Knothole High

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#1 of Knothole High

Knothole High

Lesson One: Orientation

The start of the new school year was always a time of mixed reactions. There were those who revelled in it. Seven hours away from family and two and a half of them were spent in recess or lunch breaks. Working towards their future, the young men who strode into the gymnasium wearing the grey and light blue of the school colours all shared one thing in common: they were here to learn and better themselves.

Of course, the term 'better' was subjective.

"Will you better your academic prowess and become a great scientist or mathematician?" Principal Heisman bellowed from the podium. "Will you better your physical abilities and become the next great football or baseball star? Will you better yourself in the arts and be known around the world as a revolutionary and a modern-day Picasso? Or..."

He lowered his voice ominously, his dark, bushy eyebrows narrowing. "Or will you better your rebellious nature and become renegades pursuing a personal cause or perhaps no cause at all? Will you better your addiction to forbidden substances and lose yourself in some fantasy land of your own making?"

He straightened his broad shoulders, his bald head shining against the spotlights levelled at him. "You must better yourself but how you do so is in your own hands and paws. Knothole High School has many opportunities but it is up to you to take it. Teachers will not offer you these opportunities. It is up to you to seek them out. Man or beast has equal opportunity here."

A funny statement considering how no one else in the entire crowd had the faintest hint of a muzzle or a shed of fur on them. One guy was really hairy but that was it. Everyone was human. According to rumours, the all-boys school was on the verge of being sued for racism because all the upper classes consisted of furries. Particularly some version of canine or lupine.

The influx of humans was easily a campaign to weasel out of that lawsuit.

"Now then," Heisman continued. "Your class schedules -"

There was a loud beeping from the rows of staff seated behind the principal. A large grey wolf dressed in a tight-fitting white shirt and black shorts pulled a phone out of his pocket. He gave a gruff apology and quickly headed out of the auditorium.

Heisman had this knowing smile on his face as he shook his head and turned back towards the crowd. "Gentlemen, that was your Physical Education teacher, Coach Steele. You'll be getting to know him fairly well in the coming year and beyond. He is prone to getting calls from his students. Though have no fear. That just shows how dedicated he is to your health. I suggest you take every piece of advice he gives to heart."

With those words, Heisman continued his lecture.

Coach Steele never came back.


Lesson Two: Know your Limits

Austin McGraw was in no way fat or obese but he was far from fit. In fact, he was on the opposite end of the spectrum. 'Skinny as a twig' was an expression used very often to describe his physique. Many made fun about that fact, saying if he were ever to turn to the side, he'd vanish from people's view.

His thing, gangly legs were long but with next to no muscle in them, he was trailing behind the rest of the class who was threatening to out lap him. According to what Coach Steele said, anyone how got lapped had to do an extra lap. Austin didn't think he could manage that.

Summer seemed to be dragging its feet this year and it was still blazing hot two weeks into school. Austin's pasty, pale skin felt like it had been burnt and dried like bacon, each roll of sweat like a drop of oil that just proceeded to cook him further.

The school sports shirt he wore - a dull grey tee - was already soaked with his sweat, further weighing him down. He tried flailing his arms a little in the hopes he could propel himself onwards somehow. The air was certainly thick and humid enough that there was a distinct possibility to swim through it.

He feared he probably looked stupid.

Still, better to look stupid than to die.


That trumpeting bellow made him flinch and jerk his head towards the bleachers. Coach Steele - that monster of a wolf - stood there with a clipboard in one paw and a whistle in the other. Beside him stood another wolf who looked to be a second year student but one who had the body of a god. Steele had a thin layer of fat over his frame giving him the overall look of a balance between size and strength but this lupine was just all size.

Thick, plump muscles pushed past his thin fur and the layers of clothing he wore. Some veins were even popping through the fabric! The distinct 'V-shape' of his body was impossible to miss as were the two, big lumps in his shirt where his nipples stood permanently erect.

"Breathe!" Steele shouted. It wasn't a 'breathe or I'll shove a tank of oxygen down your throat' sort of shout. It was a 'come on, son, don't forget to breathe' shout. Encouraging, firm but at the same time genuinely concerned.

Austin tried to take a breath but his lungs felt like they were filled with sand. The instant fresh, summer air rushed into his throat, that sand swirled around in his lungs, rubbing the sore insides of his throat and making him cough. He staggered to a halt, wheezing loudly.

The loud thump-thump-thump of countless other runners slowly grew louder and he knew he was about to get lapped. With a wince, he tried to pull himself forward.

He managed one step -

Before Billy Sorres bolted past him.


He'd been lapped.

Another kind of thump-thump-thump followed the stampede of runners. Coach Steele hurried over to him, thick, black brow furrowed against his grey fur. His fur gave off the illusion of age but his black hair and eyebrows proved otherwise. Hell, if anything, that little mound of pubic fur that was visible from the rim of his shorts whenever he lifted his arms proved he wasn't old enough for that kind of grey fur.

"Are you okay, son?" Steele asked, genuine concern in his voice. "Do you need some water?"

Austin didn't want to show further weakness. Not on in the second week of school. He didn't want to be branded a 'non-jock' in a high school run by a 'jock-ocracy'. He had to pass rigorous tests to get here. Academic skills were strained as were physical aptitude. Austin had been depressed when he was at the bottom of the ladder when it came to the physical tests. He had, however, been so stoked when he was accepted into Knothole High School.

His dad had been so proud.

For the first time in his life, it felt like he was one of the popular jocks...

Even if he wasn't a jock... Too many hours sitting in front of a computer screen playing MMOs. Needless to say, all his characters were big, buff and some form of warrior.

"I'm... Okay... I can keep... going..."

The Coach shook his head and handed his clipboard over to the other wolf. "No, no you can't, son. Know your limits." He gave his accompanying wolf a nod. "Jess, bring him some water." Steele suddenly sniffed the air and made a face. No doubt Austin smelled like a dumpster. Daring a sniff of the air, even Austin's underdeveloped human nose could pick up the foul stench that hovering over him. It was smelly, musky and distinctly manly.

He didn't feel like a man... Not next to these two Greek gods in lupine skin, simply dripping with testosterone.

"On second thought, bring him to the showers." Steele patted Austin's back. "You're done for the day, champ. I'll write you an excuse letter. Jess, get the rest of his homework for his teachers, would you?"

"Yes, sir!" the other wolf announced, saluting. The big, brown-furred wolf offered Austin his meaty paw. "Come on, champ, up you get!"

Austin took Jess' paw and let himself get led away from the track and to the side of the gymnasium where the drink taps were located. The cool water was a brilliant, fresh, crisp relief that soothed Austin's parched throat.

He stood up from the taps and wiped his lips. "Thanks... erm..."

"Jessie," the wolf announced, puffing out his chest proudly and hiking a thumb at his chest. "Jessie Steele."


"You're -?"

"Yep!" the wolf announced, hiking his thumb next over to where the Coach had started running beside the track, offering encouraging words. "That's my dad!"

The awkwardness of having a teacher for a parent must've been pretty traumatising especially if you were going to the same school that they taught. Then again, from what Austin heard, Coach Steele was the guy everyone in the school liked. He wasn't your stereotypical hardass Coach who only had eyes for the athletes.

It was clear he cared for everyone.

Even a twig like Austin.

"Come on, McGraw," Jessie announced, wrapping an arm around Austin's shoulders. "Let's get you to the showers!"

Nodding numbly, Austin let himself get led back into the vast gymnasium. The stench in the air still clung to him and it was making him light headed. A shower sounded really good.

The pennants and flags from multiple sports hung from the ceiling of the gymnasium. Most notably were the football team's achievements. There were a lot of them. There were others, of course, but it seemed football was the crowning achievement of the sporting school.

Austin numbly wished he could be on the football team.

Inside the locker room, Jessie let Austin sit down on the benches as the enormous wolf wandered over to one of the lockers. Thankfully, the scent of other hot, sweaty men hung in the air and sort of drowned out Austin's own foul odour. It still made him a little light-headed though.

"This your locker?" he asked, pointing at one of the tall, red storage places.

"Um... No," Austin answered softly. "Not part of a team. Don't have a locker."

