Apprentice chapter 2

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#2 of The Apprentice

The Apprentice part 2

Jake blinked his eyes open, staring at his ceiling for a long, long time.

He remembered.

He remembered everything from the night before. The taste of her, her scent, how her muzzle had felt, when his cock was buried in it, the sight of her swallowing his mess. He remembered it all.

He had never pegged himself for a dracophile, but there was just something undeniably sexy about Jade. Her shape, her attitude, whatever she was, whatever it was that made her so sexy; it did a very good job. Jake was smitten. And she didn't know that he remembered. That was something he could use against her.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully, with him destroying another staff while trying to work the magic through it, too distracted by the next nights possible activities to worry too much about magic, almost throwing himself into bed and sitting there under the covers, quivering with anticipation.

It was only a few minutes later that he heard his door open, and a nose poked in under his blankets, crawling slowly up his form from his ankles to his knees, gradually rising higher, silky scales brushing over his flesh as the dragoness moved, getting closer and closer to where he hoped she would end up, before...

She brushed completely past it, nosing her way up his chest, and into his neck, her forepaws wrapping around him tightly and holding him close, her wings flaring slightly to lay around him in a snuggly caress while she just stayed there, close.

" it?" he asked.

"What?" Jade asked with a blink up at him.

"Just...Gonna cuddle me? You're wiping my memory over cuddles?" he queried, playing dumb.

The dragoness gave a slight nod. "And so you don't know how I cheat in Monopoly." she added, giving his neck a warm lick, curling into him tightly.

Jake shook his head a little bit, wrinkling his nose. "But this is so...inane." he stated, peering at her. "You could just ask me for this, without the memory wipe's not like it's a giant secret. I though you would have been doing terrible horrible things to me."

The dragoness giggled a little bit, and rubbed her nose into his neck almost innocently, purring low in her throat, her green eyes peeking up at him. "It's not the actions that we take at night that are so delicious, but that look on your face when you know I'm in the room, and you don't know what I'm going to's like a first date every time." she stated with a mischievous giggle.

"That's...Kind of creepy." Jake replied, peering at her for a moment, before shaking his head, wrapping his arms around the dragoness and holding her close to his chest.

"Oh you love it." she replied, curling up against him gently, purring.

The next morning, Jake awoke with a start, from a dream of deep emerald eyes and cool, silky scales against his body.

His focus must have wavered, because he couldn't remember anything of the night before. He needed a charm or something, but as far as he knew, the only way to real way to stop someone from wiping your memories was to give the spell a different target. Like those schoolyard bullies he could no longer remember.

He huffed a little bit, and slid out of bed, picking up a new staff that had been deposited in his room sometime during the night, and carried it with him to the training room.

His Master was waiting for him there, leaning on his cane, every bit as wizened and gnarled as he always was. "Begin." he stated calmly.

Jake nodded, and held up the staff, focusing his magic on it, through it, his eyes narrowing a little bit, trying to block everything else out. The magical energies coalesced at the ball on the end, before popping and fizzling out of existence, failed.

"I sense something is troubling you." the old mage said, waggling his brows at his apprentice.

"Well...Kinda. Yeah." Jake admitted, brows furrowed.

"And what would that be?" asked the old man.

"It's your dragon." he stated. "It's hard to concentrate on casting magic when I know she's going to do something to me tonight, for some length of time, which I won't remember in the morning!"

The old master gave a cackled laugh, and waggled a finger at him. "Picture this, boy. You're standing on a wasted battlefield, friendless, alone save for the soldier who has a blade to your mothers' throat, and you have one chance to cast a spell to stop him from killing her. Are you going to fold and fail to cast the spell from pressure?" he asked calmly. "Or are you going to kill him?"

Jake swallowed a moment, trying to picture that scene, the hand holding the staff starting to shake slightly, gritting his teeth and lifting it once more, eyes narrowing.

He thrust the staff forwards, teeth baring as he forced as much magical energy into it as he could, the orb at the end glowing and sparking violently, a burst of magical burning ice shards appearing from the staff, embedding in the rock wall and exploding in rippling waves of alternating heat and cold, while the staff itself basically exploded like a jammed cannon, the wood peeling back from the burst crystal ball like a peeled banana.

Jake panted a little bit at that, slumping slightly, dropping to one knee, staff falling from limp fingertips as he tried his best to remain upright, suddenly very tired.

