Living Legends: Volume (Mew)Two: Part 7

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#7 of Living Legends: Volume (Mew) Two

Sin was sitting astride Peter's lap, seated neatly across his thighs, her thick tail dangling between his legs, coiled around one of his ankles firmly, her arms thrown over his shoulders, holding him close to her, kissing him eagerly.

She was a little bit tipsy, having hit the eggnog rather hard, liking the taste, and Peter hadn't dissuaded her from enjoying herself with the mildly alcoholic beverage. After all, it was Christmas!

But having a very amorous, tipsy Metwo in your lap lavishing you with kisses and attention was a good way to get noticed for bad reasons, and he felt it was best to get her back to the room, nudging her lightly to get her attention and breaking the kiss. "C'mon, time for bed." he stated.

The Mewtwo gave a nod, and gave him one last kiss, before sliding off his lap, reaching a three-fingered hand up to check that her amulet was in place, and then picking up her snowglobe, clutching it to her chest protectively.

Peter smiled a little bit at that. She looked so cute like that, little snowglobe clutched in her hands, shining pendant gleaming at her chest, and a wreath of golden christmas tree decoration still carelessly wrapped about her shoulders like a scarf purloined from the latest Mardi Gras. He waved a hand, holding out a mug of eggnog to tempt her with. "X'mon, you can drink this before bed." he stated, beginning to lead her back to their quarters.

Sin followed quite eagerly at the promise of more eggnog, though she did stumble a little bit, almost tripping and dropping her snowglobe at one point, before finally managing the trip back to their room and placing the snowglobe carefully in the centre of the bedside table, before sprawling across the bed in a misshapen heap, leaving just enough room for him to lay besides her, which he did, after sloughing his shirt.

"I loooove you Peter." she slurred happily, giggling and wrapping her arms tight around him, pulling him close and laying her head on his chest, "I'm so haaaappy." she stated, giving a contented sigh and stroking his stomach with a free hand, trailing her fingertips across his flesh.

Smiling faintly, Peter leaned down to kiss the top of her head delicately. "I love you too, Sin." he stated, nodding once.

Outside, there was a thud, on the wall besides the door, and then the sound of a keycard being swiped through the scanner, and then again, and again, and the mumble of concerned voices.

Peter gave a faint sigh, and slid away from the Mewtwo to answer the door, opening it up to be greeted by two very surprised people, one male, one female, obviously a couple. The girl was basically hanging off him, her lipstick smeared across his cheeks and shirt collar, surprised expressions on their faces as they were greeted at the door of their room by a young man and the tipsy Mewtwo who fell off the bed when she leaned too far to the side to peek past the humans shoulder.

"I think you have the wrong room." Peter said, shaking his head a moment at the couple.

The man held up his keycard, and looked at it, and then the door number, before blinking once or twice. "So we do." he said distractedly, then turning around, leading his partner towards a door on the other side of the hallway, drunkenly opening it and stumbling inside.

Peter shook his head and closed the door, and then raised a brow at Sin, who was picking herself up off the floor. Shaking his head, he helped her back up onto the bed, sitting besides it next to her as she frowned. "What did they want?" she asked.

"They got the wrong door." he said dismissively.

"Why was the woman hanging off the man like her legs weren't working?" she asked next, tilting her head and peeking at the door.

"I think they were 'together'." Peter explained, with a helpless motion of a hand.

"...Together?" Sin asked, blinking once and dividing her attention between him, and the door. "What do you mean 'together'?"

"Romantically." he added, tilting his head at her slightly. "That's how some girls act when they like someone."

"...Should I act like that?" Sin asked suddenly, staring at him. "I like you so much...but I don't want to hang off you..." she said uncertainly, brows furrowing deeply, tailtip giving a sad wiggle.

"God no." Peter protested, pulling the tipsy Mewtwo into a hug, where she immediately crawled into his lap, knees resting on either side of his hips and chin resting on his shoulder, arms wrapping around him tightly.

"They're...doing something." she said, frowning thoughtfully, peering sideways, seemingly through the wall.

"Something?" Peter asked, brows lifting. "You know it's naughty to spy on people, right?" he asked.

The Mewtwo's cheeks flushed deeply, and her breathing began to increase. "And so is what they're doing." she said with a slow nod, her eyes slightly wide, her tailtip beginning to slowly swirl and flick back and forth between Peter's ankles.

"It is?" he asked, canting his head to one side.

Sin nodded, the blood in her cheeks visible now and she bit her lower lip, her tailtip swirling all the faster, bumping his ankles gently. "It is." she repeated unhelpfully, with a firm nod at him, her arms wrapping around him all the tighter, holding him to her chest, pressing in close, nosing at his neck a few times. "T-the girl is using her m-mouth..." she panted faintly into his ear.