Jessie gave him a knowing smirk. "This is your locker."

"What...? No it isn't..."

The big wolf suddenly pulled out a big, red marker from his pants and wrote something on the name plate of the locker in question. Curious, Austin angled his head to see.

"'Martins'?" he read. "My name is McGraw. Austin McGraw."

"That's a pussy name."

That was a cold, icy dagger to the heart if ever there was one. "But it's my name..."

Jessie tucked the marker back in his pocket. "Not for very much longer."

"Huh -?"

Before he knew what was happening, Jessie slammed him against the bench, pressing a full 230 pounds of pure muscle against him and pinning him down, two, massive, veined arms on either side of Austin's head. The big wolf above him grinned, a predatory smile. Austin felt the heat radiating from Jessie's body... particularly from his groin.

A scream built in Austin's throat but before he could cry out for help, Jessie pressed his muzzle straight into Austin's lips. The passionate, full-blown kiss sent the young man's mind reeling! It was his first kiss! And it was with a guy!

Jessie let out a deep, rumbling growl and his grinded himself against Austin's frail body. Rock hard muscle pressed up against a twig-like frame. The rolls of iron-made-flesh seemed to curl around Austin's bones, wrapping them in a hot, hard embrace and leaving them burning from the heat rolling off Jessie's body.

The wolf pulled his muzzle away with an audible pop and once again, Austin was left gasping and out of breath though now for an entirely different reason.

"What are you -?"

He didn't get another word in.

Jessie suddenly lifted his shirt off his Adonis-body, tossing it aside and revealing the thick, pump pecs and round, pink nipples that stuck out from his brown fur. Hard abs flexed with each breath as he panted. The wolf lifted his armpit and shoved it right into Austin's face!

Austin's muffled cry filled the locker room as he struggled in vain against the must stronger wolf. He held his breath for as long as he could but when his face was turning blue, he had to take a gasp of air. The smell that hit him was like a ten tonnes worth of musky, sweaty, male wolf smell. It practically knocked his consciousness out of his skull!

And yet... yet it wasn't as bad as the smell he was getting...

Hell... it was nowhere near as bad as the smell of the locker room.

In fact... it was pretty darn aromatic...

And it made him hard...

Jessie pulled his armpit away, staring down at Austin with a grin. "How you feeling, Martins?"


The boy beneath the wolf blinked a couple of times... and then gave Jessie a goofy grin. "Good..."

Jessie leaned down and licked Austin's lips tenderly. "Good."


Lesson Three: Stick to the Game Plan

Martins... It was a good name. Tough. Simple. Easy to remember.

A good football player's name.

Jessie liked it.

And he was sure Austin would like it too... Once he snapped out of it.

But for the moment, Andrew 'Andy' Martins stood before him, licking the thick, ropes cum from his massive, furry biceps. The massive Defensive End player was simply a monster. Huge thighs were barely covered by the reddish-brown fur that covered his body though there was a creamy crest on his chest that ran from the base of his muzzle down to the end of his tail thick, fuzzy tail which was still wagging.

"Awww shit man..." Martins groaned, licking his muzzle again and sitting up on the bench. "That was my first time!"

"No shit," Jessie laughed, playing along. He loved messing with the new guys. They'd come to understand soon though. Once they were in the loop, they never wanted to go back. "Hot stuff like you? Never got any pussy?"

Martins laughed and flexed his 21 inch biceps, veins coiling around his forearms and the mounds of his muscular arms. "I'm too much man for those bitches!"

"Only a man can take a man, huh?"

"Fuck yeah!" The big wolf grinned, blue eyes sparkling. He gave Jessie a playful punch. "Dude, that was fun. You wanna come over to my place some time?"

Jessie pretended to consider it. "How's the weekend sound for you, dude?"

"Dude, what the fuck!?" Martins laughed, spreading his arms and making it obvious he was still hard despite having his ass stuffed with Jessie's cock and creaming himself. "You just gonna leave my balls itchin' for ya all week? I'm gonna explode!"

Jessie liked this kid. He knew he'd be a good addition to the team. He certainly smelled the part. With a smirk, he squeezed Martin's pulsing 11 inch cock and got up. "Suck it up, bro. Go hit the showers. Coach will be done soon."

The red wolf threw his head back and laugh. "Oh I get it, now! You get some 'private lessons' from the coach back home, dontya?"

Winking at Martins, Jessie picked up a towel, rolled it up and slung it at the red wolf's bubble butt. "I'll tell ya this weekend. Now go get showered. Don't want your other bros seeing you covered in cum."

"Sure, sure."

With those words, Martins entered one of the cubicles - third cubicle from the left - and turned on the shower. Knowing him though, he probably would take the opportunity to jack off. Good. That was exactly what Jessie wanted. As the Defensive End bathed himself free of cum, Jessie quickly bolted into his dad's office and snatched the key into the supply closet.

In the closet itself, he found a new pair of gym clothes that were about Austin's size. Assuming he hadn't taken to the... 'treatment' too well, he should still fit them. Jessie felt himself getting hard again at the idea of watching Austin McGraw growing over the next few days. That skinny frame ballooning out of his former gym clothes was enough to make Jessie orgasm then and there.

Though he was glad he held on.

Sex with a newbie was always fun.

He loved this school.

Pulling himself out of his daze, he entered the locker room just in time to hear the shower die. Someone moaned in the cubicles. A few seconds later, from the third cubicle from the left, Austin McGraw emerged, looking dazed and with his red hair matted against his head from the shower and a towel around his waist. A deep blush hovered around his cheeks, just barely hiding the abundance of freckles there. He was suddenly very awake when he saw Jessie standing in front of him.

Jessie remembered he was butt-naked but he just grinned. "What's wrong, McGraw? Never seen a guy's cock before?"

McGraw just stammered a few half-sentences.

A good sign.

Jessie set down the clothes he had gotten for Austin. "Got you some new gym stuff. On the house. Those ones you wore on the track were pretty rank. Gonna have them cleaned. Hope you don't mind going home commando."

"Uh... 'Commando'?" Austin repeated.

"No underwear, dude. You don't wanna get a rash or something."

"Oh! Right!" Austin blushed. "Thanks..."

Grinning broadly, Jessie gave Austin a pat on the back and picked up the few shreds of grey and light blue fabric that had fallen on the floor while Austin was busy keeping his head down in embarrassment. He didn't bother getting any new clothes on. Martins wasn't the only one that needed a bit of 'servicing'.

His dad's office was the perfect refuge and as the bell rang, he sat discretely in Coach Steele's chair, sliding right up to the desk to hide his boner and waited. His dad yelled at the new guys for a few minutes and no doubt waited to make sure that no one collapsed and died. The two months were always the hardest but eventually, they would all grow into their positions.

Just like Jessie had.

A good ten minutes later, after all the kids were changed and heading off to lunch, Coach Samson Steele stepped into his office. The big daddy wolf didn't even give the naked Jessie a second glance, instead dumping his clipboard down on the table and sitting on the rim of the wooden piece of furniture. Jessie didn't waste any time checking out his dad's awesome ass.

"What do you think?" Coach Steele asked, pushing the clipboard towards his son.

Jessie gave it a brief glance. There were only three columns there. Name. Position. Scent.

Only one person's name had a big tick under the Scent column.

Austin McGraw.

"He's coming along nicely," Jessie answered, licking his lips. "Got straight into it. Not much resistance. About two seconds worth then Martins was out."

Coach Steele nodded. "Better do your rounds then, Jess. Make sure to get everyone in the school. Two weeks is a lot of time to get to know people. I'll do the staff."

Jessie stretched his arms back, revealing the thick, white fur under his armpits that matched the white tuft on his head to contrast against the black of the rest of his body save for his chest. "Hmmm... I dunno, dad. I think I need to work up a good musk if I'm gonna do my rounds."

His father smirked over his shoulder. "Come here, you."


Lesson Four: Eat Healthy

When Austin reached the door of his single-storey home, he was still feeling a little dazed. The rest of the day had been a blur for him. A very confusing blur. His teachers had excused him and offered him the opportunity to go home but with no car of his own, he would've had to wait for the bus anyway. So he just attended classes. Classes which went by without him noticing. There was event a text for mathematics that was marked right after it was taken. He got an A+.