"Good." stated his master. "When you learn to save your staff from the brunt of the attack, you will be a force to reckon with indeed. Come back tomorrow. Meditate on what you have learned."

Nodding slightly, he picked himself up and staggered to his room, sprawling on the bed tiredly and basically passing out.

It was dark when he awoke again, clawing his way up from sleep slowly, his eyes blinking open, though the rest of his body remained still.

There was a warm, firm weight against his side, and he realised that it was Jade, curled against him, and there was a slight wet spot against his arm, making him reflexively reach over to find out what it was.

She was...crying?

There was no other explanation for it, and his head lifted slightly, to peer at her in the darkness, and he heard a faint sniff, and then a nudge from a moist nose. "You're awake?" she asked, in a voice that tried too hard to be level.

"I am." he replied, hunting around until he found her forelegs and pulling her up onto his chest, stroking down her sides soothingly with his fingertips. "What's the matter?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." she replied petulantly, nudging him with her nose again. "I just wanna be close."

Jake tilted his head slightly, tracing her wings with his fingertips. "You can tell me...It's not like I'll remember it tomorrow." he pointed out.

Jade paused a moment, and then sighed against his neck. "...I'm lonely." she admitted, shaking her head helplessly. "I need someone...and there's no one."

He blinked once at her in the darkness. "I thought you had the whole master/familiar thing going on with-"

"I don't. You wouldn't understand." she said, shaking her head firmly, nudging him with her nose. "Dragons are rare...I've never met another one. Never. I can't even teach humans magic because the magic council deems my methods archaic. Which is like stopping a spider from crafting a web because the web is too complex. I know humans that teach the same lessons with no repercussions. The closest I have to a connection, or a partner, is a teenager I occasionally molest of a night and then wipe the memory of afterwards because I know he'd hate me otherwise." she said in a forlorn, defeatist tone.

Jake was so sympathetic to that little speech that he didn't even say 'ah-hah!' to the fact that she admitted molesting him, instead hugging her close. "You don't know that I would hate you." he murmured, gently nudging her with his chin.

"You would...I do some pretty nasty things with you." she stated, wrinkling her nose. "I'm a young dragoness, and I have needs that toys and my tongue can't take care of." she stated, and Jake squirmed slightly at the thought of her using toys and her tongue on herself. "It's so much easier now, though, that you know about me. I don't have to stop you from casting magic at me, and you don't struggle any more when I try seduce you." she said with a half-hearted attempt at a giggle.

Jake snorted for a moment. "I could struggle if you want me to." he pointed out. "And I knew that you were doing more than just snuggling me!" he said, with a firm nod.

"Yes, indeed I am. And it's time for you to rest. I'm going to go...keen at the moon, to be honest" she said with an unhappy shake of her head.

"Don't...Don't wipe my memory." he offered, hugging around her, giving her forehead a kiss. "I'll be here for you."

Jade shook her head firmly, before pressing her nose against his, green eyes boring into his own. "No Jake, you won't." she whispered.

Quickly, he thought about something from his past, as he felt the edges of his vision starting to go dark.

Jake was sitting in the training room, cross-legged, eyes closed, trying to concentrate, his brows furrowed, one hand resting on the staff, trying to feel it as an extension of his body, to make it a part of him. But it was hard. It was so...stiff, and unfeeling, like a limb that had fallen asleep. It was almost impossible for him to feel it as he would another limb, and maybe that was his problem?

The door opened, and his master stepped inside, brows raising. "You're here early." he stated rather calmly, raising a hand. "Begin."

Jake frowned a little bit, opening his eyes and climbing to his feet, his eyes narrowing slightly as he held up the staff, and then furrowed his brows thoughtfully. He was spending so much time trying to make the staff fire a bolt of energy...what if he tried to make it surround him instead?

Instead of trying to summon a fireball, he instead focused on a glamour, of a wolf. He had never been trained in glamours, but the concept seemed easy. Make yourself into something you weren't.

He held the staff above his head, and then, with every ounce of his strength, magical and otherwise, brought the capped bottom of it down on the flagstone at his feet. Jake was moderately stunned as the stone block shattered under his feet, spider-webbing into a thousand cracks centering around the tip of his staff, and his concentration failed.

The glamour he was building, from the base up, wavered, and suddenly, pain wracked him. His face twisted in a snarl of agony as he felt fur begin to roll over his form, his eyes rolling back, before he collapsed hard into the foetal position, unconscious.

