Morpheus Fantasy Services: For Science!

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#5 of Morpheus

Morpheus Fantasy Services

For Science!

If there's anything I've learned in my experiences, it's that there is no such thing as the easy route.

It had been a good two weeks since Corey and I had been reacquainted and I still hadn't found the courage to go back home and tell my parents that their little, darling boy with the mismatched eyes was now the hulking star pitcher for the college and had miraculously changed species from human to Alsatian.

Oh... and that I was gay, had a boyfriend who I was planning to marry some day and I had wildly fucked him and my older, flaming brother, Corey... multiple times.

Oddly enough... that last bit seemed the hardest to explain.

I kept using my studies as an excuse as to why I couldn't go back home. Corey was thankfully covering for me. He kept in contact with our parents, telling them that I was really busy since I was aspiring to become a doctor after all. He kept putting off our eventual phone conversation by offering lame excuses here and there but I knew, one day, I would eventually have to face my parents.

I dreaded that day.

On a brighter note, Corey and I were never closer. Yes, he still had his cancer looming over him but the good news is, Mr. Reaper had offered him a job! He was now 'interning' with Gwendolyn, helping run the club's finances and schedules. I wasn't sure if I liked the idea of Corey learning from a semi-homicidal goddess-like being but I kept hoping that Corey would prove himself and Mr. Reaper would deem him worthy of getting his own book.

Finals were coming up and since I was gunning for a medical position, I had a lot of studying to do. Many times before - just as I was about to pull my fur out from frustration - it occurred to me that I could just pick up my book and make myself a medical genius. But every time I thought about that, I considered what had nearly happened with Corey and I dismissed the thought.

I guess there was a lot more to these books than just simply writing your fantasy into it and watching as it came true.

I gazed at my one-thousand-plus-page textbook on known medical illnesses and sighed heavily. I knew some of the stuff in it... but I wasn't sure I would be ready by the time the final came around.

Stupid education system...

We all knew that these tests never really helped you in real life. There was no such thing as a textbook case especially not in medicine when every person was different. They might have the same disease but even a pair of twins will have to be treated differently.

Knowing my lecturer too... he was probably going to toss some crazy curveballs at me...

"Gah!" I shouted, gripping my head in my paws and burying my forehead against the book. Maybe if I pressed my head hard enough against the pages, I'll actually absorb some of the information.

Large, meaty paws wrapped around me and a familiar, wet nose pressed up against my neck.

"Having a little bit of trouble there, babe?" Keith asked, pressing his tongue lightly against my cheek.

"No..." I muttered bitterly. "I'm just looking up haemorrhoids."

That was a low blow, I knew but thankfully, Keith took it in stride. He was so perfect for me. He soothed me when I was raging, he encouraged me when I doubted and he loved me when I was alone. It wasn't fair that I treated him like that.

I whimpered softly and as if reading my mind, he giggled and nuzzled me tenderly. "Come on... Why don't we go down to the club? I think you deserve a break."

I had intended to use my day off to study. I'd been locked up in my room all day and the only thing in my head at the moment was 'I have a lovely bunch of coconuts, doo-do-dee-do'. If I tried cramming into it the different parts of the brain, then I was probably going to go into the second verse!

Going down to the club actually sounded like a good idea. Maybe I could get some techniques from Mr. Reaper on how to retain stuff from a textbook. I conceded to Keith's suggestion, giving him a kiss to tell him that he always knew what was best and thanking at him for always looking after me at the same time.

We headed out of the dorm room and into his car. The drive to the club was uneventful. I was used to it by now and the old, dark streets no longer seemed so menacing. I guess there was something to be said about being a 300 pound Alsatian and looking at these streets. They didn't seem so menacing now knowing that I could probably give as good as I got if anyone decided to try and mug me.

Keith parked in the employee parking lot and we stepped up to the familiar door with the neon signs clearly stating the name of the club and its preferred orientation. Conrad stood guard as always but instead of his usually gruff, menacing demeanour, he had turned into a very good friend. He grinned at me as we approached and even offered a wave as a greeting.

"Yo! Wassup, Dex? How's yer studyin' goin'?"

"Lousy," I answered with a lopsided smile.

"Yer tryin' ta be a doctah, right?" the massive, muscular tiger asked. He flexed one, impressive bicep, actually ripping his shirt sleeve with a vein popping out. Keith licked my muzzle and my guess it was because I was drooling. "How 'bout ya study somah this?"



The door suddenly sprang open from behind Conrad, knocking the tiger over. Gwendolyn emerged from beyond, her eyes firmly shut in an infuriated look with her eyebrows twitching in agitation.

"'Ey!" the tiger shouted, leaping up to his feet and spinning to a face the club's head receptionist. "What ta 'ell wuz that fer!?"

"That was for slacking off on the job," Gwendolyn answered.


Out from nowhere, she brought out a metallic bat and struck Conrad right across his skull, causing both me and Keith to wince at the audible crack that echoed across the dark alleyway.

"That was for telling Corey it was okay to let our drivers have sex with their clients as they were driving them here."


She slammed the bat against his groin and he toppled over. She mercilessly stepped on his balls, pressing down and making him squeal as her high-heels dug into his scrotum.

"And that is for shooting a lightning bolt at that poor naked guy who decided to throw himself off a skyscraper to escape his brutal life!"

"He would've survived the fall!" Conrad cried, his normally deep, bass rising several octaves higher. "He would've been a quadriplegic for the rest of his life! It was a mercy!"

