Bunny Love: Chapter 9

Story by Rose the Lopunny on SoFurry

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#9 of Bunny Love

Hey, all. Sorry for the hiatus. Rose misses her family, so she and Blake set out for a visit. On the way, however, they run into someone, and Rose finds out a secret of Blake's. What is it? Read to find out!

F Lopunny x M Lucario x M Tentacruel

Rose's eyes flutter open, but her morning mood is stopped by a huge pain in her loins. She looks down to see her pussy fairly swollen and red.

Rose: Whoa, what just happened to me? Blake: Well, good morning, honey.

Rose turns her head to see Blake, just sitting in a chair nearby the bed.

Rose: Uhhh, what happened? Blake: Well, to start things off, you caught me fucking Abby, then you joined in, then you insisted that we screw in the shower, and then you came about 15 times in a row, finally passing out until the next day. Rose: Yeah, thanks for the full recap. Blake: Well, I brought you breakfast, and another bag of ice. Rose: Aww, you're so sweet.

Blake just chuckled and gently placed the ice on Rose's swollen cunt, making Rose moan out in slight pain, which was soon replaced my relief.

Rose: Ahhh. You know, Blake, I've been thinking. Blake: Yeah, about what? Rose: About my parents. I wanted to go visit them. Blake: Sure, why not? Master lets us leave whenever we want to. Rose: Yeah, but I wanted you to come with me. Blake: Really? Rose: Yeah. It would be great to let my parents know that I was okay and that I had actually evolved and have a mate. Blake: You know, that sounds nice. I can tell Master if you want. Rose: Could you? Blake: Sure thing, baby. Now rest up. Rose: Okay, honey.

************************************* A few hours later, Rose and Blake are outside Kyle's home, preparing to leave. Kyle and Abby are there, sending them off.

Rose: Well, see you later, Master. Bye, Abby. Abby: Take care, Rose. Kyle: Have fun with your tribe. Rose: I will, and so will Blakey. Blake: Rose! Anyway, see you guys in a couple of weeks. Abby: Ok, see ya later!

Blake and Rose set out toward Eterna Forest, eager to see Rose's tribe.

************************************ After a few hours, we rejoin our lovers, both of whom are by a lake. The sun is setting, and the two are just enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Rose: Oh Blakey, isn't the sunset just beautiful? Blake: Yes Rose, and stop calling me that! Rose: Why, Blaakey? Don't you like that name? Blake: It isn't the worst I've heard, but it gets annoying sometimes, honey. Rose: Fine, I'll stop...Blakey!

And with that Rose cannonballed into the lake, splashing Blake.

Blake: Hey! Rose: Come on in, Blake, the water's fine. Blake: Well, fine honey. I'm coming.

Blake slowly made his way over to Rose, and the duo played for a while. Suddenly, Rose feels something brush up against her leg.

Rose: Come on Blake, stop trying to scare me! Blake: Uh, Rose? I'm nowhere near you.

Rose saw that Blake was about 10 feet away from her. Suddenly, tentacles sprouted up from the water, making Rose scream in terror. 3 of them lashed toward her, but Blake knocked them away with a powerful Aura Sphere. However, Blake was lifted out of the water by a tentacle around his waist, as was Rose. They struggled to get out, but to no avail. They saw a shadow under the water, and when it surfaced, they saw that it belonged to a huge Tentacruel.

Tentacruel: Who dares to partake of my territory?! Blake: Let us go, now! Tentacruel: I don't think so. You must pay the price for coming into my lake without my permission. Rose: Please, Tentacruel, don't hurt us, we'll do anything! Tentacruel: Hmmm, anything you say? I'll make a deal with you. I won't squeeze you to death, if you give me sufficient pleasure.

Rose had to blush at that idea, and quickly nodded.

Tentacruel: Ah, ah, ah. Your mate here has to agree, too. Blake: What?! Rose: Please, Blake, just say yes!

Blake had to think it over for a while, but eventually agreed, but only to save Rose.

Tentacruel: Excellent!

Tentacruel then drops them both back into the lake, quickly putting the two of them into a spread eagle position above the water.

Tentacruel: I think I'll start with the slutbunny.

He quickly extends three tentacles, all of which open up to reveal a hard, pink, 7-inch phallus-shaped appendage.

