Third Arc Zero Street: Chapter 1

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#2 of Third Arc 2

Chapter 1.0: It's Just a Game

Streets of Shellington

Autumn in Shellington was a mixed affair. Lush trees lost their emerald green crowns in exchange for the gold, topaz and ruby halos that heralded winter's entrance. Temperatures dropped dramatically to be accompanied by periodical rain and biting winds. Summer singlets and sunglasses were traded in for heavy coats and umbrellas. The sun ducked playfully behind thick, grey clouds occasionally birthing a rainbow or - to the utter enjoyment of others - a double rainbow.

For me, however, autumn - particularly this autumn - involved me bolting through the rain with an umbrella over my head and my jet-black fur slicked with sweat and stray droplets that bypassed my defences. I cursed myself for the fiftieth time for never having purchased boots as my sneakers got soaked to the sock. To highlight my point, my right foot dropped into a deceptively deep puddle, splashing my black, denim pants.

The wind abruptly changed direction and a mighty gust blasted me from the right. It swept right under my umbrella and blew it dangerously towards the road. I pulled back just in time to avoid getting run over by a speeding motorist but not quick enough to avoid the -


... of that same motorist driving too close to the curb and sending a wave of water into my face.

Growling, I glanced at my drenched clothes and shook my head, having lost all hope of ever staying dry. I ran a paw down my lupine muzzle, wiping some of the water from my fur only to have it quickly replaced a moment later by the pelting rain.

My reflection in the puddle below showed a rather dejected wolf, wet to the bone. Sapphire-blue eyes shimmered in rippling waters. A blast of golden blonde hair broke the darkness of my jet-black fur. I threw aside all hope of ever showing up even vaguely presentable, folded my umbrella and trudged through the crowd, trying my best to ignore the rain.

At the very least, I didn't need a shower anymore.

Once again, I had to curse whatever deity was playing with me.

I shoved my paws into the pockets of my long, tan trench coat, checking the right pocket to make sure the note that had been a paper crane was still there. As with all the times that that blasted crane appeared, it had a missive within its folds.

All it said was: You're going to be late.

And late I was.

I really hated cranes.

A quick glance at my watch confirmed my fear. I was already late. A soft sigh escaped my lips and I wondered what the procedure was when arriving late at a secret rendezvous. Do you call the instant you know you'll be late? Do you call every five minutes after that? Or do you just show up at the very last minute as the person you're going to meet gives up for extra dramatic effect?

That'd earn me some brownie points right? Showing up soaked, looking like I'd been through Hell freezing over just to be with them?

I decided not to risk it and ducked underneath the cover of a nearby restaurant. I fished out my flip-top phone. There were two missed calls. Making a note to address them later, I dialled the number that was on the top of my speed-dial list.

"Jake?"_a youthful, husky voice asked with a hint of worry."Where are you?"_

"About ten minutes away," I admitted, glancing down the street. "Got held back. It's not too much to ask if you wait for me for a bit, is it?"

I could almost hear Chad's tail wagging from the other end. "Of course not. Hey, want me to order for you?"

A smile touched my lips. "Sure. You know what I want."

"A hot chocolate with extra 'milk' and lots of 'sugar',"_he snickered. _"I'll see you soon. Love you."

Just like so many times before, those last two word lit a fire inside my heart and dulled the entire world around me. Time seemed to slow as the last tones and echoes of Chadstone West's words to me vanished from the air.

"Love you too," I answered just a second from being 'too late'.

I hung up, took a deep breath and charged through the rain once more.

Two traffic lights later, another drenching by a reckless motorist and a clap of thunder in the distance, I reached De'Chappellion - pronounced 'Duh-eh Sh-ah-peh-loh', by the way - one of the most prestigious coffee shops in all of Shellington.

I stepped up the three steps to where the doorman held the door open for me and bowed respectfully. I handed him my umbrella as he greeted me with a 'Welcome back, Mr. Reaper'. I crossed a small alcove and stood in line behind a mother and her child, the latter of which was bawling and complaining that he didn't want to 'get a blowjob'.

Mentally sniggering at the remark, I waited patiently as the semi-wet patrons of the shop stepped into one of the five fur dryers that stood before the café's proper. When it came to my turn, I walked up to one of the telephone-booth like constructs and removed my drenched coat. I handed it to another doorman and passed through the gilded rotating doors to the loud whirring of countless dryers blasting me with hot air.

I spread my arms to my sides so that the air could get everywhere but considering how drenched I was, I severely doubted it would make any difference. Still, as I crossed the final threshold into the café itself, I was suitably dry and smelling of wet dog.

Across the café, at the corner table close enough to the counter to fetch our drinks easily and still get to ogle the pastries, was a tall, handsome, russet and white Husky with two tall drinks sitting in front him. I tried to keep the goofy love-struck grin from my face but I couldn't help it.

I skipped - I think I skipped - over to where my mate sat and parked myself in the seat in front of him.

