A Heated Reception

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#1 of A Heated Reception

Sootopolis city, the volcano city. Built in the rim of a long-dormant volcano in the easte...

Sootopolis city, the volcano city. Built in the rim of a long-dormant volcano in the eastern section of the hoenn region.

White washed sand was abraided by soft coean waves, while Wingull wheeled in lazy circles overhead, their shrill cries echoing down the length of the semicircular caldera. Magikarp placidly swam back and forth in the gentle currents of the lake formed by the sheltering walls of the volcano, interspersed with other water-type pokemom. It was a lazy scene, and an equally lazy day.

The high-tech cruise ship was just nimble, and narrow, enough to fit through the opening in the caldera, likely formed hundreds of years previously by a violent eruption from the now-benevolent volcano, which, Groundon-blessed, hadn't erupted in so long that most thought it was now extinct.

Every month or so, one of these cruise ships would arrive, ferrying visitors back and forth to the island, opening up the city to those who were either unfortunate and did not have water type pokemon, or were not adventurous enough to risk the open ocean to reach it.

Jake stood at the prow of the cruise ship, hands on the safety rails, leaning forwards and pressing his face into the warm wind rolling off the ocean. The ocean smelled the same wherever one went, but there was something that one couldn't defined in the scent of the coean at Sootopolis. Perhaps it was that he had grown up there, and it was subconsciously ingrained in his mind that this was home, and that it was better than anywhere else...but either way, it was good to be back.

It had been three long months since he had left, shipped off to a boarding school in Mossdeep where he could continue his studies in a less isolated area. It had been hectic in Mossdeep, and he had wished his Blaziken, Odayakasai, could have been with him. Her name was Japanese in origin, and meant 'Gentle flame'. But a proviser of his schooling was that he take no pokemon with him; it kept the schoolyard from becoming a battlezone after hours.

Standing at the front of the ferry, Jake couldn't see his Blaziken anywhere, and his heart fell a little bit. He still remembered what it had been like to have to say goodbye to her for those three months, and had envisioned returning home with her standing, dutifully waiting at the end of the jetty for the ferry to pull in.

No such luck, it seemed.

Frowning slightly to himself and adjusting his cap, he slouched back across the deck, and to the staircase. When the boarding plank was lowered, he was one of the first off it, striding towards the edge of town, and his home, to find out where his Blaziken was, and why she hadn't been there at the jetty to meet him.

The first warning he had was the sound of feet crunching through soft grass and sand, and he turned his head to the right in time to catch sight of a red blur before it impacted his side with impressive force, knocking the wind out of him and sending him flailing to the ground in a heavy heap.

A faint 'oof' of expelled air left him, and he lay there, dazed momentarily as his vision was clouded by a dark shape, and then a hot, soft tongue was drawn across his cheeks and nose in a very affectionate manner.

It wasn't like most tongues, mind; she was a fire type. It was more like a freshly ironed silk shirt, with slightl moisture imbibed. Soft, silky smooth, and WARM, bordering on being uncomfortably hot.

He winced helplessly and laughed, lifting his arms to wrap around Odaya's shoulders. "I thought you forgot me!" he said, chuckling.

The Blaziken gazed down at him, and just responded with a single short 'Blaz', a smug smile on her surprisingly expressive beaked face.

"Am I allowed to get up?" he asked, lifting his shoulders off the ground a little bit.

Odaya shook her head firmly and then moved to straddle him calmly, placing her knees on either side of his hips in a 'power' position. If he wanted to get up, he'd have to get her off of him without the leverage of his hips or legs to help against her weight and considerable strength.

"Oh it's gonna be like that, is it?" he asked, brows raising slowly, a smile playing across his face.

This was an old game for them. It had started when she was younger, just after she evolved to a Combusken. She had a violent streak in her, and a stubborn streak just as wide, which led to a lot of confrontations between the two of them. It had been nigh impossible to keep her contained in a pokeball, and just as hard to keep her OUT of one, and eventually, Jake had lost his patience, and just decided to play the game by her rules.

It had resulted in many cuts and abrasions, and much pain on his part, though Odaya never seemed to become injured in the sparring at all. His goal, at first, was to defeat her, pin her, show his dominance over her in a purely platonic way, force her to his will. What had resulted was the soundest beating of his life. One thing he did remember about those first fights though, was how she kept her claws away from him, and she only ever pecked him twice in the heat of the moment.

Eventually, the sparring stopped being a fight for dominance, and it became something less, and, at the same time, something more than that. It was bonding.

And that was what she wanted now.

Jake chuckled a little bit, and shook his head slightly. "First time you see me in three months, and you wanna beat me up?" he asked, brows raising.