Some fluke considering how he couldn't get the half-an-hour of his life that had vanished from his memory.

He vaguely remembered asking Jessie Steele something about a locker... then he was in the shower, his cock erect and hot cum being washed away by chilling water. Embarrassment was the first thing he felt as he had never dared to jack of anywhere public, especially not at school. He knew perfectly well what his cock could be used for.

Having access to the internet at the curious age of 14 was a very enlightening experience.

He blinked a couple of times and realised he had just been standing in front of his door for a good two minutes. A faint throb was pounding away in his head but he pushed it aside and inserted his key into the keyhole.

There was some innuendo about that but he wasn't sure why he thought of it at that moment.

His home was just as he had left it. Messy and still with boxes strewn around from the move they had made here. With his acceptance into Knothole High, his dad had endeavoured to ensure that he was well-provided for. That included living closer to the school. It was only a couple of suburbs over from where they originally lived but it was still a big move.

"You're home!" Daniel McGraw announced, poking his head out of the kitchen. He was wearing a cheese-stained apron. "How was school?"

"Good," Austin muttered, setting his bag down. "I um... I'm a little tired dad... Mind if I just take a nap for a second until dinner?"

Those bright green eyes that father and son shared filled with worry momentarily before Danny nodded. "Yeah. Of course, son. Go on up. I'll get you when dinner is ready. We're having macaroni and cheese."

Again, Austin added bitterly. His dad wasn't a very good cook.

He staggered up the stairs and lay down on his bed face first. Exhaustion whirled around him and rocked him to sleep.

Somewhere in the darkness of his subconscious, he heard one word...


The next thing he knew, he was being gently awoken by his father. He gave a soft grunt of surprise and looked up.

"Dinner time."

Austin frowned. "I'm not feeling hungry..."

Danny looked really worried now. "Austin... Is something wrong? Did you eat something rotten? Your coach came by earlier and said you collapsed out in the middle of the field today."

Did he...? He vaguely remembered having an odd salty taste in his mouth when he 'woke up' in that shower.

"No... I don't think so... Just... We had to run around the track today... I'm really tired."

His father gave him a reassuring smile. "Okay. If you say so. I'll keep some dinner in the fridge in case you get hungry. Okay?"

"Thanks dad."

Like he always did since Danny and his wife split ten years ago, Danny bent over and hugged his son tightly. "Good night, Austin."

"Night, dad."


Lesson Five: Work Out a Routine

Lapped... again.

Austin collapsed to his knees more out of disappointment than any actual physical exhaustion. He was wheezing and coughing and dripping with sweat. At least this time, he had actually managed to get a good three laps out before he tumbled from exhaustion.

A good improvement from yesterday when he practically died.

"You done, son?" Coach Steele asked.

Austin tried to push himself to his feet. "N - No... I... I can still keep..."

"You've got spirit, I'll give you that." Steele picked him up like a pup and patted his knees with that ever-present clipboard, dusting them free of dirt from the track. "Jess..."

"Yes, sir!" Jessie Steele announced, saluting once more. He grabbed Austin's hand firmly in his paw and led him back towards the gymnasium. Instead of heading to the drink taps however, he led Austin straight to the lockers.

For a second, a flash of fear sparked somewhere in Austin as that wall of male stench hit him again, memories of two, muscular, furry bodies grinding against one another. Deep rumbling voices cried out in ecstasy as a cock was shoved into an ass and another squirted semen onto a muscular chest, the white, creamy seed dripping in between the mounds of titanic pecs.

He shook it away and noticed Jessie had dropped into Coach Steele's office and ruffled through one of the bags there. The big, heavily defined wolf came back out with a blue sports drink, shaking it a couple of times. Jessie took a sip from it, nodded and grinned in approval.

Upon return, Jessie offered Austin the drink.

"What's this?" Austin asked, regarding the bottle curiously. It was unmarked.

"Homebrewed stuff my dad came up with," Jessie answered, crossing his arms. "It'll help you grow."


Austin took a swing and almost spat out the contents of his mouth. It was so salty that it had reached the point of being bitter and was burning his tongue! Somehow, he managed to swallow it. Oddly enough, it only made him thirstier.

"How is it?" Jessie asked.

"Um... Good...?" he offered lamely.

"Just finish the bottle, wiseguy," the wolf chuckled. "I guarantee you, by this time tomorrow, you won't need me to fish you out of the crowd."

"Right... Like some miracle drink could do that," Austin muttered, taking another sip. He gagged this time. "Shit... This stuff is foul."

"Drink," Jessie insisted.

"I'm drinking, I'm drinking."

Austin took a deep breath, tipped his head back, angled the bottle towards his mouth and squeezed it. The blue fluids shot into the back of his throat, bypassing his abused tastebuds and slipping directly into his belly where it sat. His stomach gurgled in response. Austin let out a loud belch.

"Fuck... This stuff is strong," he muttered. For a second, he was a little confused. He never used to swear. Hell, for him, it was still taboo to say 'shit'. And yet he had managed to say that as well. Pretty loudly too.

"You'll be strong too, McGraw. Just keep drinking."

McGraw... Huh... For some reason, that name just didn't feel right. Hearing it and realising it was his name gave Austin a chill down his spine... He shook off it off, throwing aside the notion and the name that came with it.

He tipped more of the energy drink down his throat then realised there was an easier way. Austin unscrewed the lid and downed half of the remaining contents in one gulp. He leaned back as he pulled the bottle away, letting out a satisfied gasp and belching loudly.

"Damn man," he laughed, lifting the bottle up to salute Jessie. "This shit is awesome. Tastes fucking horrible but it's good stuff!"

Jessie grinned at him. "Fuck yeah. Just keep on drinking, Martins. You'll get used to it."

Martins... Yeah... that sounded like a much better name for him.

It... Fit him.

Austin shrugged it off and drank the remaining contents of the bottle. He vaguely noticed Jessie peeling off his shirt, the wolf's huge abs popping with every movement. As the last drop went down his throat, he Jessie wrapped his arms around Austin's waist, muzzle rubbing against his neck and wet nose pressed against his cheek.

"Uh... Dude... what're you doing...?" Austin mumbled, unable to hide his own boner.

"I just want some of that drink."

Their lips met...

... That was all Austin could remember.


Lesson Six: You Can't do it Alone

Austin was officially freaked.

This time, he knew he had blacked out but he also knew the events that had led up to that moment. He could remember drinking that foul concoction and he could remember Jessie pulling off his shirt. The feel of that huge solidly built body covered in soft fur against his own flesh was something he couldn't pull from his memory.

He remembered the kiss... and that brief instant when his heart jumped to his throat.

Whatever happened afterwards, he wasn't sure.

But he did know his ass was sore.

Did Jessie just fuck him?

Was he gay!?

Austin hurriedly removed himself from the showers, wrapping a towel around his waist and cursing the tent his cock made against the soft fabric. He tried to adjust himself so that it wasn't so obvious. The instant he stepped back out into the locker rooms, he was hit by the strong aroma of man once more. But more... he could smell Jessie...

It wasn't just sweat and wolf now... He could detect a nutty tang to it with a musky edge. It drove his insides wild, his stomach churning for some reason and a deep bubbling filling his chest. He clutched his stomach...

... and felt hard muscle there.

Horrified, he glanced down.

He was dreaming... Nothing there except the folds of his skin.


He clenched his stomach again and then pressed down against his abdomen. Firm muscle pressed back.

Austin's mind reeled. He was pretty darn sure under normal circumstances, he would've just felt his gurgling stomach! But there was muscle there! Beneath the folds of skin and fat, there was rock-hard muscle!

"This isn't happening..." he told himself. "There has to be a rational explanation..."

But that explanation wasn't going to be coming if he just sat there. Whatever Jessie was doing to him, he had to figure it out before it reached completion. Maybe Jessie was an alien who was turning him into some sort of weird, alien-human hybrid like in the X-Files. Or maybe Jessie was part of some sort of government super-soldier project. Were they turning humans into super-soldiers starting from high-school?

