Death by Snu Snu - Chapter 3

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#3 of Death by Snu Snu

"Keesa, Ekkin!"


It had been about three months since I had come to be with Keesa and her people. During that time, Keesa kept me close to her side, like a mother watching over her child. After our "introduction", she began to teach me more of her language. It was obvious that I wasn't about to be leaving any time soon and if I was going to be staying, it'd be helpful to at least be able to communicate.

It wasn't too difficult at first. Keesa would show me an object or gesture and say a word; and I would then repeat that word. Most of my days were filled with these exercises which were regularly repeated. And every few days she'd test my memory to see how well I was learning.

The days that weren't consumed by lessons were spent out in the village. I was often taken to one of the larger log buildings where the two of us spent a couple of hours pounding and grinding grain into flower. This confused me at first because there didn't appear to be any land nearby that seemed suitable to grow any kind of crops. I then realised that there must be other villages somewhere that Keesa and her people traded with.

After a couple of hours of grinding, we'd be replaced by others who continued the work. They, in turn, were replaced by others after another couple of hours. Each day spent among Keesa's people showed me that despite the look of their almost tribal village and attire - or lack thereof - they were quite far from being classed as barbarians. Each member of the community helped out in some way and there appeared to be no form of currency. Those in the village worked to support all within it but none were expected to do more than they could handle.

Of course, grinding wheat wasn't the only task Keesa and I performed. Our hands were put to work doing a variety of things around the village, including cooking, tidying, mending and even teaching. When Keesa took me to watch a class she was to teach, I realised then just how advanced her people really were.

To the side of the village was a small, cleared space which had several logs laid out in rows. About half a dozen children sat on the logs and listened as Keesa spoke to them. I sat at the side and watched in awe as she instructed them in lessons I didn't need to understand to recognise. There was language, mathematics and even some science. Behind Keesa was large boulder with a flat, smoothed surface that had been painted a very dark blue. With a chunk of chalk, she drew diagrams and wrote phrases on the makeshift blackboard while teaching her students about them. At one point I was stunned to recognise the drawing of a solar system in which Keesa explained, if I understood her correctly, that we were on the 5th planet of what was an eleven planet, binary system. This confused me once more as I had only seen one sun so far.

Eventually, Keesa began to teach me the more obscure parts of her language, words that were not as easily explained with simple gestures. These lessons were, needless to say, a bit harder. But Keesa was a patient and understanding teacher and she was determined to help me learn her ways.

Finally, after three months, Keesa took me out of the village and into the surrounding plains. It was there that I found out Keesa's primary contribution to her people, hunting. We walked for almost three days before reaching the area where the buffalo-like beasts called Ekkin were supposed to be. But none were there. We sheltered in a small cave at night and searched the surrounding areas during the day. As I followed Keesa out into the plains, I watched as she gradually began to grow frustrated at the absence of animals she was there to hunt.

On the fourth day, while looking out over a ridge across the wide, flat landscape, I spotted the herd we were looking for near the horizon and pointed them out to Keesa. My wolf-lady swore using some of my own language she had picked up during our lessons and climbed down from the rocky perch we were on. I followed her down and across the plain as she made her way back to the cave. Her brisk, determined steps and almost rushed paced made it easy to see that she was highly frustrated.

"Ekkin not meant be there?" I dared to ask with my limited understanding of her language.

"No. Ekkin meant be there," Keesa replied, pointing towards a distant canyon we'd searched two days earlier. Apparently, for some reason, the herd of Ekkin were well ahead of their usual migration patterns. Judging by Keesa's response to this discovery, it was a matter of great confusion and concern.

With the hunt unsuccessful, Keesa and I returned to the village. For much of the trip, she seemed to be enveloped in her own thoughts. No doubt those thoughts consisted mostly of why the Ekkin were not where they should have been. When we arrived back at the village, Keesa instructed me to wait for her at home; she said that she needed to speak with Arshin about the Ekkin and would join me soon. As I turned and began making my way through the settlement, Keesa made her way towards the large logged building she had taken me to the first time I'd arrived. I couldn't help but feel a little worried about her. In the back of my mind, I hoped she would not be in trouble.