"You didn't have to shoot the lightning at his penis!"

I suddenly found myself backing away slightly.

All I could think of was... 'yikes'.

Gwendolyn noticed us at that moment, her piercing purple eyes sharp and as penetrating as ever. 'Ball-breaker' just didn't fit for her. She was more like... 'Serial Castrator'.

"Drake? Keith? You two aren't rostered for tonight. What are you two doing here?"

I suddenly didn't feel like going to the club again.

Keith clapped my shoulder, a big grin on the wolf's muzzle. "We're here to give Drake a nice, relaxing evening away from his studying."

Her dubious look gave me the impression I was next on the chopping block. "So you decided to bring him over to a gay club with strobe lights, the constant temptation of penis and countless, hot, muscular, sweaty bodies pressed up against one another to the beat of techno music?"

Let's not forget to add the insane, homicidal receptionist and the enigmatic controller of all fate who was posing as the owner of said club.

Yeah... this wasn't sounding like such a good idea anymore...

She sighed, rolling her eyes and then pulled her foot off Conrad's crotch much to the latter's relief. "Well... Since you two are here, I suppose you can either go enjoy the festivities or see if any of the employees need any help." She gave me a sharp look. "Don't worry, I'll be clocking on every hour."

Honestly, I was already getting paid enough. I did wonder what overtime pay for this job though.

"Thanks, Gwendolyn," Keith exclaimed, patting my shoulder. "I'm betting you need something to keep yourself busy instead of a late-night romp right?"

He always knew me so well... I didn't even dare to venture into the possibility of not having him in my life. Dully, I merely nodded my consent and let Keith guide me over the writing Conrad, leaving the poor tiger to the mercy of the brutal and often sadistic Gwendolyn.

We entered the atrium where Corey was sorting through the clients and schedules. He really picked up the task quite quickly despite a goddess having occupied the seat previously. I guess with Gwendolyn having more free time on her hands, she had more time to abuse and berate both Mr. Reaper and Conrad.

Poor them.

"Evening, bro!" Keith exclaimed. He had taken to calling Corey 'bro'. Effectively, they were brothers now... and that filled my heart with joy that Keith had accepted him like that.

Corey held up a finger as he pressed the earphone against his left ear. "Good evening, Morpheus Fantasy Services. How may I help you?" A look of irritation crossed his features but his voice remained pleasant. "I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Morningstar, Mr. Reaper isn't available to address your problems at the moment like the last time you asked." Corey rolled his eyes and gave a slight, exasperated nod. "Yes, sir. I've spoken to Mr. Reaper and his exact words were, 'Tell Lucy that if he wants me to convince Old Man J to stop the Apocalypse, he's going to have to grow a pair of balls, suck up his pride, get teardrop tattoos, hop on one foot and apologise to 'you-know-who' while dressed in a pink tutu and getting a thousand sparkling fairies to sing 'Dancing Queen' while he does so.'"

Corey didn't hold back a sigh as he rubbed his forehead with his free hand. "Yes... he said that... Tutu and all. I wouldn't dare paraphrase. Yes. Goodbye Mr. Morningstar."

He placed the phone down and sighed even more heavily. "God... I don't know how Gwendolyn manages all these..." He gave me a hopeless look. "Seriously, I know the owner is pretty special and all but some of these calls..."

Keith leaned against the desk, a big grin on his face. "Tell me about it."

Somehow, I couldn't help but feel that some of that smirk was targeted at me. I guess Keith was trying to give me the old 'there are people worse off than you' thing. I mean, let's face it, Corey was powering through all of these 'cases' and dealing with cancer.

Me...? I had finals coming up.

Boy do I feel like I douche...

"I really don't know about that guy," Corey said. "Been pestering me and Mr. Reaper all night. Kept going on about 'the end of the world' and some such. Then there's this crazy guy that keeps yammering on about how he needs Mr. Reaper to..." He scrambled with a few papers on his desk. "Hang on... I've got this written down because the guy insisted. Some shuffling later, Corey brought out a sticky note. "Alright... He said he needs Mr. Reaper to, and I quote, 'help him find his dog so that he kick it to get it to throw up the magic chopsticks that are key to the Tealm of the Giant Potato People which has a portal conveniently in his upstairs toilet.'"

Before I could say anything, Corey raised a finger and brought up another note. "Then he called again and asked, 'Do I really have to flush myself?'"


I... I really had nothing to say to that...

Even Keith looked a little surprised... and he's been around Mr. Reaper longer than I have.

"Do you get those calls... often?" I asked tentatively.

Corey gave me a sour look. "On my first day, I got a call from a guy who found the 'Fountain of Youth' but was horrified to find that its waters were actually semen."

I frowned. "Why'd he think to call Mr. Reaper?"

Corey's sour look became even more... sour. "Apparently, there was a plaque on it that said 'Built by Gremlins' and that if they needed assistance to call a certain number. It just so happens to be ours."

My brother sighed and right now, I was actually feeling darn good. I mean, compared to Conrad having to deal with Gwendolyn and Corey dealing with all these crazy calls... I really had it pretty easy. I mean, compared to what they were dealing with, what was a stupid little final. I mean, I had a way out. They... Well... Conrad was doomed and Corey could always just find another job... and maybe hope that I would come up with a cure for cancer or something.

Suddenly, helping out around the club on my day off didn't sound so bad.

"Can I help with anything?" I asked, leaning forward beside Keith. "You sound pretty busy... Have you had your break yet?"

