Christmas Eve with my Daddy

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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Ok, a little bit late but not too late! My Christmas Special. A story about my Christmas Eve with my daddy :) Please note, this has nothing to do with my Valentine's Special.

Starring: Princess Gideon the Fox Kit(Me) and Spritz Odeur the Skunk(My daddy)


It was a cold night and the snow was coming down relentlessly, but by the way the kit who sat next to the fireplace in a modest sized home was acting, you wouldn't believe the weather was bad. "Daddy!" he whined, poking at the skunk with his little orange paw. "You said you'd make me some hot chocolate!"

The skunk standing in front of the kit chuckled as he rearranged the ornaments on the Christmas tree. "I will, once I fix what you did to the tree."

"I didn't do nuffin to it!" the kit said innocently, "it was the elves!"

"What elves?" the skunk asked, grinning down at the little fox kit who was now trying to think of an answer. "Uh huh," he said, "that's what I thought."

The skunk put one last ornament on the tree then bent down and picked up the fox kit, dressed in a pink skirt, a pink shirt, two pink bows, and to top it all off, a pink diaper. "Let's go get Princess Gideon some hot chocolate." the skunk said, nosing at the kit's cheek.

"Yay!" the kit squealed happily, wrapping his arms around the skunk's neck. "Wuv wu daddy!" he said, giggling and burying his face in the skunk's fur.

The skunk chuckled and gave the diapered kit's bum a few pats as he walked into the kitchen. He put the kit down and filled a tea kettle with water before putting it on the stove. He sat at the table as he waited for the water to heat up. "So kit," the skunk said, wrapping an arm around the little fox and pulling him against him. "Do you know whos coming tonight?"

"Ummm..." the kit said, thinking really hard before he remembered what day it is. "Santa Claus!" He squealed out.

"Yuup," the skunk said, poking the kit on the nose and grinning when the kit wrinkled his nose. "And if you don't go nini, he won't come to the house!"

"Den I go nini now!" the kit said, bouncing up out of his spot, but getting pulled back by the skunk. "Noope," he said with a chuckle, nuzzling at the kit's cheek. "You asked me for hot cocoa!"

The kit whined in the skunks arms and said, "I no want it no mores!"

The skunk chuckled and said, "But I already put it on!"

The kit whined, "But Santa will come faster if I go nini!"

"But you wanted hot cocoa!" the skunk said.

The baby resigned with a whine, slumping in the skunks arms and submitting to the nuzzles of the big skunk. "Did you tell Santa what you wanted when I took you to sit on his lap?" the daddy skunk asked, tickling the kits belly.

The kit giggled and nodded his head. "Yup!"

"Did he say you've been a good girl this year?" the skunk asked.

"Umm..." the kit said, trying to remember, whimpering when he couldn't.

"It's alright kit," the skunk said, nuzzling at the top of the cute little kit's head again, "Santa knows you've been a good little girl this year."

The kit sighed in relief and slumped into his daddy again. When the kettle started to boil the skunk stood up as the kit covered his little ears. When the skunk noticed he chuckled again as he poured the hot water over some chocolate powder(with an ice cube or two) and stirred it in. "Uncover your ears you goofball," he said, batting his tail at the kit's head.

The kit giggled and took the mug from the skunk, "Tank wu!" he said, taking a big drink from the mug, being very careful not to spill any of it.

"You're welcome kit kit." The skunk said.

The kit finished taking a drink and said, "You not gonna hab any?"

The skunk chuckled and waited for the kit to finish another drink before leaning over and licking some chocolate off of the kit's cheek. "I'll have mine when I lick your face clean after you're done."

The kit giggled and went back to gulping down his hot chocolate, trying his hardest to keep from spilling any of the brown liquid onto his pink shirt. When he was done, he slammed the mug down and gave his daddy a big grin, said, "All done!" and threw his paws up in the air.

The skunk chuckled and looked inside the mug, "Yes you are you little guzzlegut."

The kit blushed and held out his arms to the skunk, "Nini time!" he said.

The skunk chuckled and said, "First you gotta get a bath!"

"Nuu!" the kit said, "No baff! Just ninI!"

"But you gotta have a baff!" the skunk said, using his best 'it's so obvious' voice. "Santa doesn't come to little girls who don't bathe!"

"Yes he does!" the kit argued.

"Nu uh!" the skunk said, nosing at the kit as he carried him up to the bathroom.

"Uh huh!" the kit said.

"Gideon," the skunk said as he stepped into the bathroom, "we can argue about it all night, but in the end, you know who is going to win."

