Jordans Loss...19

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#19 of Hard Times

A certain big rich black Bull gets something many felt he's needed for a long time...

Jordan's loss

Enrique hefted his calculus books as he stepped off the elevator on to the fourth floor, and strolled slowly down the hallway to the corner room. Knocking on the door boldly, five solid knocks before pausing to listen to heavy hoof steps coming across the carpeted floor just inside. And then the heavy old wooden door swung open and a huge handsome black Bull stood there smiling at him softly. "Oh hi ya buddy wanting help on that calculus home work huh?" Stepping aside Jordan ushered the big red Bull into his frat house room, as Enrique grunted a loud. "Yeah that stuff is all Greek to me."

Jordan chuckled as he closed the door behind his guest, and eyed that big round ass. "Yeah, Archimedes thought so too." He joked glibly, as the big red Bull looked back at him confused.


"Exactly." With a chuckle, the two young Bulls made their way into Jordan's private room. Brayden, the red Bull couldn't help noticing, was out tonight. Before the inner door even closed, Enrique felt Jordan's strong hand grabbing his ass. "Ammm... take off your pants." The fat black Bull commanded with a certain cavalier casualness of a supremely confident top. The sleek red bovine jump even though he'd been expecting some type of contact, his books dropping to the floor as he twisted his big blunt head around on his thick neck.

"Ummm I do love how you get right to the heart of things." Enrique smirked, as he unbuttoned his dark trousers and then bent over slowly pushing them to the floor. Where he paused to look up at Jordan from between his own thick leg's, his tail snaking out to wrap around the big black Bull. Even as he gathered up those dropped books, and slid them out of the way under the rooms desk.

"Oh... we'll get to those eventually. But I'd never be able to concentrate on math, until we get our other needs taken care of." Jordan mused as he put a hand on those bare Bull cheeks, kneading them; and then casually slid his other hand down to grasp the red Bull's plump bovine sac. Amming appreciatively, the fat Bull kneaded and massaged the other Bull's assets lustfully.

"Ummm same here." Enrique inhaled deeply as he felt that hot flabby hand squeezing and kneading his hefty butt cheeks, his heart racing as that hand moved down to his Bull hood. "Ummm you like the feel of those huh?" The young red Bull panted as his long Bullish dick began to snake out of his sheath , that long cock harden as it did.

The fat black bull kneaded Enrique's big balls slowly, and firmly, squeezing his tender bovine assets in his large, strong hands. Compressing that sensitive tissue... stretching the sac out, his hand working those potent organs so that every part of them felt handled... graded, evaluated, or simply enjoyed. "Yes, I do." Jordan replied after a minute, playfully weighting those big potent orbs. "You know you're probably the only male I've ever been with that I haven't castrated?" He mused as he toyed with those fat balls, just enjoying the feeling of them in his palms. "As much as I really enjoy cutting male's seed sacs off, it's nice to just... hold a pair for a change." The black Bull smiled broadly, even as he pictured Enrique as a impotent Steer. "It's nice to have a Bull that I can share the pleasures of Bullhood with." Jordan had to admit guiltily as he smiled soft and lustfully.

"Hahah... I knew it." The red Bull panted as his long pink cock dangled down to his muzzle, smearing slimy pre over his chin. "But you wanta... I can feel it in your fingers. And damn that makes me feel really special you know." Enrique moaned as his hefty danglers were toyed with soooo aggressively, the depth of his feelings for the big black Bull scaring him more than a little. "Yes I understand completely... I'd never have understood or believed it... before you." Jordan smirked, and gave those big oval orbs an extra-firm squeeze.

"Hmmm, would you let me make you a steer, if I decided that I wanted to?" He asked his lover teasingly, even as he stepped in closer. Pressing his body up against the red Bull's backside, then reaching around, and groping that stiff red lance.

"Uhum... No but promise me you won't ask me that after your finished mounting me." The big red Bull grunted clearly not trusting himself to be able to deny Jordan anything he wanted after being fucked.

"Do you have a cock capable of fucking only while it pleases me? Or do you just enjoy putting your Bullhood in another Bull's hands... or, do you just like feeling that they're in danger..."

"Ohooo... maybe all of those." Enrique chuckled, as he pressed his fat cock into the palm of that big hot hand... bucking and fucking it lustfully. With a grin Jordan patted Enrique's rump and motioned him towards his bed, then began peeling off his own clothes, first showing off the shiny fur of his broad, fat chest and belly, then dropping his pants,a nd letting his own bulky black balls sway freely.

The red Bull slipped over onto the big bed and spread out twisting to look back, so he could watch the sexy show as Jordan stripped. "Ohoooo yeah take it off." Enrique called playfully as he stroked his own long pink stud stick, long stings of slimy pre-cum. Jordan crawled into bed as well, cuddling the red Bull and fondling him possessively.

"Ahem damn yer so fuckin' studly..." The red Bull moaned pressing his muzzle into the crook of Jordan's neck licking and nibbling lustfully. Even as his hands went straight to those hefty genitals stroking and fondling eager to get the top Bull hard and ready.

