To The Victor Go The Spoils! Part 2!

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#2 of To The Victor Go The Spoils!

To The Victor Go The Spoils; part 2

Andrew managed to heave himself upstairs to his bed after waking up in the cold cellar with two very contented pokemon sprawled on his naked chest. One tentative look under their tails had been all was needed to confirm that it hadn't been some weird dream. He'd been far too embarrassed to risk waking them up, flushing furiously as he held his clothes bundled against his crotch and snuck back upstairs, wide-eyed as he realized that River, his Vaporeon, could see what was happening!

Seeming to giggle at him, she was laying on one of the chairs around the fire, his Flareon, Fyre, was sitting beside her, licking at her paw innocently, her thick, fluffy tail swishing gently back and forth, bright, vivid eyes glowing with reflected light from the dying fire.

He jogged upstairs quickly to avoid any further embarrassment, throwing himself on the bed and trying not to think about what he'd done that morning. From the sunlight streaming through the windows, it was about mid-day.

The two Eeveelutions watched him move upstairs, their eyes narrowing slowly, before they exchanged a knowing glance, and a nod.

It was their turn now, for their part of the 'spoils'.

Andrew had his boxers back on and was lying in bed reading a book, trying to take his mind off of things...mainly, the feel of Kin's cunt around his cock, or of Vanessa's even tighter, hotter tailhole squeezing tight around him and milking him of his seed, or of both of them licking the tip of his cock and cleaning it off...

There was a rustle, and then two of his pokemon appeared at the foot of the bed, Fyre brandishing a plate with a sandwich on it, and River with a glass of milk clasped in her inclined head so the liquid wouldn't spill.

Fyre jumped right up onto the bed, almost losing the plate and sandwich as she landed, though River had to stay at the base of the bed or she would spill the milk.

Andrew raised a brow at them, and he smiled a little bit, trying not to look too guilty, laying his book aside and then stretching slightly, taking the plate from Fyre and placing it down gently. "You got some for yourselves, right?" he asked, taking the glass of milk from River with a smile and a pet, pulling Fyre into his lap and stroking through her fur happily, making her purr and pull close as River leapt nimbly onto the bed and curled her slippery blue form around his waist, resting her head in his lap.

The two pokemon gave him sage nods, and Fyre stuck out her tongue at him as if it proved she had just eaten, both of them seeming to smile at him.

With a smile at them both, he picked up the sandwich, and began to eat it with quick, eager bites. His...'ordeal' had taken a lot out of him, and he was famished. It took him only a minute or two to finish off the sandwich, and then he reached for the glass of milk.

The two Pokemon exchanged glances, and their expressions seemed to turn mischievous. Andrew noticed this, and paused with the glass against his lips, peering at them, brows slowly raising as he watched them both regard him, their expressions suddenly innocent as their tailtips eagerly swished back and forth behind them. It was as though they were waiting for him to begin playing with them...little did he know how apt that comparison was.

"...Did you two spike my drink?" he asked, playfully suspicious, raising a brow at them. He was sure that Fyre blushed, but shook her head a little too vigorously. River did the same, enthusiastically denying any tampering with the drink, her expression unreadable, leaning forwards to nudge her nose against him affectionately, reassuringly.

Peter paused a little bit, and gave them both a suspicious glance, before tilting the cup up and draining it quite happily, aware, somewhere in the back of his mind, of a strange after-taste that lingered on his tongue, rather like medicine had been mixed with the milk...or maybe it was just how the milk tasted up here?

Smiling faintly, he pulled Fyre into his lap, and then dragged River over as well, pulling both pokemon up against his chest as he rolled onto his side to continue reading his book, holding them both in a snuggly little pile against his bare chest, stroking slowly along the Flareon's immensely fluffy neckscruff, and then all along River's smooth blue body.

The two pokemon were oddly affectionate today, nuzzling in at his neck and chest quite happily, interrupting his reading several times in their quest for attention and affection, not stopping until he laid the book aside and stroked them both, laughing slightly. Pouncing on him, they both forced him to lay back, and then applied their two contrasting tongues to his cheek and neck with eager laps. Fyre's was warm, and delightfully soft, while Rivers was cool and moist.

The two tongues almost met at his throat, and they both growled playfully at each other, leaping at each other and ending up in a ball of blue-and-red fur, growling heatedly and snapping harmlessly at each other, until River pinned Fyre quite firmly with her paws on her shoulders, standing over the fire type and giggling faintly to herself. Struggling slightly, the flareon huffed, and then gave up, sitting there and taking the licks that river applied to her face without complaint.

Andrew watched this with a slight smile on his face, his head tilting to one side, his gaze drifting from the repeated licks being applied to his Flareon's the region under River's tail.

Her forepaws were pressed down on the flareon's shoulders, holding her still, with her back legs straight, spread on either side of the Flareon's tail to make sure she didn't step on the fluffy appendage, with her tail lifted just high enough to give him a glimpse underneath it.

It fit so well with the blue flesh of hers, that thin slit of hers, with the slightest hint of pink around the edges to give clue as to what it really was, with the tight tailhole just a little ways back from it, his pokemon shamelessly exposing herself to him 'accidentally'.