Corey shook his head. "Can't... I'm crazy busy... Gwendolyn makes it look like cake but I guess with her abilities, it's not impossible to look so calm and yet get it all done..." He smiled up at me weakly. "Tell you what... If you can bring these cases over to Mr. Reaper" - he dropped five folders into my paws - "I'd really appreciate it. Maybe later I can take my break and the three of us could have a little fun in the backrooms?"


Keith and I both jumped back in horror as Corey toppled backwards in his seat, a frying pan planted firmly on his face.

"No using the backrooms for your own pleasure!" Gwendolyn shouted from the alleyway. She had Conrad in a headlock - the big tiger begging for mercy and kicking out desperately - and in her free hand, she had what looked like a dentist's drill.


I picked up the folders, told Corey that I would love to meet him for his break and hurried into the club itself before Gwendolyn could retaliate. Keith was hot on my tail and we just barely escaped a very large bowling ball that embedded itself into the wall.

Where she got those things I never knew...

... nor did I want to find out.

I quickly wove my way through the club. As usual, the place was bustling with life. Gay life. There were all sorts of people there. Flamers, bears, closet cases, business men, half-naked guys and even girls who were thoroughly enjoying themselves. It always amazed me how many facets of the gay lifestyle this club attracted... and how many more it could show in the backrooms.

As I wandered over to where Mr. Reaper usually sat, I marvelled at the many revelations I had under this one roof... I had really grown here... Just like I couldn't bear to leave Corey and my family, Morpheus Fantasy Services had become a part of me that I couldn't leave. I mean, sure I'd be a doctor by day... but you know, I don't think anyone would mind if I played the stripper-slash-roleplayer-slash-hot-fuck at night.

Unless people started getting paranoid about me molesting them during examinations...

In fact... what would happen if my past someone found out about my months in this club...

Would I have my medical licence revoked...?

Would I be sued for inappropriate handling...?

Would I be forever branded as 'that gay guy'!?

Maybe it wasn't too late to just stick with being an employee here...?

"You could do that... or you could do something more fulfilling."

I jumped when I found Mr. Reaper standing in front of me. We were practically nose to nose! I let out a loud yip and jumped back, almost dropping the folders in my paws. I glanced over my shoulder to look for Keith. He was always my pillar of support and even after knowing Mr. Reaper for so long, I felt I needed Keith now more than ever whenever I was around the owner of MFS.

Keith was waving at me from the crowd, trying to bounce up and down amongst the twisting, throbbing and gyrating masses of men. It was clear he wasn't going to get anywhere near me for a while yet.

"M - Mr. Reaper! Where'd you come from!?"

Stupid question.

This was his club and I was standing in his booth.

"You stood on my ice cream sundae."

I glanced down at the table that sat at the centre of the semi-circular booth. There, true to his words, was a half-squished ice cream sundae. Looked really good too... except I couldn't tell if those brown specks on the whipped cream were peanuts... or gravel from outside. Of course, the base of my shoe was covered in the remnants of the ice cream.


"Um... Sorry...?"

Mr. Reaper waved away my apology and sat down. "Think nothing of it. Ice cream sundaes can be replaced. Besides, I was getting sick of this one." He stared at it through his reflective glasses with a slight frown. "Who would've thought Pickle, Toothpaste and 'Mysterious Brown Stuff' flavoured ice cream could get so dull."

Uh... What?

"Mysterious Brown Stuff?" I repeated.

"It was a little weird," Reaper admitted with a shrug. "Kept changing flavours. I think I got Wooden Floorboards at one point." He picked at his teeth and I was a little surprised when he pulled out a splinter. "Last time I ever get Havoc to make me dessert."

"Who's Havoc?" I asked. Mr. Reaper gestured that I sit down and I complied.

"He's a friend of mine. Kind of crazy but at the same time, quite interesting to be around. Life is never boring when Havoc is in the room." Reaper chuckled. "The only problem is the side-effects of having him around."

"Like what?"

He pointed at his ice cream. "Mysteriously flavoured ice cream, for one. Massive loss of life. Random explosive orgies. Cataclysmic disasters of epic proportions. Massive loss of life... only to be brought back again so they can participate in random explosive orgies... only to be destroyed by cataclysmic disasters of epic proportions." He shrugged. "That sort of thing."

Dear god... and here I thought there were just three of these gods... Now there were four!?

"Um... Just how many of you guys are there?"

Reaper smiled. "Depends on what you mean by 'us guys'."

I scratched my head and placed the folders down on the desk. "Erm... Gods of your level?"

"None. There are no gods of my level. There are no gods. Just mortals."


It was clear I was going to get into another philosophical debate and I didn't have the brain capacity to do another full-brainer. Not after having run through my text book a dozen times. "Um... Corey's getting a little swamped out there... He asked me to bring you a couple of cases..."

"Ah, excellent," Mr. Reaper said, clapping his hands together and picking up one of the cases. "I was looking for some light reading."

Knowing full well I was going to get a lecture, my curiosity got the better of me. "Oh... and a 'Mr. Morningstar' keeps calling him."

Mr. Reaper laughed. "Oh Lucy... When will he learn..." He shook his head, continuously chuckling to himself.

Still... I wanted to know...

"Erm... Did you really tell him to... you know... Do all that stuff just to apologise?"

"Yes. Yes I did."

"But why?"

Mr. Reaper lowered the folder in his hands and he regarded me solemnly. "I think the best way to summarize their situation is this... Basically, Old Man J set up... I guess you can call it free website where its members can contribute, grow and essentially do whatever they liked within the boundaries of certain rules. Lucy... Well... he was appointed a moderator at one point... But then Old Man J made a ruling... One that Lucy didn't quite agree with.