A hand on is shoulder woke him, and he cried out in pain, lupine eyes staring at the wizened face of his master, his body twisting slightly in torment. He was half-wolf. He could <i>feel</i> it, the way the changes unnaturally swathed his form. It hurt. So much.

"Jake, you must focus. You must dispel the effects of the magic yourself." his master stated firmly, shaking him more. "Take your staff, and dispel it!"

Jake reached out with a shaking hand, his vision darkening at the edges as he gripped the staff and shakily brought it to his chest, gripping it firmly, and then trying to dispel the magic. But it wasn't working. The cancellation magic he had been taught when he first entered his apprenticeship was out of his reach for now, blocked by something. Probably the changes in his body.

"Jade..." he rasped up at the old man.

He knew the dragons had the ability to dispel magic from others, rather than just themselves, and Jade would be able to fix it.

The old man frowned, and then laid a hand on Jake's head. There was a pulse of magic, and then his vision darkened completely, giving him a blessed relief from the pain of the half-complete change.

"Jaaaake. Jaaaaaaaaaake." Came the cajoling words, and his eyes opened sluggishly, dilating heavily as the light suddenly struck them, making him squint and then close his eyes, throwing an arm over his face.

He made a half-hearted grumbling sound of unhappiness, while the dragoness settled herself lightly in his lap.

"Hi." she stated, nudging his arm away from his face and licking his nose once. "Open your eyes." she stated.

Jake opened his eyes unwillingly, frowning slightly at the green ones gazing into his own.

"Well, your eyes are back to normal." she stated, tilting her head slightly. "You've been asleep a long time." she added, "Missed one of our lessons."

His eyes opened properly, and he winced just a little bit, shifting out of the light coming in his bedroom window, peering at her. "Lesson?" he asked blankly.

"Lesson." she said. "I teach you things at night, when your master is asleep." she said with a faint giggle.

"...Things." he repeatedly flatly, staring at her. "What...kind of things?"

"Things that only a dragon should know." she said with a soft little giggle, stretching out and laying atop him.

"I...find it hard to believe you teach me anything." he stated. "Since I remember none of it, I'm assuming that the lessons are completely wasted."

"Oh no." she replied, shaking her head firmly, green eyes peering into his own for a moment. "My lessons are written into your reflexes and subconscious. I can bend your will so that you are that way no matter if you forget the inherent lessons behind the actions themselves."

A faint shudder passed over his form. "I don't think I like the sound of that." he admitted.

She gave a soft giggle at that, nudging her nose up against his chin affectionately. "Oh don't love our lessons." she purred.

Jake squirmed uncomfortably a moment, remember exactly what her 'lessons' were, unable to help the swelling in his pants, hoping she didn't notice.

A soft, low rumble rolled out of the dragoness's throat, and then grinned, pressing down sinuously to let her body rub up firmly against the swelling cock, purring huskily at him. "See?" she asked in a low, seductive tone. "Even if you don't remember the lessons, your body knows what they mean." she stated, grinning at him innocently while she continued to rub herself over him eagerly.

His hands came up tentatively to touch at her wings and sides, and she gave a low, husky purr against him, pressing herself so close that the bulge in his pants pressed her open slightly, groaning happily and kissing at his cheek heatedly for a moment. "Take your clothes off." she whispered huskily into his ear.

Jake gave a tentative nod, and then slowly opened his robe up, undoing the buttons, his cheeks flushing as he laid it open and then tugged down his pants, Jade obligingly lifting her hips and spreading her legs wide to allow him to tug down his pants, before she gave a lusty growl and pressed back down on him, pressing the puffy, exposed lips down against his bare flesh, hissing faintly in delight as she felt the thick shaft spreading her entrance slightly, grinding her soft flesh down over his thick cock, which was quickly slicked with the liquids welling up out of her eager cunt.

"I want you." she whispered huskily into his ear, grinding her firm, and yet soft outer lips over his cock wantonly, biting his earlobe lustfully, just shy of drawing blood. "Do you want me Jake? Do you want to fill me with your thick meat and make me scream?" she asked in a lustful, husky whisper.

"Oh god...I do!" he panted breathlessly, hands sliding down to her hips and pressing her down, causing her to grind right down to the base of his length, puffy cunt resting against the base of his cock, while his own precum drooled onto his stomach.

