Third Arc Zero Street: Chapter 4

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#5 of Third Arc 2

Chapter 4.0: Chasing Tails

Shellington Police Station

By the time the paramedics and the police had arrived, it was already too late.

Just as Cliff had said, the staff of Shell Stadium was dead. Slaughtered with military-grade weaponry, no less. Laser burns and even plasma burns. The bodies that were in the Ring itself suffered from wounds consistent with my testimony.

However, the battle recordings had been wiped. There was no evidence of a match ever occurring, Cliff ever being there or how the staff was killed. All anyone knew was there were ten bodies and me. The recordings just showed a lot of static like the data was never there to begin with.

It looked bad.

I was actually in handcuffs!

Being in a grey cell with a single-sided window with my ass firmly on a cold, hard, seat wasn't exactly what I had in mind when the word 'handcuff' first came into play. Being 'arrested' strangely wasn't synonymous with actually being in trouble with the law either.

The door swung open and the single, creaky lamp above me swung and shuddered a large badger calmly walked in, cigarette in muzzle and his long, tan trench coat flapping with his movements. He sat down in the seat across the small table from me, having to push his seat back a little to fit the girth of his large belly.

A rather large manila folder was dropped in front of me.

"Do you know what this is?" he demanded in a gruff, gravelly tone.

A plume of smoke drifted across the table to me. Keeping my composure against the acrid smell was wearing thin on my patience.

"Your very large resignation letter?"

The badger wasn't very impressed. Guess He didn't know my tendency to make jokes when I was overly stressed. "It's the list of references to where all the files on you are being kept."

"I'm flattered," I replied with a cocky smirk. "Are my books that popular?"


The detective - I guessed he was a detective - jumped to his feet and growled at me. "Listen here, wise guy, you may be a celebrity but that doesn't make you immune to the law!" He jabbed a finger at my chest. "You have ten bodies to your name! Ten people were killed and you were the only witness!"

I narrowed my gaze at him, causing him to retract his finger a little. "The keyword being 'witness'. I didn't say that I killed any of them or killed any of them intentionally."

"We can still peg you for manslaughter, Reaper."

Slowly, I shook my head at him. "The Dark Nexus is a global organisation. The federal government has dubbed it a terrorist group. This incident involved them. Making this a federal issue. Why am I talking to you?"

It was a feeble excuse. I knew that. True nonetheless. I had connections in the government and the federal police. They owed me. Those files that this badger had? They shouldn't even exist. Why did a local detective have access to them?

"I'm not letting you slip out of here with a slap on the wrist!" His hazel eyes blazed with unrelenting fury. Fury that seemed to have been there long before I became a problem. "You celebrities think you can just waltz around the place and do what you like. But let me tell you something, Reaper..." He leaned forward, pressing his nose against mine but it was in no way warm or affectionate like with Chad or Dev. "... no one is above the law."


"Get your paws off my client!"

A tall, black fox with multiple piercings in his ears stormed into the interrogation room wearing his trademark black trench coat. Alexiel practically shoved the detective off the table and before standing over me defensively.

"Who the fuck are you!?" the badger snarled.

"I'm his publisher and agent," the black fox answered, placing a paw on my shoulder. "And as of today, his lawyer." Then off to the side with a hint of bitterness he added, "Due to the insistence of his mother..."

Let it be noted in the records of time... my mom is scary.

Heck, it surprised me she didn't come here to fly me out...


There was yelling and shouting beyond the door and the mirror shuddered.

Oh... There she was.

"What's going on in there!?" the badger snarled.

"His mother, that's what," Alexiel answered, pulling a note from his coat. "This, Detective Grimshaw, is a letter of pardon from none other than Wonder Wolf. I suggest you read it unless you want this to go to court."

Grimshaw snatched the letter from Alexiel's paws, tore it open and read it fairly quickly. Then, with a loud snort, he ripped it in two... and then two again... and then into tiny little bits. To add further insult to injury, he shoved the pieces into his muzzle chewed a bit and then spat it straight at Alexiel.

I grimaced and watched my agent carefully. He was here to get me out of jail, after all, not put himself in with me.

Though a jailhouse sex-scene...

Gah! Stupid joke-reflex.

"That's what I think of your letter," the Detective snarled.

Alexiel carefully wiped the paper wads off his muzzle, flicking one straight at Grimshaw. "I see." He reached into his coat once more, pulling out a second letter. "Good thing I have copies. Clearly you didn't read the note at the bottom coming from the Director of the RBI concerning the fact that they have evidence that proves my client's story."

Wait... They did?

How was that even possible!?

"What!?" Grimshaw snarled, snatching up the letter again. "How!?"

"Simple detective work. I'm sure you're familiar with it." Alexiel brushed off some imagined dust on his shoulder. "Investigation into the security cameras reveals that there has been tampering in the recordings. There was a large thirty minute gap between the events in question. Furthermore, there is proof that the VRCSs system was activated at Shell Stadium during the allotted time in which my client participated in the deadly game. This is evidenced by the sudden use of power in the system. Those system use a lot of power, you know."

Clearly, he was enjoying this. Grimshaw probably didn't notice it himself, but he was showing signs of defeat. His shoulders were slowly lowering and he was taking a few steps back. Alexiel had him.

"This proves that indeed there was holographic game occurring at the given time," the black fox continued in a dismissive 'you-should've-done-your-homework' tone. "Furthermore, the weapons used to kill the staff were military-grade weapons but their calibre is one used by models long-since discontinued by the current military." He winked in my direction. "No more lasers or plasma weapons these days, Jake. They use ionised, kinetic shells and hyper-velocity rounds now."

That I didn't know...

... so how did Alexiel know about it?

Why would a publisher-slash-agent know about military-grade weaponry? Is that how he got stores to sell my books? Or to have shopping malls host my book signings and speeches? He threatened them at gunpoint?

In fact... I never really knew what was beneath Alexiel's coat...

Was he hiding guns in there?

I could just imagine Alexiel turning to me and opening his coat, inviting me to look 'at the barrel of his gun'...


I snapped my attention away from Alexiel, suddenly afraid of him just as another loud bang shook the room. Just what I needed... an overprotective mother, a pyromaniac of a father and an agent who could very well be a walking arsenal.

"Government intelligence from the RBI states that all energy weapons have chips in them that allow for remote deactivation and self-destruction if they were ever to fall into enemy hands," Alexiel continued. "Since laser and plasma weapons were long since discontinued, it goes without saying that those such weapons were deactivated and long since rendered useless."

"Then explain the burn marks on those people out there," Grimshaw muttered. He already knew the answer. Everyone in the room did but I guessed he just wasn't going to go down without a fight.

"Simple. No system is infallible. The military don't use those guns anymore so it goes without saying that only an underground organisation will use those guns. Furthermore, RBI investigation has led to the conclusion that the Dark Nexus does use those discontinued weapons."

Why didn't he just say that in the first place?

Unless... He wasn't just talking to Grimshaw...

He was trying to tell me something...

The Dark Nexus used military-grade weapons... discontinued military-grade weapons but still... They somehow hacked into the system of those weapons and allowed themselves to use it even if they were rendered useless. Probably also prevented the military from shutting them down remotely as well...

What was he trying to say...?

"That doesn't excuse his murder of those four guys in the ring itself," Grimshaw snarled.

"Detective Charlie Grimshaw," Alexiel answered with a patronising tone, "you should know that in my client's testimony, he 'killed' those people assuming they were simply 'bots'. He didn't realise they were real people until this 'Cliff Thornton' told him so. That isn't murder. In fact, one could argue that wasn't even manslaughter. My client was merely playing the game. It was the game that killed those people."

I raised my eyebrow at Alexiel.

I had to admit... that was pretty slick.

"Don't give me that bullshit!" the badger snarled.

"Would you rather I give you a mushroom?"

For a second, the detective looked dazed then he shook his head and returned to his assault. "You listen to me here, fox. That asshole killed those people -!"

