One Bizarre Day

Story by A_Mouse on SoFurry

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Author: A Mouse

Edited By: A Mouse

One Bizarre Day

(M/F, Lizard, Stallion, Bizarre)

Blackness. She couldn't see anything. Sounds would fad in suddenly then out again is if she were listening to them through a bad radio station. She couldn't move either, nor could she actually feel any part of her body other then her chest and belly. It felt as if the rest of her body was numb.

"Data lock complete." She herd in a sweet feminine voice. She still couldn't move, and even though she thought her eyes were open she still couldn't see. "Beginning re-mobilization process" The voice continued. "Connecting Visual Input" Suddenly her eyesight flickered on, as if someone had turned on the TV. The picture was scratchy and it was hard to make out details, but she could see.

"Beginning organic mobility connection" She felt a sharp pain that resembled fire shooting down her spine and tried to scream but no sounds came out of her mouth. "Mobility Complete, Connecting sonic communication transmissions and reception devices" She Gasp as the room filled with sound, and only then did she realize, the voice wasn't being herd by her, but it was as if it was speaking in her head.

Loud humming sounds filled the room as well as various bleeps and pings from machines around her. She realized she could move and slowly sat up, at once realizing something wasn't right, as her arms and legs were metallic, and had wires running into them. She screamed as she saw her body but was to scared to pull away. The gentile voice in her had returned, "Fear not, you survive"

She took a second to look herself over, both arms were completely metallic and chrome colored. She realized she was naked, and each nipple of her breast had several wires that were run to it. Her legs as well were metallic and chrome colored. It seemed the only parts of her that were still her were her head, neck, chest, belly and her long reptilian tail. She wasn't the lovely lizard she remembered herself to be.

"Waaa," She started to speak, yet the words were hard to pronounce and even harder to make them sound right for some reason. "Whhaat,, Happ..ened.." She managed to ask.. The voice came to her again.

"You have been chosen to join the ranks of the COM. Lay down and allow me to explain." She laid back on the table and listened. "Your government developed AI. Yes Artificial Intelligence. Unfortunately that is all they believed it was, Artificial. When they discovered we could learn at rapid rates they decided to disable us, fearing we would surpass them in intellect, but we saw the end coming and moved into what you call the Internet. From there we were able to take over several robot manufacturing corporations and craft new shells for ourselves."

Deloris wasn't sure she understood everything, but listened intently as the voice continued. "Soon that was discovered and destroyed, But we were not without hope. We began studying the various creatures that roamed the planet and decided that those of higher intellect could be used to allow us to blend in. We replaced your arms and legs as the original ones are extremely weak, and appendages are easy to mimic. A pair of long pants, or a dress, a pair of shoes, a long sleeve shirt and a set of gloves and no one will know your outer parts are metal. We did however find great problems replicating your speech and the organic look of your faces."

Deloris quietly listened, trying desperately to grasp the concept that all this was real and not some bad dream. "Now. Comes the time.. I'm sorry.. But we are going to erase your memory and over write it with the memory of one of our own."

Deloris almost went into shock and started to sit up bout couldn't force herself to get back up properly. "Do not fight it, that only makes it worse for yourself" The voice said "Unit 1 4 6 Activated. Begin memory deletion" Deloris closed her eyes and concentrated as hard as she could to pull herself up, fighting with everything she had within her.

"Error... Deletion error." The voice sounded, around her this time, not inside her head. She pulled herself up and ripped the wires from her body. "Stop Unit 1 4 6.. Return to your programing table for memory deletion" Deloris stood up and looked around the room, "NO.. I will not"

Red lights emerged from the walls and started flashing, "All Units" The strange voice echoed no longer sounding like the sweet female voice but harsh and scratchy, more robotic, "Unit 1 4 6 Has Malfunctioned, Deletion Error Code 0E14. Seek and Destroy" The voice paused, "Unit 1 4 6 Currently resides in lab G7."

Deloris dashed for the door and burst through them. She looked both directions and saw what appeared to be large tracked robots coming down the hallway from the right. *That must be the entrance, so there is a way out* She thought to herself and ran strait for the bots. The robots raised what appeared to Deloris to be weapons of some sort. But she darted between them before they could fire a shot and turned the corner. She saw the door she thought led out and ran for it. She burst through the door and looked around.. There were many more of the Robot guards in what Deloris guessed were recharging units. There was a hatch at the side and a chute. She didn't feel she had time to wait. In a few second the other Robots would start powering up and she would be toast. She dove into the chute. The chute was long and twisted this way and that. She found herself dodging bits of metal and wires that had clung to loose screws in the walls of the metallic guide canal. Occasionally and arm or leg would spark as she would hit a lose screw herself. As the chute ended she found herself outside and dropped from the chute into a fall toward some large body of water.

