Little Brother Learns

Story by A_Mouse on SoFurry

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Wow I know I haven't posted a story up in such a long time, but I hope to start putting

more up here.. I hope everyone enjoys this newest addition. I know it still needs some

editing, and I'll put up a revised version as soon as I get it done. Hopefully it wont take

me as long as it did to get this one up.


Author: A Mouse

Edited By: ((Edit Pending))

Little Brother Learns

(M/F, Incest, Gryphon, Non-Anthro, Plants, LONG)

It had been three months since Aubri had moved out of his parents nest. The gryphon of 19 seasons finally felt free. Rather then actually build a nest of sorts in his den, he simply gathered tons of pillows of various colors, shapes, and sizes. He enjoyed comfort, and a bed of pillows, for him, was far more comfortable then any nest he could build.

Aubri stretched, it was nearly noon and he still hadn't gotten out of bed. He rolled over slowly and looked at the wall length mirror that he had put in. He thought it would have been exciting to watch himself mating in that huge mirror with his love in his nest of pillows. Sadly, all he had ever got to see in that mirror was himself in the mornings.

Aubri rolled to his feet and stepped out of the pillow bed and looked at himself in the mirror. He wasn't ugly, for a gryphon. Standing up he was roughly 6 ft tall, not muscular or bulky, but not scrawny either. He was slim and athletic, or at least he felt he was and there was no reason, in his eyes, that any female out there wouldn't love to be with him.

"Then why are you still sleeping alone and sporting morning wood?" He screamed at his reflection. It was true; he hadn't been able to get a date ever.

He knew why though. It wasn't that he was strangely colored or anything. He was brown with a bit of white on his chest and on his belly. His ear tufts were white as well, and his eyes a deep sky blue.

His problem was that he was scared. He was scared of rejection. Not having been the best flyer when he was younger, and enjoying arts like dancing, singing, and poetry, he had become the butt of jokes from his classmates. Now he was out on his own though and had a bit more self confidence.

All his thinking had waited out his early morning problem and he walked into his living room, seeking out a drink of water. His home had been built at the base of a low cliff, next to a small waterfall. With a little help from Jason, a buck he knew, he had gotten a system set up that would carry fresh water from the fall into his house and continually refresh itself, sending the old water back out to the stream.

He walked to the dispenser and got himself a long drink of water, the feeling was always so wonderful as the cool water flowed down his throat. Suddenly he picked up a scent on the wind, familiar and unmistakable. He turned around and took 2 steps toward the door, "Ok Draco, come in and say hi"

His sister popped her head around the corner of the entrance to his home, "Awww, I can't ever sneak up on you bro" She said as she stepped in. Draco was only a little older then Aubri., by roughly 5 minuets, as Aubri and Draco were twins. Draco smiled at her brother, "So. What is little Bro up to?" She asked, loving to tease Aubri about the fact that she was older. But he enjoyed the joke and enjoyed having a big sister so he didn't argue much.

"Nothing... Hey, How did you know where I lived, I haven't told you yet, and I don't even think mom and dad know exactly." He asked her puzzled.

"Greg silly. You and Greg looked at the place, so he knew. I just had to track him down and force him to cough up the goods." She grinned evilly

"And just HOW, did you do that?" Aubri asked, a sort of mock tone in his voice.

Draco giggled, "Oh it wasn't that hard, since he is easily persuaded, but.. Um Bro.. I actually have a real serious reason for tracking you down."

Aubri's ear tufts perked in curiosity and concern, "What's wrong sis?"

"Um, Aubri... I.. I need a place to stay.. Just for a little while" She said looking down a little.

Aubri was a little confused, "I don't mind you staying here but what happened to that little love nest you and that jock had, what was his name?"

"Hugo, and we had a bit of a falling out.. I.. I cant tell mom.. She thinks the sun rises and sets behind Hugo's wings, but frankly, I can't stand him any longer." Draco said with disgust.

Aubri blinked, "What happened?" He asked walking over to his sister's side.

