Friends Over (by Salena)

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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First off, I didn't write this! This is a gift story from Salena, who gets around as a few names. Salena is totally compyright to her, Cascade, Lysant, Fyreth, Thryst, and Hyrellia, and all associated Hyrellia gryphons and the like are totally my intellectual property and copyrighted to me! Posted with consent, and oh god, it's so hot. Story is possibly maybe kinda sorta based on roleplays we've done. Enjoy!

Friends Over

It was a pleasant and sunny day out, a gorgeous weekend. But Salena didn't spare much time to enjoy the fresh air and bright light. It was her turn to do the grocery run so she'd been out most of the morning restocking all the supplies she'd need to feed both herself and her voracious gryphon companion. With the day so bright and clear, people would need sunglasses just to look at the albino otter without having to squint through the glare of sun on the stark white fur. She wasn't wearing much to cover it either, beating the heat with a light tank top that showed off her belly and a pair of shorts that didn't even cover half of her thighs.

By now it was mid-morning, rolling over towards noon and the otter girl was on her way back to the small apartment she had. It had been a lucky break of hers to snag the place, which was close to the campus that she studied at. The apartment wasn't terribly large, but it had been made to cater to larger students. The last one who'd rented it out had been a quadruped dragon. It was just as well the design was built with quadrupeds in mind, since her roommate, Cascade was a size-able gryphon from off-world.

She pulled in to the parking and started hauling the bags of groceries out of the car, swiping them all in one go in her stubborn manner and trundling off towards the apartment after securing the car. The otter figured that Cascade would probably be relaxing in the jacuzzi out back on a day like this, or out somewhere practicing his flying. The world he came from had less gravity, which accounted for his size and the ability to fly easily. Here on Earth though, the poor gryphon had a really tough time getting into the air for any length of time. Thanks to his upbringing it didn't wind him nearly as bad as some of the other Hyrellians that came by the planet now and then.

Cascade was doing neither at the moment though. In fact he'd entirely forgotten to tell her that he had a few acquaintances coming by today. A few Hyrellian gryphons were having a field trip of sorts, and since this college was one of a few places that catered to the planet's populace they were offered a tour while they were on-world. Cascade had been a prime student to assign as a guide.

So it was that Salena was entirely not expecting the veritable menagerie of feathers that filled the lounge of her apartment when she stepped in the door. The furniture had all been pushed up to the walls to make enough room for the four gryphons lounging there. They hadn't noticed her yet, the door's automatic bio sensor unlocking it and opening for her. The otter felt like she was going to faint at the sight, but then a sudden rush of blood to her head revived her as she felt her face burning with blush under the pale fur. She let out a squeak and dropped the groceries as she saw what all the gryphon's attention was fixated upon. There on the vid-screen was the display of herself and Cascade on top of her, that pesky gryphon having recorded one of their recent naughty affairs on the damned data port he almost always wore over his eye.

The blush kept its intensity but she felt like she was going to swoon and faint once again as she was hit full on by the scent. The entire room smelled of thick, male musk, which was bad enough for disrupting her train of thought when it was just Cascade. It was clear where the source was from as well, a couple of the gryphons lounging on their sides, their packages on display with swollen sheathes and flesh peeking out. He'd been showing off and defending some of the better reasons for staying on Earth, she'd later find out. Not that it mattered, Cascade was in so much trouble, ohyes.

At her squeak and the thump of groceries dropped to the floor all heads turned towards her. Cascade at least had the mind to look a bit abashed, ears laid back over his head and blushing as he looked slightly off to the side. The other three looked at her with piercing gazes, roaming over her body while she quivered. So predatory and calculating, alight with a hunger and a lust. The scent of all the males was getting to her already, making it hard to think while she couldn't help her gaze lingering over nether regions.

"S-salena! I.."

"Look at that tasty morsel.."

"Let's just take her, look at her.. she totally wants it!"

She was only vaguely aware of them talking about her, blushing furiously as she curled her tail shyly around her waist. A few snickers rose and then they started to move, one of them dragging her over into the group, her mind lost in the blur of feathers and fur. Another squeak left the otter as her clothes were ripped and torn, pulled off to leave her exposed to all the gazes. Despite the treatment she'd probably have quite eagerly agreed anyway, had she been able to think straight. Salena only blankly registered that Cascade would be paying for those clothes as well, registering his name in her mind as she was pulled over on top of a feathered and furred belly. It wasn't her roommate underneath her though.

"Well fine, but I get under her tail. Be careful with her though." Cascade muttered behind her. The otter peered down, confused at the location of the voice and usual feel of a gryphon's body. But underneath her was black feathers and fur. The wings tucked in at his sides were banded with red around the secondary feathers, and the primary were dipped entirely in red. He was also huge, larger even than Cascade. That lewd gaze was smirking up at her while she felt a hot length of flesh pulsing and growing between her thighs. Fyreth was his name, she'd learn afterwards.

