"Amnesia" Chapter 3

Story by Gouka Fushichou on SoFurry

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#4 of Amnesia Repost

Blaze woke at dawn, wondering if it had not all been a dream. His unasked question was answered before he asked when Sakura shifted on his chest, mumbling in her sleep. Gently, he picked her up and set her on the sand next to him, and stood up. He stretched a bit stiff from sleeping on the ground. "Apparently, sand isn't as comfortable as I thought," he thought absentmindedly as he walked a little ways down the beach, pondering the dream he had had. Even now, it seemed so vivid, as though it wasn't a dream at all.

He remembered walking into a room that looked like a dojo from Japan in the early twentieth century. Standing in the center of the room were three people. The first was a tall man, perhaps two meters in height, wearing a red and blue robe, with purple cloth that could be seen wrapped around his legs, and bare feet. Other than that, the robe concealed his body below the neck. The second was a teenager about his age, but with hair that was literally scarlet, and cascaded down his shoulders. He was roughly the same height as Blaze, and wore a white coat that reached his ankles, open to show a blood-red shirt, and deep blue pants. The third was a figure in the armor of a samurai, his face concealed by the golden helm and his body by the beautifully crafted steel. At his waist was a blade that looked oddly familiar, but Blaze couldn't say why.

There was no sound, no words, but the robes of the first man slowly lifted off his shoulders, shifting to spread out behind his back in two halves, revealing the purple cloth beneath, which was tightly wrapped to his wrists, ankles and waist, but otherwise hung limp. After a few seconds, Blaze realized that the robes were not robes at all, but a pair of narrow, elegant wings, made entirely of flame. The feathers were scarlet and orange on top, but gradually faded to blue and as you got closer to the bottom. He raised his hand, a single finger leveled at Blaze. In an instant, memories flashed through his mind, only to fade in the next instant, leaving behind only knowledge. Then the world began to spin, and he began to fall into darkness. That was the last thing he remembered.

Now, he couldn't remember what he had seen when Sakura kissed him the previous night. He knew he had been thinking something of great importance, but he couldn't remember what. He futilely tried to recall what it was, but after several minutes, he gave it up as a hopeless cause. Instead, he decided to see if what he had learned would actually work. He found a large log at the edge of the forest, and took a deep breath. Then he held his hand up, and focused, willing the flame into existence. Almost instantly, an orange and red flame burst from his hand, and he jumped back, and the flame vanished. He stood up, taking several deep breaths as he watched his hand. "I really didn't think that would work," he said to himself. He took a couple more breaths, before trying again. This time, when the flame sprang into existence, he was able to stay calm. He clenched his hand into a fist, and punched the log, forcing the energy into it. With a loud crack, the wood split in two, with scorch marks lining the break.

Blaze cursed his idiocy, casting a glance back the way he had come. Sakura was hidden behind the curve in the trees, but there was no doubt in his mind that she was easily able to hear that noise. He just hoped he hadn't woken her.

Sakura woke abruptly to realize that Blaze was no longer there. She looked around for a minute, before she heard a loud cracking noise from not far away. Without a second thought, she teleported toward the direction it came from, reappearing at the edge of the forest to see Blaze standing, looking around the bend, which was to her left, as if expecting something. Once again, she teleported, this time to the space directly in front of his face. Before he could react, she planted a quick kiss on his lips. The instant their lips parted, Blaze jumped, landing on his butt, and Sakura laughed at the look on his face as he fell. It was like confusion mixed with shock, and it looked surprisingly cute on his features. After a few seconds, she noticed the log, and looked at him questioningly.

"Yeah... did I wake you up with that?" he asked, getting to his feet.

"No, but it did help me find you, and it was good for some humor," replied Sakura, still giggling slightly. Then a question occurred to her. "But how did you do that," she asked, "I thought you didn't know how."

"I don't really know," he said, "I had a dream last night, and when I woke up, I just knew how to do it."

"Hmm..." Sakura looked up, and her eyes widened. "Blaze," she said, "Move."

