Apprentice Chapter 3

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#3 of The Apprentice

Jake opened his eyes, suddenly awake, and blinked up the stone ceiling of his room, pausing a moment to think back on the actions of the previous night. He remembered Jade seducing him, the taste of her flesh on his tongue, the feel of her around him...the feel of his eager, stiff member shoving deep inside her tight tailhole. He shuddered for a moment, and squirmed uncomfortably. None of this was doing anything to help with his morning wood.

He shifted, rolling over, and found a new staff lying on the bed besides him. This staff was black, some kind of ash wood, with a pearlescent globe at the top with green and purple streaks running through the shiny exterior. It was rather pretty to look at.

Yawning, he took the staff, and rubbed an imaginary speck of dust from the globe at the end before rolled out of bed and picking a clean robe from his wardrobe, shrugging it on and straightening it, and the stepping out into the hallway and heading towards his lessons.

It was still early morning, but his Master rose early, and was willing to teach him at any time. Jake found that mornings were always the best times to aquire his lessons, so that he could mull them over, with plenty of time afterwards to be seduced by Jade. He found himself looking forwards to each of their night sessions more and more, and it was harder to concentrate on his lessons with the looming prospect of the sweet little black dragon dragging him into her debauchery. He could readily remember the way his warm ooze has trickled and dripped from the tip of her tongue as she so readily presented it to him, the way her puffy cunt had likewise drooled his thick spunk after their lustful lovemaking, and even the way she had tongued into her own body after he finished depositing his essence deep inside her...

He shuddered once more, and shook his mind free of the distracting thoughts, pushing the door open to the teaching room and blinking once at what he saw.

His master wasn't in the room; but Jade was. She was sitting, watching him, a brow raising slowly as green eyes peeked at him speculatively.

This wasn't going to help him forget his fantasies at all.

"Uhm...?" he began, but was cut off.

"Our master is away today, seeing to a problem for the Guild. I'll be instructing you today on magics." she stated rather calmly, her head canting to one side slightly as she made an impatient gesture for him to move to the centre of the room.

"So...what will I be learning?" he asked, hesitantly. He was under the impression that his magical talents were too....volatile, at the moment, for him to go learning anything.

"Oh, Master says I should teach you to channel your magic into something without blowing up your staff. But it's terribly boring. I figured we'd do something" she stated, licking her lips a moment with a mischeivous smile.

The very words, and the mischeivous tone they were spoken in, made his stomach slightly, but not with fear; almost with anticipation, with a certain eagerness for what this 'fun' might be.

"So...?" he queried, placing the tip of his staff on the ground and peering at her. "What am I to do?"

"I think we shall experiment with...engorging things." she stated with a short nod, reaching behind her and producing a banana, holding it in one paw and delicately starting to peel it with her teeth, stripping the flesh away, and then laving her tongue slowly around the exposed edges, working her tongue up and down slowly, twining around it delicately.

Jake flushed just faintly, and shifted a little bit, hunching over, so the outline of his rather turgid member wouldn't be visible against the front of his robes, transfixed by the way she moved her tongue around the banana in what could only be a suggestive manner.

" tastes so good." she husked, watching him, curling her tongue up the sides of it, one at a time, in an obvious attempt to arouse him.

Jake swallowed hard.

"But I mustn'y get ahead of myself." she said, stopping and pulling her head back, placing the banana on a red silk cloth and pushing it towards him slightly with her nose. "I want you to make it bigger. I like big things." she said in a mildly provocative tone. "And I want a big banana."

He stared at her for a moment, his head tilting just slightly to the side, squirming faintly at the pressure in his pants. " do I do that?" he asked.

"That's for you to find out. Don't keep me waiting. Just try. I can always get more banana's. I keep a stock handy....they're good for practise." she added off-handedly.

Jake had the sudden mental image of Jade practising her expert tonguework on the banana's she had, and his squirming redoubled.

"Something the matter?" she asked in a tone as sweet as honey, and Jake shook his head firmly.

"N-No. Just thinking." he said, his cheeks flushing again.

Jade raised a brow and grinned at him slightly, sitting on her haunches, her tail slowly swirling. "Any time now." she said.

Chewing his bottom lip, he tried to think of how to make the banana larger. Of course, just throwing magic at it wouldn't work. That made things explode. Usually his staff. But maybe, if he slowed the magic down? made the 'explosion' a very slow process? Would that make the banana larger?

Frowning, he lifted the staff and pointed the ball at the end towards the banana,. his eyes narrowing and brows furrowing, focusing as intently as he could on letting the magic flow into it slowly.

He felt it in his feet first, like a cold drop of water drooling down flesh on a hot day; but different, as it was travelling <i>upwards<i>. It travelled up his form, into his fingers, and then into the staff; and with a start, he felt the magic flowing through the staff itself, like it was another part of his body. The surprise of it made him twitch, and the magic flared. The banana swelled to a ridiculous size, a full three feet long, thick and fat, and the staff twisted in his hands, starting to break.

