Forest Heat

Story by Gouka Fushichou on SoFurry

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It was hot. That's what I woke up thinking, and boy was that the understatement of the century. It was forty-three degrees outside that day, and it seemed even hotter without any breeze in Rustboro city. I actually took a cold shower that morning to try and help a bit. As I stepped outside, I didn't envy the pokemon trainers who came to the convenience store that I worked at. At least my workplace had air conditioning... theirs... not so much. Despite the heat, I had to walk half-way across town in order to get to work, since I didn't have a car.

After a boring, though thankfully cool, morning at work, I clocked out for lunch, changing into my street clothes: jeans, sneakers, and a t-shirt. Picking up lunch from a nearby restaurant, I headed out of town, like always, to the forest. Settling down at the base of a tree, I opened the bag and pulled out my hamburger. As I took the first bite, I wondered why there always seemed to be a pleasantly cool breeze in that part of the woods...

Minutes passed. I listened to the familiar sounds of the forest; pokemon calling out to each other, the occasional splash of a fish or water-type breaking the surface, the rustling of the leaves in the wind. In a way, I wished life could always be so simple. Out here, I didn't have to worry about money, or a job, or really anything.

Just as I stood up to leave (with some reluctance, I'll admit), I was jolted in surprise when a tan blur darted into sight, almost knocking me over. Before the blur could go two meters, two loud cracks rang out, and I recognized them only as the blur stumbled out of sight. Gunshots.

I watched, unable to move as a man wearing camouflage walked up to me, a rifle shouldered as he pulled the bolt back to eject the spent cartridge and forward to load another round. The muzzle was pointed at me, and I could see his wrist tensing as he squeezed the trigger. Nobody can dodge a bullet. He fired a single round that impacted and penetrated my shoulder. Fear and anger washed through me at the pain, and as he worked the action again, I ran forward and grabbed the barrel with my good hand, twisting it away from me and delivering a punch to his jaw with my blood-dripping hand. He stumbled backwards, dropping the weapon. There was another loud crack, and he stiffened up, before falling back.

Putting my hand to my shoulder to stem the arterial bleeding, I staggered to the thing he'd been shooting at when it all started. My half-conscious mind was amazed as it could be in its capacity, when I saw a tan quadruped with a leaf-like tail. The dude had been hunting a leafeon?! I stumbled over to it, and promptly fell to the ground. The world faded, the only sounds those of rustling leaves: the pokemon had long since gone silent out of fear, and stayed silent out of respect as I closed my eyes for the last time...

I hoped they wouldn't stay silent for long.


Voices. They played faintly in the background as I drifted in darkness. I wondered if this was what death really was: being trapped in your body, aware but unable to do anything. Or maybe this was hell? I was simply a mind, with no body to command or feel. Things seemed to go like this forever. When it ended, I almost wished it hadn't. Almost.

Pain like I've never felt before wracked my form, and vague shapes rushed around me. Several of them stood over me, wielding strange tools that they used to dig into my shoulder and just cause me more pain. I tried to beg them to leave me to die in peace, but no words came out, only air through unmoving lips that felt cold as ice. There was a sharp pain somewhere else on my body, but I was in too much pain to tell where. As a coldness spread from the pain, I slowly drifted off once again.


My eyes slowly opened as my senses returned. A slow, incessant beeping filled my ears, annoying my sleepy mind. "Stupid alarm," I thought. But I wasn't greeted with the familiar whitewashed drywall of my bedroom. I found myself looking up at an unfamiliar, smooth surface that could hardly be called a ceiling. Groaning, I sat up; looking around the room as memories came flooding back to me, I clutched at my shoulder when I noticed the dull ache still present.

Right on cue, the door opened and in walked the familiar figure, her face framed in pink hair like always, of Nurse Joy. Pushing me back down, she said, "It's ok. You're safe now."

"What...? How'd I get here?" I mumbled as she pressed a button on the console next to me, apparently adding more of whatever was making me tired... painkiller, maybe?

"The police found you, the leafeon, and the man. They brought you and the pokemon here, but the man was already dead by the time they arrived."

"The leafeon... is it going to be ok?" I was suddenly more worried about the pokemon. I could tell I'd be fine, since I was conscious, but I didn't know how badly it had been hurt.

"She's in better shape than you are, young man. Now get some rest, you'll be better soon."