The Blaziken gave a short nod of affirmation, leaning forwards to plant her clawed hands on his chest, eyes narrowing slowly on his own, a playful challenge in them. The move put her centre of balance closer towards his chest, and he was quick to notice this.

"Well...in that case..." he trailed off with a soft sigh, rolling his eyes helplessly...

His hands came up fast, gripping around her wrists, and tugging them outwards, away from himself, relying on surprise to overcome her; after all, she was a blaziken, it would be foolish to think he could beat her in a game of strength.

The weight she had on her wrists was displaced, throwing her off balance, and a deft buck of his hips pushed her weight up even higher, so that he could roll and throw her clear of him, deftly slipping onto his knees as he used the centrifugal force to throw his Blaziken clear.

She rolled across the soft grass, coming up clumsily on one knee and narrowing her eyes at him. She was getting rusty without lack of practise. He could easily remember a time when she would roll free of something like that and launch back at him before he even knew where she was.

He grinned, slapping his chest in challenge and lifting his chin once in an aggressive expression, squaring his stance as his Blaziken launched herself at him again.

He ducked, trying to swoop in under the headlong charge of his pokemon, leaning backwards to try and soften the impact if there was one. And of course there was an impact; she was faster and stronger than he could ever hope to be. The impact knocked him off his feet again, sending them both tumbling to the ground in a vie for a dominant position, wrestling back and forth, fierce hisses and grunts issuing from the lithe Blaziken while he cackled madly and tried to get a hold on her wrists. Her legs were super powerful, but he knew if he could get hold of her wrists, he could force her into a bottom position and claim a victory.

His opportunity came, and he swiftly took it, rolling and pushing her free, just to throw himself atop her and scrabble for her wrists, pinning them above her head and holding them there, straddling her waist in much the same way she had done with him.

Sweat was dripping down his brow, and he was panting, dirty and mussed up from the impromptu wrestling match, grinning down at her in triumph. "Pinned ya!" he claimed with a grin.

Odaya quivered under him, staring up at him with her lithe form stretched out, wrists held together above her head, panting and giving faint little mock whimpers of helplessness, though the blush that was spreading uncontrollably across her features was certainly not faked.

He blinked once; he had never known her to be shy, or withdrawn, at all. She was a hot head, stubborn and powerful, and BLUSHING of all things? That was something he had never expected. He relaxed his grip a little bit on her wrists, brows furrowing, leaning in closer; "Hey, are you ok-" his sentence was cut off as he felt a powerful leg curl up underneath his shoulder and across his chest, realising that he had shifted his weight too far forwards and let her curl her leg up over him.

Thankfully, she wasn't aiming to hurt him, so instead of slamming him down on his back, she pushed with her feet, throwing him clear of her and sending him into a backwards tumble. he thudded down into the soft grass with a thump, momentarily losing his bearings in the ensuing dizziness, splayed out on his back for a second or two; and that was all it took.

Odaya took the opportunity to spring atop him, her hands quickly grabbing his arms and pinning them above his head in return, her hot, heavy form settling over top of him, thighs splayed wide to straddle across his hips, low enough that he couldn't lift his knees, while she leaned forwards, claiming victory over him, panting and huffing into his face as piercing blue and black eyes gazed into his own, her cheeks flushed with warmth.

Jake squirmed under her impotently for a few moments, trying to catch his breath, and maybe wiggle free. She was scorching hot now, as though a furnace raged unseen just under her furred form, and the hot exhalations washing so close to his face were causing a heat haze with every movement of her chest. She must have been getting lazy, to be so out of breath from such a short fight, and the heat. It was inexplicable.

"I concede!" he submitted, squirming a little bit more and then going limp under her, signalling his defeat.

A low, rumbling, chrrrling noise began to roll from the Blaziken's throat, and her eyes lidded, narrowing down at him, her hips beginning to shift back and forth very slowly, almost imperceptibly, and he became suddenly aware that there was a lot more heat rolling off of her from between her legs than anywhere else, though he didn't quite put two and two together right there.

"B-Odaya?" he asked, panting slightly and blinking at her. The imperceptible shifting of her hips was causing a slight reaction in his body, or, more accurately, his soon-not-to-be flaccid member. Trapped on a ferry for two days with no fapping had left him rather sucesptible to even the mildest of touches. "Can you let me up?" he asked, giving her his best piteous tone.

The blaziken gazed down at him for a long moment, her hips still shifting slowly, rolling side to side gently, subconsciously stimulating them both, before she seemed to realise what she was doing, a heated blush flaring across her cheeks. She swiftly nodded and lifted herself off of him, rising to her feet and stalking off suddenly with a slightly stiff-legged, awkward gait.

Jake blinked slowly, his brows raising questioningly at her retreating form, head tilting to one side, before he picked himself up and brushed himself off.

He started to head for his home again, pushing his ajar front door open and stepping inside, closing the door after him, peeking around. Obviously, Odaya was around here somewhere.