Jake saw, as if in slow motion, the orb at the top of the staff shatter, and the pieces begining to spin away and apart, while the wooden shaft itself splintered in the centre, pressing outwards in two different directions, splitting down the middle. Jake bared his teeth, and then, his eyes narrowed, set, determined, and he <i>forced</i> the magic to work in reverse. <i>Forced</i> the magic to trace back along the same lines and into his form, so that the explosion would subside before creating a giant burst of energy, returning the magic energies to himself.

All of this happened in a half a second; and something strange happened.

Instead of the explosion losing its force and petering out with a mild puff and (another) broken staff, the burst <i>reversed</i> itself. The pieces of the staff came back together and the shattered orb coalesced into a shiny ball once more, now streaked with red amongst the purple and green; and Jake felt the magic sliding through the staff and towards his body.

The sudden feeling of elation at his success turned into dismay and horror a second later as the magical energies hit his fingertips, and his body convulsed as though he were struck by a lightning bolt. Pain flared in him, blinding, intense pain. The staff dropped from his numb fingers and impacted the ground, not so much shattering as <i>exploding</i>, a brilliant white light blinding him while the pain blinded him in another sense. His body crumpled to the floor, immobile, crackling with blue and yellow streaks of what appeared to be electricity.

Jake was soon aware of a voice permeating the blinding white haze stabbing his temples.

<i>Fire. Flame. Explosions.</i> it instructed. <i>Now!</i>

Jake groaned helplessly, and lifted a hand in a futile motion, letting his raw magical energy roll out of him and coalesce into a ball of brilliant blue flame. He could only maintain it for a few seconds before a spike of pain made him drop his hand, the flame petering out.

<i>No! Just focus on creating the fire! Don't power it!"</i>

Crying out in pain, he lifted his hand and clenched it into a fist. The ceiling above them burst into flames, searing, brilliant white tongues of fire arching across it, blackening the stonework and fizzing against the magical barriers agrilly. The pain began to lessen. His head clearing slightly, he twisted his hand harder, and the intensity of the flames increased, scorching across the ceiling, the magical barrier fizzing out of existence and allowing the stonework to become infused with heat, some of it starting to actually <i>drip</i>, melted by the intense heat.

Fizzing erupted all around them as the molten stone drooled onto a barrier that Jade erected around the pair, glowing purple wherever the energy was directed and causing the liquid stone to drool and form a circle around them.

After a few more seconds, it was gone, and Jake slumped, the fire petering out.

Jade lapped at his face once or twice in a worried fashion. "Oi, wake up." she said, nudging his cheek with her nose.

An indistinct sound left his throat.

The little black dragon gave a faint, happy laugh. "I don't beleive you did that, you stupid boy." she said with a shake of her head, her tone incredulous and mildly reprimanding. "I trust you won't do it again?" she asked drolly.

Jake mumbled an affirmative, opening an eye.

He tried to lift an arm to throw over his face, but it wasn't responding to his orders. He could feel tears streaking his face, saliva drooling from the side of his mouth, and the taste of vomit in the back of his throat. He didn't want to move, but he was a mess. "I need to get cleaned up." he stated.

Jade nodded once, and nudged him with her nose. "Go take a bath. I'll lecture you after I make sure the ceiling doesn't fall down." she said, peeking up at the glowing rock roof uncertainly.

Jake nodded and slipped to his feet, before shakily slipping out into the corridor to go take a bath.

A few minutes later saw Jake sitting in the water, clean and naked, resting against the edge of the sunken stone tub and just lazing there, trying to recover from his ordeal. So; taking raw magic back inside ones body was something you didn't want to do. His best guess was that he siphoned the magic off into the flame and out of his body; but he was just guessing.

There was a sound besides him, and he turned, opening his eyes to find the green eyes of Jade gazing into his own, her head tilted slightly. "That was stupid, you know." she said, shaking her head.

Jake nodded, and then wrapped his arms around her, pulling her down into the water with him and hugging her tightly.

An indignant squeal left the little dragon as she pulled into the water, and she huffed, before blinking several times and flushing pink as she felt Jake pull her into a sudden, firm kiss.

Once he had pulled back, she lifted her head a little bit, giving him a questioning glance. "What was that for?" she asked.

"For saving me." he said with a nod.

"A simple hug would have sufficed." she said, giving him another wary glance.

Jake nodded once, and then glanced at her for a long moment, as though debating something, and then, sliding a hand down her now-wet form, towards her rump, he kneaded his fingers into the spine. "I remember." he said, with another nod.

The dragoness shifted uncomfortably, and gasped faintly as she felt Jake's fingertips rubbing and kneading at her spine so firmly, sinking down to the point where her tail met her body, and then starting to creep underneath, making her squirm. "R-remember what?" she asked.

"What you do to me at night." he stated, pressing his hand under her tail and letting his fingertips brush up between her legs, along her outer lips.

Jade jumped as though she had touched a magically charged object, squirming and flushing deeply, her eyes wide, backpeddalling wildly and trying to get away from his questing fingers.