Draco sighed, "Oh.. He is just a jerk. He was really sweet until we got a place together, now it seems all he ever thinks about is sex. I'm starting to feel like that is all I am to him, something to pleasure him and something for him to show off to his friends"

Aubri chuckled inwardly, and thought to himself that if his sister was his girlfriend; he would want to show her off. She was a stunning creature. She was very thin and well toned, her body sleek, much like a falcon. Every move she made was graceful, and every word she spoke was like soft music.

He had at times got lost watching the fluid movement of the gray fur and feathers, which always seemed to be shinny. Her perfect face framed her deep emerald green eyes that you could walk into and never find your way out of.

"AUBRI " He heard her say and snapped out of his trance. He had done it again, "Are you listening to anything I'm saying?" She asked an almost angered tone to her pleasant voice.

"Yes, I'm sorry sis.. Go on, I'm listening" He stammered, trying to make it sound sincere.

"Well I came home the other day...." Her voice trailed off in his mind again as he looked at her. Why did he keep getting lost thinking of her like this, was it natural to, desire your own sister. He shook his head suddenly and Draco stopped talking, "What?"

"Oh.. Nothing sis.. Just clearing the cob webs" He said, trying not to look at her again so as to actually listen to what she had to say.

"Anyway.. After that I got so mad at him and told him to leave, I don't know if he was trying to be big, or what, but he pushed me and.." She looked down and suddenly Aubri noticed that concealed by her head feathers she had a laceration atop her head.

"Wait!" He said suddenly filling with anger, "Did he do that to you?" He asked, his vision blurring with red. Draco's eyes became slightly teary,.

"Y.. Yes.. He did" She said quietly.

Aubri growled, and Draco jumped back from her brother, she had never herd him get so angry, "Hugo.. T.. That .. Bastard Son of a finch." Aubri said, his voice getting louder until he was almost screaming. Draco stepped back from her brother, "A.. Aubri?" She said in almost a whisper..

Aubri realized he was scaring his sister and immediately calmed, "I'm sorry sis.. I didn't mean to upset you.. But he shouldn't have done that.."

Draco nodded, "Its ok Aubri.. He got what he deserved, and I left him so.. I just need a place to stay, only for a few days, its.." Aubri stopped her and smiled.

"Draco, my sister, You may stay here with me, as long as you want to." He said and draped a wing over her back.

Draco looked into his eyes, "Thank you little Bro"

Aubri grinned at her, "But I only have one bed, so its either sleep in the same bed with your brother or on the floor" He joked trying to cheer her up.

"I don't mind sleeping with my big, strong, sexy bro" She said in a joking retort. He chuckled at her. They had played this sexual teasing game back and forth ever since they were old enough to know what sex was. It was just a big joke to them. In the back of his mind he knew he wished it wasn't just a game.

"Well" Aubri commented, "Its nearly breakfast, if you want some your welcome to join me in a hunting flight, and we can have breakfast."

"That sounds lovely" She said with a giggle.

His sister had been living with him for several weeks, and he had actually grown fond of having her in the same den with him. Aubri had just woken up and it was time for a shower from the new system they had gotten installed. It was a large room where the entire ceiling was a giant shower head, and the room beside it was set up with a large fan in the top and a slotted metal bottom to allow the damp gryphon to dry quickly.

Aubri stepped into the shower room and pulled the curtain closed. He hadn't slept well, visions of his sister filling his dreams, and waking him from good rest. It was then that he realized he had an erection.

"Oh man.. Not again.." He mumbled to himself and sighed. It wasn't exactly easy for him to take care of such situations. Without proper hands, and without the flexibility of his feline heritage, he was either forced to clear his mind and deal with it, or attempt some awkward way or relieving himself.

This day he decided to calm himself, again, as he had been doing for the past several days his sister had been living with him. 'This has got to stop' He though to himself. He didn't want to kick his sister out, and fear of outright asking her for sexual favors didn't seem right to him.

Somehow he managed to calm himself and finished his shower, then stepped into the dryer. There he found his sister, obviously having already taken her shower, earlier she was almost dry and just enjoying the air.

