Ring Of Curse or Blessing?

Story by A_Mouse on SoFurry

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Author: A Mouse

Edited By: A Mouse

Ring Of Curse or Blessing?

(M/F, Transformation, Semi-Rape, Incest, Stallion, Bondage)

Stephen and Daniel were brothers, not only brothers, identical twin brothers. They were both stallions, white furred, blue eyed and on a passing glance, they normally couldn't be told apart. They lived together in an apartment going to two different collages in the same town. Stephen went to his classes in the morning, and Daniel normally went to his in the evening. It was rare to catch them both at home at the same time, and for this reason, not many people knew there were twins living in the apartment they shared.

They planed it this way. Regularly they would swap collage classes if one or the other wanted to ditch, and they would swap dates. Stephen would find a girl that was easy, tell Daniel and on a scheduled date Daniel would go and have fun. Stephen was a lot rougher then Daniel and they would look out for dates for each other. Daniel preferred writing poetry and cuddling with his partner while Stephen liked whips and ball gags.

The two of them got along pretty well, helping each other out and generally having fun with life, they even drove the same type of car that was the same color, and completely by accident they each had a smashed passenger door, not bad, but a visible dent it them, where someone had backed into both cars, that made them look almost identical.

One particular day as Daniel woke up to Stephen just getting home he growled slightly, the stallion jumping out of bed and a quick glance at the clock showed he was late for school. He quickly pulled his pants and shirt on, running down the stairs where he met his brother.

"Hey Dan, Lodonna coming over tonight? you promised me a date with her" Stephen said to his brother as he ran past.

Daniel nodded, "Yea yea sure sure, she likes it hard like you like it, and is a white mare, like I told you, should be here tonight, I'll call and tell her not to be late and I'll come in late so not to bother you" He said as he ran out the door and into his car. The drive to school was uneventful and he ended up being late for a computer physics class. The entire day he sat listing to lectures and other various boring discussion.

School let him out late, the sun just going down as he made his way to his car. He suddenly herd a shriek for help and looked over to see a white mare being assaulted by a wolf. Daniel ran over to the pare punching the wolf in the back of the head and dropping him like a light, before turning to the mare who took off running.

"Hey wait" Daniel called but she turned a corner to the school building and vanished. Daniel sighed and turned to look at the wolven attacker, but strangely he was missing. "Must have slipped away while that female ran off" He mumbled to himself, noticing a gold ring on the ground.

Daniel picked up the ring and looked at it, rather large, 'far to large for that female. maybe it was the wolf's,' he mused as he made his way back to his car. It was getting dark now, it seems that an hr had passed in the short time it took him to walk back to where he had parked. Once inside his car he examined the ring, and then grinned a devious grin.

"Finders keepers," He stated and slipped the ring onto his finger, a mistake he would not soon forget as everything seemed to go black on him, a burning of fire engulfed his body and burned at his skin. His clothing was burned away as the black flames quickly dissipated leaving the stallion in the car nude. He rested a second then looked at himself, noticing his chest was larger then it should be. Closer examination revealed his sheath was missing as well. "Ye gods!" he gasped and reached a hand between his legs and found a moist slit, "I'm female!" She shouted and started her car.

"Oh, get a grip Daniel, this is a dream, a dream" she said as even her voice had changed to sound feminine. She drove quickly all the way home, jumping from her car and running into the house. She ran into the upstairs vanity and looked at herself in the mirror.

"Oh kay, Oh kay, calm yourself, its all alright. It's going to be alright" Daniel whispered to her self, reaching down to pull the ring off, but it wouldn't budge. The ring somehow had gotten smaller and was clinging to her finger, refusing to be removed.

"Damn it" She growled at the ring as she herd a light hissing noise and it felt like a fly had bitten her rear, then everything went black. As Daniel awoke she found herself with her hands bound to her ankles, a strip of rope around her waist connected to the ceiling to keep her standing, her rear legs were in hobbles keeping them spread. She took a second to gather in everything then saw her brother standing behind her. Stephen was totally nude and stroking his 15 inch, solid black member.