Jake stared at her in concern for a moment, his head tilting to one side. "You don't want to?" he asked.

"D-don't want to <i>what</i>?! she squeaked in a surprised, almost haughty tone.

"W-well..." Jake paused a momennt, staring at her, blinking once. Her reactions had thrown him completely. He wasn't sure what was going on. "D-do things...Sex." he offered timidly.

Her head jerked back, and she stared at him for a long, long moment, her eyes wide, wings fluttering slightly. "<i>what<./i>?" she asked.

"You...Well....We..." Jake fumbled over his words. "We've done it heaps of times!" he finished.

"We most certainly have not!" she squeaked, shaking her head vigorously and sitting on the very edge of his knees in the water, staring at him warily and seeming mildly afraid and nine-tenths confused.

"B-but you were doing those things with the banana!" he protested.

"I like how they taste!" she stated indignantly, huffing at him, before a slow look of dawning comprehension began to appear on her muzzle. "Do you have periods of time where you don't remember anything?" she asked suddenly.

Just as confused himself now, Jake nodded, not sure where she was going with this.

"That sneaky bastard." she hissed breathily.

"What?" he asked, completely stumped.

"Master has been altering your memories, hoping to make us have an extremely awkward moment, I think." she said with a nod.

"...Well he succeeded." Jake said with a heated flush, realising in that moment that all of those wonderful things he remembered...were just lies. Fabrications.

Jade nodded as well, flushing faintly, shifting his paws on his legs uncomfortanly, her tail swishing once or twice. "Want me to make you forget them?" she offered kindly.

"No!" Jake replied, a little bit too quickly, and the little black dragon blinked, giving him a curious stare with her beautiful green eyes.

"...You want to keep them?" she asked.

Jake swallowed for a moment, realising he was caught. "W-well...I-I'm not comfortable with memory wipes and...and..." he gulped once, and saw her staring at him with an expression that said she didn't beleive him, and his cheeks flushed deeply. "O-Okay! I-I want to keep them!" he huffed, hiding his face as best he could.

"....W-why?" she asked tentatively, nudging his forehead with her nose so she could meet his eyes. "W-what...did we d-do in them?" she asked, pressing up closer to him, moving further into his lap, blinking and flushing deeply as she felt his length brush against her. It was hard.

"W-well...L-lots of things. A l-lot of them were very n-naughty." he managed to stutter.

"L-like what?" she asked timidly, flushing deeply as she peered between them at the turgid length of human cock she was almost sitting on, taking in a shaky breath and dropping herself down to let the soft outer lips of her cunt press it firmly against his own stomach, her hips beginning to move imperceptibly, rubbing against the cock slowly.

"I-I c-came in your m-mouth." he muttred, flushing and looking away. "A-and you s-showed it to me." he squeaked, his cheeks flushing hard.

She blinked once, and her own blush increased two-fold, the faint rush of warmth at her cheeks mirroring the warmth that suddenly blossomed against the mid-point of his member, where her sex was pressed against it. "A-and what else?" she asked breathlessly, staring at him.

"W-well...I-I...w-we made love and y-you tongued yourself c-clean." he murmured helplessly. "And s-showed it to me..."

The black dragon flushed as deep as was possible, beginning to grind her hips slowly along the stiff member that was throbbing against her cunt. "A-anything e-else?"

"W-well..." he took a deep breath, and then muttered; "I kinda tongued over your tailhole and cunt and fucked you up the ass."

Her eyes widened, and she squeaked, but there was no denying that she was getting wetter and hotter with the tales of the debauchery that she had never committed, and she stared at him breathlessly, slipping off of him. "Y-you're clean!" she squeaked, crawling out of the water.

Jake couldn't help but watch her slip out of the water, peeking under her tail as she did at that puffy cunt and tight tailhole. She looked so beautiful, with those black scales all shiny and wet, slick from the water, reflecting every pinprick of light so perfectly...and that hot pink cunt was so arousing to stare at.

He nodded once, and gave a helpless sigh as he pulled himself out of the water, hands covering his privates, though hiding the turgid length of his erect cock was a difficult propsition.

Having his hands in his lap was probably why Jade pushed him over so easily.

She just reared up on her hind legs and pushed him firmly in the stomach, making him thud down on his butt, before she ducked in between his legs, nosing his hands out of the way with a firm motion, and then staring up at him, cheeks flushed deeply, her nose pressing in against the tip of his member, before she carefully, tentatively extended her tongue to slide over the tip of his cock.

Shuddering, he could only stare down at her as she lapped at him like that, apparently exploring his form, her nostrils flaring as she inhaled his scent into her lungs and made a thoughtful sound, which quickly dissolved into a soft rumbling purr as she began to trace long, slow licks down the length of his member. Her velvety warm tongue slid down the stiff shaft of flesh, towards the base, each stroking lick making it bob slightly back and forth with the pressure of it, her cheeks flushing hard at the knowledge of what she was doing, her tail giving a helpless little flicking swirl back and forth behind her, nervous and unsure.

