Bunny Love: Chapter 7

Story by Rose the Lopunny on SoFurry

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#7 of Bunny Love

Hey, everyone! New chapter up! A little story on the two lover's pasts. Also, a bit of hot anal sex at the end. Hope you enjoy!

M Lucario x F Lopunny

Rose's eyes fluttered open, having just awoken from the best dream in her life. She had finally told Blake how she felt about him; found out that he liked her back, which led to some of the best sex in her life; culminating in her evolution. She tried getting up, but found that she was held down by something. Something heavy and furry. She turned around to see a face, one of a Lucario. She glanced down her body, but saw that it was that of a Lopunny. She couldn't believe it at first, but a slight pain in her loins sealed the deal: that was no dream, it really happened. She screamed out in happiness, causing Blake to be startled awake.

Blake: What, what, what's going on? Rose: Hello, Blake.

Blake turned around to Rose's voice, but seeing a gorgeous Lopunny instead of a cute Buneary. Same as with rose, he couldn't believe it at first, but seeing his new body, along with the same slight pain, assured him that this was real.

Blake: Rose, what happened? Rose: Don't you remember, you caught me spying on you, and it led to us becoming mates. Blake: Are you serious? Rose: Yes, of course, Blake. We are now officially mated.

Blake couldn't stop from tearing up. He was so happy. The love of his life was now his mate.

Blake: Oh Rose, I love you. Rose: I love you too, Blake.

The two engaged in a passionate kiss, breaking it when they heard a knock at Blake's door. They heard a voice behind the door.

???: Rose, are you okay? Rose: Oh, it's Kyle. My scream of joy must have alerted him. Blake: Well, shall we tell them the good news? Rose: I believe so.

Rose walked to the door, opened it, and suddenly, Abby burst in, looking for anything wrong. She quickly saw Blake and Rose, and couldn't believe it.

Abby: Blake, Rose is that you? Blake: Yes it is, Abby. Abby: Blake, that's the first time I've seen you smile since you got here!

Kyle walked into the room, slightly startled at the two lovers, but he seemed calm.

Kyle: Well, I guess we've got a new couple here.

The lunch bell rang, so the four of them traveled to the dining hall, where everyone was surprised at Rose and Blake's mating. They were practically smothered by the others, all of whom were congratulating them or asking them how it happened. They both calmly stated that it was love at first sight. After lunch, the happy new couple traveled to Kyle's backyard lake, where there was a beautiful gazebo with a chair swing, where the two decided to relax. The couple enjoyed looking at the beautiful lake, seeing all of Kyle's happy water Pokémon frolicking.

Blake: Oh, Rose, you make me so happy. Rose: Actually, that's good, because I want to talk to you. Blake: Oh, about what? Rose: Well, I know why you were so moody when I first got here. Blake: Oh, it was Ariel, wasn't it. Rose: Yeah. I just want to know what happened. Blake: Well, it's hard to talk about, but you're my mate now, and we shouldn't keep secrets from each other.

Blake: Well, I remember that I was born in Route 209, at least, that's what the humans called it. I had a Lucario mother and father, and I was an only child, at least until the incident. Our family was a part of a large tribe, all Lucario. We were not too large a pack, about 50. I was able to fight from the time I was born, but I was still unskilled. I was 1 when it happened. Rose: What happened? Blake: They came. Team Galactic. They ransacked our village, capturing our members left and right. My parents were the village elders, so they did a lot of the fighting, and they were incredibly skilled. My father was first, and he was able to take out several armored vehicles with just one Aura Sphere. Unfortunately, he left his rear open, and was knocked out by a Mach Punch. My mother was angered, and she told me to stay put. I did, and she rushed out to fight. While she wasn't as powerful as my father, she was still incredibly powerful. She fought incredibly hard, but she got hit hard by a Flamethrower, knocking her out.

Blake had to pause here, because he started to tear up.

Rose: It's okay, Blake. Let it all out. It's good to get things off your shoulders.

Blake cried for a while, but he regained his composure, and continued.

Blake: Sorry. Anyway, she was also caught, and I was left to fend for myself. Luckily, my parents taught me an escape route from the forest, should I ever need to use it. I ran as fast as I could, getting away from my tribe. I must have ran for hours, because when I stopped, I was exhausted. It was then that I realized that I was alone. My entire tribe had been captured, and I had no one to turn to, not even my parents. I fended for myself for about a year, using what I had learned to survive initially, and learning new tactics on my own. I eventually found my way into the city, able to find food scraps all over the place. But I still had no one. A little later, I was attacked by Team Galactic grunts. I tried to fend for myself, but I was still not strong enough. I thought I was through, but then a Dark Pulse came rippling through, blasting the 5 around me away. I turned to see a shiny Absol standing there, with a trainer next to her. I passed out from my injuries after that, and when I woke up, I was here with Kyle. I knew I was safe here, but I still needed to find my parents. Rose: What a sad history. I know that you looked for a good two years, but still never found them. Blake: Yeah. I still wonder if they are even alive. Rose: Don't say that. They are strong, just like you. I'm sure that they broke out of Team Galactic headquarters the day they were brought there. I'm sure that they are just fine. Blake: Yeah. You're right. Rose: See, don't you feel better now? Blake: Yeah, I do. What about your life before here? Rose: *meep!* Uh, I'd rather not talk about it. Blake: Come on Rose, I told my tale, now it's your turn. Rose: Haaa, okay, but it's not exactly the cleanest there is.