Rose: Ew, gross!

Tentacruel just jumped at this opportunity and shoved one of his dicks into Rose's unwilling mouth, which she quickly gagged on as it was thrusted in and out of her mouth. She tasted a slimy, salty substance on it, which she expected to be some kind of natural lubricant. She had never mated with a Water-type before, so she wouldn't know. Tentacruel then pointed the other two of his dicks at her lower holes, and slammed both in, causing Rose to scream out in pain and slight pleasure. Blake could only watch in horror as his mate was brutally raped by the squid. Suddenly, he felt something poking at his tailhole. He looked to see another cock pressing against it, quickly sliding in and causing him to cry out in pain. Tentacruel quickly slipped another dick into his mouth, causing Blake to moan out. His prostate was continuously massaged, and his own penis quickly was at full hardness in the air. Tentacruel kept screwing the two of them until the cock in Rose's mouth spewed thin cum straight into her stomach. Rose moaned out as her belly was filled, and once the appendage was pulled out, her stomach looked slightly bulgy.

Tentacruel: So, have you learned your lesson?

Rose's next statmetns would shock him, along with Blake.

Rose: Come on, squiddy, is that all you got, my mate can give me twice the pleasure your lame tentacle pricks can give. Tentacruel: Why you little...

Tentacruel then whipped out two more dicks and plunged one into each of Rose's cunt and tailhole, making her moan out in pure pleasure.

Rose: Now that's more like it, baby! Fuck me with those slimy cocks!

Tentacruel had to smirk at her libido, and gladly gave her the rough fuck she craved. Blake on the other hand, suddenly came, with no stimulation to his cock, moaning out in the shooting cock in his own mouth.

Tentacruel: Hm? Hey bunny, it seems your mate over there ain't so straight after all!

Rose saw Blake shooting his cum into the air, and had to smile at that.

Rose: Blake, were you hiding a secret from me?

Blake just moaned out, as the rod in his ass kept pounding away. A few minutes later, all three pokémon orgasmed, Rose and Blake screaming out, and Tentacruel just grunting. After 5 minutes, Tentacruel lowered the trio back into the shallows.

Tentacruel: Ah, that was the best fuck I've ever given. Thank you. Rose: No problem. Now that we know that you weren't hostile, just horny, what's your name? Tentacruel: Oh! Terribly sorry. The name's Ty. Rose: Well, Ty, I'm Rose and that's my mate, Blake.

Rose had to giggle at what she saw, Blake was on his back, panting, looking more like a beached Wailord more than anything else.

Rose: Speaking of Blake, do you have something you want to say to me? Blake: Well...sorry Rose, but I'm bi. Rose: Really? Blake: Yeah, it's a long story for another time. Right now, I need to rest. Rose: Yeah, me too. Hey Ty, is it okay if we spend the night here? Ty: Not a problem, Rose. And sorry for screwing the both of you so hard. Rose: No problem, honey. You really needed this. Ty: Yeah, there are barely any Tentacruel in this area, so I'm thinking of heading out to the ocean to find a mate. Rose: That sounds like a good plan. Good luck! Ty: Thanks. Actually, after that, maybe I can come back here after we start a family. Rose: That should be fun. I'll be sure to come back for more fun! Ty: Heh, alright Rose. Good night. Rose: Good night, Ty.

Ty then drifted down back to the bottom of the lake, and Rose pulled Blake onto the shore, started a fire, and laid down to sleep.

Bunny Love: Chapter 10

We begin with Rose and Blake making their way through Eterna Forest. For those of you who don't know, the duo is attempting to find Rose's tribe, as Rose felt homesick. Blake is following Rose, as she seems that she knows where she's going. However,...

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Bunny Love: Chapter 8

Rose stirred awake for the third time today, only to feel a fairly painful feeling in her ass, she knew what had just happened, but Blake was nowhere to be seen. She tried to get up, but her legs just couldn't take the pain. She shimmied herself onto...

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Bunny Love: Chapter 7

Rose's eyes fluttered open, having just awoken from the best dream in her life. She had finally told Blake how she felt about him; found out that he liked her back, which led to some of the best sex in her life; culminating in her evolution. She tried...

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