It was a few moments before Andrew realized that he was getting aroused, and entertaining some very naughty ideas about his Vaporeon, wishing that her tail would lift just a little bit more...or she'd stretch far enough for those tight blue lips to spread a little...His eyes drifted down lower, between his flareon's legs, but it was far too fluffy there for him to see anything.

A few moments later, Andrew's eyes widened and he swallowed convulsively as River leant forwards further to bump her nose against the Flareon's, her tail lifting high into the air, exposing herself to him properly as she wagged the thick appendage back and forth, causing the tight blue lips of her cunt to spread and tense slightly, giving him fleeting glimpses of the fleshy pink between them.

He rolled over onto his stomach more, trying not to stare, his throat going dry as his cheeks flushed just a little but, feeling his raging erection trying to puncture a hole in the mattress, and trying his best to ignore it.

The matter was made worse when River pressed her stomach to Fyre's, causing the Flareon's legs to part, and reveal her own pinkness to him, both of their tight cunts on display, teasing him with their proximity, and Andrew entertained the idea, for the merest moment, of reaching over and finding out what those moist, pink folds would feel like, though he suppressed the urge.

River and Fyre, however, were not oblivious to his gaze and intense attention, and they exchanged meaningful glances, before River seemed to grin down at the Flareon, licking her nose once and then bending over even further, waving her tail teasingly towards her trainer as she began to draw her licks down over Fyre's furry chest and stomach, towards the join of her spread legs, and the tight, hot cunt that rested between them.

Andrew watched with interest, trying not to appear as though he were staring, unconsciously grinding into the bed a little bit as he watched the arousing display of his two pokemon exposed to him.

And then River laid a group of licks directly to the spread folds of his Flareon, and his eyes went wide, tensing up a little bit as his erection throbbed almost painfully.

The vaporeon grinned as Fyre panted and shuddered, arching her back slightly while the blue pokemon laid another series of licks against her hot cunt, her thick tail quite deliberately lifting into the air, almost invitingly, giving her trainer a smouldering glare over her shoulder for a moment, before turning back to her work.

Lifting her forepaws, River placed them on either side of Fyre's tight cunt, now moist with both saliva and the flareon's own inner lubrication, pressing down with a little bit of force, and spreading the tight lips open, leaning to the side slightly, quite deliberately letting her trainer see the exposed inner flesh of his fire pokemon before she leaned in and began to lap at her quite eagerly again, getting her muzzle slightly slick with the Flareon's liquids. Already, the warmth from the fire pokemon was permeable as her arousal increased, and Andrew was going into spasms of desire just imagining that hot, tight Flareon cunt gripping his thick length, or that hot tongue against him....

And here his pokemon were, exposed and performing oral sex right in front of him!

He couldn't help it. With a faint groan, he rolled over into a sitting position, and freed his aching, rigid length from his pants, beginning to stroke at it repeatedly while watching his two pokemon performing such lewd acts, his stroking becoming faster as the two pokemon glanced at him, and then went right back to what they were doing.

After a few more moments of this treatment, Fyre gave a pointed little growl, and pushed River away with her hind legs, and Andrew became worried that something was wrong, and that they were going to stop...But then the Flareon shoved the Vaporeon over onto her side, and dragged her tongue heatedly across the base of her tail, drawing her licks up to her tailhole, and then the slit between her legs that had already grown puffy and pink, lapping across her cunt heatedly while the Vaporeon returned her tongue to the dripping, heated sex of the Flareon above her.

Their tongues lapped heatedly at each other, digging deep against the pink flesh presented to each muzzle respectively, drawing the moisture away and into their maws. Already, Andrew could see River's immense moisture dribbling slowly down her tail, even as Fyre rapidly struck her tongue across the puffy cuntlips of her Vaporeon lover, her muzzle a little slick with the liquids welling up from the water pokemon's eager sex.

Her tongue paused mid-lick, against the Vaporeon's quivering cunt, and her eyes slowly rose up to meet his own, before sliding down to his thick length, drawing her tongue back to give a heated, seductive little "Flare..." to him. He was surprised at the amount of desire she could inject to that one syllable, and knowing that she wanted him to move closer, he did so, tentatively scooching closer across the bed while Fyre shuddered as River lapped at a sensitive spot.

Lifting a forepaw up, the Flareon rubbed heatedly at the tight cunt beneath her, slicking the pad up with River's copious liquids, before laying it on Andrew's cock without warning, smearing a long line of sticky Vaporeon liquids along his length, and then abandoning the tight, blue cunt below her for her new target, the head of the thick cock in front of her nose.

Her mouth opened, and a hot exhalation brushed over his length, making it quiver, before her overly-warm tongue was suddenly at his tip, flicking against it repeatedly, lapping up the dribbling precum eagerly, and then sliding all around it, beginning to clean the Vaporeon's liquids from it with quick, heated flicks, making Andrew shudder and arch slightly.

A spot of cool on his length made him snap his gaze downwards and then hiss in desire as he saw River take up position besides Fyre, lapping at the other side of his aching purple tip, her cool tongue creating a contrast to the hot lapping on the other side of his length that made his eyes clench closed and precum begin spilling from his tip rapidly, quickly and eagerly lapped up by a pair of wonderful tongues, just making him produce even more as he began to pant and shudder. There was no way he could last like this.

