Fallen - Chapter 1

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#1 of Fallen

"I don't like this. I don't feel right."

"Quit your whining and hurry up. The sooner we finish here the sooner we can leave."

In the shadows of a downtown alley, two men were in the process of moving several large and heavy boxes from a building to the back of a parked four-wheel-drive. The first of the two men, a young, clean shaven man of 25 with short, brown, scruffy looking hair, stood holding his cargo while scanning the shadows for signs of life. The second man, a bald and bearded fellow of 27, dumped his box in the back of the vehicle with a groan and then turned to look at his partner.

"Look, this is a big city and he's not exactly Superman," the bearded man said reassuringly. "Besides, what does he care for a couple of burglars ripping off an electronics store? He's probably busy beating up some of Carrik's men. Come on!"

"I guess you're right, Frank. But I still feel... wrong."

As Frank walked passed his partner and back into the store, the younger man carried his cargo over to the truck and set it down with the other boxes the pair had thus far retrieved.

"You should listen to your feelings. You'd be surprised how... advantageous they can be."

The third voice seemed to emanate from the shadows themselves with a calm yet malicious tone. Deep and gruff, the voice gripped the younger burglar with fear. Suddenly feeling very weak, he turned to face the owner of the voice and found himself staring into the eyes of the city's 'protector' who was standing just behind him.

"Just a couple more, Jason, and we can get out of here," Frank said as he stepped back out into the alley. With his vision obscured by another large box, he couldn't see who else was now in the alley with them.

"You should be more careful with that. You could put your back out," the third voice said.

Frank froze and almost dropped boxed up TV he was holding. A moment later and the box seemed to rise up of its own accord, its weight seeming to vanish as if being carried by a god. The bald man watched as it was taken from him and placed in the back of the vehicle with ease.

"I-I-I..." Frank stuttered as he tried to step back. But the thief stood on a stray can and fell to his arse in one of the many small puddles that dotted the ground of the dark alley. He stared up in awe at the figure that loomed over him, fear creeping over his body like a slowly spreading army of ants.

Before Frank, stood a sight that many in the city had come to recognise as a force to be reckoned with. Muscles rolled down his arms and legs with smooth, long curves and his chest was as flat as concrete. Standing at just over seven feet tall, the dark blue, humanoid tiger was a terrifying sight as he towered over the cowering criminal, his azure eyes seeming to gleam out of the shadows like headlights.

Forgetting about his partner, Frank turned and began to frantically crawl away from the terrifying sight. But no sooner had he moved an inch, padded fingers wrapped around his ankle and lifted him into the air. The fully grown adult was nothing for the tiger to lift, his muscles providing more than enough strength to lift the man as though he were a small rock. Looking up at his captor's face, Frank suddenly felt warmth flowing down the front of his shirt and snaking its way towards his neck. At the smell of urine the beast laughed heartily.

"Please don't kill me," Frank begged pathetically.

Casually, as if tossing a dirty rag aside, the tiger hurled Frank across the alley and on top of two metal trashcans causing a loud ruckus to rattle down the alley. Smiling, Julius looked at the two men lying unconscious in the shadows, Jason having feinted immediately upon seeing the tiger's malicious, grinning face. The tiger then pulled a small device from his pocket that looked like a large steel marble with fine, crisscrossing lines etched into the surface. The tiger pressed the device between his thumb and index finger three times before tossing it onto the body of the bald man. As a small blue light began to blink on it, Julius turned and started walking down the alley, returning to the shadows he'd emerged from.

"Sir, your ten o'clock has arrived."

"Thank you, Lucy."

Like a king seated on his throne, the youthful man of 27 sat at his desk and puffed on a cigarette. Expensive dress shoes adorned his feet and an expensive looking suit projected the image of a business man. Though his face was young, his eyes were aged with experience. His posture, leaning back in a leather chair with feet resting upon a mahogany desk, betrayed a confident and cunning mind. This man was the newly appointed mayor of the city and he was waiting to conclude one final piece of business before retiring for the day.

A single reading lamp sat on the large desk and was the only light in the large office that was turned on. Across the empty floor from the desk was a floor to ceiling window that spanned the length of the office wall. This window looked out over one of the main streets of the city from the top floor of the twelve story building and had several ornamental gargoyles located just below it. With the lamp directed at the new mayor and only a small amount of moonlight flowing in from outside, the office was bathed in total darkness.

"Not much for doors, are you?" the man said as a figure appeared suddenly in the window frame.

As the figure stepped into the office through the open window, only the silhouette of his tall, muscular frame could be seen. He approached the desk of the new mayor with calm, slow steps, the walk of a man who possessed great power and knew it.