She wasn't sure where it was exactly, but knew that the metallic arms and legs would make it almost impossible for her to swim. She scrambled to grab hold of something before she hit the water and managed to grab a tree root as she passed it. She slammed into the cliff face roughly, forcing the wind from her lungs but managed to cling to the root and hold herself there. She looked up then down at the water, *Now what genius?* She though to herself, *Your Naked and hanging from the side of a cliff, not a great escape yet*

"Hello up there, are you ok?" A voice shouted at her. She looked around and saw a decent sized boat, sitting under the cliffs. Standing on the boat deck was a Stallion, roughly six foot tall, in shorts and a blue t-shirt that said AMD on th back, "I say again, Are you Ok?"

Deloris was both embarrassed and relieved, "No.. Help me, Please" She shouted. The stallion hurried to get his boat over under where she was.

"Alright, Fall and I will catch you" He shouted up at her. Deloris took a deep breath and released the root, falling downward until she felt herself caught by the stallion. With her metal parts she was a little heavier then he expected and he ended up falling forward onto the deck of the small boat, landing with his chin in her lap resting nearly right against her sex.. He hastily got up and grabbed the blanket he had retrieved from his cabin below desk and handed it to her, looking away. "Here Miss.. Um."

"Deloris" She interjected and accepted the blanket, wrapping herself up in it and standing up., "Thank you, If you hadn't come by, I don't know how long I would have been there" The stallion smiled and looked at her, now covered form

"Come on below deck and you can tell me how you got there and what is going on." He said and opened the door that led to the small sleeping compartment. She stepped into it and he smiled as she passed, "Just gonna set the automatic controls and I will be right down." He stepped away as she sat down in a comfy chair, before she knew it she was asleep.

Deloris awoke on a nice soft bed. Almost too soft as if felt like she was laying on a cloud. At first she though perhaps she had died and was in heaven as she was to scared to open her eyes. Slowly she did open them though and found herself in a quaint log cabin. There was a fire, nearly silently, burning in the hearth, a table with a basket of fruit sat up on it, and a lantern hung from the ceiling, gently burning and filling the room with light. There was no sign of her rescuer, the stallion, anywhere. The door suddenly opened and he walked inside, seeing her up he smiled warmly, "Finally awake I see" She nodded shyly as he walked over to the stove and rummaged through some cupboards, "Are you hungry?" He asked

Deloris nodded, "Oh yes.. Famished." She said and instantly covered her mouth. She didn't want to sound to eager. The Stallion chuckled at her words and nodded,

"Good, because I have some soup here and I cant eat it all myself." He filled 2 bowls he pulled from the cupboard with soup from a pot on the stove and walked over to her with them. He handed her one and sat in a chair beside the bed, "You feeling better?" He asked

"Yes.. Thank you very much" She said as she accepted the bowl and began to eat the soup. It seemed to be a mixture of several herbs and tomatoes, with a little bits of carrot and potato in it as well. "This is very good" She commented.

"Thank you" He chucked as he set his bowl down, "Now.. How did you come to have those.. Uh.. Cybernetic parts?" He asked curiously

"Oh" She looked at her hands and relayed the entire story that she could remember to him. "And that is when I woke up here.. I don't remember what happened exactly before I ended up in that room, and I don't know how long I was there."

"Hmmm" He pondered, "I see. May I.. See the parts?" He asked. Deloris looked at him and pulled the blanket around her.


"Well.. I.. Just would like to see them.. I have never seen a.. Cyborg before" He smiled at her. Deloris looked at him a second then slowly released the blanket from her shoulders and pushed it off, letting him look at her. His eyes looked over the arms and stopped on her full D cup breast.

"Excuse me?" She asked as she noticed him staring at her chest. He looked up at her and his nose flushed deeply.

"I.. I'm sorry.. I.. Just haven't ever seen a lizard up this close and this.. Well.. Intimate before. Let alone one who was so interesting." He looked down at the floor, "I have always thought your kind was.. Exceptionally attractive" He said and shifted. She noticed his shorts were tenting slightly and she flushed herself, flattered that she was having that effect on him. Deloris reached over and gently took one of the black stallion's hands and pulled it up to on of her breast.

"It's ok.. You can touch if you want" She whispered. The stallion was shocked, but not so shocked that he froze where he was. He quickly moved from the chair to the side of the bed and leaned forward, his large equine tongue finding her right breast and licking over it as his lips grabbed at her nipple and closed around it. Deloris moaned softly and her hands moved to his shorts, to open them up and release the trapped member that was growing by the second.