Tailtips swirling behind them, the pokemon redoubled their efforts, lapping at him faster and more eagerly, alternating swipes of their tongue, cool-hot-cool-hot, sending him into spasms of delight as his back arched hard and he began to shudder deeply.

And then they stopped, and Andrew grit his teeth, peering down at them, his heart jumping into his throat as he saw them both sitting there, side-by-side, peering up at him expectantly...with their maws wide open!

They wanted him to jerk off into their open mouths!

Feeling a little lightheaded, he grasped his solid, pulsing member, beginning to jerk it off rapidly, only too happy to grant them their wish, his back arching a little bit as he laid his tip as close to their open mouths as possible.

A pair of pink tongues lolled out, and he gave a shudder, looking down at their cute, wide-open maws, eyes looking up at him almost beggingly, a pair of whines escaping their maws as they entreated him to spill his seed into their mouths...

Their open muzzles were so close together that he could feel their exhalations mingling and washing over his length, and he imagined them in that pose, post-mess, faces covered in droplets of seed, with hot, gooey cum just drippi-

That was it for him, his body tensing up as his cock began to throb, and the two pokemon shifted slightly and opened their mouths as wide as possible, pink tongues beckoning the incoming load to squirt across them.

A sudden explosion of warm seed cascaded over both of them, laying sticky strings of seed across their muzzles and faces, catching in Fyre's fluffy fur, while it managed to splatter over River's fins, drooling slowly down her cheeks as both pokemon adjusted the angle of their maws. The next bursts of warm seed splashing into their maws this time, coating their tongues and giving them a taste of his thick, gooey cum, both pokemon swallowing repeatedly, trying to keep up with the augmented stream of gooey spunk, dribbles of white messily seeping from the corners of their mouths and to the bed below as River attempted to take the last of his load deep in her maw.

Her little muzzle affixed to the tip, and she began to swallow convulsively at the thick streams pouring down her throat, mistiming it and causing a massive backup, gooey streamers of cum beginning to pour from the side of her muzzle and into Fyre's awaiting muzzle, like an adults-only pokemon fountain, until River had to pull back for air, thick streams of cum spilling from her tongue as she panted, tongue lolling free of her maw, slicked with white.

Grinning eagerly, Fyre took her place, not even bothering to try swallowing it as she popped her maw open for him, purring deeply as he jerked his last few thick pulses of seed directly onto her tongue, her head tilted back a little bit, causing the reservoir of his pearly spurts to dribble from the corners of her muzzle in thick, gooey streams, meeting under her chin to drip slowly onto the bed.

Andrew shuddered hard, and collapsed backwards onto his butt, panting and staring at the two pokemon in a hazy way, his head spinning a little from the intense orgasm. The two pokemon were both watching him with rather innocent expressions plastered across their maws, in much the same fashion as his spunk was. River had it the easiest, with the soft blue hide of her cheeks, chin, and face coated in his gooey essence, drooling slowly down.

Fyre, however, had the sticky mess spilled across her furred face and even a burst up over her left ear, both of them with their maws parted wide, tongues poking out a little bit to show him exactly how much of a mess he had made before they both closed their maws and swallowed, the audible sound making him shudder and stare in helpless delight.

The two pokemon grinned innocently at him, and then turned to eachother, soft pink tongues beginning to clean his messy spunk from eachothers faces, dragging slowly over it as the two eeveelutions rumbled and purred happily, quite obviously putting on a show for him.

Andrew was just starting to think back on his escapades with Vanessa and Kin, just starting to draw connections with that occurance, and this one, when a pair of silky soft tongues descended on his over-sensitive member, making him arch and spasm slightly in mingled surprise, delight, and dismay. He still felt exhausted from his romp yesterday, and they wanted more?!

He gritted his teeth as he felt the soft tongues swirling in tandem over the sensitive tip of his cock, working at it again and again in tortorously slow motions, forcing him to stay hard for the two pokemon as he panted and made faint, soft whining sounds. Taking a deep, steadying breath, he sat up as best he could, and pressed his hands to his pokemon's heads, along the back of their necks, contemplating picking them up by the scruffs of their necks to get them away from his somehow still-hard member, before thinking better of it.

His fingertips trailed down their backs as they continued their firm lapping at his turgid cocktip, letting his fingertips brush up against both of their tailbases, slipping in underneath them to find the wet crevice of a pair of eager pokemon cunts.

The difference in the two pokemon was immediately apparently, a water type, and a fire type. Fyre was hot to the touch, as one would expect, with a slick, tight cunt that seemed to want to suckle on his fingertip like a soft, eager maw.

River, on the other hand, was cooler to the touch, with a hint of warm swelling around the entrance of her tight cunt, with copious amounts of her slick liquids helping lubricate the surprisingly unyeilding entrance of her pussy. It wasn't to be unexpected, really, with such a thick tail, and every flex of her tail as it curled back and forth caused her muscles to shift permeably against his fingertips, making him shudder as he imagined what it would feel like around his cock.

