Bunny Love: Chapter 2

Story by Rose the Lopunny on SoFurry

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#2 of Bunny Love

Hey, all! Chapter 2 is up! Oh, and I forgot in my last one: I do not own pokemon. Pokemon is the excluseive property of Nintendo. Blah Blah Blabbity Blah. Who realy cares about the disclamier. Now read and get your rocks off!

F Buneary x M Eevee x M Growlithe

Rose the shiny Buneary is crying inside her pokéball.

Rose: thinking: Why, why, why?! Why did I have to get captured? This is all because I'm just a big, stupid, slutbunny. I can't do anything right. Now momma and papa will get worried and frightened. Why should I...

Rose was suddenly cut off mid thought when she saw a light. It turned red, and when it disappeared, she was in a house. She could see other pokémon frolicking around. Some of them were a Linoone, a Ninetales, a Raichu, a couple of Shinx and their Luxray dad, and many more. She was then startled when she heard a voice behind her.

M. Voice: Hey, there, welcome home.

Rose turned around to see a teenage boy, roughly 5' 8", with black hair and glasses. He was wearing a trainer's uniform (Author's note: if you can't visualize, think of the basic uniform for the trainer males in HGSS). He had a medium build, and was holding a Luxury Ball. The boy leaned down and looked straight at Rose.

Male Trainer: Hey there, what's your name?

Rose pulled up her waist fur, a basic sign on shyness for Buneary. This trainer was handsome, even if he was a human. Even though he knew he couldn't understand her, Rose was able to stutter out..

Rose: H-h-hi. M-my n-n-name is r-r-Rose.

To her surprise, the trainer responded:

Male Trainer: Rose, huhh? Well, my name is Kyle. Rose: What? You can understand me? Kyle: Why yes, yes I can. I have been able to understand pokémon from a young age. That's why I became a trainer. Sorry for capturing you on such a sudden note. I just saw you in the clearing. While you were covered in sweat and cum, I thought you were one of the cutest pokémon I ever saw. Rose: But I have a family, you know. Kyle: Don't worry. All of my pokémon are free to venture out whenever they wish, and can see their families, if they are not already here. So feel free to leave whenever you wish, and stay away for as long as you like. Rose: Really? Wow, I thought humans only abused pokémon. Kyle: Oh, I would never do such a thing! I see pokémon as equals of humans. They are some of the most beautiful creatures in existence. I treat my pokémon as if they were humans themselves. How about I get one of my friends to give you a tour? Rose: Wow, thanks! Kyle: Well, alright then! Abby!

Within seconds a shiny Absol appeared next to Kyle.

Abby: Yes, Master? Kyle: Abby, say hello to our newest friend, Rose. I want you to give her the full tour of the house, OK? Abby: Yes, Master. Come on, Rose, jump on my back. Rose: Well..okay!

And with that the two females left on Rose's tour. Kyle stood behind them, watching Abby's shapely ass sway from side to side.

Kyle: Man, I'm a lucky guy. F. Voice: Oh Maaaasterrr!

Kyle turned around just in time to see a blur of red jump up and tackle him. The blur turned out to be his Blaziken, Katrina, who was now snuggling up against him, pressing her C-cups against his chest.

Kyle: Hey there, Katrina. *smooches her on the beak* Katrina: *giggle* Good afternoon, Master. What do you say to some quality time together? *reaches into his pants and rubs his cock* Kyle: Mmmm. I say yes. Let's go to your room.


Back with Abby and Rose, the two are headed down a hall with plenty of pokémon playing.

Abby: This hallway has all of our rooms. Each pokémon either rooms with his or her family, can have a private room, or can bunk with another pokémon, so long as both are okay with it and are the same gender.

Rose: Why the same gender?

Abby: We're pokémon. If the female goes into heat, and the male is of the same egg group...

Rose: Ohhh, now I get it.

Once they passed the rooms, they passed an through a door, which led to an open walkway with a view of a large yard, where many pokémon were playing as well.

Abby: Master owns this entire plot of land. All of his pokémon are free to play out her as they wish. As you can see, they are free to come and go, as Eterna Forest is right over there. Rose: Hey, that's my home! Abby: Wow, I came from the Hoenn region. It's a good thing my parents were brought here along with me. Come and visit us any time!

After passing through another door, Rose smelled something wonderful. She saw a kitchen, where several pokémon were working to prepare food.

Abby: As you can see, this is the kitchen area. Those of us who have cooking skills can help out here. Dinner is in a couple of hours, so I guess that that's what they're preparing.

After a few more places, Abby stopped and let Rose off of her back. After stretching a little bit, she talked to Rose.

Abby: So, Rose, how do you like it here? Rose: I love it! And it's so great that it's close to home! Abby: I'm glad. Well, I have to go and take care of a few things. Feel free to meet other pokémon! Rose: I will; thanks!

And with that, Abby left Rose to explore. Rose decided to start at the bedrooms. She hopped over there, where she immediately started playing with a few young baby pokémon, such as a Pichu, a Happiny, and an Azurill. After about a half hour of playing, she hopped down the hall. Near the end, she heard groaning. She wondered what it could be. It seemed to come from the room that was right next to her. She gently tiptoed over there, and saw that the door was open a crack. She peered inside to find something that would shock her.