"Hey," Chad greeted, giving me a dazzling smile.

Part of me was grateful he didn't give a Puppy Dog Pout for being so late. Still, his Dazzling Smile was just as bad. Grooves appeared against the wooden table where my claws dug into them. When you dated a movie star, every move they made tended to lower your inhibitions.

"What kept you?" he asked, adding some sugar into his coffee and stirring mildly. His eyes never left mine and I felt like I was the one in the spotlight.

Frozen and unable to muster my usual charm, I barely muttered, "Rain."

Some part of my mind, however, I had partitioned to deal with the truth of the matter. No matter how love struck I was or how much history was between Chad and myself, the fact was... I hadn't told him who I really was. That same part of my mind managed to control my right paw, sliding it into my pocket and making sure that the unfolded paper crane was still there.

All too late I realise the crane was in the pocket of my jacket.

A storm of panic hit me.

Chad's voice quelled that storm. "You alright, Jake?" he asked with a gentle smile. "You don't have to worry, you know. I mean, you were just a couple of minutes late."

"Yeah," I answered, chuckling softly. "You're right. I'm just a little panicky because I thought you'd have left when I got here."

A large, meaty paw reached over the table and settled over mine, rubbing my fur gently with a thumb. "Jacob Samuel Reaper, I would wait until the end of time and beyond for you."

For some reason, I could actually envision that happening... and the sad part was, when dealing with me that could be a distinct possibility. The supernatural and extraordinary were pretty common place when hanging around me. It took all my effort to keep it from Chad and I kept imagining that he would be the gentleman as we turned to leave and get my coat. Then, as he handed it to me, that chunk of paper would fall out, he'd see the message and...

A variety of situations flew by my brain, making my tail twitch in anticipation and my heart race madly.

... he'd think it was from some other guy I was seeing... Then he'd dump me there and then...

... he'd think I was being haunted...

... or maybe it's from my future self and he'd finally figure out that I was an semi-superhero who went around saving the world part-time and then writing bestselling books the rest of the time.

"Something else is stressing you," Chad noted, giving me a comforting smile. "Come on. Spill. You're not really good at keeping secrets."

Right... About that...

I sighed and pulled my paw away from him. With my other paw, I picked up my hot chocolate and took a sip. Just how I liked it. Skim milk with a shot of hazelnut and caramel and a marshmallow... He knew me too well.

"It's about the big function tonight..."

Chad's eyebrows rose and his brown eyes sparkled with excitement. "Oh, you mean the big Shellington Thunder Phoenix's Ball?" He leaned back in his own seat and crossed his thick, muscular arms against those plump, bouncy pecs of his that were barely contained by a tight, black shirt. "We don't have to go if you don't want to."

I raised my paw and waved away the notion. "No, Chad. You were invited. He'll, from what I hear you're one of the guests of honour. You're doing that movie about football anyway, right? You'll need to do the research."

An exasperated smile on his face, Chad rolled his eyes and said, "Jake, we started filming months ago. Any 'research' I do now will be too late."

"You're going to cancel on the day of the ball?" I asked, a smirk crossing my features. "Chad, you're turning into a diva."

He shook his head, chuckling as he took a sip from his coffee. "Jake," he replied, setting down his mug, "I'm not the one that makes people wait."

Got me there.


Still smiling, Chad patted my paw. "We don't have to go if you're nervous about going to a high class function and rubbing elbows with celebrities." Then a strange, maniacal edge entered his smile. "After all, they're likely to look down on you. Best to avoid that."

My tail fluffed out and what panic I had was instantly replaced by agitation. I knew he was baiting me. It was obvious but I snapped it up like a hungry pup to a piece of fresh meat dangling in front of him.

"Let them look down on me," I replied, fighting the growl buried deep in my voice. "Better position to give them an uppercut."

In my mind, I could just imagine myself standing in front of a tall, uppity celebrity dressed in a tuxedo, wearing a top-hat and possessing a monocle just for laughs. He loomed over me and glanced down, making a comment about a boy trying to be a man. Then I would proceed to kick him in the balls, deliver my promised uppercut and watch him sprawl on the floor with a shattered monocle constantly muttering, 'I say'.

Made me almost want to go to the ball.

"I have full confidence in your uppercut-delivering abilities," Chad answered, that smirk still on his face. It was clear he was far from done. "Though I doubt you'd be able to do that to all the big, muscular footballers that will be there."


I had totally forgotten it would be a meat market at the ball... It was in honour of Shellington's own football team, the Thunder Phoenixes...

And... that also gave rise to my other fear about that ball...

"Or is that why you're worried?" Chad asked, leaning forward, a big grin on his face. "Afraid you'll go in there and try to tackle the star quarterback?"


The instant I burst through that door, I would zoom across the room, slam into the quarterback and start wildly humping his leg...

"Or maybe you'd try and catch a 'fumble'?"


Fondling the hug package of a footballer...

"Or perhaps you'd go for a 'touchdown'?"