"Ohh Lodonna, your awake, I was thinking you wouldn't show, I'm all ready for the fun you promised me." Stephen said walking over toward Daniel. Daniel tried to speak but found a gall gag in her mouth and just whimpered. Stephen grabbed a riding crop and slapped Daniels rear, "Oh come now little girl, you begged me for this"

Daniel blinked and tugged at his bonds trying to get away as the fat tip of his brothers large member rubbed up between his legs and over his newly formed fem sex forcing a shudder through him. She blinked realizing what was about to happen and struggled trying to talk around the gag in her mouth, wanting to tell her brother it was her.

"Now now Lodonna, you should be a good sport" Stephen said pulling his hand back and slapping Daniel's hip firmly with a loud crack before he pressed his thick tip against her sex working just the tip of his member into her, "Damn bitch, your tight" Stephen said as he wiggled just inside Daniel's sex making her whimper in pleasure.

Daniel hated to admit that the feelings the fem sex was giving him felt really good, and that he had always wondered what it would be like to be taken as a female. She was about to find out as Stephen thrust into her as he slapped her hip again, stretching her passage deeply. Daniel groaned around the gag as her brother started to softly, almost lovingly hump into her, the occasional slap to her hip telling her he was in control.

Stephen had never been in a mare that was so tight and hot as this one, *Daniel really caught a wild one here, he didn't even know what he had* Though Stephen as he thrust hard again, working another inch of his large shaft into the female in front of him. Her passage spasmed around his member as Daniel was taken deeper still. It almost felt to her as if there was no end to her brothers shaft as he rocked into her passage. Finally however, his hips bumped against hers, and his member throbbed inside her depths.

Stephen groaned and pawed at the hip he had been slapping, "Damn your a deep fuck!" He said pulling back and giving Daniel a full thrust from his member, his balls slapping Daniels clit. Daniel's eyes went wide and she screamed around the gag as her passage spasmed about her brothers shaft, her hot juices spilling around the cock inside her, and dripping down his balls to the floor. Stephen grinned and slapped Daniel's hip again, "That is it bitch, take it, you love the pain don't you?" He said pulling back and starting to hump into the hot wiggling mare in front of him now, his thrust hard, sending a shock up Daniel's spine with every impact.

Daniel was swimming in pleasure as her brother pummeled her inside with his cock, filling her over and over even through her climax. Stephen moaned as he reached down and roughly pinched Daniel's clit before pulling out and slipping around his brother. He wast stroking his member as he walked around so his member was pointing at Daniel's face and she closed her eyes knowing what was coming. Stephen reached down with one hand and slapped her, "Open your eyes bitch and take it or else" He said, punctuating the else with such a dark violence in his voice that Daniel opened her eyes and looked up at her brother in shock, but the view was short lived.

Suddenly hot cum shot into Daniel's eyes blinding her for the time being as a second spurt hit her face and the tip of the cock was pushed up against her nose, forcing the hot cum into her nasal passages and making her cough and choke around the gag. Stephen finished splattering her face with his cum and panted, wiping the tip of his member off on her cheek before pressing a snap release on the gag letting it fall to the floor. Daniel took a deep gasping breath and coughed up a generous amount of the cum that had been forced down his wind pipe and it leaked from his nose.

"You fucking son of a bitch Stephen!" Daniel screamed and look up, his vision still blurry. Stephen stopped shocked that the mare knew who he was. He was sure Daniel had said she would think he was Daniel.

Stephen looked at the female, "H. How do you know who I am?" He said his voice a little shaky.

Daniel looked at his brother, "Because I am Daniel you fuck tard, Now let me go!" he said looking at Stephen who quickly moved to release his sister, not sure what was going on.