When I woke again, I felt well-rested, and the pain in my arm was gone. Lifting up the sleeve of my gown, I could see a faint, circular scar where the bullet had struck, but even as I rotated my shoulder, I could feel no damage anymore. As I slowly slid out of the bed, Nurse Joy once again appeared in the doorway. I swear she must have a "patient could need help" sense. Again, she pushed me back into bed, but this time just told me to wait a bit longer. "I just need to be sure the procedure worked properly. You'll be able to leave tonight." She said.

So I settled back into bed, closing my eyes even though I knew I wouldn't sleep. Just seconds after the door swung shut, there was a small noise, and a weight jumped onto the bed, quickly settling down on my chest. Opening my eyes, I was extremely surprised to see a leafeon curled up on me. I was certain it was the same one from before, though why, I couldn't say.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked it... her softly, slowly reaching out and stroking her flank. Strangely, she seemed to enjoy being near humans, which was odd for both wild pokemon, and ones that had been released by or escaped from a trainer. Yet she clearly didn't have a trainer, as was evidenced by the lack of a pokeball's anti-theft chip.

A few hours of drifting in and out of cat-naps later, Nurse Joy entered again. At some point, I'd rolled onto my side, and the leafeon had fallen behind me, out of sight of the door and the Nurse. Stopping a couple meters away, she simply said, "You're free to leave whenever you're ready, sir." Setting a set of fresh clothes on the floor near the nightstand, she turned and left the room.

As she disappeared from view, I noticed a small wet spot on my back, and felt something rubbing softly against it. It took me a moment to realize that it was the leafeon, and even longer to realize that it wasn't her tongue...

Slowly rolling over, I blushed when I realized my assumptions had been correct. The leafeon had been grinding her hips against me, and her puffy lips said she was definitely in season. Stupid pokemon husbandry class in high school. I still don't know why I took it.

Cautiously shaking her shoulder, I managed to wake her. "Hey... you, um, look like you could use a male's help right now, girl. Why don't you head back home?" I could feel my cheeks become even pinker at the images that came to mind with those words. She just lay there, watching me. So I got out of bed, walking over to where my clothes were. When I bent down to pick them up, however, an excited cry brought me right back up. Looking back, I saw the leafeon eyeing me almost... hungrily.

"Was she... checking out my ass?" I thought, feeling my ears heat up along with my cheeks now, in both embarrassment and unexpected shyness. Looking for a way out of having to bend over was fruitless. So swallowing my pride, and hoping I was simply imagining things, I quickly bent over and grabbed the jeans. Before I could stand back up, though, I felt a paw tap my butt, making me jump. "Holy shit she moves fast!" by the time I turned around, she was already back on the bed, but the grin she wore told me all I needed to know.

Only as I left the room did I figure out how she'd gotten in. The window was wide open. She didn't follow me through the halls, and for a minute, I thought maybe I had been imagining things. But when I walked through the doors and out of the hospital, she was there, waiting for me with a grin on her muzzle that made me almost nervous. I walked past her, and continued on towards home. Even without looking, I could tell she was following. If the fact that I didn't think she was gonna leave me alone until she'd had her fill wasn't enough, the looks of surprise I got from the people who recognized me certainly were. So I didn't have to look back.

Finally arriving at my small, one bedroom house, I unlocked the door and walked in. She was in before I could close it, not that I'd have bothered trying to keep her out. I could tell she was a clever girl, and crafty at that.

Once inside, I grabbed a can of soda and a bag of chips. Crashing on the couch, I grabbed the remote and flipped thought the channels for about an hour, before ultimately turning off the TV, bored. Looking at the clock, I found it was already nearly eleven p.m. and hastily put away the chips and threw my empty can away. The trip home must have taken longer than I thought. Heading to my room, I stripped down to my briefs. Lying down on my bed, I didn't even bother pulling the blanket up. It was still plenty warm, after all.

Just as I was closing my eyes, a familiar furry weight leaped onto my bed and curled up on my belly. When I relaxed just seconds later, there was a slight tug at my shorts, and the distinct sound of tearing fabric. By the time I realized what it was, I felt a hot breath wash over my manhood, making me shudder. I was about to protest and try to push her away, when something wet and hot dragged its way up my shaft, drawing a surprised moan from my lips and causing my shaft to harden almost instantly. Looking down I gasped and moaned as I watched her swirl her tongue around the tip, before slowly taking it into her maw. My hips bucked at the pleasure as she took more and more of my cock into her warm, moist mouth, until her nose was buried in my pubic hair, and I couldn't help but moan, losing myself to the blissful pleasure, whether I wanted to or not. She bobbed her head slowly, her tongue caressing every bit of the sensitive organ and making me moan ever louder with each second that passed.

