Chapter 5- Homecoming(Alan's Story)

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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#14 of Alan's Story

Ok... this one was really hard to write and be happy with, and I'm still not happy with it, but I hope you guys enjoy it ^_^ **

Nathan smiled at me when he opened his door and said, "How do I look?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "If you honestly expect me to comment, then you're weird."

"I think we've established that I'm weird," he said, showing me his teeth in a goofy grin.

"Never hurts to reestablish it," I said, ruffling his hair.

"Heey!" he whined at me, "I spent twenty minutes on my hair."

I rolled my eyes and said, "I don't know why, it looks the same as it always does."

"No it doesn't," he said, flattening his hair with a paw as I watched.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Come on, let's get going."

He giggled and he forced his paw into mine. "Ok."

"What are you doing?" I asked, staring at our paws with a raised eyebrow.

He blushed and said, "Holding your paw."

"Yes, I can see that," I said, "Why are you holding my paw?'

He shrugged and said, "Holding your paw is fun?"

I rolled my eyes and pulled my paw away from him, "I think we can deal without that bud."

"Ok," he said, "but you're killing the mood."

"I don't think holding paws is required for 'the mood'" I told him. I ruffled his hair again and he gave a frustrated huff before fixing it and pushing me to his mother's van. "You're a jerk, you know that?" he said.

I grinned and said, "Would a jerk who's straight be going to the dance with his gay best friend?"

"No..." he said with a sigh as he buckled himself into the passenger side, "I guess he wouldn't."

I leaned against the passenger side door and said, "Where's your mom?"

"She's just taking forever," he said.

I got into the middle seat on the driver side and reached over and flicked the back of his ear. His paw shot up to it and then he glared at me, "You. Are. Such. A. Jerk."

I grinned and was about to comment by saying something that wasn't very nice but his mom came out of the front door at just that moment and he turned his head away, giving me another opportunity to flick his ear. He turned back again and glared daggers at me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" his mom asked after she was in the driver side of the van.

"Nothing," Nathan replied, "Alan is being a jerk."

"What did he do?" she asked, putting the key in the ignition and starting the car.

"He flicked the back of my ear twice," he said.

"Oh don't be such a baby," his mom said.

"I'm not being a baby!" he said, "It hurts!"

"Not that badly," s he said as she pulled out of the drive and turned onto the road.

"Bad enough," he said, crossing his arms across his chest.

I leaned forward and said, "Would it help if I said sorry?"

"No," he said, still pouting.

"How about I dance with you twice tonight instead of once?" I asked.

He considered it for a second and then said, "Fine, but they both have to be slow dances."

I shook my head and said, "Fine!"

"You two are ridiculous," his mother said, starting the car, "and put on your seatbelts."

I leaned back in my seat and buckled my seatbelt and said, "Ok."

"Can we just go already?" he asked, glaring at his mother.

"Oh calm down, it's not like your world is going to end if you aren't there on time." she said. He let out a frustrated "humph!" and leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms across his chest and tapping his foot. "Oh you can stop that now or I'll turn around." She added, glaring at him.

He stuck his tongue out her and I said, "Nathan, you're being kinda ridiculous bud."

He sighed and said, "I want to get there already! I'm excited..."

"Then calm down a bit," his mom said, rolling her eyes, "it's nothing special."

Nathan grumbled and sat back. "For me it is..." he muttered, just barely audible.

I sat back and started to scratch at my left wrist lightly, looking out the window at all the trees that lined the sides of the roads and sat in people's front yards. "You know," I said suddenly, "After living here for a few months, you would think I'd be used to seeing so many trees in people's yards."

Nathan's mother looked back at me in the rearview mirror and said, "Where you came from doesn't have a lot of trees?"

"Nah," I said, "Most people there thought trees were for parks, not front yards."

"Sounds like a sucky place to live." she said.

"Yeah, especially during the Summer when it's really hot and there's no shade," I said.

She laughed and said, "Yeah, I can definitely see that."

I smiled and looked back out the window, noticing that we were almost there. "Two dances," i told him firmly, "Two."

He looked back at me and rolled his eyes, "Two slow dances," he grinned at me and turned back to look at the school.