Jordan grinned, already almost fully hard by the time the red Bull got his hands on him. He took Enrique by the horns and twisted his head up, then pressed his muzzle to his in a hot, lusty deep kiss.

"Ammmm... I can't promise anything." Enrique's eye's widened as he heard that, but quickly melted into that powerful kiss. The normally aggressive Bull giving up his sexual power and Dominance to his brother Bull. The black Bull chuckled as they parted muzzles, a string of saliva still connecting them. "But I will tell you that I enjoy _'owning'_a working pair of balls... at least for now." He chuckled more lewdly, and then rocked his hips forward, rubbing his wide, soft belly and hard cock against Enrique's belly. It had been shameful and troubling at first, but the more it happened the better he felt and the more natural it seemed to him.

"Ammmm." He moaned into that kiss, and even afterwords as those mouths pulled apart. "Ohooo that's not all you own..." The red Bulls gasp weakly rubbing his fat pink prick against Jordan's own for a second.

"Why don't you show me how much you like my Bullhood, Enrique? And move your own loins up here, I'm not done playing with your parts yet."

"Oho yeah." Enrique moaned, before scrambling around on the bed to turn sixty nine with Jordan, before thrusting his short blunt into that hot black crotch. Nuzzling and licking wildly while he enjoyed those big hot fondling hands, as they captured his stud nuts once again. firmly grasped the red Bull's heavy balls, then lifted his own flabby thighs and closed them around Enrique's head. So that for a few long moments, the black Bull's male musk was all the air Enrique could breathe. And then Jordan tugged the red Bull's balls to his muzzle, stretching them, and gently nuzzled them... Before kissing and then nibbling on them, letting his blunt teeth squeeze and scrape the hefty sac a bit. "Ummm... a pair of working cummers between my teeth." Jordan muttered, as he began to fondle and gentle stroke the other Bull's fat, leaking prick.

Enrique inhaled deeply, as his Bull's strong musky scent filled his senses making him feel hot and flush. His long strong bovine tongue lapped the sweat off those huge black ball's, as his lip's kissed them lovingly. And then moved to that soft sheath, the smooth fur tickling his lip's making him moan and snorted breathlessly in growing excitement. Even as he felt his own hefty nuts nibbled and squeezed, his cock bouncing up harder and oozing rivers of pre-cum as he heard Jordan mutter. "Glad your not a pred."

"Well, I could do almost as much damage if I wanted to... I suppose." Jordan replied thoughtfully, and rubbed the red Bull's belly. Before grasping his pole firmly and stroking it, letting that long rod rub and ooze pre-cum against his own soft belly. "But yeah, I like owning a Bull, not just Steers. I like that your dick gets hard and leaks for me... I like that these balls are still heavy with your cum." He smirked, lewdly licking the taut skin of the red Bull's sac as he kneaded them firmly.

A powerful shiver ran through Enrique's strong body, as he listened to those words; his cock oozed faster as it bounced up and down. "And I love being your Bull... getting all hard and excited... cumming hard from how you treat me." The big red Bull confessed sheepishly as his hip's humping back and forth slowly, obviously wanting to cum.

"I like that you still like fucking girls. And I like to think to myself, that every time you do so, it's because I've allowed you to."

"Cows are for breeding the next generation... and I'm lucky to have the chance... please allow me to continue." The passive feeling Enrique moaned as his mouth slide up the underside of the fat black bovine's cock.

Jordan smirked, as he listened to the big young Bull beg for his reproductive future. It stroked the fat black Bull's ego enormously, and also fired his own sexual desires. Making him feel bigger and more powerful, to control another Bull to grant him the right to breed. "Ohoh, should I?" He teased Enrique, squeezing the red Bull's massive testicles with his own big blunt bovine teeth. He didn't bite down hard enough to bruise... just enough to tease the young Bull with thoughts of having his balls bitten off.

"Owwww... yes... yes please." Enrique moaned as his fat calf makers were compressed, under those big flat bovine teeth.

"Why should I keep you cumming, when I've castrated so many others... hmmm." Jordan patted Enrique's big sexy round rump and stroked his hard shaft thoughtfully. "No real reason I suppose, except that you have my favor. So yes feel lucky that you have the privilege of cumming in those Cows my Bull-pet, every pussy you sink this mighty cock into, think of me... Heh... what is your favorite pussy anyway?" Jordan asked with a smirk as he teased the horny young red Bull playfully.

"Because... because you love having me getting hard for you... like having my balls still heavy with cum." Enrique tossed Jordan's own words back at him, because he couldn't think of any other arguments of his own and didn't want to admit it. "Ummmm... you know that's a hard question, Cows of course but that human female was damn fun and that Lytia sow from the Ralhouse..."