"So he spoke out. Old Man J didn't like that but he let Lucy go with a warning. But our little rebellious moderator was determined... and proud. He didn't like being humiliated like that and he wanted to prove that he was right. So... he tried to get other people on his side... Tried to turn people against Old Man J.

"He succeeded... to an extent. People gained a bit of insight into Old Man J... and they didn't see him as totally infallible anymore. This naturally pissed off the Old Man..."

I leaned forward, curious. "So what happened?"

"What would you do if one of your moderators turned on you and disrupted the peace of the site?" Mr. Reaper replied. "Old Man J totally banhammered Lucy." He sighed, leaning back into his chair with the folder on his lap. "Now, Lucy wants me to intercede on his behalf and convince Old Man J not to bring about the end of the site because he knows he'll lose if he pitches his followers against the Old Man's. Thing is, the Old Man is perfectly willing to forgive him... but he's just too proud. He's going to fight to the end... or at least try to."

That was kind of sad... And yet... I guess some could empathise with that... Neither side was really wrong, I guess... They were just standing up to their beliefs. I suppose they were just displaying perfect, mortal nature... the both of them. The power to forgive... and the power of pride...

"So you're just going to let them go at it?" I asked.

"I've already offered Lucy the opportunity to leave and make his own reality. Seriously, if you're sick about how a person is running a site, just move on and make your own, right? But he's just convinced that he has to beat Old Man J... co-existence as equals even if it is on separate planes of existence isn't even on his agenda. He has to be superior to his nemesis."

"Then why don't you help Old Man J get rid of him?"

"Because Old Man J doesn't want me to," Reaper answered with a smile. "It is after all his site. I can offer suggestions and give aid to those that ask when it's what's good for the site but ultimately, if the owner doesn't want me to act even against my better judgment, I won't act... unless isn't really risky."

I inclined my head to the side. "What's 'really risky'?"

Mr. Reaper shrugged and picked up the folder again. "Oh... I don't know... Maybe some accidental supervirus is created from the site's internal programming that infects the entire internet and creates and monstrous artificial intelligence that replicates itself into every internet-connected device and then proceeds to rape every mortal out there to turn them into robotic sex slaves."



"Um... Okay..."

Mr. Reaper regarded me with one raised eyebrow. "If you're not doing anything, what say you help me with some of these cases? It might help your understanding of what I do and how I do things."

Pick the brain of a god?

Sure, why not?

I'm not entirely sure how much time passed because these cases were pretty darn bizarre... and slightly arousing. Plus, I was getting really into them. Mr. Reaper would read out the case to me and then he'd ask me what I thought the best course of action would be. When I made a suggestion, he'd counter with a scenario. We'd toss back and forth ideas until we got to a solution.

The first scenario was pretty tame really. Apparently, there was a kingdom that was at war over the throne left over by a crazy king. The king named someone an heir and half the royal court deemed the guy actually pretty darn decent and wise. The other half wanted someone else. The first's brother no less. There was conflict, pain and war.

The younger brother was asking Mr. Reaper solve the issue.

Mr. Reaper refused on the grounds that if he became the basis of a king's reign, the king would rely on him.

The second involved an odd fungal growth that had crashed down from space that attached to a poor human boy's cock. At first, people thought it was herpes and then when he jacked off, the growth grew on his wall. Eventually, it grew to its full form... a massive, cock-shaped flower that the boy stepped into and was transformed into a massive, muscular canine... who went around creating more cock-shaped flowers and stuffing his victims inside to increase his 'races' population.

The god of the world was apparently asking Mr. Reaper to undo it. Apparently, the god threw that fungus as a mistake. It was his booger.

I wasn't even touching that.

The scenarios were basically just like that.

The third involved a primordial god of male pleasure rising from the depths of hibernation to fuse with a mortal man and transform every male into a raging, hormone-driven sex machine to form his own paradise. The fourth was sort of serious... A species war involving canines versus felines... And their greatest weapon... Their semen. Having their semen enter your body in any way turned you into a member of their species, complete with memory alterations.

The fifth was much more serious... almost apocalyptic... It involved something along the lines of fifteen fallen disciples or something like that. Sounded too religious for me.

However, through it all, I found one pattern...

"You're not willing to help any of them?" I asked, a little worried.

Mr. Reaper set down the last folder and waved a finger at me while smiling. "Oh of course I'm willing. But it isn't a matter of how I help them... It's a matter of when I'll give my help."


"People ask for help all the time, Dexter. If I granted everyone's wish the instant they asked, there will just be more problems than there would be solutions. The first thing I try to teach people is how to stand on their own two feet. How to ensure that the power to obtain their greatest desires rests within their own hands... or paws."

He nodded towards me. "Take yourself as an example. Knowing your plight, why do you think I waited until you actually joined this club, reconciled with Keith, reunited with your brother and accepted your own sexuality before I gave you your own book? Do you think you would be the same person now if I had given you the chance to alter the very fabric of your reality when you first entered college? Or maybe even when you were born?"

I was tempted to argue that I would indeed be the same person... but I knew that wouldn't have been the case. I was willing to wager that had I received my book earlier, I probably wouldn't be an Alsatian. I would probably be a wolf. I was jealous of Keith first before I was in love with him.

"Most of the time, when people aid another person," Mr. Reaper said, "they just have to consider what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes, they add a third question, 'How will this benefit me?' But for those of us who have broader responsibilities, we have to consider... other things."