I sighed and shook my head, "He's going to choose some song like Freebird for one of them, I just know it."

"Hey! That's a good idea," Nathan said with a grin. "That's a ten minute dance!"

I rolled my eyes and said, "I would hurt you."

He grinned and said, "It's alright, the only version of Freebird they'll play is the five minute one."

I glared at him as his mom pulled up and she said, "Alright, out of my car. I've got errands to run."

"Bye mom," Nathan said, hopping out, "I'll call you when we're ready to leave."

"Ok," she said, "Have fun. I love you."

"Love you too mom," Nathan said.

I waited for his mom to pull out before joining him on the sidewalk and Nathan smiled. "Alright! Let's go inside." I rolled my eyes and followed him up the stairs and into the gym, stopping to give our tickets to the poor sap from student council who got stuck at the door. I followed Nathan inside and looked down at him as he stared around.

"What?" I asked him after about a minute of standing in the doorway.

"I've never seen so many kids so close together." he said.

I rolled my eyes and said, "I guarantee at some point tonight this is going to turn into a mosh pit."

He looked up at me curiously, "What's a mosh pit?" I stared at him long enough that he backed up a bit, "What?" he asked.

"You don't know what a mosh pit is?" I asked him.

"No..." he said, "What are they?"

"Something that you're avoiding," I said with a grin, "You'll get lost." I ruffled his hair and led him off to the side where the punch was. I poured him some and took some for myself, smiling at him as I sat down.

"Getting me punch?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, "What a gentlemen."

I grinned at him and said, "If I wasn't holding my own punch I would punch you."

He grinned and joined me, sitting next to me and staring at all the kids who were actually dancing, or at least, trying to. Nathan handed me his punch and said, "I'll be right back, I'm going to go make a song request or two."

I rolled my eyes and watched him walk towards the DJ Booth. I leaned back in the bleachers and when he came back to join me he said, "My songs should be up soon."

"Let me guess," I said, looking at him. "You requested Freebird."

"No, I actually requested songs from Linkin Park." He said with a grin.

"Going to throw the slow dances to a leap of a faith?" I asked him.

"I know that at least one girl asked for a slow song so they can torture their date for a little while." he told me, patting me on my cheek.

I rolled my eyes at him and said, "I have a strong feeling that not all girls think like you do."

"Oh most do," he said, sitting back and taking a drink of punch.

I leaned back and looked around the slightly dark gym, lit only by a few multicolored lights placed randomly around the ceiling. It made me miss the military balls that I used to go to. They may have been very strict about went on there, but at least they were well organized and had good food.

I looked around and stared briefly at a vixen who's top was half off, something else I wouldn't see at a military ball. "What are you looking at?" Nathan said, cutting into the sudden fantasies that had popped into my head.

"Oh nothing," I said, blushing furiously.

"You were staring at a girl, weren't you?" he asked me accusingly.

I blushed and said, "No! I wasn't staring at a girl..."

"Oh don't lie to me," he said, grinning at me and pushing me lightly. "I may be here with you, but I guess we aren't actually dating. You don't have to hide staring at a girl from me."

I sighed and said, "Fine! I was staring at a girl."

"Which one?" he asked with a grin, "I'll tell you if she's a tramp or not."

I rolled my eyes and said, "I don't know which one anymore."

"Sure," he said.

The first song ended and the next one began and it went back to more waiting and talking with Nathan. "This isn't that exciting." I told him after about twelve songs.

"Yeah..." he said with a sigh, "Definitely not what I was expecting it to be." His ears perked up as the songs changed again and he grinned at me, "This one is a slow one." He took my paw and forced me up and I sighed as he led me out onto the dance floor.

He grinned as he put my paw on his waist and then put one of his paws on my shoulder. "Do you actually know how to dance? 'Cause I don't."

"No," he said with a smile as we started to sway back and forth, "But we can fake it like everyone else." He put his head on my neck and I sighed and rested my chin on top of his head.

May as well enjoy it as best as I can, I thought to myself as we swayed back and forth, slowly spinning in circles. After about a minute of dancing I was actually starting to enjoy it and I was starting to rub his back lightly and he was seeming to enjoy that as well.

