Bunny Love: Chapter 12

Story by Rose the Lopunny on SoFurry

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#12 of Bunny Love

Hey all! Next chapter's up! Kyle finally gets some from Rose! And some new friends from the Unova Region come in. Happy fapping!

F Lopunny x F Mienshao x M Human

Our lovers, Blake and Rose, have returned home from visiting Rose's tribe in Eterna Forest, bringing Rose's best friend and ex-boyfriend, Serena the Gardevoir and Gabe the Gallade, back with them. It's been a couple of weeks since their return, and Serena and Gabe have fitted in to their new lifestyle quite nicely. Kyle has helped Gabe with his wine-making, and now sells it to make some money. It's a bright morning when Kyle calls everyone into the field outside his home. All of his pokémon gather around him, and see that he's holding four Pokéballs.

Kyle: Good morning everyone. I suppose that you're wondering what's going on. Well, I have great news. I have just received four new friends from the far-off region of Unova.

Kyle tossed the four balls into the air, and from them popped a female Zoroark, a shiny male Zoroark, a female Zorua, and a female Mienshao.

Kyle: Everyone, these are our new friends. The male Zoroark is Chase. Chase: Hi, everyone! Kyle: The female one is his mate, Zoey. Zoey: How's it going? Kyle: The little Zorua is their daughter, Quinn. Quinn: Hey, I'm not that little! Kyle: And the Mienshao is Sayama. Sayama: Uh...hi... Kyle: Sayama's a little shy, so make sure to talk to her a lot. Now, I leave you all to get acquainted with our new friends!

Kyle walked back into the house, as all of his pokémon crowded around the foreign pokémon. Most of the questions asked were about their region, but most of the pokémon crowded around Zoey and her family. Sayama decided to slip away during the mess. However, Rose and Blake saw her, and decided to follow. The finally saw her sitting on the lakeside gazebo swing, and they decided to introduce themselves.

Rose: Hi there! Sayama: Who's that?! Oh, hi... Rose: I'm Rose, and this is my mate, Blake. Blake: It's a pleasure to meet you. Sayama: Same here... Blake: Are you okay? Sayama: Yeah, just a little shy is all... Rose: Well, don't worry. Just go around and talk to some pokémon. You'll be sure to find some friends. Sayama: I guess. Want to stay and talk for a while? Blake: Sure. Rose: I'm in.

Blake and Rose took a seat on the swing with Sayama, and they started chatting. Sayama revealed that she was a wild pokémon for a while, until she was caught by Team Plasma. She was captured, and subjected to abuse of all kinds, especially sexual. She broke down in tears several times, but Rose and Blake were there to comfort her. They talked for a few hours, until Kyle came back looking for them.

Kyle: Hey Blake, Rose. Blake: Hey master. Rose: What's up? Kyle: Just wanted to let you know that it's lunchtime. Rose: We'll be there in a little bit. Kyle: Ok, you coming, Sayama? Sayama: Ok. Kyle: See you then, guys.

Kyle went back to the house, as the three pokémon kept talking for a little while longer, until their hunger got the best of them. They all went back in, and had a wonderful lunch, where Sayama talked to Kyle a whole lot. The newcomers got the full tour, and were fully acquainted by the end of the day. That evening, Rose had decided to take a relaxing bath at Kyle's indoor Onsen, or hot spring. It's heated up by his Torkoal, Travis. After relaxing, she headed back to her room, but on the way, she passed by Kyle's room, and heard strange noises. His door was slightly ajar, and she couldn't help her curiosity. Once she saw what was going on, she got a big smile on her face.

In Kyle's room, Sayama was on her knees, in front of a nude Kyle, who was sitting on the bed, as she suckled on his cock. Rose was impressed by Sayama's skills, but her wet paws slipped on the wooden floor, causing her to face plant on Kyle's floor. Sayama quickly pulls off of Kyle's dick, diving under his bed in embarrassment.