"Other things...?"

Mr. Reaper bobbed his head from side to side. "I guess the best way I can explain it is a series of concentric circles." He pulled out a sheet of paper from one of the folders, picked up his ever-present crystal pen and drew three perfect, concentric circles. He drew a large dot on the middle circle. "You are this point in the middle circle. Now imagine that these circles are miles upon miles wide. So wide in fact that you can't see its curve."

"Like the planet," I chimed in.

"Exactly like the planet," Mr. Reaper answered with a grin. "You stand on its surface and in ages past, all anyone ever saw was the horizon and they thought it was flat. All they consider is how to move forward and what they left behind them. But..." He pointed at the inner-most circle. "When people gain a bit of power and insight, they realise that they actually have power over some people beneath them. Those stuck in this inner circle. A smaller circle. A reality that is simpler. And yet, in their reality, it will be easier to see the true nature of their little, smaller world..."

"Because it's easier to see the curve..." I began, slowly coming to a realisation.

"Indeed." Mr. Reaper brought his pen back to the dot he drew - me. "However, there will always be people who will try to alter the very nature of reality even if it is not their own. It is easier to alter fate when you control that fate, after all. Bigger circles have the power over the smaller circles that they encompass. And if they can twist those circles so that they become... say... ellipses..."

He redrew the inner circle to become an ellipse... and then I saw it...

"May I?" I asked, pointing at his pen.

"Be my guest."

I drew the inner ellipse so that it actually exceeded the boundary of the middle circle. "If they make it into an ellipse... then their own reality will have to compensate... They change their own world."

Mr. Reaper grinned. "Exactly. People don't realise it but there are many, many, many more factors that affect their own realm than just how to move forward and what's behind them. There are the fates of the people they can alter, the fates of others within their reality - you aren't the only point on that circle after all - and..." He pointed at the third, largest circle. "... those people who have power over them."

He sat back with a satisfied smile on his face. "People will ask for help... but when they ask for help from guys like me, we can't just go about and comply. Because we're aware of the restrictions of circles. We get calls not only from the outer-most circle but even the tiniest one. If we alter even one too much, we affect all the others. Then of course..."

Mr. Reaper drew another set of three circles away from the first set. "There are the realities that aren't even connected to the ones we're altering. Got to make sure they don't collide unless it's beneficial for all."

"Just how many realities are there?"

Mr. Reaper smiled. "Every choice you make is a crossroads, Dexter. When you take one road, another reality is created where you took the other road. Think of how many choices you've made in your life. Then think about how many people there are in the world. Think about how many worlds there are in the universe and the considered how many universes could be made by a single choice. Use that number... and then multiply it by itself. You wouldn't even come close."



"So which circle do you belong to then?" I asked, trying not to think of all those numbers.

Mr. Reaper shrugged, that smile still on his face. "The one I'm asked to inhabit." He lowered his gaze for a second, a gentle smile on his features. "When dealing with other people's worlds especially if you're entering it, it's often not a case of your ability to teach that will affect their learning..." His smile grew broader as he locked gazes with me once more. "... but rather their capacity to learn that will mould your ability to teach."

Before I could dwell too much on that, Mr. Reaper clapped his hands together and let out a rather relieved sigh. "Well, I think that's enough philosophising for the day! Looks like Keith finally managed to break away from the crowd."

I glanced over my shoulder at Keith who arrived huffing and puffing beside me. Despite his frame, he looked completely and utterly exhausted. Some parts of his clothes were also torn a little from what I would guess was because the wild and hormone-driven crowd.

"Sorry... I'm late..." he gasped. "I ran into someone I knew..."

"Really?" I asked, flicking my ears at him in curiosity. "Who?"

Keith groaned and shook his head. "Nobody..."

"Circles are fun to draw," Mr. Reaper chimed in.

Right... As I altered my reality, I altered the worlds of others around me... Others whom I held power over... like Keith... I didn't own his reality... but I owned his heart. Whatever I did, I would alter his fate...

I think it was time that I let him change his fate for a bit...

"Aw, come on," I insisted. "Who is it? I want to meet him."

Keith grunted. "I don't..." He sat down next to me, ears drooped and head lowered. "He... He's my ex..."

Again, I was reminded by the fact that ultimately, I really didn't know Keith. I never knew he had an ex... I thought I was the first... Then again, that was a stupid notion. Considering how promiscuous Keith had been before we tied the knot, he must've had other guys. Not to mention the fact that he was smoking hot.

Keith had a life before me...

I had to learn about him... if I ever wanted to be his equal... to bring him to my circle.

"Why don't we go over and say, 'hi'?"I asked cheerfully. "I mean, he was part of your life wasn't he?" I took his paw in mine. "I just want to be part of your life."

Keith melted in front of me. "Well... I suppose there's no harm..." He gave me a reassuring smile. "He seemed pretty cheerful anyway. I think that thing between is us over and behind us."

Mr. Reaper suddenly held up his sheet of paper, a big goofy grin on his face. "Look! I drew a circle!"

I patted his head like a father patronising a particularly attention-hungry child. "Yes, yes. That's nice. Right now, these two dogs have got to go bury an old bone and then have crazy wild sex in the back." I cocked an eyebrow at him. "You don't mind, do you?"

"Not if I get to draw squares next."

I wondered if he was just spouting random junk or that was actually meant to be something insightful. In either case, I pushed the folders back towards him and let him draw all the circles, squares or ellipses he wanted. I took Keith by the arm, a big smile on my face and let him lead me towards the bar.