Giving a low growl, she curled around, pressing her nose between them and lustfully lapping at the precum that drooled free of his cock, before latching onto the tip of his cock and drawing it into her muzzle, suckling on it heatedly while continuing to grind her cunt against the base of his cock, quickly drooling her hot liquids over his balls.

A soft groan left the human as he felt the dragoness suckling on his eager cock, her tail swirling eagerly, before she coiled further around to press her mouth further over his cock, squirming around and pulling off him long enough to shift until her legs were on either side of his face, tail swaying over his face, giving him the perfect view of her wet, puffy cunt, almost exactly like the last time.

"I want you to taste me...want you to lick and tongue at my cunt." she panted heatedly back at him, curling her tongue in her maw. "Do a good job and I'll make you cum...I'll let you squirt over my face and over my tongue, shove your thick cock down my throat...just tongue me!" she demanded, before giving a heated growl like a dragon about to bite someone, and then engulfing his cock as deep as she could go without pushing it into her throat.

Jake gasped and shuddered, his eyes rolling back a little bit as she began to suck and bob her head eagerly, working the thick cock across her tongue as her exhalations tickled the hair over his balls, his back arching slightly as she suckled powerfully at his tip, eager for the liquid within. Panting slightly, he wrapped his arms up around her hips, pulling her down against him and pressing his mouth up to her cunt eagerly, panting against her and shuddering as that familiar tangy taste flooded his senses, the hot scent of her eagerness overwhelming him, his tongue working against her all the more eagerly.

The little black dragonesses growled eagerly around his cock, and pressed further down, not even gagging as she pushed the tip of his rigid meat down the back of her throat, pressing in until her nose was buried against his balls, swallowing hard around him, causing a deep, rolling suction, which only increased as she began to bob her head up and down slowly, smoothly sliding him back and forth in her tight throat.

Shuddering, he twitched under her, writhing slightly at the intense sensations she was producing in his body, his tongue lapping at her all the more eagerly as he panted and shuddered helplessly, breathlessly huffing against her tight cunt as she drew off him to lap firmly at his tip, working him with her forepaws.

"Ohhhhrrr...I bet you're just bursting to cum in my maw...Desperate to feel my tongue against you, coaxing out your liquids as you squirt your salty spunk across the back of my tongue, pulsing deep in my maw..." she murmured heatedly, her tight cunt convulsing slightly, tailtip swirling all the more eagerly. "Just begging to burst over my ton-Eep!" her words were cut off suddenly as she felt his tongue slide from her convulsing, swollen cunt, up higher to her tight tailhole, swirling over it in a delicate circle, making her legs weaken in surprise and delight.

Sensing her weakness, he held her hips tighter, and nudged her over onto her side. Her mouth never left him, her teeth scraping him just once before she changed her angle and pressing her muzzle back over him, beginning to bob and suckle firmly again, groaning and crying out around him again and again as she felt the repeated licks to her tight cunt and tailhole, randomly swapping back and forth, keeping her guessing. She could feel her release welling up from deep inside, her mouth closing over him more tightly, trying to drag the pleasure from him before she herself came over his face.

Her forepaws began to tense on him, and she buried right down his base again, letting his thick cock bury in her throat, swallowing powerfully around him again and again, her stomach muscles starting to tense as her orgasm began to roll over her.

The first burst of gooey, salty spunk took her by surprise, and her eyes widened, feeling it jet straight down her throat and into her stomach, swallowing around him convulsively, just summoning forth the next burst, having to slide off him or choke in her surprise, eyes still wide as she held her mouth open to take his next few bursts, the hot taste of his salty, gooey semen filling her mouth making her shudder and arch helplessly, orgasming hard with his taste and the sensation of his tongue on her cunt and tailhole, going rigid and squirming against him, cock leaving her maw, unable to hold him inside as she spasmed in delight.

A hot gush of his spunk spilled across her face and chin as she cried out, cunt spasmed and drooling her own sticky liquids over his face and into his mouth.

Feeling the warm, heavy liquid across her face, she tried her best to take him back in, pressing her mouth around him and holding herself there, unable to swallow as she rode out her orgasm, feeling the gooey pulses filling her maw, pooling at the back of her throat and beginning to seep from the corners of her muzzle, drooling back over his cock.

After several long, delightful moments, she sensed that he was finished filling her muzzle, as her own petered out, finally becoming aware of the thick mess filling her little mouth, drooling messily down her chin, dripping off onto the bed. Shuddering, she opened her maw a little bit, pressing down him until his tip was in her throat again, suckling firmly and drawing backwards, siphoning the last of his cum from out of his cock, and cleaning it as she went, until she popped off, a single string of seed connecting her muzzle and his cock.

