
Story by Riverweasel on SoFurry


#2 of Poems

Second poem in my collection

Another day beckons, but the sun looks bleak

The dawn rays break against your windows

But your curtains remain closed as you start

Pushing the light away

You lie there paralyzed, the fear of what may come

The possibilities, the inevitable tragedies

The insufferable trials, the insurmountable odds all

Pushing the drive away

You do not notice the world awake, life coming back

Life no longer holds any valuable meaning

You breathe in, you breathe out, simply

Pushing all of life away

What is the point of trying if it will ultimately lead to failure

There is no point in striving for greatness

When you know you it's easier on your heart to keep

Pushing all hope away

Your body aches to move, but your soul is weary still

Constantly fighting with your mind every day

The ever constant struggle, the heart numbing war

Pushing all strength away

The warmth of the world embraces you, but you remain cold

Numb to kindness, indifferent to joy

Emotions such as despair, hate and apathy all

Pushing any joy away

You mindlessly walk downstairs, finally forced out of bed by the clock

The daily routine begins anew, make food, go to work

Listening to random people complain about life while you sit there

Pushing your dreams away

First to work, back to the empty house, then to bed again

Every day feels like a dream, a nightmare never ending

The blinds of hopelessness muffling your life

Ripping every nerve from your being

Many must go through life's struggles

But only those that embrace the light can survive

To embrace the shadows, to welcome the dark is to keep

Pushing the light away

The unknown can seem ominous, never clear what path it takes

But to remain stagnant, to remain ever fearful

Never stepping out, taking a chance to better your life is to keep

Pushing the drive away

One must wake up every day with the desire to enjoy it

To see the light again is not guaranteed, it could be the last time

To turn away from all that living offers, embracing hopelessness is

Pushing all of life away

Listlessness cannot be welcomed, we must always strive for more

We must reach onward towards the light, the effort for more

Just as bread decays, so will your soul if you keep

Pushing all hope away

Warring within yourself will create nothing but distress

Always at odds with your soul, the instinct to succeed

The tearing inside you will only serve to keep

Pushing all strength away

Simply smiling can make you feel better, lifting your mood

Closing your eyes and craning your neck towards the sunlit sky

If you only search for reasons not to do so, you will only keep

Pushing any joy away

Routines may seem safe, but branching off of them is the mystery of life

We would not have computers, cars, or houses

If instead everyone had sat around, instead constantly

Pushing their dreams away

You must stand tall, stand firm, unbending before resistance

Welcoming the force against you as more reason to push harder

The war in life is too strong to afford fighting yourself

You will be triumphant, you will defeat your enemies

Wreaking havoc upon all that resist you in your fight towards glory

The dreams inside you smashing foes against rocks

Never listen to someone who tells you what you can't do

For they only say that because they have lost the courage to try themselves

And would rather not see someone else prove them wrong

Look inside yourself; determine what it is that you want

Safeguard your lifelong desires with your very being

And one day, if you fight hard enough, they just might come true.

First Weeks

_A story of a Khajiit following the game's actual story line and plot. This will follow mainly down the road I took in the game, but with added humor, emotion and twists you can't get from the video game. Selian is copyrighted to me. All other names,...

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_I'm not sure if they plan on adding a section for this later on, but for now, I'll post it here. This is going to become my section for poetry. I highly doubt anything smutty will ever be posted in here, so if that's what you're looking for, try...

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Getting a "Little" Carried Away

_ Here is the third part of an ongoing series involving three males. Delscher and Sandrel are planning on meeting up with Trevor to let him know the news, but get held up. I hope this one doesn't disappoint. Comments are both appreciated and highly...

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