I lost track of how much time passed, but all too soon, I felt the familiar tingle begin to rise up in my body as orgasm began to draw closer, until I suddenly couldn't hold it in anymore, and I came. Spurt after spurt of cum erupted from the tip of my cock, only to be swallowed right away by the little 'eon. My whole body was wracked with shudders and shivers as pleasure coursed through every nerve, leaving me gasping and moaning beyond any hope of hiding it. Not that I'd have bothered. I think I came harder than I ever had before, and it seemed to last for hours as I fired off streams of my fluids, moaning the whole time. About half-way through, she pulled back, I suspect for air, and the last few bursts landed on her face and, specifically, her muzzle, though I couldn't be sure exactly how much, with her rump facing me.

When at last my orgasm finally died down, I was left panting. "S-sorry," I said, "it just happened so fast and- mmph!" I was promptly shut up when she spun around and pressed her lips to mine, slipping her tongue into my mouth in a passionate kiss, surprising me with her eagerness. Despite myself, I couldn't help but enjoy the sensation. Forgetting what my partner was, I couldn't help but return the kiss; almost feverishly wrestling her tongue with my own. To my surprise, I didn't find it at all gross. In fact, despite my own taste on her lips and the sensation of my own cum on her muzzle, I found it to be quite arousing.

So when she turned around and presented herself to me, I barely hesitated. Though instead of doing as she no doubt expected, I grabbed her hips and flipped her onto her back, exposing her belly. Quickly kneeling before her, I spread her open with my thumbs and leaned in, placing a tentative lick on her sex. The moan I elicited was more than enough incentive to repeat the act, which again drew a similar reaction. She arched her back, placing her paws on the back of my head as if to encourage me to continue, so I slowly pushed my tongue inside her, delighting in her shivers as I delved deeper into her. I quickly felt a small nub inside her, and as I pressed into it, she cried out, pushing my head down and humping into it, so I repeated, and quickly turned my attentions almost entirely to that little bump that brought about such a reaction. The act of stimulating what must have been her clit quickly seemed to overwhelm her, leaving her gasping and squealing in bliss. Then, with almost no warning, her whole body locked up, her walls squeezing my tongue like mad as fluids dribbled out of her, coating my jaw and crimson cheeks in her sweet-tasting juices. I expected the flow to ebb quickly, but instead it increased for almost a minute, her folds actually gripping so hard I couldn't pull my tongue out. Not that I wanted to. I was glad to bring her as much pleasure as I could.

I realized at some point that I'd begun to grind my hips on the bed, my cock already hard again. My erection soon throbbed achingly, demanding attention, but I ignored it as best I could and concentrated on making the leafeon squirm under my treatment. I could hardly believe that her orgasm could last so long, but it was amazingly hot, even so. I could almost feel the bolts of pleasure that must have been blasting through her form, and I was a bit jealous that she could cum so hard for so long!

When she finally stopped cumming, the leafeon immediately rolled to her feet, surprising me when I felt my tongue slip out of her. Turning as I sat up, she practically tackled me back to the bed. I gasped when I felt her fur rub against my chest, turning me on more than I'd imagined it could, while she shifted her hips around, apparently trying to line us up. Before I could reach down to help her, my whole body tensed up, moaning in bliss as my tip found her opening, pushing in just slightly, but the pleasure was already unbelievable. My hips bucked as if of their own will, pressing me even further into that tight, squeezing tunnel, the fluids that hadn't managed to escape to my throat likely the only thing making entry physically possible. It was all I could do to lay there and moan as she bucked back into me, pressing me ever deeper into her sex.

I was moaning and writhing, my cock twitching and spurting precum while the 'eon on top of me made out with me, as well as slowly engulfing my shaft in her tight, hot hole. My whole body froze when our hips met, almost as much out of surprise as blissful pleasure. I couldn't help but cry out into her tongue when she suddenly and rapidly pulled back, before just as rapidly slammed down. I almost lost it right then and there, but somehow my body failed to orgasm. She repeated, and all I could do was squirm and moan while I was so perfectly fucked. By a pokemon who was kissing me more passionately than any woman ever had, no less. I'd have been amazed, if the grass-type hadn't sped up even more, almost making me drool in pleasure.