Jordan smiled, his own shaft throbbing and oozing pre-cum onto Enrique's chest now. "Yes, you really enjoyed Tawny's hot little human sex didn't you, I gave you the chance to fuck that sleek pink pussy. Of course... and naturally every time you get between a Cow's legs it's my mercy that allows you to get inside of her cunt like a bull should do." Jordan tugged on Enrique's balls teasingly, nibbling his way up and then gently bit the red Bull's rump cheek. Reaching out the red Bull pulled that fat oozing cock up to his lip's and slipped the tip inside of his mouth, suckling on it gently at first. As his hot breath whistled out of his nostrils and washed over Jordan's huge damp calf makers.

"Ammm Hmmm..." He moaned as Jordan went on, expressing his largess, while the passive red Bull's suckled more and more of that big cock into his muzzle.

"Of course, I expect you to one day return the favor. If you get a girlfriend, I'll expect you to share her slot with me... Ammm. When you get married... I want to fuck your Cow's pussy while you watch me. Don't worry, I'd still let you sire with her... I may want to fuck your daughters too, someday." He added with a smirk seeing just how far he could push his dominance.

"Wha... after I'm married..." Enrique choked feeling a suddenly rush of jealousy at that thought. Although he couldn't decide if it was sharing his wife with his Bull, or sharing his Bull with his wife that brought it on. Still as he suckled on Jordan erection he was forced to admit... "I've got a girlfriend who's going to Lakeherst Academy... she's been wanting to visit, I could have her come over next weekend." Jordan snorted lustfully, and Enrique felt the his Bullhood surging and throbbing, pulsing pre-cum and being pushed deeper into his muzzle.

"Ummm, that's very good my sweet Bull. You may have fun with her of course... but you will bring her to me afterwords. You'll watch me fuck her, and cum in her... and then I'll hold you by the balls while you show me what you've learned."

"Ummmm... Ummmm." Enrique moaned, to in love with the feeling of that hard throbbing cock being shoved in and out of his mouth to open it and talk. Those smooth hot lip's drawing tighter and tighter around that thick shaft, even as Jordan thrust it against the back of his throat. The red Bull gulped and let that hard cock slid down his throat, blocking off his air supply even as he sucked harder. His long strong tongue licking and lapping up that shaft base to invade Jordan's musky sheath. "Ammmmmm..."

Jordan grunted lustfully, stiffly stuffing his shaft into the red Bull's loving muzzle. He ground his belly against the other Bull's chest, and put a hand firmly on Enriques hot ass... "Mmph... heh, you're really liking that aren't ya? Yeah... I think you want to taste a Bull's cum today." He teased... and then spread the red Bull's big flabby ass cheeks, and started to tease that tail hole with one thick finger while his other hand massaged the Enrique's balls. "I think I'll make you cum on me... yeah just to make sure you've still got enough fertility to bred Cows with. Ummmm yeah, cum for me, and avoid castration..."

"Ammmm." Enrique moaned through his nose, as Jordan pulled back just enough for him to catch a quick breath. Before fucking hard down that submissively suckling throat once more. The lack of oxygen making the big red Bull light headed and weak, even as he moaned into Jordan hot sweaty crotch. Trembles racking his strong body as those fingers toyed with his abused tail hole, making him grind his crotch against Jordan's chest smearing pre-cum everywhere. "Ummm yes please..." The red Bull begged breathlessly, as his throat is fucked harder and faster by the top Bull.

Jordan grinned and leaned closer to Enrique, pressing the Bull's leaking shaft between his bull-tits, and letting him thrust against that wide, soft belly. He pushed his finger deep into the red Bull's rump, and started fucking him with it, while holding those balls in his other hand. "Ummmm Hmmm, that's right this is a cum exam." He teased, grunting as the other Bull sucked him off passionately. "If you don't give me a fertile load to show you're a good breeder, we'll cut off your balls just like all the old bulls..." Jordan grinned as he felt Enrique's fat ball's tighten, that long Bull cock bouncing up harder against that black Bull chest.

"OOOOOOOOMM..." Enrique moaned around that huge cock, even as it thickened with arousal within his throat. The world spinning as the lack of air made all sensation more intense and his own arousal grow. His tongue going wild on that cock shaft and within that musky sheath, even as his own body responded leaking more and more as his erection pulsed harder... "Ummmmm please... PPLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE." He moaned, unsure if he was begging for his balls or for the orgasm that he felt building within his anus. Jordan bit his lip, and squeezed hard on Enrique's balls, while his thick finger pumped in and out of the red Bull's spread asshole. Finally with a deep breath and a heavy groan, the fat black Bull felt his balls boil over... His thick, hot cum surged into Enrique's muzzle, filling his mouth and throat. Hot globs dribbling out onto Jordan's groin, even as he jerked Enrique's own dick hardere and faster... while raping that tail hole with his finger.

"MMMAHAAA..." Enrique bellowed, as he pulled his mouth back spitting that huge cock out, even as his strong hip's bucked hard against that soft hot Bull body... His long pink Bull cock tensing as hard as iron, those fat balls quivering as the struggled to draw up. And then that thick cock surged spitting long sticky streams of thick white Bull cum over Jordan furry black body... "OHOOOO GODS... GODS YES!"

