
Story by Riverweasel on SoFurry

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#3 of Poems

Another poem I wrote talking about the value of having friends to help you along through life.

When you first stumble across a new face in the air

Do you spend the time to get to know them and tell them you care

Or do you just go through your life, never spending a day

Only caring about you, never about what any others have to say

Is your life so burdened that there's no room for another

That you've no time left in your hands and that they're all just a bother

Are their sorrows and struggles to be left to their own heart

Let them drown in the ocean, as long as you get a good start

Life is too precious to be wasted on anyone else, surely that's true

For the cliche script of the American dream must continue on cue

No time for another, no energy can be permitted to be lost

Everything is a stat sheet, time not spent solely on you is a cost

Marriage is a joke, but at least a good one for the cynics

Go to the alter, say I do, then invite family and friends to the picnic

Have a honeymoon, feel the romance, get pregnant of course

Months later you realize how shallow your love was, so you go get a divorce

Now the baby has to pay for your lack of responsibility

Collateral damage for your childish promiscuity

Birthed into life, now rejected in volatile brazenness

Too immature to see this could have been avoided negating your laziness

When will we see the value of a close brother or friend

How much is money worth, it won't stick with you to the end

Spend years working sixty hours a week, fifty weeks every year

Just so you can show off your materialistic wealth and brag about gear

While your family at home falls apart at the seams

The foundation of your relationships showing multiple cracks in the beams

Grab the booze, take it home, get drunk then get trashed

But ignorantly wonder in amazement as your life outside of work starts to crash

Life has lied to us all, said it's all about status and money and backstabbing gains

That to have all the wealth in the world means an end to your pains

The fact that so many fall for it and lose their soul is a shame

When in reality, the fight to the top is really a fight to not get too badly maimed

See how many careers and bodies and families you can throw to the side

Just so you can continue elevating your damned selfish pride

Be better than everyone else, but don't do it by bettering yourself

Simply lay waste to all opposition, then gather their strewn wealth

In the end you'll be worse than you started, but you reached success

You have money, a wasted life, and your family's a disastrous mess

You have no friends, only cohorts and alliances you must always be wary of

The word companion holds no meaning, and what the hell is love

You have reached the top, but with nothing left to climb further atop

The pain you tried to leave behind finally catches up with your stop

The realization that you have everything but have nothing at all

Is when you notice you haven't succeeded, instead trapped yourself in a wall

This wall constricts you, constantly draining you of your life

You lose your job, then your money, then your dog and your wife

Life gave you it all, now the debt collector is coming for its dues

A temporary loan, an evil banker sitting back in suede shoes

Who do you turn to, with every relationship in a fifty ton landfill

When even waking up every morning is becoming more of a handful

You know you have no friends, no family, and no one who might care

So you scribble down a note, tie a rope around your neck and kick out the chair

Perhaps we all need to take a step back and reevaluate the meaning

Should our lives be about enjoying their beauties, or simply mistreating

Taking every opportunity to inflict pain on another, whether friend or stranger

Failing to realize you're doing the harm to yourself, putting your soul in danger

Of becoming a fraud, a lifeless wisp in the blustering wind

Blindly sprinting down a path that continues to descend

Towards a cold numbing future of mansions and cars

Never again finding joy at night looking up at the stars

We all must stop stumbling down this terrible and misleading trail

And come to the conclusion that we all can prevail

Success, whether false or true, will always come at a price

But in the end, will your path lead you to the whole thing, or only a small slice

My friends, wake up, take the blindfold off and open your eyes

Few paths lead to true joy, many others to a hidden demise

Your decisions in life will most likely come as this list reads

Be a loner, demean others, despise yourself or plant seeds

The first three all lead to the very same inevitable ending

Regret filled decades with life so gleefully rescinding

All the false joys she trapped you with, the springs silently falling

The years flailing by, burning your skin, leaving your soul scalding

But if you plant the seeds of friendship, even if you only plant a few

Taking time out of your life to reach out to another, caring about more than you

If those years are spent growing those seeds that you planted a while ago

They will continue to flourish even through the worst rain or heaviest snow

Those seeds will grow into saplings and then thick trunked trees

Capable of withstanding even a hurricane's great breeze

Together they will stand against the darkening sky, the tumultuous storm

Providing you shelter against the howling wind, keeping you warm

Having someone to stand with as the dark creeps across the sky

Will lessen the pain of disaster when you need to ask someone why

You'll have the friends and relationships you took years to obtain

More than ready to be there for you to weather through the tears and the pain

Let us all remember what this season of Christmas is truly about

Is it about all the gifts you got and how much you can tout

The greatness of the season is for the sake of the joys of giving

So why is it that the only thing most focus on is the glee of receiving

Take the time out of your busy, schedule infested, unbelievably busy day

And spend a few minutes contemplating your friends close and far away

Take the time to thank them for all they've put up with, both the good and bad

That they were there for you and listened during the happy moments and sad

And if you stop now, taken aback, and think to yourself

That for all the time you can remember, the only thing that mattered was wealth

Then realize that there is not a time better than right now

To go back to the dried garden, pick up a hoe and begin to plow

Moisturize the soil, regain control on your previously misguided life

Plant the seeds you had forgotten, stowed away from your world so rife

With the misinformation you had been taught since you were a child

Magazines and the media demanding you choose the life they had filed

Stand back and laugh, as the glorious realization

Fills you with such an awe inspiring sensation

The knowledge that life can be so much more than wealth

The once hidden fact of the true joys of life no longer able to stealth

For now the summit of the highest peak is there for you to climb

And now the successes of life are there, but do keep in mind

That it is best to shoot for the highest goals, and never be long in rest

And that it took far more than just one man to climb Mount Everest

Keep strong with your friends, for they will do the same for you

And the chances of an enjoyable life will drastically increase too

Love is not for the foolhardy, but rather the ultimate test

Do you only have enough to pass by or can you truly hit success

Christmas is a time for a joyous celebration, a true sign of the spirit

The best part of it all is not receiving, but rather giving, but I fear it

Is all slipping away from our corporate grasp, its life stripping hands

But no one has to succumb to the horror of its sadistic plans

The future is yours, but don't risk going at it alone

It's hard to solo the harder bosses from their throne

But bring your friends with you, gather the support and the power

And you'll see that even in your worst times, you can still have your finest hour


Another day beckons, but the sun looks bleak The dawn rays break against your windows But your curtains remain closed as you start Pushing the light away You lie there paralyzed, the fear of what may come The possibilities, the inevitable...

First Weeks

_A story of a Khajiit following the game's actual story line and plot. This will follow mainly down the road I took in the game, but with added humor, emotion and twists you can't get from the video game. Selian is copyrighted to me. All other names,...

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_I'm not sure if they plan on adding a section for this later on, but for now, I'll post it here. This is going to become my section for poetry. I highly doubt anything smutty will ever be posted in here, so if that's what you're looking for, try...

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