"Amnesia" Chapter 5

Story by Gouka Fushichou on SoFurry

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#6 of Amnesia Repost

Blaze woke slowly from his nap, feeling Sakura nuzzle against him in her sleep as she lay on his chest. From the position of the sun, it was about seven in the evening, and Blaze was glad it was summer... at least he thought it was. It wasn't cold enough to be winter, even in the tropics, and the stars had indicated that he was somewhere in the northern hemisphere. He was glad it was warm as he put his hands behind his head and lay down again, waiting for Sakura to wake up. Unbeknownst to him, she had actually woken a few minutes before he had, and was just lying, half asleep, on his chest. When he gently nudged her whispering, "Sakura, wake up," she gave him a surprise.

Sakura jolted to full wakefulness the third time Blaze called her name, and she almost jumped. She felt him stroking her fur lovingly, and pressed into the contact. It felt surprisingly good, almost like a massage. "What?" she groaned, extending the -a.

"I think we should head home," said her mate softly.

"And you had to wake me for that? You can fly as well as I can," Sakura groaned again, closing her eyes.

"Not in the dark I can't," Blaze lied, hoping Sakura would be too tired to see that.

"Fine," she grunted, grabbing him around the throat with her arms. There was a strange sensation, like being in a vacuum crossed with drowning, but not needing to breathe, for an instant before Blaze found himself tripping on a stone to land, face first, on something soft and giving. Almost instantly, Sakura landed on the back of his head, but he was more tired than he realized, and fell asleep almost instantly.

Blaze awoke to find Sakura still sitting on top of him, and though she had moved down to the small of his back, it was still pinning him down, and now he couldn't dislodge her without waking her. Not that he minded... much. Fortunately, his restless squirming began to slowly wake her. In less than five minutes, Sakura groggily opened her eyes and looked around. What she saw was Blaze twitching impatiently. Just the sight of the warrior all but at her mercy was enough to make her giggle. For a few seconds she contemplated pretending to be asleep, but Blaze had heard and felt the laughter, and he rolled over, throwing her off.

"Hey!" Sakura's head popped up next to the bed, "What was that for?!"

"You evil little cat!" Blaze exclaimed jokingly as he leaned forward to playfully loom over her, "How long have you been awake?"

"Long enough to make this worth it," said the mew cryptically, smiling at him. When Blaze didn't move, Sakura gave him a quick push with her power, sending him across the room, to land on his feet just in front of the wall opposite the bed. Before he could recover, she teleported to him and began tickling his sides relentlessly, bringing him to his knees with laughter before he could even think about countering the onslaught.

After he collapsed to his stomach, Sakura finally let up so he could breathe. As soon as he caught his breath, he stood and said, "That was dirty, Sakura." The mew just smiled in response.

"So is there anything you want to do today?" Sakura asked.

"Well, what's going on? I'm still new here, remember?"

"How could I forget?" asked Sakura rhetorically, "Hmm... well there's a battle tournament starting today, so we could go join that if you want?"

"Battle tournament?" queried Blaze warily, "As in fighting?"

"Yep, and I'm sure you'll do great if we enter," said the mew, "after all, you're a natural!"

Blaze wasn't so sure he was a 'natural' but he was good enough. "But what if I hurt someone?"

"Simple," said Sakura, "You won't. No weapons allowed, and there are a bunch of big guys just waiting for someone to tackle."

"Alright," said Blaze, "Let's go." He followed Sakura out the window and then to a small clearing in the northeast corner of the island.

The two of them touched down at the south end of the clearing, amidst a crowd of Pokémon. To Blaze, it seemed like every eye turned toward him as Sakura led him to a zangoose sitting in front of a large number of bark slabs, each of which was marked with a symbol that only matched one other. The zangoose looked up as they approached, and gave them a questioning look.

"We're here to sign him up," said Sakura, pointing at Blaze.

"Just him?" questioned the zangoose.

"I'm just here to watch, this time." The zangoose handed him a slab of bark.

"You fight against the one with the matching symbol," said the white-furred Pokémon, "and leave your weapons here."

