Bunny Love: Chapter 11

Story by Rose the Lopunny on SoFurry

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#11 of Bunny Love

Hey, all! I know I haven't continued my first story in a while, but here it is, Chapter 11! Rose had spent a while at the tribe, and finds a couple of familiar pokemon. They reunite, and have a little fun in the night. Have fun!

M Lucario x F Lopunny x M Gallade x F Gardevoir

Rose awoke on her soft dirt bed, feeling a little stiff. When she tried to get up, her legs couldn't move. She looked down and saw her pussy lips were practically purple.

Rose: Mmmm, what happened? Blake: Hey, there's Sleeping Beauty!

Blake had just poked his head through the leaf door curtain with a smile on his face.

Rose: Damn it, Blake, did you really have to apologize that hard? Blake: Haha, yes, yes I did. Laura gave me this for you.

Blake handed Rose a bowl with a purple liquid inside of it.

Rose: What is it? Blake: Laura said that it is a potion to use after events such as last night's. It'll lessen the swelling, and reduce the pain. Rose: Wow, mom's always thoughtful. Blake: Heh, well, I'll go and explore while you rest up, ok honey? Rose: Ok, baby. See you later.

Blake gave Rose a peck on the forehead before leaving. Rose downed the potion, the effects immediately making their presence. Rose just laid back and rested up. A few hours later, she re-awoke to find that she could move her legs again. She slowly got up and decided to see some of her friends again. She was walking around the village when someone yelled out to her.

???: Rose! Hey, Rose! Rose: Huh? Who was that?

Rose turned to the voice to see a male Gallade standing there.

Rose: No way, Gabe?! Gabe: Yep, it's me.

Rose squealed and hugged him hard, Gabe hugging back. Blake saw this and walked over.

Blake: Hey, Rose, you're up. Who's this? Rose: Oh, hey Blake! This is Gabe. He was my boyfriend. Blake: Boyfriend? Gabe: Was?

Rose just went wide-eyed as she realized what she just said.

Rose: Uh, oh boy, this is awkward. Gabe: Let me guess, Blake's your mate? Rose: Yes. I'm sorry I never told you sooner. Gabe: Well...it's no problem. Congratulations. Rose: Really? Gabe: Yeah! In fact, I have something to tell you as well. I've found a mate too! Rose: Congratulations! Gabe: You wanna meet her? Rose: Sure! You coming, Blake? Blake: Why not?

The trio headed to another hut, and inside was a beautiful Gardevoir, making the beds.

Gabe: Serena, I'm home! Serena: Hey, Gabe. Who are these...wait, Rose?! Rose: Serena!

The two girls went giddy, squealing in happiness.

Blake: I take it that you two know each other? Rose: Serena was my best friend while I was still here at the tribe! Serena: Yeah, what happened? Gabe: You were gone for months!

Rose told the story of what had happened over the past months, leaving out the sexier portions of the story.

Gabe: Wow, you two sure are lucky. Serena: Congratulations, you two! Blake: Thank you, Serena. Gabe: Hey, how about the two of you come over for dinner tonight? Serena: We could catch up on what has happened! Rose: Sounds fun! You in, Blake? Blake: Alright!

It was still before noon, so Rose and Blake went around, going back to the lake to see Ty again (sorry, no smexiness this time), and making new friends. Around 5 PM, they went back to Serena and Gabe's hut, where they were welcomed in by a lavish feast.

Gabe: Welcome back! Rose: Whoa, you two made all of this yourself?! Serena: Yep! Don't be shy, dig in!

The foursome started their feast, the food tasting excellent. They chatted all night, finding out about what had happened throughout the time of Rose's absence. It was about 10:30 when Gabe had an idea.

Gabe: Hey, guys, I've got a surprise. Rose: What is it?

Gabe lifted a wooden panel on the ground to reveal a ditch. Inside were coconut shells, cut to leave only about a 1-inch opening in the top. Inside these coconuts was a liquid.

Serena: Ooooh, this'll be fun! Blake: What is that? Serena: Gabe makes his own wine. Rose: Wow, how do you do it? Gabe: It's really simple. Just juice a few berries, put them in the shells, place in a dark hole for a few months, and it ferments itself. I'd say that these are about 140-proof. Blake: Wow, that's pretty strong. Gabe: I've been trying to make a wine made from Tamato berries for a while. Anyone want the first taste? Blake: I'll do it. I love spicy things.

Gabe poured some into another coconut shell, about the size of a sake cup. Blake sipped the wine, and his eyes shot open.