Giving a little bit of an inward shrug, he pulled his shirt off and threw it into the dirty clothes basket on his way past the bathroom. He needed a bath after all that rolling around in the dirt. He was all sweaty and hot.

He headed upstairs, for his room, pushing the door open and stepping in thoughtlessly.

A startled cry met his entry, and he whirled towards the corner of his room, where his study desk was, with his blaziken sitting in the seat, one hand in her beak, seemingly to stifle her noises, while the other was hidden behind her back, her knees carefully together, and a heated blush visible on her cheeks, even through her red fur.

"Odaya?" he asked, blinking at her once and canting his head to the side, pausing. "What's the matter?"

The Blaziken squirmed just slightly in the chair, her eyes half-lidding and her expression one of a kid caught with their hands in the candy jar, and it made him all the more suspicious.

"Odaya. What are you hiding from me?" he asked sternly, moving over to her, stepping around the bed and towering over her, since she was sitting down, his expression closed and dark.

Odaya panted a little bit, and made the faintest of apprehensive sounds in the back of her throat, before she swiftly rose to her feet, and crash-tackled him onto the bed.

The first thought to go through his mind was that this was another game, another wrestling match...but it felt...different somehow. She was much more fervent in her pinning of him, pushing his wrists up over his head and holding them there with a single clawed hand like an iron band wrapped around his wrists, keeping him from moving, even as she leaned in to rub her beak firmly against his cheeks and neck, like an excited Mightyena greeting their owner for the first time after a long trip. The hand holding his wrists was moist, and slick, the clawtips coated in hot liquids that had a surprisingly decadent scent rolling off of them.

Her hot tongue came out, lapping at his cheek and then his neck, laving into the hollow of his throat amorously, while the other hand hurriedly slid down his form to his pants, tugging ineffectually at the button in her haste to get it off.

Jake went rigid with surprise under her sudden advances, and it all suddenly crystalised in his mind, that she was 'needy' and had chosen him as her new partner. Perhaps it was the sparring that did it, he heard it was like a mating dance for Blaziken's in the wild. But either way, her claws were tugging at his pants while her hot tongue was laving in against the soft, sensitive flesh of his throat, tasting his sweat while hot, lusty exhalations rolled across it between licks.

He could feel her heat, intense and strong against him wherever she was touching, and the hand groping around at his pants found his traitorous cock already hard, her hand dextrously closing around it as she gave a heated chrrrl of delight and anticipation.

Here he was, pinned on his own bed by his lusty pokemon, and he couldn't do a thing about it. He opened his mouth to protest, to tell her to stop; but this was about the time that she managed to rip the button from his pants and tug them open, revealing his eager erection to the air, her hand closing around it and immediately beginning to stroke and tug at it in a firm, heated rhythm. The protests he had been ready to voice died in his throat, dissolving into whimpered, breathless moans as his Blaziken jacked him off so eagerly.

Her gaze was fixed down on her work, and her hand slowly released his wrists, letting her lean in closer to the action, eyes narrowing eagerly as she licked the edges of her beak, her licks trailing down his form, tracing a line from the hollow of his throat, down his chest, across his stomach, and to the base of the member she was so eagerly jerking off.

Jake could only stare, lifting up onto his elbows with wide eyes as he felt that hot line of licks trailing down his form, leaving faint red marks as they went as the temperature was so suddenly raised, not quite able to believe what was happening. He was sure this was some kind of lust-induced dream, and he knew he would wake up in a few moments time...but he certainly didn't want to. He was fervently praying that this wonderful dream would continue.

And the next thing he knew, that hot tongue was coiling around the throbbing tip of his member, and his back arched up off the bed, a helpless, stifled cry leaving him.

It was so hot. It was like having a freshly cooked piece of meat just shoved over the tip of your erection, with the steamy wetness sinking into it immediately. And then, she began to flick her tongue, rapidly sliding the silky-smooth muscle around and around the tip of his cock in a firm, grinding rhythm. He almost lost it right there, crying out and writhing on the bed in a mix of mild pain from the heat and intense pleasure. The inferno that was her beaked mouth descended even further over his member, and she closed the sharp edges of it just far enough to form a clumsy seal, her tongue coiling and tugging at his turgid cock while she began to swallow convulsively against him.

He wasn't long enough to get far enough into her beak to get down her throat, but the swallowing served its purpose, causing a rapid pressure wave around the tip of his member with each convulsive swallow, while her tongue ground all around his wanton cock in lustful circles.

"S-Stop!" he cried, his legs tensing, kicking at the ground helplessly, almost driving his hips up into that tormenting beak and tongue, his tensed hands going to her cheeks to try and get her to tug off.