The theories bounced around in Austin's head as he snatched up the neatly folded clothes that were on the bench and slipped them back on. Once again, he went commando but he didn't care. He decided to take Coach Steele's offer to go home early this time and as soon as the bell rang, he was out the front gates with his bag over his shoulder.

It took three bus rides but he eventually managed to get home curiously at the same time he would've arrived had he just taken the school bus at the normal time classes ended. He hurried through the front door, brushing past his dad as he stormed into his room.


He shut his door tight and jumped onto his computer. "Sorry dad!" he shouted back. "Lots of homework to do! Can't talk right now!" Then as a second thought, he added, "I didn't do my homework yesterday because I was feeling tired. Got lots to catch up on!"

There was a moment of silence... then it seemed that his father bought the excuse.

"Alright. We're going to have mac and cheese again tonight. I promise I'll look up more recipes tomorrow. I'll call you for dinner."


Austin waited for his father's tell-tale footsteps to fade away before he jumped onto an internet browser and began searching online about any sort of super-soldier experimentation especially on high school students.

All he got was porn, porn and more porn.

Mostly gay porn.


But he wasn't about to give up.


B-Movie database.

Magical curses?

Not even close.

Muscle enhancing drugs?

'Click here to enlarge your penis'.

Austin groaned in defeat. He was never going to get anything from all this. His father knocked on the door and he rose to answer it. Danny McGraw looked at his son with a gentle smile.


This time, Austin was feeling a little hungry. He nodded and followed his father to the kitchen. The smell of mac and cheese wasn't very appealing but Austin just realised how ravenous he was. He sat down opposite to his father and wolfed down the food, not even chewing at points.

The saltiness with a mix of creaminess of the cheese reminded him of another salty substance that was likewise as creamy... His mind went blank for an instant. Images flashed before his eyes. A big wolf looming over him, panting. Cum all over his chest... a chest that was broad, covered in white, creamy fur...


He shook his head, looking up at his dad in shock.

"You look like you've seen a ghost. Are you alright?"

Austin gulped loudly. "Yeah dad, I'm fine. Just... Just stressed about school, is all."

Danny chuckled and sat up, taking Austin's empty plate. Much to the latter's disappointment, all the macaroni and cheese had been devoured, probably by him.

"Well, you get straight back to work then, son. Go on and conquer the world, you hear?" Danny bent down and, in the absence of a hug due to both hands being occupied, he kissed Austin's forehead.

"Okay dad, will do."

With those words, Austin stood up and hurried back to his room but with one revelation.

In that brief memory... That wolf that was hanging over him...

... was Jessie.

If he was going to survive, he had to avoid Jessie Steele at all costs.


Lesson Seven: Never Run from a Fight

Track practice again.

But this time, there was no way in hell Austin was going to get lapped or collapse in the middle of the track. He couldn't afford to give Jessie an excuse to bring him over to the locker rooms and do who knew what to him!

He had to keep on running! Even if it killed him!

"Whoa! Slow down there!"

For a second, Austin panicking, thinking Jessie had caught up to him. When he glanced over at the bleachers, however, he saw both Coach Steele and Jessie watching him under the shade, pointing and grinning.

Billy Sorres, the guy that had lapped him the first time and was essentially the track star of the freshman year laughed as he struggled to keep up with him.

"Where'd you get all this speed, McGraw?" Sorres laughed. "Two days ago, you barely made it halfway around the track!"

That was true... and that was what had Austin freaked. Still, if this was what Jessie had given him, then he was going to make damn sure that was all he was going to get. Whatever Jessie was doing, it stopped with this.

Admittedly, part of him was grateful...

"Just getting used to it, I guess..." Austin answered nervously.

"Whatever you're taking man, grab me some!"

Austin gave Billy a stern frown. "No."

And with that, he bolted away, leaving the track star to eat his dust.

Thankfully, after a good thirty minutes of running, the bell rang and they were allowed to file back into the gymnasium. Oddly enough, Austin didn't feel tired at all. He felt... pumped was the appropriate word. However, his heart stopped pumping when he saw Jessie walk into the locker rooms just as he was about to slip on his school pants.

He froze as the titanic wolf strode towards him.

Jessie wouldn't dare make out with him when there were thirty other guys around him... would he?

Coach Steele was also standing a few feet away, making sure none of the other boys got too rowdy and everyone remained civil.

Jessie drew closer.

Austin backed away slightly.

The big wolf rested a hand on Austin's shoulder and gave it a firm squeeze. "Good run today, buddy. Keep it up."

Then he was gone.

Confused, scared and oddly aroused, Austin stood in silence for a little longer before he hurried to get dressed. Once he was fully clothed, he bolted out of the gym and to his next class, heart racing and mind constantly repeating the mantra 'Avoid Jessie. Avoid Jessie. Avoid Jessie.'

The rest of his day was filled with 'Avoid Jessie.' He was even muttering it to himself during another pop quiz in mathematics. At one point, he wrote down that the derivative of the function that would determine the rate of change a ball would during its flight when it was thrown by a six foot basketball player was...

'Avoid Jessie' multiplied by 'Jessie must be avoided' over 'Don't go anywhere near Jessie'.

He was so distracted, in fact, that nearing the end of the day, his bladder was about to give out on him.

Austin thrust his hand into the air and Mr. Oren, his science teacher, gave him permission to head out to the toilet but to 'hurry back' or he'll miss the fascinating Nitrogen Cycle. Seeing as it was fifteen minutes before the school day ended, Austin slowed his pace a little and let himself relax.

Everyone was most likely getting ready to head home and there was no way Jessie would assault him now of all times.

So, he entered the boy's toilets, entered a cubicle, pulled down his pants and let himself go just a little more. A soft sigh escaped him as he felt all the stress roll off his shoulders.

One day down... now only about two hundred left.

He wondered how long he could keep this up... He supposed as long as Jessie was in the school. That was what? Another three years? Maybe it would've been easier if he just gave in. What was the worst that could happen?

Grunting, Austin shook the thought out of his head. He still remembered how Jessie's body against his made him feel. It was nice. Strong and comforting. Very protective. But it was wrong. He wasn't gay and he most certainly liked how he was now. Plus, he liked not blacking out in the middle of the day.

His bladder sufficiently emptied, Austin got up, cleaned his rear and flushed the toilet.

The door suddenly open.

In stepped Jessie.

"What the -?"

Their lips met and Austin felt his body go limp and his mind threatening to do exactly the same. He fought it. Gripped onto something... anything! His dad! He wanted to make his dad proud! He clung onto that and somehow managed to hold onto himself even as his body stirred awake and that strange bubbling filled his chest again.

Jessie pulled away from the kiss, grinning broadly. "You've been naughty, haven't you? Avoiding me." He leaned in and sniffed at Austin's shoulder. "Oooh... but you want me, don't you? You can't live without me."

"N - N - No..." Austin managed to stammer. "Th - That's not... t-t-t-true..."

His body suddenly jerked. His hands snapped up, seized the sides of Jessie's face and brought the bigger wolf into a long, deep, passionate kiss. Austin's left leg instinctively curled around Jessie's waist, letting the wolf hold him stable, groping his ass. The touch of those big, meaty paws made all of Austin's body just... There was just a reaction there.

Austin pulled away from this kiss and threw his head back, letting out a loud, lustful groan. His collar suddenly felt tight around his neck as veins popped out from around his Adam's Apple. With every breath he took, his neck expanded until the top button popped open and he was forced to rip off his tie. Two lumps appeared against his chest, rubbing sensitive flesh against the inside of his shirt. Waves of pleasure rocketed up from all over his body and he couldn't help but thrust his hips upwards into Jessie's awaiting groin.

"What the fuck are you doing to me...?" he demanded, panting deeply between each word.

"Just making you better," Jessie cooed, licking Austin's ears.

Unable to control himself, Austin reached out, seized the back of Jessie's head and pushed his nose deep into Jessie's neck. He took a long, deep sniff. The scent that shot into his nostrils was richer and more... flavoursome than before. It wasn't just that manly, wolf scent mixed with nuts anymore. It was the scent of roasted chestnuts with a bite of earthiness like Jessie had rubbed himself against wet, muddy ground, mashing up all the grass.

