A night in Dushnikh Yal

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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The Dragon-born goes to a Orc stronghold and picks up a follower... Takes places after Hero's end...

A night in Dushnikh Yal

"We honor the bravest fighters, but I have seen many types of bravery in my travels." The huge thickly muscled Orc warrior danced nimbly around that practice dummy, his glittering steel axe flashing as he delivery cut after deadly cut.

"Oh... have you traveled much...?" Cameron asked the even bigger Orc, as he swung down off the back of Frost his massive palomino stallion.

"I am Ghorbash the Iron Hand a Orc and a warrior, but I have no desire to become chief. I used to wander the corners of Skyrim like you. I miss those days, I do. There is a freedom the roads give you that the stronghold does not. But I have a place here, and I wouldn't want to dishonor my clan by leaving again like some young pup."

"Are you the clan chief then?" The Dragon-born asked as he couldn't help admiring Ghorbash's powerful well defined green body.

"Me no? I'm Burguk's brother. I came back after serving many years in the Legion. By then, Burguk had already become chief, and he welcomed me home as family, not a rival as is tradition."

"Oh so you traveled the world and fought in the Legion..." Cameron grunted, even more openly admiring the mighty Orc as he practiced his attacks over and over again.

"Yes I did... I was known as Ghorbash gro-Dushnikh in those days, in honor of my homeland. Many Orcs leave the stronghold to join the Legion. They welcome our skill in battle and smithing, and we welcome a chance to see the world." Obviously, Ghorbash is interested in more adventuring, and just as obviously Cameron is interested in that strong male form.

"Why don't you come with me..." Cameron invited in and obvious leading tone, it was a clear invitation to more that just travel. Ghorbash licked his thick lip's, as his brutish face twisted up into a lewd knowing smirk.

"I couldn't... it would dishonor the place the chief has made for me."

"You just told me you missed adventure." The Dragon-born countered slyly, as he began stowing his heavy armor onto his mount.

"You're right..." Ghorbash grunted slowly, as he couldn't help enjoy the curve of Cameron own heavily muscled Orcish body. "Look at me, talking in circles like some old wise woman. Very well, outlander... you have my axe when you need it."

Having already contested with Ghorbash's brother, and bested the Orc chief... The Dragon-born had been invited to spend the night, and once Burguk heard he was giving his older brother something honorable to do. It was decided that a feast with be held for the pair before they departed on their travels. Arob the chiefs huntress wife had shot an elk, and a fresh run of strong Orcish mead had just been brood. And the assembled tribe ate and drunk well into the night, with tales battle being told loudly. Until one by one thet Orc's drifted off to bed, or sank drunken into their cup's. Burguk's lip curled back into a gloating smirk, as he saw the interest in the Dragon-born's eyes. And thought that at last he would be well rid of his older brother, for it was not a mere follower the mighty Orc wanted. Cameron was seeking a lover, and in the Orcish tradition for one male to submit to the other... One of them had to unmale the other, and once unmaled Ghorbash could lay no claim to the title of chieftain. And Burguk had no doubt his brother would lose... after all he himself had just been beaten down by the Dragon-born. The Orc chief smirked wondering if Cameron would do it here, or wait until they were alone in some distant place. Burguk decided it would be more fun if the outlander did it here, and so grunted to his brother. "Ghorbash... why don't you show... your new companion where he can sleep." The one eyed warrior winced, knowing exactly what his brother was doing. But also knowing it was something that had to be faced sooner or later.

"Yes of course Brother." Ghorbash slurred standing up and favoring Burguk with a wane half smile. "Come follow me Dragon-born." Ghorbash grunted as he stood up and lead Cameron back through the Orc hold. The beds were scattered around the long room, a number of them with Orc's already sleeping in them. Two of the beds had been pushed up against each other, making one big bed. And it was this Ghorbash gestured to as the dragon-born stripped down to his loin clothe. The Iron Hand could help but admiring Cameron's huge sleek naked green body. The company of naked males in a barracks was another thing Ghorbash had been missing about the legion. The Iron Hand quickly followed suite, stripping off his own armor. The two big heavily muscled Orc's paused comparing naked bodies, tracing scars and the curves of heavy well defined muscles. "Sooo..." Cameron smirk coyly, those big tusks gleaming in the ruddy guttering candle light. "Are you going to join me?" The Dragon-born invited, as he couldn't help noticing that Ghorbash's tusk's were larger than his own.

"Do you wish to contest with me?" The huge one eyed Orc ask, as he reached down and untied the strings of Cameron's loin clothe.

"Contest?" Cameron asked aching one eye brow, as he reached over and unknotted the strings of Ghorbash's loin clothe.