To my surprise, I found a familiar face there.

Troy... That sickly guy from two weeks ago that I had offered to go into the back room with Corey to help with my brother's enlightenment. I made a note to say 'hi' to him later on.

'Later' came a lot sooner than I expected.

Keith drove me right up to him. "Troy... This is my mate... Dexter."

"We've met," Troy said, smiling at me and offering his hand. I shook it and was surprised just at how firm his grip was. Of a scrawny guy that looked like he could curl up and die at any second, he was pretty strong. He definitely looked better than he did before.

"You have?" Keith asked, bewildered.

"I invited him to the backrooms with Corey when we first brought my brother here," I told Keith. I eyed him curiously. "You were...?"

"Yep," Keith's ex answered with a smile. He brought a shot glass up to his lips and down the foul liquid in one gulp. He set down the glass and patted the bar. "I gotta say, it offered me hope."

"Hope?" Keith and I asked in unison.

Troy smiled. "That's so cute. You're speaking at the same time." He patted the bar again and another shot glass came soaring in from the bartender. He caught it deftly and took another gulp. As he set it down, he said, "Showed me what I was missing. Brought me out of my depression and told me that I still had the rest of my life ahead of me even with my..." He suddenly grew a little sullen. "...condition..."

That's right... When I came to fetch Corey to bring him to the back rooms, Corey had been chatting to Troy. My brother had mention the two of them 'had a lot in common'. I never would've guessed that it was a crippling disease.

Cancer was my best bet... just like my brother.

Suddenly, I felt pity for the poor guy...

And I needed to help him.

After getting a speech from Mr. Reaper about knowing when to help and when not to, how couldn't I help?

Troy had lost Keith, was suffering from a potentially fatal disease and from what I see, he had learned the value of hope.

Yeah, I think he deserved another round in the backrooms.

"Corey, Keith and I were just about to jump in back and have some fun," I said, winking at him and hiking my thumb over my shoulder. "Wanna join us?"

Some voice in the back of mind kept screaming at me that inviting your boyfriend's ex to participate in a group orgy was a horrible idea. But I told that voice to go screw itself. My finals lay forgotten until tomorrow, I was in a good mood and I didn't want anything to spoil it.

Keith looked worried but he gave me a shaky smile and I guess he also saw the merit in letting bygones be bygones. Troy jumped out of his bar stool and wobbled a little. He was drunk. It was showing on his face.

"Okay! I'm up for some fun! But can I invite over a couple of friends too?"

I didn't see why not.


"Dex... is this really wise...?" Keith asked softly. "I mean... We're not booked in tonight... Do you think Mr. Reaper will even let us do this...?"

"Of course I will!"

Keith jumped back in horror while Troy look absolutely petrified. Mr. Reaper leapt on my back like a little child begging for a piggyback ride. I couldn't help at laugh at the grown man who had been so intimidating when we first met act so childish.

"Since you're treating Troy, here," Mr. Reaper said, pulling out a large, ruby-red book. "Why don't you let him choose the fantasy." He tossed the book to Troy who fumbled with it, staring at it with wide eyes. He was almost awed by it.

"Take good care of it, Troy," Mr. Reaper said. It was odd... but as his words rolled out of his lips, the music seemed to dull and the temperature dropped down several degrees. I felt a chill run down my spine. Mr. Reaper adjusted his grip around my shoulders a little so he didn't fall, almost pressing his arms across my chest. "You may not get another shot at this. Make sure your choices don't ruin your story."

I was suddenly very scared of Mr. Reaper again.

I mean, seriously, who could pull off such an intimidating air when clinging onto an Alsatian who is twice his size?

Suddenly, I found a piece of paper stuffed into my face with a circle drawn on it. Inside the circle was a square.

"Look what I drew!" Mr. Reaper exclaimed jovially in a high-pitched, childish tone. "Oh! You can use Room 1!"


I felt the kitchen sink barely graze the back of my head as it impacted against the side of Mr. Reaper's head and sent the club owner sprawling. Interestingly, all the party-going patrons didn't seem to notice. They actually just conveniently moved out of the way.

"Room 1 is reserved!" Gwendolyn shouted, storming past us with a bottle of bleach in one hand and a beer bong in the other. "You can't use it!" She slammed on Mr. Reaper's chest, stuffed the tube down the owner's throat and popped the cap off the bleach bottle.

My left eye was twitching in disbelief.

Gwendolyn just funnelled all that bleach down Mr. Reaper's throat!

If he was an ordinary man, I swear that would've killed him...

Someone leaned on my left shoulder and I blinked in surprise when I found Mr. Reaper waving a hundred bucks in front of my muzzle. "A hundred big ones says I survive."

I could almost feel the heat and anger boiling from Gwendolyn's eyes. That feeling of everything just dulling down and the temperature dropping crawled all over me again as I watched Gwendolyn twist her head towards Mr. Reaper who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Room 1." He flashed me a sideways smirk and I had this eerie feeling that he had some sort of plan. "Circles are fun to draw but at one point or another, you're going to get bored of the same path and the same people." He suddenly ducked as a massive warhammer shot past his head. He popped back up again, leaping off my shoulder and spinning around to flee. "Besides, life would be boring if it was just a circle!"

He suddenly bolted and left a big cloud of cartoony-dust in his wake... even if we were indoors.

Gwendolyn shot after him, shouting, "Get your royal, reality-bending ass back here!"