"What?" Blaze looked up. Falling right for him was a large object, which was all he could make out before instinct took over and he tackled Sakura out of the thing's path. Almost the instant they were out of the way, the thing hit the ground, creating a crater that looked to be nearly two meters deep. The lip of the crater actually touched Blaze's toes. "That was too close," he said, with a relieved sigh as he stood up, checking Sakura for injuries. Aside from her fur being messed up slightly, she was fine, so he went over to the crater, and walked over to the object. Now that it wasn't about to kill him, he realized what it was: a steel crate, about ten centimeters tall, twenty-five wide, and one hundred and fifteen long. Cautiously, he flicked the latches open, and jumped back when it sprung open. When nothing jumped out, he slowly moved forward to examine the contents. Inside, lying in a protective bed of foam padding was a sheathed katana, which was almost exactly one meter in length, and, by the hilt, two centimeters wide. Above the center of the blade were two handguns, one silver with gold writing, the other gold with silver writing, both were semi-automatic, and the writing was in Japanese. Blaze picked up the handguns, the black one in his left hand, the silver in his right, and examined them.

The one in his left hand, which bore the kanji for 'fire' read, "I am the Flame of Creation, made to destroy the darkness of sin. My name is Raikou."

The one in his right hand, which bore the kanji for 'water' read, "I am the Sea of Purity, made to cleanse this world of evil. My name is Hyou."

Both of them were as beautiful as they were terrible, but they paled in comparison to the sword. The ray skin was golden in color, the braid scarlet at the front and cerulean at the back, the cap on the pommel was silver with rose vines engraved on it and the guard was made to look like a steel rose. Blaze picked the katana up respectfully, and slowly drew it, revealing a blade that was a black as the darkest night, perfectly curved, and with silver Japanese writing set into the blade on both sides, so perfectly aligned that to the touch, it was nonexistent. It read, "I am the Manifestation of Resolution. Only one with the will to move mountains with their bare hands is worthy to wield me. My name shall be revealed only to one who is worthy of my power."

Blaze re-sheathed the blade without a second thought. He removed the foam from the crate and found a set of clothes, which he donned. When he was finished, he wore a pair of simple, sturdy jeans, and a sleeveless white undershirt. At the bottom of the crate, he found a strange leather belt. It was two rings of leather, stitched together, with two holsters and pair of metal clips for the sword. It took him a second to figure out how to put it on, and when he did, he strapped the katana onto it, and put that ring on his chest and back, with the katana behind him, and the hilt poking over his right shoulder. The guns he put into the holsters on second ring, which went around his waist, with the holsters in back. Then he looked in the crate one last time, and saw a piece of paper sitting at the bottom. He picked it up, and found writing on one side. It said:

Luke Ikkitousen,

We have never met before, but you know me, and I know you. I am the one who has been pursuing you for the past six years. Obviously, if I wanted you dead, I had many chances to kill you, so common sense should tell you that I want you alive. This is the reason I got these to you. If you truly are in the Garden of Eden, you may well need them to survive. Do what you must to get out.

Yours, R.L.

When he finished reading the note, Blaze tossed it aside and walked away, followed by Sakura. The words meant nothing to him. When he reached a clearing in the woods, he drew Hyou and picked out a single leaf as a target. He quickly took aim and pulled the trigger. There was no sound, no recoil, but an orb of cerulean energy shot out of the barrel and the leaf vanished. It took Blaze a second to realize that anything had even happened, but when he did, he holstered the gun, satisfied that it was not inherently lethal. Then, an idea occurred to him. He may have to defend himself, right? So he may as well get used to the weapons he had. He walked around the clearing, making targets by snapping branches, burying sticks in the ground or in trees, and otherwise making them stand out. When he was done, he returned to the center of the clearing and drew the guns. He then began to shoot every single one of the hundred and fifty targets he had set up, never missing a shot even when he began running around.

No sooner had he fired the last shot than he realized his error. He hadn't realized it while shooting, but every single shot drained his mental energy. As soon as he fired the last shot, he suddenly became tired, and his arms fell to his sides, his hands releasing the guns as he fell to his knees. Even before his head hit the ground, he was enveloped in a deep, dreamless sleep. His last thought was, "I guess this is my limit for now."

Sakura panicked for only a second before checking to see if Blaze was ok. She found him to simply be sleeping, an expression of humor on his face, as though his last thought had been funny. She placed him in a more comfortable position, before remembering her mother. After giving Blaze a quick kiss, she flew off, away from the beach and toward her home. Half way there, she flinched as she began to think of a way to explain to her mother what had happened.

She arrived at her home a short time later. In the middle of the first chamber was a mew, facing the very entrance where Sakura had come from. Sakura was surprised she didn't seem angry or upset, but before she could say anything, her mother spoke up. "So," she said, "How was your time with Blaze?"

