Bunny Love: Chapter 6

Story by Rose the Lopunny on SoFurry

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#6 of Bunny Love

Hey, everybody. Sorry for the huge hiatus. I was back at school, so I had no time to write. But here it is, chapter 6. The moment you've all been waiting for, the two lovers finally meet. This must be my best chapter yet, so please enjoy.

M Riolu x F Buneary, M Lucario x F Lopunny

Rose stretches out on a bright, sunny morning. She hops out of bed, stretches out, and heads off to breakfast. It has been a month since her welcoming into Kyle's family of pokémon, and she has made several friends since. Unfortunately, the one pokémon she still has yet to befriend is Blake. The Riolu wasn't as mopey as he was as when she met him, but he still seemed lonely, and she could never find the time to talk to him. But she promised that today, she would finally get some alone time with him. After breakfast, Rose went in search of Blake. She ventured to the gym, to see if he was working out his frustration again, but he wasn't there. Suddenly, she heard a groan from the locker rooms. She peeked inside, and saw that there was no one there, so she crept inside. As she neared the sauna room, the noises got louder. One of the sauna room doors was open just a hair. Rose slowly crept up to the door, peeked inside, and couldn't help but gasp at what she saw.

There was Blake, the normally sad Riolu, with a raging hardon, beating it with all his might. Rose was instantly turned on by her crush's erotic display. So much so, that she instantly started rubbing herself while spying on Blake. The smell of Rose's pheromones wafted through the room, turning both of them on, but Blake was too lost in pleasure to notice it. They both kept it up for several minutes, until Blake tensed up, cumming hard.

Blake: Ah, Rose!

When Rose heard that comment, she immediately froze. He had yelled out her name as he came. He really liked her. Hearing him call out her name gave her an enormous orgasm. Suddenly, her legs gave out from underneath her, and she fell forward, knocking the door open in the process.

Blake: Ah! Rose?! Rose: No, Blake, I can explain! Blake:...Actually, it's good that you are here. Rose: Huh? Blake: I know this isn't really the best situation to say this, but...Rose, I think I love you.

Finally hearing that from the love of her life, Rose's heart skipped a beat.

Rose: You...you really mean that? Blake: Yes. Ever since I saw you, I thought that you were the most beautiful pokémon I had ever seen. From your beautiful fur, to your amazing personality, I think that you are a thing of true beauty. I just wished I had told you sooner. I...I mean that...

Rose quieted him with a paw to the lips.

Rose: Shhh, Blake. Enough talking. Just...this...

And with that, she pressed her lips to his in the most passionate kiss of her life. Blake gasped at her forwardness, but quickly recovered and returned the passion as strong as she gave it. The shared this passionate moment for a few minutes before Rose reluctantly pulled back.

Rose: Oh, Blake, I love you too. I know about what happened to your parents, and I am truly sorry. But I know that deep down, you just need a friend. I want to be more than just your friend. Blake...will you be my mate? Blake: Yes, yes, a thousand times yes, Rose!

Rose then tackled Blake to the floor, kissing him once again. Suddenly, she felt something hard poking at her stomach. She looked down, and smiled smugly at Blake.

Rose: Well, I see someone's excited. Blake: Huh? Oh! Well, how couldn't I, when there is such a sexy fem on top of me? Rose: *giggle*, oh, just shut up.

Rose sultrily slid down Blake's body, her fur rubbing up against his rock-hard cock as she did, elicting moans from the Riolu. Once she got face to face with what she wanted, she smiled coyly.

Rose: Hmmm, I think it's time we indulge in our first time as mates. What do you say? Blake: Wait, I know you want to, but how about we go somewhere more private? Rose: Lead the way.

The newly-mates walked hand in hand to Blake's room, where the Rose quickly shut and locked the door behind them. The two then made their way onto Blake's bed, and once again locked into a deep kiss. Rose broke it, and moved down to Blake's now hidden cock. They couldn't have walked back to his room if he had that out in the open, right? She found his fuzzy ballsack, and proceeded to lick them, smelling his intense musk. Blake moaned out, the tip of his member peeking out. Rose saw it, and immediately swallowed it down, making Blake yell out in pleasure. She immediately started using the tactics she had learned on the pokémon that used her while she was wild, and Blake was immediately impressed.

Blake: Wow, Rose, you are incredible. How did you get so good? Rose: Well, when you're a female Buneary, a few wild males are bound to attempt to have some fun with you. Blake: Hehe, you slutbunny.

Rose had to giggle at that comment, and went back to sucking on Blake's rod. Rose's experience soon had Blake by the balls (no pun intended) and ready to cum.

Blake: Ah, Rose, I'm gonna cum!

Rose deepthroated his entire cock, sending Blake into an earth-shattering orgasm. He shot glob after glob of salty-spicy cum into Rose's throat. Rose savored the taste, moaning around his cock, milking it for all she could. Once Blake calmed down, Rose pulled off his cock, swallowing what cum was left in her mouth.

Rose: Wow, I have never tasted cum like that before. Why was it spicy? Blake: I love spicy food, so I guess that translated into spicy cum.

Rose giggled again, and soon bent over on her hands and knees.

Rose: Come on, little Riolu, take my ass for a ride.

Blake couldn't say no to such an invitation, and was soon behind Rose. He peered in between her legs, and saw a beautiful pink slit and puckered anus. He moved in and started to lick her dripping cunny, making Rose squeal in pleasure and excitement. After licking for a while, he moved up and started rimming her tailhole. Rose gasped, as it was a foreign feeling to her. After it was sufficiently lubed up, Blake lined up with her slit.