"You're not listening," Alexiel answered calmly. "There are two things working against you. Jacob never killed anyone. The game's mechanics were somehow altered to kill those people upon certain stimuli. Was it Jacob's fault that those mechanics were put into place? Was it his fault that he provided those stimulus under circumstances that would otherwise prove normal in the context of the game? Furthermore, what would've happened had he actually be hurt?"

Alexiel lifted three fingers. "So there's self-defence and simply that someone else provided those circumstances. You can't blame a person for doing what is normal and right in circumstances that he assumed were correct especially when those circumstances change without his knowledge."

Wow... publisher, agent and lawyer.

Alexiel, I don't pay you enough.

Grimshaw growled. "So what? You want me to just drop this!?"

"I say not," the black fox answered, his tone now grim. "I doubt Jacob was targeted for fun. There was a reason to that. What that reason is, will have to wait until the investigation into the events at the stadium is over. Until then, I am going to take my client home. If you have any further grievances..." He pulled out a card. "... here is my number. I advise you to call me first. If you approach my client without my consent, I will have you arrested for harassment."


I can't even have coffee with the guy?

Not that I like coffee...

Grimshaw snatched the card from him and for a second, I thought he'd tear it up, chew it and spit it back out Alexiel. Instead, he pocketed it, signalling us it was time to go.

I got to my feet and let Alexiel escort me out of the interrogation room. Too late did I realise I still had my handcuffs on.


That was not the voice I thought I'd hear.

Devlin came rushing out the adjacent room, trailed by multiple police officers who tried to restrain him. He just gave them a snarl and a venomous look and they instantly backed away. Before I knew it, I was being swept up in his big, muscular arms, being pressed against his titanic chest.


"D - D - Dev!?" I stammered. "What are you doing here!?"

He set me down, a look of worry on his features. "I heard about what happened. It's all over the news. When they said you blamed 'Cliff Thornton' I had to come over here!" He glanced over my shoulder at Alexiel.

I had almost forgotten that Devlin knew my secret... and he was there when Cliff attacked. Out of everyone I knew - even my mother and father - he was probably the most knowledgeable about the situation.

"Thanks," I murmured. A smile and blush came onto my features unwittingly. I tried to force them back but failed. Thankfully, I had black fur so it didn't show as much. "Did you hear from Chad?"


I mentally slapped myself for that comment and even Alexiel winced. Hell, those guys trying to restrain Dev knew I had said the wrong thing.

"He's outside," Dev answered, hiking a thumb sportingly towards the far door. "I don't have a car so I had to get him to drive us. Hell, it was Chad who thought up about calling your mom who then called Wonder Wolf who then called Alexiel." He gave me a worried look, placing a paw on my shoulder consolingly. "Jake... No offense... but your mom is scary. She practically threw me out the door and warned me that if I didn't get you out of here, she would..." He swallowed loudly as he gazed around the police station. "Erm... I'll tell you later..."

I didn't have the heart to tell him that my mom was Wonder Wolf.

He'd probably have a heart attack there and then.

Though I was glad he teamed up with Chad to save me. Although, I guess that meant that sometime in the future, they'd be 'teaming up' against me.

My smile suddenly felt genuine again. "Great. So help me out of these and let's get out of this place." I held out my handcuffed paws.

One of the policemen came over and undid them for me. I was escorted out by both Alexiel and Dev though Dev came a little later. I think I saw him asking if he could keep the handcuffs. Not sure what came out of that.

In any case, Chad was waiting outside in his black sports car. The instant we passed through those doors, he came rushing up the stairs to the station and clamped his arms around me. I almost couldn't breathe! He was half as small as Dev but he was so much stronger!

"Jake... I was so worried! It's all my fault!"

I chuckled and patted his back. "No it isn't. I was just stupid." I held him tighter, feeling him sob against my fur. "Don't blame yourself. Hell, you had nothing to do with it!"

For the briefest instant, Chad stopped sobbing and just gripped me tighter, his claws digging into my clothes. Then, he relaxed and pulled himself free, composing himself. "Okay... Let's get you out of here. The media is bound to come chasing us down. Three celebrities all in a police station... not good." He let out a soft, nervous chuckle.

"Best idea I've heard all day."

Chad's sports car was a sleek, black monster that roared whenever he started it up. With only two seats, however, I naturally had shotgun. Alexiel and brought around his van and that was where Dev decided to ride in.

I had to wonder, however, as he roared down the streets to my apartment, where Dev rode on the first trip here... In fact... did Dev formally challenge Chad for my affection?

Crap... If ever there was a good time to admit to Chad that I was starting - no, not starting. Rekindling - affections for Dev, it was now... in the seat of a speeding sports car... With the doors unlocked... right after I had just worried my boyfriend to no end because I participated in a fatal game...

Yeah... Not a good idea.

"Dev and I had an interesting chat."


"Oh?" I stammered, my voice shaking slightly. "About what?"

"About how you encountered Cliff the first time."

Wait... Did Dev...?

Did he tell Chad I had superpowers? That I was being hunted by the Avatar of Death!? Or that at one time, he was a werewolf and we had sex like horny wild animals in the woods far to the north of the country!?

"Why didn't you tell me, Jake?" Cliff asked softly. "I could've protected you..."

Wait... What...?

"You should've told me about Cliff earlier," he continued. "I know he's a Virulent Viper and your boyfriend in high school but you're just an author, Jake. In the real world, the pen is not mightier than the sword."

"Depends on what 'sword' you're talking about."

That only caused Chad to worry. "You're making jokes... That bad, huh?"

He didn't know...

Another sigh of relief.

"Yeah... Pretty bad. I mean... I just killed people Chad... I know I didn't intend to but, I did. No matter how you spin it, no matter how Alexiel twists it around thanks to his epic lawyer powers... I killed people. I also can be blamed for the deaths of those innocent people who were just staffing the Stadium..."

"It's not your fault, Jake..." Chad answered softly, resting a paw on my shoulder and squeezing tightly. "If anything... Blame Cliff." He locked gazes with me. "We'll find him, Jake. Trust me. We'll find him."

No Chad... No you won't.

Cliff was after me but he knew me.

You won't find him, Chad.

He'll_find _you.

And then...

While his eyes are on you, I'll stab his cold, black heart from behind.

No jokes about 'coming from behind'.

Chapter 4.1: Ball Game

Wolfhome Apartments

It was hard getting out of bed the following day.

I think it was actually about six in the evening before I snapped out of my daze. Not sure what the time was exactly but I knew the sun was about halfway down the horizon.

Cliff's words continued to haunt me.

"Because you know what I look like. You and your boyfriend. As far as the authorities know, I'm 'Claymore'. I can't have them breathing down my neck."

My 'boyfriend'...

He wasn't referring to Chad... He was talking about Devlin.

Cliff didn't know about Chad yet but he will soon.

And that meant, he would be after two people in my life. I wasn't worried about my mom or dad. My mom could take care of herself. My dad... he couldn't and that was the hazard.

Throughout the rest of the day after my release from the station, I had just paced in my room fretting over what I would do. All the calls I got from my parents I had ignored completely and utterly. Calls from Chad and Dev I picked up, of course. Alexiel called once to check if I was okay but I suspected that was because my parents pressured him into it.

The fact remained that Dev and Chad were vulnerable.

I needed to find a way to defend them.

Chad wasn't that much of an issue. He was too high-profile to be attacked. If he was kidnapped, the whole world would be looking for him.

For Dev, however...

What was I going to do?

Maybe I could dump Dev in some radioactive waste and he'll get superpowers from that. Might even enlarge a couple of things.


And that was another thing that was irritating me to no end.

I still had to tell Chad that Devlin was officially petitioning for my affection and there was a spark there that was there because I wanted it to be there. More than once, I wondered what would happen if Dev, Chad and I got into a polygamous relationship. I mean, wasn't it possible to love more than one person?

New age, right?

I sat up, regarded the mirror at the foot of my bed... and watched me slap myself.

That had to be the stupidest idea I've ever had.

