Guilty Conscience

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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Guilty Conscience

Mark was a pokemon trainer; nothing more, and nothing less. He had come to the Unova region from Kanto, and spent many an hour staring at these strange new pokemon that littered the place. It was very strange, to be surrounded by the bizarre things of this new continent, on his own for the first time in his life.

He wanted to put together a team, but he had been stalled in hissearch time and again by the sheer...well...ugliness of most of Unova's pokemon. It wasn't like he went totally for the 'cool' factor, or the 'cute' factor, but when he compared a Charmeleon or a Vulpix to the Unova pokemon, such as Vanillish and Bronzor, or, Arceus forbid, a Garbodour; well, Unova fell well short.

The only pokemon he really liked from the entire region, from what his pokedex showed him, at least, were Mienshao and Zoroark. And Zoroark was notoriously rare and almost impossible to capture, given that they could take the form of any pokemon they wanted using their illusory techniques.

He had managed though, to obtain a Mienfoo, and by extension, a Mienshao, at least, after he put in a solid three weeks of training to get her to evolve into one. It was a long, hard process, and he had grown quite close to the pokemon during the time. She was quite beautiful, to be honest, what with the flowing way her arms moved when she pivoted during her her stance changes, that pointed muzzle, and those cute whiskers. He could still remember frolicking with her in one of the lakes, unencumbered by the lousy magikarp that infested the waterways back in Kanto, just enjoying her presence. She was quite cuddly, always willing to snuggle up to him, burying her pointed nose in against his neck and nuzzling against it cutely while pressing the warmth of her body against his own.

He always had to stop himself when he remembered those times; stop himself from letting his imagination take over; rubbing his hands down through the fur of her back and across the base of her tail before slipping in underneath it to grinding between her legs....

The thought of it always made him shudder in anticipation and eager need; anticipating something that would never happen. Pokemon were expected to follow the orders of their trainers, and in his younger days, Mark had earned quite a few with his faithful Arcanine, now retired to a rather happy existence guarding a plush mansion, so his Mienshao would be doubly expected to honour the wishes of her 'master'. That was something he didn't want to do. He didn't want to be that one trainer who fucked hiis pokemon while his pokemon hated it but indulged her trainer because it was 'proper' for her to do so. He hated to think he could become something like that.

But he had no problem perving on her; oh no. It was his guiltiest pleasure. He had a camera set up in his home, hoping to catch, on camera, a glimpse of his pokemon in a compromising position. It was probably creepy as fuck, perverted, and utterly immoral, but he couldn't help himself. He remembered how his hands had shook when he adjusted the low-angle lens of the camera to just the right height, unable to help but imagine the images it might capture.

The first few days had yeilded a few shots; one particularly good one when she was bending down to retreive a wrapped candy he had deliberately fumbled; and he had spent many a happy time fapping to his new material, his overwhelming lust for his pokemon drowning out the guilt until he was sitting, panting in his chair, staring at the pictures and hating himself for them, before dropping them in the recycling bin.

Of course, the pictures would come back out of that digital black hole that was the recycling bin, and he would be ogling them again while his pokemon played outside.

And then, after a few weeks, he had hit pay dirt.

His Mienshao was alone in the house while he went to the store to get some milk and bread; and she ended up fingering herself.

He still remembered the exact staccato burst of heartbeats that followed when he watched the recording of his Mienshao sitting down and pressing her thighs open, dipping a paw between her legs and beginning to rub slowly up and down.

It had been an odd jumpy burst, and his heart felt like it was throbbing directly in his throat, skipping beats and then trying to make up for them by pushing out a rapid violent tattoo of beats that threatened to drown out his hearing altogether.

It turned out she was a rather avid masturbator; she pressed both of her paws down there and began to rapidly rub them back and forth, before swapping to just one paw, pressing a digit into herself and working it in and out with muted gasps and whimpers of delight, announcing her name as she shuddered and jerked slightly, lapping repeatedly at her own paw, and the sticky liquids she produced that clung to the fur there.

Instantly, it was Mark's favorite masturbation aid. He had copies of it everywhere. Hidden in .jpeg pictures on removable storage, burnt to discs, copied endlessly onto his hard drives, ensuring total redundancy. It was the one thing he was not going to lose. Ever.

And oh did he hate himself for it; but he couldn't help it. He watched it every night, knew every jerk of his Mienshao's body, every press of her finger, every lap of her tongue. He knew it like a well-rehearsed song, but it never got dull for him. This was the very best next thing he had to an actual physical relationship with his lusted-after pokemon.

Unknown to him, however, one night, when he was avidly watching the naughty video of his pokemon, he himself was being watched by a pair of eyes staring from the darkness of his doorway.

The taste of a mint berry interrupted Mark's dream of having an ice cream cone and finding out, to his horror, that it was a Vanillish, who was demanding that he stop eating it; and he jerked awake, blinking up at the smiling face of his Mienshao, hidden in the shadows of his dark room.

A glance sideways showed the red digits of his alarm clcock accusing attesting that he should still be asleep.