It was maybe half an hour before Keesa rejoined me. During that time the daylight quickly faded so I lit a lamp to light the interior of our little dwelling. I also prepared some food stuffs for the evening meal, bread with a butter-type sweetener that was pale pink and a simple stew with cubes of meat and a chopped, light brown vegetable that looked similar to a carrot. When Keesa finally returned, she appeared more relaxed. She set her spear aside and calmly removed her hunting armour before sniffing at the food. With a smile, my naked wolf-lady gathered herself some food and sat down to eat.

She sat casually, leaning back slightly in her chair, and paid no mind to my wandering gaze. Her legs were parted in a relaxed manner, permitting me a view of the plump lips between her thick, lightly muscled thighs. Though it was now a common sight for me, the relaxed nature of the position never failed to arouse me. I ignored my erection, continued to eat my meal, and just enjoyed the view.

Another hour passed and the last of the sunlight faded behind the horizon. Outside, shadows danced as they always did, cast by the mighty fires the villagers gathered around at that late hour. But tonight was a little different; there seemed to be more excitement in the atmosphere. My suspicions were soon confirmed when a tall, slender male appeared at the doorway of our home. Keesa stood and greeted him, welcoming him in as an old friend. I watched and listened to them talk, nodding when the visitor spoke to me directly. His stay was only brief, but it seemed to lift Keesa's spirits.

When the visitor left, Keesa turned to me and explained that we were invited to a celebration. She said that we would be attending a "coming of age" ceremony to celebrate a girl's first steps into adulthood. I had no idea what I was about to witness.

By this time, I'd gradually gotten used to the idea of accepted public nudity. Constantly seeing deliciously curved, and sometimes rather busty females as well as fit and often well endowed males gave me the confidence to join their ways and leave most of my clothing behind. However, one cannot simply wash away centuries of history as a garment wearing species. So, still not entirely comfortable with letting all of my body be seen by everyone at all times, I continued to pull my pants on at the beginning of each day. But tonight Keesa instructed me to leave my pants at home, explaining that - if I understood her correctly - by wearing clothing, I would be insulting the celebration. So, entirely naked, I followed Keesa to the large bonfire where the entire village's occupants had gathered.

Feeling rather exposed, I kept close to my wolf-lady like a timid child staying close to its mother. The arousal that flickered inside my body like a little flame every time I stepped out of Keesa's hut didn't help with my feeling of being exposed, either. But, as I looked around, I began to see that no one was looking at me; I was just another face in the crowd. This helped me calm down a just little.

It wasn't long before I noticed just where it was that everyone's attention was focused. In front of the roaring fire, a mature looking male lay on an ornately carved, wooden seat that resembled a pool-side deck chair. As all the residents of the village gathered, they formed a large circle with the lounging male at the far side, closest to the fire. After everyone was in place and settled, drums began to play behind me. But they were not drums of a stereotypical tribal village; instead, these drums sounded much like bongo drums being played at a Hawaiian resort. At first there appeared to be only one drum, but then another joined in, followed by another and then another. Within moments, there were several drums, each with a different tone, beating out a rhythm that seemed to stir up the body as though it were being roused from a deep slumber.

As the music continued to fill my ears, I noticed several of the wolf-people standing aside, creating a small gap in the circle directly across from the wolf lounging on the rather comfortable looking bench. From behind them stepped a youthful female appearing to be around the age of sixteen. As the gap was closed behind her, she continued to step forward, gradually making her way further into the circle's centre.

While the majority of Keesa's people typically wore nothing at all, I occasionally saw some of them wearing items of clothing that clearly served a more fashion oriented purpose rather than bodily coverage. But I was still amazed to see that this particular individual was covered almost completely by clothing. Draped over her shoulders was a kind of shawl, tied at the neck, which covered the entire upper half of her body. And resting low on her hips was a long dress that concealed all but her toes. Only her trim, curvy waist, head and lower arms were visible. The fabric she wore seemed to be of the same white, wool-like material Keesa and I slept on each night. But it was also as thin and light as silk. Intricate and subtle patterns had been woven into the fabric, making it appear to have very small ruffles, removing any plain look the clothing might have otherwise possessed.

