Bunny Love: Chapter 4

Story by Rose the Lopunny on SoFurry

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#4 of Bunny Love

Hey, all! Here's chapter 4! It's still adult, but a little less graphic, as it is only female masturbation. Rose wants to talk to Blake about his parents, but she ends up doing what any Buneary would do when spying on a hot mon alone. Read on and have fun!

F Buneary solo

It was a beautiful morning, and Rose the Buneary awoke from a pleasant dream to the crowing of Kyle's Dodrio, Davin. She jumped out of bed, stretched her legs, and went to go wash up. Rose had quickly taken to living in a human's home, learning the basics in just 2 days. She finished getting ready, and after a delicious breakfast, she decided to explore. Her new master's home could have passed off for a high-end pokémon daycare, having everything a pokémon could need to live in the lap of luxury, from an Olympic-sized pool, to a fully stocked kitchen. Rose had visited many places, but one she wanted to save was the gym. This was because she knew that her heartthrob, a Riolu named Blake, always spent the time after breakfast to work out there, and she was waiting for the right time to talk to him. She knew that Blake was a sad sack to everyone who knew him, and she knew why, too. Blake had been taken from his parents at a young age. After being caught by Kyle, he was allowed to leave and attempt to find his parents. But after several years of searching, he never found him. But Rose thought that seeing him and talking to him could cheer him up. She ventured past the bedrooms of other pokémon (hearing a few muffled moans from many) and went to the gym. When she got there, she saw everything an athletic pokémon would need to stay in shape: exercise equipment, sport equipment, even a full-sized basketball court. But she also noticed that there was no one in there. She decided to see if Blake was here.

Rose: Hello? Blake? Is anyone here?

After searching for a few minutes, she saw Blake, hitting hard on a large punching bag. She didn't want to disturb him, so she hid behind a rack of towels, and spied on her love in silence. While he was working out, Rose got a few glimpses of his muscles. For a Riolu, Blake was seriously buff. Rose could tell his strength by how far the bag swung with just one hit. Seeing her man candy like this started to turn her on. She felt herself getting a little bit wet. After peeking around to see that there was no one else around, she lied back against the wall, and peered through the towels, still watching Blake, while her petite paw slowly drifted down between her legs. She gasped a bit when her paw made contact, and saw Blake turn his head in her direction. She quickly made herself as small as possible to hide herself. When she saw Blake go back to his workout, she resumed her voyeur. She started to rub her fairly swollen clit first, enticing a few small moans. She then moved her other paw down and rubbed her pink outer lips, which were showing past the layer of fur down south. She made a moan that seemed a little too loud, so she quickly stopped to see if Blake heard her. When she saw that he was still focused on the punching bag, she returned to her alone time. She stuck two fingers into her dripping snatch, having to stifle a fairly loud squeak. She pistoned her fingers in and out of her pussy, he upper paw rubbing furiously at her clit. She knew she needed more, so she looked around. She found a small barbell bar with no weights. It was smooth all over, with a taper on both ends, and was about 4 inches long. After liberally lubing it up with her saliva, she placed the rod at her asshole, and slowly pushed it in. Being in an air conditioned room, the bar was fairly cold, and Rose had to quiet a loud moan as the cold metal touched her warm insides. Once 3 of the four inches were inside her, Rose began to piston it in and out of her tailhole, while still rubbing her clit and watching Blake. Seeing his rippling muscles didn't help her libido, and after just a few minutes of playing, she felt a strong orgasm stirring. As she got close, she jabbed her entire paw into her cunt, and the bar all the way in, and amazingly quieted a loud scream as she came hard. Her cum shot out around her paw, and it continued to do so for about 3 minutes. Once she came down, she pulled he paw out of her dripping snatch, but she was then facing a dilemma. Since Rose had stuffed the bar all the way into herself, she had no way of grabbing it. She started panicking, hoping that no one would see her. She thought that the best way to get it out would be as if she were taking a dump: just squeeze the rod out. She pushed as hard as she could, and it started to move. It took her a full five minutes of pushing to get one inch out. She then grabbed onto it and pulled it out of her. Having the rod in for so long made her feel a little empty once it was out of her. She then peered out through the towels again to see if Blake was still there. Unfortunately, it seemed that Blake had left. She sighed to herself and left, sad that she couldn't talk to him.

Bunny Love: Chapter 5

Blake the Riolu was in the gym, punching away at a large punching bag, muttering to himself. Blake: Ahhhh! Why can't I get them out of my head!? Blake, of course, is speaking of his parents. He was taken from them at a young age, and he had spent the...

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Bunny Love: Chapter 3

Rose, Gavin, and Evan stroll along together to the large dining room, where they saw at least 50 other pokémon already seated. They had just recovered from a steamy session with one another, and they were almost late. Rose: Whoops! Sorry guys, I think...

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Bunny Love: Chapter 2

Rose the shiny Buneary is crying inside her pokéball. Rose: _thinking_: Why, why, why?! Why did I have to get captured? This is all because I'm just a big, stupid, slutbunny. I can't do anything right. Now momma and papa will get worried and...

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