Panting through her nose, she grinned, turning around and grinning at him as she curled her tail and hips out of the way, so he could see her face. His brows raised, his face slicked her with her liquids, and she gave a low, lusty little purr and a mischievous grin. He could see slicks of white on her black scales, dripping slowly down her chin like she had been eating a mango very messily.

Her head tilted back, and she opened her mouth, tongue curling slightly to show him the pool of his own liquid that was filling her mouth, the fact that she was no longer holding her mouth closed causing a generous dribble of it to slowly seep from the sides of her muzzle and spill onto his bare stomach, the warm liquid splashing against his flesh.

She giggled, and let him watched her tongue waggle side to side amongst the mess, closing her mouth and then swallowing several times, giving a low rumble of delight as she felt the warm spunk filling her stomach.

"You taste so good." she husked lustfully, paws resting on his hip, and chest as she leaned in and began to lap and tongue heatedly at the mess she had left on his stomach, crooning in delight as she dragged her silky tongue slowly over his flesh, filling her mouth with his taste even more. "I bet you love watching me lap up your cum, don't you?" she asked with a heated growl of delight.

He nodded vigorously in response, panting a little bit, watching her with wide eyes. "Oh god yes..." he murmured, staring, and she paused, with her tongue still on his flesh, just watching him for a long moment with those beautiful green eyes.

"You want to go again, don't you?" she asked, letting her muzzle drift back down to his eager and standing cock, lapping delicately at the tip a few times, testing his reaction.

He gasped at the feel of a tongue on his over-sensitive flesh, but couldn't help but groan in delight.

With a soft little growl of eagerness, Jade climbed atop him, sinuously pressing down until her slick cunt rubbed up against his cock once more, sliding down until the head of his length was pressing her open, working her hips back and forth in an entirely sexy motion that made her tight, slick flesh rub over him in the most delightful ways. With a soft gasp, he lifted his hands, laying them on her hips and pressing at her a little bit, eager for her to sink down on him, and she gave a low croon of delight, relaxing her muscles enough for the thick cock to press another inch into her body, spreading her soft flesh around it.

"Oh yessss..." she hissed in delight, nudging his cheek once with her nose, gently rocking her hips, which caused her flesh to shift around him in the most delightful ways. "I forgot how good you feel in there..." she panted lustfully, pulling him into a deep, eager kiss, her tongue seeking his, even as she began to rock her hips more firmly, in a more uniform direction, sliding him in and out of her moist, eager body.

Her forepaws rested on his chest, beginning to knead at it delicately as she rose, and lowered her hips alternatively, hissing faintly in delight every time, making the human gasp and pant at the sensations on his over-sensitive length, her tailtip slowly swaying back and forth, causing the muscles in the base, and some of the ones wrapped around his cock, to shift and tense alternatively.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" she breathed in his ear, as she shifted herself back and forth with a little more speed now, her tailtip coiling around his ankles as she lapped and suckled on his earlobe, working him a little bit deeper, hissing faintly against him.

He nodded in reply, too breathless to respond verbally, his arms wrapping around her and trying to push her down further as her wings twitched, flaring slightly.

"Impatient, are we?" she asked, slightly breathless herself, grinning at him for a moment, before rising up, and then pressing down with a sharp motion of her hips, with a good amount of pressure, the firm movement causing her to sink down on him all the way in a single smooth movement, tight cunt convulsing, squeezing around him and drooling her sticky fluid as she took him right to the base, crying out at the sensations of the cock being so deep inside. "You feel so gooood..." she murmured heatedly, lapping at his cheeks and nose for a few moments, her body convulsing around him in a minor orgasm as she carefully shifted her hips to stimulate them both.

"S-so tight..." Jake panted in reply, fingertips weakly digging into her hips, stroking over her scales lovingly.

With a lustful growl, the little dragon began to hump her hips properly, drawing them upwards with a firm sliding motion and arching of her back, tailtip lifting and hips angling so that tight cuntflesh squeezed around him as she drew upwards, before she straightened up and then slammed down with a sharp jerk, only to repeat the process again, and again.

Jake could only groan in delight under her as she so methodically fucked him, crooning and purring at him as she continued that same delightful motion of her hips, soft flesh cinched down on him so tightly that it was all he could think about, his breathing increasing in speed and intensity.