Rose saw a Growlithe and an Eevee playing, but not in the conventional way. Growlithe had mounted Eevee, and had his doggie dick inside Eevee's ass. Rose could clearly see a cock on Eevee. She was witnessing two horny male dogs going at it, and it made her wet. Luckily, no one else was in the corridor with her, so she started to rub herself. The moaning didn't really help, and she rubbed harder. Once she saw the Growlithe cum into the Eevee, she lost it. She stifled a scream as she came. But she suddenly lost her balance and pushed the door open, falling face-first onto the floor. The two canines stopped what they were doing and looked at the bunny.

Rose: Owww. Oh! I'm sorry! Please don't tell anyone I was spying! Please please please don't!

The two dogs looked at each other, then smiled somewhat evilly. They both faced Rose.

Growlithe: Don't worry, we won't tell anyone. I'm Gavin, and this is my mate, Evan. Evan: Nice to meet you. Rose: Uh..you too. I'm sorry for spying on you. It's just that..

Gavin suddenly placed a paw on Rose's mouth quieting her.

Gavin: Shhhh. No talking. Just, this....

And Gavin suddenly pulled Rose in to a deep kiss. This caught Rose off guard, but she wasn't complaining. She returned the kiss tenfold, and Gavin eagerly matched that. After about a minute of kissing, they released it. Suddenly, the door behind them clicked and was locked. Rose turned around to see a smug Evan sitting by the door, cock rock solid.

Rose: Oh, I see where this is going. Sure, I'll fuck with you guys, but on one condition. Gavin: Oh, and what's that? Rose: I only do anal and oral. I'm saving my virginity for the one guy I know I'll spend my life with. That okay with the two of you? Evan: I'm not complaining. Gavin: Me neither. Rose: Great! Then let's get started. Come here, big boys...

Rose then got on all fours and presented her waiting ass to the two hounds. They decided that Gavin would get her ass first, so he mounted her and pushed his 4-inch dick into her.

Rose: Ooooo! It's so big! I love it! Gavin: Aaahh! You ain't too bad yourself! Damn, your ass is tight!

Evan just sat on the side, wagging his tail, his 5-inch cock waiting. He then saw Rose turn her head around and smiled at him.

Rose: Come over here, my slutty puppy, I want to taste your seed.

Evan couldn't control himself as he ran over to Rose's head and mounted her back. His cock right at her mouth, Rose eagerly sucked it in and started suckling on the hard bone (no pun intended).

Evan: Damn, girl! You have mad head skills!

Rose had to smile at that as she was spit roasted by two bi puppies. As Gavin slammed into her ass, Evan did the same to her face. They both got into the same rhythm, and soon Rose was being lifted as they slammed and dropped as they pulled out. As they fucked, Rose felt both of their knots growing. The chain lasted for a good 5 minutes until Gavin suddenly slammed into Rose, leaving his knot out, causing her to deepthroat Evan, minus his knot as well. All three of them spontaneously came, cumming hard for at least 5 minutes. After it ended, Both pooches pulled out of their lovely bunny, who fell sideways onto her back and panted for joy.

Rose: Wow, boys, that was fantastic. But, I think I have one more round in me. How about the two of you switch places? But this time, I want you both to knot me. Even you, Evan. I want to feel a knot up my ass. You both up for it?

Gavin and Evan nodded furiously, causing Rose to giggle. She rolled back over as the two males went to their respective holes. Suddenly the two horny hounds mounted her and slammed into their holes. The group repeated itself as before.

Evan: Damn, Gavin, I can tell why you were so vocal. Her ass is amazing! Gavin: Yeah, and her muzzle ain't too bad neither.

The threesome continued until Evan and Gavin both felt a familiar feeling. They slowed down their thrusting, but doubled their power. Each hit caused Rose to almost slip into unconsciousness, with each one bringing her back as well. Suddenly, both bois slammed hard, Rose's mouth opening to accomadate Gavin's knot, and her tailhole to accommodate Evan. The feeling of being double knotted made her scream around Gavin's cock, her stomach being filled with two kinds of cream. After a good 5 minutes of cumming, the boys turned around as they always do after a knotting. But this time, Rose was lifted off of the ground, being locked by the two bulbs in her. The boys saw this and had to laugh, and Rose had to giggle too around Gavin's cock. After a good half-hour, their knots were finally small enough to pull out of Rose. Rose stretched her stiff jaw after being stuck with that knot in there, and once she had recovered, she thanked the boys.

Rose: Wow boys, that was the best fuck I've had in my three years of life. Gavin: No problem, Rose, you were the best we've both had in a long time. Evan: Same here.

The three shared a passionate kiss. Then a bell rang suddenly, breaking their union.

Rose: What was that? Evan: Oh, that's just the dinner bell. It's time to eat. Rose: Oh, good, 'cause I'm famished after the fuck!

The three had to laugh at that comment, and after cleaning up, they left for dinner.

Bunny Love: Chapter 3

Rose, Gavin, and Evan stroll along together to the large dining room, where they saw at least 50 other pokémon already seated. They had just recovered from a steamy session with one another, and they were almost late. Rose: Whoops! Sorry guys, I think...

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Bunny Love: Chapter 1

The morning sun filters through the trees in the Eterna Forest. Pokémon of many species are already frolicking throughout the wilderness. But one pokémon catches our eye. It is an adorable female shiny Buneary. She gracefully bounced around in the...

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