Rose: Well, I was born right over there in Eterna Forest, to two wonderful Lopunny parents. I was also part of a tribe of about 50, but we had a mix of pokémon. You see, if one of our tribe members ever became mates with a non-Lopunny, both of them were welcome to stay within our tribe. We had members ranging from Zangoose and Blaziken, to even Zoroark, all happy. I was happy, until my 1st birthday. Blake: What happened? Rose: I had wandered away from our tribe, after a great party. It was already dark out, and I wanted to get a drink from our nearby lake. As I bent down to get a drink, I heard a couple of bushed rustling. I turned around to see a pair of yellow eyes, which turned out to belong to a wild Luxray. He approached me, and when I looked down, I saw his huge erection. Blake: Wait, what?! Rose: Yeah, apparently, Buneary females are popular fuck toys. He pinned me on my stomach and thrust his huge cock into my unwilling ass. It hurt so bad, but, somehow, I began to enjoy it. Blake: Wow, such a slutbunny from such a young age. Rose: Blake! Anyway, He humped me until he came, then just took off into the night. I laid there for a few minutes, wondering what just happened. Unfortunately, it happened again. Many more times. Somehow, in all that mess, I became a little bit of an anal slut. I always used the excuse that "my daddy fucks me there every day" in order to preserve my virginity. Hey, what's so funny?

Blake had been keeling over in laughter for a while now.

Blake: I'm sorry, honey, it's just that when you said anal slut, I had to laugh. Rose: Oh? And why is that? Blake: Oh, nothing, it's just that I thought that you were a bit of a slut from when I first met you!

And with that, Blake took off back for the house.

Rose: Come back here you jerk!

Rose took off playfully after her lover, eventually finding him in her room.

Rose: How did you get in here, anyway? Blake: I've been able to pick locks for years. How else did you think I survived on the streets? Rose: Oh you bad boy. Blake: Ahaha. Now, how about we see how much of an anal slut you really are.

Rose giggled, then sexily strolled over to the bed, and started to step onto it.

Blake: Wait, I just had a great idea. Stand on the ground, but bend over onto the bed.

Rose did as Blake asked, giving him a great view of her shapely ass and luscious holes.

Blake: Ahhh, now that's more like it. Now, let's go.

Blake's cock was already at full mast from seeing Rose's dripping cunt, and he bent down and put his muzzle right on her tailhole. Rose meeped when she felt something warm and wet drag itself across her tailhole. Blake began rimming her with gusto, fingering her moist pussy with his thick digits. Rose moaned out loud, feeling pleasure from both her holes. She moaned in disappointment when he stopped rimming her, but squeaked loudly when he pressed the finger he was fingering her with against her anus. It slipped in with little resistance, lubricating the tight hole. He slowly pulled it back out, making Rose moan out. Once he removed it, he stood up and positioned his painfully hard boner at her pucker.

Blake: Get ready, anal slut, for the pounding of a lifetime. Rose: Then take me, lover boy.

Blake smirked and slammed his cock into her ass, making her scream out in slight pain, but mainly pure pleasure. This was her first time taking anal after her evolution, and she loved being pounded by a studly male. And who better than her mate. A sharp pain in her bottom brought her back to reality, and Blake just kept pounding away at her luscious ass. He loved the feeling of his lover's ass clenching around his rod. He pummeled her for almost 15 minutes before he felt the pressure start to build up. He started sacrificing speed for power, slamming into his bunny love as hard as his body could. Rose was in a stupor the entire time, eyes glazed over, tongue lolling, and screaming out in pure unbridled pleasure.

Rose: Oh Arceus, Blake! Pound me! Fuck me like the anal slut I am!

Blake had to chucke at her forwardness, so he started transferring his moves into more sexual means, transferring his Body Slam to only his hips, and using Endure to make it last as long as possible. Rose couldn't take it anymore, and the immense anal pleasure sent her into an amazing orgasm, making her anal ring clench down hard on Blake's cock. Blake whimpered in slight pain, but kept pounding, nearing his own peak. After a few more minutes of intense fucking, Blake felt his knot knocking at Rose's back door.

Rose: Blake, please, knot me. I need to feel it in me!

Blake happily obliged and pushed in, tying his lover's ass, sending both of them into earth-shattering orgasms. They came for a full four minutes before Blake collapsed onto Rose, the two sound asleep.

Bunny Love: Chapter 8

Rose stirred awake for the third time today, only to feel a fairly painful feeling in her ass, she knew what had just happened, but Blake was nowhere to be seen. She tried to get up, but her legs just couldn't take the pain. She shimmied herself onto...

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Bunny Love: Chapter 6

Rose stretches out on a bright, sunny morning. She hops out of bed, stretches out, and heads off to breakfast. It has been a month since her welcoming into Kyle's family of pokémon, and she has made several friends since. Unfortunately, the one pokémon...

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Bunny Love: Chapter 5

Blake the Riolu was in the gym, punching away at a large punching bag, muttering to himself. Blake: Ahhhh! Why can't I get them out of my head!? Blake, of course, is speaking of his parents. He was taken from them at a young age, and he had spent the...

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