"W-what do I d-do?" she stuttered up at him helplessly, staring at him over his cock, her green eyes wide with nervous confusion and eagerness. She wanted to continue, but wasn't quite sure what to do.

"P-put it in y-your mouth." Jake panted down at her, his own cheeks flushing faintly as he spread his knees a bit to give her full access.

The little dragon squirmed slightly embarrassment as she nodded up at him, and then licked her way back towards the tip of the cock, pausing when she got there, that soft, warm tongue trailing a slow of firm licks against the very tip as she breathed heavily over him, apparently gathering up the courage to take it even further.

With a faint little whine of apprehension, she tilted her head, and pressed it forwards, opening her maw and letting the tip of his cock press against her tongue, slipping between her teeth harmlessly, before she carefully closed her maw and began to suck.

Jake gave a hard, helpless shudder as he felt her suckling at the tip of his eager cock, his eyes closing and hands reflexively moving to her horns, and the back of her head. "M-more! Deeper!" he hissed estatically, as he felt Jade's perfect little tongue swirling around the tip of his member.

The dragoness murmured something around her mouthful, and then nodded slightly against him, drawing in a breath and then pressing down even further, sinking inch after inch of human cock into her willing maw, her paws tensing and convulsing slightly on his thighs in nervous reflex as she felt it edging so very deep into her muzzle, her cheeks flushing at the naughtiness of it all. She pulled her head back slowly, sliding his cock out of her maw, panting faintly and licking her lips. "I...I want to taste it." she panted breathlessly, her cheeks flaring with heat; a nervously admitted fantasy, before she shifted to align his eager shaft with her maw, and then sank down on it as far as she could without warning, until her nose was buried in against his base.

Jake stiffened, his eyes widening, and he gasped helplessly as she began to suckle hard and fast around his cock, her tongue squirming a little bit against his underside as her maw moved up and down a few tiny millimetres with the force of her sucking, like she was trying to get milk from a teat. The suction of her little muzzle was incredible, and he helplessly laid his hands on her cheeks, gasping and shuddering.

But she never began to bob her maw. She just sat there, suckling hard and fast around his cock in urgent, firm sucks. After a minute or so, she seemed to sense that something was wrong, and paused, his cock buried in her maw, her nose in his pubic hair, green eyes staring at him helplessly, as though asking '...what?'.

"Y-you need to b-bob your head." he panted, his cheeks flushing hard.

Blushing herself, the little black dragon nodded, making him hiss as it caused her teeth to dig into the base of his member for a moment, and she curled her tongue around to apologetically lick across the affected area, before beginning to suck and bob her head at the same time.

Jake hissed again, this time in absolute delight, gasping breathlessly as he felt her bobbing her maw up and down his eager, stiff cock. A spurt of precum spilled on the back of her tongue, and she tugged back so quickly that the second dribbled caught the tip of her tongue. She paused, and tasted it carefully, pressing her tongue to the tip and letting the taste roll across it, like she was inspecting some new wine, rolling the flat of her tongue against the roof of her mouth slowly, before seemingly deciding she liked the taste, and then diving back down him, all the way to the base, and beginning to bob her head again.

Jake shuddered in delight, his hands gripping her horns tightly, squeezing around them reflexively with each new bob of her head, his eyes clenching closed. "U-use your t-tongue!" he gasped, feeling his cock stiffening wantonly against her tongue, getting close to his finish.

The little dragon gave a faint sound of affirmation, and tugged back, and suddenly, Jake stiffened. Tugging backwards reduced the amount of cock in her maw, and increased the pressure of her suckling tenfold; and then she began to bob her head rapidly up and dwon on the tip of his cock, even as that soft, velvety tongue slid out to coil around his tip and lave over it again and again.

With a snarl, Jake gripped her head, shuddering and reflexively thrusting his hips up into her suckling maw hard and fast, with jerky, desperate motions. He felt her teeth against him, but he didn't care, lost to the sudden need for release. A faint sound of surprise and mild dismay left Jade's throat, and her eyes clenched closed as she felt the human thrusting his stiffening cock into her maw again and again.

Her eyes widened, and a blush blossomed hard on her cheeks as she felt him throb in her maw again and again, before he cried out in delight, not even stopping in his thrusting as the sudden burst of his load spilled into the black dragon's little maw.

Shuddering, she swallowed reflexively, feeling the hot bursts splashing across the back of her tongue again and again, not even taking the time to taste them as they filled her muzzle in lustful sprays of warm, gooey spunk. After a few moments, she had to breathe, and set to panting hard through her nostrils, unable to swallow the gooey, oddly satisfying load any more, letting it fill her muzzle to the brim, and then come bursting out the sides of it in a messy, drooling splash.

The thrusting slowed, and Jake came to his senses, tugging out of her maw, spilling his last spurt down his messy, slick member, and panting down at her, soothingly rubbing her cheeks with wide eyes. "I-I'm sorry!" he murmured breathlessly.