Sakura spoke without thinking. "It was nice," she said, "For the most part we-," she suddenly realized what her mother just said, and cut herself off. When she spoke again, annoyance and nervousness dominated her voice. "How do you know about that?" she asked.

"How do you think?" her mother asked in reply.

"You spied on me?" Sakura asked, slightly incredulous, "For how long?"

"From shortly after Blaze burned his hand, until you fell asleep," said her mother, in a matter of fact tone. Sakura was simply speechless, unable to believe her mother had watched her... intimate night with Blaze.

"He really is a good person," Sakura muttered, still focused on how much her mother had seen.

"Which is why I want to meet him. After that, he can roam the island as he wishes."

It took a second for Sakura, who was still focused on how her mother had been spying on her, to register what she had heard. When she did, her mind immediately snapped to what her mother had just said. "Really!?" she exclaimed, "He can come in?"

Her mother sighed. The girl had a one-track mind. "Yes, but I have to meet him first."

"Well what are you waiting for? Come on!" Sakura flew out the way she had come, and was followed, at a slower pace, by her mother, who chuckled at her lack of patients.

It was almost a half hour before Sakura got her mother to the beach, and by then Blaze had woken up. She found him sitting in the sand, eyes closed, legs crossed, with his hands on his knees. He appeared to be meditating, which surprised Sakura. She hadn't thought him the type. When they silently hovered up, he said, "Sakura... who is this?" he didn't even open his eyes.

Sakura blinked in surprise. "How did you know it was me?"

Blaze opened his eyes, and looked at her. "It's complicated," he said, trying not to sound condescending or evasive, "But who is this? You're sister?"

"I'm her mother," said the mew, "But I appreciate the complement." Blaze blushed slightly at her tone, though he had no idea why.

Sakura cleared her throat loudly, staring pointedly at her mother. With a sigh, the older mew moved away. Sakura said, "So he can come in now that you've met him, right? That was the deal."

"Yes, yes. Just let me remove the barrier, and he can go where he pleases," replied her mother patiently. She closed her eyes for a minute, concentrating intently. When she opened her eyes, Blaze suddenly felt as if a pressure had been lifted from his mind, and he unconsciously stood slightly taller and physically relaxed a bit. "You are free to go," was the last thing Blaze heard before Sakura's eyes glowed bright gold, and he noticed that his silhouette did as well. As soon as he noticed this, Blaze was flying next to Sakura as she took them toward a large mountain with a flat top, which looked more like a large, stone footstool that just rose out of the landscape.

Shortly after they were airborne, an idea popped into Blaze's head, and he smiled mischievously. Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? "Though it could kill me if I'm wrong... ah, she'll catch me pretty quick," he thought. Still smiling, he willed his hands to burn. "Sakura," he called out. She looked at him, and when she saw him, she dropped her hold on him for a fraction of a second. It was long enough for Blaze, who flared his hands and forearms as hard as he could, and blasted forward significantly faster than he had predicted, shooting all the way to the other side of the island before he realized it. Just before he got above the water, he dispersed the flames on his left hand, which wasn't as simple as it sounds, and thrust it out to his right side before igniting it again. The result was that he did a one-eighty in under half a second, before firing up just long enough to come to a stop, where he put his hands out to his sides so his arms formed an upside-down V, and reduced the power to his flames to the point where he was just hovering as he waited for Sakura to catch up.

When she saw Blaze come to a stop, Sakura shook her head to clear the streaks from her eyes and teleported to him, latching onto his neck playfully, saying "That looked like fun! Think you can take us to the cliff over there?" she gestured toward the place she had been headed toward in the first place.

"I don't know... you're awfully heavy," he teased, before once again blasting off at top speed. This time, however, he was prepared, and managed to stop directly above the giant rock in question, if only barely. Despite his inexperience, he somehow managed to land gently, barely even jarring Sakura. When he was securely on the ground, Sakura released her death grip on his neck. She floated around to look him in the eye, and he could see the adrenalin was still coursing through her.

When Sakura went over to a small pond of rainwater which had collected in a shallow basin-like depression in the stone, Blaze sat in much the same position as he had when Sakura returned with her mother, though with his head bowed this time, and resumed meditating, Though this wasn't the meditation that most would think of. As he sat there, unmoving, he expanded his senses. He could hear the very ripples that Sakura's tongue made as she drank from the pond, smell the water from where he was, taste the ice in the air, and even feel the air move five feet away. But somehow, it still wasn't enough. It felt like there should be an entire sensation that he was missing, somehow. For just an instant, he had felt it on the beach, and he knew that he wasn't simply imagining it, the memory was too vivid.

