother. As for his cock, well... heh, he very generously gave that up to a very... hungry lady friend of mine. But not to worry though boys, your mother's more than happy to get my cock instead of his. It's really quite an upgrade... don't you think Ted?" The red faced human was clearly far to embarrassed to answer that question, and so just grunted softly looking away from his boys. Jordan slapped Ted on one pale naked human ass cheek to make him lift up, almost off of that huge Bull pole. Letting the boys see it and his massive balls, before shoving it back into their fathers ass again. Teds mouth flopped open at Jordan's brutal honesty, telling his two teenage sons what had happened to his malehood. And the fact that the Bull was fucking their mother now, who was loving it. But in truth the boys seemed to ignore that, as they were much more interested in the sex going on at that moment.

"Ohooo WOW!" Fred breathed stunned, even as he looked at George who was just as awestruck and fondling himself excitedly.

"Oh fuck yer even bigger than dad... WAS." George choked, as both boys took a step forwards even as that big Bull dick slid smooth back inside of their fathers ass.

"Do you boys like men? Do you like cock, or are you all about chasing rumps? Or perhaps it's girls you fancy..." Ted's embarrassment doubled at the questions posed to his sons, but then doubled again as he watched their reaction to the sight of Jordan massive cock and balls.

"Hell yeah... COCK!" Both boy almost shouted together, as Ted moaned softly with that hard cock thrust deep up his quivering ass.

The fat Bull licked his shiny black lips lustfully, enjoying this intensely. "Seems that I came to the right place then... heh." Fred and George looked at each other questioningly at the big Bull's words, he'd came to the right place. Was he saying he was willing to share that huge cock with them as well? "Well you boys like a big cock? Alright... Come here." The big Bull gestured, beckoning them onto the bed. Even as he took hold of Ted's soft body and turned him around, rolling over to pin the Nullo under him, face-down. And then he pushed himself up, and slid partway out of Ted's rear end. Letting the boys get a good look, as he invited them to come up on both sides of him. "Go ahead..." Jordan snorted invitingly as, Ted struggled to look back. "Play with it..."

"Uhum ok..." Both nervous teenagers grunted, as they climbed eagerly over to the bed. While they watched Jordan roll their father over face down on that king sized bed. The sexy young males were panting heavily as they moved up beside the pair, shaking hands slipping between them to explore that hot velvety Bull junk. "Ohooo damn feel that." Fred moaned, his seven inch cock bouncing up and down wildly leaking shiny pre-cum everywhere. Even as his soft nimble finger exploded that huge Bull dick and its soft fuzzy sheath.

"Hot... throbbing... so hard." George added, as the two boys leaned in looking closer as it slid slowly in and out of their fathers clenching ass. That well fucked hole an angry red, even as thick gooey bovine cream leaked out. The twins scooped up hands full of that thick Bullish cream, licking it up and smearing their freckled faces with it.

"Now... now boys..." Ted tried, but his twin sons where lost in a world of hot male musk and hard throbbing cocks. Jordan licked his lips lewdly, the fat Bull thrusting slowly into Ted's rear, giving his boys a chance to feel the thickness and power of that bovine pole as it slid through their hands. Before those smooth fingers moved lower exploring the Bull's massive ball's, and then the rough scars on their fathers otherwise smooth crotch. "Ummmm..." Ted moaned softly into the blankets as he listened to his sons admiring his Bull's mighty cock, the very cock fucking him at that moment.

"Ammm... you like that, don't you boys?" Jordan purred, already knowing the answer just by watching their enraptured faces. "You have to admit, it is quite the cock." He slipped his flabby hands over, and grasped the two brother's hard human pricks, one in each huge hot hand. And then gave them a light squeezing, before he began to stroke them off teasingly.

"Yes... Errr Mr..." The horny young humans moaned, as those hot flabby palms engulfed their hard little cocks. Palms already slick with sweat or lube not that it mattered to them.

"Call me Jordan boys... remember. It sure is quite a bit bigger than yours... or even your fathers use to be." He observed gloatingly, as both young jocks nodded their heads in silent agreement.

"Oho fuckin' hells yeah its HUGE." The two boys moaned, thrusting their strong hip's forwards into those huge fists eagerly.

"How does that make you feel?" The fat black Bull teased softly... as he tugged on those aroused cocks. The twins looked at each other searchingly for a long moment at that question, and then both replied softly. "Ummmm... hot... horny... small... weak." The big Bull smirked at the horny young human boys.

"Heh, I half expected you to say you didn't deserve to have cocks, with meat like mine in the world." He taunted, and started stroking their young pricks a bit faster.