Jade panted hard through her nose, still holding her messy mouthful, even though she had failed to contain it all, shuddering, and flushing deeply as she opened her maw up wide to present her coated tongue and the inside of her muzzle, splashed liberally with his spunk, to him, slowly working her tongue against the roof of her mouth. Jak stared, and she closed her mouth, swallowing hard, before latching back onto his messy cock and staring to suckle and lick him clean eagerly.

He gasped and shuddered, squirming under her, giving a faint cry as she pulled off him with a <i>pop!</i> of suction.

"W-was that g-good?" she asked, flushing and staring up at him shyly.

Jake stared down at her for a long moment, before hust pulling her into a hug and kissing heatedly at her muzzle. "It was the best ever!" he panted.

Jade giggled a little bit, giving a contented little purr. "...I-It tasted b-better t-than I thought it would." she admitted with a deeply flushed expression.

Grinning, he kissed at her cheeks and nose, and then stroked his hands down over her back, between her wings, circling around her tailbase to rub under her tail slowly, finding the puffy lips of her cunt and rubbing his fingers over them.

"Roll over and spread your legs." he murmured to her in a heated, lustful tone.

Wide green eyes met his own, and she flushed once more, before nodding and sliding off of him, rolling onto her back and spreading her legs with a shaky little giggle, revealing her wet cunt and tight tailhole to his gaze.

A contented sound left the human, and he wasted no time in dropping down and laying a kiss on her stomach, lifting his hands to begin kneading and rubbing slowly at her inner thighs.

Jade watched him with wide green eyes, her breathing increasing in speed and intensity the closer his touched got to her aching, needy cunt.

Jake slid back slightly, and peeked between her legs, his breath catching at where he saw. Her tight cunt was just slightly spread by the lustful swelling from within it, the soft black flesh now a faint, puffy red, aroused and hot to the touch, eager for his stimulation.

He couldn't help himself, and with a faint sound, he leaned in and kissed directly at her eager, spread cunt, deepening it into a heated french kiss, laving his tongue against, and then between her soft outer lips, making the little black dragon arch and cry out in delight.

Grinning at her over his stomach, his continued, laving his tongue heatedly at the soft outer flesh, before spreading her silken folds open with his thumbs, peering into the exposed inner depths, which were slick with her own moisture, and then laying a heated, firm lick to the inner walls of her cunt.

Jade arched and gasped, her wings flaring and fluttering against the stone floor as she squirmed in delight, her tail twitching and spasming as she gave a low shudder and growl of eager enjoyment.

Eyes narrowed, he advanced along his plan, slipping back from her cunt, only to shove a single finger, and then a second, into it, beginning to work them in and out firmly, making the sexy black dragon squirm and howl in delight. His tongue descended on her again, laving at her clit, before trailing around his buried humping fingers, to lave into the depression of her tight tailhole in a firm, hard lick.

Her back arched and she almost screamed out in surprise and sudden delight, her eyes widening, staring down at him in shock as he began to tongue and lap at her tight tailhole again and again, even as his fingers worked into her cunt over and over again. Her expression quickly fell into a blissful one as she cried out over and over again at the stimulation to her body, squirming and thrashing in delight. And the, without warning, Jake switched.

He slipped his fingers out of her cunt, and took her clit into his mouth, suckling hard around it, leaving her vacated cunt to clench and tighten on nothing while his fingertips trailed around her tight tailhole, and then one of them pressed up against it firmly, forcing the tight entrance to give in to the pressure, sliding in, saliva helping it to press her open, sinking into her tight ass. He sank it right into the knuckle, and then began to thrust it in and out with a firm, powerful motion, rotating it slightly in time with the tonguing and suckling of her clit.

Jade really did scream this time, arching and spasming in delight, her tight cunt squeezing and clutching desperately at a non-existent object while her even tighter tailhole cinched down around his finger, squeezing and undulating around it as her hot feminine liquids gushed and drooled from her twitching, convulsing cunt.

Jake made sure she was done twitched before he slowly tugged back, grinning and kissing at her clit once as he slid his finger from her body, and then kissed a path up to her muzzle.

The dragoness panted and wrapped her paws around him, pulling him into a heated kiss where they exchanged the taste of eachothers liquids, her tail coiling faintly around his thighs, the scaled appendage pressing up against his still-hard member as she flushed. "I-It's still h-hard!" she explained, her cheeks flushing at the implications.

"...Wanna do something about it?" he asked, raising his brows.

"B-but...I...D-does that mean y-you wanna fuck me?" she squeaked.

"More than anything." he admitted guiltily, pressing a hand to her stomach and sliding it down slowly, trailing it between her legs and beginning to grind his palm firmly in against her drooling, puffy cunt.