Sometimes, I really wondered what it would be like to be living with other guys when Mr. Reaper and Gwendolyn acted like that...

I shook my head free of that thought and turned to Troy with a grin. It was odd that the guy was looking at his book with near-reverence. I doubt he actually had an idea what it was.

"Want me to help you with that?" I asked, pointing at his book. "I can set everything up for you if you want."

Troy stared at his book for a little longer before he nodded and handed the book to me wordlessly. His reaction worried me a little. I took it from him and told him to gather whatever friends he wanted while I made the necessary preparations.

Keith looked a little more relaxed about the whole affair with Troy especially since now Mr. Reaper had effectively given us his blessing. Though, it looked more like he was trying to keep himself from laughing out loud at the antics of Mr. Reaper, Gwendolyn and Conrad who had just recently joined the chase.

If that was 'their circle', I wasn't sure if I wanted to be anywhere near it even if I get stuck in my lowly existence being manipulated by others above me.

Keith and I headed over to the backrooms where Corey was already waiting for us. Wordlessly, we headed over to Room 1 where we entered the all-glass Change Room and I put Troy's book on the pedestal, open to the change form page. We gave Corey a briefing on what was happening.

"So... We're going to have an orgy, is it?" Corey asked, crossing his arms behind his back. "Sounds like fun!" Then he lowered his arms and let out a thoughtful sound. "Huh... Did you say Troy...? Shorter than me? Nicely tanned? Brown eyes? Looks like he hasn't slept in a while?"

"He looks better now," I answered.

"Huh... That's good to hear... I guess his treatment worked..."

"Treatment?" I repeated. "What treatment?"

"He's got a hole in his heart," Keith answered, tapping his chest. "Doctors say he won't live past thirty-five. It's made him sort of depressed his entire life. One of the reasons that I broke up with him was because he was constantly bringing me down and begging for consolation." The wolf shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry. I know that sounds insensitive but back then... Troy was a real downer and I didn't feel right 'waiting for him to die' to move on or staying with him on some false love."

I could respect that. In a way, I would've lived like that myself if I had never come across this club. I would've just been plodding along, barely scraping by and just constantly telling myself 'just until the degree is over'. It was much worse for Keith and Troy.

But I was glad that they set their differences aside.

Who knew? Maybe after this, Mr. Reaper might just give Troy his book and a second lease on life!

The door to the Change Room opened and Troy entered. I expected someone else to accompany him but there wasn't anyone else. That puzzled me and when I was about to ask, Keith placed a paw on my shoulder and slowly shook his head. Troy looked visibly angry so I didn't wish to pry.

"So... How does this work?" Troy asked, moving up to his book.

I ran him through the basics of the book and the process. I told him about the form, our role as his 'entertainment' for the night and what he had to do. To show him my utter faith in him and that there was no bad blood between us on the account of his previous relationship with Keith, I signed his book without even looking at what he wanted. Keith was surprised and so was Corey but they took heart of my actions and signed their names as well.

Troy beamed at that. "Okay!" he exclaimed. "You guys go on in and I'll set up everything on my end! No peaking!"

I laughed. Troy sounded like a far-flung character from the image Keith had painted. I guess he was getting better.

Taking Keith in paw, we headed straight into the room beyond...

... and found ourselves in a cold, dark, damp, dungeon.

... Uh-oh...


The door behind us shut tight. A chill ran down my spine and my fur stood on end. Even before I turned around, I could feel a pair of hungry eyes burning into the back of my head.

Standing behind us, dressed from head to toe in a pristine, white lab coat... was Troy.

"Welcome gentlemen," he crooned menacingly. "Make yourselves comfortable."

Hard, iron manacles lashed out and seized my wrists and ankles. I growled and tried to fight but I was suddenly lifted up by some unseen mechanism and deposited unceremoniously against a cold, hard, metal examination table. There were similar whumps beside me as Corey and Keith was likewise pinned down.

"Troy!" Keith roared.

"Troy?" our 'host' replied, slinking over to the foot of our tables. There were a variety of syringes there with differently coloured liquids. "I do not know anyone by the name of 'Troy'. I am Doctor Sexface."


Whatever fear I felt at that moment just dropped into the negative numbers. My heart froze... but only because it just refused to keep living in a world where a name like 'Doctor Sexface' passed for eroticism.

"Couldn't you come up with a better name...?" Corey asked, relaxing.

"So sue me!" Troy snapped back and fighting a blush. "I was in a rush! I was thinking with my cock not my head!"

"You cock has a head," Keith said.

"Shut up!"

The three of us were sniggering now, fully aware this was just part of Troy's fantasy. Gotta admit, it was new to me. I hadn't experienced a 'mad scientist and captives' fantasy yet.

Troy sighed and stood back. "None of you will be laughing after I try this!" He pulled out a syringe with bubbling green liquid inside.

For a second... he just held it in the air...


"You have no idea what it does, do you?" I accused.

He deflated. "No..." Then he flashed Keith a grin. "But nothing's stopping me for trying!"

My heart started again. "Keith!"

Troy bounded up to Keith who was playing the part of the distressed captive rather well... if a little exaggerated. We all knew nothing in this world could harm us. Once the night was over, everything would just be if it had never happened except for the time difference.

He jabbed the needle into Keith's arm and pushed the plunger down. Keith grunted a little and we all stared at him, eagerly anticipating whatever transformation he was going to undertake.