Gabe: So, how is it? Blake: Damn, that's spicy! But it's really good. I can also taste something like Magost berry, too. Gabe: That's right! I put just a little in to counteract the spice. Rose: Not only does Blake have a great nose, but he has a great sense of taste, too.

The four friends drank for a few hours. By the time they were done, they had exhausted 2 shells each. All four of them had a goofy grin on their face.

Gabe: Wow, Rose, you really...you really drank a *hic* lot. Rose: Not as much *hic* as much as you, Blake... Blake: Wadda ya talkin' about, I drank less than Serena. Serena: Yeah, I guess I...I guess I drank a lot, too. Rose: Hey...hey Blake, we never told them...we never told them how we evolved yet. Blake: *drunk laugh* Oh, that was the best... Gabe: How did it...how did it happen? Rose: Well, I...well I heard Blake in his room, peeked in and saw him *hic* saw him beating it off. Serena: No way! Rose: Yes way! I started saying sorry, but he just told me he loved me, and we knew we were the ones. Gabe: Aww. Blake: Yeah, then this slu- *hic* slutbunny dragged me to my room, where we just fucked each other silly! Gabe: Damn, that's hawt. Rose: Blake! Just shut-

Rose stopped in mid-sentence when she saw that Blake was as hard as a rock.

Rose: Uh, Blake... Blake: Huh? Oh!

Blake saw his hardness, but then quickly shifted over to Gabe, who had his hard 9-incher out in the open as well.

Blake: Gabe, you might want to check yourself... Serena: *giggle* Look down, honey.

Gabe gasped out in surprise and quickly covered himself up, blushing furiously.

Gabe: Well, your story was pretty hot. Serena: Well, baby, maybe you could get Rose to take care of that problem for you. Rose, Gabe, and Blake: SAY WHAT NOW?! Serena: *giggle* Hey, I don't mind. No offense, Gabe, but I've been wanting to get at Blake ever since I laid eyes on him. Gabe: Wow, I feel slightly betrayed, but oddly, I'm okay with it. Rose: Same here. Blake?

Blake had already went in and pulled Serena into a deep kiss, which she gladly returned in her drunken stupor. Gabe just stared in awe, until a light tap on his shoulder brought his attention to Rose pulling him into a kiss of her own. Rose and Gabe were the first to break, a small line of drool connecting them.

Rose: Gabe, you don't know how much I've missed you. Gabe: As have I, Rose.

Rose slowly lowered herself until she was in line with Gabe's rod. She slowly licked up its length, making Gabe moan out in bliss.

Gabe: Oh, Rose, you don't know how much I've missed this! Rose: *giggle* Well, I'll be sure to give you some more, then, honey.

As Rose kept going down on her ex, Blake was busy at work pleasing Serena, licking her cunt with fervor under her dress.

Rose: Wow, Blake, you're really good at this!

They continued for a while until Gabe grunted, pulling Rose's head down onto his cock, spewing his thick cum into her throat, which Rose greedily drank down. At the same time, Serena squealed out, drenching Blake's muzzle in her juices. The drinkers sighed out, slowly moving up their partner's bodies. Rose got up and straddled Gabe's crotch, as Blake picked up Serena's slender legs and positioned himself at her cunt.

Gabe: You have no idea how much I have waited for this. Rose: Well, the wait's over honey. Blake: Oh, Serena, you're so beautiful. Serena: You ain't so bad yourself, baby. Rose slowly lowered herself onto Gabe's shaft, its thickness wonderfully stretching her. Blake slowly slid himself into Serena, making them both groan out.

Gabe: Ah, it's just as good as I had imagined! Rose: Same here! Blake: You're so slick, Serena! Serena: Fuck me, lover boy!

They all keep fucking for a few minutes until Blake howls out, knotting in Serena. At the same time, Gabe pulls Rose down hard on his cock, both males spilling cum into their fems. Rose and Blake collapse onto their partners, Gabe slipping out of Rose while Blake is still stuck tight.

Gabe: That was better than I could have ever hoped. Rose: I agree Serena and Blake: Ditto.

Rose slowly gets off of Gabe as Blake pops his knot out of Serena. The four just lie back and rest.

Blake: Uh, Gabe? Gabe: What's up, Blake? Blake: I was wondering...could you please fuck me? Gabe: What?! Blake: Yeah...I'm bi. Gabe:...Sure. Serena and Rose: What the fuck?! Gabe: I'm secretly bi, too. Serena: Well, this is new. Rose: So...did you really love me? Gabe: I didn't know I was bi until after you left, so I did truly love you, Rose. Blake: Well, if you're done, wanna get some of this, stud?