Polygamous relationship my ass... Like that would ever happened. Sure it would seem nice and all but what would people say? Bad enough we were gay but that the three of us were 'gay together'?

It's a straight man's world, after all.

If a straight man had multiple wives, it probably wasn't a problem. Rillotia was quite 'liberal' in that aspect. But if we switched 'wife' with 'husband' then suddenly, it's a case of 'you can have one but not the other'.

Or was it...?

Who was to say that I couldn't be one of the big revolutionists? I mean, maybe there was something to be learned from Cliff's tragic life. Maybe Chad, Devlin and I could make a very respectable career for ourselves and then, when things were at their brightest and our deeds outstripped the potential fallout of being outed as gay and having multiple mates, we could come out. Our courage in the face of an otherwise cruel world would inspire countless people and maybe we'd start a revolution.

Though... How would the protestors protest...?

By having a massive 'loving orgy' in front of parliament...?

I shook my head free of those thoughts.

I was getting very side tracked and my imagination was running away with me yet again. I brought myself back down to reality, back to the source of the all the problems.

It wasn't Cliff.

No. What worried me was this relationship with Dev and Chad. I had to sort out a way to deal with them both. I had to find a way to protect them both. Doing that was impossible if I didn't have their trust. As it stood, I didn't completely trust Dev but he knew things about me that Chad didn't whom I trusted completely.

So... I needed a solution.

I jumped off my bed and snatched up my phone. There was a big, red message on the screen stating that it's memory was full and advised me to delete a couple of messages. I checked my inbox and found at least two thousand unread messages there. All from my mom. Some were from Chad and Dev. It made me wonder why my mom didn't just come and talk to me. She did have superpowers after all.

I deleted the contents of my inbox and composed a new message.

All I wrote was, 'De'Chappellion. 15 minutes.'


With that in mind, I quickly seized a jacket and hurried out the door. The streets were a blur. My shoes soaked into the puddles that were left behind by the morning rain. No one bumped into me this time and there certainly weren't any jerks driving too close to the curb to purposefully splash pedestrians with water collecting in the gutters.

The café wasn't as crowded the other times I had been here. The doorman was still there to take my coat and I ordered my usual as I took up my usual seat next to the window.

Five minutes to go.

Part of me worried that Cliff might decide that now was the perfect time to act. Doubtful, though. He was far from stupid and to act now in the fallout of his first attack would surely bring hell down onto his head. If the RBI wasn't already on his case, they would be if he dared to poke his head out again. Besides, he represented the Dark Nexus not just the Virulent Vipers or himself. If he acted without their consent or if he got caught, the entire world would have their eyes on the underground VRCSs league.

The only thing keeping the government from really cracking down on the Dark Nexus were 'other' issues.

What those 'issues' were, was up to the public to decide.


Dev strode up to me, gently shoving aside woman as he made his way towards me. He sat down in the seat opposite and regarded me with his icy-blue eyes. The way his eyes seemed to be like blue searchlights and the crease in his muzzle told me he was worried about me, searching for mental trauma.

The only trauma I was experiencing was the fact that two hot guys were constantly bouncing around in my brain fighting one another with their 'swords' only to proceed into a crazy, cum-filled sex romp that exploded into the word 'Polygamy'.

Seriously, a hot up-and-coming football star and a movie star?

I was going to be 'star-studded'.

Get it? Because they're both stars and studs?


I was joking to myself now... Things were bad...

Can't... help it though...

Okay, one more.

They're both stars and at one point or another, I am going to suck their rocket ships into my black hole.

"Jake? You okay?" Dev asked, waving a paw in front of my face.

I nodded slowly, imagining two red rockets diving into a black hole... then activating their thrusters, pulling out only to be pulled back in again.

"Fine," I grunted, shuffling in my seat uncomfortably. I hoped he didn't see my rising boner. "Listen, Dev, I need to talk to you... about -"

"Hey! Dev!"

I jumped and turned when a squat, broad-shouldered lion came bounding up to us, literally shouldering his way through the crowd. He looked like a tank covered in fur with a head screwed on top. His golden-brown mane was tied back in a ponytail behind his head while rest tumbled down over his overly strained shirt. The lettered jacket he wore was just like Dev's only he had the word 'captain' over his breast pocket.


Dev's team captain!?


Did he come out to the team? Was he going to go through the exact same treatment that had turned Cliff into a bitter, homicidal lunatic!?

"Hey Bosch."

Captain Bosch gave Dev a playful slap to the back of the head with a large, broad paw. "That's sir to you, boy." Warm, welcoming, watery eyes shifted over to me. Sharp fangs peeled open in a grin. "So, you the guy our resident star is eyeing?"


I blushed under my black fur. "Um... I guess so..."

"Good luck trying to get away from this one then," the captain laughed, clapping Dev's shoulder. "See, when he always keeps his eyes on the ball and whenever he grabs a hold of it, he never lets go."


All sorts of imagery replaced by rocket ship plunging into a black hole.

"Um... So you know...?" I muttered.

"Oh course I know!" the lion laughed. The light danced of strands of silvery fur in his mane. "I wouldn't be much of a captain if I didn't." He gave me a big toothy grin and winked at me. "Anyway, I know what it's like." With a playful nudge towards Dev, he said, "Lots of testosterone running around in college, you know."

My jaw slowly dropped open. "You're gay?"

"Oh hell no!" Captain Bosch laughed, holding his paws in the air. "I'm happily married! Got two kids! Both boys! Both growing up to be big, footballers!"

Yarf... Now that was a temptation...

Suddenly, the lion leaned towards me, fangs bared in a rather sadistic smile and claw pointed at my nose. "And if you ever mention the fact that I sucked cock in college or that I'm in a gay café right now to anyone, especially my wife, I swear to you right now, I'll hunt you down, rip off your tail, shove it up your ass and then pull it out eyes!"

... eep...

"I won't breathe a word," I answered, lifting my paw in a solemn vow.

Bosch straightened and grinned. "Great! Dev," he began, turning back towards the bigger wolf, "some of the guys are heading off to the bar across the street for a last round of drinks before the big game in two days. They're asking where you went off to."

Dev's ears flattened against his head and he ducked slightly. A soft growl escaped him as he said, "Damn... Can't you just tell them that I'm busy?"

"Doing what?" Bosch laughed. "Trying to steal some other guy's boyfriend for your own? Come on, Dev. You wanna earn their respect, you gotta reject their offer head on. Tell them yourself. Show them your balls and compare cocks if you have to. Just don't tell them! Show them!"

Don't show them!

Show me!

Show me your balls!

And your cock too!

For some reason, I imagined Dev holding out a football in one paw and a rooster in the other.

A long sigh escaped Dev and reluctantly pushed himself away from the table. "Alright..." His apologetic gaze said it all. "Sorry Jake... I gotta take care of this. I'll be back. Don't leave."

"Not planning to," I answered simply.

Not when my cock was straining my pants.

Dev left with Bosch, leaving me pondering their relationship. I had to take a long drink from my rapidly cooling hot chocolate to get my mind off Dev showing his fellow football players his cock and balls. Not to mention Bosch being there to support him from behind.

Gah! The innuendo!


What an interesting coffee stain... The staff needs to get their table clothes cleaned more thoroughly.


Chad stood over me, looking puzzled. I returned the look. Standing beside him, looking down her long, thin muzzle at me. She didn't look at all pleased to see me and the way her arm was wrapped tightly around Chad's belied a possessive nature.

"Is this him?" she asked with barely hidden distain. One of her meticulously maintained eyebrows rose as she appraised me. Her eyes seemed quite focused on soaked cuffs of my jeans. "A world-famous author and you walk in the rain? What happened to your chauffeur? Where is your limo? Where's your car?"

I had to hold myself from saying 'Where are your manners?'

"Unfortunately, an author's wages don't allow for such luxuries," I answered, rising to me feet and offering her my paw. "Hi, I'm Jacob Reaper."