"With meat like yours in the world we don't really need ours..." Fred started to mumble meekly, as his hip's slammed forwards harder and faster.

"It's worth mentioning that my dick has fucked your dad, your mom, and your older sister... Plus many other men, women, eunuchs and steers besides."

"Wha... you... you fuck guys and girls both?" The twins moaned questioningly as they leaned against Jordan's flabby arms, as their pleasure grew with every stroke of those big hands.

"Oho gods PLEASE." Ted moaned in shock, as the Bull so bluntly told his sons about using almost the whole of the family, he expected the boys to react with shock and anger. But Fred and George just breathed faster, as Jordan's fat fist's slid up and down their hard little erections. Their potent young balls bouncing against the back side of those big fists roughly, adding soft pain to the pleasure.

"Of course... a Bull fucks whoever he desires boys..." Jordan chuckled gloatingly as he pounded into Ted's quivering asshole even harder. "Are you boys hoping to take my meat someday?"

"Could... could we?" The two horny young humans choked, as they looked down at that huge hard cock in their fathers ass. Each wishing it was them under the massive bovine, it was all like some kind of kinky wet dream to them. The fat black Bull smirked, and started pumping those young pricks more rapidly.

"Ummmm, Well... I might just let you boys bend over for me." Jordan chuckled as he watched the horny young jocks pump his fists lustfully. "On one condition, your cocks and balls are mine to do whatever I want with!" He lewdly smirked, and then continued even as Ted suddenly bucked and struggled. "If you both agree to that... then so be it. The one who cums the most for me... will get to go first!"

"Nnnnn...Nnnn" Ted moaned into the covers. as that big hard cock pounded his gaping hole harder and harder. The big Bull was taking everything... and the cockless ball less human realized he was powerless to stop it. "Boys... boys..." He protested even as the twins humped and pumped those two huge hot hands more and more needfully.

"Uhum our cocks and balls..." The twins panted breathlessly, as they looked down at their father taking that huge Bull cock like a pro.

"Yeah sure." Jordan purred as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "I mean your interest in being fucked... not fucking. And lots more guys will be willing to fuck you if your modified like Ted here." The big Black Bull assured, as he talked the big humans sons out of their male hoods. Even as Ted struggled desperately to keep his family line going.

"Errr.. wait wha..." Fred moaned as he looked up dazed by the pleasure of the moment, even as George slapped his shoulder.

"He's gunna make us like dad..." The two boys looked down at their passive sexless father enjoying that huge cock fucking him hard. "Yea... yeah sure we agree..." The boys moaned as their seven inch cocks throbbed harder and harder, exploding huge frothy white loads onto their own fathers naked buttocks.

Jordan chortled in triumph, as he watched those young pricks spurt their white cream onto the pale, trembling rump of their father. With a discerning glance, Jordan gave both boys a final tug.

"Good job both of you, those are some big loads for humans. But George, it looks like you get to go first." With a smug smirk he backed up, pulling out of Ted finally... and then getting the teenager to lay down on his father's back. He grinned and played with George's fat balls as he put his pole against that tight young ass, then grunting as he began to push in...

Ted whimpered weakly, as he felt that hot youth stud cream paint his naked buttocks, and then that huge cock was slid out of him. "Ohooooo noooo." The nulled human moaned in lost as the Bulls mighty fuck was taken away. And the big human felt a hot naked young body press against his slimy back, a small cock slipping almost unnoticed into his gaping asshole that automatically clenched on it. "Ohoooo fuck..." Father and son moaned together, as Jordan push the thick round bovine cock head against Georges virgin fuck hole. The teenagers body bucking and withering as his tiny hole was slowly push open wider and wider, and then there was a lewd _ 'Slurp' _ and the Bull was inside.

"OHOOOOOOOOOOO... GODS YEAH!" The young human groaned loudly, as those thick fingers fondle his low dangling balls. Making his seven inch cock jerk up stiffly within that hot Bull cream filled asshole.

"Yeah that's right these belong to me..." Jordan grunted into George's ear, making that stiff little human cock surge even harder. "Tell me you'll let me cut off your cocks and castrate you..." Jordan moaned as his own sexual excitement grew quickly, the young jocks ass was even tighter that his sisters pussy had been.

"OHOOOO Yeah... yeah you can have... have it all!!!" George moaned passively, even as Fred looked far less sure about that. Until a single thick finger began to prod at his own tiny hole, and the horny teenager whimpered. That limp spent human cock suddenly getting a fresh breath of life, bouncing up and down in time to Fred's quickening heart beat. The fat Bull's grin broadened, as he teased his thick digit into Fred's tight young asshole. Giving the human a slow skewering, while his other fingers groped forward. And grabbed those young teenage balls from behind, massaging the three glands in one hand, even as he roughly hammered his brother right in front of him.