Those different odours swirled in his nasal cavities and seeped into his nerves, setting his senses ablaze. Deep in his brain, something just... clicked. A deep, resonating growl rolled out his throat to match the sound of his clothes straining. His shirt's sleeves were stretched taut against bulging biceps. His forearms became ripped with new, veins. The shoes he wore were feeling terribly tight and he fought to kick them off.

"I... don't..." Austin stammered, fighting grunts and growls ripping from his chest. He took long, deep, ragged breaths and with each one, he found his previously non-existent pecs starting to rub up against Jessie's well-developed ones with equal force. His skinny frame bulged out sidewards, lats and deltoids bulged with new size, pumped with new blood that just made him feel so... so alive!

"Fuck!" he cried, somehow managing the will power to pull away. "What the fuck is this shit!? How the fuck are you doing this to me!?"

Jessie lifted his arms up, crossing them behind his head. Austin was inexplicably drawn to the large, male wolf's armpits and before he knew it, he had his nose buried deep into the thick, white fur there, taking even longer sniffs of the deeper, muskier scent that emanated from there.

"Don't worry, Martins," Jessie laughed. "Just a little more. You'll understand soon enough."


Lesson Eight: Always Listen to your Coach

Andy stirred, moaning softly.

Jessie, at the wheel of his big, black, SUV just grinned as he watched the huge wolf rubbing himself shamelessly in his sleep. One big paw was down those XXL Knothole High pants while the other was flexed and the bicep being used as a rudimentary pillow.

As he turned the corner into the McGraw's street, Andy snorted softly. He let out a soft moan and a whimper. He said something about, 'Not wanting to go back'.

Pity. Probably one or two more shots and then he'd be good. Austin was well past Stage 3 now. Stage 4 was coming up soon and after that, the fifth and final stage. He was progressing well. Andy was out for a good hour this time around.

Andy thrust his hip into the air and a large, wet spot appeared against his pants. At the same time, all the fur over his body stood on end. Slowly, the reddish-brown coating began to receded into his flesh, the muscles slowly deflating and bones shrinking with some audible crunches. Andy shifted uncomfortably in his seat, rolling his shoulders and whimpering as his muzzle and ears rolled back into the human features of Austin McGraw.

A once, proud chest bubbled back into a flat, uninteresting board and those chiselled abs that Jessie so enjoyed licking vanished behind layers of fat, this as they were now. Big, bulky thighs built for supporting a massive weight and holding one's ground shrank into twigs, hidden completely by the folds of pants that were several sizes too big.

Andy let out one last whimper before Austin's eyes flickered open.

The teenager looked around... saw Jessie and a flash of panic crossed his features. Then, he looked down at himself.

"The hell!?"

Assimilation was almost done... Good. Austin's profile said he was adverse to swearing of any kind.

"You're home," Jessie announced, parking the car in front of Austin's house. As he stopped the engine, he hiked a thumb towards the back. "There are clothes in the back that are more your size. Keep those ones though. Andy might want to use them instead of running around naked all the time."

There was a hint of defiance in Austin's eyes... then he lowered them and immediately slipped into the back seats, rummaging through the spare clothes there and finding ones that fit. Jessie made a mental note that he'd have to clean out his car soon. All those spare clothes were getting a little stinky. Too many of them covered in cum.

"Who the hell is Andy, anyway...?"

Jessie smiled, glancing at Austin in the rear view mirror. "He's you, McGraw. A better you."

"Who says I want to get better?"

That just made the wolf smile. "Well, do you?"

No reply.

Good answer.

"Get out of here," Jessie chuckled. "I'll call you tonight."

Austin suddenly looked up, a mix of horror, surprise and enthusiasm in his expression. "You will?"

"Yeah. Count on it."

With that, Austin - now fully dressed and hugging Andy's exceptionally large clothing - bolted out of the SUV and straight into his house.

Grinning, Jessie just flipped open his phone and checked to see if he had Austin's phone number.

No mobile number but that wouldn't matter. Even if he called the landline, Austin would be the first to pick up.

They always were.

***** Lesson Nine: Know Your Position

Austin rushed into the house and bolted straight for his room.

He remembered it all... Remembered everything.

The kiss... the hot blood pumping into his muscles. The feeling of every sinewy cord expanding and contracting, growing with every breath he took and filling with blood, giving them knew life and making him feel more and more energised. To top it all off, the feeling of uncontrollable lust, need and desire to be fucked by that huge, muscular, alpha wolf that smelled so heavenly.

Conflict roiled in his mind. One part was fighting to maintain himself, to keep to Austin McGraw. The other part was a bigger, stronger animal that was rapidly growing with every though and lingering molecule of scent from Jessie Steele. That part... Andy Martins...

Austin came to a staggering halt in front of his door. The bland white door with colourful plastic letters arranged to spell 'Austin' stickered to the surface seemed so unfamiliar to him. There was an overwhelming urge to find something tough and mean to put up there. Big 'Keep Out' signs and maybe pictures of football stars or bodybuilders flexing at him. Not humans either. Big muscular wolves.

It had to be wolves.


So alien... That name just didn't fit anymore...

Slowly, he reached up to the door and pushed the 'n' in 'Austin' right next to the big 'A'.

"Austin...? Are you alright...?"

Austin... It seemed like such a pussy name just like Jessie said. He didn't feel like 'Austin' anymore. It scared him but at the same time, he loved being Andy. He loved the idea of being a towering 6'8'' monster, wider in shoulder and more muscular than even the quarterback of the sophomore football team. But that was what Andy Martins was built for. A big defensive player. He had to be big and built like a brick wall...

He twisted the 'u' to the right and pushed it right next to the left of the 't'. It sort of looked like a 'd'.

"Austin... son... What's the matter with you?"

A hand fell on his shoulder and Andy - no, Austin! It was Austin! - spun around.

Meeting his father's green eyes brought him back to reality. He was Austin McGraw. Not Andy Martins. No matter how big that bully was growing inside him, no matter how much he wanted to be Andy, he was Austin. And he would remain Austin because of the man standing in front of him.

Danny McGraw would only be proud of one person.

Austin McGraw.

Not Andy Martins.

"Better now," Austin murmured softly. "Sorry, pops, I was just... Out of it."

Danny regarded him curiously. "You never called me 'pops' before..."

Austin shook his head and fought back Andy with all his strength. "Sorry, dad..." he said, forcing the word out. "Just... a lot on my mind lately."

His father gave him a reassuring smile. "Oh. I see. Come here, son." He embraced Austin tightly and for the first time in the last three days, Austin felt in control again. "I know what you're going through. It happens to every young man at your age."

At that moment, Austin just wanted to burst out laughing but kept it in and just held his father back.

"If you ever need anyone to talk to, son, I'm here, alright?"

"Thanks, dad." This time, the word felt more natural. He was winning! "I'll keep that in mind."

Danny held his son out at arm's length and appraised him with a smile. "Wow, you're growing like a weed! You're almost as tall as I am!"

It was true. Austin was no longer a short 5'4''. He was actually nearing his father's height of 5'11''. Maybe he was 5'9''. 5'10 if he was lucky. Maybe he could brush off his brief, abrupt growths because of Andy as puberty. It was certainly plausible.

"I'm proud of you, son." Danny said, smiling broadly. "I'll always be proud of you."

Tears were threatening to overcome Austin but he held it in check and instead pulled his dad into one more hug. He was just so happy that he had beaten Andy back and now he had a way to keep his sanity. His dad... he just had to remember his dad.

His father's deep breaths were a comforting lull and he suddenly, he was a seven year old child again, hugging his father for support. It made him feel same and at the same time, so strong.

Something wet and slick brushed against his neck.

Austin's eyes snapped open and he pulled away, slamming his back against his door in shock.

His father seemed equally as shocked.

"Um... I'll call you for diner..." Danny murmured, quickly spinning around and shooting off into the kitchen.

Austin stared after him for a second... wondering if... if his father had actually licked him. He rubbed section of his neck tentatively where he felt the wetness. His hand brushed against slick saliva. Suddenly, he found that pillar of strength had stared wavering.