Blaze nodded, taking off the belt that held his guns and sword before walking off. He sat down at the opposite end of the clearing from the crowd and closed his eyes. For the next half hour, he slept against a tree, until Sakura came over and woke him. "It's starting," she said, and Blaze jumped to his feet and walked back to the edge of the crowd.

The zangoose from before went to the center of the crowd and climbed onto the shoulders of a blastoise, who stood up when it was in place. In the zangoose's hand was a piece of bark with the same symbol as the one Blaze held. The meaning was clear, but even so, the zangoose said, "The contestants with this symbol are first. Please clear the area if you do not have this symbol." Everyone but Blaze, a sceptile, and a charmeleon left the ring. The zangoose and blastoise stayed closest, and when the three of them looked at it confusedly, it gave a shrug and yelled "Begin!"

The two Pokémon looked at each other for a second, before turning to Blaze. Their mindset was clearly, "take out the puny human, then beat each other up," or something like that. Blaze sighed.

"I wouldn't underestimate me if I were you," said Blaze. The two of them rolled their eyes. He was only an unarmed human, after all, so how dangerous could he be, right? Wrong.

In the blink of an eye, Blaze lit the flames on his hands and blasted right for his opponents at speeds that they could barely see. He flew right between the two of them before reversing his thrust to bring him to a stop. As they were still turning around, he struck the sceptile in the side, blasting it with all the energy he could without propelling himself away from it since his feet were still airborne. Even though Blaze didn't put more than ten percent of his full power into the blow, the sceptile dropped to the ground, but not before flying back several meters as it continued spinning. As soon as Blaze's feet touched the ground, he rolled under the fire-encased paw of the charmeleon as it sailed through where his chest had been an instant before, feeling the heat from the flames on the back of his head and neck from just inches above. He jumped to his feet from the crouch that maneuver left him in, and spun around, leaping back and flipping on his hands to get some distance from his opponent, taking a fighting stance with the flames still encasing his hands.

Blaze's opponent smirked at the sight of the flame. "Fire can't hurt me, you know," he said.

"True," replied Blaze, shifting elements. The fire-type looked surprised at the change in color from red-orange to blue, but not worried. After all, to him, it was still just fire. Without another word, they charged each other. They met right in the middle and began exchanging punches and kicks for a minute, just to feel each other out. Then they separated, and the charmeleon opened his maw to let loose a flamethrower. Blaze slammed the heels of his clawed hands together, blasting the flames with his own energy. Mist enveloped the whole area from the clash of the elements.

When the steam cleared, Blaze was nowhere to be found. The charmeleon looked back and forth for several seconds before laughing. "The human ran off!" he declared. When the zangoose didn't announce him as the winner, he turned to glare at the crowd, only to find that not one of them was looking at him. All their gazes were pointed skyward, and dropping rapidly toward him. He then looked up, to find a human falling... no, shooting down at him face-first. Before the char' could do more than begin to gape, Blaze flipped just before hitting him, bringing his heel into the back of the lizard's head with incredible force, sending him to the ground and leaving his consciousness where his head had been.

Blaze flared the energy in his hands to bring himself to a complete stop above the unconscious lizard before touching down. There were no cheers, no congratulations. Blaze just walked back into the silent crowd. He went and sat next to his weapons, and Sakura joined him shortly. She sank onto his lap and curled her tail around his neck. "You know," she said quietly, her face just centimeters from his and her tone slightly husky, "You probably won't have another fight until tomorrow." She licked her lips slightly, "We could go have some fun, if you want."

By this point, it seemed that everyone was more interested in the fight than paying attention to a human, so nobody was looking at them. "Um... o-okay," Blaze said uncertainly. Sakura's grin widened and the two vanished with a pop.

The next thing Blaze knew, he and Sakura were next to a lake somewhere in the forested area east of her home. At the far end of the lake was a small cliff, nowhere near as large as the mountain in the middle of the island, but large enough to house a waterfall that sprayed mist which obscured the base of it. Even as he watched, numerous pokemon wandered about the edge, as well as in the water and the forest, a few even watching the two new arrivals. Blaze's observations were interrupted when Sakura, still in his lap, began grinding herself against his groin, reminding him why she had brought him here.

