Innocent Turquoise - Clothes Shopping

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#11 of Innocent Turquoise

Alice walked briskly along the platform. Up ahead of her was that which she sought. A fascinating new hunger lurked inside of her and the wolf-girl and panther up ahead were a feast just waiting to be fed upon. Desire burned within the panda's body like never before as her eyes watched the half naked girl strut along the platform boldly and proudly. Like Lady Godiva upon her horse, the half-breed walked without a care, her entire body on full display for all to see, as if it was some ancient hidden truth that might save the world.

The panda was quickly closing the distance between herself and the wolf-girl. But when she got to her, what would she say? How would she introduce herself? Alice's mind fumbled to find answers, but none existed. Finally, the predator had closed in on her prey, but how was she to capture it? With her eyes locked on the curvaceous figure of the near naked female, Alice suddenly found herself reaching out and grasping the succulent arse she'd been following for what seemed like years.

Whirling around, the wolf-girl, dressed in only a white button-up shirt, stopped and looked at the panda. Her breasts caught Alice's attention instantly. Perky, round, like ripe apples waiting to be picked, the panda's eyes seemed to consume their supple mass. Images of groping them, suckling them, even riding them already filled the panda's mind. As if drawn by some unheard voice, Alice's eyes shifted down the girl's trim figure to her hips. Below a turquoise flame of thick, soft hair sat a smooth, plump pair of lips just begging to be licked and eaten.

"I-I.... saw you, on the train," Alice stammered as she looked back and pointed at the train slowly pulling out of the station.

The wolf-girl looked at the panda, inspecting her figure for a moment. There seemed to be no hint of anger or irritation at being groped. No embarrassment at being presented with the knowledge she'd been seen. Only patience and mischief resided in the emerald green eyes of the turquoise haired girl

"And did you like what you saw?" the girl finally asked, placing her hands on her hips. It was subtle, but seduction rang true in her voice. The panther just stood at the side and watched.

"You... made me cum," Alice said, lifting the front of her skirt. The panda looked into the eyes of the girl and felt as though she were asking for pity from some omnipotent god.

In a move that made the panda's heart skip a beat, the beautiful, mostly naked girl stepped forward and slipped her hand between Alice's thighs. Cupping the panda's wet pussy, the half-breed pushed her middle finger between the black and white's folds, making her gasp and shiver with ecstasy.

"Would you like me to do it again?" Turquoise asked.


"I like it."

"It feels... weird."

"Don't worry. You'll get used to the feel of it in short time."

Dennis fidgeted with the pony-tail hanging down the back of his neck. He'd let his hair grow over the last several months and now stood in front of a large mirror with his long hair tied back for the first time.

"Stop tugging at it," Alice said as she swatted the panther's hand away. Turquoise only giggled.

Forcing himself to stop playing with his new hair-do, Dennis turned around so he could get a better look at himself and his pony-tail.

"You really think it looks good?" he asked his sister.

"Sure. It makes you look more mature, more... handsome," Turquoise replied.

Sighing, Dennis stepped aside and sat down with the panda.

The trio were in a large, expensive clothing store and Turquoise had persuaded the clerk to allow them to use the spacious and luxurious fitting room reserved for VIP customers. Racks of dark coloured suits lined two of the four walls while a showcase area stood near another. The fourth wall was mostly bare with only a few boxes stacked against it next to the door leading back out into the public section of the store. In front of three tall mirrors, that were standing in a sort of semi-circle formation, was a long, wide, backless couch.

It had been only a few short months since the panda had introduced herself to the twins. She often looked back on that day with fondness, recalling the exhilarating feeling of Turquoise, practically naked, fingering her as they both stood on the station. Her heart had pounded and her mind raced. Shivers of new excitement filled Alice's body at the danger of being caught. After that day, Alice eagerly awaited the twins' visits, which they made regularly, and she soon became like a sister to them.

As Dennis and Alice sat down, the white leather of the seat creaked and groaned beneath them. But neither panther nor panda paid any attention to the sound; they were too busy watching Turquoise take Dennis' place in front of the mirror. Dressed in a faded red tank-top, that showed off a substantial amount of cleavage, and a short, light blue skirt, the half-breed began to make lady-like poses for her reflection.

"What's with the skirt," Dennis asked, eyeing his sister's round thighs.