"Me!" the kit said, bonking the skunk on the nose.

The skunk smacked lightly at the kit's paw and said, "No. Me. And hitting isn't nice."

The kit whined but let his daddy strip him down to just his diaper and then sit him on the toilet as he waited for the bath tub to fill up. When that was filled with warm water, the skunk picked the kit up and stripped him of his diaper, wiping him down with a vanilla wipe and wrinkling his nose. "You needed a diapee change anyways." The skunk said.

The kit blushed and whined as the skunk put him into the bath tub and smiled as he splashed the kit gently. The kit whined and said, "Why you splash me?"

"Cause," the skunk said, sticking his tongue out at the kit as he got some shampoo and started to rub it into the kit's headfur. The kit whined as the skunk cleaned him and the skunk batted at his nose, "Oh stop," he said, going back to cleaning the kit, making sure to rub the shampoo into all of his fur, turning the kit's head into a bubbly white glob.

Gideon giggled and held his nose before going underwater. The skunk rolled his eyes and said in a highly exagerated voice, "Where oh where did my kit kit go?"

"Wight here!" the kit said, standing up out of the water really sudden and getting the skunk all wet. The kit giggled and covered his muzzle with his paw, "Sowwy daddy."

"Mhmm..." the skunk said, wrapping a towel around himself so that no more water would get on him before going back to washing the kit, rubbing the shampoo into the kit's fur extra hard now.

The kit whined and flattened his ears against his head as his daddy scrubbed his body. "Owie! Dat hurts!"

"Oh shush," the skunk said, batting lightly at his kit's nose.

The kit kept whining until the skunk pulled the plug on the tub and took the kit out, wrapping him in a nice, fluffy white blanket and rubbing the water out of his fur. The kit whined the entire time, and when the skunk was done torturing the kit, he pulled the towel away and held a mirror in front of the kit. "You're a puffball."

The kit saw himself in the mirror and giggled and then got into the drawer beneath the sink and thrust a pink hairbrush up at the skunk, "Bwush me pwease!"

The skunk chuckled and took the brush, putting it to the kit's head and dragging it slowly down his back, pressing it hard and listening to the kit's happy murrs as his fur was brushed down his back. "You know," the skunk said, nosing at the top of the kit's head as he brushed him, "I love the sounds you make when I brush you. They're so cute."

Gideon blushed and tried to stop, but he couldn't help himself and went back to murring happily as the brush scratche through his fur. The skunk kissed him on the cheek and said, "All done!"

Gideon turned around and held up his arms, "Time to get dwessed?" he asked happily as the skunk picked him up.

"Yup," the skunk said, walking across the hallway to his bedroom where he was promptly placed on a changing table. "Now," the skunk said, "Do you want your pink diaper? Or a white one?"

"Pink!" the kit said with a giggle.

"Of course," the skunk said with a smile, tickling at the kit's chin for a second. It wasn't long at all before the kit was diapered up, smelling like baby powder and dressed in pink footie pajamas with princesses on them.

The skunk smiled as he placed the kit in his bed and tucked him in, making sure he was nice and secure under the covers. "Nini kit kit," the skunk whispered, pressing his lips against the kit's forehead and ruffling his headfur.

"Nini daddy!" the kit said back, turning onto his side and closing his eyes. The skunk smiled at the tuckered out little kit and turned his night light on before walking out of the room, turning the light out on the way. He walked into his bedroom and opened his closet door and sighed as he looked at the huge mound of presents that were from "Santa Claus."

"It's gonna be a long night." he said to himself, before getting to work.


Hope you guys enjoyed it! ^_^

Chapter 6 - Making Up(Alan's Story)

Warning: Boring Chapter Incoming. This is PURELY plot progression, and very little happens here. Basically I'm posting it because it's a good way to tell you guys that I'm NOT dead, I just tried to do a commission on something know nothing about and...

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Chapter 5- Homecoming(Alan's Story)

Ok... this one was really hard to write and be happy with, and I'm still not happy with it, but I hope you guys enjoy it ^\_^ \*\* Nathan smiled at me when he opened his door and said, "How do I look?" I rolled my eyes and said, "If you honestly...

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Alan's Story(Chapter 4- Part 2 of Sleepover)

Alright. Enjoy :) \*\* Later that night, Nathan and I prepared to watch the scary movie I had made sure to bring. Nathan had made popcorn and had a two liter of soda and two plastic cups on the table on one side of the couch(we were in his room) and...

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