My cock up some subby player's ass...

"Stop that," I snarled, folding my ears back against my head. "I can keep myself under control." Ducking my head slightly, I said, "I'm more worried about the fact that a certain... someone will be there."

Chad's eyebrows rose and he regarded me curiously. "Oh? Someone apart from me? Jake, I'm jealous."

I gave him a cock smirk and rubbed his thick calf with my foot. "No one could ever replace you." My smirk faded a second later. "It's actually more on the opposite side of the spectrum..." I leaned over, resting my head on my paw as I stared out the window.

"Someone you hate...?"

"Sort of..." I flicked my ears at him, keeping them keen for his reaction. "Do you know Devlin Rooks?"

The mirth in his voice was unmistakable. "The star quarterback that you're going to pounce the instant we step through those doors?"

"No," I growled. "He's not the star quarterback. He's the backup for the quarterback position. Just got drafted this season. Didn't make it last year but was the favourite this year's draft. He's lined up for the second half of the opening game. Went to Shellington High School, graduated with moderate marks but a sports scholarship in RNSA. Attended Sonara Primary and Middle schools before that."

Chad's mirth faded. "Should I be worried that you know so much about him?"

A little, I admitted mentally. "No..." My eyes turned back to my boyfriend. "I know a lot about Devlin Rooks because he used to be Devlin Pinsk until his mother remarried."

"And who is he exactly?"

"My former next door neighbour and best friend."

Chad didn't miss a beat. "'Former'?" he repeated.

I nodded very slightly. "Yeah... The two of us were mistaken for twins most of the time. We were always next to each other. The best of friends..." My eyes dropped and I suddenly found memories of my childhood being played across the swirls of my hot chocolate. "Then... In high school, my then-boyfriend, Cliff, decided to take a protest rally and come out to the world. I accompanied him, of course.

"Unfortunately, it wasn't well-received and a bunk of jocks came up to us and threw vegetables at us... calling us 'faggot'. Devlin was amongst them."

Chad winced loudly, pulling back from his seat like he had just been slapped hard with a rubber dildo. "What a way to break a friendship..."

"Break, stomp on it, defecate it and then shoot it into the sun to burn to a crisp," I added bitterly. "He didn't stop there, you know. Kept tormenting me for the rest of my high school career. When you invited me to the ball, I couldn't help but hear about Devlin and see a picture of him. I recognised him... and..."

Chad's paw rubbed against mine again. "You're afraid he'll go back to the 'good old days' and treat you badly for being gay?"

No... That wasn't what I was afraid of...


Chad leaned forward and gently licked my nose, making me pull back in surprise. "Aww, don't worry about that." He winked at me, making my heart stop for the briefest of seconds. "High school is a different place to the real world. Both of you are high-profile people now. If he so much as touches you the wrong way, you know it'll be all over the news."

He leaned back into his chair, a big grin on his face. "In this modern world of ours, people will lynch those who discriminate more than they will actually discriminate. If he so much as thinks the word 'faggot', everyone will know and they'll skin him alive!"

That really didn't make me feel any better but I loved Chad for trying. Part of the blame fell on me, however. After all, I didn't tell Chad the truth about why I was worried about the ball. Devlin represented more than just a fallen best friend... he was my first crush. Even before my first boyfriend, Devlin was the one that I wanted to yiff badly.

Those feelings came rushing back three months ago when I had a supernatural encounter that included both Devlin and Chad. Feelings were confessed and truths were unveiled... but the situation was further complicated when the mastermind behind the event revealed he had rewritten reality to fit his situation. Were those truths still applicable? Did some part of Devlin remember?

Did I trust myself with him?

"Besides," Chad laughed, sweeping a paw around himself. "Look at this place! It's -!"


His paw hit someone.

"Ow! Goddamnit!"

Chad instantly bolted to his feet and spun to his unfortunate victim. "Oh god! I'm sorry! Let me -!"

He froze.


Devlin Rooks, wiped remnants of the froth from his tight-fitting shirt with a scowl. His icy blue eyes pulled away from where the coffee stain was seeping into his pants to rest on me. He was just as I remembered him... Tall, massively muscular with black fur and a white triangular patch just between his eyes that made him look like he was constantly scowling. It didn't help that Chad had just spilled coffee on him either.

"Hey!" Chad exclaimed, a big grin on his face. "You're Devlin Rooks, aren't you?"

Dev took a moment to reply. "Yeah." His eyes were fixated on me. That icy stare froze me in place. I tried taking a sip from my hot chocolate but that did little to warm me up.

"We were just talking about you!" Chad exclaimed, offering his seat. "Why don't you take a seat? I'll grab you another coffee? What was that?"

Again... a few seconds before Dev replied. "Tall. Chai Latte."


Was he always this intimidating?

Chad clapped his back and pushed him into the chair. "Sure! Let me get that for you. Oh! This is my boyfriend by the way, Jacob Samuel Reaper." He drew out my name nice and slow so that Devlin had enough time to process every syllable. I tried frantically to kick him but he was out of range.