"Someone's starting to enjoy this," Nathan said tauntingly, pulling his head back a little bit to look up at me.

I smiled back and was about to reply but as I opened my muzzle Nathan tripped out of my arms and fell onto the floor. "Are you alright?" I asked instead, concern in my voice as I knelt down next to him and put a paw on his arm.

"Someone tripped me," he whimpered, sitting up and wiping some blood off my lip. I growled and stood up, looking around and I saw the wolf who constantly picked on Nathan and I walked towards him.

"Apologize," I said, pushing him.

He sneered, "Apologize for what?"

"Tripping Nathan," I growled at him, "Apologize."

"Or what?" he said, still grinning at me. Obviously he hadn't learned his lesson the first time.

I snarled at him, a bestial snarl that I shouldn't have been able to make. "Apologize," I growled again, my voice hoarse and my arm starting to tingle painfully.

His eyes were wide with fear as I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, and it took me about ten seconds after that to realize what the pain in my arm was. I whimpered softly and let go of him, rubbing my arm lightly. I groaned softly and I walked back to Nathan. I knelt down next to him and leaned forward. I pressed my lips to his cheek and said, "That's for not finishing our dances."

I stood up again and made my way through the gym towards the door, pulling my phone out of my pocket and dialing my mom's number. As I got out of the gym I put the phone against my ear and waited for my mom to answer. When she did, I said, "Mom, I think I need to see my doctor."

"Why?" she asked.

"Because my arm hurts... a lot. And I took my medicine this time."

"I'll be right there," she said, concern in her voice. I sat down on the stairs, clutching my arm, taking deep breath and waiting for my mother to get here.

Nathan hadn't come out of the gym yet and I was slightly worried about him but the pain in my arm didn't let me think much at all because it was steadily getting worse. When my mom finally pulled up I sprinted down the stairs and was in her car very quickly.

"What's the matter honey?" she asked as I closed my door.

She started to drive and I said, "I don't know... I got really mad at someone for tripping Nathan and then I snarled at them... and.. and... my arm was hurting."

I breathed deeply as she drove and she said, "Well.. what do you think happened?"

"I don't know Mom," I said. I leaned my head against my window and panted as the pain steadily got worse and spread from my arm to the other areas of my body. When we finally pulled into the parking lot of my doctor's office the pain was completely covering the left side of my body.

The light was on in the waiting room as we entered and my doctor, Dr. Rheinfeld, smiled at me tiredly. He led me into his office- a small room with a wooden desk sitting in front of a large window with a leather armchair sitting behind it with two similar chairs in front of it and small refrigerator unit at the side inbetween two bookcases- and sat me down in a chair. "What's the matter Alan?" he asked as he opened a door in the small refrigerator, pulling out bottles of liquid to have them ready.

"I don't know," I said, my voice even more hoarse, the words sounding guttural to my ears. "I got really mad at someone and then everything blurred and then my arm was stinging."

"Aha," he said as he started mixing liquids together, "Start trying to find a vein for me Alan."

I did as he told me and soon found one, making sure it was visible for when the doc was done mixing. When he turned to me, he smiled gently and laid the needle against my vein, carefully pushing it in.

I sighed as he injected the cool liquids into my arm and I leaned back, waiting for the relief that I knew was coming. It started as my legs getting really heavy and then it moved up my body and I slumped in the chair, groaning softly as the pain disappeared.

"Better?" he asked me, moving around the desk and sitting in his chair.

"Yes," I said, "although I'm tired now."

He smiled and said,"Yes, that's common." He pulled a prescription pad out of his desk and said, "Alright, well. My guess is that when you're feeling an emotion very strongly your body reacts and sends adrenaline through your bloodstream which reacts with the medicine in your blood stream and not only burns through the medicine already in your bloodstream but starts a premature and quick transformation."

"So, what should I do?" I asked him.

"I'm assigning you a prescription, and with this you just need to mix a little drop of it in with the normal dosage, it should protect he medicine from adrenaline should this happen again, but it also might make you seem calmer than normal, which I'm sure you wouldn't mind." he said, winking at me.