He simply sat in silence for a second, and then sighed, relaxing his concentration. Then, he paused. For just a second, when he completely relaxed mentally, he felt it again. It was like his sense of touch extended far beyond his body, and everything he touched lit up a different color, to explain it in a crude sense. It was far more complex than can be explained in mere words, but he could... feel the difference between Sakura and the beetle next to his leg. Even the giant rock he was on gave off its own unique presence, and he could sense more than one additional being inside it. Before he had time to ponder this, however, something wet burst against the back of his head, and he tumbled forward, his concentration breaking as he rolled, his eyes scanning for an attacker. What he found was Sakura, a second orb of psychically suspended water hovering next to her with a playful expression adorning her features. He playfully smiled back at her, daring her to throw it. She gladly obliged. This time, however he was ready. As the orb flew toward him, he willed the flame to encase his hand, but instead willing the fire element to emerge, he willed the blue flames into existence. As they encased them, he brought one of his hands forward and caught the orb of water. It rippled slightly, but gave no signs of bursting. He brought it to his face, watching how the crystal clear fluid distorted the light of his fire. Then, he grinned at Sakura over it and thrust his arm out in front of him, and blasted the water back at her, causing it to slam into her chest with a splash, knocking her back a bit. "If that's how you wanna play..." she readied another orb of water as she spoke, but Blaze was faster. He darted forward and faced her from across the pond, hands still flaming, grabbed the surface of the water, and pulled a stream out of it, forming it into eight orbs.

"Hey! No fair!" said Sakura, grinning in counterpoint to her tone, pulling out her own stream in retaliation, which she sent at him in the form of twelve orbs. He managed to dodge most of them, but three nailed him in the chest, and he threw his orbs at her, catching her with two.

They continued like this, laughing joyously, for hours. Blaze never thought he could have so much fun with something like this, but with Sakura, it seemed like it never got old. It felt like only ten minutes later to him when she tackled him to the ground, knocking the water out of his hands. Only now did Blaze realize that the sun was touching the horizon, and he blinked in surprise. She got off him, saying, "Come here." Blaze quickly ran his hands over every inch of his soaked clothes, sucking the water from his body like a vacuum before following Sakura to the western edge of the cliff, where they sat down. Blaze removed the belt that held his weapons and set it aside for the minute, before he quickly dried her off as well, and her fur noticeably fluffed up after he was done.

As he looked out at the sun setting, Blaze felt oddly content. Here he was, sitting with his beloved mate, watching a beautiful sunset. It was as it should be, peaceful, beautiful, and romantic. He took his gaze away from the sun for a minute to simply gaze at Sakura as she basked in the glow from the setting sun, but found that he couldn't look away. Right at that moment, the sunset couldn't even compare to her. After a short time, she looked over at him, and tilted her head. "Something up?" she asked.

"You just look so beautiful right now," said Blaze. Almost as soon as it was out of his mouth, he realized how that had sounded and blushed in embarrassment, rubbing the back of his head.

"Ya know, you look really cute when you do that," said Sakura.

"Do what?" asked Blaze, still blushing.

"Blush like that," replied Sakura, "and start to act all timid. It makes you seem really cute."

"I-it does?" asked Blaze, his blush intensifying.

"Yeah, it does," Sakura mimicked, almost seductively, as she slowly moved her head closer to his, until their foreheads were touching and they were just gazing into each other's eyes, his soulful brown gazing into her cheery blue. Without any spoken words, they wrapped each other in an embrace and began kissing passionately, their tongues dancing together like a couple doing the tango. Sakura lifted them up and moved them away from the edge of the cliff, still in a sitting position. When they were in a good position, she gently set them down, and pushed Blaze onto his back, with her on top, and they resumed. After only a few seconds, it was broken by Blaze, who sat up when he noticed an uncomfortably familiar pressure between his legs. He didn't even look down before blushing and searching the sky for some excuse for his... problem. None came into view, and when he sat up, he had caused Sakura to slide down onto his lap, which brought her attention to the large tent in his pants. Her eyes widened at the realization of just how aroused they both were, and she looked back at Blaze to find him searching the sky, oblivious of her position. Sakura gave a slight grin as a plan began forming in her mind. Ever so slowly, she moved off Blaze's lap and began to pull his shirt off, but instead of pulling it up over his head, which he would probably notice, she slid the wide, elastic head-hole down over his shoulders, past his legs, and off his feet, before throwing it off to the side. Blaze seemed not to have noticed any of this, so intent was he on the sky, so she started on his pants, using her psychic abilities to undo the button and zipper silently, before sliding them down as well, and after they were gone, she pulled his shorts down.