"Say 'hi', Jake," Chad urged.

Dev's stare kept me frozen.

More hot chocolate... Yes...

I pulled the cup to my lips.

"Hi, Jake," I said. Only I had my muzzle buried in my chocolate and my words bubbled into the brew.


"Yeow!" I cried, hot chocolate spilling all over my chest.


The cup bounced off my toe, spilling more of the boiling concoction onto my leg.

"Sonofa -" I began, leaping to my feet.


... only to slam my knee against the underside of the table...


... and spill Chad's own hot chocolate onto Devlin...

Crap! Crap! Crap!

Oddly enough, Devlin just sat there impassively.

Chad had this horrified look on his face that was mixed with pure astonishment. His left eye was twitching in disbelief.

The good news was... I was no longer frozen in place. I was sufficiently warmed up that I could turn around and run to the other side of the country. I had enough money that I could purchase a very quick flight to the northern, icy tundra and buy radar-jamming equipment to hide me from detection. I think a good twenty-five years worth of food and supplies would be enough to keep me from the nuclear fallout that would be Devlin's wrath.

I'd send for Chad when I was convinced he wasn't being followed.

Devlin moved.

I flinched, pulling my paws up to cover my face. "Not the face!" I cried. As a second thought, I brought one paw down to my crotch. "Not there either!"

"I'll go get cleaned up."

I lowered my paws, daring to peek at Devlin's retreating back.



Oh no! It was a trick!

Chad pulled his paw down from where he smacked the back of my head. "Go apologise!" he whispered harshly.

"What!?" I whispered back. "Are you nuts!? Didn't you see the murder in his eyes!? He expects me to go in the bathroom with him!" I glanced over at Devlin as the big footballer entered the men's bathroom. "That's where he's going to knock me out with a good punch, then tear me limb from limb with his fangs, then flush my remains down the toilet but not before he's pissed and shitted on my head!"

My boyfriend gave me this exasperated look that just said, 'Really? With his fangs?'

I held my ground... for about two seconds.

With my tail between my legs, shoulders slumped and head ducked, I slinked over to the toilets. As I reached the door, I took a deep breath, gave one last look at my boyfriend - who was blissfully ordering for the three of us - and entered the toilets.

What I found there surprised me...

Chapter 1.1: An Open Invitation

De'Chappillion Café

Devlin Rooks was nowhere in sight.

Holy crap, he's conversed with the powers of evil and has obtained supernatural demonic powers and was behind me at the very instant I finished this thought where he would proceed to suck out my soul... so don't stop thinking...

... don't stop thinking...

... don't stop thinking...

I heard sobbing.

Crap! I stopped thinking!

I spun around...

That creepy man indicating this was the men's toilet's just stared right back at me with the word 'Dicks' right below it. Ironic that in such a classy place, they'd have such a crass sign.

More sobbing.

I flicked my ears towards the source. There was only one stall closed and it didn't take a genius to find out where the sound was coming from.

_Who_it was coming from however...

I gingerly approached the stall, the sobbing growing louder as I drew closer. As I came to stand in front of the stall, the sound abruptly stopped. I noticed that the stall wasn't even locked.

Suddenly, I found myself at a crossroads...

Open the stall and find out what was eating Dev... or turn around and pretend none of this ever happened... I weighed the pros and cons... Cons were far more numerous than the Pros. Interestingly enough, there were a lot of 'in-betweens'... like starting up a semi-romance with Dev where he, Chad and I would have a crazy threesome...

I shook the thought from my head, took a deep breath and pushed the stall door open slowly.


... only to find no one there.


Between the loud thumping of my heart, I managed to catch the sound of shuffling. My eyes were drawn to the ground where I saw the last few hairs of a black and white tail slipping into the adjacent stall.

Okay... maybe I was jumping the gun with those evil demonic powers...

I sidestepped to my left and just in time to see Devlin rising to his feet. Our eyes met. I was suddenly the headlights of a speeding truck and he was the poor, wide-eyed deer about to get run over.

"You know the floors of toilets are filthy, right?"

The big, bad wolf didn't reply and dove for the opening to the next stall, scrambling to get away from me.

Wow... I never through this'd be in my definition of 'chasing a guy'... Let alone chasing Devlin Rooks...

I sidestepped again. Devlin glanced up at me then began military-crawling towards the next stall without even getting up.

"Dev, just get up will you?"


I was taken aback by his response. It was probably how parents felt when their child first decided to deft them. A mix of shock and hurt filled me as I sidestepped once more and watched Devlin relentlessly crawl from one stall to the other trying to escape me.

"Dude, just get up so we can talk."

"Just shut up and leave me alone!"

My ears flicked towards the entrance and I glanced over to find two guys walking in paw in paw. A devilish though crossed my fingers.

"Sorry folks," I said, with a grin. "Would you mind using the other toilets? We're looking for the one with the glory hole."