I watched in awe as the light-grey wolf-girl moved forward. Each step she took seemed timid and nervous, but also determined, almost reverent. After just a few of these steps she paused, her right foot in mid step. Her toes resting on the ground, she slowly pushed them forward, carefully planting the whole of her foot down before turning and dragging her left foot along the ground in a wide arc. Lifting her arms up and out to her sides caused the upper part of her outfit to shift, giving me a glimpse of her perky, round, D-cup breasts. Her arms were then moved forward, as though reaching out to someone standing before her. Her fingers outstretched, and her head lowered, she slid her left foot backwards before sharply turning to face forward once more. At the same time, her arms swung back, her head lifted up and her chest was thrust forward.

But that was only beginning. I was already aroused from being surrounded by over a dozen curvy, well endowed and totally naked females, and as I watched her move her body in fluid, sensual, almost hypnotic motions, I felt more and more aroused. I could feel my dick pulse with desire as I stared at her body, enticing me and everyone else with her dance.

She swayed her upper body from side to side, turned, reached her arms up to the sky and swung her head in circles. There was never a pause and every movement she made seemed to flow together. Eventually I noticed that each of her motions brought her just a little closer to the male on the other side of the circle. Everyone watched her with a sort of longing in their eyes, a desire - hunger even - roused by her tempting and seductive dance. But though the male at the far end of the gathering had that same look in his eyes, they betrayed something deeper and more meaningful. It was about then that I guessed that this was perhaps some type of marriage ceremony. I figured that maybe Keesa's people saw forging a lifelong bond with a mate as a step into adulthood. Even on an alien planet surrounded by naked wolf-people, I found the concept of a marriage ceremony bringing me a certain happiness and I somehow felt proud to be present.

In the background of my mind, I could still hear the drums. But they seemed dull and distant, like thunder rumbling far off in the distance. All my attention was focused on the youthful wolf-girl who. I felt a sort of comforting feeling as I watched her dance; felt my mind seem to drift from my body. Then, suddenly, things changed.

In a swift, twirling motion, the shawl was undone and sent fluttering through the air. At that same moment, the beat of the drums changed, picking up pace as if stoking a smouldering camp fire. Before, her motions had an almost innocent quality to them, slow, graceful and tempting. Now, with her breasts bare, the girl's motions became bolder, more seductive and even outright erotic. My eyes grew wide as the first high arching swing of her leg revealed that the dress had a split right up the middle at the front. As she spun on the ball of one foot, I caught sight of the succulent womanhood concealed beneath the fabric. From gentle swaying and teasing twirls, I found myself stunned as the girl began to move her hands over her naked chest, her fingers filtering through her fur to grasp and grope her breasts in a delicious "come hither" manner. I was aroused before; now I was just plain horny.

She turned again and again, her hands still caressing her body like a lover exploring the object of his affection. Her legs rose and fell, giving everyone glimpses of her bare, plump lips that waited between her thighs. As I stared, lust seemed to flood over my own body and mind. I wanted to step forward and take her, lay her on a table and thrust my shaft deep into her young, curved body. I could even feel myself physically drawn to her as though she were a siren calling to me. But as my foot was about to take a step forward, my knee trembled. At that point I realise that my hand had strayed and my fingers were wrapped about my hard erection, stroking it to a steady rhythm I had only barely been aware of.

Finally, just a couple of feet from her destination, the girl dipped down, crouching on the balls of her feet as she pushed her knees to the sides, opening her legs wide. For the first time since her dance begun, she paused. At the same time the music also stopped and I noticed that she was looking to one side as if she were waiting to be judged. When turned her head to look at the male wolf once more, he nodded to her. I guessed that this must be their equivalent to our "I do's" part of the wedding. She had presented herself to him and he accepted her.