Turquoise looked back over her shoulder and smiled mischievously.

"Better access," she replied, leaning forward.

Dennis knew all too well that his sister never wore underwear, so the view she gave him was of little surprise. But despite this, the sight was still heavily arousing and quickly gave the panther an erection. Her succulent thighs pressed together, the half-breed's plump labia looked like a pair of pursed lips between them. Standing up, Dennis reached forward and took his sister by the hips, pulling her backwards as he sat back down.

"Ah!" Turquoise giggled in surprise, straightening up so that she didn't fall over.

Leaving one hand on Turquoise's hip, Dennis put his other hand on the middle of his sister's back and pushed forward. Getting the message, Turquoise obediently leaned forward once more and shook her bare rump provocatively, wrapping her turquoise coloured tail around her brother's head. Leaning forward, Dennis poked out his tongue and firmly pressed it against his twin sister's petals before slowly licking upwards, pushing the tip of his tongue between her folds. Turquoise just giggled more.

Alice just sat and watched as the panther's hands moved downwards to the back of Turquoise's thighs. She grew horny as his thumbs rubbed firmly up and down on his sister's smooth, creamy skin while the tip of his tongue did the same between her thick, supple lips. In short time, a small trickle of juices was running down the back of Turquoise's legs. Ignoring the escaping juices, Dennis spread his sister's lips with his thumbs and pressed his tongue to the bright pink flesh between them. Licking slowly upwards brought a long, heavy moan from her throat.

"May I?" Alice politely butt in.

"Certainly," Dennis replied, acting gentlemanly. Releasing his sister from his grasp and shifting across the seat, the panther allowed Alice to move behind Turquoise and take his place. He watched with keen eyes as the panda mimicked his actions and casually undid his pants while enjoying the show.

From the corner of her eye, Alice spotted Dennis' erection emerging from the front of his pants and got an idea. Turquoise, having been watching the reflection in the mirror, turned her head to look at her brother as he gently stroked his hard member. Standing up, Alice glided her hands up under the front of Turquoise's top and grasped her breasts before pulling her closer so that the wolf-girl was standing upright once more. A whisper in the ear from the panda brought a giggle and a mischievous smile to Turquoise's face.

Turning around, the half-breed took hold of her tank-top and lifted it over her head in one swift motion causing her bust to jiggle merrily. Alice playfully groped the now exposed breasts for a brief moment before pulling off her own top and pressing her own naked breasts against those of the panther's twin sister. Alice had quickly gotten into the habit of wearing as much underwear as Turquoise, something that was often exploited by the siblings.

Both girls now stood before the panther topless, their breasts pressed together. They smiled at the black cat before stepping towards him.

"Lay down," Alice commanded.

Obediently, Dennis did as he was told and lay back on the white, leather seat. Turquoise moved to stand by his head while Alice stood closer to his erection. Taking the panther's pants in her hands, the panda proceeded to pull them down until they were around his knees. Like a good little boy, Dennis adopted a submissive posture and allowed the two females to do as they pleased with him. But he only got to watch for a moment before his sight was obscured by Turquoise's luscious, round thigh.

Glancing up, Dennis caught sight of his sister's succulent, plump lips just above his face. The sight made his erection pulse and twitch with desire and as she lowered herself down, the deviant feline could only reach out his tongue in eagerness to taste his twin sister's nectar.

Alice watched for a moment as the half-breed climbed onto the long seat and straddled her brother's face. The scene only served to further stir the hunger burning between her legs and the panda soon joined the pair up on the seat.

Kneeling over Dennis' pulsating hard-on, Alice grasped the shaft of meat in one hand and held it steady as she slowly lowered herself onto it. It was a sensation she almost revered each and every time, especially when in public. All her senses were focused on the feeling of the long, thick penis sliding inside her hot, wet body. Like water washing onto an inferno, the feeling seemed to quell the burning desire within her body.

The two girls faced each other, their bodies pinning the panther to the seat. Giggling, they admired the bodies of each other and gently stroked the one beneath them. For several months they'd known each other but this was the first time they had considered this position.

