New View Apartments: The Roof

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#1 of New View Apartments



This story contains fictional and visual acts of a homosexual nature particularly between men. It also involves the bizarre and transformations from humans to anthropomorphic creatures of an erotic nature. Therefore, if you are not legally allowed to do read this or are in anyway offended by the content, please avert your eyes in the opposite direction and clear your browser history now. The author assumes no liability for the corruption of youth, unexpected homosexual desires or the eventual downfall of society.

Thanks and enjoy, comments are welcome.

Don't make a mess.


New View Apartments: The Roof

Ethan - the Survivor

New View Apartments - shortened to NVAps - was a relatively new apartment complex located in the middle of New York City. With the population exploding as it was and with space on Manhattan being so scarce, getting the permit to build a new apartment complex was tough and expensive as it was. But somehow, the owners of New View Apartments had managed it and Ethan Rhodes was one of the lucky guys that managed to snag a nice one-bedroom apartment all to himself on the first floor.

As part of the festivities involving the opening of NVAps, the building's owners were hosting a big gathering on the roof. It was a downright party. From what Ethan heard, the rest of the complex was more of like a multi-tiered mansion than anything else. There were dozens of rooms in each floor and each apartment was quite spacious. Even with the cluttered junk of his life, his room still had enough apartment for him to lie on the floor, toss the Styrofoam peanuts into the air and make 'Styrofoam-peanut-angels'.

But Ethan was never really much of a party person. At least not those kind of parties. The parties he attended were always family birthdays and the such. Strictly PG-13 even if he was in his mid-twenties. Alcohol was strictly only for politeness and he preferred to play with the kids instead of the listening to the stories of the adults.

That is, of course, until his self-appointed 'best friend', Kip Sterling came down and basically dragged him up the lifts to roof. Kip was apparently one of the building's owners. There was supposed to be six of them. A bunch of well-off real-estate developers who were just fresh out of college and had thought the investment on an apartment complex would be quite profitable especially when shared between them.

So, they bought the land, they built New View Apartments and lived in a floor each. All except for the sixth member of their little entrepreneur group who lived elsewhere. Apparently, though, he was coming in for the party.

Kip lived on the same floor as Ethan, basically filling in the role of the floor's manager or something. He was younger than Ethan - at least by three years or so - and had the bright-eyed, party-goers look about him. From all accounts, he was the money manager of the group and it was he who maintained the finances of NVAps.

Ethan was practically dragged out of his apartment by the co-owner and hauled into the pristine, clean, newly-built elevator.

"You're gonna love it!" Kip exclaimed, slapping his back heartily. "You'll get to meet everyone else on in the building and you'll rub shoulders with my best buds! Plus, there'll be beer!"

Yup, a party-goer indeed.

"Any babes?" Ethan asked tentatively.

Kip sighed, crossing his arms and shook his head very sullenly. "Sorry, bro. Total stag party. It was Shaun's idea. Just wants it a NVAps-only party."

Surprise was hard to hide for Ethan. "No girls are renting this place?"

"What do you expect when you hear that all the landlords are guys?" Kip replied helplessly. "And you know Carlos. Actually... you don't. But you will." Kip grinned broadly again. "Thing about Carlos is if it's got more up here," - he gestures at his chest - "less down here" - he gestured at his crotch - "and a whole lot around here" - he ran his hands down his sides, swaying his hips and making a sultry curve - "he'll be after it like a starved dog to a piece of raw steak."

Ethan couldn't help but laugh. He had met Carlos and the Hispanic with the thick moustache had seemed the most serious at the time of the interview. Who would've thought he'd be a total horndog?

The elevator binged and announced that they were 'going up' in a gentle, feminine voice. Probably the only woman in the whole apartment building. After six floors, it gave a loud beep followed by the doors opening. Like the gates of heaven opening, Ethan was dazzled by the lights of the party beyond. Music, laughter, conversation and loud splashes were heard from all directions as the party just started getting interesting.

"Wow..." he gasped. "Dang... This place is huge."

A pool sat at the very centre of the top floor flanked by the vaguely 'U-shaped' penthouse suite. Flanking it was a Jacuzzi which was already crowded. Guys of all shapes and sizes wandered broad, open space either half-naked or half-drenched. Off to his right, Ethan spied the bar where several guys were already totally wasted. To his left was what appeared to be the bedrooms which were wide and open to everyone. Glass planes separated each of the rooms from the outdoor 'courtyard' while solid walls and doors barricaded them from one another.

A guy's got to have his privacy, after all, right?

Directly in front of him, across the pool, was what appeared to be the entertainment room. Guys were rocking to the latest Guitar Hero or grooving it to Dance Dance Revolution. A couple of others were cheering pair who were playing some sort of boxing game.

Kip clapped his shoulder again. "Well! Go on man! Enjoy the festivities!"

"Wait!" Ethan exclaimed, spinning around. "Where are you going?"

The charming young co-owner smiled wearily. "I'm the guy that's gotta drag everyone up here, dude. Don't worry about me. Go on! Enjoy!"

Ethan was shoved out of the elevator and just like that, the doors shut and Kip was gone.

The noise of the party was inescapable and some unknown force caused Ethan to gravitate towards the bar.

Who knew? I might actually make some friends here...


Jack - the Party Animal

The party was totally wild.

According to how Liam had ordered the building constructed, it could house a good 100 people. 25 per floor excluding the penthouse where Liam, Kip, Jack and Mike lived. Dawson didn't live in the apartment though he helped pay for it.

The penthouse couldn't fit all 100 people - not that there were a 100 people living in New View Apartments yet - but Jack had envisioned this would be a party that would spill well into the other floors. The whole building would be jumping and bopping to the beat, free alcohol going around everywhere. It'd be a night to remember.

From an early stage, Jack had aimed to be the 'fun' co-owner. The guy that would always be open to his tenant's pleas and always there to help them out if and when they needed it. The one guy that was hard to piss off. Hell, he loved everyone. This party was his idea, after all.

He made a point to clasp his deeply tanned hand on the shoulders of each person that attended the party, making polite conversation and 'doing his rounds'. If anything the unnaturally blonde-haired young man with a swimmer's body was very social.

Beer in one hand and the other permanently shaking the hands of others, he was easily the guy everyone would know at the end of the party. If not for his easy-going million-dollar smile then the fact that he was only dressed in swimming trunks and showing off his rock-hard abs that you could grate cheese on.

Well... At least that was what he hoped.

One day, he constantly told himself, he was going to be remembered for something big.

This party was just the beginning.

It'll start with this party... but then, he'll get rich off the profits from this place. Of course, he'd be humble, give to charity and always make an effort to get to know people. Still, he'll be rich, people will remember him and maybe he could even become an American hero for something.

First manned mission to Mars?

Why not?

All Jack wanted was to be remembered.

He perused the bar one more time and, as always, there was Liam manning the taps. He was the only one with a Responsible Distribution of Alcohol licence and he was the only one who had taken bartending courses. Add to that the fact that he was the only one who actually knew what a martini was and the tall, skinny, bespectacled Taiwanese was the best choice to be the party's bartender.

Too bad he was so stingy about the beer.

He slinked up beside Liam, a big grin on his face. "Hey there!" he exclaimed.