"What's wrong?" he asked, trying to sit up for a moment, before a pair of surprisingly strong paws pressed on his chest, forcing him back down. It was then that he realised exactly how his Mienshao was sitting. She was straddling his lap, with her paws resting on his chest, half of a mint berry still held in her mouth, her tail swirling happily back and forth between his knees.

Mark licked his lips a moment, tasting the mint berry again, and blinked up at his pokemon. Had she kissed him? He couldn't see any other way the waking liquid could have transfered from her mouth to his own...

Grinning down at him, she swallowed the berry, and then licked her lips, her eyes narrowing slowly as she rumbled and leaned in to lap her tongue slowly, almost sensually, across his cheek.

"W-what are you doing?" he asked, squirming just slightly, shuddering at the feel of her warm breath washing over his face. It was definitely arousing to him, and he fought down the helpless reaction it would have in his pants. Seated as she was like that, with her body on top of him like that, she'd be able to feel it instantly, especially given that it would end up swelling right between her legs, pressing in against her inner thighs and across that wonderful pink ent- oh god, that wasn't helping at all!

He focused instead on her, swallowing hard, trying to fight down the growing panic. Oh this wasn't going to end well at all.

"Mien." she whispered heatedly into his ear, carrying an amazing amount of lust in that single syllable, even as she began to deliberately grind her hips over his own.

Mark's eyes widened, and he stiffened a little bit, completely unable to help the swelling in his pants now, gulping hard and staring at her. "W-what-" he began to ask again, but a harsh 'Shao!' sileneced him, her paws pushing him down again, pressing firm on his chest to hold him down, while she growled faintly in the back of her throat at him, eyes narrowing.

A faint shudder passed over Mark's form as he felt his pokemon grinding her hips against his own again, working over the stiffening cock, even while her liquids began to slowly moisten his pants.

"Shao." she stated, before she suddenly turned.

Marks eyes were, quite unexpected, greeted with the splendiferous view of his Mienshao's rump, with her thin tail perked into the air and hindlegs spread on either side of his shoulders, that slick pink entrance revealed to him in the stripe of light that filtered in through the curtains from the streetlight outside.

His eyes widened, and he shuddered, staring, close-up, at that tight poke-pussy, his throat suddenly dry, his heart pounding so hard it felt like it was trying to make his head explode with the pressure of it. A single droplet of clear liquid spilled from between the pink folds, tracing a line through the fur, only to drip down onto his chest, strangly warm. He whimpered slightly, staring, before he gasped and arched, giving a sound that would be more appropriate for a mouse to make than a teenager, as he felt a hot maw suddenly pressed down over his rigid member, sinking right down to the base in a single swoop, burying it in her maw entirely, hot tongue washing over the top in slow, smooth movements.

Whimpers gave way to actual moans of delight, and heavy shudders passed over his form as his Mienshao wrapped his cock in the warm wetness of her maw and bobbed her head on him in eager motions, suckling hard around him.

Throwing caution to the wind, Mark wrapped his arms around his Mienshao's rump and pulled her down against him, burying his lips in against that tight pink cunt and tonguing over it firmly, quivering in intense delight as he finally tasted the sweet liquids drooling from the cunt he had so hungrily stared at so many times. His hands shook, even pressed against her rump, as he lapped and tongued at her in repeated motions, his cheeks flushing faintly as he realised what he was doing. He was actually tasting her. Actually had his Mienshao's tight cunt pressed against his maw while the slick liquids from within her body drooled onto his tongue. Not to mention that she was sucking his cock like she had just deepthroated a Muk and thought an antidote was somewhere in his hips and could only be retreived by suckling it out of him.

The realisation almoost made him cum right then and there, and he arched a little bit, the thick cock stiffening, throbbing in her maw. With a gasp, the Mienshao tugged off suddenly, leaving his twitching cock to throb and jerk impotently at the air, striving for a release that wasn't coming yet.

With a faint whimper, Mark draw his lips from the tight pink entrance he was tending and tilted his head to peer at her, hoping and praying, wishing that there wasn't something wrong, or that he hadn't ruined it, and that she would continue.

Giving voice to a low, lustful little rumble, his Mienshao slipped her hips from over his face, and pivoted, turning and settling into his lap in one of those smooth, flowing movements she performed so easily, only instead of just grinding herself over his member, her flowing movement ended instead with his tip pressing up against those silky outer lips of her cunt, and then burying deep inside her, gravity pulling her down his turgid member right to the very base. A faint 'oof' left him as he felt her weight thud against his hips, surprisingly heavy, before she began to rock her hips back and forth.

There was no gradual increase in pace, no gentle joining of their bodies, no sensual, slow caresses. No, she just dropped her hips onto him and started going to town, as though she was trying to scratch an itch, or satisfy an urge that hadn't been satisfied in ages. Faint little growls left her quivering maw as she buried himself in her to the hilt, rocking and bobbing her hips up and down on him, causing that tight, slick tunnel of squeezing, quivering cuntflesh to squeeze and tug at his aching member.