Jordan panted as he bucked his hips into Enrique's muzzle, his thick load spraying all over the red Bull's muzzle as he pulled off. He jerked that Bull cock hard as well, milking that thick fertile cum out onto his own broad belly. "Yeah... that's a good Bull, thats a breeder... cum for your master. Ammmm, heh... aw yeah... nice fertile balls."

"Hoooo Gods... Ohoooo Yeah." The red Bull moaned as he lay back enjoying the pleasure of orgasm, and then looked over at his Bull covered in his cum. "Wow that was hot... maybe next time you could tie them off." Enrique moaned as he lay there panting for breath and kissing at that huge cock softly, realizing it meant more to him than his own... Jordan grinned and nodded, giving those spent, sweaty seed sacs a soft tug.

"Heh, yeah... I'll tie them up tight when you're fucking your girlfriend from Lakeherst." He teased, then reaches down to tousle the red Bull's fur.

"Ammmm damn that'll be fun..." Enrique smiled, as he thought about fucking his girl in front of Jordan, he always liked to show off for his Bull. Sliding over he began to clean his sticky fluids off Jordan's sleek fur, kissing and licking teasingly even as he enjoyed the scents of it all.


Pike growled softly as he licked those big human nipples, enjoying the salty taste of the human bitches sweat. His lustful canine bone buried deep in the fur-less slut's hot quivering sex. While the watching Lioness's huge paws rubbed and stroked over his furry back and rump. Even as the red headed human moaned and whimpered loudly as his hard cock slammed into her faster and faster. Pike was in heaven getting to rut Ted's mate, the female obviously throwing over her husband for a real male... like him. Behind him Pike could feel the Lioness's hot maw kissing and muzzling his buttocks and inner thigh's. Suddenly delicious heat engulf his swinging canine orbs, making him grunt in delight.

The Lioness was suckling on his ball's, even as her big hot paws rubbed and caressed over his plunging ass cheeks. The ugly little dog not realizing that it was muzzle suckling his nuts down, stretching those cords that was holding back his orgasm. The human had all four limbs wrapped around him now her lush body pulling him in deep. When suddenly he felt the prickle of needle sharp feline teeth on his most delicate of flesh.

"Errr Wha..." The little Bull dogs head whipped around, looking back over his own small rump. The pretty Lioness was looking up at him from over those cheeks. His small low dangling sack within her deadly mouth, even as the corners turned up into a wicked smile. Pike jumped and struggled but was held fast by the human bitch he'd been taking. "Errr hey let go of me bitch!" He shouted, but she only held on to him tighter even as the Lioness winked at her.

"You didn't think I was going to let you cum inside of me?" Tawny asked with a dark wicked grin as she held him tightly. And then those teeth shear through that smooth male flesh, pike squealed in pain and horror. As he watched that sleek golden feline head twist first this way and then that. Feeling every tooth as it pierced and cut through his most precious male organs.

And then a delighted rumbling purr escaped Terri, as she lifted her muzzle cheeks bulging. Piked watched with sickened fascination, as she opened her maw to reveal the little lump of his scrotum laying on her broad tongue. Suddenly those jaws snapped closed, and he heard a wet sounding 'Crunch' followed a second later by a second louder one. As the big feline slowly chewed his small canine testicles up and swallowed them with a soft sigh. "Ammmm tasty... I never expected Dog, especially a greasy little fuck like you to taste so nice." Terri snickered as she grabbed the little Bull dog and yanked him off of Tawny. Pinning him muzzle down on the bed, she quickly stitched up his bloody wound. Even as Tawny secure his paws to the bed post with her nylons. Once Pike was tied and sewn up, Terri grabbed a frilly almost see through robe. "Ok teach him a lesson." She smirked as Tawny pulled out the Bull sized dildo she'd been given by Jordan. And which she and Terri had made into a strap on, pulling it onto her slender waist. "While I go have my real meal." The sexy Lioness smirked strolling over to the hotel rooms door. And stepping outside where that massive draft horse stood waiting. Slowly she swayed up to him and flashed a lustful smile, as she saw his obvious arousal.

"You friend has finished with me... and thought you might like to go back to my room." Derry looked at her lustfully and smiled, pike was feeling generous it seemed. Now that he was nailing the human bitch, the big horse could hear high pitched screams could from the room. It seemed the Bull dog was nailing her good, he looked down at the sexy Lioness again.

"Alright baby lead the way." The big draft horse snickered slapping one big three fingered hand against her plump round ass cheek...


"You want me to do what?" The pretty black and while Cow asked as she looked over at her boyfriend in shock, while Enrique panted and fumbled with his own tail nervously. "I... I want to share you with... with someone..." The big red Bull stammered bluntly, as he tried to figure out how he could best explain the situation to his girlfriend. "Your very special to me, but he... he's kinda special to me as well. And... and I want to see my two most special friends enjoying each other together." Enrique tried to explain as Jill looked at him intensely, her deep brown eyes taking in everything. "Are you gay?" The sexy Cow asked as she starred at her boyfriend with confusion, even as Enrique blushed and shook his big blunt head.