Devlin suddenly poked his head out from the stalls. "Are not!"


I seized the scruff of Devlin's neck, making him yelp. The two guys at the door sniggered and gave us a wink and giggle before turning around and heading into the 'Dame's' bathroom.

Devlin's ears flopped down and his ice-cold eyes melted. Tears began welling up and pooling in the corners of his eyes as he turned away and tried to pull away from me. I gave him some ground before I snatched his ear.


It took all my strength to pull Devlin out of the stalls and slam him against the sink. The big wolf slid down onto the floor, pulling his knees up to his chin and whimpering softly. It was almost comical to see such a bigger, more muscular and intimidating footballer so vulnerable. It brought back memories of when Dev would come over to my house and curl up at the foot of my bed and lament at the status of his mother and father's marriage.

As I did with all those times before, I crouched down beside him, my legs stretched out wide and my arms crossing behind my head. For what seemed like an eternity, we just sat there, beside one another and with one of us sobbing uncontrollably.

I was lost for words... I didn't know what to say...


"Awful weather we're having, huh?"

I could have just shot myself at that moment... It would've been easier.

Devlin chuckled through his sobs. "After years of being apart and the fact that the last time I saw you, I threw a bag of poop at you, that's the best you can come up with?" He offered me a lopsided smile. "I thought you were a world-famous author."

"Authors write they don't do well coming with impromptu speeches," I responded with a chuckle. "But what about you, huh? The best you can come up with is" - I did be best at impersonating his deep, resonating voice - "'Tall. Chai Latte' and 'I'll go get cleaned up.'? Not to mention totally breaking down in front of me."

Devlin's sobbing faded into more laughter. It seemed like he was about 50% sobbing, 45% laughter and 5% nervousness. "Well... What can I say? I really didn't expect to see you hanging out with a movie star in a gay café."

I smirked and crossed my arms across my chest, turning to him with one eyebrow cocked. "I'll have to say that I could say almost the same about you. Weren't you the one who chanted 'To Gay, No Way' all through high school?"

A wince escaped him and he slammed his head back against the sink. "Don't remind me..." His eyes found mine. "You got to know, Jake... I never meant any of it... I was just..."

"Scared? Confused? Wanted to belong?" I finished.

"That predictable, huh?"

No... Just he basically gave me a similar confession three months ago... Just that he didn't remember because of the aftermath of a certain reality breaking apart.

"Let's just say that I've lived it all before."

The big wolf sighed and hung his head. "I wish I could say the same... I mean... These past few years, I've regretted what I did to you... and all those others... especially knowing... Knowing what I am..."

"Who you are," I corrected sternly. "Don't treat being gay like some genetic defect or something. It's who you are if you choose it to be. It's not something forced onto you. It's a choice." I traded my stern, reprimanding tone for an encouraging smile. "Though judging from what you've said, you've already made your choice."

Devlin smirked and nodded. "Yeah... I made my choice a long time ago... Been trying not to make the same mistake again... Trying to be myself instead of letting my career drive me."

Were it only that easy...

"How's that going for you by the way?" I asked, keeping my tone light.

He shrugged dismissively. "Well, I don't hide it... Just... I'm not out to chase people's ass either."

"Then why are you here moping?"

Devlin let out a long, ragged sigh. "I guess... I'm just in that 'limbo' state where no one has asked me yet. I guess I was afraid that... at the big ball tonight, you'd stand in front of everyone as you're presenting the award -"

I clamped a paw on his muzzle. "Wait... what?"

He gave me a befuddled look. Despite the chilling colour of his eyes, they were surprisingly expression and warm.

"Whabyamrrrmph whab?"

"I beg your pardon?"



Devlin seized my paw, his own appendage encasing mine, and pushing it aside. "I said, 'Get your paw off my muzzle'." He glared at me. "And before that, I said 'What do you mean 'what'?"

It took me a second to process what it was I had been thinking before Devlin's garbled messages. "I was asking what do you mean about me presenting the award?"

That befuddled look returned. "Didn't your boyfriend tell you? You're meant to present the award for Rookie of the Year at the award. It's presented at the start of the season every year to commemorate the rookie from the previous year's achievement."

Huh... I always thought those kind of awards would be more relevant at the end of a season, not at the start.

Shows what I know about football.

But on a more panic-worthy note...

"No... He didn't tell me..." I murmured, ears flattened and glaring over my shoulder. I concentrated all my non-existed psychic powers into a single thought and shot it to where I imagined Chad was standing. Hopefully he at least felt a chill down his spine.

No wonder he invited me...

"Don't worry, Dev," I said, turning my gaze back towards the big wolf. "I'm not about to go outing you in front of your peers if you don't want me too." I got up and offered him my paw. "Besides, being in a gay-oriented café doesn't make you gay."

Devlin rolled his eyes, took my paw and let me lift him up. "Yeah. And people buy Boyplay magazine for the articles and we're here just for the coffee."