Blaze's search of the sky was suddenly brought to a halt when he felt a breeze touch his groin. He looked down just in time to see Sakura fling his shorts off to the side, and he swallowed when he saw the look in her eyes. "S-Sakura?" he stammered, "W-what are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" asked Sakura, her innocent tone belying her actions.

"You know damn well what I mean," Blaze said, the effort of resisting his arousal making him stutter slightly. As soon as he finished saying this, he began to back away nervously, but quickly tripped. He hit his head on the hard stone below him, and he saw stars for a second. When his vision came back, the only thing he could seem to focus on was the little pink cat hovering above him.

Sakura saw him fall, and winced when he hit his head. Before he could sit back up, she landed on him, pinning him to the ground. As she held her paws on his shoulders, she looked back and saw Blaze's member had lost some of its stiffness. She pressed back until her sex was touching the shaft, just on the barely pressed open by it, and began to rub it. The sensation sent stars into her vision as his shaft teased her sex as it instantly hardened. She only did this for about a minute before she was satisfied, and she lined up her opening. Before she could thrust down, however, her mother's voice popped into her head, saying, "Try the other hole, dear."

"Mom?" Sakura asked telepathically, confused, but she got no answer. After a few seconds of deliberation, she shifted, putting her tailhole to Blaze's cock, and ever so slowly pushed down. At first there was pain, a burning, stinging pain, but as she slowly pressed down, the pain faded, replaced by a strange, unfamiliar pleasure. This pleasure suddenly intensified when she felt him hilt in her, though she was surprised she could fit him entirely inside that passage. It was significantly tighter than her sex.

This fact was not lost on Blaze, who looked at her in surprise when he realized where she had put him. "You didn't just...," he was too embarrassed to finish his question.

"Yeah... I think I did," said Sakura.

"Doesn't it hurt?"

"A bit, but... it feels really good, too." Sakura gave an experimental pull upwards with her hips, and nearly cried out in pleasure, even though the friction forced her to stop after about two inches. Blaze didn't seem to mind, if the instantaneous moan and spurt of pre-cum were any indication. She thrust down, and moaned as she felt Blaze's cock rub against what seemed like every single pleasure receptor in her hips and stomach. When she hilted again, the pleasure spiked even more, and a thought ran through her mind. There was only one thing that could make this any better, and now that she was face-to-face with Blaze, she could do it. Without a word, she reached her head forward, pressed their lips together, and kissed him passionately. Both of them were soon fervently moaning into each other's mouths as they kissed.

They both knew that they wouldn't last long like that, and they were right. It was only two minutes later that Sakura cried out in orgasmic bliss, and slammed down on Blaze one last time, her fluids drenching his stomach in a sweet-smelling mess as her vagina clamped down on nothing. The force of her final thrust was more than enough to send Blaze over the edge, and he gasped in surprised pleasure, and came, shooting stream after stream of his hot, sticky, creamy seed into Sakura's tailhole. When he finally stopped cumming, he collapsed to the ground, utterly spent. He looked down at his chest to see Sakura, her half-closed eyes glazed over by pleasure, quickly falling asleep, and decided to follow her example.

Sakura's last thought before sleep claimed her was that Blaze was almost perfect. "If only he was less hesitant..." then, she fell asleep, purring.

"Amnesia?" Chapter 4

For the second time in as many days, Blaze woke with the dawn. Though this time, he didn't even have time to wonder if he had been dreaming before he felt Sakura shift, her fur sticking to him thanks to the sticky mess of cum all over his chest....

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"Amnesia" Chapter 2

It had been several hours since the human had fainted, and dawn would be only an hour or two away. The mew was starting to worry about the human; what if he never woke up? What if he hated her? When she had first seen him, she had been impressed that...

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"Amnesia" Chapter 1

The mew floated high above the human, and the small patch of beach and forest that he was confined to. Her mother had set up a barrier that would deter most pokemon, and keep the human inside. She had had to argue with her mother for twenty minutes to...

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