"No... no... I just... it's like." The red Bull stammer blushing brightly as he through about how Jordan used his Bulls body like a Cow.

"Or is it just a kink... sharing your female with another male... to prove your own male hood." Jill asked as her pink lip's rolled up into a soft smile, as she thought about it. This could be fun... maybe make him jealous, while testing him against some other Bull. Not that she thought it would be that much different, a cock was a cock. And anyway they were both Bulls, how much different could it be.

"Ummm yeah kinda... it'd be really hot watching you with another Bull." Enrique stammered, grasping onto that to try and get his girl to agree to let Jordan have her as well.

"Well... if that's what you really want... but I want to look him over first. I might not like how he looks, or his personally you know."

"Yes... yes of course." The sweaty red Bull agreed as he looked relieved, and leaned back into to snuggle and kiss's his Cow once more. The two of them enjoying a hot passionate moment of kissing and cuddling. When there came a sharp knock on the hotel door, Enrique's head snapped up and he glanced at the clock. "Ummm he's early." Bouncing up the red Bull strolled over to open the hotel door, quickly ushering the big black Bull inside. Jordan was dressed in his favorite shiny blue shirt that was open nearly to the waist band of his dark trousers. That big golden Taurus symbol glittered brightly in the rooms dim mood lighting.

"Good to see you buddy." Jordan grunted as he gave Enrique a hearty hug, even as he looked past the other Bull to the sexy Cow just getting up off the bed. "And this has got to be Jill, quite the catch you got here buddy." He congratulated his friend, even as he moved over to share a hug with the soft sexy Cow. Jill's eyes roamed over that big black masculine body, even as she inhale his rich musky scent. Two big Bull's at her disposal, the sexy Cow was shocked to find it amazingly arousing to her.

"So Jordan... your Enrique's special friend huh." The pretty young black and white Cow asked with a wink as she sizes him up.

"We... are in a rather select group he and I." Jordan answered vaguely, even as he shared a smug look with Enrique.

"Oho whats that... big sexy Bulls?" The sexy Cow joked, even as her eyes compared the two males in front of her.

"Hahah... that one as well." Jordan chuckled, as he returned her frank look clearly checking out that hefty female body. Even as he stepped in between them, slipping a big heavy arm over both of their shoulders. "Of course Enrique is more than just another Nutter member to me." Jordan explained as he fingered the small golden pin on the red Bull's lapel.

"Oh what is he to you then?" Jill asked with a soft smile, as she let the big black Bull guide her and Enrique back to the bed.

"We share many things..." Jordan explained as one big hand swept down that soft lush female body. "Thoughts... both dark and light... fantasies of sheer delight. Desires... to drive one to the peak... secrets... others all seek." The fat black Bull smiled as he watched the pretty cows muzzle break into amused giggles.

"Heheh... Oh are you two poets?" Jill smiled, finding the big Bull's words both amusing and endearing, clearly he was intelligent as well as highly masculine. The big rich Bull chuckled lewdly, as he flashed the pretty cow his best dominant Bullish smile.


The big black Bull threw his head back bellowing in delight, as he orgasmed hard into the small ponies wildly suckling muzzle. Even as he watched Jerome toy with the new gelding's naked ball's, as they swirled around inside the glass jar the big stallion had just put them into. "I know you'd enjoy sharing this little slut with me." Jerome snickered, as he pasted the fat black Bull a half full glass of sparkling red wine. Jordan took and drained it in one gulp, as he leaned back on the head board and panted for breath.

"Ummmmm... Yes you made quite a find with this one." Jordan snorted, as his glass was refilled swiftly by the grinning stallion. "Nice little trophies to... but I'm expecting better later..." The big stallion smirked, as he watched the sexy Bull finish his second brimming glass.

"Oh?" Jordan asked with a lewd chuckle, returning the handsome roan equines smile. "Does he have a big brother?" With a laugh the Bull pushed the nut-less pony's muzzle off of his fat dick, a few pulses of the Bull's cum smearing over the small horse's muzzle. He drank his second glass of wine more slowly, if only to savor the rather odd bouquet of it. It tasted a little bitter, but the Bull was willing to forgive the flavor for the circumstances. "If so... I'd be happy to help you at it. I love watching you horses cut each others balls off." He said with a delighted smirk, slurring his words slightly as he drank deeply again.

"Hahah no his whole family is small." The big roan stallion snickered, as he slid his own huge cock out of the ponies ravished tail hole; and crawled up to join Jordan at the head of the bed.

"It's... so fucking hot to watch." Jordan rubbed the shiny fur of his fat belly, and lewdly licked the pretty young gelding pony's muzzle. The little pony could only grunt and look up at the big Bull with a dazed grateful smile...