Salena felt her tail lifted off to the side, leaving her rear exposed as Cascade nuzzled in with his beak to lick slowly, teasing his tongue up from the bottom of her nethers towards the tight little ring of her pucker. The pale flesh of her folds was glistening already with arousal, her own scent mingling in amidst all the maleness. It was barely detected though, only the white gryphon behind her really getting a whiff of her. It made him groan and the arousal under his belly swell, his wings mantling the grey-black feathers as he started to give in to baser instincts.

In front of the otter were two more gryphons still, grumbling that they seemed to lose out on the best positions. However, the black one gave a little snicker. Unlike Fyreth, all of this one's body was black, wings included. All except for a red tuft at the end of his tail.

"Well I'm going to try out this muzzle at least..see what all the fuss over your oral obsession is Cascade.' The black one snickered. Salena learned him to be Lysant afterwards as well. Lysant was even bigger than the other two new gryphs. She was somewhat thankful that he hadn't gotten to claim one of her other holes, especially at the sight of the stiff shaft that bobbed under his belly. It was huge, and there was the knot at the base as well to be considered. It was already a stretch just taking Cascade.

"Only if you share it with me! I'm not getting left out." The last gryphon protested, his name being Thryst. He was a similar white to Cascade, but Thryst had black bands around his secondaries and black dipped primaries, the same pattern as Fyreth underneath the otter. He was also quite large, almost the same size as Lysant. His own erection was jutting stiffly from his groin while he sat on his haunches nearby.

Lysant shuffled his wings a bit but nodded, "Oh fine then, we'll both use her muzzle."

Salena could only blush, shuddering while Cascade worked his tongue around under her tail. Her body was burning with need, all that musk making her feel as if she were in heat. Lysant moved over, settling on his haunches right up beside Fyreth's head while Thryst moved to take the other side, both of the stiff shafts pulsing above the other gryphon's beak and right in front of the otter's nose. It was Lysant that reached over and pulled her head down, practically forcing his large erection into the otter's little muzzle with a pleased growl as the feeling of her lips and tongue pressing over his flesh made him throb. Thryst could only huff a bit and watch patiently as the solid black gryph took the first round.

The other black gryphon underneath her paid little mind to the cocks over his beak, instead churrling out as he placed his forepaws on the otter's hips and thrust his shaft tip up against her nether lips. They were slippery with arousal and easily spread around the tip, the head spreading the little otter open until it popped in past the tight entrance. Fyreth growled out then, unable to restrain himself as he thrust sharply up into Salena's body, forcing his cock into her while her muscles clamped down in protest and only made her all the tighter. She gave a muffled squeak out around Lysant's cock, thumping at the gryphon under her in protest as she was stuffed so quickly. It was still larger than Cascade, stretching her so wide.. and surely not all the way in either.

Her roommate and lover winced behind her, but he couldn't help groaning at the sight of her pussy being stretched around his friend's cock. It made his shaft twitch and soon he was mounting up over the top of Salena so he could grind his own arousal up against the tight little ring under her tail. It made the otter blush as she felt Cascade mount over her, and then there was his own arousal pushing insistently under her tail. A few slow grinds to be easy on her and then a slow push forward soon had his length popping through the resistance of her tailhole and easing bit by bit into the tight rump, helped along by the thick spurts of pre.

She got a musky shot of pre inside her muzzle as well, jaws stretched wide just so she could accommodate Lysant's huge arousal. Her little tongue worked along the bottom of the head, teasing slowly over the flesh to make him groan. Lysant would be a believer in oral by the time she was done, especially with the threat of a beak non-existent. He couldn't help grinding forward a bit, tagging the back of her throat and making the otter gag a bit around him.

Salena was saved as Thryst insistently nudged and pulled at her head until the solid black gryph relented. Then her muzzle was pushed down around a new cock, hot flesh throbbing against her tongue with a slightly different taste, but still very male. A new shot of pre rewarded her as her tongue ground along the bottom of Thryst's shaft, making him gasp out as he bucked his hips eagerly with less restraint than Lysant.

Underneath her, the black and red banded gryph was panting out against her throat, having started to thrust into her with a steady grind. His paws at her hips pulled her down against his length while her muscles clamped down. The feeling of Fyreth's cock grinding back and forth inside her combined with the stiff intrustion of Cascade's shaft sliding into her rear drove her quickly over the edge. She was completely helpless as her body seized up and muscles rippled within her, spasming in a heavy climax.

"Hah, look at that, already cumming. She really is such a slut for gryphons huh?" Lysant snickered out as he watched while she moaned out heavily around Thryst's length. Salena's ears burned at the comment before she was distracted by an eager thrust from both the gryphon's behind her, grinding into the extra tight passages. She could feel their cocks sliding against each other through the thin barrier of flesh that kept them apart. Further comments were lost from everyone as the foursome continued, losing themselves in the pleasure and primal urges.