The two pokemon shuddered at the stimulation of their eager cunts, and he felt their mingled breaths panting across his cocktip in conspiracy with their tongues, hot, and cool mixing and sending intense signals of pleasure reverberating through his form. He had to fuck one of them...the only question was; which one?

He tried to decide between them; His attention turned to River first, a fingertip working against her tight entrance and starting to sink into her, his eyes widening a little bit at the surprising amount of resistance his exploraty digit met. Just getting his cock inside her would be hard...actually fucking her would be so tight and squeezing...

He then focused on Fyre, pressing a fingertip down the length of that lovely bushy tail, just to slide in under the tail and press against her cunt, slowly starting to work inwards. It met far less resistance than the Vaporeon's tight cunt, the puffy folds spreading willingly for his questing fingertip, wet and needy, with a texture inside like moist, wet velvet, with heat radiating from it in intense waves, like pressing his finger inside of a freshly-baked pastry, so hot and moist around it.

Helplessly, he looked back and forth between them, shuddering and baring his teeth as they redoubled their efforts of his cocktip at the sensation of his fingers pressing into them, and he trid to decide which one of them he would fuck. His mind, for the merest of moments, scolded him for his thoughts. After all, a few days previously, and he wouldn't have even looked sideways at his pokemon if they had bent over and lifted their tails for him; and now he was debating which of them would be better to fuck!

But the scolding was only momentarily, swallowed immediately by some abstract thoughts associated with how hot Fyre's cunt was around him, and how tight River was.

Panting faintly, he pressed his fingertips in deeper, working them back and forth within his tight pokemon, and then he slipped his fingertips out of them, reaching for their maws to pull them away from his oversensitive cock, pushing each of their maws gently to the side. "S-stop." he demanded.

The two pokemon obeyed, and, almost innocently, two pairs of forepaws came up to hold onto each hand, and they each took his wet fingertips into their maws, beginning to firmly suckling their own liquids from his fingertips.

His eyes widened at the sight, and he pulled his fingertips free of their maws; Fyre's made a faint pop! as his finger came free, and she whined at him softly. River just looked up at him with an oh-so-innocent expression, licking her lips slowly, almost deviously.

Andrew narrowed his eyes, taking that as a challenge, and he shifted forwards on to his knees, pressing his hands firmly on his vaporeon's chest, pushing her over onto her back, making her cry out in surprise and faint dismay as she was splayed out on her back, pawing at the air a moment as she moved to roll over. But the weight of her trainer was soon upon her, his hands resting on either side of her shoulders, eyes staring down at her as he shifted and pressed closer, the length of his rather slick cock, covered as it was in a mixture of two different saliva's, rested the pink entrance of her tight cunt, heavy and hot.

Her squirming instantly stilled, and she gave him a mischeivous smile, trying her best to look coy as her thick tailtip lifted, so that the underside of her tail brushed against him firmly.

Gritting his teeth slightly, Andrew shifted backwards, dragging his eager cocktip down the length of his vaporeon's cunt, until it pressed against the base of her tight pussy, his hands wrapping around her lower back to hold her still as he began to grind his hips forwards eagerly, working up against her.

River cried out slightly at the sensation of his thick cock grinding in against her slick outter lips; he was bigger than any Vaporeon ever would be, and it showed, in the strain it was putting on her tight cunt as it tried to accept him, her slick, smooth outer lips spreading and spreading and spreading to try and accept the comparatively large intruder.

Fyre watched this with an eager little sound, crawling in and then worming her soft, fluffy body between them, pressing a hot series of licks against the tip of his cock, slathering it with her saliva before leaning in to do the same to River's tight cunt, her tail swishing eagerly against each of their faces as she worked, making both human and pokemon pant slightly.

River was not one to waste the opportunity, and her paws quickly snaked up to wrap around the fire pokemons hips, holding her in place as she turned her own tongue on the flareon, drawing her tongue over her tight cunt again and again without pause, tasting the slick liquids spilling from the fire pokemons eager, heated channel. The Flareon moaned faintly, and deemed her work done, worming out from between the two of them with a final lick, and then moving to lay on her side to watch.

The Vaporeon made a faint sound of unhappiness, and caught the Flareon's tail in her paw, dragging her back over closer, forepaws wrapping around her hips once more to hold her in place as she pressed firm licks up over the fire pokemons cunt again, making the Flareon arch and shudder in delight, her fluffy tail swirling and then lifting high, giving Andrew the perfect view of her dripping cunt as River lapped at it again and again.

Burying her maw in against the hot cunt above her maw, River began to lap in earnest, before crying out in surprise and delight as Andrew finally succeeded in overcoming the resistance of her tight cunt, spreading it and sinking into her body with a firm shove, making them both arch and cry out faintly. His hips began to move immediately, wasting no time and giving her body no opportunity to tighten up and stifle his movements, his eyes closing and hands gripping around her tightly as he began to thrust firmly in and out of her tight, slick body. Her liquids welled up from around his cock, drooling from around it in a sticky messy while he worked the thick cock right in until he bottomed out.

He shuddered helplessly as he felt himself buried as deep inside his tight pokemon as he could go, holding himself there a moment to enjoy the way she squirmed and convulsed at the sensation, before beginning to hump hard and deep into her body. After overcoming her initial tightness, her body seemed to accept him much more readily, and he could feel her muscles twitching slightly in helpless delight at his actions.