"However do you mean?" Peter asked as steadily as he could, though he had a fair idea of what she was saying.

"She's putting it in her mouth." Sin said with a faint shudder. "L-like in your dreams."

There was a pause of several seconds, before Sin's paws flew to her muzzle, and her cheeks flushed deeply, realising she had revealed something by accident.

"You've been watching my dreams?" Peter asked, raising a single brow.

"I-I couldn't help it!" she whined, pulling back from him just slightly. "Y-you were on the deck, a-and it was sort of just...there..." she tried to explain.

"And you saw my dream about that?" he asked, frowning slightly to himself at this information. Probably not the best way to learn about oral sex.

"I-I did." she said, her cheeks flushing a little bit deeper.

"Well I guess you know now that humans dream about some strange things." he said with a helpless little shrug of his shoulders.

" was strange...but I liked it...a-and it didn't even taste that bad..." she said with a shake of her head.

Peter stared at her for a long moment, head tilting slowly to one side. "It...didn't taste that bad?" he asked, brows raising.

Sin stared back at him, and blinked once, her cheeks flushing darkly and paws covering her mouth, a faint eep leaving her. "I-I mean I t-think it wouldn't!" she tipsily tried to correct, largely failing.

"...So you tried it?" he asked, shaking his head for a moment, eyes closed. "I really hope you didn't just track down some random passer-by to do that to." he said, sounding slightly worried at the prospect.

"Y-you were....k-kind of already ready." she said, flushing furiously and looking at the wall, tailtip thudding against the ground.

"So you did it to me?" he asked, shifting uncomfortably at the thought of it, a faint shudder rolling through his form.

Sin gave a nod in reply, and then a helpless noise in the back of her throat. "I-I only did it once!" she said with an earnest nod. "Y-you're not mad are you?" she asked hopefully.

Peter shook his head slightly, frowning. "I'm not...really sure how I feel." he said, sounding mildly uncomfortable. "I mean...that's usually something you keep private, and only share with a very few select people...and definitely not something you should do to someone sleeping."

"B-but you enjoyed it!" she protested, with a firm nod. "I c-could see that you loved it..."

He made a face, unsure how to explain it. "That...Doesn't really come into it...It's hard to explain." he said, helplessly.

Sin frowned, pouting at him, turning back to face him, cheeks flushed deeply, but her expression set. "Y-you liked it?" she asked.

Peter gave a helpless nod. "Males always enjoy that sort of thing." he said reluctantly.

"A-and you love me?" she asked, leaning closer to him, until her nose was almost touching his own.

"...I do." Peter said tentatively, unsure where the tipsy Mewtwo was going with this line of questioning.

"A-and that sort of t-thing is what people who love eachother do?" she continued.

Peter made a faint face, wincing slightly at the Mewtwo's logic. "It doesn't quite work li-"

Sin shushed him, putting a single finger up to his lips. "People who love eachother d-do that?" she asked, repeating the question.

He nodded once in reply.

The Mewtwo gave a smile and then pulled him into a kiss, wrapping her arms around him, her tongue pressing heatedly between his lips, seeking his own.

Peter squirmed a little bit, even as she pressed closer, pulling back from the kiss a moment to catch her breath and nuzzle in against the crook of his neck lovingly. "W-what they're doing looks l-like fun." she panted breathlessly, her paws slipping down into his lap, tugging at the button of his pants ineffectually.

"W-what?" he asked, eyes widening at her a little bit as he felt her paws at his waist, tugging at the button of his pants like that, though it was too small for her to effectively manipulate properly.

"I want to do what they're doing." she breathed heatedly against his ear, before pulling him into another heated little kiss, stifling whatever protest he was going to raise. "Hush..." she panted against him as she drew back from the kiss.

"W-we really s-shouldn't." Peter protested weakly, sounding just as nervous as Sin had been moments previously. He could feel that buzzing at the back of his mind, and the Mewtwo shook her head firmly.

"S-shut up." she murmured forcefully, giving up on the button of his pants and hugging around him with her free paw, peeking down into his lap long enough to undo it with a touch of her psychic abilities, pressing back in close when that was done, panting and kissing him eagerly. "Y-you want this as much as I do." she murmured, even as her free paw reached down the opening of his pants, pressing down on them, forcing the zipper open as she lifted her hips off of his own long enough to tug down his pants and boxes clumsily, and then dropping herself back into his lap, squirming slightly at the sensation of their bare flesh touching.