Salena lost track of who's cock was in her muzzle, being swapped back and forth between both of them, her paws reaching shakily to stroke along the flesh and squeeze at both Lysant's and Thryst's knots while they sat in front. She could hear Fyreth grunting underneath her as he struggled to jam more of his cock into her body, stretching her to the limit and then battering directly at her cervix. The abused otter whimpered as she felt him thrusting eagerly, obviously intent on shoving it deeper as if trying to knot her.

Cascade was panting above her as well, nipping at her neck and groaning out by her ear as he thrust just as eagerly into her tailhole, stuffing the rear with as much of his cock as he could. It was thanks to the white gryphon's length that Fyreth wasn't able to ram that knot of his into her, not enough room without her body ripping for both of them like that. She could feel her lover tensing up and knew he wouldn't be lasting much longer, even while she shuddered out and felt a second orgasm tearing through her body. It left her breathless and panting heavily around the cock in her muzzle.. the white fluff in front of her denoting that it belonged to Thryst.

Apparently it was too much for him as well because his shaft started to pulse and then jerk heavily, suddenly shooting out heavy shots of seed up into her muzzle. The otter choked around it, gagging and coughing at the sudden climax from Thryst, his seed dribbling messily down over her chin while he pulled away to let her catch her breath. The rest of his seed painted across her muzzle, leaving her face covered in the sticky mess while she fought for breath and tried to keep from coughing cum over Fyreth's beak. She wasn't given much time to recover though as Lysant tugged her head over and pressed his cock eagerly into the cum slickened muzzle. Thryst slumped back with a sated churrr, watching the rest of group go at it.

Underneath her, the black and red banded gryphon was humping a bit wildly into her, tugging her hips down with a snarl so that his cock was forced past her cervix, penetrating right into her womb and making her belly bulge out with the sheer size. Salena cried out mutely around Lysant's shaft, gagged into silence as the big black gryphon eagerly pushed her head down and thrust at the same time, forcing her jaws wide as he stuffed his cock tip down her throat. The writhing about it brought on was too much for Fyreth and he gave a cry as his hips jerked under the otter. The heavy orbs tightened up and soon his length was pulsing and throbbing hotly, the knot growing outside her nethers as he filled her belly with heavy spurts of his own seed.

Salena could feel Fyreth cumming inside her, especially with the sheer amount he put inside her. The soft belly slowly distended and swelled a bit with all the mess of hot cum the gryphon pumped inside her. Not long after that she could feel Cascade shudder above her and grasp the nape of her neck possessively in his beak. It was the white and gray gryphon's turn now, his shaft giving the familiar jerk as he drove as deep as he could into his little otter lover. Then thick spurts of the rich seed were being pumped up into her rump, filling her even further with the hot seed. It was too much for her and shuddered heavily in a third climax, the pleasure blanking out her mind.

She could only watch Lysant's groin and the thick knot at the base of his shaft start to swell, her only warning as he fucked eagerly into her throat that he was close. Then she could feel the pumping of seed up through his length against her tongue, and a bare second later the feeling of it shooting directly down her throat with the heated ooze. The otter had to swallow heavily to keep up, gulping down his load as her belly was filled in yet another way with gryphon cum. Lysant pulled out before the end though, wanting to paint this little otter slut with his own marking of cum, spurting the last of it across her muzzle to mix with Thryst's from before.

Cascade always loved to do just the same to her, and had pulled out of her rear before he'd finished spilling his load so he could spurt a few ropes of cum across her butt and tail. Underneath her Fyreth had started to ease himself out as well, the feeling of her body tight around his shaft drawing out another few spurts of seed from him up across her swollen belly while the mess of cum from the mating oozed messily down her rump and thighs.

The entire lounge reeked of sex, and the poor little otter did as well. She'd be mind-numbed for weeks after at this rate. Cascade would have no trouble badgering her into sex whenever he wanted either. Salena's fur was matted with four different sources of seed but she could only shudder weakly on top of Fyreth's belly, mind still only just catching up with the pleasure of her last orgasm. She did spot that damned little data visor of Cascade's though, sitting up by the vid-screen where it could capture all of the action. It made her huff and blush a bit, but there was no denying she had enjoyed it immensely. Judging from the mess covering her, the others had all enjoyed their part as well.

Cascade had moved around to flop nearby, blushing a bit as he fidgeted with his paws, "Er.. I guess I uh.. forgot to mention they'd be coming huh?"

Salena could only shoot him a glare, squeaking out a bit as she was slid off of Fyreth's belly when he rose. He mumbled an apology and helped lift her up to the bathroom and the comfort of a hot shower to get cleaned up. Meanwhile, Cascade took Lysant and Thryst out to learn the wonders of how a jacuzzi could clean a gryphon. It turned out the trio were staying for another two days. Salena wasn't sure how she'd be able to walk to class, let alone avoid smelling like gryphon males. Maybe she could call in sick... It was going to be a fun two days. That is, after Cascade went to replace the spoiled groceries and clothing.


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