I think my constant, out-of-sync humping started to annoy her, because at some point, I felt a cool, smooth cord wrap around my wrists, ankles, and even my waist, binding me in place. It took me a second to recognise the Grass Knot, but even if I hadn't, just the idea that she was so totally in control made me moan, my cock twitching inside her, coating her walls in pre. Breaking the kiss, the pokemon ground her hips against mine almost teasingly, staring hungrily into my eyes as her walls milked my shaft in the most blissful ways imaginable.

To my surprise, every thrust of her hips pushed my tip deeper inside her, though I wasn't fully aware of it, except for the growing pleasure and tightness that enveloped more of my shaft with every movement. Now I wasn't the only one making noise; her squeaks and cries of pleasure were muffled slightly by our kiss, but nonetheless they made me all the hornier. Just realizing that she was getting as much pleasure as I was beyond a turn-on. I could feel her begin to squeeze my cock even harder, her grinding apparently quite fun for her... though I did wish she would begin to fuck me again...

As if she'd heard my wish, the leafeon suddenly pulled back and began humping me once again. Each downward thrust pulled a cry from me, and a squeak from her. I could feel my eyes rolling back, but I'd long since ceased paying attention to my sight. Still that tongue wrestled with mine, or rather, it was pushing my own around to its whims.

What felt like days later, I felt her clench down hard on my cock, giving a particularly loud squeal of pleasure. I then felt her copious juices begin to dribble out around me. yet she kept at me, and just seconds later, my whole body began to tingle, followed by a clenching in my groin, and then, blissful release. Cum spurted from my tip with enough force to make the leafeon twitch with each sticky gush. within seconds, it began to ooze out along with her own fluids, yet still it did not end! I kept cumming for what must have been at least several, blissful minuets, and she evidently came a second time, her cum diluting my own on my groin. But finally, with a gasp, my orgasm ended, leaving me panting, with a very content pokemon curled up against me.

I gasped again when my now-soft shaft was suddenly yanked out of her upon her standing up. Much to my surprise, I felt her tongue begin to lap at the cum that had managed to stay on my crotch. If not for the orgasm I'd just had, the sound of delight she made would have gotten me ready for another round almost instantly. When she'd cleaned me to her heart's content, which consisted of first licking away all the fluid from my belly, then moving her treatment to lap at my balls, until she was content that she'd gotten it all off them. Then she proceeded to lick at my sensitive shaft, taking it into her mouth after a moment and sucking on it, forcing a moan from me one last time.

Her work done, she turned to look at me, and licked her chops happily, before once again coming and curling up against me. "If she stays here," I thought, "I don't think I'd mind in the least."

With a smile on my face, and a satisfied leafeon on my chest, I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

so. i'm not dead! WOO! oh, and i hope you enjoyed the lemon here... cause it's the last thing you'll ever see from me!!!!!!!!!! loljk

Also, this, being my first posted independent lemon, is a bit of a milepost for me! *throws party to celibrate!* CHEESE FOR EVERYONE!... wait, scratch that. cheese for no one. that can be just as much of a celebration if you don't like cheese. (lol Elder Scrolls reference)

you know the deal. read and comment and rate... though with my luck, you've done NONE OF THOSE!!!!!! *facepies and runs awayyyyyy*

"Amnesia?" Chapter 4

For the second time in as many days, Blaze woke with the dawn. Though this time, he didn't even have time to wonder if he had been dreaming before he felt Sakura shift, her fur sticking to him thanks to the sticky mess of cum all over his chest....

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"Amnesia" Chapter 5

Blaze woke slowly from his nap, feeling Sakura nuzzle against him in her sleep as she lay on his chest. From the position of the sun, it was about seven in the evening, and Blaze was glad it was summer... at least he thought it was. It wasn't cold...

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"Amnesia" Chapter 3

Blaze woke at dawn, wondering if it had not all been a dream. His unasked question was answered before he asked when Sakura shifted on his chest, mumbling in her sleep. Gently, he picked her up and set her on the sand next to him, and stood up. He...

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