"I already know who you are," she answered, turning her muzzle away from me and towards Chad. Her lips twisted upwards in what appeared to be half a smile and half a smirk. "If we're exchanging pleasantries, I am Linda Deumont."

A vein twitched on Chad's forehead. "Lin honey," he said in an obviously strained voice, "would you mind getting me a cup of coffee? I've been parched since today's shoot."

"The shoot you cut short because of Mr. Reaper's insistence?" she asked. "Oh you must be. A pity we had to cut it short before our dinner reservations. I had so hoped we could enjoy the world-famous escargot at the Shining Stone restaurant. You would've enjoyed some delicious wines there."

Funny thing. Chad hated wine. Beer, yes. Wine, no.

If you knew him better, you'd know that.


"The coffee?" Chad insisted.

"Of course, dear." She slipped her arm slowly from his, making an effort to brush her long, thick tail against his leg before wandering off. Auburn hair flicked towards me, slapping my paw a little since I still had it extended. With what must have been her most sultry walk, she wandered over to the cashier, pushing past countless others and announcing loudly who she was.

"You didn't bring a limo, did you?" Chad asked.

"I don't have a limo," I answered, lowering my paw.

"Pity. I would so have loved to run her over with it. Better yet..." He gave me a big grin. "Why don't we invest in a truck? A nice eighteen wheeler?"

I chuckled and sat back down, enjoying the mental image of that weasel literally becoming road kill.

I pushed my hot chocolate across the table but Chad refused. "What's her deal anyway?"

"She's my co-star," he answered, rolling his eyes. "A bloody diva if I ever saw one. Pity she's a well-established actor. Got a billion dollar mansion somewhere up in Lontrea. She styles herself as my 'mentor'." He made air-quotes. "Thinks that if I follow her advice, I'll 'make it big'." He shook his head, the frustration rolling off him in waves. "Trust me, the things she does..."

A sigh escaped his lips as he propped himself up on one paw. "Jake... it is my solemn opinion that actors only get rich because they act like bitches and bastards, delay production even more and thus get paid for the overtime."

"A reason I like writing instead," I answered, taking a sip from my hot chocolate. I only tasted air and the faintest hint of chocolate. As I set down the mug, I said, "Does she know?"

"I'm guessing she suspects." Chad cast his gaze towards the cashier. There was a loud splash and Linda's screeching. The poor tabby at the counter was soaked in boiling hot coffee, yelping and trying to stand his ground as he slowly marinated in the processed beans and milk. "De'Chappellion is subtle but Linda is annoyingly observant. I'm gonna bet she's going to start trying to emphasise being 'straight' next as part of her lectures."

"You're not taking her seriously, are you?"

He gave me a sidewards smirk. "Jake, there are two kinds of actors out there. Those who make you wait and those that you wait for. I'm the latter."

And you really are worth the wait, Chad.

Too bad so was Dev.

I hoped he'd get back soon. I needed to confront them both.

"So I what's with the whole cloak and dagger deal?" Chad asked, a worried smile on his features. "You message wasn't very clear..."

"Well, I -"


A coffee mug landed in front of Chad.

"I'm sorry, dear," Linda said, placing her paw on her rather large hip. "The coffee here is terrible. Nothing is imported! All 'homebrewed'. Bah! Next time, we simply must go to Triumph. They have the best coffees. Brought in from Atlas."

I was starting to become irritated at her tendency to emphasise every second word. Overacting was one thing but what did it say about a person when they weren't in front of a camera and still acting like a ham?

She sat down beside Chad, seizing his paw fiercely, almost possessively. "You simply must try their Golden Brew. It is rumoured to be the best coffee in the world."

I bet she was hoping neither of us had heard of the Golden Brew. A quick glance at Chad told me my husky hadn't heard about it.

"I heard of the Golden Brew," I piped up.

"Of course you have," she answered, waving at me absently while trying to keep eye contact with Chad. "One simply must keep one's eyes on the truly luxurious and expensive if one is to set pull one's self from the slums."

Did she just call me poor?

"You have?" Chad asked, completely ignoring her and forcing a smile. I could tell by the slight baring of his teeth that his smile came easier with imagery of Linda's gruesome death.

"Yeah," I answered. "It's -"

"A delicious cup," Linda interrupted, causing my left eye to twitch in agitation. "They take only the greatest of coffee beans, paw-picked from countless others, process them with the finest machinery and then brew it in specially made processors. Afterwards, they take only the best milk, swirl it in with the brew before frothing some more and adding it. Then, they take gold flakes, sprinkle it on top and then add a showering of diamonds!"

I would imagine diamonds would be a rather nasty surprise in one's coffee.

Chad didn't look impressed.

Wait until I dropped my bomb.

"You forgot to mention where the beans come from," I added.

Linda flinched, her hazel eyes flicking towards me. While her smile remained in place, perfect and almost mask-like, her eyes were warning lights.

I dared.

"The beans are actually eaten by a species of feral fruit bats," I said, keeping an innocent smile on Chad and watching for his reaction. So far, he looked surprised. "Then, the bats poop them out." His smile faded and he looked more... stunned than anything else. "Afterwards, the workers 'paw-pick' the beans which haven't been digested out of the guano."

Chad reeled back. "Ew! Gross! Are you serious!?" He flicked his gaze at Linda. "Is he serious!?"

The weasel didn't move.

Eat that and poop it out to be processed, Linda Deumont!

Better yet...

...Eat shit and die, bitch!


"No way am I drinking that," Chad said, visibly pulling away from Linda. "No amount of gold or diamonds can ever make me drink coffee that came out of someone's ass! I am never going to let anything from anyone's ass come anywhere near my lips!"

Linda took a moment to compose herself but it was clear with how rigidly her shoulders were set back that she was contemplating my demise. "Very well. We shall not have the expensive cup of coffee that all celebrities drink. Far be it for me to judge what makes a good cup."

Her venomous stare turned to me. "Seeing as you know so much about the dining of the rich and famous, Mr. Reaper, what say you come on set and dine with us some time?"

It was a trap.

I knew it.

But getting to see Chad actually at work?

I was tempted to ask if there was going to be a shirtless scene.

"Sure!" I replied eagerly, my tail agreeing. "When and where?"

Her grin told me I had just fallen into her trap. "Three days from now. Chadstone will give you the address. Won't you, Chadstone?"

Chad didn't look at all that pleased. His claws were actually digging into the wooden frame of the table. "Of course," he answered stiffly.

"Perfect." She rose, a sinister smile plastered on her face. Oddly enough, that smile seemed to fit her best. "Now then, I believe we have lingered long enough. I will see you outside, Chadstone. My I entreat you for a_ride_ back to the hotel?"

"Can't you take a cab?" Chad asked, barely getting the words out between his fangs.

"Oh dear," she said with an exaggerated gasp, "surely you would not entrust a delicate flower such as myself to ride in the filthy, vomit-strewn sets of a cab?"

I really hate her.

"Fine," Chad muttered. "Wait for my outside."

"It is dreadfully cold..."

"Take my coat then," my husky growled, nearing the end of his patience.

"A gentleman -"

I sensed Chad about to break so I decided to act.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, shading my eyes and gazing out the exit. "Is that multi-award winning actor, director, producer, writer and recently divorced Laurence Tims?"

You know that old song 'Pop goes the weasel'?

Yeah, Linda just went 'pop'.

I barely heard her say something along the lines of 'OhlookatthetimeseeyouatthesetChadstone' before bolting out the revolving doors. Her last words were a very loud, very exaggerated, 'Oh Lauuuurence!'

I had to giggle that that.

"You know that eighteen wheeler we talked about?" Chad asked, his fangs still bared. "Can I trade it in for a train? Twelve carriages?"

I laughed and pulled my seat across the table so I could warp my arms around him. "Aw, don't worry about her. She's a bitch but you don't have to worry about her getting under my skin." I giggled and licked his cheek. He tasted nice. "It's you I pity."

"You don't get it, Jake," Chad said, holding my paw tightly. "That day you agreed to come to our set? That's the day when we're supposed to film the sex scene."