Frightened, he spun around, slamming his door and quickly locked it.

His father had just licked him...

And it felt good... Andy was stirring somewhere in his consciousness. As much as he tried to push that thought back, he couldn't. The image of that big, bad alpha wolf fucking him was replaced with the tall, smooth image of his father who panted like a wild animal, his stubbly chin catching the droplets of his sweat as he shoved his big cock right into Austin!

"No..." he moaned, staggering back and clutching his head. "Please... no..."

He heard his clothes start to strain against his body again, the steams groaning in protest against his body. His eyes focused on his reflection in the mirror opposite to his bed. There, he saw himself... halfway between Austin and Andy. His pants had slipped up his legs, the cuffs stopping just midway up his shins. His sleeves were tightened around his forearms and his blazer was strained against his shoulders.

It suddenly felt so hot inside the chaffing uniform.

He ripped off his tie, throwing it angrily at the side and hastily unbuttoned his blazer, tossing it aside. Air rushed into his lungs and formal, collared shirt pressed against his quickly bulging pecs. Through the thin material, he could see his abs protesting to being confined by a singlet. A deep, musky aroma began to fill the air as sweat dripped off his forehead and began soaking into the fabric around his armpits. Stains began rapidly growing from under his pits and one big, defined one began amassing against his pant's crotch.

Damn... He looked good.

But he could definitely be better.

The phone rang.

"I got it!" he cried, his voice rumbling even in his shout.

He dove for the phone beside his bed and snatched it up.


Austin arched his back suddenly, letting out a loud moan. He rolled onto his back against his bed, still holding the phone to his ear as he felt his whole body shudder and shiver in delight. Andy was coming out... and goddamnit, he loved being Andy!

But... But his dad...

"S - S - Stop..." he pleaded softly. While one hand clutched the phone, the other tried to slip down into his pants but it was no use. His thighs and waist had grown too big! He couldn't get down there! Growling in frustration, he tried undoing his belt but with one, shaking hand, it was impossible!

"Can't. You know you want this." There was a pause on the other end. "Martins."

He let out a sharp, pained gasp as -


The fabric around his thighs ripped at the seams, letting his legs finally breathe!

He worked his hand around the broken shards of his pants that still barely clung to his waist and gripped his throbbing, dripping cock.

"Please..." he breathe. "I... I can't..."

"Yes you can. You can be way_better, Martins."_

The sound of his name... It was his name... It turned him on so bad! His entire body quaked and he shut his eyes against the building mix of pleasure and lust. It was like someone had injected molten steel deep inside his muscles, forcing them all to expand and within seconds, the metal hardened, fusing with his weak, gangly muscles and turning them into iron cords!


His sleeves burst open at his biceps, leaving him with little tattered pieces of cloth hanging from his forearms.

"Why did you come to Knothole High, Martins?"


His feet tore out of his socks, big veined and goddamn hot. They matched his bulging, hairy calves. Thick masses of red hair rolled up his muscles like autumn grass to rolling hills. For the briefest of moments, he pulled his hand away from his cock and ran it down his thighs. The coarse feeling of all that fur against the soft, hardened muscle beneath made him twitch with pleasure. He ran his hand back up his crotch, gave himself a good squeeze before running it up his ruined shirt, over his abs and his chest where a patch of fur was already growing. Between the gaps between each button on his shirt, he could see the white hair on his chest.

Andy was almost out!

"Remember what Principal Heisman said, Martins?"

A deep growl rolled out of his throat and he arched his back once more.


His shirt fell completely away as his huge pecs burst forth. Thick, white fur unfurled and crawled all over his chest, sneaking down over his abs and spreading into his crotch. Reddish-brown fur filled the gaps left by his hair, covering every inch of his body in their warm, fuzzy expanse. He whimpered and rolled onto his stomach, still holding the phone to his ears.

Austin - but only by the barest of fragments - propped himself onto his hands and knees just as -


A long, fluffy tail burst from just over his ass which had taken a firm, rounded bubble-like shape. The last shreds of clothing fell down from his waist, revealing monstrous, 11-inch cock bobbing up against his abs, precum dripping out of the cumslit, rolling over the mushroom head and dropping onto his sheets like a leaking tap.

"Knothole High offers lots of opportunities, Martins."

Austin tipped his head back and moaned. He pressed the phone to his ear even as his ears began migrating to top of his head. It felt like someone was pinching the ends and pulling them back as that same someone seized his nose and chin, pulling them forwards. He wiggled his new, black, sensitive nose, taking in the scents of his room and himself.

Manly... musky...


"Will you take them?"

It only took him a nanosecond to reply.

"Say my name..."

There was a soft chuckle from the other side.

"You say it."

A pause.

"Who are you?"

The wolf grinned, his eyes flashing with lust.

"I'm Andrew Martins."


Lesson Ten: All Your Complaints go to the Coach

Austin held on... Just barely.

He walked around in a daze most of the day, feeling awkward and like he didn't belong. The previous night... he wasn't sure what happened but when he woke up this morning, he was covered in cum. Lots of it. It was unbelievable that he had produced that much cum... Then again, Andy was a monster.

For the majority of the night, it was like being in a dream. He could see himself moving, he could feel himself moving... but he couldn't control it all. He felt whatever Andy felt, he did whatever Andy did.

And he loved it all.

He loved shoving his own, fat finger up his ass, shoulder pressing the phone to his ear as he gripped his cock. All that time, Jessie had phone sex with him. All the things Jessie said... it made Austin hard even now...

When he climaxed... Austin just dropped down into nothingness. He didn't expect to wake up again.

But then here he was.

Walking straight to Coach Steele's office.

He wasn't sure if he could resist Jessie's advances anymore. Every inch of him wanted Jessie. While he was still physically Austin, mentally and emotionally, he was 90% Andy and the rest was a rapidly withering Austin. Not that he really minded.

He wanted to be Andy. That much he knew. He wanted to be better. But, he couldn't... not just yet.

He had to tie up some loose ends first... Make sure his dad would remain proud of him.

A soft knock and an grunt later, Austin entered Coach Steele's office.

The big, fatherly wolf gave him a surprised look. "You're here early."

Was he expected?

"Take a seat, son. Close the blinds behind you."

Austin found himself unable to disobey. He shut the blinds to the coach's office just as Steele did the same for the windows, plunging the room into a grey twilight. As soon as he sat down, Coach Steele moved around the wooden table of his and on the table. The informality of their seating put Austin at ease... but he couldn't help but stare at the coach's package.

It looked goddamn sweet.

"So what'd you come to me for, Austin?"

Austin took a deep breath... and looked up at Coach Steele pleadingly. "Sir... I... I think I'm going to go away... I need you to take care of my dad... Tell him something apart from me..."



"Not contemplating suicide, are you, son? You know that's the coward's way out."

Austin shook his head. "It's not suicide... more like... I finally accepted something..."

The Coach's eyes seemed to gleam for a second. "Why don't you talk me through it?"

"You wouldn't believe me."

"Try me."

He sighed and slowly recounted his story. He didn't stop, fearing that if he did, he'd give room for the coach to laugh him off and run him out of his office. Everything from his first encounter with Jessie in the locker rooms, the blackouts and finally the slow growth of Andy... or rather, from the growth of Austin into Andy.

"I'm Andy..." he whispered. "I want to be Andy... But... I just don't want to leave my dad without a son. Divorce was hard enough. I don't want him to think bad of me. I want him to always be proud of me."

Coach Steele nodded slowly. "Well, son, I'm glad you came to me." He jumped off the table and placed a reassuring paw onto Austin's shoulders. "I know exactly what to tell your dad."


The grin on Steele's face made Austin's heart sink. "Yeah. He's now a 'Martins'."

The burst of pleasure was unbearable. Austin threw bag his head, hands clutching the armrests and let out a half-pained, half-pleasurable moan. He thrust his hips instinctively into the air, instantly hard from just the mention of his name.

His name... His name...

No longer McGraw... No... that was a pussy name.

He's Martins... a footballer's name. Strong. Simple. Easy to remember.