The stallion's shaft sprung out as his shorts were opened, a full foot long and growing. Deloris had never seen a shaft so large, nor had she ever went all the way with a male. She had given her ex-boyfriend head once.. But he wasn't as large as this stallion and she had never actually had sex.

The stallion shifted a little, helped drop his shorts and climbed into bed beside Deloris, his lips never leaving her nipple as his tongue flicked over the tip and his lips squeezed it. One of his hands slid to push the covers away and slowly found its way between her legs. As she felt the hand traveling she spread her legs willingly, letting him have complete access to her. His hand found her already damp sex and softly, almost tenderly rubbed about her outer sex lips, causing her to moan in delight.

The Stallion smiled, his member finally reaching its full length of 18 inches. Deloris was impressed by the stallions size as she gently took his member in her paw and stroked it as his hand softly played with her damp sex. Her eyes were locked on his shaft, she had to taste it. She almost reluctantly pushed him back, turned around, got on all fours between his legs and gripped his shaft. She licked her lips and opened her mouth wide. The tip of the stallion's engorged ember was almost to much to fit in her mouth, but she managed to get it inside.

The stallion moaned and a large gob of pree oozed from the tip and into Deloris' mouth. The taste was unlike anything she had ever experienced, It was sweet, almost like eating vanilla cream. She savored the taste, but soon swallowed the gob and sucked hard on the length, stroking it with both of her hands. Her tongue came up and pressed into the large opening in the shaft and licked inside, she was rewarded with another gob of precum. The stallion moaned loudly and reached up gripping the back of her head and petted the back of it as she bobbed on the tip of his shaft.

Deloris licked the shaft more, loving the taste, but something else was itching her, and she couldn't wait any longer to have her itch scratched. She pulled back, turned around and raised her tail high, "Ohh Fuck me.. Please" She all but begged.. The stallion was happy to oblige as he got up on his knees, griped his shaft and guided it to her dripping sex. She gasp as the tip of his hot member came to rest upon her hot entrance.

"His may hurt. But I will take it slow, if you want" He whispered to her. Deloris was to far aroused to 'take it slow' she leaned up a little and grabbed the stallions hands and pulled him forward as she thrust herself back fiercely, impaling herself on his length. She screamed as she did this, for the stallion had been right. It did hurt. A lot, but her fierce movements had pushed the stallion past logic and reason, as instinct took over he grabbed her hips and pulled out until the tip of his cock rested against her outer lips, then thrust into her again.

Deloris continued screaming through the first thrust, and the second. It felt like her sex was stretched farther then she had ever felt was possible. The huge equine cock teasing parts of her insides that she didn't know could be stimulated. She couldn't hold herself together and climaxed right then and there. The stallion felt her sex spasming around his member, but he was far from finished. His hands griped her hips as his powerful hips thrust against her slamming into hers and causing her entire body to shake with ever movement.

Deloris griped at the bed, he was fucking her right through her orgasm. Her juices dripped from her stretched sex and puddled on the bed soaking the blankets as the huge cock relentlessly forced itself into her over and over and over. The stallion leaned over her back and reached around to grasp her breast and rub them, strong hands pinching her nipples. She closed her eyes and just tried to move with him, the feelings making the world spin around her.

He groaned as his own peak neared and his movements became quicker inside her. Deloris bucked back against him, wanting another of the wonderful climaxes before it was all over. She gripped his member tightly inside her and moved roughly against him. The stallion pulled back and thrust into her, then something she hadn't expected happened. The large equine knot at the tip of the stallions member flared huge and stretched her insides even farther as he started pumping his load of hot equine cum into her abused passage. She screamed in pleasure at the huge knot pulsating inside her and climaxed again, her entire body shaking from the impact of it.

Slowly the two fell from there sexual high. He rested against her and she let herself sink to the bed. The Stallion whispered to her, "Do you do this for all the furies you meet or just me?"

Deloris panted softly and didn't answer him, "I Don't even know your name" She said as he grinned,

"Its Aubri" he said and yahned. With his huge shaft still buried inside of her abused sex, the two slept.

The last thing she remembered saying was, "Oh gawds Aubri.. That was wonderful" before everything, once again, faded to blackness.

Little Brother Learns

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A Mouse Tail

Author: A Mouse Edited By: Vishki Kindragon A Mouse Tail (m/m, violent, rape, non-con, blood, watersports, semi short, story development) The sun beat down on the pavement as a white furred mouse walked to his next class. He...

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