His eyes opened to see the delightful sight of a slick-mawed Vaporeon panting and moaning helplessly into a Flareon's tight pink cunt, her tongue working over Fyre's cunt randomly now, her mischeivous expression lost for one of wanton desire as she felt the thick cock pressed deep into her body.

Fyre made a faint whining sound back at the Vaporeon as her licking faltered, and she gave a shaky 'V-vapo!' of apology before lapping at her with renewed vigour, before that, too, trailed off under the mind-numbing sensation of her trainers thick cock driving into her tight, wanton body over and over again.

"Let me help." Andrew whispered heatedly into his vaporeon's ear fins, lifting a hand to place on his Flareon's rump, making her blink and peek back over her shoulder at him in surprise. Her eyes closed a little bit and she arched helplessly as she felt that fingertip working into her tight body once more, spreading her around it, and she cried out faintly in helpless delight as a second finger quickly invaded her tight cunt, spreading her puffy outer lips and causing a fresh trickle of her scented liquids to spill across River's lips and tongue.

The Vaporeon was panting hard now, arching and crying out faintly as she felt her trainers cock working so deep, deep inside her, spreading her around it again and again as he drove into her clenching depths, making her arch and squeal in delight, her forepaws clenching around the Flareon's hindquarters again and again as her licking and lapping faltered helplessly, her hindlegs trying to wrap around Andrew's hips.

Fyre shuddered and cried out faintly as she felt the two fingers working in and out of her tight, hot cunt, the slick liquids helping them to move in and out of her tight, squeezing body, the furnace heat of her insides translating through the sticky flow of the cunt juices covered Andrew's fingers and River's tongue and lips.

Andrew panted faintly as he watched his Flareon so enjoying his fingertips, even as he drove into River's tight, wet cunt again and again, feeling his orgasm growing close as he fucked his willing pokemon.

Pausing a moment, he cant his mind back to the earlier night, to the feel of Vanessa's tailhole around his tight and hot it had been. Almost absently, his wet fingertips slipped to his maw, and he suckled on them for a moment, tasting the warm, spicy bouquet of his pokemons cunt juices. They tasted somewhat smoky, with a hint of cinnamon and spice in there that smarted and burned across his tongue like a mild chilli.

Gripping his vaporeon tighter with his free hand, he began to work into her harder and faster, even as his fingertips returned to his tight, eager Flareon...but not to her tight cunt.

Instead, his fingertips slipped a little bit higher, under the raised tail, to the exposed tailhole, making his Flareon's eyes widen as she peeked back at him over her shoulder, giving a shaky, question "F-flare?" her tail nervously swirling back and forth.

Andrew grinned at her; "I'm not going to hurt you, promise." he said with a firm nod, rubbing his fingertip in against her firmly, pressing it up against the tight entrance of her tailhole.

Fyre squeaked softly as she flushed, and nodded shakily, laying her head on her forepaws and tentatively lifting her rump even higher into the air, giving a single "F-flare." of aquiescance to Andrew's wishes.

Grinning, he paused in fucking his vaporeon, burying himself deep inside her and holding there, squeezing at her side reassuringly as he began to work his fingertip into his Flareon's tight tailhole, watching with interest.

River made a soft sound, and followed the line of his eyes, her own going slightly wide as she watched the Fire pokemons tight tailhole start to stretch as the fingertip pressed into it, sinking into her, to the first knuckle, and then second, before the fingertip paused, and began to work in and out slowly, carefully working back and forth.

"Do you like it?" Andrew asked of his flareon.

"Flare-flare..." she panted back at him in response, her tail giving another slight flick back and forth, her rump shifting slightly as she felt the fingertip working inside her virgin tailhole, making her squirm and shift her weight uncomfortably, neither enjoying, not disliking it.

The Vaporeon looked back and forth between them for a moment, growing quckly bored with the lack of stimulation to her needy body, and with a sound of impatience, she wrapped her paws around her Flareon friends hindquarters and buried her nose in against her cunt once more, beginning to lap at her clit hard and fast, even as she began to firmly, and quite deliberately swish her tail back and forth.

Fyre gasped and shuddered as she felt the tongue beginning to work at her tight cunt, her ears splaying backwards and hips convulsing helplessly, quickly causing more of her liquids to well up from inside her, drooling messily from her unoccupied cunt and into River's maw, who happily swallowed them down.

Andrew also gasped and arched helplessly as he felt the Vaporeon's tail swirling, or, more accurately, the effect it had on the tight muscles gripping his cock. The muscles all around his cock began to shift and move with the movement of her tail, tensing, flexing, squeezing and working up and down in tandem, stimulating him in strangely effective ways. With a grunt, he slipped his fingertip from his Flareon's tight tailhole, and then wrapped both hands around the Vaporeon, starting to go to town on her, holding her in place as he took her with rough, deep motions, shoving his thick cock into her again and again.

River shuddered and arched in helpless motions as she felt Andrew begin to fuck her hard and rough, her tongues motions on the Flareon's cunt pausing as she arched and writhed in delight, not even able to swirl her tail back and forth as she felt the throbbing cock repeatedly spearing into her tight, wet cunt.