His biceps ripped out of his shirt and he was left panting, barely holding onto his consciousness. He wanted so badly_to let go... but..._ He just had to know... What was... What was going on...?

Steele sniffed the air. "Confused are you?" he chuckled. "Yeah, I imagine you are." He tapped his nose. "See, we canines have a very unique sense of smell. We sometimes communicate through scents like when we're ready to mate and the such. Males detect potential mates when they give off particular scents. But evolution is a funny thing, don't you think?"

He leaned down and gently licked Austin's neck, bringing a shiver from the growing boy. "In my family, we give of a special pheromone. It's strong but subtle." Soft, rubbery lips pressed against Austin's and the teenager lost all control, holding the coach to himself and sucking on those lips as he felt himself grow and grow.

Coach Steele pulled away, grinning as he pressed his paws against Austin's chest, feeling the developing pecs there. He reached down and ran his fingers over Austin's nipples.

"Awww... fuck..."

"I know, right?" Steele chuckled. "With my family, even a bit of sexual stimulation makes us give off this pheromone. Anyone who gets a whiff of it, has something unlocked in their heads." He tapped his temple. "You know how people say that you only use 10% of your brain? Well, who is to say the other 90% give your brain boost or something? Who's to say that it was kept hidden to keep you from becoming a beast?

"Humans are just animals, son, animals who decided to suppress their animal instincts, stuff their cocks in clothes and look to the world and the stars instead of looking at themselves first."

Austin whimpered as his chest burst from his shirt, thick white fur already growing there. He was only partially listening. He couldn't hold on for very much longer. His shoulders were pushing out against his blazer and before he could tear it off -


They burst forth, shredding the arms of his blazer and shirt. Somehow, the tie around his neck remained intact even as it choked his thickening neck. He struggled to rip it off but his shaking fingers weren't much help. Reddish fur crawled all over the back of his hand as his nails vanished and claws took their place.

Steele chuckled and leaned in, undoing Austin's tie for him and tossing it aside. "Our pheromones, the Steele Pheromones, it reaches into your brain and awakens the beast inside. Heightens your senses, makes you more aware of your surroundings. But not only that, it gets right in there and messes with your brain a little too. Rewires it. Starts telling your DNA that it's wrong and that it needs to reconfigure itself.

"And so..." Steele chuckled and nodded at Austin's development. "You start growing a muzzle, a tail, sprouting fur... You become lupine or canine. Whatever your genes say."

Austin growled, his muzzle coming in. "Get to the fucking point..." he snarled. "Can't... hold on..." His cock was pressing up against his pants which were completely soaked in his cum.

"Put simply," Steele laughed, "it's mind control, son. Mind control from pheromones. You smell us and our pheromones starts turning you. Of course, you'd just be a skinny runt right now if Jessie hadn't fucked you silly."

"Wh - What...?"

"Proteins, son. All those times Jessie screwed you? The Steele family is sterile. We don't cum actual cum. We cum pure, concentrated protein. Not only protein really. It's like a condensed protein shake. Perfect for muscle development. You ingest it anally or orally, and you get big and buff like us."

Steele reached over felt Andy - no, Austin's - shoulder. "Hmmm... Might still need a little more though. Better safe than sorry if you wanna be a defensive lineman."


"Why do you think Knothole High only has canines and lupines, son?" Steele chuckled. "It's because of us Steeles. Jessie and I, we're just the most recent generation to come here. Every now and then, we find someone to be our next 'son', turn them and then they take over our place while we go off and see if we can 'reproduce' some place else."

"You're fucking werewolves!?"

The Coach threw his head back and laughed. "That's new! Haven't heard that before." He rubbed his chin and thought for a second before shrugging. "I guess that's sort of true. But hey, you're one now too, right? And I bet getting fucked is a lot better than getting bitten. Ain't that right, Martins?"

Andy threw his head back and let out an anguished cry.


His cock ripped right through his pants, spraying ropes of seed all over the coach's chest. The orgasm was uncontrollable. His whole body was shaking wildly, eyes rolled back in his head as gallons and gallons of cum splashed out of him, soaking the coach completely. With every blast, the distinct, human shape of his cock faded. The mushroom head pressed together, flattening to a tampering point as thick veins crossed the bright, red surface. A bulge built at the base of his balls just above a thick, furry layer that would become his sheath.

With one last blast -

"Awwww fuck!"

The last of Austin McGraw was gone.

The last of McGraw's DNA spewed out of the big, buff Andy Martins...

Andy Martins... Effectively a Steele in all but name.

Andy, drifting in the clouds of afterglow grinned and turned his gaze back to the coach. "Fuck dude... that was awesome..."

"I personally love watching you kids at the turning point," Steele chuckled, licking up the cum that completely covered him. Once could mistake him for a cum monster. He shook some of it off, canine-style.

The door suddenly sprang open.

"Fuck it all!" Jessie exclaimed, grinning broadly. "I missed it!"

The big wolf swaggered over to Andy just as the big defensive lineman stood up. The clapped paws... before pulled each other close and wrapping their muzzles around each other.

"Hot damn..." Andy gasped, pulling away. "Been waiting to do that for a long time." He winked at Jessie. "We still up for this weekend?"

Jessie glanced at his father. "Whatcha say, dad? Party at the Martins?"

Coach Steele's grin was both playful and sinister. "If his father says it's okay."


Lesson Eleven: Family is Important

"Pops! I'm home!"

Daniel McGraw glanced up.

That did not sound like his son... and his son only every called him 'pops' once before and that seemed accidentally. Though... it did seem only fitting.

Still, whatever thoughts of confusion Danny had were quickly replaced with panic. He hastily leapt out of bed, his erect cock slapping against his scrawny chest as he hurried to look for some pants. The last thing he wanted his 14 year old son to see him jacking off in the middle of the day.

Not to mention if he found out Danny had been fantasising about him.

Recently, Danny's thoughts about his son had turned from more than just the father-son relationship.

And that scared him.

Finally, today... he had enough.

No one was looking.

His son wouldn't be home for three hours.

So why not right?

No one would ever know.

Unfortunately, Austin came home.

At one in the afternoon.

"Your home early," he shouted back, hoping his voice would keep Austin distracted for a little while longer.

"Coach let me off practice for the day. Still don't have a full team, ya know! Plus it's fucking scorching out there!"

Did his son just swear?

Did his son just say 'practice'?

When did he join a team?

A knock came to the door.

Danny's heart leapt to his throat. He had his shirt back on but his pants were still on the other side of the room!

"Don't come -"

Before he could say 'in' the door sprang open.

His eyes boggled.

The massive wolf at the door wasn't his son.

The titan wore the typical Knothole High uniform but it was so tightly wrapped around his shoulders and ripped figure that he looked like he as a professional bodybuilder! Danny was about to leap for the gun in his drawer but there was something about the wolf's reddish-brown fur and those bright green eyes that made him stop.

"Whoa, pops. You started without me."

Danny staggered back. "Who are you?" he demanded, somehow mustering up some courage.

The wolf stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him. The breeze from the shutting door wafted a heavy, musky scent into Danny's nostrils. It made him gag... but at the same time, his cock jerked in response as if recognising an old friend.

"Pops, it's me! Andy" the wolf grinned. "Your son!"

"My son is a human and his name is Austin!"

Andy rolled his eyes. "Urgh... Don't remind me." Then he grinned again, this time, a predatory smile. "But you can't resist now, can ya, pops? You know it's me, right? You can smell it. I betcha been having all sorts of naughty dreams about me too, right?"

His cock twitched.

"Thought so."

Andy advanced.

Danny staggered back and toppled back into his bed. Before he knew what was happening, Andy was on top of him, that huge, mound of iron-hard muscle hovering over him.

"What are you doing!?" Danny cried.

"Just take a deep breath, pops. Chill."

He dared a breath...

That heavy, musky scent again... but there was a distinct... canine smell in it... It still made him gag though.

Without warning, Danny suddenly found his lips full of the wolf's muzzle. He tried to pull away but the lupine was strong. Andy seized the back of Danny's head and pulled them close, his rock-hard body pressing up against Danny's half-dressed one. The big wolf rolled onto his back, holding Danny on his chest.

Danny, unable to breathe, managed to pull himself away and took a lungful of...