"I-I...W-welll w-we could t-try it..." Jade murmured, her eyes wide, squirming faintly and panting a little bit at the palm rubbing at her so wonderfully, lifting her head up to peek at what he was doing to her, before she rolled over carefully, and stalked a few steps away, peeking at him over her shoulder and then tentatively leaning forwards, the tip of her tail lifting as she squared her hindlegs, spreading them far enough that her lifted tail revealed her drooling cunt and tight tailhole to his gaze.

Jake stared at this wonderful sight, just watching her for several long moments, observing a trickle of her own heated liquids trailing down her inner thighs, the deep pink of her inner depthsn contrasting so well with the black of her puffy, eager cuntlips. He rolled over onto his knees, and crawled up behind her, a hand wrapped around her chest, while his other slid down to wrap around her stomach, helping to hold her in place as he shifted in to begin rubbing his eager cocktip against her willing depths.

The dragoness shuddered, her eyes widening as she felt the thick cocktip pressing up against her dripping cunt, her forepaws tensing up on the floor slightly as her hips began to twitch slightly on reflex, her eyes closing and body tensing up a little bit in anticipation.

She wasn't disappointed, as only a few moments later, Jake shifted and laid his hands on her hips, and then heaved forwards with his own hips, sinking the first few inches of his thick cock into her tight cunt. The soft muscles of her cunt gave in willingly to the intrusion, stretching easily to accept the intruder, but squeezing back around him the moment he was inside, trying to coax him a little bit deeper with firm, reflexive spasms of powerful inner muscles.

Jade cried out in surprise and pleasure as she felt the human sink into her body, her eyes snapping open wide as she quivered in helpless delight, claws digging deep into the stone and tailtip spasming in reflexive motions back and forth, her wings flaring and giving the faintest of flutters while she arched her back willingly, to give him a better angle, and allow him a little bit deeper into her wet cunt.

Jake shuddered in delight as he felt her tight body squeezing around him, breathing a little bit faster and harder already, grinding his hips forwards until he felt her tight, soft cunt flesh stretched around him fully, her outer lips resting around the base of his member, holding deep inside her, panting faintly down against her neck as he held her close, just enjoying the feeling of her tight muscles squeezing so perfectly around him, seemingly massaging around his member in an intimate, wet embrace.

The black dragoness stiffened and cried out in a high-pitched tone as Jake slid back, and then humped forwards, spreading her open around his thick cock once more, making her stomach muscles convulse, her tail shifting back and forth helplessly, which just caused the tight muscles of her cunt to squeeze around him all the more harder, tensing and shifting in rhythm with the strong muscles in the base of her tail working to move the tail itself back and forth.

"G-god." jake panted in her ear, his chest heaving as he tried to keep his breathing under control, holding around her middle with his hands, and leaning in to whisper; "Can I fuck you, Jade? I want to fuck you so hard..." he panted.

Shuddered, she blinked her eyes open and peered at him over her shoulder, giving a shaky exhalation and squaring her hindlegs better, cheeks flushing. "B-but...I...I-I...W-well...y-y-yes..." he panted between breaths, her cheeks flushing a deep crimson as she gave him permission to take her just as hard as he wanted.

Giving a faint cry of delight, Jake wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly in place as he shifted and then began to drive into her with hard, eager motions, quickly settling into a rough, fervent rythm.

Jade arched and cried out, her wings splaying wide as she tensed and quivered, her eyes widening and pupils contracting as she felt the sudden flurry of hard thrusts into her tight cunt, spreading her tight body around his cock as it speared into her wet depths again and again, pressing in so deep into that wanton dragon cunny, her tail spasming and flicking as she was taken hard and fast.

Her forepaws dug deeper into the rock floor, and she tentatively pressed her hips back towards his motions, screaming out in helpless delight as the press of her hips caused his motions to get even deeper, the lack of play in her form meaning that each eager motion shoved his thick cock deep, deep into her cunt, until he hilted in her with a thud, making her entire body tense and convulse.

In mere moments, the dragoness was roaring and snarling, her cries of delight echoing about the room as her tight cunt squeezed and clamped down on the thrusting intruder, tightening instantly in rhythmic convulsions as a hot gush of her feminine liquids began to drool from her cunt again and again. Jake held her tight, his hips shoving against her own in eager motions, the feeling of her convulsing and squeezing around his cock in orgasm just pushing him closer and closer to his own.

"Ohhh f-fuck!" Jake panted into her ear as he drove into her over and over again. "S-so close!" he growled, gripping her all the tighter and starting to drive into her with a ruthless determination, reaming her cunt with furious thrusts.

"St-stop!" the dragoness squeaked, as she was railed again and again by his hard thrusts, her body rocking back and forth with the motions now, each stroke of his cock causing a flutter to pass through her form, most noticable in the muscles intimately squeezing his thick cock. "Sssstop!" she almost wailed.

Jake shuddered, and gripped her tightly with one arm, his other moving to support his weight as he slowed his motions, and then halted them completely, his chest heaving heavily, cheeks flushed with lust as he stared at her. "But...why?" he almost whined.

Jade gave a faint squirm of embarrassment, her cheeks flushing hard, a breathless little whimper leaving her maw; "I-I....w-wanna t-try what y-you said happened...." she panted, nodding once in shaky affirmation.