"Who knows, they might." I shrugged and let go of his paw. Interestingly... He didn't let go of mine. "You get my point though, right?" I asked, trying to pull my paw away but his grip was surprisingly firm.

Okay... Panic mode again...? My mental finger was hovering over the button that would send my systems into overdrive.

"Yeah," Devlin said with a relieved sigh. "Being in De'Chappillion doesn't make you gay."


I suddenly felt myself slammed hard against Devlin's chiselled chest... but more over... his package rubbing up against mine.

"This does," he said with a sly wink. "Touch."

I rolled my eyes and pushed away from him. "God you're a faggot."

"So are you."

Knowing that our conversation was at a resolute end, I turned, flicked my tail against his thighs and swung my ass from side to side tauntingly. "Guilty as charged." I nodded towards the door. "Now come on. I bet our drinks are getting cold."

We re-entered the café and there was Chad with three tall cups and a copy of Boyplay magazine up to his muzzle. I sat down beside him just as Dev sat opposite to us.

I gently reached over, pulled the magazine down from his muzzle and gave him a 'You are so dead look.'

"So... What's this about me presenting an award?"

Whatever mirth he had instantly faded and his swallowed loudly. "Oh... I am so dead, aren't I?"

Dev slinked up onto Chad's other side, compressing him between us. "Yep. You sure are."

Chapter 1.3: I had a Ball

Twin Roads Hotel - Ballroom

Whatever fears and reservations I may have had about the relationship between myself and Devlin went out the window. In fact, Chad, I and Devlin actually spent the rest of the afternoon in each other's company. With me and Chad figuratively in arm, Devlin was more relaxed. We all agreed that two guys walking around together could scream 'gay' but with three, it's pretty normal.

There was a lot of catching up to do. Both Devlin and I reconnected. Naturally, I avoided all topics concerning my secret as a superhero... and all the supernatural craziness that seems to have me at its centre.

We enjoyed each other's company and joked about times past. For the record, Devlin did apologise. And also for the record, during our little run-in together three months ago which ended up being forgotten... I forgave him as well.

Chad saw me to my apartment that I shared with my roommate Zeke, gave me a peck on the cheek and told me that he'd come to pick up me up at eight. I bid him 'see you soon' and watched his cute ass waltz down the stairs.

Smiling like an idiot, I turned back into my apartment, grabbed a glass of orange juice and returned to my room. What had started out as a rainy day that resulted in me getting drenched turned out to be a fairly awesome turn of events.

I settled down in front of my desk, switched on my desktop computer and slipped on my headphones, waiting patiently as I sipped my orange juice.

What happened next... I was totally not expecting.


My mother's voice blared into my eardrum, causing me to splatter orange juice all over my desktop screen. Where once there was a picture of Chad and myself smiling at the camera as a wallpaper, there was instead a comical caricature of my mother's features snarling at me and pointing a finger accusingly.

There was also a bubble from my dashboard stating that I had 138 unread messages.

My heart sank... just as I recalled that I had two missed calls.

Quickly, I flicked out my phone.

Those two missed calls...

... they ballooned to two hundred.

Eep... I was so dead.

It isn't a good idea to have a superhero as a mother. Sure it's cool at first but when that mother becomes an 'overprotective mother' who always sees you as 'their puppy'... Yeah, that's when things get bad...

The only reason why my mom wasn't barging in my room and breaking down my door was, first and foremost, the fact that I did this a lot. My phone was notorious for being incredibly silent when put on silent. In fact, it wasn't silent. It was mute.

Secondly... My dad...

Any kitchen utensil - absolutely anything from an eggbeater to a fork - is destructive in his paws. Nuclear weapons held nothing to him.

It takes a superhero to keep him on a tight leash.

Paws shaking, I opened my email server, fearing the 138 messages that were hovering in front of me. I noted that there were some pretty... descriptive subject lines for the first 50... then... they all went frighteningly blank...

Despite my fear, I clicked on the first message -


My phone vibrated.

Oh yarf...

Gulping loudly, I picked it up and flipped it open...

My mom.

Moment of truth... or death...

I hit the receive button and brought it up to my ear.


"You know I'm really mad at you right now, right?"


When people are mad, you know they're mad. But when they're mad and they don't show it... that's when you worry. What is it that those psychological profilers say? It's always the psychopaths who are most calm that are the most inclined to go on mass murdering sprees?

I was so dead...

"Hi mom..." I murmured meekly. "What's up?"

"What's up_is that I've heard you're going to the_ Thunder Phoenix's_Ball tonight and you probably aren't aware that two of their newest recruits were arrested for dealing with drugs."_


No... No I wasn't aware of that.

Was Devlin...?

No... He couldn't have been...

Unless... Unless the police gave him one last taste of freedom before they sent him to the chair... Though... Rillotia didn't believe in capital punishment... But what if his crime was so severe that they were going to ship him off to somewhere like Welensha to get electrocuted... or maybe Crescenta to be hanged! What about being carted over to Minteroca where the worst punishment possible was to be sent out into the frozen wastes and tasked to survive for forty days and if you were found still breathing, you were pardoned!?