"Where's my payment?" the figured demanded in a calm, questioning tone. Azure eyes stared out of the darkness at the man behind the desk, but the mayor simply blew a mouthful of smoke into the air, unconcerned about the powerful creature that stood before him.

"I'm afraid... you're services are no longer required," the young man said, looking the silhouette in the eyes.

"For over forty years this office and I have had a standing agreement. Part of that agreement was that I would be paid a set sum at regular periods. The sum was not disagreeable and my assistance in keeping crime at a minimum has never faltered. What purpose do you have to dishonour this agreement?" Though the words were spoken calmly, they seethed with anger at the sudden betrayal.

"Yes, you have done a wonderful job. But as with any contract, in time it expires. The people of this city elected me to make the decisions that need to be made in order to keep this city running smoothly. And like each mayor before me, I was elected to suit the city's current needs. Forty years ago things were different. The city has changed and its mayor must change with it. Not only is it my job to keep this city running smoothly but it is my job to recognise and remove the old and obsolete ways that are no longer needed. I am trimming the fat and you, my friend, are part of that fat. You're time has come; you are fired."

The mayor spoke with a certain tone of satisfaction in his voice. His words were not words of progress, but words of a man claiming victory over another; they were haughty and disdainful.

The silhouette moved closer to the edge of the shadows.

"I warn you, Richard Lechester, if you continue down this path, crime will rise once again. I am the force that keeps this city's crime in check an-"

"And the city is grateful. But let's face it. What are you, really? You're a brute, a savage. You throw a few burglars around each night and occasionally assist with a large scale raid. You are little more than a muscle for hire, a wooden plank across a door behind which stands other brainless brutes like yourself. What have you done to quell the truly dangerous criminals of this city? When was the last time you uncovered a network of cyber hackers or tracked down a money laundering operation? You deal with crime that requires a response with the muscles in your arms. But true crime is conducted with only one muscle, the one inside the head."

The man rose from his seat and leaned forward over his desk, placing his hands upon its smooth surface.

"It is these organised crimes that are the true danger; organised crimes that are conducted behind the scenes through the careful application of information, money movement and patience. It is these criminal actions that carefully planned and positioned, over five long years, myself in this very office."

From out of the shadows Julius lunged. Gripping the edge of the desk with his large hands, his claws digging into the wood, the tiger vented his furious rage into the face of the mobster. The roar was sudden and deafening, startling the secretary who was working down the hall. But Richard barely even flinched. A smile grew on his face as the seconds quickly passed and the tiger ran out of breath. Finally, when Julius turned and stormed towards the window, the mobster returned to his seat and watched as the tiger left the office entirely and vanished into the night.

Fast paced and seemingly erratic techno music filled the tiger's ears. Shards of green, red and blue cut through the darkness around him, flashing in unison with the subtle rhythm of the nightclub's music. On the dance floor, before the DJ, dozens of people moved their bodies to the near deafening sound and blinding laser lights. Consumed by the atmosphere and overtaken by the music, the patrons of the nightclub forgot their worries as their bodies rubbed indiscriminately against others, their hands roaming freely, revealing both flesh and primal desire. Clothes that covered next to nothing got pushed aside as skin touched skin. Hands freely and openly caressed breasts, nipples and other, more private body parts of random strangers. But no one cared.

Euphoria wasn't a nightclub of entertainment; it was a nightclub of freedom. It was a sanctuary that allowed people to escape the troubles of their daily life. Nobody came to Euphoria to meet people or dance, they came to be alone and allow themselves a brief period of indulgence into their base primal instincts, to slip out of reality and into a world where nothing mattered. Some sat and drank. Some simply sat. And some explored the bodies of others on the dance floor, engaging in intimate acts from simple groping to outright sex.

But Euphoria had a second purpose unknown to many. It also served as the home and hideout of the city's number one crime deterrent. Euphoria was owned by Julius and provided the dark blue tiger with the funds he needed to live within the city. But on this particular night, the club provided him with that same release from a troubled mind that it offered to so many others.

Located in a booth at the side of the nightclub's interior, a fair skinned, red haired beauty straddled the tiger's erection. Her boldly curved, naked body moved up and down slowly as the pads on Julius' hands and fingers tantalised her DD breasts and nipples. Her moans of pleasure were drowned out by the loud music and her mind was engulfed by the flames of heated passion. Up and down her luscious hips moved like a well oiled machine as Julius pushed her body backwards, his hands grasping and massaging her breasts firmly. The pleasures of sex chased away his frustration and soon, as the woman's cries of ecstasy filled his ears, Julius growled as he filled her depths with his hot seed.

A few moments passed as the red-head lay against Julius' bare chest, her heaving bust pushing against his body with a slow, rhythmic pattern. When she recovered from the explosion of euphoria, the woman lifted herself from the tiger's shaft and gathered what clothes she had before disappearing back into the throng of bodies on the dance floor. Julius idly watched her leave him before standing, zipping up his jeans, and making his way to the other side of the club's interior.