"Are you going to cum again?" she whispered in his ear with a mischievous grin, drawing up him and giving an extra circular swivel of her hips for him, which served to grind her soft flesh around his tip, before she slammed down again, and began to bounce a little bit faster than before.

"Oh god...yes!" he panted in reply, eyes clenching closed as he felt the little dragon bouncing on him so eagerly, the motions of her hips no longer so calculated and perfect, more random, just lifting her hips and shoving them back down on him eagerly, too needy herself to keep up the methodical nature of her previous actions.

"Cum in me, Jake." she panted in his ear as her forepaws gripped his shoulders tightly, claws coming out and digging in, thankfully not puncturing flesh, her hips coming down on his so hard and fast now that they made a soft slapping each time, the dragoness beginning to pant and shudder herself, eyes closing and hips fervently working against his own as she tried to stave off her release long enough, feeling the thick cock throbbing and twitching inside her.

And then she felt it, the bursts of warmth suddenly filling her as the body beneath her went rigid, and she hissed in delight, the hot blasts triggering her own delayed orgasm. She cried out again and again with each burst of gooey cream that filled her, her paws gripping him tightly as she convulsively shoved her hips down against him again and again, tight depths tensing around him, cinching down, squeezing, milking him for his thick load, which was eagerly given to her, the dragoness gasping and melting against him at the hot flood of his essence that filled her, and then began to slowly drip and ooze free of her.

She panted against him, slowly releasing the grip of her paws on his shoulders, still working her hips slowly even as her orgasm petered out and she started to come down from her euphoric high, giggling listlessly against his throat as she shifted her hips a little bit more and felt the sticky mess where their bodies were joined.

"Was it good?" she whispered in his ear, and he nodded dumbly in reply, gasping as she ground her hips against him, his cock now very sensitive.

With a soft growl, the dragoness lifted her hips, watching as the thick cock slid slowly out of her body, and then dropped free, followed by a cocktail of their mingled liquids. With a lusty little croon, she curled, and lapped all around his cock, cleaning their liquids, before suckling his shaft into her mouth, delicately cleaning it, soothing him with slow, gentle strokes of her tongue over his tip, watching his expression as she did, giggling.

And then, all that was left to clean was herself, and with a low little rumble, she rolled onto her back, and spread her legs wide, watching him with mischief in her beautiful green eyes as she pressed her muzzle between her own legs, beginning to slowly lap and tongue at her used cunt, like a cat lapping at milk, collecting samples of his gooey cum directly from inside her body.

Jake stared at this sight, watching as she giggled and pressed her mouth tightly to herself, her tongue pressing into her tight folds, which were slightly less so now, after the firm fucking, working about within herself as she stared at him lustfully, before pulling her muzzle up, parting her jaws for him once more, to show him the gooey mess she had collected, a mix of his cum, and her own, before she closed her mouth and then licked her lips clean slowly, giving him a lustful stare.

"You humans really do miss out on that taste..." she rumbled, grinning at him, shameless. "You only taste the bitter saltiness...but we, with more sensitive tongues, taste so much more. The raw pheromones, the decadent taste of a males arousal, so thoroughly coating my tongue..." she murmured, licking her lips again, staring at him with a decidedly seductive air. "No other taste can match it."

Jake just nodded dumbly, watching her.

"I know you like how I taste..." she purred, getting comfortable and spreading her legs a little bit more. "Come...taste me again. If you do a good job with your tongue and fingers, I'll let you fuck my tailhole." she offered with a heated little growl.

Nodding faintly, he rolled over onto his knees, and then laid down under her, giving her thighs a little kiss, before pressing his mouth in against her cunt, lapping over it slowly, tasting the strong, tangy taste of her liquids, fingertips coming up to spread her, so he could lap at her inner flesh.

A soft giggle left the dragoness, and she purred down at him, watching, her tailtip twitching back and forth quite eagerly.

Jake continued to tongue at her, thumb rubbing into the mid-point of her tail while the fingertips of his other hand worked slowly at her entrance, a single one pressing into her, spreading her recently-used cunt as his lips closed around her clit and began to suckle on it firmly.

She gave a soft gasp, her wings spreading, flaring open as she shuddered and worked her tail up and down slowly, tight cunt muscles convulsing around his fingertip as he worked it in and out, her paws flailing at the air ineffectually.