"It might help with school," I said, "Maybe I'll actually be able to pay attention now."

The doctor nodded and said, "It should be quick to prepare the prescription but your pharmacy might not have any in stock because it's not an often used drug, but just give it them and they'll get it you."

"Thanks Doctor, and sorry for waking you up." I said, shaking his paw.

He smiled and said, "It's no problem Alan, call me if anything comes up."

I turned and exited the office, my mom stood up from the chair she had been sitting in and said, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing," I said, "he thinks that my adrenaline might have been burning the drug out of my body."

"Oh," she said.

"He assigned me a new prescription that I'm supposed to pick up." I said, giving it to her.

"I'll take this in tomorrow morning, for now, you need to go home. You look dead on your feet."

I smiled at her tiredly and said, "Yeah, I kinda feel that way."

She led me out to her car and helped me into the passenger seat where I buckled my seat belt and leaned my head against the window. I barely rememebered getting out of the car when we got home and was shocked to realize I was in bed when my phone rang. I reached out and picked it up, and after seeing it was Nathan, answering it. "Hullo?" I said tiredly.

"Alan?" Nathan asked.

"Duh," I said, smiling at the stupid question.

"What's the matter?" he said.

"It was nothing major," I said, "Sorry we didn't get to finish our dance."

"It's ok," he said, "you'll just owe me on tomorrow. That kiss on the cheek wasn't worth a full dance."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Whatever, I'm going back to bed. See you tomorrow."

"Ok Alan, good night." He said.

"Night," I said before putting my head back down on my pillow. **

The next morning when Nathan and I were walking to our lockers, Nathan talking and laughing about something that I didn't fully understand, I noticed that everything was strangely quiet as I passed. Whenever I got near a group of people, they would stop talking and stare after me. It was very unnerving.

After a while someone howled like a wolf and my heart starting beating quickly. There was no way they could know, I kept telling myself. No way.

But, of course, I was lying to myself. I knew they knew, and Nathan was starting to sense my uneasiness and he stared at me curiously. "What's wrong Al..."

He was cut off by another wolf howl and then that stupid bully stepping in front of me with a grin on his face. "Sup wolfy." he said to me, winking.

Nathan stared at him and said, "I know your an idiot Dan, but I didn't think you didn't know how to tell a fox from a wolf."

He raised his eyebrows at Nathan and then looked at me, "You didn't tell your little faggot friend wolfy? I'm shocked."

I glared at him as Nathan looked at me hesitantly, "Tell me what?" he said.

Dan grinned and said, "Your foxy friend here is a werewolf."

Nathan's eyes widened and he took a step back, "Is it true?" he asked me, whimpering softly. His expression said it all. I whimpered softly to myself and looked at the expression on his face, the same expression that had stopped me from telling him anyways.

"Don't look at me like that." I whimpered, before turning and running, pushing my way through crowds of students and leaving the school... ** At about noon, my door opened and I turned my head and stared at her through puffy eyes. She closed the door gently and came in, sitting on my bed and putting a paw on my back, stroking me gently. "Are you alright sweety?" "Why aren't you at work?" I asked, my voice hoarse from crying and my fur matted to my face.

"The school councilor called me at work and told me what happened and I took the rest of the day off." she said, still rubbing my back.

"Oh," I said, "I'm fine."

"Ok," she said, disbelief in her voice, "you just go back to sleep, I'll call you off."

"Ok Mom," I said.

She rubbed my back for a second longer before standing up. "I love you sweetheart."

"I love you too Mom," I said.

She closed my door and I went back to laying down with my eyes closed. At the moment, the only thing that I wanted was to be cuddling with Nathan.


Ugh, sorry about the horrible format. I did this in wordpad. I'll fix it sometime soon. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed ^_^ And be honest, how many of you were expecting him to be a werewolf?

Edit: Fixed the format.

Edit 2: Have to say it... I just love seeing 9 5/5s ^_^

Feedback also... please...

Chapter 6 - Making Up(Alan's Story)

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Alan's Story(Chapter 4- Part 2 of Sleepover)

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Alan's Story-Chapter 3(Part 1 of Sleepover)

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