"Heh yeah I saw that... when ya started fucking his muzzle as I popped them out." Jerome smirked laying against the fat Bull's side, enjoying his masculine sweaty scent. Even as that long stallion cock pulsed rapidly back to full proud erection. "I have to agree... the only thing that could make it better, was if he'd been a big powerful breeder male."

Jordan grinned down at the gelding and reached over, absently rubbing the big stallion's toned abdomen. "Yeah, that would have been such a rush. I'd love to see you get another big stallion's balls to come off." Jordan admitted, and then leaned his soft bulk on the big horse grinning up at him mellowly.

"A stallion like me?" The roan stud asked amused, as his big hands rubbed over that soft black bovine body. "Or a big Bull like you..." Quickly he faked taking a long drink out of the wine bottle, and then emptied the rest into Jordan glass. Watching intensely as the big Bull drank a bit more, and then sat the glass aside.

"You know what really sold it though... was the look in his eyes. That moment when you cut his ball sac open, and squeezed; he realized that it was his destiny to be a gelding plaything for a bigger, better horse. That's when I just had to fuck him." The big black Bull smirked intoxicated, as he shared a strong one armed hug.

"Ohoooo... Hurr Hurr Hurr..." Jerome nickered as the big Bull said that, it was obvious the big stallion understood exactly what he meant.

Jordan smiled up at the tall horse's long face, and reached down to drunkenly grope and fondle his heavy stallion package. "Oh, you know what I mean, you big stud." The fat black Bull said with a smile, and a lick of his thick bovine lips. "And don't play coy with me. Don't bother... I know you've wanted to have my ass, from the moment you met me." He smiled broadly, leaning in and pressing his fat gut against the horse's side, and playing with those large seed sacs. "Tell me stud, what is it that makes you want to nail me so bad?"

"Hahaha... Well I've made no secret of that!" Jerome laughed, as he slipped one huge three fingered hand between the Bull's flabby thigh's. "Ummm yeah I know what you mean... and what I mean." The big roan equine snickered, as he watched Jordan's eyes unfocusing. And knew that the same date rape drug he'd slipped the little pony was working on the big Bull as well. "Well its pretty much everything you just said... your big sexy Uber-dominant male. You've bred dozens of females, cut even more males ball's off... Taking you is like conquering Everest... or better yet fucking it. Hahah."

Jordan chuckled, and pulled himself up on to his big knees. "Awwww and here I thought you just wanted me for my body." He teased with a sultry grin, and he swung a thick leg over Jerome's lap. The fat Bull straddling the tall stallion, and pressed his fat belly against that toned chest. His bull hood began rising as well, grinding and leaking against the equine stud, while the fat Bull's sweaty black balls dangled and draped over Jerome's own male assets. Jordan was too drunk to analyze why, but arousing this big stallion on was turning him on, too.

"Hahah..." Jerome laughed easily, as he watched the date rape drug loosen Jordan inhibitions and felt a thrill race through him. This was really going to happen, a simple little plan was going to get him everything he wanted. "Well that's like the sweetest icing on top of the cake." The horny stallion moaned, as he slid his big hot hands over the Bull's big round belly, up to the flabby male teats where hard little nipples stood out. Even as that hard bovine cock throbbed and drooled on the silky fur of his own strong chest. "Ummmm my what a tease... I should just flip you over and rape that virgin tail hole of yours." Jerome snickered as his mind ran over all the details of his plan.

The fat bull grinned, his eyes half-lidded as he moaned softly in Jerome's hands, then rubbed back, the proud Bull pawing at the stallion's groin like a slut. "Who says I'm teasing?" Jordan whispered as he leaned forward, grinding his shaft and the stallions between his soft belly and that toned equine body. "Tell me you want my ass stallion, tell me having my fat body in your hands would turn you on... And if you want I'll turn around for you." The intoxicated Bull offered lewdly as he closed his eyes and fondled himself. Jeromes big eye's widened, and his thick equine lip's rolled back into a huge gloating smile. The roan stallion's muzzle all big white teeth for a instant, as he rubbed and pressed his body against the Bull's.

"Oh yeah... Well I want your big sweet ass... I wanta mount it... fuck it... making it my own!" The horny stallion whinnied lustfully as his big hot hands cupped that big ass, rubbing and spreading those cheeks playfully. "Roll over for me... hang that fat ass over the foot of the bed... I want your soft body in my hands." Jordan leaned forward and slid his thick bovine tongue into the stallion's mouth, rubbing and hotly grinding his fat body against Jerome as he kissed lustily. He licked those shiny black lips when he pulled back and grinned owlishly.

"You got it lover." He said in a soft slurred whisper, the Bull taking a strange thrill in such feminine acts and words. He was being quite the slutty cow for this big stallion... and he was loving it. Jerome pressed lustfully into that slobbery bovine kiss, thrusting his own tongue over Jordan's as his own arousal soared. Jordan climbed off Jerome's hips, and obediently bent over the foot of the bed, his fat ass thrust in the air. That short bovine tail wagging, his thick meaty thighs wide spread. And those meaty black balls that had cummed and knocked up so many girls already... that had seen so many lesser males castrated. Dangled down like massive over ripe plums, against the dark wooden bed frame.