Rose: Blake, wait. Blake: What is it? Rose: Please, I want to save that for last. I'm still a virgin there, and I want to make sure that it is special.

Blake nodded and moved up so that he was lined up with her pucker. He placed the tip of his cock up to the hole, making Rose moan in pleasure. He gently pushed, and thanks to the great lubrication, the head of his prick slipped in, making both lovers yell out. Blake slowly eased himself in, and once he was fully in, he paused to let Rose adjust to his thickness. After a couple of minutes, Rose turned her head back, and nodded to him. Blake started to slowly remove his cock until there was just the head in, and then he slammed back in. He then started pummeling Rose, and she loved every second of it.

Rose: Ah! Ah! Ooo, Blake, for being a first timer, you really know what you're doing!

Actually, Blake had done it only once before. It was here, at Kyle's. He was doing a female pokémon who was in heat. But that's for another story. Blake continued to pound Rose's ass, feeling his knot grow. Soon, it was slamming against her tailhole, begging for entry.

Rose: Don't knot me. I want to get straight to the real thing after this.

Blake understood, and slammed in one last time, cumming deep into Rose's ass, setting off her own orgasm. After a couple minutes of cumming, Blake pulled out, and the two collapsed next to each other. Suddenly, both of them started to glow brightly. The glowing intensified, and after a large flash, a miracle had occurred.

Blake and Rose were still there, but they had evolved. For mates, what better way is there to show friendship than hot, sweaty sex? Rose had evolved into a gorgeous Lopunny, with a shapely ass, C-cup breasts with perky nipples, and a new gorgeous coat of fur. Blake was now a studly Lucario, with fairly large muscles, a striking face, and 9 inches of pure meat. The two opened their eyes, and were stunned to see what had happened.

Blake: Rose, we evolved! Rose: Yeah, I know! Blake: Wow, Rose, I thought you couldn't get any more beautiful than you were, but I have just been proved wrong. Rose: *giggle* Well, you ain't too bad looking yourself, honey.

Rose then pulled Blake into another deep kiss, but this time, she started feeling lightheaded while they were together. She guessed that she had finally had her first true kiss. The separated, and Rose saw Blake's new bone (pun intended), and her eyes lit up.

Rose: Ooooh! That's a big bone you've got there. Blake: Well, maybe I should bury it somewhere safe.

Rose had to break out in laughter after that, but she quickly calmed down and laid down on her back. Blake slowly climbed on top of her, and once he was face to face with his love, he just had to smile. They shared a quick kiss, and Blake lined up his cock with Rose's new snatch. He slowly eased his way in, and Rose suddenly screamed.

Blake: Rose, what's wrong? Rose: Nothing, it's just that I'm so excited that we're actually doing this.

Blake had to chuckle, then continued easing himself in, Rose sighing in pure bliss. Suddenly, Blake hit a barrier. Rose felt it, and looked at Blake, nodding to him. He nodded back and slowly pulled out a little.

Blake: Before we do this, are you sure this is what you want? Rose: Yes, Blake. I have never been surer of anything in my entire life. Blake: Alright, my love. On 3. 1...2...3!

And Blake thrusted in, shattering Rose's cherry, burying himself deep within her. Rose screamed out in pain, and teared up a little. Blake combed his paw through her fur, whispering to her.

Blake: Don't worry, honey, I won't move until you've recovered.

Rose nodded, and after a few minutes of recovery, she nodded for him to continue. Blake then slowly started to move his hips back and forth, making Rose moan out in pleasure. She had waited her whole life for this moment, and she couldn't believe who she was spending it with. She started pushing back on his hips, making him chuckle and start thrusting faster. Rose started panting, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Blake was panting as well. The incredible tightness around his cock was almost too much for him. He started moving faster and faster, making Rose scream out in pleasure. She pulled him into one more kiss, sharing the passion of their first time with one another. Blake feels his knot forming again, knocking at her entrance. Rose breaks the kiss and moans out.

Rose: Please, Blake, tie me. I want to feel your entire cock in me now!

Blake slammed in one final time, tying with his mate, sending baby Riolu into her currently infertile womb. The feeling of her first vaginal tying, combined with the feeling of his seed spurting into her, gave her the biggest orgasm ever, milking him for all he's worth. They cum for a full 3 minutes before Blake collapses onto Rose, the two of them panting in a hot, sweaty heap. Blake slowly looks up at Rose, and the two break out in laughter.

Rose: Oh, Blake, I love you. Blake: I love you too, Rose.

The new couple cuddles together and falls asleep, still tied together.

Bunny Love: Chapter 7

Rose's eyes fluttered open, having just awoken from the best dream in her life. She had finally told Blake how she felt about him; found out that he liked her back, which led to some of the best sex in her life; culminating in her evolution. She tried...

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Bunny Love: Chapter 5

Blake the Riolu was in the gym, punching away at a large punching bag, muttering to himself. Blake: Ahhhh! Why can't I get them out of my head!? Blake, of course, is speaking of his parents. He was taken from them at a young age, and he had spent the...

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Bunny Love: Chapter 4

It was a beautiful morning, and Rose the Buneary awoke from a pleasant dream to the crowing of Kyle's Dodrio, Davin. She jumped out of bed, stretched her legs, and went to go wash up. Rose had quickly taken to living in a human's home, learning the...

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