Through a single door beside the bar and down a short hallway, Julius passed through a second door and left the drowning noise of the nightclub behind him. Inside the room was a bachelor's set-up. A large, flat screen TV adorned the far wall with surround sound speakers and two consoles game consoles connected to it. To one side of the room a double bed, its covers mildly ruffled, and a dresser could be found. The other side of the spacious room was home to something of a kitchen. Though Julius lived alone there, he kept it well cleaned and only a couple of dishes sat on the sink waiting to be washed.

"You don't usually mingle," a voice said. It came from the couch that sat in the centre of the room, facing the TV, and sounded almost motherly. "Something on your mind?"

"Lechester is one of Carrik's men," Julius replied simply as he walked over to the fridge and opened it.

"What? Are you sure?" The 44-year-old detective stood up from the couch and walked over to his old friend.

"He didn't exactly say it outright, but he made it clear who gives him his instructions," the tiger explained gravely. As he spoke, Julius took a carton of milk from the fridge and began pouring some of the white liquid into a glass.

"Well shit!" the detective cursed. "That's just marvellous. Jerremy Carrik in charge of the city. Perfect." As the aged man ranted on, he tramped around the room throwing his hands in the air.

"Of course we won't be able to do anything about it," the detective, continued. Sitting on the couch and slouching his shoulders, he buried his face in his hands. "No doubt there'll be no connections between Lechester and Carrik to pin on him. And as much as the police force trusts your word, that's hardly evidence enough to hold up in court. At least he'll be forced to maintain some semblance of appearance or suspicions will begin to rise and I doubt Carrik will want that. What about you? Surely he'll take measures to remove you from the picture."

Julius stood by the bench and looked at the detective who was now looking up at him.

"My services have been... discontinued," Julius said.

"You've been fired. Well, that's not surprising. But I'd be surprised if that's as far as it goes. I'm sure Carrik will have Lechester organise some other little surprise for you. Now what are you going to do?"


"Nothing?" the detective stood up once more and moved to stand before the tall tiger. "You're just going to sit back and let them take over the city? Don't tell me you've only been in this deal for the money because I know dam well that's not true. You care about this city and its people, Julius; you have from the beginning."

"And what am I supposed to do, Harrison?" Julius glared at his friend.

"The same fucking shit you've been doing for the last forty years!" the detective almost shouted. "It's not like you need that income. When was the last time you actually used any part of those payments you've received from the mayor's office? It all just gets put in the bank. This nightclub alone brings in sufficient funds to keep you fed and sheltered."

Julius downed the last of his drink and set the glass on the bench.

"Whatever happens, I can personally assure you that the police of this city will continue to respond to your beacons," Harrison continued. "You have my word on that."

Julius sighed and looked down into the human's eyes.

"Thank you, my friend. You've been good to me these past twenty years. And you're right. But for now, I think I just need some sleep."

Julius placed an oversized, padded hand on the detective's shoulder before making his way towards the bed on the other side of the room.

"Before you do, I think you might want to look at this," the detective said, taking a folded piece of paper from inside his coat.

"What's that, a report?" Julius paused and looked at Harrison.

"We've gotten several reports about a tiger-like man, recently," the detective said, handing the paper to Julius.

"Why is this news? The people of this city see me regularly," Julius said.

"But you haven't been down by the docks lately," Harrison pointed out, "and the reports say his fur is orange."

Julius took the sheet of paper from the detective and unfolded it. Reading the police report carefully, his desire to sleep quickly fled.

"I figured you at least had the right to know there's another of your kind here. We don't know what he is doing or why he's here, but if anyone is in the right position to find out, it's you. Goodnight, Julius." Harrison walked over to the door and opened it, letting in the near mindless thumping of the music that had been little more than a dull, distant, even soothing sound just moments ago. Leaving the room, the detective closed the door behind him and left Julius to his thoughts.

The late night breeze wrapped around Julius as he knelt before a sky-light on the roof of an old corrugated iron warehouse by the city's docks. Through the dirty window, he could see below him a scene not unlike many the tiger had seen before. Three unmarked trucks sat parked just inside the large sliding doors and several men moved back and forth behind them, relocating an assortment of wooden crates from the warehouse floor to the back of the trucks. From the labels painted on the side of the crates, Julius knew that they were imported wares waiting to be taken through customs as soon as the morning shift arrived for work. The men were taking this opportunity to steal the crates so that they could be sold on the streets and black market.

But though the scene was a common sight for Julius, there was one thing that was different. Watching over the working men was a burly tiger like Julius, except that this one's fur was orange. It was clear to Julius that he was in charge of the operation. Whether he took orders from a higher position of authority was unknown, but he certainly gave the orders here.