Liam flipped him an exasperated look. "Why am I the only one working tonight?"

"If you let someone else man the bar, that wouldn't be a problem," Jack replied with a grin, his free hand slowly sliding towards the taps.

"No one else has the qualifications to run a bar," Liam answered with a baleful glare and a slap on the wrist.

"Aw, screw your qualifications!" Jack pulled several beers from the fridge behind the bar. "Next round is on me!" he cried and tossed the beer into the air.

The guys at the bar went wild, leaping up and snatching the bottles from the air.


Naturally, one had to get smashed.

Liam sighed, running a hand down his face. "I'll go get the mop. Hopefully no one slips on it in the meantime." He pulled off his apron and shoved it into Jack's hands.

"What's this for?" Jack asked, half-puzzled and half-drunk.

"You wanted someone else to take over the bar? You just volunteered."

That just made Jack grin.

Liam had to know what Jack would do now that he was in charge of the bar. And he still handed over the apron? Nice. Liam was a pretty fun guy after all. Underneath that stern, bespectacled killjoy was a party animal just busting to come out. Jack made it his mission to bring out that animal in him by the end of the night.

But first...

"Paaaaar-taaaay!" he cried, seizing the beer hose and turning it to his tenants. Guys all around him cheered. Amber decadence shot out of the hose, spraying all over the closest patrons and catching them all unawares. Those further back shoved their buds down and sprang up on their backs, mouths wide open and catching the waterfall of beer that Jack willingly provided them.

Unwilling to go on without his own fun, Jack turned the hose up towards his own throat and pulled the trigger. The bitter sweet taste went right by him as the frothy fluid shot down his throat and up his nasal cavity. He pulled it away with a snort and a giggle, beer dripping out of his nostrils and his face completely wet. The alcohol was stinging his eyes but seeing the grins of those around brought him a renewed sense of... fun.

Howling with the rest of the crowd, he tipped the hose back towards his lips and pulled, this time more than ready for the onslaught.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!"

He held on for a good five seconds before he had to pull away and take a breath, laughing all the way.

His laughter quickly turned to a gurgle as the remnants of the bear blast staggered back up his throat, bringing with it those two hot dogs he had and that burger with so many patties there really wasn't any need for a bun.

Before he knew what was happening, he was doubled over and heaving, spewing his guts out and soiling the back of the bar. There was an eerie silence that suddenly fell around the bar. Jack could feel the blush running up his cheeks but all the blood quickly rushed back out into his stomach as he gave another heave, dropping chunks of sausages onto the floor mixed with beer and bile.

His mind swam and all he could think about was to get out of there.

He wanted to be remembered but not for this.

Placing one foot in front of the other... That's what he needed to do. Yeah... Just... Get out of there.

One foot -


... right into his own vomit.

The good news was, his world was already topsy-turvy so it didn't make him that sick when he landed on his ass right in the middle of a pool of what had been his lunch. Laughter hit his ears, sharper than any blade and worse than bankruptcy.

Someone grabbed his arms and hauled him to his feet, still laughing. He tried to pull away from them but the instant he did, he lost his footing again and felt the fine, brown hairs on his leg soak into his bile. A shudder ran down his back and he stumbled to his feet once more with the help of whoever was helping him.

"Whoa! What happened to my bar!?"

Jack was in no mood to explain what had happened to Liam and just stormed past, making loud squishing noises where his sandals left vomit trails on his way to the bathrooms. His vision cleared by the time he reached the door and he staggered inside, daring to look at himself in the mirror.

"Shit..." he muttered.

He looked like it, certainly... and he felt like it.

Well... He'd be the 'fun' landlord... just the 'fun landlord that can't hold his drink'.

Grumbling, he ran a hand down his face only to realise that his palm was soaked in warm fluids. "Awww... Gross!" he cried, wiping the remnants of his lunch on the counter.


He looked to his right... and saw a chest. A lean, ebony chest belonging to a guy that had to be a whole head and a half taller than he was! At first, Jack just gaped as his eyes slowly trailed up the guy's flat runner's torso up to where his collarbones stuck out, stretching the dark skin taut and up to a elliptical face with broad lips pressed in a concerned frown.

"Thanks..." he managed to stammer, taking the towel the dark giant offered him.

"You better take a shower," the towering mass said, crossing his arms against his chest. Despite being so tall, he had rather skinny limbs. His arms looked like twigs. From all appearances, he must've been a marathon runner of sorts. "You still like shit, man."

"Don't remind me," Jack grumbled, wiping his face and hands on the towel. "Thanks, by the way. You are...?"

"Stefan." For a second, Stefan just stood there. Then he grunted and regarded his soiled shirt. "Hey, mind if I take a shower too? You were kinda clingy at first."

There was a rather large chunk of semi-digested sausage hovering on the collar of Stefan's loose, green shirt.

Jack laughed at that and tossed him the towel, vomit side first. When a grunt of disgust came from the tall marathoner, Jack said, "Hey, you already got some on you. Why not go the whole way?" He nodded towards the cubicles that were arranged in a line. Liam had ordered them designed like that so that the five landlords wouldn't have to worry about waiting 'turns' to get into a shower. "Go on ahead. I owe you for getting me out of there so fast."

Stefan smirked. "You were real stupid, you know."

There went the good mood.

"Thanks for reminding me," he muttered bitterly and turned towards one of the cubicles.

"You should've held the hose further away from you. That way, you didn't get hit by the full blast straight off."

Jack stopped in his tracks and turned a raised eyebrow at Stefan. "And how would you know?"

A pearly white grin cut through the dark flesh of the ebony giant. "How about I show you after we get cleaned up? First one to puke orders the next round."

Those terms, Jack liked.

Besides, if they made a competition out of it, maybe other guys might join in. It would make his embarrassing expulsion of stomach contents seem less... humiliating. Hell, he could be seen as a 'trailblazer.'

Yeah, that sounded good.

"You're on."


Mike - the King

Jack was hauled away into the bathroom by some random guy. Probably the only guy that was sober in the whole party.

Him and Mike.

Unlike the rest of the party-goers, Mike had been nursing the same beer the whole night. A silent sentinel against trouble, Mike watched from the railings, impressive arms folded against his broad chest. Beside him was the other 'bouncer' for the party, his best buddy and wingman since high school, Shaun.

The duo were part of the party, there was no doubt about that but someone had to be responsible. Liam didn't count. He was drunk on his own power. Everyone knew he got that bar just so he could boss everyone else around. Too bad Mike didn't drink. Hell, the cap was still on his beer. Jack had just shoved it into his hands without a word and he couldn't say 'no' to Jack.

You can't say 'no' to Jack.

He was just that kind of guy.

"Trouble, two o'clock," Shaun grunted, nodding in the direction of a swaying, obviously drunk idiot who had two beers and was perilously making his way towards the pool. The slightly shorter Hispanic with the reddish-brown skin uncurled like a cobra ready to strike, his corded arms bulging with pulsing veins against his paper-thin skin.

Mike clapped a meaty hand on his friend's shoulder and pushed him back gently against the rails. "I got this one. I'm bored anyway."

A loud scoff came from the bull of a man as Shaun leaned back against the railings. "Fine. But I get the next one."