Mark whimpered, his hands automatically going to her hips, to help her bounce, his eyes rolling back and closing, his tonguetip poking out as he humped his hips up into her own as she came down on him again and again. He probably looked stupid, but he didn't care, not right then, not when he was fucking his Mienshao, not when he could feel that squeezing grip around his throbbing cock, so slick and tight. He was amazed that she could take it all, but he didn't care about that, either.

He could feel his Mienshao shoving her hips up and down on him, working his thick member with something approaching the same eager need he felt her for, feeling her claws digging into his shoulders in her lust, not even feeling the three parallel lines they left in his skin, scratching across it. Nothing else mattered, just the tight pokemon jerking her hips on him. He could feel her getting wetter and hotter, tightening more and more as she worked her hips so wonderfully atop him, grinding that tight cunt over his eager cock, creating the most wonderful friction, until she drove her hips down to the base and held them there, jerking and whimpering as her tight channel spasmed and gripped him like a squeezing hand wrapped in the most wonderfully moist velvet gloves.

His pokemon jerked atop him, grunting and panted, resting her paws on his chest for balance, curiously working her hips back and forth for a monent, a grin stretching across her muzzle as she felt him still hard, unfinished. Slowly, his Mienshao slipped off his lap, and then stepped off the bed, stretching slightly, and then pressing her paws against the wall, squaring her stance and lifting her tail, arching her back to present her slightly-spread cunt to his gaze, drooling her own liquids slowly down her inner thighs.

Mark didn't even remember getting out of bed. The only thing he knew was that a half second later, he was buried back in those tight, inviting depths, feeling them stretching and splaying around his thrusting cock as he hammered his Mienshao up against the wall, his arms wrapped around her middle, listening to her melodious cries as he grunted and panted in delight and harsh exhertion, wasting no time in rutting into her as hard as he could, determined to finish deep inside her.

He wanted to feel her spasming against him, around him, clenching and milking at his cock while he spilled his hot load deep into that willing cunt of hers. And his wish was coming very close to fruition.

She was panting harder, her chest and face pressed against the wall, paws weakly scrabbling at it under the intense assault of his thrusts, leaving lines in the wallpaper while her drooling cunny left dabbles of liquid across the carpet between her legs, her tail flicking this way and that unnaturally while she whimpered and panted back at him pleadingly, imploring him to spill inside her.

Mark snarled, gripping her tight and violently humping into her a few more times, feeling that intense tension in his cock swelling and then bursting like a popped balloon, his Mienshao screaming and arching against him as she came again, the milking sensation of her tight body squeezing around him making him thrust into her again and again, even as he felt hot bursts of his gooey spunk spilling into her tight body, splashing across her inner walls and coating his thrusting member in a film of warm, gooey liquids, mingling with her own thinner femcum and drooling slowly from her used cunt to dribble onto the ground.

Panting, he sagged slightly against the wall, shuddering and kissing the back of his Mienshao's neck in the hazy euphoria that followed the most intense orgasm of his life, his knees weak, locked to keep himself from falling, just slowly stroking a hand through the fur of her back.

He blinked a little bit, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end, and he turned his head slowly to the left, brows furrowing slightly as he caught sight of his Mienshao, on her knees in his doorway, with her paws between her legs, silently fingering herself, eyes clenched closed, biting her bottom lip as she stifled her lustful whimpers.

His fogged mind couldn't comprehend what he was seeing, and he blinked slowly for a moment, trying to process what was happening, peeking downwards for a moment at his Mienshao against the wall, panting and shuddering in delight.

There were two of them?

A pair of mischeivous eyes tilted up to look at him, and in an instant, they were suddenly the blue eyes of a pokemon with rather dark fur. In a flash, his support was gone, while the pokemon in question bounded to the window she had entered through and leapt onto the sill of the big window she had sneakily opened earlier.

Mark caught a glimpse of blue eyes staring at him over her shoulder for a moment, and the image of her used cunt drooling his liquids down her dark inner thighs, before she leapt out into the night and was gone.

He turned towards his pokemon, his cheeks suddenly flushing as he realised what had happened. How much had she seen? watching her silently frigging herself, he knew that she had seen enough to know about his dirty perversion and lust for her.

He cast the open window a single glance before creeping quietly over towards his Mienshao, licking his lips, quite content to watch until she noticed him, while sparing a thought for the dark pokemon that had techically raped him.

Fucking Zoroark.

Yama Kaji

Fire! Fire _everywhere_! Leaping tendrils of orange agony leaping through the brush and forest with ferocious intensity, flaring high into the sky and turning proud green trees into roaring black spectres wreathed in living incandescent cloaks. ...

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A Heated Reception

Sootopolis city, the volcano city. Built in the rim of a long-dormant volcano in the eastern section of the hoenn region. White washed sand was abraided by soft coean waves, while Wingull wheeled in lazy circles overhead, their shrill cries echoing...

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Jake opened his eyes, suddenly awake, and blinked up the stone ceiling of his room, pausing a moment to think back on the actions of the previous night. He remembered Jade seducing him, the taste of her flesh on his tongue, the feel of her around...

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