Growling faintly, Adrew hammered into the tight vaporeon again and again, his arms wrapping around her tightly, almost lifting her from the bed as he pounded her slick slit mercilessly, feeling his orgasm quickly approaching.

The Vaporeon arched and cried out in delight, her body spasming, tailtip curling and flicking wildly as she came, more and more of her lubricating juices spilling from her tight cunt as Andrew reamed it hard again and again.

Her slick, soft walls squeezed and convulsed around him as he drove into her again and again, and his back arched helplessly, the tight squeezing of the vaporeon's cunt sending him over the edge with a cry. He buried himself deep inside her, pressing the blue pokemon down into the bed as he drove as deep inside her as he could, hips jerking against her again and again as his throbbing, jerking cock began to deliver a heated load of human spunk to his eagerly accepting pokemon's womb.

Gush after gush of his gooey essence burst into her again and again, splashing across her inner walls in fitful bursts, quickly filling all the available space, having no other place to go than to drool from around his imbedded cock, a thick, sticky drool of white spunk cascadig from around where they were joined, mixing with her own slick liquids and forming a gooey mess.

Andrew shuddered hard and tugged free, his last spurt spilling across his Vaporeon's stomach while the heavy mixture of his jizz and her cunt juices began to drool messily from her gaping pink cunt, tracing a gooey, messy trail down her tailbase, dripping slowly to the floor.

River shuddered and panted helplessly, splayed out on the bed, cunt drooling her trainers spunk, maw coated in the Flareon juices, chest heaving with her panting, the very picture of a contented pokemon. Fyre, on the other hand...

The Flareon gave a cute little growl, huffing at the pair of them as Andrew dropping onto his side, the Flareon turning around to lave her tongue down the Vaporeon's body, collecting the spilled rope of his spunk and swallowing it eagerly, before beginning to lap firmly at the used cunt again and again, like a cat with cream, making the Vaporeon shudder and squirm in surprise at the hot licks to her sensitive body. Fyre growled again, pinning River's head between her hindlegs, growling an order back at her. "Flare!" she huffed, punctuating the command with a flick of her fluffy tail.

The Vaporeon gave an apologetic sound, and then began to lap hard and fast up against the Flareon's tight cunt again and again, laying her maw over the Flareon's clit and suckling hard and deep, trying to get the Flareon off.

"Awww, do you wanna finish as well?" Andrew asked, smiling a little bit as he watched Fyre go back to lapping at the flow of his spunk spilling from the vaporeon's cunt.

"Flare-flare!" she huffed, with a heated nod, before lapping all the more vigorously at the messy cunt spread out before her.

"Let me help then..." Andrew said, rolling to his knees and slipping around behind her to watch as River tongued over the Flareon's heated clit again and again, grinning and moving a hand to lift and push her fluffy tail out of the way, revealing her tight cunt to his gaze, exposing it further, so he could lean in and lay his tongue against her experimentally.

The Flareon hissed faintly in delight, her hips jerking slightly as she felt the addition of a second tongue to her heated folds, and Andrew made a soft sound, as he tasted his flareon's liquids from their source, the hiot juices playing across his tongue with their delightfully potent scent and taste.

His tongue began to work at her in time with River's, and almost instantly, he felt a noticeable increase in her temperature, as well as the rate at which her slick liquids welled up from within her body. Taking it a step further, lifting the hand not holding her tail up and out of the way, so he could begin pressing his fingertips deep inside her tight body, spreading her around them once more.

Fyre shuddered and cried out in delight as she felt the fingertips invading her once more, pressing her open, her tight, hot cunt squeezing around them in reflexive delight as she pressed back towards the intrusion in firm motions. "Fl-flare!" she demanded in a whimpered expression of delight. Grinning at his pokemons obvious delight, Andrew pressed his fingers deeper, starting to work them in and out with a firm motion, even as River continued to lap at her clit again and again, each swipe of her tongue causing a permable convulion deep inside the Flareon's tight body.

With his fingers buried in Fyre's eager, wet pussy, there was not really anywhere left for him to use his tongue on, so he just watched with lust-narrowed eyes as his pokemon began to tense and convulse in delight, getting close to her finish. He considered slipping a finger from her gripping pussy and sliding one into her tight tailhole again, but her body was just tensing around his fingers too much for him to slide them out and rob her of her enjoyment.

With a shaky inhalation, he leaned in close to her before he could lose his nerve, and flicked her tail up higher with his free hand, thrusting extra deep with the two fingers in her cunt, before dragging a firm, quick lick across the Flareon's tight tailhole.

A squeal of surprise left the flareon, and she arched, her eyes going wide, her tight cunt convulsing in reflexive reply to her surprise and the strange sensation of a tongue working over her there of all places!

Her surprise gave way to delight and she could only shudder and shift her weight shakily on her paws as she felt the lick again, and again, and again, lapping at her again and again in time with the fingers thrusting into her body, the motions inside her, the touch of a tongue to her clit, and the oh so naughty lapping at her tailhole conniving to make her orgasm rush over her rather quickly.

