
Story by Riverweasel on SoFurry

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#1 of Poems

I'm not sure if they plan on adding a section for this later on, but for now, I'll post it here. This is going to become my section for poetry. I highly doubt anything smutty will ever be posted in here, so if that's what you're looking for, try something else..or take a couple minutes to read the poem and comment on it, if you want.

What's it take to convince a friend

That life is not a mountain

One must struggle to climb up

When does the realization hit

That control is just within your grasp

If only you saw beyond the blackness

Why does life always seem to have the power

That it decides and chooses your future

Leaving you as simply the passenger hoping your seatbelt holds

Who must come along to open up their eyes

Even when the one they try to save says they're blind

While they hold their eyelids shut as tight as they can

Where can one truly go to accomplish their dreams

If they believe wholeheartedly

They are incapable of moving forwards without moving further backwards

How does one overcome the pain of the past

A past they feel is so overwhelming and so pressing

That they believe it will forever dictate their future

Many problems arise from the pit

Always questioning

Always judging

Always so convincingly strong

Those same problems grow louder

Always pressing

Always coercive

Always deceiving

They grow so loud; they enter into your head

Always critical

Always degrading

Always so damned relentless

There has to be a way out

Has to be some key to a better tomorrow

Has to be some way to make life better

The truth is that there is a way

There always has been, but in the blackness

It's so hard to see

The key is hope

Hope embraces the thought

The belief that tomorrow will be better

That good times will come again if only you hold on

Hope is what drives the wife to wake up in the morning

Dress the kids and believe that her husband will come back

From his deployment to war safe and healthy

Without hope, there is no passion

Without passion, there is no desire

Without desire, there is no motivation

Without motivation, there is no progress

Without progress, there is nothing to look forward to

Thus is the sewer that depression lives in

Thrives in, loves and grabs ahold of

Mindlessly latching on to whomever follows it down

Refusing to let go

But hope can always be grabbed ahold of anywhere

An intangible thought that begs to enhance one's life

It may come in a friend, an event, or from your own mind's will to carry on

Wherever it may come from, and whatever shape it may take

When problems arise and the questions in our head ask why

However we come to the conclusion, the who we all look for will always be


Getting a "Little" Carried Away

_ Here is the third part of an ongoing series involving three males. Delscher and Sandrel are planning on meeting up with Trevor to let him know the news, but get held up. I hope this one doesn't disappoint. Comments are both appreciated and highly...

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Flashbacks to the Beginning of a Friendship

Delscher very excitedly got himself prepared for the trip over to his friend's house. Dashing to the shower, he undressed and stepped in. Turning the water temperature to hot, he groaned as the soothing heat poured over his body. The snow leopard...

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One Thing Leads to Much More

_Ahhh, the same old disclaimer. Hey kids, be sneaky enough that you don't get caught if you're not the correct age. Anyone not a fan of male on male action, stop clicking on stories with that tag. To the rest of ya'll reading, comments are always...

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