Kyle: Rose, were you spying on us? Rose: Sorry, master, I heard odd noises coming from here, and had to investigate. Kyle: Well, if you haven't guessed yet, I was just welcoming Sayama in the best way that I know how. Rose: *giggle* Oh, Master. You know, you still haven't done that with me, yet. Kyle: Oh my gosh, you're right! You were just a Buneary when you came in, so it would seem very pedo if I did that with you then! So sorry, Rose. Rose: No problem. Hey, what if you had Sayama and I do it with you together? Kyle: Sounds fun. Sayama?

Sayama was sobbing quietly under the bed, so Rose went to coax her out.

Rose: Sayama, are you okay? Sayama: *sniff* Yeah, just embarrassed. I'm such a slut! Rose: How so? Sayama: I gained all of my skills when I was captured for Team Plasma. I'm such a bit fat whore! Rose: Believe me honey; I'm way more of a slut than you are. Sayama: That's impossible. Rose: Wanna try? Kyle: I like where this is going.

Sayama smirked, and crawled out, dusting herself off. She suddenly pulled Rose into a kiss, which Rose gave back, massaging the feline Pokémon's C-cups. After holding it for a few minutes, Rose broke it.

Rose: Not bad. Sayama: Same here.

They then slyly peered over at Kyle, who was just sitting there, rod hard and ready. The two females dived in, immediately slathering his dick with their saliva, licking the entire thing until it glistened.

Rose: Mind if I go first? Sayama: Not at all.

Rose licked up to the tip of her master's cock, and then suckled slowly on the tip, until moving her how, wet muzzle down the length of it. Sayama, meanwhile, was slowly toying with Kyle's sack in her mouth, rolling the orbs around. Kyle was on cloud nine, getting serviced by two of the hottest species of pokémon. After a while of sucking, Rose pulled off and switched positions with Sayama. Kyle couldn't keep up with the skill level of the two fems.

Kyle: Ladies, I'm cumming!

Sayama quickly pulled off, and Rose joined her facing Kyle's member, as the two of them licked it all over. Kyle grunted out as his seed shot high in the air. The two horny females looked up with closed eyes and open mouths to catch as much of their master's delicious cum as possible. It rained down on them, most of it landing in their mouths. Once Kyle came down from his orgasmic high, he collapse back, as Rose and Sayama pulled each other into a kiss, swapping Kyle's seed between their mouths.

Rose: Impressive. Sayama: You have skill. Kyle: Forgetting someone?

They looked to see that Kyle was still rock-hard, if not more.

Sayama: Whoa! Kyle: Got this stamina from five years of mating with my pokémon. Rose: Very hot. Sayama, want first ride? Sayama: Sure.

Sayama climbed up onto Kyle's crotch, and rubbed her ass on his cock. She lifted herself up, and lowered herself, impaling herself on it in her ass.

Kyle: Sayama, you sure? Sayama: Yeah, I've always loved anal.

Sayama started bouncing on Kyle's dick, moaning out. Rose decided to have some fun, as she quickly sat on Kyle's face, pushing her pussy lips onto his mouth. She then lied down on his chest, and started licking at Sayama's exposed cunt. Sayama gasped in pleasure, and Kyle just started lapping at Rose's hot folds. The three of them kept going until Sayama dropped hard, making Kyle deposit his seed into her stomach. Sayama quickly pulled off once Kyle was done, making Rose whine that she couldn't finish her snack. The Mienshao turned around so that she was facing away from Rose, and dropped her dripping snatch onto Kyle's prick, and pushed her tailhole into Rose's face, seed slowly dripping from it.

Sayama: You don't have to do it if you don't want to. Rose: Are you kidding?!

Rose dove straight in, dipping her tongue in and out of the hole, getting as much seed into her mouth as possible. Sayama groaned out from the sudden intrusion, as Kyle grabbed her legs and thrusted up and down into her cunt. He went back to work on Rose's pussy, drinking the sweet juices that were freely flowing. They kept this up for a few more minutes until they all felt a familiar feeling.