"You've never been with another Orc?" Ghorbash snorted, giving the Dragon-born a curious look as his own aroused organ sprang out. Clearly the Iron Hand was very aroused by the idea of contesting with another so powerful male. And quickly reached over and unknotted the strings of the Dragon-born's loin clothe.

"I wasn't raised in a stronghold... my family has always lived among the humans." Cameron admitted, as the Iron Hand pushed him back onto the bed, and whipped the Dragon-borns loin clothe off. The mighty Orc Warrior starring in shock at what he saw, Cameron's fat prick hung chubby but flaccid. While below it wheremassive male orbs should be... there was only a pale light green scar on the darker flesh.

"Hahaha..." Ghorbash roared with laughter, more amused that Burguk's plan to unmale him had so magnificently failed than that The Dragon-born had been castrated. "Sooo... some human bested you and claimed your balls... Perhaps I should contest him for your ownership!" The big one eyed Orc laughed, as he saw Burguk peeking around the corner obvious planning on watching the fun.

"No... no human... it was a Khajiit..." Cameron moaned, as Ghorbash's huge hot hands fondled his pudgy cock and cold scar beneath.

"A kitten... bested you in single combat?" Burguk choked strolling out of hiding, as he heard what was being said. The Orc chieftain had lost a single combat to the Dragon-born that very day, true it was without weapons. But then a bedroom contest was generally done naked and without weapons...

"No..." Cameron grunted in embarrassment, as the two big Orc's towered over him, the hot air thick with the scent of their arousal. "He didn't beat me... I was tricked... he stole my... my..." Cameron stammered in humiliation, at being forced to explain that the sleek feline had fucked him senseless and stolen his balls while the big Orc was in a stooper.

"Stole your jewels and ran off..." The two big Orc brothers roared with drunken laughter, as they listened to Cameron relate his tale. Amused that so big and powerful a Warrior could be taken by trickery, when either of them could best him in combat. "I guess that makes this ass free for uses." Ghorbash snickered gloatingly as one huge hand gripped Cameron's firm round ass cheek, and rolled him over in the bed. Both huge hands gripped those sleek green cheeks, and spreading them apart violently. Drooling as he saw that tightly clenched little asshole, leaning down he smeared saliva over it with a lustful lick.

"Once I take it... fill it full of my cum... it'll belong to me!" The Iron Hand snickered, as he pounce atop Cameron's broad muscular back; wedging his thick erection between those sexy male globes. "I'm going to make you mine Dragon-born... your ass is going to belong to me." Ghorbash growled into Cameron's big point ear, as he pushed the huge dark mushroom shaped glans against that hot little butthole.

Burguk watched his older brother take the Dragon-borns quivering asshole with undisguised lust, even as Cameron moaned loudly in the pleasurable agony of anal penetration. "Ohooo... Ohoooo gods yer sooooooo fuckin' huge." Cameron grunted breathlessly, as his asshole was stretched wider than it ever had been before. Ghorbash looked up at his obviously lustfully starring brother, and grinned wickedly. Burguk had been flaunting his wives under his older brothers nose, but Ghorbash had not cared he'd learned in the legion he preferred males. And now here was his chance to show his brother his true nature and generosity.

"Would you like to enjoy my conquests mouth brother?" Ghorbash offered, grabbing Cameron's long braided scalp lock and yanking that big head back. Even as he buried his full length in that hot asshole, in one savage pounding thrust. "EEERERRRR." The Dragon-born grunted in pain as his back arched and he looked up helplessly at the towering Orc chief.

"You would share your... butt slut with me?" Burguk asked, even as he quickly stripped off his crude armor. And then climbed into the bed with the two big males, Burguk loved rutting his females. But nothing felt better that to have a big male beaten and meekly pleasuring you.

"Of course brother... you are my chief." Gohrbash smirked knowing this was making his brother feel like he had been acting petty. "Open your mouth to please your betters bitch." The Iron Hand growled... lustfully into Cameron's ear even as he buried his tongue tip in it. The Dragon-born's prominent lower jaw sagged open wide, as the Orc chief climbed up in front of him. That thick green rut stick throbbing lustfully, obviously the two brothers were hung very much alike. A pearly white bead of pre-cum, shining from the cleft tip of that big spear shaped cock head. As the Orc chief grabbed that scalp lock, and shoved his massive throbbing erection into that waiting mouth. That big unwashed cock tasted of salty sweat and bitter urine, as Cameron's lip's rolled that thick foreskin back. That broad cock head slid over Cameron's tongue, and speared down his throat with little effort. Until Burguk's wry pubic hair was tickling Cameron's wide Orcish nose, as the chiefs crotch slammed brutally against his face.