Peter gave a slight squirm as he felt certain other portions of their anatomies rubbing up against each other, unable to help but lift his arms to wrap around her in return as she pressed their bodies close, unintentionally, or maybe even deliberately rubbing the length of her slightly moist sex up along his swelling member.

Sin panted down at him heatedly, her paws finding their way to his lower back, splaying wide for extra grip, which held his hips quite still so she could rub her heated opening over him, giving a low little croon at the sensation of their flesh touching, her cheeks flushing a little bit deeper.

"T-tell me that y-you want me, Peter." she whispered into his ear, tone nervous and tentative, but carrying a hit of firm resolve in it. She knew what she wanted.

Peter paused a moment, unable to help the faint arch of his back as he felt those soft outer lips grinding up wetly against his now-hard length, his own cheeks flushing faintly as he whispered breathlessly back at her; "I-I want you, Sin." blinking once, seemingly surprised at his own brazenness.

A low little growl left the mewtwo, a sound he had never heard before, and she arched her hips upwards, that thick tail giving a little bit of an excited swirl as she pressed her hips close and slid a paw between their bodies to get him to just the right angle, pressing up against the tight opening to her body.

Purple and black eyes met his own, and that lusty little growl increased in volume as she stared at him, eyes narrowing lustfully as she let her hips drop, her eyes widening and back arching, maw parting in a heated eep of surprise and dismay at the odd sensation of his thick tip beginning to press her open, that tight, unused entrance squeezing down reflexively as it engulfed the tip of his member, convulsing around it in reflexive spasms.

Peter bared his teeth in delight, hands slipping down to her lower back as the Mewtwo shuddered, and then lifted herself slightly, right back up to the tip, and then dropped herself down hard again, sinking in another inch with another soft cry, this time sounding slightly pained, her face twisting into a dismayed expression as she lifted herself and dropped again, giving a startled cry of pain and discomfit this time, as another inch slipped inside, a tear trickling down her cheek.

"I-It's hurting P-Peter." she protested, once again unsure and helpless, looking to him for guidance, sniffling once. "I-It's supposed to f-feel good b-but it h-hurts..." she whined.

Shushing her gently, Peter began to rub his palms up and down her back gently. "You're going too fast." he murmured, shaking his head at her, pulling her against him and rolling to the side, so she was suddenly spread out on her back beneath him, his arms wrapped around her back. "Let me do it for you." he breathed into one of her ears, beginning to gently shift his hips back and forth, sliding himself in and out of her the small amount that he could.

Sin whined softly, flushing as she stared up at him, groaning once or twice as he began to work himself inside her, her tailtip spasming, entire thick limb beginning to swirl back and forth in time with his motions, making Peter gasp as the movements of her tail caused the muscles in the base, and, specifically, the ones around his moving cock, shift and squeeze in strange, exciting ways.

Her powerful legs spread wide, and she gasped faintly as he gradually worked another inch of himself into her needy body, spreading her tight entrance around him, even as her muscles squeezed and cinched down around him in protest.

"D-does it hurt now?" Peter asked breathlessly, between gently heaves of his hips against her own, now working over half of his eager length in and out of her body.

"N-no." Sin attested, her hands tensing a little bit, blunt fingertips digging into his back helplessly, her strong legs wrapping around his hips eagerly, to try and get him a little bit deeper. "P-please don't stop, Peter."

Peter shook his head in affirmation, panting down at her. "I won't." he murmured, planting his feet a little bit firmer on the floor and working himself into her with a more eager pace, sliding even more of his stiff rod into her tight, accepting body.

"I-it feels good." the Mewtwo breathed up at him, panting helplessly, her arms gripping him tightly as her hips moved in counterpoint to his own in reflexive motions, sliding that soft, moist entrance against him all the more eagerly, which just worked her tight muscles on him to all the stronger effect.

"I-I want to be back on top." Sin breathed, nuzzling into his neck heatedly a few times, one of her paws sliding down to his lower back and splaying helplessly as he worked that tiny bit deeper into her, making her arch and squirm in delight.

Nodding, Peter slid himself back from her, and then sat on the edge of the bed once more, offering her his lap.

Sin laid there for a moment, the puffy pink slit between her legs clenching down on nothing and a faint whine leaving her muzzle at the absence of that pleasure-bringing tool inside her, her own slick liquids already having drooling from her sex, slowly trickling down across her tail.

Shuddering, she rolled onto her knees, and then unsteadily slipped back atop him, resting her knees on either side of his hips, and pulling him into a lustful kiss, panting into it heatedly for several seconds before pulling back, black eyes meeting his own in a heated stare. "I love you, Peter." she growled, as her paw held around him again, and she dropped her hips, shoving the entirety of his thick member deep inside her wanton body in a single smooth motion, her back arching and hips spasming as she cried out aloud.