...stagnant, musky, wolf-smell... Though he did detect a faint nuttiness to the odour that wasn't that bad.

He let out a loud yelp when he felt a big paw seize his cock.

"Damn, pops... You're a faucet!" Andy laughed, squeezing a drop of precum onto his uniform.

"I'm not your -" He gasped again as Andy squeezed once more. A divine heat pulsed out of Andy's paw, radiating out to fill Danny's cock. It almost boiled his cum in his balls, making his seed bubble and roil inside his sack.

The heat began sliding out beyond his genitals, seeping up his abdomen and into his thighs. He was left gasping, desperate for breath. The more breaths he took, the more of that malodorous scent he caught. But with each lungful, he found the scent less and less abhorrent... and more... natural. His head began to swirl a little and he looked dazedly down at Andy...

"Austin..." he whispered, seeing the spectre of his son...

"Andy," the wolf corrected.

Slowly... Danny grinned. "Andy..." He threw his head back. "Shit!"

Pain rocketed up his spine and he suddenly doubled over, resting his palms on Andy's muscular chest. He felt every muscle along his back stretch and contract like it was being massaged from the inside, with each stroke being harder and longer than the last. At the same time, his muscles got used to the pressure, growing thicker, bigger and more powerful.

His breaths grew ragged sweat rolled of his brow. Close to the source of that scent, Danny was unable to keep himself from shoving his nose straight into Andy's armpits and greedily taking in all that manly scent mixed with a distinct hint of pepper.

And with that hint... he knew...

Andy... Andy was Austin...

His son... His pride and joy.

His dream come true...

"Andy..." he moaned. "Andy... shit... I... I need you to do something for your pop..."

"I know, pops. I know."

There was a loud zipping noise.

He felt Andy's meaty paws slide over to his rear, gripping the firm glutes and slowly pulling them apart. Danny braced himself... and felt the hot, pointed canine dick press against the barriers of his ass. He threw his head back, crying out in pleasure as his whole body quaked.

Pecs pressed up against his shirt as his spine grew a few more vertebrae. Shoulders pressed up against the fabric of his shirt before -


Tearing right through and letting the shredded remains fall on his son's beautiful, chest. Danny, yearning for nothing more than his son inside him, pressed himself down onto his son's cock, clamping down with his bubbling thighs.


Andy began thrusting upwards and with each push, Danny felt himself expanding... felt that head that started around his cock build and build and build. His veins felt the hottest. Blood pumped through them and he watched them pulse against the surface of his skin before the flesh and muscle took over them in their expansion. Then they pushed outwards again... only to be consumed once more.





He clamped down hard on his son's ass, making Andy moan loudly.

He lived for that sound. He was so proud of his son... so proud he grew into a big, muscular wolf. All he wanted to do was to make him happy... and seeing him in such ecstasy... It brought him so much joy!

"Andy!" he cried. "Fuck, Andy!" He pulled himself up... and then slammed himself down hard onto Andy's cock, feeling that canine knot pushing hard against the rings of his ass.

He wanted his son in him...

_All_the way in him.

The shakes and spasms all over his body grew unbearable but he kept his pace. He doubled over, using his son's enormous pecs for support as his whole body began to sprout thick, bright-red fur that matched his hair. Just like his son, a creamy crew grew onto his defined chest. His fingertips began to itch and he knew claws were building there.

His cock slapped against Andy's huge abs the more he pressed down and he watched in a semi-fascinated sated at it rose... lengthened and thickened. A drop of saliva slid out from the corner of his lips as he watched his cock's mushroom head slowly stretch upwards and tamper to a defined, canine tip. Pre dropped out of the appendage and touched his chin.

He... he had to...

Danny leaned down... kissing the tip of his cock.

The heat just erupted into inferno-like temperatures all over his body. A scream built in his throat but he quickly clamped his lips around his huge cock. The pulsing of his blood through the member resonated all throughout his head. With every beat, his face lengthened, teeth turning completely carnivorous. His ears drew to the top of his head as fur covered the last few inches of human flesh, the visage of Daniel McGraw fading from the earth.

"Awww shit... Pops... I'm gonna cum!"

Danny pulled his muzzle from his cock and gave his son a grin, seizing his cock lustfully. "Yeah, pup. Come on! Fuck your old man! Fuck me hard! Cum in me!"

"Pops... Fuck! I'm gonna - I'm gonna -!


Danny was jerked upwards a little, the blast was strong and unexpected. He felt a pang of disappointment when he felt some of the seed slip down his thighs but he pushed himself down, determined to take the remaining drops of his son's seed inside of him.

He slammed his son's knot straight into his ass, grinning with pleasure as the pressure built in his own cock. He felt the seed of his pup slide into his ass before spreading all over his body. The inferno in his veins turned into a supernova. Danny threw his head back as his shoulders pushed out, forming thick, defined creases in his fur. His pecs were pushed to their limits, making it impossible to see his cock unless it was erect! Big, pink nipples pushed out of the fur just like his abs to his abdomen. His thighs bulged out, veined. Nowhere near as big as his son's but Danny was always an abs and chest man. Andy needed strong legs. Danny just loved having pecs and abs.

He flexed his left arm just as the heat became unbearable.

"Aaaaaaah shiiiiiiiiiit!"

His whole body shook and his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

His cum - indeed, all of Danny McGraw - erupted out of the titanic red wolf's cock, shooting out and splattering all over Andy Martin's face and chest with enough force to actually cause the bottom wolf to jerk back in shock.

Two... three... four... five... SIX times the huge wolf shot a titanic load, soaking the sheets beneath him in his own brew of aromatic cum. Some of it was even dripping down onto the carpet beneath.

Exhaustion hit the new distant Martins like a wall of bricks and he toppled down into his son's chest, holding him tightly and lovingly. Even then, cum was still squirting out of his monstrous 14 inch cock.

"Fuck... I love you, Andy..."

"I love you too, pops... Always loved you, Dalton Martins."

Dalton Martins... Yeah... that was his name...






Lesson Twelve: Build a Team

Billy Sorres was a little worried.

Ever since that new kid, Andrew Martins, moved in, he hadn't seen Austin anywhere.

He was worried. Austin seemed like a real nice guy and maybe even some competition for the track. It was a little odd that he vanished three weeks into the school semester. Maybe he just couldn't cut the rigorous training regimen that Coach Steele put the new kids up to.

Not that he didn't take good care of them. He was taking more and more kids off the track and letting Jessie Steele take care of them as the weeks went by. It wasn't just track anymore either. Weight lifting was where Billy truly failed at but he was glad to have Andy as a workout partner.

The guy was pretty nice to him.

The bell rang - much to his relief. He staggered to the end of the track and grabbed bottle.

A heavy paw fell on his shoulder.

It was Andy.

"Hey, good run, man!" the big wolf said, grinning broadly. "Ever thought about being a wide receiver or something for the football team?"

Billy lowered the bottle and chuckled. "Nah. I don't have the build for it."

"You could," Andy answered, his grin taking on an odd, predatory grin.

"What do you mean, exactly?" Billy asked suspiciously.

The big wolf just turned around and gave Andy a wink his shoulder. "Meet me at the locker rooms after school and I'll show you, Sanchez."

Billy raised his eyebrows. "It's Sorres. Billy Sorres."

"I like Sanchez better."

Third Arc Zero Street: Chapter 4

**Chapter 4.0: Chasing Tails** **Shellington Police Station** By the time the paramedics and the police had arrived, it was already too late. Just as Cliff had said, the staff of Shell Stadium was dead. Slaughtered with military-grade weaponry, no...

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New View Apartments: The Roof

**\*\*\*\*\*** **Disclaimer** This story contains fictional and visual acts of a homosexual nature particularly between men. It also involves the bizarre and transformations from humans to anthropomorphic creatures of an erotic nature. Therefore, if...

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Third Arc Zero Street: Chapter 3

**Chapter 3.0: Guilt Trip** **Wolfehome Apartments** It's a dream I've had very often. One that constantly haunts me both in the waking world and in the dreaming one. Crossing a dark corridor with not walls or boundaries, I was flanked by floating...

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