He was momentarily perplexed, canting his head at her slightly.

"Y-you s-said that you t-took me b-back t-there." she whimpered, heavily embarrassed as she tried to get him to cotton on to what she meant.

"...You want me to take your ass?" he asked, his eyes widening a little bit.

The dragoness flushed deeply and then gave a slow nod. "I-I wanna t-try it!" she squeaked.

Jake gave a nod, and then slipped his cock from her body, shuffling backwards, watching her with lustfully narrowed eyes, a hand gripping his rigid member and stroking it up and down as he watched her.

Shuddering, the dragoness carefully rolled over onto her back, spreading her legs for him and flushing deeply, shakily laying her head on the floor and splaying her wings out for balance. "L-Like t-this?" she asked nervously.

"Perfect." he replied with a firm nod, slipping over to her and dropping down to press a heated kiss onto the cunt he had just finished abusing, laving his tongue up over her clit, making her arch and squeal slightly in surprise, her wingtips fluttering and paws flailing at the air. Grinning up at her, he licked and kissed lower, trailing his tongue over her outer lips, giving them a firm lick, and then pressing his licks down to her tight tailhole once more, making the black dragoness arch and squirm in helpless delight.

"I-It feels so s-strange!" she squeaked, her tail spasming slightly, bobbing up and down, fwapping against his chest once or twice.

"But you love it, don't you?" he asked, raising his brows at her innocently as he pressed his lips in aginst her tight tailhole again and began to rapidly lap his tongue back and forth against the tight entrance.

Jade's reply was lost amid a cry of helpess pleasure, her hindlegs spasming, kicking slightly at the air, before she began to pant hard, staring down at him as she felt him move back to her cunt, each lap and tongue over her sensitive outer lips making her squirm and writhe in delight; but they didn't quite disguise the feeling of his fingertips working up over her tailbase, trailing through the mix of saliva and her own warm, slick liquids. Her cheeks flushed hard. She had a good idea where one of those fingers was going.

Once more, she wasn't disappointed; In tandem with his lips closing over her clit and a slow, firm suction starting up, she felt one of the fingertips working in against her tight tailhole, and then sinking through her resistance, pressing into her tight, eager body, which convulsed and squeezed around it reflexively.

Grinning, her tongue and suckled at her clit all the harder, listening to her high-pitched cries of delight as he began to work the finger in and out of her tight tailhole, before surprisingly her completely by adding a second finger to her tight rump, sinking it in, stretching her wide around the pair of them and beginning to rapidly, firmly drive them into her body with a thrusting motion.

The dragoness arched off the bed slightly, her wings fluttering and splaying out flat as she convulsed and cried out repeatedly in delight, her tight cunt spasming against his lips, drooling thick liquids from it again and again as it clenched and convulsed at an object that didn't exist, tightening around itself as the dragoness gave up another orgasm to his fingers and tongue.

Panting slightly at the intoxicating taste of her, Jake slipped up her form, tugging his fingers from her body, and leaning in to kiss heatedly at her maw as she panted and writhed in her afterglow underneath him,

"Enjoyed that, did you?" he asked, grinning at her, raising his brows.

"O-Oh god yes..." she panted out between harsh, almost ragged breaths, nodding vigorously, her eyes half-closed, her expression dazed. "It's so naughty and feels so good when you do it..." she mumbled, nosing blindly up at his face.

Her eyes snapped open wide, and her entire form tensed up a little bit as she felt something warm and thick pressing in against her recently-used tailhole, taking several long moments before she realised it was his eager cock. She had, of course, asked him to fuck her tailhole, and now, he was going to do it! She squirmed slightly in helpless anxiety, her cheeks flushed hard and tailtip nervously flicking back and forth. "Y-you're g-going to f-fuck me?" she asked, shuddering, staring up at him.

Jake gave a slow nod, and wasted no time in shifting forwards, lowering himself atop the dragoness, his thick cock sinking into her lubricated tailhole, stretching it around the tip of his cock. Her muzzle parted, and she quivered as she felt the cock stretching her so wide, so much further than his fingers could ever hope, eased along by a mix of saliva and her own lubricating feminine liquids, helping him to slide his thick cock into her tight rump.

Jade arched and cried out as he began to thrust, her entire form spasming, her eyes clenching closed and paws gripping around him tightly, claws extending, digging into his flesh as her tail thwapped rapidly against the ground ion reflexive response to the feel of the thick cock working into her rear. "G-god! Y-you're so b-big!" she cried out, her brows furrowing hard as she tried her best to relax and not squirm underneath him.

Grinning, he kissed her cheeks, and held her tight around the middle, his thick cock buried in her deep enough now that he could begin thrusts, sliding back slowly, and then firmly pressed forwards, sinking his thick cock into her body once more, but a little bit deeper this time, edging a little further into her tight rump, just to draw back and repeat the process, a little bit deeper each time.