Turquoise squirmed a little as Dennis quickly began working on her pussy. His tongue eagerly pushed between her labia to lick at the flesh between them and, like vines growing from underneath, the panther' hands and fingers crept up the sides and over the top of Turquoise's thighs. The tips of his fingers reached between his twin sister's legs and spread them as much as he could without causing her to fall off the seat. As a slight moan escaped her throat, the half-breed took her brother's hands and lifted them up, placing them on her bare, perky breasts.

Alice watched the display for a few moments, letting the scene further influence her arousal. Soon, her hands resting on Dennis' trim, lower abdomen, the panda slowly dragged her hips forward and then pushed them back, grinding herself against the black cat's body. Dennis could feel the tip of his cock touching deep inside her as she pushed down and back on top of him, hard. Her motions were slow, practised and passionate. It was clear that she wanted his length in her hot body as deep as possible, and with each push it seemed to go deeper.

After a couple of minutes, Alice moved Dennis' hands to her own breasts. As he had been doing with his sister's, Dennis squeezed and kneaded the round, malleable moulds of flesh in the palms of his hands while his tongue pushed deep into his twin's body causing warm, sweet juices to fill his mouth and run down the sides of his face.

Moans of pleasure and ecstasy soon filled the room. Completely enthralled by desire, the two females allowed their hands to roam freely, caressing and exploring the boldly curved figures of themselves and each other. Leaning forward, their lips met in heated passion and their arms embraced one another, drawing the pair closer together, their breasts pressing together above the body of the panther below.

An invisible inferno seemed to have engulfed the trio as their bodies grew hotter and hotter. Faster and faster they hurtled towards their explosive climax. Finally, as if being guided by an unseen force, panther, panda and wolf-girl all came at once.

Turquoise moaned loudly as her body shuddered, her juices filling her twin brother's maw. Alice's muscles tightened, clamping down on Dennis' penis. And Dennis, unable to move, could only fill the panda's body with his warmth. Euphoria seemed to spread through the three of them as if they were all linked. Their bodies shook and tensed. Their minds fuzzed and floated. It was only several seconds later that the epic eruption of orgasmic bliss subsided and allowed them to recover their wits.

Turquoise relaxed and, forgetting what she was sitting on, allowed her full weight to settle on Dennis' face. To this the panther responded by wildly waving his arms and slapping his sister on the thighs while attempting to shout to her to get off of him. Needless to say his words were quite muffled. Alice only basked in the afterglow of her climactic burst of satisfaction. A basking that lasted only a brief moment before she noticed Dennis' arms flailing wildly and instinctively began to get off. At the feel of her thighs being slapped, Turquoise looked down and suddenly remembered that she was sitting on her brother's face. Quickly getting off him, she stood by the side of the seat with a sheepish grin on her face and then began giggling. Alice, still impaled on the panther's slowly wilting erection, promptly joined the giggling while Dennis just lay on the seat and enjoyed the aftermath of the experience.


"You're getting the skirt?" Dennis asked his sister as they sorted through the clothing they'd tried on.

"Of course," Turquoise replied. "Why, don't you like it?"

"I, of course I do. I just... never thought of you as a skirt person," Dennis explained.

With a flick of her tail and a wave of her hips, Turquoise smiled at her brother.

"I could get used to it. Besides, you should see what I'm going to wear to Sunday Mass."

With a sly smile on her face, Turquoise picked up the small bundle of clothing and started towards the door. Dennis looked at her for a moment, his mind ticking over. A moment later and he joined his sister out in the main section of the store. As they waited for Alice to finish paying for her selected items, the panther stood close to his sister's side and slipped his hand under the back of the skirt she still wore. Grasping her bare rump, the panther devilishly pushed his middle finger down between her thighs.

"You're a very naughty girl," Dennis said.

"I know," Turquoise replied with an innocent smile.

Innocent Turquoise - Vacation

"This is one town we won't be coming back to for a while," Dennis said with a chuckle. "Did you see the faces on those kids?" Turquoise giggled, "Priceless!" As the train began to pull out of the small town station, the twins watched as three police...

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Dress Code

(you can read about the main character of this piece here []( ) "And that seems to be all we have time for today. Don't forget, next Friday I want your reports on...

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The Temptation of Jared

"Jared!" Nicole called out, waving her arm out of her bedroom window. The 27 year old hare glanced in the direction of his neighbour and swallowed as the first thing he noticed was the large amount of cleavage being shown off by her unbuttoned plaid...

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