Fyre's tail spasmed, and her back arched, pushing her rump even higher into the air as she firm licks brought her to orgasm, tight, hot cunt squeezing around the fingers again and again, almost suckling on them as hidden muscles inside her wanton pussy squeezed and clenched at the invading digits in firm rhythm, liquids almost hot enough to scald spilling from the Flareon's cunt again and again.

River made a happy sound, and popped her maw open wide, letting the slick liquids drool into her maw, slicking across her tongue in fitful bursts of heated Flareon juice, before she began to slowly lap the flareon's twitching cunt clean.

Andrew drew back with a grin, watching his Flareon try to recover from her afterglow, her hindlegs splayed, held straight and rigid to maintain her shaky balance, eyes closed and head on her forepaws, the very picture of a contented pokemon. His eyes narrowed a little bit, and he crawled onto his knees behind the pokemon, grinning and leaning in to kiss between her ears. "Do you want me to fuck you, Fyre?" he murmured into one of her large ears.

Her eyes blinked open, and she shuddered faintly, her cheeks flushing, before she nodded slowly. "F-flare!" she said, with another enthusiastic nod, pressing her hips backwards tentatively, making a soft sound of happiness as she felt the hard rod of flesh that was her trainers cock pressing against her rump. "Flare!" she reiterated.

Grinning, he wrapped his paws around the Flareon's middle, and then shifted, a free hand aligning his eager cock with the dripping entrance of Fyre's wanton cunt, his eyes closing slightly, shuddering as he felt the furnace-heat of her tight cunt against the tip of his cock, before he shifted and sank himself in a few inches with a single motion.

The difference between her and River was immediately apparent. Her body was tight, but allowed him to move, her silky-soft walls so tight and squeezing around him without overly restricting the passage of his cock, and the heat. She was like a portable furnace, burning and clenching around his cock, heating him up so much that it was almost uncomfortable, and the way she pushed back at him was so arousing. She was just begging to be fucked.

With a growl, he gripped around her middle all the tighter, leaning over her, and then thrust hard, burying himself deep inside her, closing his eyes and baring his teeth as he just began to hump and thrust for all he was worth, not wasting any time on getting her 'ready'. He just began to give her the hard, deep fucking they both wanted and needed.

His hips ground up against her rump again and again as he drove into her, her tight, hot body squeezing around him in firm rhythm, hot little patters of liquids spilling from her cunt, dripping from her clit, just to be licked off by the ever-presence River, who was still lying underneath them, eagerly tonguing at the flareon's clit as she was taken hard by her trainer again and again.

Fyre shuddered in delight, and then shifted, burying her maw in the Vaporeon's cunt again, lapping and tonguing over it in heated, rapid motions, almost feverish in their intensity as she felt her body beginning to convulse and tense all the harder. She gripped the blue hindquarters under her and cried out in a high-pitched tone of complete bliss as her trainers thrusting cock drew her to orgasm again, and her body squeezed and cinched down around his cock over and over again, smoothly working around it, trying to coax out another load of his gooey spunk.

Andrew shuddered and panted, tugging backwards from her convulsing cunt, laying it against her rump and holding her close as she settled into the afterglow, not wanting to spill in her too soon. The Flareon shuddered and panted, grinding back against him and giving a wanton little wimper, looking at him over her shoulder a moment and then bending over once more, lifting her tail high, eagerly imploring him to keep fucking her accepting body.

River made a soft sound of delight, and worked her maw up over the Flareon's cunt, lapping at it again and again with firm strokes of her tongue, her tail bobbing slightly as she panted against the flareon's hot body.

Nodding once, her trainer shifted backwards, sliding his thick cock back down towards the tight entrance of her wet, hot cunt, waiting for river to be done with her eager tonguework before he could slide back into the hot Flareon.

"...Fl-flare?" came a soft, tentative suggestion from the Flareon.

Andrew blinked, focusing forwards again, raising his brows as his Flareon looked at him over her shoulder and lifted her tail a shade higher, her cheeks flushing deeply. He couldn't understand her, of course, but he got the general gist of it. A hand slid down to trail his fingertips across the underside of her tail, before finding her tight tailhole and rubbing a slow circle around it. "You...want me to fuck you here?" he asked, finding his breathing suddenly increasing in intensity, his eager cock throbbing to attention even more than before.

"F-flaaaare..." Fyre admitted with a shudder, turning her head back to the front and wiggling her rump invitingly, her cheeks flared with red heat, displaying her dripping wet cunt and tight tailhole to her trainer.

He made a faint sound in the back of his throat, and shifted into position before the Flareon could reconsider her offer, kneading his fingertips against her back soothingly as he pressed the wet tip of his cock up against her saliva-slicked tailhole, River blinking and watching with wide eyes as her Trainer began to slide his cock into the Flareon's tight rump right in front of her, even as she tongued distractedly at said flareon's dripping cunt.

Fyre shuddered and arched her back helplessly as she felt the tip of the thick shaft spreading her open around it, beginning to sink into her unused entrance, her teeth baring, lips pulling back at the sensation of her body being stretched so wide by the intrusion. After a few seconds of this treatment, she obviously began to regret it, whimping and whining back at her trainer, her hindlegs tensing up shakily as her tail flicked back and forth helplessly. "Flaaare!" she whimpered out.