Stephen looked at the female, "If your Daniel Why are you.. Um female?" He asked watching Daniel rub her wrists and look evilly at her brother.

"It's this fucking ring.. I can't get it off and it.. caused me to be a female" She said holding her hand up. Stephen reached for her hand and took it, grabbing the ring with his other and easily slipped it off Daniel's finger. The change was just as painful as the first time for Daniel, the dark flames returning and burning him into his new form. Stephen only saw a flash of light, then his brother kneeling where the mare once stood.

"Holy fucking shit!" Stephen said looking at the ring and then at his brother then back at the ring then his brother. He helped his brother up and hugged him, "I am so sorry bro, Honest.. You know I would never hurt you." He said hugging Daniel.

Daniel hugged his brother back, "I.. I know.. i.. i kinda liked it. Actually.. I.. I mean.. It was different and didn't really feel bad or anything.. j.. just wish I had been given a choice in the whole thing" He said with a chuckle. He couldn't stay mad at his brother, even after something like this.

Stephen looked at the ring and grinned, "Bro.. would you like to.. maybe.. return the favor?" He asked as he simply slipped the ring on his finger. The band seemed to size itself for him before Stephen felt the dark flames burning him as the flames faded Stephen stood just a few feet from her brother. Her breasts large and heavy as she reached down to check feeling over her crotch and finding that she was indeed female. She grinned at Daniel, "It's only fair, I fucked you. So you can fuck me" She said deciding to be soft the way Daniel liked. Stephen slipped over to her bed and bent over it placing her hands on the bed and lifting her tail, her right leg pulled up and rested on the mattress as well, stopping there and grinning back at Daniel, "So what are you waiting for?"

Daniel was dumb founded, He had just had his first fuck as a female and suddenly his brother wanted him to take.. her? Daniel's member however knew what it wanted as it hardened at the view of pink winking mare sex lips, inviting him to partake of their velvet folds and heated passage. Daniel slowly slipped up behind Stephen and rubbed a hand over her hips, "Only if your sure bro." He said hesitating.

Stephen shivered, "Oh shut up and fuck me before I change my mind" She said. Daniel didn't need to be told twice as he pressed his member gently against Stephen's folds and started to fill her. Her heat surrounded his member, massaging and pulling it deeper into her body. Daniel groaned and gently worked his member deeper and deeper.

Stephen shivered, this feeling was incredible, he had always wondered what a female felt when he filled them, and he was learning the wonderful pleasures of it as his brother pressed more and more of his cock into her passage. Stephen wiggled and pressed back against Daniel as his hips finally met hers, strong hands sliding down to grip hips before he pulled back and thrust hard, his hips slapping hers, his balls smacking her clit.

Daniel groaned and gently pulled back, thrusting again, forcing a gasp and gentle moan from his sister. He slowly started to work into her, long, soothe, fluid thrusts that prolonged Stephen's pleasure and heightened her senses. She groaned loudly and rocked back against him hard, wanting him inside her, the need building, so much stronger then she had ever remembered it as a male.

Daniel griped his sisters hip and started thrusting faster, shorter more powerful thrusts, as his sisters passage started to make sloppy wet squishing noises as he worked into her depths. His member throbbing as he worked toward his peak. Stephen on the other hand was just reaching hers, and screamed as she cam around her brothers hot member, her juices squirting form her and splattering over his crotch.

The added heat and pressure from Stephens climax was too much for Daniel as he pulled himself down against his brother, shuddering as his shaft flaired and pumped his load of hot cum right into his sisters hot spasming passage. Stephen slowly went limp laying on the bed. Daniel pulled back and reached over grabbing the ring and pulling it free before kissing his brother, once again male full on the lips.

"I think this could be the start of a whole new intimate relationship for us bro" Daniel said with a chuckle.

Stephen nodded grabbing the ring and slipping it on the night stand as the cuddled up in the bed together, "I love you Sis" He whispered.

Daniel giggled, "I love you too... Sis"

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