Blake pulled his legs up, exposing his tight pucker. Gabe crawled over and started rimming Blake, stroking him off at the same time. The action by the two bois was getting Serena and Rose hot, so Serena pulled Rose into a kiss, groping her C-cup breasts. Rose returned it, one paw on the Gardevoir's ass, the other groping one of her B-cups. Gabe pulled away from Blake's tailhole, Blake whimpering in want. Gabe positioned himself at the Lucario's tailhole, and slammed in hard, making Blake's cock jump from the jolt of pleasure.

Blake: Oh, Gabe, fuck my ass! Gabe: Heh, you got it, you sexy puppy.

Gabe kept pounding away at Blake's ass, making the canine moan out in blissful pleasure. The girls, on the other hand, had moved on to their lower areas. Their legs were scissored, and they were tribbing their cunts together, upper lips still locked together. They all kept fucking until Gabe gasped and grabbed Blake's haunches, slamming hard one final time into Blake, hilting and spewing his load, coating Blake's insides. That was all Blake needed to cum hard, his cum raining down on him, painting his chest and face. Gabe pulled out of Blake while he was still cumming, painting Blake even further. He fell back onto his ass once he finished, panting hard.

Gabe: Damn, that was amazing. Blake: You have got to be the best male I've had in a while. Gabe: Wanna surprise the girls? Blake: What did you have in mind?

Gabe whispered a plan out to Blake, who giggled and nodded. They slowly crept up behind their mate, as the two fems were still tribbing and kissing. They suddenly groped their mates, slamming into their respective tailholes. Both females gasped out, breaking both of their kisses in shock.

Rose: Blake, what's going on? Serena: What are you doing, Gabe? Blake: Just thought we'd spice up your party a bit. Gabe: Sound alright? Serena: I guess, but I've got one last trick.

Serena focused her psychic powers to move the four of them so that she and Rose were facing each other again, and Blake and Gabe were on their backs, their own legs scissoring. She then conjured up two psychic double didlos, each two feet long, and slammed them all onto them, Rose and Serena getting an end of one in their cunts, Blake and Gabe getting the other one in their tailholes. All four moaned out, the orgy continuing as Rose and Serena bounced on their mate's cocks, pushing toward each other at the same time, causing the dildo to move in and out of their snatches. Blake and Gabe started pushing toward each other, making their dildo slide in their tailholes. They kept fucking for five minutes until the two females screamed out, their pussies spasming around the fake psychic cock in their pussies. Their assholes also clenched hard, making the two males cum hard, their own tailholes clenching on the dildo in their asses. They all came for a while, until Serena couldn't hold the dildos any longer, the phalluses fading out, and the females collapsing onto their mates.

Gabe: Wow that was amazing. Serena: Yeah. Rose: I haven't been fucked that hard in a long time. How was it for you...

Rose had to titter as she saw Blake passed out under her, snoring peacefully.

Gabe: I'll take that as an "I loved it." Serena: It was so nice to see you, Rose. Rose: It was nice to see the two of you, too! Serena: Need somewhere to stay for tonight? Rose: Nah, we got a hut next to my parent's. Gabe: Are you staying here for much longer? Rose: Unfortunately, tonight was our last night. We go home tomorrow. Serena: Aww, I was hoping to chat more tomorrow. Rose: Hey, how about you two come and live with us and Master?! Gabe: Really? Would he take us in? Rose: Yeah! He takes anyone in! Serena: Sounds great. Gabe? Gabe: I love it. Rose: Great! We'll say goodbye tomorrow, and head home. We'll be home in a few days. Gabe: Alright, good night, Rose. Rose: See you in the morning!

Rose picked up Blake and stumbled her way back to their hut, where she heard loud moans and grunts from her parent's hut. She just smiled and placed Blake down on his bed, while she laid down on her's and drifted off to sleep.

Bunny Love: Chapter 12

Our lovers, Blake and Rose, have returned home from visiting Rose's tribe in Eterna Forest, bringing Rose's best friend and ex-boyfriend, Serena the Gardevoir and Gabe the Gallade, back with them. It's been a couple of weeks since their return, and...

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Bunny Love: Chapter 10

We begin with Rose and Blake making their way through Eterna Forest. For those of you who don't know, the duo is attempting to find Rose's tribe, as Rose felt homesick. Blake is following Rose, as she seems that she knows where she's going. However,...

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Bunny Love: Chapter 9

Rose's eyes flutter open, but her morning mood is stopped by a huge pain in her loins. She looks down to see her pussy fairly swollen and red. Rose: Whoa, what just happened to me? Blake: Well, good morning, honey. Rose turns her head to see...

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