Sayama: I'm cumming!

Sayama's cunt squeezed down on Kyle's cock, her fem cum dribbling down the piece of meat. Her ass also clenched down while Rose's tongue was buried within it, making Rose tear a bit in pain. Kyle moaned out, spraying her seed into Sayama's tight womb. The vibrations make Rose cum hard, making her moan out herself. The trio came for about four minutes, after which Rose pulled her tongue out of Sayama's ass, as Sayama collapsed onto the bed next to Kyle.

Sayama: Wow, master, that was incredible. Kyle: Thanks. And I still got energy left for Rose. Rose: Sounds like a plan. But this time, how about you do the work.

Rose rolled off Kyle, as she got onto all fours, and presented herself to the horny male trainer. Kyle couldn't resist, and got behind the shiny Lopunny. He positioned his cock at her cunt, but quickly switched over to her tailhole, slamming in and making Rose scream out.

Rose: Master, you tease! Kyle: Heh, of course.

Kyle starts pummeling Rose's tailhole, making the bunny's tongue loll out in pleasure. Sayama decided to return the favor to Rose, so she swiftly slipped herself under her, with her pussy facing Rose's muzzle, and Sayama facing Rose's empty snatch. She immediately dove right in, as Rose started doing the same thing herself, tasting even more of Kyle's cum in the tight hole. Kyle soon couldn't hold it in, as he slammed in, shooting wad after wad of hot sperm into Rose's belly. Sayama came hard, squealing into Rose as she drenched the lupine's face in pussy juice. Kyle swiftly pulled out and plunged into Rose's cunt, and Rose was still cumming. Sayama licks all over Kyle's prick, as well as Rose's bud. The Lopunny's eyes start rolling back inside her head from the immense pleasure she's in. Her partners keep the onslaught of pleasure coming, and soon, Kyle slams in one last time, painting Rose's inside's white. Rose can't even scream out; all she does is make weak squeaking noises. Once Kyle finishes, he pulls out, and lay's Rose down on his bed. He checks her pulse, and she seems okay.

Sayama: Do you think we overdid it on her? Kyle: Nah, I've seen worse done to her. Sayama: Ok. Well, I'll see you tomorrow morning, master. Kyle: Actually, would you like to sleep with me tonight? Sayama: Really? Kyle: Yeah, normally, after I finish mating with one of my pokémon, I like to cuddle with them. I'll just get Blake to carry Rose back. Blake: Someone say my name?

Kyle and Sayama see Blake standing there, coyly smiling.

Blake: Geez, my mate has gone through this kind of pounding for over a week already! Kyle: Well, you see it coming, don't you? Blake: Definitely. Well, I'll bring her back to our room then. Kyle: Good night, Blake. Sayama: Good night. Blake: Good night, Sayama. Master.

Blake carries the unconscious Rose back to their room next door. Meanwhile, Kyle has redressed himself and is under the covers with Sayama, cuddling until the two of them fall asleep.

Bunny Love: Chapter 13 1/2

(This chapter takes place during the final scene of chapter 13. These are the events that took place in the other room while the other four screwed each other silly) In the other room, things were heating up as well. The three females were going into...

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Bunny Love: Chapter 13

It's been several weeks since Kyle's Unovan friends came in. In that time, Kyle got several more Unovan species of Pokémon, ranging from a Braviary named Brandon, to a Sawsbuck father and his Deerling daughter, named Steven and Debbie, respectively....

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Bunny Love: Chapter 11

Rose awoke on her soft dirt bed, feeling a little stiff. When she tried to get up, her legs couldn't move. She looked down and saw her pussy lips were practically purple. Rose: Mmmm, what happened? Blake: Hey, there's Sleeping Beauty! Blake had...

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