Mike gave his best bud a light knuckle to the shoulder and stalked over to the intoxicated youth. The blonde haired individual looked totally smashed. One eyelid was half-closed but both cornflower blue eyes were glazed over completely. As Mike approached him, cleaving a way through the large crowd, he could hear the faint humming of some nameless, out of tune song the guy was singing. Slurred words accompanied the horrific sound.

He grabbed the young man's shoulder before the guy fell into the pool.

"Hey man, what's your name?"

"What's it... - hic - you..." A stubby finger pressed against Mike's thick pecs. "Buster...?"

The guy was quite rounded and from the looks of his copiously hairy chest, one that that sunburnt easily and liked wearing singlets. As he moved and giggled, that round belly of his jostled with the flab on his thighs jiggling in response.

"Name's Mike. I'm one of the owners."

Suddenly, the guy's mood brightened. "Oh! Wow! Pleased to meet ya!" A hand that looked more like five sausages stuck onto a hunk of raw meat was shoved in his direction. "I'm Walter! People call me Wally, though!"

Mike was tempted to call him 'Jelly'.

"How many you had, Walt?" he asked, pointing at the beers.

Walter shrugged. "What comes after six?"

"Enough," Mike answered, hesitantly touching the rotund man's shoulders and spinning him towards the bar. "You need some coffee in you. You'll thank me in the morning."

"Awww! But coffee tastes like shit!"

"It can't be much worse than how you look," Mike muttered under his breath. Shivers ran down his meaty arms with every contact he made with the fatass. He hated the look of fat people. To him, they were like masses of unhealthy-ness that was infecting the world. He could almost feel his arms losing their definition and turning into flabby, greasy noodles just by the mere contact with Walter's sweaty body.

The instant they got to the bar, Mike shoved Walter a little too roughly onto a stool. Thankfully, Wally was too drunk to feel any pain and just giggled like an idiot. "Liam. Get this guy a coffee, would you?"

Liam poked his head out from under the counter, looking royally pissed. "Do it yourself, Mike! Jack just left one hell of a mess back here and I'm kind of busy trying to make this place presentable!"

Despite knowing he shouldn't look, Mike dared peering over the bar. The remnants of Jack's earlier show made him sick. He patted Walter on the shoulder with one hand while he kept the other on his washboard abs. "Stay here and just rest, okay bud? No more beer."

"But beer is good!"

"No. No it isn't."

Mike turned away and hurried back to where Shaun was standing. It made his skin crawl as he weaved his way through the crowd. There were so many unhealthy people around him. Fat people, skinny people, people with pimples all over their bodies and people with unsightly body hair. It made him feel so dirty just being around them.

He reached Shaun and pressed his back against the railings, effectively being as far away from everyone else as he could be without actually jumping off the roof.

"How you doing?" Shaun asked in his normal, emotionless drawl.

"I need a bath," Mike grunted. "And a good workout. Too much fat in the air."

Shaun snorted and nodded towards the now abandoned Jacuzzi. "Why don't we jump in there? It's empty now."

He gave his red-haired friend a horrified look. "Are you kidding me!? People melt off fat in those things! We'd sooner be jumping into a tub of lard!"

Shaun gave him an exasperated look. "Mike. Listen to yourself. You're nuts."

"I'm cautious."

His friend's brown eyes closed and Shaun massaged his temples. "Fine... Tell you what? Why don't we go to my place on the second floor. You know I keep everything clean. Wash off all the grime from this party. Then, we go to the gym at work it all off."

"Not going to do it," Mike answered gruffly, crossing his arms.

"Dude, you're not going to_gain_ fat from jumping in a Jacuzzi and you're not going to catch herpes by taking a bath in my shower." Shaun seized his arm and he had to fight the instinct to push him away. There was only one person he ever let touch him. Not even his parents were given that honour. "Come on. You need to relax."

Mike grunted and reluctantly relented. If anything, Shaun was the one person he trusted the most. So if he said he wouldn't gain any fat from the Jacuzzi, then chances were, he wouldn't. Still, he considered he should do a couple of situps just to make sure he balanced out any remnants in the air that might prey on his sweet, round muscles.

"Are you coming?" Shaun demanded, already halfway towards the stairwell. They always took the stairs. More exercise that way.

Shaun knew him well.

Shaun was such a good friend.


Carlos - the Gifted

A total sausagefest.

That's what this party was.

Carlos hated it.

Not a pair of boobs or a cunt in sight unless you counted those manboobs on that fatass that Mike just hauled to the bar. He flipped his long, curly hair back and caught his reflection in the glass walls of the penthouse.

Damn he looked good.

The light caught his tanned complexion in just the right way that it almost sparkled. His nutty-brown eyes shone and that seashell necklace he wore bounced playfully against his nice, round, plump pecs with his every movement. His clothing choice was somewhere in between the scantly glad Jack and the somewhat conservative Mike. No way was he overdressed like Liam. All he wore were a pair of cool, denim jeans with faded knees and a white singlet. Enough to tell any would be predators in this party - and he had no doubt there would be some - to back-off because no one was getting in his pants but still show them enough to send a few hormones rushing regardless of whether or not they liked sausages.

Yeah, Carlos was hot and he knew it.

But he was also bored.

More than anything, he watched to ditch this party and go to a club where he could bury his face in a nice valley or stick his dick in a nice, wet hole. He adjusted the thick bulge in his jeans, not at all caring who saw or watched. His balls were itching for some action.

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of something strange... And then he realised it wasn't so strange after all.

He pushed off from where he was leaning casually against the glass and wended his way through the crowds. More than one, a guy 'bumped' into him accidentally, running a hand down his pecs or trying to feel for his abs. Thankfully, they didn't see the fact he didn't have abs. One thing he couldn't get down. Rockhard abs. But why would he want people looking at his belly when his face was so much more gorgeous?

With that thought in mind, he turned his casual walk into a swagger and delivered a playful punch into the back of a quickly retreating man wearing a black cloak.

"Yo! Dawson! Glad you could make it, man!"

As always, Dawson seemed to chill the air around him. Slowly, he turned towards Carlos, his black eyes piercing and perpetually filled with hatred. He wasn't like that though. Dawson was a damn Goth and one hell of a depressing dude but he was the one that found this nice plot of land and at a bargain too. He had connection. A guy that could leave college and get a job at a Harvard as a lecturer just after graduation could afford to be a little depressing.

Carlos just pitied his students.

"What?" Dawson snarled acidly.

"Where you going, man?" Carlos asked, grinning broadly. "The party has just begun!"

For a moment, Dawson just stared at him. Carlos found his grin wavering under that intense stare. Then, Dawson sighed and turned away. "I'm going to get more beer from the basement. Looks like Jack drained the taps with his idiocy."

"Need some help?" Though Carlos was really just fishing for an excuse to get out of the penthouse.

Dawson's answer was a short, sharp, "No."

Without another word, he pressed the 'call button' for the elevator. At that same instant, the elevator doors swung open and a rush of people poured in, herded by Kip. Dawson was lost in the crowd and the last Carlos saw of him was the doors shutting on his gloomy, pale features.

"Geez... What's his problem?" Carlos muttered.