"Umm, Sakura? Are you sure you want to do it here? There's a bunch of other pokemon watching," Blaze whispered.

"That's the fun part. I want them to see me when I have you at my mercy, writhing and drooling in pleasure with no way to stop me," she whispered into his ear huskily, purring loudly at the thought. "Besides, it's not like we aren't allowed to do it wherever and whenever we want, right?"

"I... I suppose so..." Blaze nervously replied as Sakura began to undo his pants. "But..."

"Don't worry so much," said Sakura, "Pokemon mate in the open all the time. Like i said, it's part of the fun." She finally got his pants off, and pushed him onto his back before swiftly pulling his shirt off, leaving him in his boxers, which were also soon gone. Blaze just lay there submissively, allowing the mew to do as she pleased. Sakura brought her maw in so close to Blaze's groin, he could feel each hot breath on his shaft and orbs. Just as he was beginning to wonder what she was doing, he felt something hot, wet, and barbed as it ran from the base of his forming erection to the very tip, swirling around the head before running back down and repeating several times. It took Blaze several seconds to realize that the object was actually Sakura's tongue, and almost as soon as he realized it he felt the mew move farther up, until her lips were pressing against his tip. Before he could even form a coherent thought, Sakura opened her maw and plunged down, taking Blaze's cock until it hit the back of her throat, almost activating her gag reflex. Blaze gave an instant moan of bliss, his body going completely limp from the pleasure as she dragged her tongue up the underside and began to suck on him, bobbing her head back and forth.

"S-Sakura," Blaze began, only to have Sakura interrupt him by twisting and putting her hips in his face, her dripping sex ending up directly in front of his mouth.

"If you want something to do with your mouth, eat me out," she said to him telepathically. He complied quickly, if with some reservations. The sweet taste of her fluids was more than enough incentive to keep him going. He quickly got into it, drawing pleasure, both physically from the sensation it created around his cock, and mentally, from her moans as he pleasured her. He grew addicted, and soon his only thought was about how to draw more of those incredibly hot moans from the little cat.

What he didn't notice, aside from the rest of the world, was Sakura's tail as it slowly curled up over her head and looped around so the tip was at his butt. What he did notice was when the bulbous tip of Sakura's tail to pressed forward, spreading his entrance to accommodate it. Instantly, he stopped his mouth work, and was about to protest when it fully popped inside, sending a lightning bolt of pleasure up his spine as it hit something inside of him, almost making him cum right there. Panting, he resumed his mouth work wordlessly, and with more enthusiasm. Every time that tail moved even slightly, it sent lightning up his spine, and he redoubled his work on Sakura's sex as he moaned lewdly, sending lightning bolts up her spine. In this way, they kept each other right at the brink of orgasm for an eternity, both content to make the other squirm in pleasure and try to not be the one who came first.

Blaze was the first to cum. After an eternity of bliss, he gave a cry of pure ecstasy as he began to spurt his seed right into Sakura's awaiting maw, where it was swallowed with relish. She continued to suck at the shrinking member in an attempt to get every last drop of the delectable fluid, until his licking and sucking of her clit brought her orgasm crashing down on her as well, and Blaze was more than happy to swallow gush after gush of her sweet, almost tangy fluids. After they had both stopped cumming, Sakura turned herself around and kissed Blaze, before they drifted to sleep in the afterglow.

"Amnesia?" Chapter 4

For the second time in as many days, Blaze woke with the dawn. Though this time, he didn't even have time to wonder if he had been dreaming before he felt Sakura shift, her fur sticking to him thanks to the sticky mess of cum all over his chest....

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"Amnesia" Chapter 3

Blaze woke at dawn, wondering if it had not all been a dream. His unasked question was answered before he asked when Sakura shifted on his chest, mumbling in her sleep. Gently, he picked her up and set her on the sand next to him, and stood up. He...

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"Amnesia" Chapter 2

It had been several hours since the human had fainted, and dawn would be only an hour or two away. The mew was starting to worry about the human; what if he never woke up? What if he hated her? When she had first seen him, she had been impressed that...

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