Uh... the sex scene...?

"That's right, Jake," he said, as if reading my mind. "The sex scene. As in me and her... naked... Roiling and coiling, moaning and groaning. Kissing."


Next time I saw that weasel, I intended to pin her down, connect her to a vat of boiling semen and pump her full of gooey, white vengeance to the point she would 'popped' in a violent explosion of blood, guts and cum.

That was my new definition of 'pop goes the weasel'.

And the horrible thing was, I couldn't back down now.

If I did, I would lose ground to her and there was no way I was going to lose ground to that bitch.

"Would the crew mind if I joined in?" I asked, giving Chad a shaky smile.

"Jake..." he answered, regarding me seriously. "Are you sure you can take that kind of thing?"

Ultimately, it was something I would have to get used to. Chad was an actor and as he grew older and sexier, he was going to be called upon to do the nasty in front of a camera. If I wasn't comfortable with that, then it was probably a bad idea to be dating an actor.

I certainly couldn't ask Chad to quit his dream job just for me either.

"I'll have to get used to it, I guess," I answered with a slow nod.

"You don't have to," he answered, gripping my paws tightly. "At least not yet, anyway. Tell you what, I'll see if I can convince Linda to put it off. Maybe we can film something else on that day." He leaned over, gave me a quick peck on the cheek and stood up. "Stay here, I'll be right back."

My mind when a bit numb from the touch of his lips. I think I gave him an affirmative at one point but the only time I regained my senses was when I saw his curled tail slip out of my view.

And I still hadn't talked to him about Dev yet.



"Heeeeey! Jakie!"


Dev - clearly drunk off his ass - pressed himself against the window, lips puckered, shirt lost to who knows where and his cock peaking out of his pants!

"Holy hell!"

I wouldn't have moved faster if I had teleported to Dev. I bolted out of De'Chappellion and bolted straight for him. I practically tackled him to the ground, pulling him away from the window. We hit the wet ground hard, water splashing around us. Thankfully, it was that time of day just after people got off work so no one was on the streets... yet.

"Dev! What the hell are you doing!?"

He gave me a goofy grin, one eye partially shut and his words heavily slurred. "I loooove you, Jake..." Suddenly, his big arms seized me and pulled me against his chest. The hard cushion of his pecs was nice and so was the throbbing, hot sausage between poking my belt. "I really love youuuuu..."

"Yarf!" I cried, muffled by his fur. I tried to struggle free but somehow, beer had given him supernatural strength!

I was pinned down!


Oh no... Please no...

Dev let go of me just enough that I could look up and see Chad standing a few feet away, looking shocked.


"Heeeeey..." Dev giggled, seizing the cuff of my neck. With surprising strength, he managed to get up - albeit shakily - and hold me up like a ragdoll or a pup. "You want this, hot stuff?"

"Devlin... Are you drunk...?" Chad asked, approaching warily.

"Nope!" Dev answered, giggling idiotically. "I'm wasted!"

"Chad... If you love me," I began, "save me."

"You know what we all need?" Dev announced, staggering towards Chad. "A drink!"

"Dev -"

Before either Chad or I could do or say anything, he seized Chad around the waist and hauled him over his shoulder! With one arm! I struggled and tried to break free but he just did the same to me! Both Chad and I were suddenly riding on his shoulders like a pair of wild dogs hunted for our pelts!

"I can't -" Chad stammered.

"I think he has superpowers," I joked as the noise of the bar began to rise. "Beer makes him super strong."

Dev suddenly burst into the bar, kicking down the door and letting out a loud bellow. Everyone in the bar turned, cheered and raised their mugs.

"I'm baaaaaack!" Dev shouted.

My rear slammed hard against a bar stool and Dev spun both Chad and I towards a the barman.

"Get them a good, hard pint!" the footballer shouted.

"No, really -" I began but suddenly, there was a tall, frothy one sitting in front of me. Naturally, I couldn't get drunk. Supernatural regeneration processed the alcohol really quickly. It just meant that I had to go to the toilet more often.

To my horror, Chad picked up his mug.


My husky shrugged, brown eyes filled with mirth. "Hey, he's paying, right? What's one drink?"

Chapter 4.2: Love Triangle... Emphasis on 'Love'

Devlin's Apartment

One drink my ass.

Dev was already royally wasted and Chad... Well, Chad drank a lot in a short amount of time. Admittedly, some of the shenanigans that those two got into while inebriated was quite funny. I found out that Dev lost his shirt because at one point, he fancied himself a feral and tore it off his chest. Chad tried to do the same but couldn't tear into the fabric.

They wrestled a bit too.

That was hot.

But, when the bartender told me that I had better get them home before they hurt someone or each other, I took the keys from Chad's pocket, found his car and began driving.

Now, remember how Chad's sports car is a two seater?

Well, the two drunk babies had to share a seat.

Worst, idea ever.

Both of them were wasted and for some reason, that translated to 'horny'.

Halfway through the trip, they were fondling each other.

Fondling evolved to seductive touching.

Seductive touching evolved into dirty talking and suggestive gestures.

That... went into kissing.

The GPS told me I was 'at my destination' just as the two were about to tear at each other's pants.

I jumped out of the car, taking a breath of fresh air. The scent of sex, alcohol and man filled the entire car so the fresh, sea breeze was welcome.

A sea breeze?

I had been so focused on trying not to look at those two that I didn't even realise where I was going.

I realised that the blasted GPS had led me straight into the warehouse district of Shellington. It was adjacent to Memorial Harbour where one of the ships that had somehow survived the shelling was stationed. Remember Shellington was named for the fact that the land still sported massive scars from when it had been bombed and shelled. There were countless memorials just like the Harbour around the city to commemorate those that had died and those that had survived.

For a long time, people had been petitioning the city to discontinue the actual functional use of the warehouses next to Memorial Harbour as it was 'unsightly' and 'too noisy'. There was no way Warehouse 13 was actually where Dev lived.

Was it...?

I checked the piece of paper that one of Dev's teammates had given me. He seemed the most sober of them all so I assumed it was right...

But I was in front of a warehouse...

"I'm hooooome!" Dev exclaimed, staggering out of the car. He giggled as he took one step at a time towards the side door.

Chad lurched out of the car and landed face flat on the asphalt.

He's going to feel that in the morning.

Casting my gaze from Chad to Devlin, I prioritised Chad and quickly picked him up. He was halfway to blissful slumber when I draped his arm over my shoulder and rushed after Dev. The last thing I wanted was for Dev to be arrested for trespassing and drunken misdemeanours two nights before his first game.

"Dev -"

The big footballer slipped his keys into the keyhole and gave the knob a twist.

The door opened.


Curious, I followed Devlin into the warehouse.

Lights flickered on.

A vast, relatively empty space unfurled in front of me. It was like looking at a complete house without any walls. A kitchen stood to my left directly adjacent to a dining area. There was a lounge with a TV and several game consoles strewn not too far away. Most of the warehouse was actually taken up by various gym equipment. Probably thousands word in gym equipment. Bench press, a whole rack of dumbbells, treadmills, lateral pull down machines and basically every form of lifting equipment was made available, strewn across the concrete floor of the warehouse.

I guessed that the stairway leading up to the offices of the warehouse was probably where Dev had his study and bedroom.

Damn... Dev was living in a warehouse.

And it looked like a good life too.

Colour me jealous.

"You live here, Dev?" I asked baffled.

"'Course!" the bigger wolf replied, heading over to the kitchen. He was losing his stagger slowly. Still, I had to set down a slumbering Chad on the couch so I could help him pour water into a kettle. "This place is nice and cheap, ya know."

Not exactly the best architecture and probably was hell during winter considering how cold it could get. Plus, the government was eager to sell it off so it wasn't actually a warehouse. I imagined Dev might've gotten this place for a bargain.

"Anyone else living in this area?"

"Just me right now," the big wolf answered, pouring too much coffee into a mug. I had to scoop some out. "Gets kinda lonely though." He suddenly collapsed slightly onto my shoulder, his muzzle resting against my neck. "Wish you were living here..."