Her nares were slightly red as he stepped in and he made a mental check to make sure that he wasn't exposed, which he wasn't.

"Something wrong sis?" he asked casually, fanning his wings to let them dry quickest.

"N.. No.. Not at all dear brother" She said stepping out of the shower. As he watched her leave he noticed she flicked her tail this way and that, and he could see her sex. He took a deep breath, not that he could have smelled anything if he wanted to, and waited until he dried.

Aubri emerged from the dryer to find his sister was not there. He did however find a note that said she had went out and would be back later. 'Out?' he though to himself "Where, Out, Would she go' He tried not to worry himself with it to much, if she were gone to long he would go looking for her, just as he had done when they were young.

Being from the same birth, Aubri always seemed to know when his sis needed his help. He decided to go lay back down again and attempt to find a way to relieve some of the stress he was feeling. Thinking of his sister soon brought back his problems as he headed into the room that served as his bed room and jumped into the pile of pillows that served as his bed.

Draco flew along the tree line. She loved living with her brother, the freedom, how kind he was to her. She actually felt like he loved her, just the way she had hoped to feel about Hugo, but sadly that was not meant to be fore her. Staring at her brother's sexy form all night long, and watching as he erected, caused her to remember she was in heat. She didn't know what her brother was dreaming of, and at the moment she didn't.

She was looking for something special. She had found a vine in the forest that fed on sex juices. There were many kinds she found after reading up on them. Many that fed on females, and several that fed on males. She had first went actively seeking the vines her last heat, when Hugo was far to busy to spend enough time to keep her pleased, and she found that the vines, while a little strange, were extremely pleasing.

She spied what she was looking for and flew down to it, landing a few feet away; just to be sure it was the right plant. She stood there several seconds before the vines started reaching out for her. She backed a little, knowing there were some versions of this plant that had very small vines, and she had found she enjoyed the larger ones more completely.

These kinds of plants usually have one, maybe 2 what she called, penetration vines. These were the largest and would either double up in her sex, or find 2 separate entrances. She had not seen this one's coloration before, so she couldn't be sure which kind this one was, but she was willing to find out.

Suddenly, she saw it. 2 of the largest Penetration vines she had ever seen. They were almost as thick as her brother's shaft. 'If they double up on me it could hurt, a lot' She though to herself as the first vines reached her forelegs, 'but I need it so bad, and finding another vine could take hours.'

Draco decided to give into the vine and stepped forward, letting the vines entangle her, trapping her. She didn't resist, as the 2 large penetration vines slid up to her and gently rubbed over her neck and shoulders. 'Oh yes.. This will be so good' She though to herself. Suddenly she felt something and looked behind her, another penetration vine, nearly twice the size of the first 2 was nudging around her tail.

'Oh gawds NO.' She thought, 'That thing will tear me apart' The large vine found her sex as the entangling vines pulled her tail away and gently pressed at her opening. Draco tried to struggle but was already bound tightly and couldn't get away as the large penetration vine thrust against her, some kind of goo secreted from the tip acted as a super lubricant and her opening parted widely around the length of the vine. She gasp, there was so much pain, but so much pleasure. Somehow her body held together as the large vine started thrusting in and out of her depths, more then a foot of it filling her insides then sliding back out.

One of the other 2 vines slid around and found her rear, the same slick goo, being secreted as it thrust into her anus, so deeply she felt she would cough it up. Both of the vines ravaged her rear, thrusting at different speeds and different angles. The pain of the initial penetration was fully gone, her heat letting her blur reality as the third vine found her beak, the entangling vines forcing her to open her beak as the penetration vine found its way inside. The thick lubricant goo, she found was very tasty, having an almost sugary taste to it. She sucked on the vine in her beak, and lapped at the tasty fluid.

The goo must have had a stimulant in it as she soon found herself bucking with all her might against the vines ravaging her, her insides clenching as the thick vines drove into her again and again. The vine in her beak shoved its way into her crop and started thrusting inside her throat, forcing her to moan around it as she felt her pleasure reaching its peek. She felt it, suddenly, her orgasm hit, her entire body shaking as the plant drained her juices from her. She started to relax as the plant stopped moving to suck at her juices.