He turned away and as much as he wanted to leave, he really couldn't. This party was meant for the owners to get to know their tenants. Since he was meant to be looking over the third floor, he had to at least get to know some of the third floor people. Liam had this brilliant - but really lame - idea to hand out numbered stickers that corresponded with people's floor numbers.

Unfortunately, there were now dozens of stickers on the floor and some were even floating in the pool.

Cleaning up would be a nightmare.

Carlos made a deal to himself.

He would get to know one guy here. One guy from the 3rdfloor. Then, he'd get the guy to leave with him and they'd have a nice little private party with a girl in between them. Yeah, that sounded good.

Now the problem was... finding a guy from the 3rdFloor.

Carlos scanned the part goes, looking for that red tag that would denote a person as being from the 3rdfloor...


He made a beeline for a guy who was waving a beer around and making a lot of noise. It sounded like he was boasting about his sexual exploits; talking about how this one time, with this one girl and so forth. Perfect. A guy like that would be the perfect wingman. From what he could tell, the guy was a dick. Good. That would make Carlos look better.

Screw sharing a girl between them.

He'd have a threesome with two holes to fill!

"Aww yeah..." he smirked and swaggered up to his new 'best bud'.

"Hey there!" Carlos exclaimed, raising the beer in his hand as a greeting. "Name's Carlos. I'm your floor's landlord."

The squat fellow who looked like a bulldog turned to him with a frown. "So you think you got a bigger dick than me?"

That was unexpected.

"What!?" Carlos exclaimed.

"Just 'cuz you're the landlord, you think you're a ladies' man!" the bulldog exclaimed, waving his hands in the air theatrically and spilling beer everywhere. Clearly, from his beetroot-red face, he was drunk off his ass. But he wasn't a happy drunk like that guy Mike carted away. He was an angry drunk.

There went Carlos' plan for a threesome.

Maybe it was time to wrap this party up before someone got hurt. He doubted Mike and Shaun would be intimidating enough to get everyone to calm down if a fight broke out. The problem with having so much testosterone in the area and alcohol was just how... flammable those two materials were.

And Carlos did not want to be the one who started the spark.

"Whoa man," he said, "Chill."

"And there ya go again!" the squat man snapped. He had really thick legs and a similarly thick torso but he was much shorter than Carlos' 6'9''. It was almost comedic who he marched up to Carlos and tried to make himself taller. "You can't boss me around! I pay the rent!"

Carlos backed away. "Okay. Sure you do. But I think you should head back to that apartment of yours that you paid for before -"


Carlos saw flashing lights. He wasn't hurt as much... just shocked that someone had actually punched him...

His first thought was...

'My face!'

Anger quickly flashed against his eyes as he ran a hand down his cheek and felt the warm touch of blood where his skin broke. Eyes wide, he straightened and stared venomously at the man in front of him who had the balls to laugh and point.

"You little mother -"

Carlos reeled himself in. He recalled all those lectures he got from Liam about tenants suing their landlords. The skinny bastard was good for something apart from shoving beer down people's throats after all. He glanced over his shoulder, looking for Mike and Shaun. They were in the Jacuzzi. Damn them.

No help there.


If this guy wanted to compare dicks...

"You want some of this!?" he barked, grabbing his cock.

"We all know I'm the bigger man!" the bulldog laughed.

No one was really paying attention. They were either too drunk or just completely ignoring the fight for the sake of not getting involved.

Then the bulldog began unzipping his pants -

"Whoa! Hey! What are you doing!?" Carlos cried.

"Oh, look who's chickening out!" the bulldog laughed. "Can't stand to see my monster cock, eh?"

"Not in public, you dumbass!" Carlos glanced around and spied the coat closet. Hiking a thumb at the stairs, he said, "Let's go down to the fourth floor. My floor." He flashed the bulldog a grin. "That way, you won't get_too_ embarrassed when I outsize you!"

It was clear that despite being completely wasted, the red-faced bulldog still had some sense in him. With a grunt, he waddled over to the stairs with Carlos leading him. Taking each step deliberately slow, Carlos intended for the situation to sink in through all the alcohol in his opponent's skull and find the last living brain cell. Hopefully, the bulldog would realise that he was going to lose.

Good looking guy like Carlos.

He looked good everywhere.

After two levels, Carlos was somewhat impressed that the bulldog still was with him and he managed to stumble down the stairs without injuring himself. He stepped through the fourth floor doors, let the squat little man in and then spun around, giving the man a grin.

"Alright. Pull it out."


Kip - the Initiator

The last batch of strangler for the first floor jumped out of the elevator, rushing to the party with reckless abandon. It was good to see them so excited. They had been so shy at first but he was glad to have gotten to go.

There were still a lot of people in their own apartments that he couldn't convince to come but he left an open invitation for all of them to attend if they wanted.

As the last guy scrambled out, another more familiar face stepped inside.


"Hey! I can't believe you made it!" Kip exclaimed with a big grin. "What made you finally decide to come along!?"

In typical Dawson style, the tall, lanky man took a full moment to reply. In fact, the elevator had shut and they were on their way down to the first floor when Dawson finally spoke.

"Tonight is a very special night. I couldn't stay away."

"Then why are you leaving?" Kip laughed.

Again... a good moment before a reply came. "I'm not. I'm going to get more... beer in the basement."

Funny... Kip didn't remember keeping any beer in the basement. It was really a stupid idea to store it all down there especially when the party was six floors up. He planned the party alongside Liam and he was pretty darn sure there was a good supply of it in the penthouse. Though, Dawson was known for being the shady character. Maybe he stored some in the basement just for the occasion.

Kip decided to take his word for it. Dawson was his friend, after all. "Good idea! Need some help?"


Weird... That reply was almost instantaneous.

"What's been happening up there?" he asked, hiking a thumb upwards. "Anything crazy? No fights yet?"

"There will be no fighting tonight," Dawson answered, confidence rising in his voice. "Tonight, everything changes."

"You bet," Kip laughed. "Tonight is the first official night where we're landlords!"

"Indeed." The elevator binged and the doors slip open. "I shall go fetch... the beer. Enjoy the festivities."

Kip gave his friend a thumbs up. "You know I will!"

The elevator doors shut and Kip lowered his arm with a sigh. He regarded his reflection in the reflective surface in front of him. His naturally blonde hair was cropped short in an almost militaristic crew cut. He liked his hair short though. Despite his party-boy's attitude, he was a banker. Got a job in the finance department of a particularly large international bank. He had to look presentable. His suit usually gave him broader shoulders that his average frame couldn't quite fill up to.

He always wore loose fitting collared shirts, however. Sitting in front of a computer each day gave him a rather nasty tan line and that was one thing he was embarrassed about. Still, that wasn't going to stop him from partying tonight, cleaning up tomorrow despite a hangover and then getting back to work the following day.

With a grin, he locked gazes with his reflection.

Just as the elevator gave a sudden heave and came to a jarring halt.

Kip blinked as the lights flickered in an out. "Aw man... No!"

He pressed the alert button and held it down for a good five seconds.

No response.

Grinding his teeth, he pressed the button again, once again holding it. Echoing down the elevator shaft was the heavy beats of the music from the party. It was right there tempting him! Part of him wanted to open the emergency shaft and try climbing the rest of the way up the elevator.