Might not be a bad idea actually... Seriously, I may have outgrown my apartment...

"Maybe I'll visit sometimes."

"You can use my gym stuff..." His eyes suddenly snapped open, bright and awake. "I gotta show you how much I can press!"

I seized his shoulder. "Dev, no. You're drunk. No bench pressing."

"Aww! Come on! I can do 300 if I'm feeling really good!" He flexed his huge biceps, veins pumping against those large mounds. "And I'm feeling great!"

My phone rang.

Goddamnit. Was today the day of interruptions!?

I checked my phone.

In the past few hours alone, my phone had once again been overloaded with messages and it was complaining about lack of space.

Whatever it was, my mom was urgently trying to call me.

I poked Dev's chest. "Okay, we'll do some bench pressed. But you have got to promise me you won't do it without a spotter, okay?"

"Ooookay," he whined. "I'll wait."

"Good boy."

I quickly headed out the door, shutting it behind me and brought the phone to my ears.


"Finally! Jacob Samuel Reaper, what is the purpose of having a phone when you don't answer it!?"

"Hi mom."

I stepped a little further away from the door. Chad may be asleep but people had the annoying ability to remember things that they shouldn't. The last thing I wanted was for Chad to overhear me talking about Seals, manipulation of gravity and superpowers.

My mom's tone suddenly turned very serious. "Jacob, what are you going to do about Dev?"

I winced. "Mom... I'm trying to get to that... I... I want to let him off easy -"

"No! For the love of god, no! You've got to keep him close!"

Shocked, I held my phone out at arm's length. Was that my mother? "Um... What?"

"Jacob, don't you remember what Cliff said? You and Devlin know his face and he can't let you go off that easily. Yes, you told the police but all records of Cliff Thornton have been erased from public records!"

My blood ran cold. "...What...?"

"There are no school records. No birth certificate. Not even any record of him ever_being in the soccer league. Jacob... It's like he never existed."_

"What about his mom? His dad?"

"We've tried talking to them, Jacob. But they've denied any knowledge of Cliff. Their story is consistent too and from what I can see, it's like they genuinely_believe what they're saying. I'm either voting for memory alteration or..."_

"They genuinely forgot..." I murmured, a touch of sadness echoing in my heart. "Cliff..."

"You know what this means, don't you, Jacob?"

A slow nod was my answer. Then I realised she couldn't see that. "Yeah... It means that right now, only Dev and I know what Cliff looks like and his connections to the Dark Nexus. He'll be after us. We're the last ties he has."

"Right. I don't know what you were planning tonight, Jacob, but whatever it is, you cannot_lose sight of Devlin. We're working with government officials right now. We're putting Devlin under surveillance. We know you can take care of yourself but if Cliff or_ anyone_tries to attack him, we've got him covered. Still, it's best to be safe."_

I agreed. Devlin's life was at risk now... but that put a hamper on my plans. How could I tell him I was effectively choosing Chad over him without pushing him away?

Not that I could actually do that anyway. He was drunk off his ass. No doubt, tomorrow, he'd have forgotten the whole ordeal, put it off as some dream and be after my tail again.

This day didn't turn out very well...

"Alright... I'll keep Dev on a tight leash. He's got a game in two days. What's the plan there?"

"We'll monitor him. If you can get us tickets as well, that'll be good. I'd personally_like to keep an eye on him."_

Okay... So despite the fact she was aiming to protect Devlin... she still wanted to kill him.

Go figure.

"Um... Alright..."

"Jacob, one another thing."


"Remember how the battle records basically only showed static?"

My heart began pumping in my chest. "Yes..."

"Your father tried running the static through some filters."

"Why would he do that?"

"Why does your father do anything_? Why did he decide it'd be a good idea to make a 'Pancake Cannon' and test it out in living room?"_

"Pancake Cannon?"

"Apparently, it's a prototype for his 'Penetration Cannon'."_There was a pause. _"It shoots dildos."

I made a sour face.

That's my dad...

"Um okay... Back to the filters?"

"I'm sending you an video."

My phone beeped. I ended the call briefly. There were two videos. I played the first. Just static for a good fifteen seconds.

Nothing special.

I played the second.


Flashing in front of the red-hued static were three concentric circles of arcane runes that I couldn't understand. Dancing at the centre of the circles was the symbol of a fist thrust upwards to meet grip a broken blade.

A Seal.

I rang my mom straight back.

"A Seal..." I breathed.

"Your father theorises that the Seal somehow can materialise the holographic objects inside a VRCSs into reality. Why it showed up on the battle records, we don't know. It wasn't on the security cameras. He thinks that it might be like a 'virus' in the national VRCSs league's network."

The official VRCSs league of the world used an internet tracking system to keep the scores of everyone and maintain their statistics. It was an easy and effective way of keeping track of how many Customisation Points a person was allowed and also enabled trainers to make recordings of battles, get data on their foes and play it through by downloading those games. It also ensured that the league could update the game with new weapons, new fields, new armour and constantly keep the game improving.

"If it was in the network, then that would explain why it was on the battle records and not the security cameras."

"Right. But that's just a theory. It also explains why the wounds of those Vipers_you killed were consistent with the injuries you described."_

Normally, if the pain inhibitors were completely shut down and a person suffered 'death' inside a VRCSs game, they would either get knocked out, suffer an aneurism as blood is pumped into the one location of the body which was being 'tricked' into thinking there was severe bleeding there or simply go into cardiac arrest. Other than that, no beheadings or bullet wounds.

"Mom, you've got to tell someone."

"I already have, Jacob. I've got people watching every VRCSs game to make sure the Dark Nexus_doesn't get their paws in any of them. I've got the league scouring the network as well to make try and purge their influence._

"But on that note, no more games for you, got it?"

Problem was, I promised Dev a game...

I didn't want to back down of a bet especially since I was the one that proposed it...

An idea hit me.

"Mom, what if there is a simulator not connected to the network? Like the private one at home?"

"Jacob, that's still a risk..."

"I know but hear me out. What if we train Dev to better defend himself? It'll make things easier on us and if Cliff comes after us, he'll at least be able to put up a fight instead of die straight out."

There was a pause on the other end.


"What are you proposing?"

"Let me call you back with the details. Right now, I've got to take care of a drunk best friend and a comatose _boy_friend."

"Devlin drinks? I knew he's a bad influence. If we didn't have to defend him, I swear I'd force you to stay away from him."

Chuckling, I said, "Thanks mom. Later."

I hung up and stared at my phone for a little longer. That Seal haunted me.

Cliff... What have you gotten yourself into?

I tucked it away and turned back to the warehouse. I was considering staying with Dev tonight just to make sure he was alright. Chad wouldn't mind staying over too. Heck, he was completely knocked out.

An amusing though crossed my mind.

It would be somewhat hilarious if I stripped down Dev and Chad, had them jump into the same bed together and slept on the couch. I would wake up the next morning and hear one of them scream.

Still chuckling at the thought, I pushed open the door into Devlin's home...


... and screamed.

If all my fantasies, all my nightmares and all my fears and horny hopes came into reality at any moment... it would be now.

Because lying on the bench press, completely naked with his cock erect and in Chadstone West's muzzle was Devlin Rooks. Worse, he was pressing Chad! Dev gripped Chad's waist with his big, meaty paws while Chad returned the favour. Dev lowered the husky down before pushing up with all his might. Chad's muzzle would slide down Dev's cock just as his own dick entered Dev's. As he pushed up with his arms, a long trail of drool and precum hung from his lower lip.

"What the hell!?" I cried.

Dev peered past Chad's cock, his eyes clearer and a big grin on his face. "Hey, Jake. I found a spotter." His slurring was gone.

Was he even ever drunk?

"Chad!?" I exclaimed.

My boyfriend looked up at me, a big grin on his muzzle. "Aww, come on. Don't tell me you haven't fantasized about this very thing."

He wasn't slurring either!