With a gasp for air, the Blaziken tugged off of his cock. It sprang back against his stomach, bobbing and pulsing visibly, drooling a clear liquid from the tip, so close to finishing. She flushed, panting and licking the edges of her beak slowly for a moment, kneeling awkwardly at the edge of the bed, her attention waving from his stern expression, to the bobbing cock that she so desired.

"On your feet." he commanded, almost growling the order.

Tentatively, she lifted herself onto her feet, standing there helpless, expecting punishment for the things she had done to her trainer.

Jake stared at her for a long moment, his eyes narrowing a little bit, tracing down the lithe form, the shapeles hips, powerful legs...and especially the patch of moisture glimmering between her legs. She was wet, and HOT. He could feel it from where he sat on the bed.

Narrowing his eyes at her, he rolled off the bed, rising to his feet as well and stalking towards her. She cowed a little bit, wincing backwards from whatever wrath he chose to mete out upon her.

His arms coiled around her upper body, pulling her against him as he pressed a clumsily lustful kiss onto her beak, pushing her firmly back into the wall, where she thudded against the wardrobe, giving a faint sound of surprise and mild confusion, until she felt her trainers hands sinking down her firm form, trailing through her luxuriously silky red fur to grip around her hips, his own pressing towards her, grinding the tip of his wanton cock against her stomach.

She tried her best to return the kiss, an almost impossible prospect with a beak, her own arms going around him while she whimpered her anticipation against his lips, her heated body dripping profusely, her heat increasing again as the anticipation swelled in her chest like a raging inferno given new feul.

His hands slipped down, one of them gripping her leg and lifting it towards him, hooking behind her knee and then pressing it to the side; thankfully, she was flexible enough for him to press her up against the wall like this and lift one of her legs far enough that he could slide his cock between them, an action that he wasted no time in performing, gritting his teeth and burying his face into her neck at the intense heat that suddenly engulfed his turgid cock, trainer and pokemon alike stiffening and gasping at the initial penetration.

Jake gripped tight around lower back with one hand, his other hand holding her leg up for her as he worked his hips against her own for a moment, wiggling back and forth slightly to test the inner workings of her tight, hot pokemon cunt. It was hot inside her, unbeleivably so, with the trickles of liquid fire that were her cunt juices drooling from around his cock in copious amounts, while powerful inner muscles worked to squeeze around the invader, unwilling to let it go, massaging it with hot inner walls.

He grit his teeth helplessly, holding her tight and then starting to pound into her wet, eager snatch, his hand splaying against her lower back and trying to push her hips further towards him with each rythmic thrust, pressing her leg further up and to the side, so that he could sink just a single millimetre deeper into the grasping, convulsing furnace that was her cunt. Hot, lustful whimspers left his Blaziken as she buried the smooth upper half of her beak against his shoulder, eyes clenching closed and claws digging harmlessly into his back as she was taken hard and deep.

Already, he could feel the tight inner walls that he was so eagerly spreading with the tip of his cock tightening up, cinching down around him while helpless, lustful spasmed wracked his lust-ridden pokemon's body again and again, her stomach muscles twitching and tensing visibly while the ones deep inside her body worked around him all the more intensely, tightening up behind the tip of his cock and squeezing at it in milking motions, even as slick, fiery hot liquids spilled from her in lustful rivulets, the Blaziken arching and crying out against his shoulder in decadent orgasm.

His hips shoved up against her in harsh pounding motions, driving against her own as his rigid member worked deep into the spasming blaziken cunt again and again, holding her hips tight to his own as he thrust up into her convulsing pussy one last time and held himself there, hot, lustful bursts of his gooey spunk bursting up across her inner depths again and again. It spilled into her in lustful streams, splashing across her inner walls and filling her with a contened warmth, even as it began to drool from around the deeply-embedded cock.

Pokemon and trainer both leant against the wall as they enjoyed the euphoric afterglow of orgasm, a weak, shaky hand sliding from behind his Blaziken's back to wrap around her upper body, pulling her into another heated kiss. Her tight cunt was gradually loosening it's milking hold on his used member, the muscles relaxing and ceasing their twitching, kneading caress over his member.

Sensing that he was weakening, Odaya pushed off from the wall, to press him into the bed once more, straddling his hips and holding there for a few moments, gazing down at him with a smouldering, happy expression. Her hips lifted slowly, sliding the softening cock from her hot cunt, along with a slow trickle of mingled spunk and Blaziken femcum, and the low chrrrling sound rolled out of her throat again as she slipped a hand down to toy with her puffy outer lips, bringing her fingers up coated in mingled love juices. She didn't even hesitate in placing the wet fingers in her beak, her tongue lustfully curling over the wet digits as she dropped onto her side besides her trainer, throwing her clean hand over his chest and snuggling up to his side.

Apprentice Chapter 3

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