Draco panted, waiting for the plant to release her, but it didn't, it suddenly started thrusting into her again, all 3 vines forcing themselves deeper into her, taking longer thrust and filling her farther. Her overheated senses reeled at the sudden pleasure forcing her to moan as loudly as she could around the vine. 'Oh gawds yes, a twofer vine.' She thought. That was the name she had given to the breeds that made her cum more then once. The vine ravaged her, the 3 vines swelling inside of her slightly, causing her more pleasure as she moaned and bucked, her sex rippling around the massive vine length. The feelings overwhelmed her, being takes so savagely right after such an intense orgasm, her body couldn't stand it and she climaxed a second time. She panted and slumped, waiting for the vine to release her as it stopped again to drink her fluids.

The vine rested, and then began to thrust again, she suddenly realized this plant wasn't going to let her go, that she was trapped here. She though about it, doomed to be fucked to death.

Aubri was having no end of bad luck in his attempts to pleasure himself. Suddenly something snapped him from his blissful attempt. Something was wrong, he could feel it. He lept from his bed and was out the door in seconds, flying. He wasn't sure where to, but he could feel, his sister needed him.

After a half hr of flying he spotted something, a moving mass of vines and in there clutches, his sister. Aubri dove toward te mass, talons bared. His landing severed several of the entangling vines. He looked up to see that his sister had lost consciousness, and realized what the vines were doing to her.

Anger filled him and he tore into the vines, slashing any one that moved. Severing all 3 of the penetration vines and several of the smaller ones, the plant retreated, leaving Draco in a limp pile on the ground, oozing vines protruding from ever orifice.

Aubri carefully pulled the vines from her body, finding that nearly 2 feet of vine had entered ever one of her openings. There wasn't any blood, so he hoped that she was ok. He carried her back to his home and carefully laid her on his bed, things would be alright, at least he hoped they would.

That night Aubri's dreams were wracked with the images of his sister being raped by the vines, which both discussed him and aroused him. He would watch as the vines would ravage her lovely body, over and over, ever time he closed his eyes.

A cough caused him to snap his eyes open and look at his sister. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him, "A..Aubri.. Where am I?" she asked softly

Aubri slowly recounted finding her in the vines and rescuing her. She smiled at him and licked his beak, "Thank you Bro" She whispered and slipped off to sleep. Aubri smiled and fell back to sleep himself, his dreams no longer haunted by visions of his sisters rape, but filled with visions of his sister pleasing him. He loved her so much.

In his dream he and his sister were in the park, walking, and he found himself starring at her. The beauty of his sister managed to arouse him and before he could hide it his sister had noticed. In his dream she somehow had gotten him to his back and giggled at him as she licked the tip of his throbbing member then slid it into her beak, sucking on its length. He rolled his hips as she willingly swallowed his length, taking him deep into her crop.. Until she had his entire 24 inches buried in her throat.

Aubri, moaned softly and gave over to his sister, thrusting in and out of her throat, his shaft throbbing as the warm muscles of his sisters crop and tongue teased and simulated his length. Aubri felt as if he were in heaven, the heat of his sisters beak to much for him as he let loose inside of her and relaxed. His dream so real, he was almost surprised to wake up. He found when he woke up though that his dream had been a little to real, he had actually came during the night spraying cum up into the air and splattering his sisters beak and chest with it.

She hadn't woken up, 'Thank the skies' He though and looked around, wondering how to clean this up before she woke up. His only option was preening and licking, maybe if she woke she wouldn't realize what he was doing. He began licking his seed from her, the taste not as horrible as he first though it would be. He lick up her chest and over her beak gently, cleaning ever last drop of his seed from her, without waking her.

He relaxed and flumped to the bed beside her. He would have to be more careful in his dreams about such things. His sister slowly opened her eyes and looked at her brother, He smiled at her, "Good morning beautiful." He said. His sister's nares flushed and she leaned over and whispered to him, "I.. Was awake"

Aubri felt a shock run through him, "F.. For what?" He asked, wondering what she ment but having a terrible fear he knew.