Neither of them were really drunk!

I remembered back in our first meeting, Chad had faked being drunk when he first kissed me.

God-yarfing-damnit! I fell for it again!

They both got me!

"Neither of you were wasted!" I accused.

The two horny studs grinned at one another, looking past each other's hard cocks before they slipped off the bench press on either side. Dev wrapped an arm around Chad's shoulders and it didn't seem at all like a friendly hug. It was quite close... loving. Hell, Chad even returned the favour, groping Dev's ass before seizing his waist.

Oh god... They were leaving me... for each other!

What a way to find out!

"Nope," Chad admitted. "We had a nice long chat while you were gone." He winked at Devlin. "Turns out, we knew the other wasn't drunk and we picked up where we left off that day you got arrested."

I knew it!

They did talk about emotions and love while they were scrambling to pick me up!

How could I not see it!? A star footballer could never fall in love with a crummy writer and a rising actor would never let himself get begged down with me either. Footballers always dated movie stars and movie stars always loved footballers.

Hell, their rivalry is probably what brought them together...

I should be happy...

In fact... I am. I'm happy for both of them.

I felt like crying but in the end, I was happy that they both found love. I was actually quite relieved that I didn't have to deal with the stress of juggling both of them anymore...


I never realised that they had crossed the distance between us and had guided me over to the couch. They sat me down and sat down themselves, one on either side. At the moment, I felt numb... and cold. Somewhere deep inside me, there was that spark of happiness but it would take time before it could ignite fully.

"So... I realised Dev was more to you than just a best-friend-turned-bully-turned-best-friend-again," Chad said slowly. "So, when you were in danger of being sent to jail, we both had a long chat about our priorities. You."

To save me the pain of juggling both of you and suffering the agony of the love you both bore for one another, you decided to tell me straight away. What has it been? Twenty-four hours? Wow... These two had a lot more courage than I did.

"And I realised that it wasn't fair of me to try and steal you from someone who you clearly loved," Dev added.

"But you loved Dev too," Chad finished, smiling at the bigger wolf. "Just as much as you loved me though you weren't willing to admit it."

They saw right through me... Two of the people who knew me best saw right through me. I guess it shouldn't be much of a surprise that they found love in each other's arms.

"So we came to a conclusion," Dev said.

Something snapped inside me.

I shot to me feet and spun towards them angrily. "Just say it already! You love each other! Go get married already!" Darkness filled my vision. My eyes firmly shut to keep away the tears, I turned my head away and said, "Live happily with one another... and just leave me with my books..."


"Well... I wouldn't say we love each other... yet..."


My eyes sprang open, those tears flowing freely. Dev and Chad were staring at one another with a knowing smile that only couples shared.

"Dev is big and tough but he's also sensitive, energetic and he's one hell of a kisser," Chad snickered.

"And you," Dev chuckled, poking Chad's chest, "have got a great bod, smarts and funny."

I know... I know. That's what I saw in both of you...

"But you, Jake," Chad said, turning his gaze towards me, a big smile on his face. "You're tough, sensitive, energetic and when you kiss me, the earth moves for me."

"Let's not forget you've got abs," Dev laughed, letting out a loud 'woof'. "Plus you're smarter than this dumbass" - he hiked a thumb at Chad - "not to mention, I love it when you yarf."

Chad gave him a shove for that dumbass comment.

The cogs weren't moving in my head. The ancient computer in my brain was giving an 'Unable to Process Information' Error.

"What are you two saying?" I demanded.

Dev and Chad - at the same time - reached for one another, gripping one another's paws. Then, again at the same time, they reached out and offered their remaining paws to me.

"We're saying," Chad said, "that we'd really like for all three of us to be in a relationship. A polygamous relationship."


That error in my head?

Yeah, it turned into 'Overload'.

"What!?" I demanded. "Are you two completely nuts!?" I took a step back away from them. "We're gay but going into a three-way relationship!? How is that going to work!? Has it ever worked!?"

Chad shrugged, lowering his paw. "Who knows? We can make it work."

"It won't work!" I snapped back. "It's impossible!"


"Because marriage between two people is equal," I countered, going into debater-mode. "It's easy that way because you only have one person whom you can devote your life to! But when it comes to a three-way relationship, mortal nature dictates that at one point or another, someone will be favoured over the other!

"That's why siblings fight! That's why puppies fight for their mom's biggest tit! That's why religions send crusades against one another and massacre countless people all in the name of their 'god'! Because 'three is a crowd'!"

"And yet we live in a society of more than three people," Chad answered coolly. "But it works."

"We don't love those people. We tolerate them!"

"So doesn't that mean the love between us will be better?"

"Who says I love you!?"

Stupid thing to say.

Stupid, stupid thing to say.

I did love them... I loved them both so dearly... There, I admitted it.

I love Chadstone West.

I love Devlin Rooks.

The circumstances of both affections were different but in the grand scheme of things, I couldn't live without either of them in my life.

"Do you?" Dev asked. "Love us I mean."

My lips quivered and I couldn't reply."

Dev, beaming said, "I mean, come on, Jake. We're man enough to admit that we can't live without you but we respect each other too much to force one or the other to go without you. So... Why not have a three way?"

"Why not!?" I repeated incredulously, suddenly finding my voice. "Why not!?"


Actually... Why not?

Rillotia didn't mind polygamy. With native Rillotias being canines, polygamy spawned from early practices with the 'packs' of ancient times. It was still recognised today though not very many people practiced it. I guess instead of calling it 'polygamy', we could call it a 'gay pack'. Would anyone really mind that?

I mean, with our combined reputations on the rise, maybe we could make that push for gay rights...


"I don't know..." I murmured, slowly slinking over to them. "Just... It's weird to me... To be fair, Dev, I was going to tell you tonight that I was going to choose Chad over you."

"I figured as much," Chad answered. "But the last thing I want to do is to hurt you Jacob. I never wanted you to have to choose between us. Especially not when Dev means so much to you."

Dev nodded. "Same goes for me. To be honest, I was just lonely. Big empty warehouse and all." He laughed nervously. "I mean, when I saw you again, I guess my heart just jumped. I wanted to be with you Jake... I never really meant to steal you away from Chad... I just wanted someone to love me..."

My next words came tumbling out without my consent.

"I love you..." I turned my gaze to Chad. "I love you both..."

I offered them my paws.

They seized them.

And suddenly... everything as right with the world. There was a degree of balance for the first time in my life. Dev in one arm... and Chad in the other. Imagining myself walking down the aisle with them waiting at the altar made my heart skip... and my cock jump.

"I think he approves," Chad sniggered.

"Oh I do."

"I wasn't talking to, you Jake." He pointed at my cock.

I blushed.

Suddenly, I found myself being yanked onto the couch, landing on Dev's hard chest with a faint whump. Dev's 10 inch cock was hard again. Though... was it ever soft. I felt a soft wetness on against the small of my back and Chad's warm arms wrap around my waist.

"Shall we consummate our newfound love?" Chad whispered.

"Big words..." Dev groaned.

I translated for him. "Fuck me."

His grin was all I needed.

I lunged for his neck, feeling his veins pumping blood into those iron-hard, corded muscles. My paws rolled up the mountains of his abs, one by one feeling them against my palms until I found the titanic, muscular hills of his pecs. I gave them a tight squeeze. Dev moaned softly. I felt his left pec bounce... then his right. He gave a soft grunt with ever bounce and I found myself echoing his soft cries.

So sexy...

I turned my tongue away from his neck, kissing a particularly large vein that ran from his neck and over his shoulder. The muscle there was even harder than his neck. He curled his arm upwards and flexed for me. I cupped his bulging triceps in my paws and ran my tongue over the thin fur on his biceps. Minted lamb chops...


Chad's paws suddenly slid towards the buckles of my pants and swiftly took them off. I saw my belt fly over the couch and my pants quickly following afterwards. My cock, free of all confines, snaked its way up Dev's abs and poked at the rims of his pecs, the whole foot-long member drooling copious amounts of precum into the white crest on his chest. His own hard cock throbbed against mine in tandem with his bouncing pecs.