With the dance complete, the girl lightly glided her hands up the inside of her thighs and slowly rose, dragging her fingers over and between her plump folds. When she was standing once again, she gracefully untied the lower part of her outfit and let it fall to the ground around her feet. Stepping forward, she left the garment on the ground and approached the waiting male. He lay back on the wooden bench and, as she stepped over him, placing a leg on either side of the bench, he glided his hands up her thighs to her hips. I knew what was coming next and it made my body prickled all over.

Slowly, the wolf-girl began to lower herself downwards, the male's hands appearing to guide her body. But he did not set the pace; she was in control and set her own pace. Finally, as her plump lips touched the tip of the male's waiting member, she paused for a brief moment, readying herself for the final step of her dance.

"It is parent's duty and honour to be child's first, bringing them into adulthood," Keesa suddenly whispered in my ear.

My eyes just grew wide as the girl suddenly pushed herself down, hilting her father's cock in one swift motion. I had assumed that this ceremony was some kind of wedding; that the act of getting married and officially choosing a life partner was their meaning of "coming of age". I thought that the act of intercourse was just a part of the marriage ceremony, binding the two lovers together in an intimate union. But I was wrong. Oh, how I was wrong.

The girl's bust heaved a little as she allowed her body and mind to absorb the new experience. She seemed to be holding her breathe, gritting her teeth even. She was a virgin and this was her first true sexual experience. To take her mind from the stinging pain, the girl's father moved one hand to her perky breasts and firmly squeezed one, causing her to arch her back in pleasure. Finally, she let out the air in her lungs and began to move.

With her father's hands guiding her, the youthful girl pushed her hips forward, dragging her clit against his fur covered body. Inside her, his thick, hard shaft was pushing against her walls. Her mind was saturated in a wealth of emotions as her body shuddered again and again from the new experience. I don't know what it was, but there was something about watching a father take his daughter's virginity, as a public ceremony, aroused me to new ends. Within seconds I could feel my load coursing through my shaft, each pulse pushing more hot, white cream into the open air. But that didn't stop me; I was too horny to stop and continued stroking, pushing the tips of my fingers into the channel that ran along the underside of my erection.

Her hips moved with a steady pace, now; back and forth, back and forth. Occasionally, she'd shift her hips to the sides at the same time, making circles with her hips. Her chest heaved up and down as her father's fingers danced upon her nipples. Groping, grasping and caressing them, he tantalised her senses and made her gasp more than once when he occasionally squeezed or tugged on them. To my mind it was like a dream, something that could only ever be imagined. For the first time in months I found myself beginning to wonder if this was all a dream, again. Never in my wildest dreams had I ever thought that I might bear witness to such a sight.

I don't know when they started, but in a distant corner of my mind I could hear the drums again. But they were simple this time, beating gently in rhythm with the wolf-girl's rocking motions. Gradually, as her excitement increased, so too did the excitement of the drums. As if emanating from her very body, they perfectly matched her pace. Her breathing began to grow shallow and the drums beat faster. The movement of her hips started getting erratic and the drums beat faster. Moans of ecstasy filled the air and the drums beat faster. Faster and faster and faster.

Then they stopped.

Everything seemed to hold in the air as if the very fabric of time had ground to a halt to witness climactic moment. Then I heard her voice. She cried out, loudly, moaning and screaming mixed together. The explosion of euphoria within her body seemed to wash over the entire plains around the village. Her back arched sharply, pushing her chest forward as her father's fingers wrapped around them, squeezing them firmly to further enhance her blissful orgasm.

Things seemed to blur around that time. I remember there was cheering, food, drink. A large mug of that blue drink is probably to blame as it has a way of making the sharpest of minds gloss over. My clearest memory after that point is of when I was back at home, lying in bed with Keesa's arms wrapped around me. I remember the warm feel of the fur and softness of her ample breasts pressed against my face as I asked a question.

"Keesa... how old was she?" I asked.

"She turned nine years old this night," Keesa replied.

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