He'd seen too many movies though to know that was suicide.

Getting no response from the button, he resigned himself to just waiting and collapsed against the wall with a deep sigh.

"This is what I get for playing the courier..." he muttered bitterly. He regarded his reflection in the wall. All ready for a party and stuck in an elevator.


Now what was he supposed to do?

He closed his eyes for a brief moment, just trying to relax. In the darkness brought by his eyelids, he found a strange sense of calm. His heartbeat slowed down a little and the beat of the music began a soft lullaby that soothed his raging soul.

There would be plenty of other parties...

Bigger, better parties.

Parties that would last all weekend and where police would be forced to intervene only to be caught up in the hype and join in the dance, ripping off their uniforms, revealing ripped, abs and pulsing veins against their biceps.

Yeah... The temperature would rise... Guys would rip off their shirts and rub against one another, hardened nipples brushing against rippling muscles. Lips would lock and lap over one another. Hands would grope and explore before finally tearing away useless pants and revealing throbbing cocks that would spray -

Kip gave a startled cry and sat up, horrified and dripping in his own sweat.

He wasn't sure how long he had been out but that dream... God... It was so... So arousing.

The throbbing of the music was accompanied by another kind of throbbing... One coming from his groin.

"Shit..." he muttered.

"My... Initiator."

He sat up again, eyes wild and frightened as he spun around, looking for the source of that voice... That deep, sexy, manly voice that reverberated deep within his soul and awakened... awakened something. Some primal urge to be free... to fuck and be fucked.

Suddenly, the walls of the elevator were so small... He found it hard to breathe. His heart was running at a million beats per minute and he was sweating profusely. Sweat stains were appearing all over his lime-green collared shirt. A different kind of stain was appearing against his slacks, filling the enclosed space with a heady, musky smell that just made him groan.

"What...?" he moaned softly. "What's going on...?"

He looked up towards his reflection, looking for an answer...

Except... The creature that stared at him wasn't Kip Sterling... Crouched down on hands and knees against the reflective surface of the elevator doors was... a stallion. And what a stallion. The monster's huge, black cylindrical cock rose up all the way to his collarbone which was angled and defined, supporting a set of plump, squared pecs covered in short, golden fur. Black nipples pressed out from those pecs just like those delicious mounds of abs that burst from his abdomen.

The stallion looked like a cross between man and horse... and he had Kips blue eyes...

Kip glanced down at his hands...

They were still hands. Pink, fleshy and not covered in the golden fur of that gorgeous beast. His eyes slowly trailed back up to the reflection, afraid that it would go away when he looked... but also afraid that what he saw was no illusion.

I still crouched there with the same stunned expression Kip knew was on his face.

Slowly... ever so slowly... He reached out for the stallion... He needed to know... Maybe it was the lack of oxygen... Maybe he was just hallucinating. If he touched the door... then he'd know he was just staring at a reflective surface that his mind had twisted into some remnant from his dream.

That sounded... semi-plausible.

His fingers came to a millimetre away from the mirror...

... and he stopped...

"My Initiator..." the voice whispered in his ears, making his whole body shudder in pleasure.

Taking a loud gulp, Kip pushed himself that last bit... and felt the cool touch of metal against his fingers.

He sighed softly... Just a dream.

A thick, meaty hand suddenly seized his wrist.

He looked up... horrified as the stallion still on the other side of the mirror now gripped his wrist, a big grin on his face.

Kip pulled back... and the stallion's wrist emerged more from the reflective surface.

"This isn't happening!" he cried.

The elevator started again.


Liam - the Servitor

"That's it!" Liam shouted, slamming his palms against the bar. "No more for you!" He pointed at the rounded drunk mass of giggles and hiccups in front of him. Walter was his name if Liam remembered correctly. "You're going to get alcohol poising or something worse!"

He snatched the mug from Walter's slack grip. "This is for your own good."

Just for good measure, he poured the contents of the mug down the sink.

Some of the other patrons at the bar groaned and booed at him.

"Hey! My bar, my rules!" he snapped back

"Awww, come on man!" Walter moaned in a slurred speech. "Don't be like that! It's a party!"

"That doesn't mean that we throw responsible drinking out the window!" Liam answered. He swept his gaze over the rest of the bar. "None of you say anything either unless you want to go the rest of the night dry! In fact..." He picked up a sign from behind the bar and slammed it hard on the tabletop. "Bar's closed!"

Now he got a lot of booes and groaned.

"Deal with it!" he said, crossing his arms against his chest.

The instant his words left his mouth, the lights flickered and abruptly shut down.

Just as Liam was about to make a comment about blowing a fuse because of the party, the lights flicked back on...

"Hey! Who said that!?" Walter exclaimed.

"Who said what?" Liam asked, raising an eyebrow.

Half-drunk and with his eyes half-closed, Walter gave Liam what must have felt like a serious expression to him but just made him look constipated. "Someone said... 'my tank'... or something like that. Who said that?"

Liam groaned and shook his head. "Oh great... Just what I need... Not only are you drunk but you're now hearing voices too... Okay..." He sighed and worked his way around the bar. "We're getting you to a hospital."

Walter gave him a goofy grin. "Aaaalright... You know best..."

"Yes. Yes I do."

"But one last drink!"

Before Liam could stop him, Walter lunged for the taps, sliding his fat mass over the tabletop and wrapping his lips around the beer tap. Liam took a second to shudder at all the sanitation laws that broke before seizing his legs and trying to pull him away. Beer flowed down Walter's throat, frothing out of the edges of his lips to the laughter of the crowd around him.

Liam felt a blush coming on as he tried in vain to yank Walter off the taps but the drunkard was three times his weight! More than one, he wished he had gone to the gym like Mike. He grunted and gave it his all before Walter suddenly let go of his own volition.


Liam saw stars as the enormous mass of beer-stuffed man landed on his chest, all his breath rushing out of him. Walter giggled like a lunatic as he lay on top of Liam.


The smell of alcohol hit Liam like a ten tonne sack of bricks and his mind swam. He could vaguely hear Walter's giggling and muttering something about 'that voice' again.

"My... Servitor..."

Liam went rigid...

That voice... Despite all the noise around him... That voice cut through everything even his own flesh and the walls of his very essence. He could feel its lingering tones swirling round in his soul, giving him a sense of unease that was unlike anything he had felt before.

"What was that...?" he whispered.

"It's the Master calling!" Walter laughed, struggling to his feet. His belly jiggled with the movement but despite looking like he had bloated to the proportions of a balloon, he had surprisingly enough dexterity to move to the bar once more.

"Hey! Get away from there!" Liam shouted, leaping up to his feet.

Walter seized the beer tap, taking out the hose and grinning back at Liam. "Aw, relax dude! You just need some good stuff!"


Too late.

With loud whoosh, a full blast of beer hit Liam hard. He was thrown back by the sheer force of the blast and fell to his back. Stars flashed before his eyes before a sudden weight fell on his chest once more. The blast of beer suddenly was directly straight at his throat and his eyes boggled behind his glasses as the amber fluids were pumped straight down his throat!

He tried to choke back the fluids but it was no use!