"For your climax. I.. Was sort of.. Um.. Tasting you.. I'm sorry bro.. I couldn't help it, I woke up and you were so hard, just laying there. And.. I leaned down and licked your length, and suddenly you.. Um.. Coated me.. I herd you move and was scared you would catch me, so I.. I laid back down.. And you.. Cleaned me off."

Aubri was dumb struck, here was his sister, confessing to him that she had just licked his cock.. And here he was just finishing up cleaning up from a dream about her. He decided to come clean as well, "D.. Draco, I have a confession as well.. T.. The dream I was having, that, caused this problem.. Was about you" Draco's nares turned bright red and she looked at her brother.

"W.. What was it about?" She asked, hesitantly. Aubri recounted the dream, slowly and shyly. Draco, blushing all the harder the entire time. After he had finished Draco took a deep breath. Welling up the courage she had she looked her brother in the eye, "W.. Would you like to make your dream a reality?" Aubri was once again rendered speechless, he simply nodded slowly to her. Draco slid around and nosed her brother still rock hard member.

"Bro, I.. I just want to say.. I.. I love you." She said just before pulling the tip of his member into her beak. His dreams were no comparison as her tongue swirled around the tip of his length and slowly she slid forward, swallowing what she could of his massive member. Aubri looked at his sister, realized how close he was to her honey, slid over a little until he was under her and pulled her against him with his forelegs. Her glistening, quivering sex at his beak, he presses against it and pushed his tongue inside of her.

Draco moaned around her brothers shaft, arching her back a little and pressing against his beak as his tongue softly teased her insides, so much more loving and exciting then the vines had been. Aubri thrust against his sister beak, the realization of what was going on enough to drive him over the edge, but he struggled to control himself, he wanted this to last as long as it could, as did Draco, she murred around her brothers shaft, slurping and bobbing her head against it, he sex clenched the tongue that swabbed her quivering folds and and quivered whenever it would slide over particular sensitive spots.

Aubri quickly learned what his sister liked and concentrated his efforts on the small rough places inside his sisters sex, these getting the largest reaction from her. Draco was in heaven, her brothers member leaking pre into her crop and his strong tongue teasing her insides. The pair continued this pace as the sounds of lovemaking filled the air.

Aubri clenches his eyes shut, he was so close, his member vibrated in his sisters throat and she pulled back quickly, until the tip of his member was in her beak. Aubri came, his hot seed spilling into his sisters beak, and she greedily drank from him, welcoming his load and swallowing ever drop into her crop as his attentions pushed her over the peak as well and her sex spasmed around his tongue, drenching his face in her juices.

As the two slowly came down from there highs, Draco moved from her brother and laid beside him, purring softly. Aubri looked at his sister, "S.. Sis.. T.. That was the first time I have.. Um.. Ever done anything like that before." Draco grinned at her brother and kissed him deeply and passionately, her tongue dancing with his and licking inside of his beak, for several seconds before pulling back.

"You learn quickly little brother." She joked and they both laughed, "Next time" She grinned at him, "You will have to show me how quickly you can learn to use that cock of yours.." Aubri chuckled at his sister and looked at her. She smiled, "You don't mind If I move in with you, for an extended stay, do you bro?"

Aubri's ear tuffs perked, "n.. no sis.. N.. Not at all." He smiles, his mind racing with all the things he and his sister would do.

Draco laughed a second, "What would mom and dad think?" She questioned. Aubri couldn't answer but chuckled and yawned as the two slid close and cuddled, sleep quickly finding them. Just before they found dream land Aubri whispered, "I love you Sis"

To which Draco smiled and licked his beak, "I love you to bro."

A Mouse Tail

Author: A Mouse Edited By: Vishki Kindragon A Mouse Tail (m/m, violent, rape, non-con, blood, watersports, semi short, story development) The sun beat down on the pavement as a white furred mouse walked to his next class. He...

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