Peter flailed a moment, quickly pulling her into a kiss as she cried out. God, that was loud. There was enough of his senses left to worry about keeping her quiet, but it was a battle he rapidly began to forget about as Sin growled against him and began to work her hips eagerly up and down on his own, sliding upwards and arching her back, tail lifting a little bit, before she dropped down into his lap, sinking those soft, firm outer lips right down to his base, tight inner muscles squeezing and milking around him heatedly, thick tail bulb thudding into the ground audibly as she squeaked into his mouth each time.

Eyes closed tightly, and maw parted in delight against the kiss, she began to bounce and work her hips up and down on him all the more eagerly, adding a little grinding swivel to her hips at the end of each motion that worked his stiff member against her inner depths and made them both moan heatedly.

Growling, she broke the kiss, burying her nose in his shoulder and holding him tightly as she began to slide up, and then shove down, bouncing on him hard enough that the bed was shifting slightly and the impact caused his entire body to bounce slightly against the bed, using her powerful legs and hips to her advantage as she eagerly fucked him.

Peter was beginning to pant and shudder breathlessly under her motions, as her hips repeatedly came down on his own, impacting with a dull, moist thud each time, her liquids having long since slicked his entire cock, and moistened his lap considerably, grunting in delight every time her hips slid up him, the suckling inner muscles of her tight cunt drawing over him in a delightfully squeezing motion, only for her to shove back down and spear him up deep inside her again, tight body squeezing and milking around him all the while.

"S-Sin...I-I'm gonna..." Peter tried to warn, as he felt a tightening in the pit of his stomach, his arms wrapping around her, squeezing reflexively, helplessly as she didn't vary her pace in the least, still working up and down him in heated motions.

His back arched hard and he gave a low cry of delight, stifling it against her shoulder, as his back arched helplessly and his hips ground up into her own, shuddering and crying out as his eager cock stiffened inside her, jerking and throbbing repeatedly, exploding all of a sudden, sending a wash of his gooey spurts spilling across her milking inner depths, rapidly filling her tight body.

The Mewtwo didn't even vary her pace, cooing in delight as she felt Peter's thick member throbbing and jerking inside her, filling her with that blooming warmth that rapidly began to drool from around his embedded cock as she continued to bounce, smiling down at him heatedly, insides twitching at the delightful sensation.

But all too soon, he was holding her down against him with his hands, to keep her from moving, shuddering and gasping helplessly. "S-Sin, s-stop!" he panted, as she worked on his over-sensitive length, a gooey mess of cum and her own liquids slicking both of their laps.

"That was it?" Sin asked, panting heavily down at him, unable to help but work her hips against him slowly, making him almost go cross-eyes at the sensation of her tight cunt squeezing and shifting around his used member. She didn't sound disappointed or surprised, just curious.

He nodded helplessly up at her, giving a little bit of a squeak. "S-slide off me hun." he panted.

Sin nodded once, and then lifted her hips, giving a low little groan as his used member slid from her, dropping free followed by a mess of his liquids, and she gave a low groan, rubbing a paw down across her stomach, and then her used slit, collecting some of the liquids to stare at, rubbing them between her fingers, seemingly entrances. Without even hesitating, she popped her fingertips into her muzzle, one after the other, licking them clean. Peter watched her, eyes wide, panting still.

"We need a shower." he murmured, peering down at his lap, and the mess that had collected there.

The Mewtwo gave a nod, and then slipped off him, sliding to her feet and then making her way towards the shower that adjoined the room, her hips swaying happily, while his own spunk dripped from her cunt with each step, leaving little droplets of it across the floor.

Peter watched her, trying to catch his breath. She hadn't climaxed. That much he was sure of...

Something he would have to fix while they showered.

Apprentice chapter 2

The Apprentice part 2 Jake blinked his eyes open, staring at his ceiling for a long, long time. He remembered. He remembered everything from the night before. The taste of her, her scent, how her muzzle had felt, when his cock was buried in...

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_First off, I didn't write this! This is a gift story from Salena, who gets around as a few names. Salena is totally compyright to her, Cascade, Lysant, Fyreth, Thryst, and Hyrellia, and all associated Hyrellia gryphons and the like are totally my...

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Apprentice Jake stood, hand outstretched, fingers bent into a claw shape, magical energies dancing across his fingertips, manifesting as fire, water, ice, electricity, all in turn, sometimes just one, sometimes all at once. It was random, mutating,...

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