Was that why he was crying and in a gay café when Chad and I had been using it as our secret rendezvous for months and we never noticed him?


Yarf it all to hell!


"Two unknowns really... Matthew Delacroix and Paulo Gomez."

A sigh of relief slipped between my lips. "Oh... What were they in for that has you so worried?"

"The fact that there was a third_member of their party and they were blown to bits."_

I blinked and stared at my phone at arm's length for a good long while. "What?" I demanded, pulling it back. "What do you mean 'blown to bits'?"

"I mean she was practically incinerated. Death was caused by some high-powered explosive blast at close range. From the testimonies of the two guys - who are now officially freaked by the way - they were supposed to meet a guy about some highly experimental performance enhancing drugs. It didn't work out as they had planned. The guy had put something explosive in the package and threw a cigarette_at it as the trade occurred._

"Apparently, there was meant to be a fourth_member of their party but he disappeared. An assassin or something."_

"Assassin?" I repeated, my belief over this story slowly dwindling. "Why would anyone hire an assassin for something as simple as a drug trade? It's not even anything illegal, I'm guessing."

"That's what has me and the rest of the government concerned. The third and fourth members of the part? They weren't footballers or even in anyway associated_with the football league. They were_ Virulent Vipers."

I blinked a couple of times.

That name didn't ring a bell for me.

Quietly, I brought up my web browser and typed in 'Virulent Vipers' into the search engine.

"Don't bother, Jacob. I know you don't know anything about them."

Crap... Stupid super-hearing...

"They're part of the Dark Nexus."

_That_was a name I knew all too well.

"You mean that underground VRCSs league that dad almost got caught up in?"

"That illegal_Virtual Reality Combat Sports league,"_ my mom emphasised. "Yes. The one where they have no pain inhibitors active, death in game actually means_death and they use some illegal weaponry. We've been trying to shut down the_ Dark Nexus_for years now but they always manage to elude us. Now we're concerned that with them surfaces to make deals with the football league, the reason they've been able to avoid detection was because someone_ else_was covering for them."_

I crossed my free arm against my chest, eyes narrowed. "Someone from the football side of sports?"

"Yes. We'll do what we can from this end. I just want you to watch what you drink and eat, keep an eye out for bad influences and if anyone pressures you into doing something you don't want to, don't do it."

My eyes rolled even before I knew what I was doing.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, young man!"

Stupid motherly instincts...

"Yeah, mom. Sorry. I'll keep an eye out." I brightened abruptly. "Oh hey, you remember Devlin Pinsk?"

A low growl rolled out from the receiver. "You mean the Devlin Pinsk who threw tomatoes at you when you were simply standing up for equal rights? The Devlin Pinsk who chased you halfway around the school to give you an atomic wedgie? The Devlin Pinsk who threw a bag of faeces at you at your graduation? That_Devlin Pinsk?"_

... No...?

"Yeah... I uh... I met him today..."



Crap... What do I tell my mom... I forgot just how much she hated Devlin for what he did to me during the closing years of high school. Hell, she was one of the driving factors that pushed Devlin out of the neighbourhood. I seem to recall my mom pulled some strings with Devlin's mom, ensuring that she had another job somewhere so that Devlin was forced to go to a college far from where I was.

That... and she made every attempt to give him her Death Stare.

_"Jacob?"_my mom began in that, 'I know you're hiding something' tone.

"He's on the team..."

"I see..."_There was a pause on the other end. I could see her burning with vengeance. In fact, I just imagined - almost prayed - that my dad would detonate something. _Anything to get her away from the phone.


I jumped, staring at the phone in shock.

"Oh my god! Isaac Reaper! What have you done this time!?"

I heard a muffled reply... Something about a wok...? Flaming frying pan...? I wasn't sure.

"Jacob, I have to go. It seems your father decided it would be funny to try and duel with one of the butlers with frying pans dipped in gasoline and set alight. About Devlin Pinsk -"

This was my chance!

"I'll take care of myself, mom. Don't worry. I promise I won't let Devlin hurt me. I'm a big boy now."

Her tone changed to a mix of nostalgia and pride. "But you'll always be my little puppy. See you later, Jacob. I love you."

"Love you too, mom."

I hung up... setting my phone on the table with a slight frown.

I knew the game of football was intense... but I didn't think it would be so intense to get someone killed... Then again, there was an illegal VRCSs league running things as well...

Those thoughts in my head, I went over to where I had hung my coat and reached into the pockets. I fished out the piece of paper I had stored and unfolded it.

You're going to be late.

For some reason... I had this eerie feeling that referred to something more than just this morning's date.

The doorbell interrupted my musings.

It rang a second time and I heard Zeke heading over to open it.

"Jake! It's for you!"