I felt Chad's warm paws seized my ass, squeezing them tightly. I pulled my head back and moaned softly as he rolled his paws down my thighs. Instinctively, I lifted my tail as his fingers traced the details of my legs. I slowly spread my legs wide, granting him access to my hole.

I buried my muzzle into Dev's armpit, sniffing at the thick fur there and getting a lungful of that minty, lamb smell.

God... Dev was just so... delicious.

Something wet and slick ran up my ass.

"Whoa!" I cried, pulling back with shock. I stared at Chad who was giving me a mischievous grin. "I thought you weren't ever going to let anything from anyone's ass touch your lips?"

"I never said anything about the ass itself, now did I?" my husky snickered.

He grabbed my tail and I watched him dive back down. His tongue, brushing up against the sensitive skin of my pucker. Hot fire rolled up my body, sending a burning shiver up my spine and shoulders. Long, slow licks brushed against my ass. With each one, the urge to have that hold stuffed with something hot, red and meaty rose and rose.

I let out a long, lustful grunt, grinding my cock into Dev's chest. My lips were suddenly very occupied with Dev's. This time, I offered no resistance, willingly pulling open my muzzle and letting him completely in. His kiss was soft, gentle and loving. Every time he drew breath through his muzzle, he pulled me closer and closer into him. I thrust my cock deep into his muzzle, sliding it over his long, flat tongue and running it over his fangs. Slowly, he pushed his tongue into my muzzle and we danced, twisting my muzzle left and right as he did exactly the same thing.

Something hard, pointed and dripping with precum pressed up against my ass. I pulled back, moaning in pleasure. I was completely lost for words. Chad found my familiar hole, slowly pushing himself into my and pushing my ass wide open.

Then he suddenly stopped.

I felt Dev tense beneath me and a gasp escape his lips. I could feel Chad's paws slide underneath me and seize Dev's cock. Knowing what he intended, I slowly slid a little further up above Dev's rock-hard body. About ten inches.

Once there was enough room, I felt another pointed, precum-coated tip pressing against my hole.

Pain shot up from my rear, causing me to gasp.

I had never been pulled open so much before... It reminded me of my first time...

And in a way... this was my first time...

My first time with two men I loved...

"YARF!" I snarled, gnashing my teeth together.

Dev held me closer and Chad leaned down, licking my neck. I could feel my husky's hard, developing body underneath his warm, fluffy fur. In the cold of the warehouse, it was like being wrapped in a blanket.

"Tell me if we're hurting you, okay Jake?"

"N - No..." I gasped, my breath condensing right in front of my muzzle. "Go... Go deeper... I... I want you both in me... God... I want you both!"

"Maybe we should save this for later?" Dev suggested. "When you're a little more loosened up? This could be practice?"

As a reply, I pushed myself down with a loud -


Both my mates... yes... they're my mates now... They both gasped in shock as I squeezed down hard on their combined cocks. I felt so full. Their dicks throbbed inside of me like a second heartbeat lower down in my body. Those canine rockets were pressing up against my prostate, pushing more and more precum out of my cock and staining Dev's chest.

Dev leaned in, brushed our lips together before sliding his tongue down towards my neck. He nibbled on my shoulder, making me constrict my ass around his cock. He bit down a little harder from the pleasure but continued his journey. Slowly, he propped us up, pushing me up so I was no longer pressed against his iron-hard body.

I missed the feeling of that chest that same instant.

But it was replaced with his muzzle wrapping tightly around my cock.

"YARF!" I cried, arching my back.

Dev's expert kissing technique worked well when sucking cock. He was gentle, no fangs at all. His tongue rolled all over the head of my cock, pulling it into his muzzle and taking long, deep sucks. He swallowed every drip of precum, making me shudder.

Chad began thrusting into my ass. Sensing the pace pick up, Dev back pumping into my ass as well. I could feel their knots forming and their furry balls slapping against my ass... God, I wanted them to cum in me...

I moaned... and I whimpered.

Chad's paws slid up to my chest, running up my abs and filling in that warmth I missed from being sandwiched against Dev. His right paw rolled up to my pecs, finding my right nipple and twisting it gently. I grunted, thrusting upwards and making Dev choke a little. Chad's left paw slid away from my belly and curled around the back of Dev's head.

In tandem with his thrusts, he pulled Dev back and forth onto my cock, grinning like a lunatic as we quickly worked into a rhythm.

Thrust, suck, thrust, suck...

Pressure was building deep in my balls. I could feel my semen churning for release. My knot bulged against the base of my foot-long member just as Dev and Chad's pleaded for entrance into my ass.

I threw my head back, crying out in lust.

I suddenly found Chad's lips around mine. He matched my desire, his tongue and mine rolling in our combined muzzles, hungrily yearning for one another. I curled one arm around his head, pulling him closer to me as I wrapped the other around Dev's broad, muscular shoulders.

The throbbing in my ass was getting faster and faster... I could feel that they were reaching their breaking point.

I had reached mine long ago but I was just barely holding on!

My voice rose several octaves, the gaps between each of my shrinking with every thrust they made. My ears rang with Chad's muffled cries and Dev's lustful moans.

We... We were almost there...

We... We...

That just sounded... so right!

Chad's right paw suddenly pulled away from my nipple and wrapped around the base of my cock.

He gave my knot a firm squeeze.


I ripped my muzzle away from his, arched my back and let out a long, lustful howl.

My whole body was wracked with spasms. The floodgates burst open and my cum erupted from my cock and shot straight down Dev's throat. My footballer gagged at first, snorting out some of my cum but he wrapped his lips firmly around my cock and drank the rest of the load.

I thrust upwards with at my second load.

Just as Chad tensed behind me. He threw his head back and joined my howl as his molten seed seeped into my ass. I heard a third, more gurgling howl fill my ears and Dev's cock twitched inside me. I suddenly felt bloated and yet so warm. Semen burst out from between my legs, sliding out of the miniscule gaps Chad and Dev's cock's left.

After my fifth shot, my howl down in my throat.

My regeneration couldn't keep up.

I felt completely wipe and I collapsed forward.

Dev pulled my cock out of my muzzle just in time so I didn't crush him. I landed firmly on his chest, a firm, muscular pillow. Chad's howl faded as well and he too collapsed against me.

And here I laid... sandwiched between two hot studs... two men that I loved... and two men, I realised, I couldn't live without.

So why not have them both?

I felt a small pressure against my right shoulder... then followed by one on my left.

Both Chad and Dev bit down softly...

A mating bite.

My mind swam... Instincts and cognitive functions all swirled into one big mess that came to one conclusion.

I had two mates.


Slowly, Chad and Dev - almost in tandem - pulled their muzzles away from my shoulder. Dev held on a little bit longer but the eventually collapsed against me.

All three of us sighed at the same time.

And I think, at the same time, we realised we were on the couch with no blanket and in a bitterly cold warehouse.

"Hey... What do you say we take this up to my room?" Dev suggested with a wink.

"I'm up for it," Chad sniggered a little tiredly. "Hell, we might just tie with Jake this time."

And what did I have to contribute to the discussion?


Third Arc Zero Street: Chapter 5

**Chapter 5.0: That's got to Hurt** **Devlin's Apartment** Some people feared the 'morning after'. Waking up next to the person you just wild, crazy sex with often threw a bolt of fear through their chests and cast doubt in their minds. My morning...

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New View Apartments: The Roof

**\*\*\*\*\*** **Disclaimer** This story contains fictional and visual acts of a homosexual nature particularly between men. It also involves the bizarre and transformations from humans to anthropomorphic creatures of an erotic nature. Therefore, if...

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Third Arc Zero Street: Chapter 3

**Chapter 3.0: Guilt Trip** **Wolfehome Apartments** It's a dream I've had very often. One that constantly haunts me both in the waking world and in the dreaming one. Crossing a dark corridor with not walls or boundaries, I was flanked by floating...

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