It was going down the wrong hole and filling his lungs!

He was going to drown!

He tried to push Walter back but his vision blurred... and his entire body suddenly felt so weak... and at the same time, he felt so warm...

"My Servitor... Serve them as you would serve me..."

With the last vestiges of his consciousness, Liam dared to taste the liquid that he served so many and yet never dared to touch himself.

Funny... He always though beer would be bitter-sweet... But this... Whatever 'this' was... It was salty... And warm. And pretty nice actually.

Somehow, he found the strength to wrap his lips around the nozzle of the bar hose and suck. The torrent of thick, molten, salty liquid flew down his throat and straight into his stomach. He dared to breathe and the fluids in his lungs turned from their icy cold to the same, boiling hot, thick liquid that he drew from the hose directly.

A soft groan that translated into a gurgle escape his lips. The more he drank, the more he could feel the liquid fill him. He could feel it being absorbed by his lungs, latching onto his blood and sliding through every vein and artery to flood his entire system. It sprang into his heart and the vital muscle suddenly gave a mighty bursting pump.

Liam's chest was pushed upwards by the sheer force of the burst. He felt muscles fill with more blood and more of that delicious, salty liquid. When he fell back against the cold floor, firm muscles against his back easily supported his weight.


His heart gave another powerful pump and his chest shot upwards again. His left leg gave an involuntary kick, opening the gateways for that fluid to pump into his thighs. He could almost feel it crawling beneath his skin, pressing veins up against his light flesh.



His shirt ripped open, a pair of pecs appearing beneath. A groan escaped him.


His arms twitched and they curled, pushing newly formed biceps against the strained sleeves of his shirt, ripping them clean off.


His shoes strained against his feet, stretching to their limits before -


His toes broke free, bringing a sigh of relief from Liam.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

Liam's whole body was convulsing with the rapid pumping of his heart. With each pump, a new abdominal muscle popped into view. His pecs exploded outwards as his shoulders stretched to the left and right, tearing his shirt clean off his chest.

Suddenly, the pumping in his chest migrated lower... The pumping transferred into a different muscle... a different organ.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

Liam, still drinking from the tap, rolled his head in ecstasy as his cock sprang into attention. His pants strained against the pressure building and building and building from his groin. Rips heralded his pants giving way as his thighs burst through the seams and his calves exploded outwards. His cock ripped through the remnants of his briefs and rose up to its full, 14 inch length.

The head touched flesh...

And suddenly, Liam knew what he wanted... What he wanted to do...

But he wasn't complete yet...

He wanted more!

With newfound strength, he seized the bar hose from Walter, his eyes sharp and wide. He shoved Walter off of him, rose up to his titanic 7 foot height and pulled the hose straight down his lips just like Jack had done earlier. He pulled the nozzle, succulent, white, thick, salty liquid pouring straight down his throat.

The warmth from the fluids suddenly focused on different spots. He felt each of pore on his body prickle with the heat. Soft, black hairs sprang up all over his body, thickening rapidly and turning into a short, silky smooth coat of jet-black fur.

He felt the fluids suddenly gather at the base of his spine. A loud grunt ripped out of his thickening throat. A thick, black tail sprang from his spine, long, sinewy and feline. A grin split across his face. He sprayed the rest of the rest of the salty liquid on his face, letting out a titanic roar that shook the entire penthouse.

The heat from the liquid latched onto his face. As it dissipated into the atmosphere, he could feel it pulling his face forward, widening and flattening his nose and giving him a large, square muzzle. The liquid on his ears pulled them upwards, forcing them to ride up to the top of his head where they took a more rounded shape. The sticky, white liquid sunk into his flesh before rising back up as coarse, black fur.

The massive panther threw aside the hose and let out another roar, flexing his watermelon-sized biceps, veins pressing even against his fur.

Grinning, he cast his gaze around, watching as some of the other patrons stared at him in awe... and arousal. Behind him, he could hear others succumbing to the throes of lust... to the will of the Master...

"In the name of the Master!" he roared, seizing his massive, baseball-sized balls. "Who's thirsty!?"

His eyes fell down to Walter.

The thirstiest of them all.

He'll be a good start.

"Come here!" he commanded.

Walter, like the eager pup that he was, scrambled up to Liam and wrapped his soft lips around Liam's monstrous, dripping dick. Liam groaned at the warm touch of those lips, feeling the cum bubbling in his balls and yearning to come out.

He thrust deep into Walter's throat, loving the feeling of his cock sliding all the way down Walter's throat and dripping precum deep into his stomach. His paws wrapped around Walter's shoulders as he bucked into the Master's newest convert. Beneath his padded palms, he could feel muscle starting to bubble and grow.

The fat that covered Walter's body began to shift and stir. His bell shrank while his pecs lost their saggy appearance and hardened into firm, rock-hard squares. His back broadened, shoulders expanding and ripping out of his shirt. His flesh bubbled, causing his pants to convulse and twist before his thighs tore right out of them. A thick, white-gold tail sprang up from just above his bubble butt, wagging in excitement.

Liam moaned in pleasure as a long, flat tongue wrapped expertly around his cock and with a tremendous roar -


He sprayed his seed deep down Walter's throat!

Walter drank it all eagerly all the while seizing his cock as it grew and thickened to an impressive 13 inches long and becoming as thick as a beer can. The excess fat seemed to pool all the way down into his balls, engorging them and filling them with juicy cum. They grew to the size of footballs, forcing his muscular thighs wide open. His meaty cock obtained a large, tampering point and a bulbous knot formed just above his bouncing balls.

The new Labrador looked up, grinning with cum dribbling down his muzzle. He flexed his muscles, first his left arm then his right. Then he rolled back onto his back, seized his monster cock and gave it a tight squeeze.

Walter let out a titanic roar and spilled an ocean's worth of cum straight at the bar.

The patrons there didn't give a shout or a cry of surprise.

They all lifted their beers or opened their mouths.

They were all thirsty...

"And the Master provides..." Liam chuckled. "For the Master!"

All the patrons hoisted their mugs into the air, tearing their shirts apart as their pecs burst from their shirts.

"For the Master!"


Jack - the Party Animal

The shampoo sure smelled weird.

Jack lifted the suds to his nose and took another smell. It was musky. One could argue manly but it still wasn't normal. It reminded him of his jeans whenever he had a wetdream and forgot to wash them. Well, whatever. He wasn't using his cubicle anyway. He gave that honour to Stefan. Hey, the guy saved him, right?

He sighed and wondered where his reputation would go from here as he gently lathered the suds into his scalp.

The lights flickered off.

"Ah, my Party Animal... Come out and play..."

The lights came back on.

Jack blinked... and looked around.

"Stefan? Was that you, man?"

No response.

Probably couldn't hear him from the noise of the shower and the mix of noise from the party. He shrugged and continued to clean the vomit smell from himself.

He closed his eyes and had to silently thank Stefan for his hasty action. If he had just spent the entire time out there stumbling around drunk, he might as well just have thrown himself in the pool and died. Stefan sure was quick to get him out of there.

A little too quick.

Jack opened his eyes slightly and wondered...

Was Stefan... Did the guy help him because of some ulterior motive?