Andrew shushed her faintly, holding there with half of his thick member buried in her tight tailhole, even as River continued her oral assault on the pokemon's dripping cunt, at once cleaning the liquids up, and just letting them be replaced by the fire pokemons copious arousal.

The trainer began to shift his hips slowly, sliding back, and then sinking forwards, just an inch at a time, keeping his motions slow and even, doing his best to contain the urge to just hold her down and rut her tight tailhole to a gooey messy orgasm, panting hard. She was so tight and hot back there, squeezing heavily around his thick cock with each motion, almost like her body was taunting him, daring him to take her as hard as he could.

After several long moments of gently sliding his hips back and forth, he began to lengthen his motions, sliding back further and then grinding his hips forwards firmly, sinking even deeper into her tight tailhole, making the Flareon arch and convulse. River paused in her tonguework to watch, enraptured, as the trainer slowly worked inch after eager hard inch of his cock into the Flareon's tight ass, sinking in deeper and deeper until he managed to hilt inside her.

Fyre surprised all three of them by giving a low moan, her forepaws shaking slightly as she adjusted her stance, offering herself fully to her trainer to fuck while she turned her head downwards and began to lap and lave her tongue slowly over the vaporeon's cunt once more.

River shuddered and gave a faint groan as she felt the tongue sliding over her cunt, her eyes fixed on the thick cock as it stretched the Flareon so wide around it, sinking into her tight rump, only for the trainer to begin sliding back and forth, drawing back and then humping forwards, fucking his Flareon's tight, squeezing tailhole with slow, steady motions. Grinning, river squirmed out from underneath the pair, and then sauntered around to the flareon's front, dropping onto her back and splaying her hindlegs wide for the fire pokemon, so she could contunue her work.

Andrew watched with interest as Fyre went back to her lapping, tonguing slowly at the Vaporeon's cunt. By now, it was clean, no longer dripping her trainers spunk, just oozing more of the Vaporeon's own sticky cunt fluids. Fyre shuddered at the taste in her maw, even as she felt her trainer starting to drive his thick cock into her tight tailhole all the more eagerly, his hips sliding back just so he could spear his thick cock into her tight body, making her moan against the water pokemons cunt helplessly.

It was the vaporeon's turn to squeal out in surprise as the Flareon trailed her tongue down and pressed a heated series of wet licks against the Vaporeon's tight pink tailhole, hot tongue trailing over it again and again as the fire pokemon herself peeked up at the Vaporeon with a grin.

River shuddered and arched, her eyes wide, her cheeks flushing deeply amongst her blue hide as her hindlegs opened and closed convulsively, her tail twitching back and forth with each lick, eeping faintly and then crying out at the repeated licked to her tight tailhole.

Andrew grinned a little bit, and gripped around his flareon tighter, starting to fuck her with short, shallow motions, taking her hard and fast while slipping a hand up along the Vaporeon's tail, curling his fingertips past the lapping tongue of the Flareon, and pressing a fingertip into the tight entrance of River's tailhole. The Vaporeon arched her back hard enough to lift it off the ground slightly, and cried out, paws covering her maw in embarassment as Fyre immediately switched to tonguing at her wet cunt and clit, even as Andrew pushed past the resistance of the insanely tight tailhole to finger-fuck her vigorously with his index finger, even as his own motions in the flareon's tight rump reached fever pitch.

River was the first to lose it, her head throwing back and a shrill cry of delight leaving her as her rump convulsed and cinched down on the fingertip sliding in and out of it, her tight cunt spasming repeatedly, giving up a slew of liquids for the flareon to lap clean eagerly, her hot tongue dancing over the convulsing blue and pink flesh.

Andrew was next, feeling the tight rump around his cock squeezing him so tight, and the slick, amazingly tight one convulsing around his fingertip. He was fucking his flareon in the ass, and finger-fucking his Vaporeon in the same way; the realisation was enough to tip him over the edge, driving deep into his flareon again and again, until his thick cock throbbed and jerked wantonly, flexing deep inside the hot fire pokemon's body, and then exploding hard, spilling repeated hot spurts of his spunk deep inside her again and again, pumping her full of his gooey cream over and over again, filling her with his warmth.

Last, and certainly not least, was Fyre, panting and moaning at the taste of the slick liquids that greeted her lapping tongue, before she arched and cried out, actually snarling in delight as she felt the thick cock drive into her like that again and again, the rush of hot spunk spilling into her rump being the last straw for her. Each heavely burst of the gooey spunk that splashed across her insides brought a fresh wave of orgasmic spasms to her hot body, and she tensed and convulsed again and again, spilling hot bursts of her orgasmic fluids down her inner thighs, drooling from her heated, convulsing cunt, just as the thick spunk being fired into her tight rump began to overflow as well, drooling down over her messy hindquarters as Andrew spilled his last ropes of mess inside her, filling her completely.

Andrew shuddered and tugged out of his flareon's tight rump, not having the presence of mind to catch a glance of the spunk drooling from her used tailhole, dropping onto his side on the bed and splaying out helplessly. The two pokemon likewise collapsed, the three of them passing out in lust-addled exhaustion.

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