Delicately, he added a second fingertip to the first, pressing into her, spreading her even further as he began to thrust with them both, his tongue sliding off her clit, and around his embedded, moving fingertips, before he began to lap heatedly across the entrance of her tight tailhole making her arch and squirm in surprise, hindlegs kicking at the air slightly.

"Such a naughty boy!" she gasped, forepaws coming up to rest on his head, keeping him there, lapping at her tailhole as his fingers spread her tight cunt, his thumb resting on her clit, rubbing and pressing down on it firmly.

The dragoness began to gasp and arch, her liquids welling up inside her again, slicking his fingertips as he humped them into her, lapping delicately over her tight tailhole, loving the way she squirmed and squeaked when he did, feeling her insides cinching down on him, knowing she was close.

With a grin, he suckled her clit into his mouth, and then pressed his fingertips down, out of her tight cunt, and to the entrance of her tight tailhole, her eyes widened as she realised what he was going to do a second before he did, those two fingertips pressing quite suddenly and firmly into her tailhole, lubricated by his saliva and her own sticky liquids, beginning to hump firmly into her forbidden entrance.

It took only a second for her to orgasm, back arching and wings slapping against the bed as she cried out loud in delight, cunt convulsing around nothing as she flapped her wing futilely, tailhole tightening to, squeezing around him intensely, giving him a preview of what was going to happen to his cock if he slid it in there, while a hot rush of her liquids spilled from within in.

In moments, she was a panting wreck, eyes closed and head laid back, trying to catch her breath, groaning as he slid his fingers out of her, stroking her stomach soothingly. "Did I do a good job?" he asked innocently.

Jade nodded vigorously in response, panting and shuddering slightly, her tailtip giving a weak swirl. "Such a good deserve a reward." she murmured, spreading her legs wide for him again, giving a low, lustful growl. "I want you to fuck me in the ass." she murmured in her most seductive tone. "I want you to bury yourself in my tight tailhole and fuck me until I scream for you..." she added, with a low, lustful, heated growl.

Nodding firmly, Jake slid up her body, kissing her heatedly for a moment, while his thick, eager cock was laid against her tailbase, so close to that tight, nigh-virgin entrance.

"Be gentle." she murmured, her cheeks flushing faintly as she watched, her eyes wide.

Jake nodded once more, and wrapped his arms tight around her, curling one hand around to line himself up with her tight, forbidden entrance, and then pressing forwards, seeking to slide into her.

But it just didn't work, not at first, too slick to find the indent of her tailhole, and not enough pressure to penetrate. Trying again, he lined himself up, and then humped a little bit, to get inside before he could lose his mark.

They both cried out as his tip unceremoniously spread her, pressing her open around it suddenly, her entire body convulsing as she shuddered and pawed at his chest reflexively a few times. "Oh're so big in there..." she murmured breathlessly.

Jake couldn't help but smile at that, and then pressed forwards a little bit more, watching as she gasped and arched helplessly at every little press, spreading her further around it, before he rested, buried halfway in her tight tailhole, waiting for her to finish spasming and twitching.

When she seemed to relax, he gripped her hips, and slid back, before pressing forwards again, back to his original position, panting at the tightness, while the little dragoness under him gasped and gave a delighted groan at the feel.

He continued this motion for a minute or two, sliding back only to sink into her once more to the halfway point, holding her tight to him as he gently fucked her tight tailhole.

"Deeper, Jake...I want to feel it all." came the hot, seductive whisper in his ear, and his cheeks flushed at the request, nodding and working his hips a little bit more firmly, drawing back and then humping forwards harder than before, the little dragoness crying out as she felt another inch sink into her body. "Deeper!" she demanded, hissing faintly at him and pawing at his chest, and with a grunt, he pulled back, and then shoved forwards, sinking himself deep into her tight, lubricated ass, spreading her around his entire cock finally.

Her back arched and she convulsed in delight, tight ass cinching down so hard that he couldn't move as she came suddenly, cunt squeezing around a non-existent object as she worked her hips lightly.

"It feels so good in there..." she murmured breathlessly into his ear. "Fuck me Jake...Fuck me hard and deep." she continued, lustfully laving her tongue against the side of his neck, before gasping and shuddering as he began to work his hips.

Gripping her sides tightly, he started to hump, sliding the thick cock back, and then forwards, fucking Jade's tight tailhole with a firm rhythm, much to her delight, as she voiced with soft croons and loud, lustful cries.