Julius watched for almost half an hour. Typically he could burst in after only a few minutes, throw around his intimidating presence and the humans would virtually fall at his feet. But this matter required a different approach because of the tiger leading them. Another Arkon would not be intimidated by Julius and would be nowhere near as easily defeated. Finally, after Julius felt he'd observed for long enough, he silently lifted the slanted window and dropped into the warehouse between two stacks of crates several meters from the back of the trucks.

At the sound of Julius' heavy frame landing on the concrete floor, everyone inside the structure turned to look at him. The men cringed and were about to scatter at his sight, but as their leader stepped forward to confront the intruder, they relaxed... just a little.

"So, the stories are true. There is another Arkon in the city," the orange tiger said, speaking boldly and confidently.

"These things are not yours to take," Julius said, standing his ground confidently.

"And who is going to stop me? You?"

Julius didn't reply. His gaze remained locked on the tiger standing across from him, clearly conveying his intention to prevent this large scale theft from being completed.

"Very well. Show me your wings, Arkon," the orange tiger demanded, readying himself for a fight. But Julius did nothing. Patiently, he waited for his opponent to make the first move.

"Alright, then. Me first!" With a flick of his wrist, the leader of the group sent a blazing ball of fire hurtling in Julius' direction. Immediately, the dark blue tiger leapt to the side, seeking cover behind the stack of crates next to him. As the ball of fire impacted on some crates that were behind Julius, a wave of heat and force exploded, sending shards of burning wood and scorched iPods skittering across the floor.

Julius hid behind his cover and listened carefully for the footsteps of his opponent. By now, the orange coloured beast-man would think he had the upper hand. This would prove advantageous to Julius as his opponent would grow overconfident and lower his guard.

Another fireball exploded on the other side of Julius' cover, showering him with wood pieces and broken computer mother-boards. Under the smokescreen of flying debris and cheering criminals, Julius took the chance to abandon his cover and work his way around to where he could flank his opponent undetected. As he did so, another fireball exploded more crates. This third shot was a wild shot, indicating that the ring leader now thought himself to have the upper hand and was simply trying to draw Julius out with overconfident intimidation tactics.

As Julius made his way around to the side of his attacker, he spotted the tiger summoning a large wall of flame before him, like a wave of fire. Pushing forward, the orange tiger sent the inferno surging forward, setting almost everything it touched alight. At this point, Julius realised he had to act immediately. The group's head was attacking with reckless abandon and causing costly damage to the city's imported wares.

"I'm sorry, my friend," Julius silently muttered to himself.

Leaning out from behind a crate, Julius gave his own wrist a flick and sent lightning coursing through the air. The surprised Arkon cried out in both pain and anger as the bolt of shining blue electricity struck him on the left shoulder. With his opponent momentarily stunned, Julius leap out from his cover and charged at the orange tiger who was now clutching his arm with his free hand.

As the dark blue tiger approached him rapidly, the orange raised his hand to send another fireball forward but nothing happened. His eyes widened in terror as he felt his energy being drained from his body. Falling to his knees, the criminal stared up into the eyes on the dark blue Arkon in horror and disbelief. Finally, Julius released his grasp on his opponent's right arm and stepped back. Weakened, the orange Arkon collapsed to the floor, trying desperately to summon fire as he had always been able to. But nothing happened.

"What have you done to me?!" the orange beast cried out in a scared and horrified voice.

"My wings permit me the ability to take another's wings," Julius explained, standing over the now powerless thief. "You are now mortal and will pay for the crimes you have committed here."

With a swift blow to his fellow Arkon's face, Julius knocked the orange tiger unconscious. Looking around him, he sighed as the warehouse's sprinkler system came on to put out the fire. Taking another of the small metal balls from his pocket, Julius clicked it once, causing it to begin blinking with a red light, and walked outside of the warehouse to wait for police force to respond to his signal in force.

Fallen - Chapter 2 - The Game is Afoot.

"What the hell happened in here?" "Things got... heated." "Heated? Half the city's imports have been burnt to a crisp!" Julius stood to the side as the chief of police fumed. He watched as the balding man stood and rubbed his temples, trying to...

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Innocent Turquoise - Clothes Shopping

Alice walked briskly along the platform. Up ahead of her was that which she sought. A fascinating new hunger lurked inside of her and the wolf-girl and panther up ahead were a feast just waiting to be fed upon. Desire burned within the panda's body...

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Innocent Turquoise - Vacation

"This is one town we won't be coming back to for a while," Dennis said with a chuckle. "Did you see the faces on those kids?" Turquoise giggled, "Priceless!" As the train began to pull out of the small town station, the twins watched as three police...

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