The clock only said it was six thirty... It was too early for Chad to pick me up. Heck, I wasn't even ready! Worse, all my suits were back at home with my parents! I was in no way prepared to go at this instance.

Well... Maybe Chad just wanted to wait with me?

I pushed back from my corner desk and strode past my double bed adorned with images of stars and distant galaxies. From my open door, I navigated down the short hallway and turned the corner into the open lounge and kitchen.

My heart jumped into my throat.

At the doorway... stood Dev.

With a bouquet of roses in one paw and dressed in a rather fell-fitting suit. Personally, I had always imagined footballers would wear suits that were two sizes to small so that they could accentuate their muscles but Dev pulled off that suit really well.

Though that wasn't exactly my greatest concern.

"Dev?" I asked, striding towards the door. "What're you doing here?"

"Two reasons," Devlin answered, raising two fingers smartly. "These are for you." He handed me the roses.


I swear, if he got down on one knee...

"They're from your boyfriend," Devlin clarified much to my relief. "Chad was called back onto the set at the last minute. He can't make it tonight."

For some reason, I had this eerie vision of Devlin orchestrating a 'tragic' car accident that caused Chad's untimely demise... But he wouldn't do that... Though, he did throw a poop bag at me once...

"Not that I don't trust you or anything," I answered, "but I'm going to have to go ahead and call Chad to confirm, alright?"

Devlin shrugged. "I understand. He asked me to take you suit shopping as well considering how you don't actually have a suit of your own from what I hear."

True... True...

I bolted back into my room and called Chad. Much to my relief, he was well and alive. Not at all buried under ten tonnes of flaming car debris. He told me that he needed to go back to the set to do some 'emergency' filming. Apparently, some of the film had been 'lost' and they feared someone might just leak the production out to the public. That said, they were now missing a large chunk of their movie.

They needed to do a re-shoot.


"No way you can make it in time for the ball?" I asked pleadingly.

"Sorry. I'd love to but this is a big job and it's a big_budget. Can't afford to blow it. Not with the setbacks we're_ already_suffering."_

"Right... But... you invited me. Wouldn't I be like... I dunno... a douche if I showed up just by myself?"

"Then get Devlin to ask you."

My fur fluffed out. "What!? Are you joking!?"

"I'm serious, Jacob. You need Devlin to ask you out to the ball if you're that worried. Besides, you're meant to present Rookie of the Year, remember?"


"Fine... I guess I don't need Dev to ask me then..." I sighed heavily. "Still wish I could've gone with you. I've been practicing my slow dancing..."

"Then dance with Dev. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."


Again, my fur fluffed out. "What!?"

"Oh! Make sure to get him nice and drunk!"_Chad laughed. _"You know how these footballers are. Give them enough beer, get them shitfaced and suddenly, they're your best friend. Take them home and then you're the best_guy in the world. Stay for two seconds and you're both in bed!"_


"Hey! Maybe after filming I can come over and we can have a threesome!"


"I don't even -"

"I still promised your dad we'd get in bed together. Maybe I can do him one more and make it a foursome?"


Oh that's what this was...

I gave him my best Death Stare through the phone. "You've been hanging around my dad way too much."

I heard him snicker. "Hey, think of it as my 'dowry' to your family. Hot guy-on-guy-on-guy sex. Might even get your parents to forgive Dev!"

"I hate you so much right now."

He was cackling on the other end. "See you tonight, Jake! If you get to Dev's apartment, give me a call! I'll get your dad to come pick me up!"

"Just shut up and shoot your movie."

"Oh I'll be shooting_all right."_

I hung up.

My dad is a corruptive force... I swear.

The matter was settled. I picked up my coat and returned to Devlin who was waiting patiently at the door.

"Ready to head off?" he asked.

Yarf... The horrible thing about being recently exposed to countless sexual scenarios and having to go suit shopping with the object of said sexual scenarios was that it was impossible to get them out of your mind.

"Just hold on a second," I answered. "Let me just grab something."

"O -"

Dev never got to finish with 'kay'.

I leaned in, seized is package and gave a good, nice squeeze. Just as big as I remembered.

"Okay, I'm good," I announced, sliding past him. There was almost no room. He almost took up the entire doorframe.

"Please tell me you're not going to be groping and fondling me all night..." Devlin murmured.

"Of course not." I glanced over my shoulder and gave him a cocky smirk. "Just until you cum."

Third Arc Zero Street: Chapter 2

**Chapter 2.0: Black Tie Affairs** **Arcadia Shopping Centre** Who would've thought that shopping for suits would be so... _tedious_. After hours of having my shoulders, waist and arms measured as well as being asked to 'lift my tail' - apparently,...

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Morpheus Fantasy Services: It's the Circle of Life

**Morpheus Fantasy Services** **It's the Circle of Life** If there's anything I've learned... ... it's to _never_ invite your boyfriend's ex to participate in an orgy with you. As I stood there, now fully awake and with my heart pounding in my...

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