"Ammmm... yeah that's my sexy cow." The big stallion moaned, as a wild thrill raced through his big strong body. This was working out so well he almost had to pinch himself. "Ohooo...yeah that's it... that's what your stallion wants." Jerome snorted, his voice husky from the sexual excitement he felt seeing the big Bull in that submissive position. Quickly he climbed to his hooves, and moved around behind Jordan. Slipping the hidden restraints from under the mattress the ropes already pre-tied to the bed frame. Swiftly wrapping them around those flabby leg's, so they couldn't be pulled together tightly. Securing the big drugged Bull for what was to come, after the big stallion had his way with him. "Ohooo yes that's it... that's sooooooo fucking hot." Jerome moaned an ran his huge hot hands all over Jordan's big round black butt, even as he moved up to nuzzle and lick that shiny black tail hole. Lubing it with his own slick saliva, even while he weighted those massive jewels in the palms of his hands

Jordan felt those restraints being pulled into place, and even tested them, but somehow he didn't mind. It made him feel more desired, more beautiful; and he wanted to feel that way. He moaned open-mouthed as he felt Jerome's strong hands kneading his big flabby ass, feeling his fat flesh handled like nobody else ever had. His tail whipped as he felt his cheeks stretched and kneaded... and he gasped when that tongue teases him. His fat thighs flexed when he felt his heavy balls cupped, and his long Bull dick twitching against the wooden bed frame. Jordan flexed his hips, humping and grinding his dick against the smooth, polished wood. As he leaked arousal all over it, so aroused to feel his fat, loose balls in the stallion's commanding hands.

"Now these... these are trophies." Jerome grunted almost to excited to speak as he panted for breath, thinking triumphantly. 'This is going to happen... this is really going to happen!' Leaning in he licked the underside of that long Bull dick, playing with Jordan even as his equine cock tensed so hard it was almost painful. 'Gods he wanted this sooooooo fucking much!' Standing up behind Jordan, he guided that big blunt cock head against the Bulls tight tiny anal pucker. That huge horse cock still slick and slimy with both lube and his own cum from the little ponies ass, as he leaned his body against Jordan's hot hole an forced his way inside. That virgin pucker was soooooo tight, and wonderfully hot around his pulsing malehood. The fat black Bull felt that thick horse cock's tip against his pucker... and then he cried out, his eyes wide as it was forced in. He gulped for air chewing the bed sheets, he'd never been penetrated like this before! 'Fuck... it hurt, it REALLY fucking hurt!' He tried to pull his legs together, but couldn't his big balls felt vulnerable as they swayed helplessly in the breeze. Despite all that he didn't feel wronged or betrayed, just conquered... like a fat virgin cow being mounted by a bull for the first time. His wide rump trembled around that thick equine meat... but as Jerome thrust, the pain ebbed.

Slowly Jerome worked his way deeper and deeper, until he was laying atop that broad sweaty bovine back. Nuzzling one big floppy spear shaped bovine ear, as he moaned softly into it. "Oho Gods your so big and sexy... I've wanted to do this for so long." As on the bed this in front of Jordan the small pony began to giggle hysterically, as he watch Jerome plunder that big round Bull butt.

"He's gunna geld you to..." The little pony snickered, as he turned around and push his little muzzle to Jordan's kissing him gently.

The fat Bull had a tight ass, but plenty of room inside. He was starting to calm down, when the gelding's words lit a little fuse of fear somewhere inside him. Jordan's fat legs twitched, unable to take the precautions he new he needed. And so the big Bull started to fear that the little pony might be right... but even then part of him was thrilled. To be made even more feminine by the thought of being castrated and fucked by a horny hot stallion.

"Heheh... Yeah moo for your Stallion my sweet cow." The big roan stallion chuckled amused, as he enjoying the hell out of taking the Bull... Conquering him and taking his bodily integrity, and later taking much more. "It hurts to serve your studs pleasure... but don't worry you'll learn to love it. Bet you never thought you'd be on this end of a huge hard cock huh? Hahah..." The big roan stallion laughed, as he began rolling his hip's pumping his massive organ in and out of that sweet tight tail hole slowly. While Jerome kissed and nibbled aggressively on Jordan's short black neck, even while watching the little pony kiss those bullish lip's.

Despite his growing misgivings, it was good to have his big body lusted after. So Jordan mooed and worked his fat body under the big stallion like a good cow, eager to have the big horse cum inside of him.

Jordan moaned loudly, and bit the little pony's lips as they kissed. His big, fat ass shook with each of Jerome's strong thrusts, and the fat Bull panted as he felt the stallion's heavy horse eggs smack his rump. It made his own pendulous sac sway heavily, and his dick pulse and ooze pre-cum against the side of the bed. It hurt but it also felt good in a weird way... he might even cum from this... Although with all the adrenaline in his system right now, he was starting to wonder how he got to feeling so much like a cow! And as erotic as the idea of the big horse castrating him was... he didn't really want to be a steer...