No denying it, Stefan was pretty good looking. Nice runner's legs and a pretty cute smile. But Jack wasn't gay. Heck, what would people say if he ended up going out with a guy? His reputation would be shot down so fast that drowning himself in the pool would've boosted his reputation.

An all too familiar heat was radiating from his groin.


Little Jack was at attention.

He wondered if it was because he had been thinking of Stefan... He decided it didn't matter. He was horny, he had a bad night and he needed to blow off some steam.

He grabbed his cock and began to stroke... His eyes were half closed as he felt the pressure building rapidly. His knees was starting to feel a little weak and he could tell he would cum pretty hard this time. Grinning to himself and feeling pride in what he knew would be an epic cum shot, he vigorously continued run his hand over and over his cock.

His body shuddered as the feeling of immense pleasure began to build and build in his balls. The warmth that rose from it his groin spread all over his body, almost blanketing him in its warm embrace. He wanted more... he wanted it to keep on holding him tightly!

But he couldn't hold on himself.

"Awww shiiiit!"

He bucked his hips as his cum sprayed out from his cock and all over his chest.

Once... twice... three times... and a fourth... He shot his load four times, splattering an epic amount of his own seed all over his chest. His legs felt weak and unable to fight it anymore, he stumbled onto his hands and knees.

The water wasn't doing a very good job of washing away the cum on his chest. With a chuckle, he rubbed it against his abs and watched the soapy suds from his shampoo take over and start spreading more and more.

That was good. He ran his hands all over his body, running along the curves and mounds of his muscles. All the while, the soapy bubbles spread all over his body, curiously heightening that warming embrace... and that heavy, musky smell.

"Gah... this shit stinks..." he muttered.

He decided he had had enough of the smell and the shower. He stepped under the showerhead completely and rinsed.

Only... when the bubbles washed off... it wasn't his skin that was left nice and smooth.

It was the fur-covered flesh of... something else!

Jack blinked... then rubbed his eyes and winced as the soap got into his eyes. He blinked a couple more times but there was no denying that his left arm was covered completely in brown fur! Thick, brown fur that was a little oily. The water seemed to slip off it easily enough.

"The hell!?"

He followed the trail of fur from his arm... down to his hands... And found them covered in fur as well! Worse, there were webbed connections between his fingers and black claws sticking out of his fingertips!

"This isn't happening!" he screamed.

Suddenly, a wave of pleasure erupted from all over his body, emanating from his groin. He looked down as his semi-flaccid cock suddenly sprang back up to attention and attached itself to his belly! He watched in horror as the same thick, brown fur began sprouting up from his balls and covered his entire cock! Jack staggered back in horror, bursting out of the cubicle still naked.

His feet made loud, wet, slapping noises against the floor. He watched them become wider, broader and obtain the same webbed-connection between the toes!

The pleasure didn't stop.

He felt that same warm, blanketing heat burst up his entire body and he shuddered in both pleasure and fear. A new, pointed cock rose up from his furry sheath, dripping precum all over his chest. Where it touched, new fur sprang up, spreading like a plague that covered his abs and spread upwards to his chest.

A strangled cry erupted from his lips that sounded a few octaves too low. Jack seized his neck and spun around to face the mirror.

There, he watched as the fur spread all over his body and his muscles thickened rapidly. Right beneath his fingers, his neck broadened, veins running down their sides. His rounded shoulders grew bigger, bulkier and just simply huge! At the same time, his thighs ballooned out, becoming thicker than even his bulging biceps.

Part of him was aroused by the change... He loved the sense of power he got. People would really remember him now... But the other part... was just freaked!


He spun around.

And remembered Stefan!

He scrambled to the shower cubicle and gawked. Stefan was screaming silently against the glass walls, slamming his fists against them as the shower filled with a thick, opaque semi-translucent, white liquid. Jack staggered away in horror as he saw the cum spraying out of the showerhead and somehow not being drained!

Stefan looked at him pleadingly...

Jack just looked on helplessly.

He didn't know why... but Jack reached out and pressed his paw against the glass.

Stefan did the same...

They were so close...

Suddenly, the cum was up to Stefan's neck.

"No!" Jack screamed, pounding on the glass. He seized the knob and tried to pull it free but it just wasn't giving way! "Stefan! No!"

Then Stefan was gone...

Drowned in a shower of cum...



The glass suddenly gave way and a huge, black and white form slammed straight into Jack. He found himself on his back, a tremendous weight on his chest. Something slick, smooth... and yet hard like steel.

Before Jack could look at what had fallen on him...

... he found large lips pressed against his and a long tongue sliding into his throat.

His eyes boggled when he found the enormous muscular frame of... of... an orca on him! An orca-man! The creature's muscles were huge and they were wrapped around Jack!

And yet... despite the monster holding him down... Jack didn't want to let go.

That comforting warmth... It was all around him... and Jack... Jack loved it.

All his reputation... all his work to being remembered... it didn't matter...

Not in the eyes of the Master... Because the Master loved all...

Jack moaned and felt the overwhelming yet reassuring warmth spread all over his body. He accepted it, accepting the Master's love and embrace. He wrapped his arms around the orca's smooth, muscular body, feeling his arms stretch and grow to compensate. His cock dripped precum against his fur, gluing him to the orca's body.

Slowly, he lifted his tree-trunk-like legs upwards and curled them around the orca's waist. Even without prompting, the orca pressed his gigantic 12 inch member into Jack's ass, making the young man moan and pull away from the kiss he so dearly wanted. His face twisted and felt like someone had seized his cheeks and pulled them upwards. His nose flattened out into a nice, rounded, black bauble as a squarish muzzle formed.

He had to buck his hips as a long, muscular tail emerged from just above his rear, curling around the finned tail of the orca on top of him. The orca slipped in and out, spurring him on and on. Jack accepted everything with open arms.

"Oh god... Oh god... Stefan... Fuck me! Fuck me hard!"

The orca growled, thrusting deeper and deeper into him. That loving heat no longer just came from the outside but it radiated from inside as well! Jack wanted to have that heat... that love... for all eternity!

And he knew that he would have it as long as he had the Master... and Stefan...

He arched his back, groaning in deep pleasure. His body just felt so warm... and alive. His cock rode up between Stefan's chiselled abs, pressing between the valleys and curves with every thrust of that huge, orca dick sliding in and out of him. His balls slapped loudly against solid muscle.

He... He couldn't take it any more...

But... But he had to hold on... If he lost it now... He'd lose the warmth... Lose the one thing he found more important than his own reputation!


Jack arched his back and let out a lustful roar, his cum spraying all over his chest. The stickiness cemented himself and Stefan together as the orca gave one last, powerful thrust and his body quaked. Jack felt his insides suddenly fill with Stefan's semen, molten hot and pushing that heat out from inside him.

A soft whimper escaped him as he anticipated the warmth would soon leave...

Any second now...

Then... Stefan bent down and kissed his neck.

His flesh tingled and prickled. His temperature rose again... and he felt warm, comforted.

Jack realised...

The warmth didn't come from the sex...

It came from Stefan...

... and the Master.

"For the Master..." Stefan whispered, his voice deep and lusty.

"Yeah..." Jack answered, a big grin on his otter's face. "For the Master."