His pace increased, and the little dragon screamed her way through another orgasm, momentarily startling him, his arms wrapping around her tighter as he began to work into her with a pace similar to the one he took her tight cunt with, watching her to see if he was doing anything wrong. All indications were that she loved it though, from the spasmodic twitch of her stomach muscles, the thudding of her tail against the bed, and the lustful croons of delight constantly escaping her little muzzle.

Panting a little bit, he began to fuck her tight tailhole harder and faster, really shoving his hips back and forth, filling her tight ass with his cock again and again, making her cry out and convulse around him repeatedly, loving the hard anal fucking she was receiving.

His motions were becoming erratic, getting close to his finish, when she pressed her paws to his chest firmly. "S-stop!" she demanded, and the recalcitrant Jake obeyed, panting and sliding out of her, unable to help but grind the base of his aching cock against her cunt.

With a giggle, the black dragoness squirmed out from underneath him, and sauntered over to the edge of the bed, bending over slowly and lifting her tail delicately, wiggling her hips at him suggestively, giving him the perfect view of her glistening used pink slit, and the tight tailhole above it.

Rolling to his feet, Jake pounced on her, finding her to be at the perfect height for this, leaning over her as he pressed his cock back beneath her tail, sliding himself into her eager tailhole again. Jade cried out in delight at the renewed intrusion, tight ass cinching down on him as she leaned backwards and let his motions dictate the pace, constantly pushing back at him with every thrust he stated to make, so that the thick cock pressed as deep as it could get.

Panting, she began to get weak, her inner thighs slick with her own liquids, cunt drooling her orgasmic juices onto the bed as her front lowered, the dragoness moaning faintly in delight as the human continued to fuck her tight, wanton body.

His motions got shorter and harder, and she cried out her orgasm once more, body tightening around him, cunt drooling her sticky femjuices as she felt him begin short, rough strokes, her maw parting in a lustful snarl, knowing what was coming.

"Cum in me!" she hissed back at him, working her hips back towards him with every thrust, baring her teeth in delight at the sensations, "cum in my tight ass, Jake! Fill me! I want to feel your heat pumping into my tight tailhole!" she almost yelled back at him, ending with a vehement, needy hiss as she shoved back at him relentlessly.

Jake panted, and gripped her tight around the middle, humping into her tight tailhole as hard and as deep as he could, eyes clenching closed as he felt his orgasm start, crying out in delight as the first rush of his liquid left him.

Jade's eyes widened, and she went rigid as she felt it, the first, hot, gooey string of human cum pouring into her tailhole, splashing over her depths, filling her with warmth. her wings spasmed, flared, flapping helplessly as she came hard, screaming in delight as burst after burst of gooey spunk was splashed deep inside her again and again, the molten bursts of creamy essence pooling so very deep inside her making her legs tremble and her cunt convulse spasmodically on nothing, giving a weak little gasp as the final burst of his cum was deposited so deep in her wanton ass, and her legs gave out, dropping them both to the bed.

She was faintly aware of Jake's breath against the back of her neck, laying there on her side, staring at the wall blankly, maw slightly parted as she tried to catch her breath and not focus too much on the decadent sensation of some of Jake's spunk slowly drooling from her used tailhole, from around his embedded cock.

"That was so good..." she panted weakly, her tailtip giving a helpless little twitch while her wings fluttered weakly.

"I concur." Jake agreed quietly, kissing the back of her neck.

"Remind me to wipe your memory tomorrow..." she muttered tiredly, closing her eyes and laying her head on her paws.

"I will, Jade." he murmured in return.

The dragoness made a faint sound at the mention of her name, before she fell asleep, exhausted, and Jake followed soon after, holding her tight to his chest.

Apprentice Chapter 3

Jake opened his eyes, suddenly awake, and blinked up the stone ceiling of his room, pausing a moment to think back on the actions of the previous night. He remembered Jade seducing him, the taste of her flesh on his tongue, the feel of her around...

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Friends Over (by Salena)

_First off, I didn't write this! This is a gift story from Salena, who gets around as a few names. Salena is totally compyright to her, Cascade, Lysant, Fyreth, Thryst, and Hyrellia, and all associated Hyrellia gryphons and the like are totally my...

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Apprentice Jake stood, hand outstretched, fingers bent into a claw shape, magical energies dancing across his fingertips, manifesting as fire, water, ice, electricity, all in turn, sometimes just one, sometimes all at once. It was random, mutating,...

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