For her part, the dragoness could only cry out with the addition of each new millimetre of thick cock to her tight tailhole, her cheeks flushed hard and cunt spasming repeatedly every time he thrust into her body, making her arch and cry out in delight, her wings splaying and fluttering repeatedly. Her paws gripped him all the tighter, and she splayed her hindlegs even further for him, giving him full access to her body.

Jake took the offer without hesitation, holding around her all the tighter and then starting to hump his hips eagerly agaisnt her own, taking her tight tailhole with a firm, eager rhythm, quickly working the entirety of his thick cock into her tight rump, burying it in her to the hilt. The dragoness cried out helplessly, her back arching and tail slamming against the ground as her claws dug into his shoulders hard, a snarling, roaring cry of delight leaving her as her tight body spasmed and clenched around him again and again, tight cunt drooling liquids down over the base of her tail in fitful bursts as she came.

Grinning, he held her close, keeping buried deep inside her, letting her catch her breath, just sliding himself back and forth a tiny, tiny amount to keep up the friction. "Are you ready?" he asked of her.

The dragoness's eyes widened a little bit, and she quivered helplessly, before giving him a slow nod, her cheeks flaring with blush once more.

Gripping her eagerly, he held her firmly in place, shifting his stance to take more weight on his knees, and then starting to drive his hips into her own again and again, fucking her tight tailhole with the same eager pace he had taken her tight cunt with. The dragoness cried out with surprise at the sudden lustful rutting, her eyes going wide and a heated snarl leaving her as her tight body cinched and convulsed around him in rapid motions that simply didn't cease, even as he began to drive himself into her with hard, lustful intent, ravaging her tight tailhole with fervent thrusts of his turgid cock.

Very quickly, the dragoness was screaming, crying out at the top of her lungs and helplessly trying to drive her hips towards his thrusts, his own motions reaching a fever pitch as he fucked the dragoness's tight tailhole again and again.

He held her tight as he drove deep into her body, grinding his thick cock deep inside her rump again and again as it flexed and throbbed, jerking hard and then exploding, a sudden burst of his gooey spunk splashing across her tight inner depths. Jade snarled and screamed in delight as she felt the hot bursts pumping up into her body, her tight entrance squeezing around him to tight and hard that the repeated jets of gooey spunk that were spilling into her just began to drool and spill out from around the still-moving cock, drooling down her tail in a sticky, lustful mess, only to be joined by her own copious fluids.

It was several long moments before either of them came down from their plateau's of pleasure, panting hard against eachother and whimpering faintly as they both felt his mess drooling out of her thoroughly used tailhole.

After long, long minutes spent lazing against eachother, Jake grunted and slipped himself off of her body, softening cock slipping from her tight rump, leaving a heated trickle of his spunk to drool from the used tailhole, while the dragoness herself whimpered faintly at the sensation, and then rolled over to snuggle up against his side. "I-I need another bath." she panted helplessly.

Jake gave a faint sound in reply, nodding. "But it was worth it, wasn't it?" he asked with a grin.

The dragoness gave a timid nod, her cheeks flushing faintly. "I-I liked t-that s-so m-much more than I sh-should..." she murmured, her tone embarrassed. "W-was it just like you r-remembered?" she asked tentatively.

"Yes." he purred, pulling her into a snuggle and smiling at her. "Was it everything you were expecting?" he asked of her in return.

"And so much more..." she murmured, giving a happy litle purr and rolled to snuggle up to his side. "But Jake?" she asked.

He blinked his eyes open, peering at her. "Yes, Jade?"

"Next time, it's your turn to pretend that we never fucked before." she said, her innocent demeanor instantly dropping in favour of a mischeivous, knowing grin.

Jake stared at her for a long, long moment, absorbing what she said, blinking slowly. "You mean to tell me-...that-I-you." he spluttered, staring at her still, shocked. "...Screw you." he just said after a moment, only half meaning what he said, his tone carrying no real bite to it, his neck and cheeks flushed. She had duped him. Completely.

"Oh you know you love it. Innocent dragoness all new to sex, eagerly doing as you command..." she trailed off with a wicked grin.

Jake flushed once more and glanced at her sideways. "...You knew I wasn't getting my memory wiped, didn't you?" he accused.

Jade paused a moment, and then her grin came back two-fold. "As soon as you caught on, I started just putting you to sleep. I never removed any of your memories after that." she said with a saucy little wink at him, licking his nose affectionately. "We're going to have so much fun now that I don't have to seduce you every day." she said with a misceivious grin, and a giggle.

Jake just shook his head and hugged the naughty black dragonessto him. It was disconcerting, how easily she played with his reality, made him think that things were real when they weren't, convinced him that entire memories were false. But no matter how disconcerting she was...he was falling for her. "You're incorrigable." he stated.

Jade giggled faintly, and kissed his nose sweetly. "And that's how I'm always going to stay." she stated.

To The Victor Go The Spoils! Part 2!

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Living Legends: Volume (Mew)Two: Part 7

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