Ethan - the Survivor

When they said it would be a 'wild' party, Ethan never expected this.

He staggered back away from the gyrating, grinding and kissing male bodies that were all over the floor! His jaw was halfway down to the floor when countless men were jumping into the pool, their bodies suddenly popping veins as they locked lips and their cocks broke free of their lower garments. The chlorinated water suddenly began to bubble and roil, losing its clear, light consistency and becoming thick, vicious and opaque.

Ethan didn't need to get a closer look to know what the pool was suddenly filled with.

His back hit a hard, brick wall but felt a chill all over his body when he realised that wall was covered in fur.

Ethan spun around just as the enormous panther turned and gave him a toothy grin.

"Hey man," the beast rumbled, towering over him by two whole feet. "Need a drink?"

As if to emphasise his point, the panther twisted his hips. Hanging from his monster cock was a Labrador, lovingly lapping at that throbbing piece of meat.

"No!" Ethan cried and spun, his feet carrying him away from the orgies that spilled all over the penthouse. Cum sprayed everywhere. He saw resistance and saw resistance falter. The instant cum splashed onto some guy's face, their eyes would glaze over and suddenly the massive, muscular animals were suddenly on him.

Ethan gawked as one individual was piled upon by at least ten huge, furry guys. A human hand stuck out of the pile, quivering and grasping for air. The shakes suddenly intensified and the thing fingers became huge, meaty appendages covered in thick orange and black fur. Leathery pads formed against the palms as nails were replaced by black claws.

The pile of ten guys pulled away, revealing a kneeling, muscular tiger who threw back his head and let out a tremendous roar. The circle of guys seized their cocks and sprayed their load straight onto the tiger, covering his lustrous, orange fur with their white, sticky seed!

Ethan fought the arousal building in his groin. The air was thick with the smell of sex and he couldn't help but feel himself slipping... Some part of his brain was telling him to give in, to surrender to the lust. It would be so easy... and all those guys looked so strong, so powerful.

He shook it off and bolted into the bathrooms.

There, he found an orca pounding the ass of an otter, both ridiculously muscles and with a huge pool of cum spilling and growing out from underneath them.

"Oh hey..." the otter chuckled, winking at Ethan. "You looked stressed man. Why don't you take a shower to cool off?"

Ethan just turned and ran.

He ran, bolting and shoving people away. His hand pressed against a cum-covered back and he instantly panicked, wiping the substance on his shirt to get it off his skin.

Possibilities and questions flew in his mind...

What was this?

Secret government experiment?

Alien invasion?

Maybe it was just some hallucinogenic drug that was slipped into the beer?

But... he didn't have a drink...

So why was he seeing all these huge, muscular, furry men!?

He found the elevator and hit the call button, begging for it to hurry up!

"Oi! That guy still ain't got fur!"

Ethan started and spun around. A huge crowd of the massive beasts pointed at one guy who was staggering back away from the crowd, arms raised in surrender. He wasn't alone either. There were four other guys with him and more than one looked ready to shove the closest guy into the midst of the monsters.


The elevator was here!

"Over here!" he cried.

The group spun, their eyes wide.

A large, meaty hand fell on his shoulder... one that was covered in fur and whose fingertips ended in blunt, hoof-like nails.

Oh no...

"Get... in..."

Kip's barely recognisable face staggered out of the elevator. Most of his body was covered in smooth, brown fur and had inflated into gargantuan proportions. Still, he held onto the shreds of his clothing and his face was only partially transformed. One arm was still human and one foot remained flat and 'un-hoofed'.

With a sudden burst of strength, Kip hauled Ethan into the elevator, pulling himself out. Only then did Ethan see the large, horse-like creature that had its cock up Kips ass and whose flesh seemed bound to Kips. The stallion was bucking into Kip's innards, making the landlord shake and quake. With every jab, more and more of the stallion's flesh was pulled into Kip's body. Muscle merged with muscle and that muscle grew, pushing Kip's clothing further and further off his growing frame.

"All of you!" Kip roared. "Get in the goddamn elevator before - urgh!"

A large wad of cum dripped out of Kip's ass just, somehow finding space between the stallion's cock and his ass ring. Ethan noticed there was trail leading from inside the elevator and wondered how many times stallion had cum in Kip's ass.

And Kip still held on.


The group of five remaining humans scrambled towards him just as the horde of animal-people lunged at them. Kip threw himself at the horde, blocking their path to the elevator just as each of the survivors piled inside.

Adrenaline suddenly surged through Ethan and he lunged, slamming the first floor button.

"Going down."

The elevator doors began to shut...

Just as Kip was knocked to his back by the horde. The force pushed the rest of the stallion into Kip's form and Ethan's self-proclaimed best friend let out a startled cry of ecstasy. His facial features erupted forward, becoming a long, equine muzzle. His cock jerked and -


The doors to the elevator shut.



Ethan flinched... He heard the triumphant roars of the beasts beyond the doors and he could've sworn he heard Kips voice amongst them.

"Shit... Shit..." he muttered.

His world shook for a second.

The elevator began to slide downwards.

"This isn't happening..." one of the survivors whined. "This can't be happening!? We're drugged, right? We were drugged?"

"I tell you man!" another cried. "It's aliens! They're repopulating! It's aliens!"

"Fuck this shit!" a third announced, rising to his feet. "I say we get out of here, call the goddamn poe-leese and have the suits nuke this place! I knew this was too good to be true!"

The fourth remained silent, his eyes wide in horror.

Ethan wanted to say something... to give words of comfort... But what could he say...?

The lights flickered.

And the elevator stooped.

A cool, female, metallic voice rang out of the speakers.

"Fifth floor."


Dawson - the Dawn Bringer

Dawson smiled as he heard the noise of the party suddenly take a more... bestial tone. He knew he couldn't get everyone. It was a long shot, after all. Even with Kip's charisma, it would've been impossible to attract everyone to the roof where the Master's power was strongest.

It was hard to bring an all-powerful being from the heavens down to Earth, after all. But the building would soon be the Master's greatest altar. As the Master's essence travelled down to the basement, so would his power and by the end of the night, his greatest followers would be transformed as he walked the Earth.

He turned towards the rest of the congregation and smiled.

"Everything ready?"

He got affirmative responses.

"Good." He turned back to the shining altar before him. "Now... The Master just needs a body..."

Third Arc Zero Street: Chapter 3

**Chapter 3.0: Guilt Trip** **Wolfehome Apartments** It's a dream I've had very often. One that constantly haunts me both in the waking world and in the dreaming one. Crossing a dark corridor with not walls or boundaries, I was flanked by floating...

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Third Arc Zero Street: Chapter 2

**Chapter 2.0: Black Tie Affairs** **Arcadia Shopping Centre** Who would've thought that shopping for suits would be so... _tedious_. After hours of having my shoulders, waist and arms measured as well as being asked to 'lift my tail' - apparently,...

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Third Arc Zero Street: Chapter 1

**Chapter 1.0: It's Just a Game** **Streets of Shellington** Autumn in Shellington was a mixed affair. Lush trees lost their emerald green crowns in exchange for the gold, topaz and ruby halos that heralded winter's entrance. Temperatures...

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