The Bull's fat balls slapped against Ted's smoothed crotch, and Jordan's flesh pressed heavily and hotly into Georges back, making the boy hot and sweaty as the fat Bull rutted him. That fat furry belly pressing over his lower back, even while Jordan leaned over and kissed Freds mouth. That long strong bovine tongue prying the human's lip's open, and raping his fresh young mouth lustfully. Loving how the lustful young stud seemed to melt under his dominant lustful power.

Fred's mouth hung open widely as the Bull's muzzle pulled away, the young jock panting for breath... The erotic sight of his twin being rutted by that huge Bull cock and the power of Jordan sexual nature leaving him awestruck. Combining with the thick finger opening his ass, while those other strong fingers gripped and milked his fat potent young balls down to the bottom of his nearly hairless sack. Even as George moaned and lifted his tight young butt up, only to have the big Bull batter it back down. Forcing the young jock stud to fuck that clenching hole under him, with his swiftly hardening young cock. Ted sobbing softly as his well used asshole was fucked by his own young horny son, while the boys agreed to let themselves be castrated...

"Uhumm no please noooooo." The big human moaned softly into the blankets, even as son and Bull moaned and bucked atop him. Jordan grunted lewdly as he pounded that horny boy's tight hole.

"Nnf, don't be a sore loser Ted. Just enjoy being a eunuch, like your boys here... Jordan chided, spanking one of Ted's big sticky cum covered butt cheek with a huge hot palm. "Their balls will look great next to yours on my trophy shelf, you know... I suppose the downside is you'll all have to learn to share." He leered and then groaned, his huge nuts jerking and pulsing... the virile Bull filling George's rump with his thick male cream.

"Hooooo..." Ted moaned weakly, as George's hard cock began to beat against his prostate satisfying, making the big human moan sluttishly. The boys looking up in a odd mixture of shock and pleasure at the fat black Bull's words.

"Share this cock..." George moaned obviously loving the idea of getting it stuffed inside of him on a regular bases. Fred reaching over to slip his trembling hands under the big bovine, holding those mighty balls lovingly. As they churned and drew up filling his brothers fuck hole to over flowing with that thick rich Bull seed. "Ohooooo gods... ohooo fuckin' Wow..." George screamed as that hot stud milk filled him, and made his cock fuck Ted's sloppy hole even harder... A moment later that huge hot bovine cock slithered out of him, leaving George moaning in loss just like his father had been minutes before.

"Alright cutie... your turn to ride the Bull's cock." Jordan snickered, using his grip of those firm young plums to guide Fred over behind his brother. Shoving the horny jock teenager onto the pile of his brother and father. George moaned in pleasure as Fred's rock hard cock found his oozing abused butt hole. As suddenly the two brother were more connected than they ever had been. With that seven hard inches of aroused human cock, slammed full length into his twin brother's trembling clenching hole.

"Oho fuck is that your..." George moaned even though he already knew it was his brothers hard on, it was just so naughty.

"Uhummm damn you feel... your butt feel soooooo." Fred moaned in answer, as his brothers stretched out hole weakly clenched around his aching hard erection. To a horny teenager who had never been inside anyone else, it felt better than anything he'd ever known. And he began humping and thrusting lustfully the moment he was inside his twin's hot orifice. So much so that Jordan had to grasp those sleek fur-less butt cheeks in his huge hot hands firmly.

"Now... now hold still long enough for your Bull to get inside... my sweet Steer." Jordan snorted into that tiny round human ear, as his pressed that big soft belly against Fred's muscular young jock back. His long springy bovine cock wedging between those sleek pink human buttock's, as Jordan slid his thick finger out of Fred's ass. With a lewd wet sounding 'Slurp' as the big Bull jerked his finger out and crammed that big round cock head inside hard.

"Owww Ohooo Gods!" The handsome young human screamed in pain and shock, as that heavy body pressed against him. "Owwww Fuck... Ohooo Wow..." The human teenager screamed as his tight almost virgin hole was stretched to it's limit by the fat Bull's mighty cock.

"Now you know why your brother, sister, mother and father love it so much." Jordan moaned gloatingly into the young jock's ear, as he wiggled his hip's working more and more of that hard cock into the human's tiny ass. Fred's firm young body was pushed forwards as the Bull did it, his own cock thumping against Georges hard prostate gland. Making his twin moan loudly in pleasure, and in turn fuck his cock against Ted's prostate gland. While his Nullo'ed father withers and grinds his bare crotch against the cool bed sheets. Clear slimy prostate juice smearing large silvery strain's on those soft cotton sheets as four body bodies bucked and rutted together.