"Ammmmm Damn..." Burguk swore, as his fat ball's were almost impaled on the eunuch's sharp tusks. "This ball-less bitch swallows cock... like a mammoth swallows cabbages." He laughed then... thinking about how Cameron had bested him earlier and how that had made him feel. Now he was using the big Dragon-born like he was one of his own wives.

Cameron moaned weakly, as he was bounced back and forth between the two big Orc brothers. Lost in the pleasure those two mighty cocks pounding so savagely inside of him were giving. The Iron Hand was laying over his back, sleek strong hip's driving that huge cock in and out wildly. Cameron's hot anus clenching and milking that thick fucker as hard as it could manage. Those big potent male orbs slapping sharply against the scarred flesh where Cameron's balls use to hang. A brutal reminder of what he had lost in that inn in Riften, how he was no longer a total male. The Dragon-born seemed lost in that one long moment of sweat, friction, lust and pleasure. And realized he would happily stay in it forever, the world be damned this was heaven.

But then Ghorbash let out a long guttural groan, that massive cock bulging within Cameron clenching hole. And then fiery hot fluids were filling that hole, as the mighty green skinned Orc came hard. Those hot thick fluids burning and stinging within Cameron's ravaged hole. He gasps for breath through his slotted Orcish nostrils, even as Burguk's cock tenses within his suckling mouth. Its going to fast now, he'd not even had time to use half his tricks on that huge throbbing cock. The Orc chieftains fiery hot slime flooding Cameron stomach as Burguk cums hard. And then panting for breath falls back on the bed, moaning and chuckling leeringly for a long moment. "Better mouth than any of my wives." The Orc chieftain praised, as the last of his cum was licked eagerly up by the submissive Cameron. "The Dragon-born may not be able to cum... but he sure likes to make everyone else cum!"

"Hahaha..." Ghorbash and Burguk laughed together, as they looked down at the Dragon-born laying there face down on the bed between them leaking cum from both ends. The Iron Hand took hold of Cameron's hard body and turned him around. And then he pushed himself up to Cameron's heavily tusk face, Ghorbash shoved that thick green cock up against Cameron's gaping lip's. Forcing that still hard and throbbing cock between those lip's, giving the Dragon-born a taste of his own musky rear end. Cameron feeling far to passive from his brutal double fucking to even think about resisting. His hot wet mouth tasting the Iron Hands thick heady cum... as that big dark cock head slids over his tongue.

With Cameron's blunt Orcish face buried in his crotch Ghorbash leaned over that broad back, his huge callused hands gripping and spreading the smooth globes of Cameron's buttocks. Exposing that gaping butt hole, with a steady steam of frothy white cum leaking out. "Would you like seconds my chief?" Ghorbash invited his younger brother, as Burguk's eyes devoured that sleek round ass with open desire. The Orc chief wanted that ass... wanted to take it... make it us own. But a clan chieftain didn't slop around in another's leavings, even if it was his own older brother.

"No brother... my wives await their clan chief." Burguk grunted climbing up off the bed, and grabbing his armor as he swaggered away. Ghorbash smiled and nodded, even as he saw Nagrub watching them from across the long house. The young Orc ranger was obviously aroused from having watched the rutting. Ghorbash smacked Cameron's big round ass cheek loudly and flashed the much younger Orc a wide tusked grin. "How about you boy... want come prove your malehood on my Eunuch slut?"

"ARARRRR..." The young ranger growled at this challenge, bouncing up out of his bed and stripping off his loins clothe. The young ranger sporting a shorter, but much thicker cock than the others. Ghorbash watched in amusement as Nagrub pounced atop that big round ass. Sinking his thick cock into it in a single lusty thrust, making the Dragon-born moan in pleasurable agony.

"Ohooo Ho Ho... the bitch likes that!" Ghorbash laughed, as he rolled his hip's fucking those suckling lip's. Grunting in delight as the Dragon-borns skilled mouth did wonderful things to his throbbing male hood. The Iron Hand proved his generosity by sharing his good fortune with Umurn next, and then Oglub, and Mahk. Before Nagrub was able to take his second ride in what they were calling 'riding the Dragon-born...'


The sun was high in the cloudy skies, as the ebony clad Cameron staggered at last out of the long house. Followed by his smiling new owner, Ghorbash watched as the Dragon-born sat himself very tenderly on the mighty stallion Frost's back. That big gleaming Orc ass had seen a lot of hard use the night before, but the smile on Cameron's blunt face was wide in delight. As they set forth on the adventures that lay ahead of them, all he could think about was the big things he'd had behind him.



Yeah it's another Skyrim based story about what really happened when Dryston tried to brawl a certain big Orc... takes place before the Hero's undoing of course... Brawler The huge green skinned Orc had just stepped out...

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Hero's undoing...

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