"Ammm... damn your sooo beautiful." Jerome grumbled into that big bovine ear, as his thrusts slow at the beginning began to speed up. The big Dominant stallion was enjoying the heat and slick tight hole on his thick erection, but wanted to cum quickly so he could geld the helpless drugged Bull. And then he could rut Jordan's sweet ass at a more leisurely pace, once he's made him into a sexy Steer. Those big hard equine ball's slapped loudly against Jordan flabby ass, while Jerome fucked him hard and lustfully. "Ummm Yes... your going to be the best Steer of them all." The big horse moaned into Jordan ear, even as he could smell the black Bull's pre-cum dribbling every where. It wouldn't be long until the Bull spilled his last seed onto the floor, even as the stallion came inside of him.

"O-ohoh... g-gods." The drugged Bull stammered, as his fat rump was ridden by the horny male horse. He was starting to realize... Jerome probably was going to make him a Steer. A big, fat Steer, a big cowy Steer, and his heavy seed sacs suddenly felt their peril. His fat body flexed and jerked as he tried in vain to pull his thighs together, the black Bull whimpering helplessly under the hot, thrusting stud. He felt those hefty horse melons smacking his ass and that huge pole inside his big rump and couldn't help but be turned on. But he started to struggle... he didn't want to loose his cows... or his balls. Sweat started to drip from his handsome muzzle as he struggled, glistening on his sleek black fur.

The little gelded pony laugh uproariously again, as he saw the look on the big Bull's muzzle. He knew the truth now, but was to far gone to stop it. Leaning in he kissed the big Bull again passionately, while Jordan whimpered and tried in vain to pull his thighs together. "Liking that huh Steer?" Jerome moaned, his flat hard groin hammering that sexy black bovine ass savagely now, as he watched Jordan's muzzle contort. "Ummm that's right you know now... I'm going to cut your ball's off. Their going to be my greatest trophy... and your going to be my rut Steer forever." The roan stallion panted into that big ear, as his fat ball's drew up. That huge marbled cock tensing, blunt head flaring with that clenched ass. He held back for a long moment, fighting to pound a last orgasm out of his captive, before finishing him off as a Bull forever.

Jordan struggled weakly, as his heart pounded in his broad chest, his vision blurring as his muscles feel weak and yielding. It feels like he can barely keep breathing, let alone struggle helplessly for his balls. He let out a long, low _ Moooo _, as he imagined his big, beautiful balls nailed up to a wall. Just a part of the stallion's collection... but the best part of it... the pride of his collection... an aroused tremble ran through him. Knowing that his balls would be envied even there... his big butt flexing and his hard dick spurting pre-cum against the bed. Scared as he was the fat, helpless Bull wanted to feel that big stud cum in him.. even if it means he's about to get his balls chopped.

"WEEHEHEHEEE." Jerome screamed as his powerful hip's flexed, driving that huge hard cock ball's deep. And then spurted hard into the helpless Bull's big trapped ass. "HurrHurrHURR!" The big stallion whickered, as his body shivered and trembled in ecstasy... head held high in triumph. "Yeah... Ohooo Yeah... I hope you loved that... because your going to be getting a lot of it." Jerome laughed, as he slowly stepped back, dragging his spent erection out of the Bull's bleeding hole. Those mobile equine lip's curling up in amusement, as he saw how much he had ravished that hot orifice. "Damn didn't mean to hurt you, but then this is going to hurt a lot more." He chuckled kneeling down behind those wide spread leg's, and slipping the bander out from under the bed. Quickly he pulled those huge dangling nuts through the wide spread band, and then released it choking off all blood flow in and out of those throbbing ball's.

"I'm going to enjoy this almost as much as fucking you." He promised taking out a shiny scalpel and thrusting it into that big low dangling sac, just then the door open as a big body strolled into the room. "Jordan said you had a new Steer to share." Enrique snorted, and the froze as his eyes beheld the scene before him, Jordan's big wide ass leaking cum and blood. As Jerome knelled behind him sawing a razor sharp blade in and out of the growing opening in that mighty sack. "Yeah this Steer will be ready for fucking in just a second." Jerome snickered, not even bothering to look back as he focused on cutting Jordan's balls off...

Roped and Raped

Roped and Raped "Ummm... I really enjoy knowing that." The big Zebracorn confessed with a naughty smile, as he looked the rangy Hyena over. "I'm a pleaser at heart... and the thought of giving anonymous males orgasms really pleases me..." "Oh...

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Bro's not Ho's

Bro's not Ho's Jonathon couldn't help but staring, as directly across the hall, his older brother Tom stood undressing. The big jock white tailed buck was down to his underwear now. And his round perfect bubble butt was hanging out of his sweat...

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Win... Win...18

Win... Win... "What about Frank?" Fred asked with a leering look, as he stroked his fraternal twin's erection swiftly. While his handsome brother stroke his, the two or them playing their favorite game. Who's hot and what would you do...

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