Jordan leaned back and off to the side, so he could admire that pile of naked human flesh he had assembled. A huge gloating smile splayed across the Bull's black muzzle, even as he humped the first dozen inches of his erection in and out of Fred's tight human ass. Enjoying not just the pleasure of the fucking, but the fact that he would soon have father and sons eunuchs for the Rakhouse. Of course this was far to good not to share... at least with a few friends. The twins would be cut in the Rakhouse, with maybe Enrique and Jerome there to share the boy's with.


The tall lean midnight black feline smiled wickedly at the nine young males who sat across the room from him. The eight sleek brown Otters and single Sea Lion watched the images on the big screen in shock and horror. As video of each of them joking and shooting up with steroids in their four star Hotel bathrooms. And then images of some of them playing with themselves and each other, before fucking in the shower.

The eight sleekly muscular jocks all began talking at once, some denying everything, some demanding to know how Killan got that video. A couple just trying to explain to their friends why they were shown in compromising sexual situation. The black Panther sat back in his chair steepling his long slender fingers. A big gloating smile smeared across his handsome black muzzle, he just let them panic for a long moment. Before spreading his paws, hushing the crowd for a few seconds before speaking.

"The evidences is clear and in hi def right before all of our eyes, as for how I got it... that is not as important as what I shall do with it." The black Panther smirked, as he saw that statement had gotten their attention. "I could... take it to the collegiate athletic commission, and of course all your wins and all your records will be gone... Your school's reputation besmirched... your team will no doubt be disbanded it is possible you will all be expelled. It will be a mark of disgrace and shame your family names will carry for the rest of your lives." Killan paused letting all that sink in for a long moment, as they all sat there in silence.

"Or... you can give me what I want." Killan smiled widely, as he watched the Otters looking at each other questioningly for a long minute.

"Whaa... whaat do you waant?" The Sea Lion drawled in his upper class Boston brogue, looking around the room at the big bovines and equines the Panther had standing in every corner.

"Just your balls..." The sexy black Panther purred with a huge gloating smirk. "It's a small price to pay for your schools honor, your athletic prestige, and of course your athletic legacy all those wins... all those record times." Killan rushed on even as the Otter's tried to protest, tried to put on a macho jock act. Grunting and snarling that they would give the uppity feline the contents of their nuts right in his mouth. "Well of course the choice is yours... I can have this video in the athletic commissioners hands be nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Commissioner Mayweather is an old friend of the family, and I'm sure he would love to hear any recommendations I may make in this matter." It was a barely veiled threat, that seemed to have a profound effect on the rowing team.

"Errr... we... we'd like ta discuss it for a minute." The Sea Lion stammered, as the nine of them huddled together arguing in vehement whispers. Until the Sea Lion snapped loudly to one of the sleek young Otter. "Ya need ta do whats best... for the team..."

"Give up my Balls... No Fuckin' Way!" A one of the more slender Otter's shouted and made a break for the door. But a couple of the bigger power rowers pounced on to his back, pinning their struggled teammate down. Punching and pummeling him senseless as the rest of the team turned back to the Panther.

"Ok... ok we... we'll give you what you want..." The Sea Lion grunted looking vaguely uncomfortable as the rest of the team stood up. "So... do we do this here?" Killan smiled in wicked delight, as he stood up motioning for Terrance to spread the word. He had already made sure all the members would be in the Rakhouse tonight. But didn't want to announce the event, until he'd made sure the Perth academy's sculling team would agree to go along with his proposal.

"Yes... yes of course gentlemen... right this way I'll show you where to disrobe. And then we can see to getting this... business taken care of. And then you can all get rested up for the race in the morning..." Killan purred in lustful delight and eager anticipation what he knew the night would bring.

A night in Dushnikh Yal

A night in Dushnikh Yal "We honor the bravest fighters, but I have seen many types of bravery in my travels." The huge thickly muscled Orc warrior danced nimbly around that practice dummy, his glittering steel axe...

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Yeah it's another Skyrim based story about what really happened when Dryston tried to brawl a certain big Orc... takes place before the Hero's undoing of course... Brawler The huge green skinned Orc had just stepped out...

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Just a joke...

A couple of jock studs plan a nasty trick on a nerdy little Rabbit... Just a joke "You sure about this?" Cameron the huge reddish draft horse demanded, as his best friend and the football teams QB Jerome held up the two vials. "Sure... of course....

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