Keith started panting and he lay back on his examination table, his tongue hanging out. I could see sweat starting to drip from his forehead. A noticeable and familiar bulge was forming against his pants. He was suddenly bucking upwards, whimpering softly. Troy stepped back in surprise as Keith's thrusts became harder and faster. My mate's eyes were glazed over, lost in the throes of lust.

Keith suddenly tipped his head back and let out a loud, ear-splitting howl.

A rather large wet-spot appeared against his pants.

I guess that formula just made him really horny...

I was sort of expecting something more...

Troy shrugged and went over to the table of syringes again. "Okay... Let's see what this -"

"Oh god!" Keith shouted and bucked his hips again.

That splotch on his pants grew even bigger.


"I... I can't -" Keith panted.

His whole body tensed suddenly and that splotch grew even bigger.

"I can't stop!" Keith howled, orgasming for a fourth time. That dark spot on his pants grew, spreading all over the front of his pants. Troy staggered back in shock as Keith's entire body was shaken by wild shudders. Every breath my mate took sent him over the edge.

Within seconds, his pants were completely soaked and his cum was dripping onto the metallic table.

"Do something!" I cried.

"What!?" Troy exclaimed, his voice high and panicky.

"This is_your_ fantasy!"

"I'm new to this!"

Keith suddenly arched his back and let out his loudest howl yet! His cum suddenly exploded out of his thick, throbbing cock, ripping his pants in two and sending a gush of his seed all over his body. Thick, white ropes of cum splattered all over his chest... And I blinked in shock as I watched the fluid start to bubble and churn.

My late let out a soft gurgle as he orgasmed for what must have seemed like the fiftieth time. More cum exploded from his cock and dripped all over his chest and face. The cum seemed to melt his flesh, turning every part of his chiselled form into soft, gooey, white fluids. My eyes widened and fear gripped my heart as Keith cummed again and his whole body seemed to shrink from the effort!

He was literally cumming himself to death!

My mate just wasn't speaking anymore... There was just a few large bursts of seed from where his groin used to be... A huge, white puddle lay on the table... dripping down the sides and slipping into the drain...

Oh god...

The drain!

"Let me out!" I demanded.

Troy fumbled with my restraints and as soon he had one free, I knocked him away and quickly freed myself. I jumped off the examination table and scrambled over to Keith's table.

"Keith! Keith!" I cried, seizing the gooey bodily fluids.

There was no response.

"Keith!" I wept, hot tears streaming down my face. Those tears, however, were not from sadness.

They were of anger.

So was this his plan all along?

He couldn't have Keith so he killed him!?

"You..." I growled, hackles raised as I slowly spun around, fangs bared and ears flattened against my skull. My eyes locked on one person.


I took a step towards him -

But found my wrist was caught on something.

In fact... I saw fear in Troy's eyes... those eyes weren't directed at me...

They were directed at whatever was catching my wrist...

Slowly... I turned to follow their gaze...

... and found a thick, white paw wrapped around my appendage... made completely out of cum. My jaw dropped when the slick form of Keith Towson emerged from the bubbling mass of cum that he had created. My mate... turned completely into cum!

I don't know if that was hot or scary.

He grinned at me and suddenly pounced, his thick, liquid body splashing against me and washing over my entire form. I felt his whole embrace around me... felt his familiar warmth seep into every pore... between every strand of fur... He slipped underneath my clothing and I could feel him churning against my flesh.

Suddenly, I felt his entire form start to form and bubble.


He burst right out of my clothes, his sticky mass clinging onto me tight even as his body reformed slightly directly in front of me. His thick, liquid thighs pressed up against mine, slicking my fur with his touch. His rock-hard abs rubbed against mine as we gyrated in lust. Muscular arms curled around my back, holding me tight despite his liquid form.

Our noses touched... It felt odd to have his cum-formed nose pressed against mine... Not because it was odd... It felt exactly like how our noses normally touched. Wet, slightly warm and hard... But I just was perturbed that it was made of cum and felt so... so real.

Slowly, his lips pulled open and I found mine parting to meet his. Our muzzles interlocked and I tasted the saltiness of his touch against mine. It was heaven! His long tongue slipped down my throat like molten cum only to slide back up and splash inside my mouth and dance around with my tongue. I seized him, digging my claws into his jelly-like form and simply loving the hot embrace of his liquid form.

Keith suddenly slipped his muzzle from mine for a second, gave me a wink and pulled one arm from around my back and slowly reached for my thick, throbbing meat. I let out a soft growl in anticipation but I could never have been prepared for what he did next.

He plunged his arm into my cock!

I gasped as an odd mix of pleasure and pain shot up my cock!

I felt his thick, liquid appendage stretch the muscles of my cock and I was suddenly thrust into that pivotal sensation just before orgasm; that glorious moment when you know you're about to release and are at the edge of your resistance. My cock wanted to spasm and shook my juices into Keith's form but my mate just wouldn't let me!

He just kept pumping more and more of himself into me!

I managed the strength to look down and watched as my cock hungrily ate his arm, crawling up the length of his juicy body. Thick veins popped all over my growing 16 inch cock as it grew thicker and thicker with each part of Keith that he pumped into me! My mate grinned hungrily as he suddenly managed to lift himself up on my cock!

"No..." I whimpered, barely able to hold my balance. "Keith..."

He grinned at me and pressed his foot up against the slick head of my cock.

He slipped a toe in.


He slipped his foot inside.


I could feel his cum appendage slipping down into my sack, filling it with cum! I felt his fingers reform and start tickling my balls from the inside, churning more and more of my own cum out of me. I was fighting a losing battle and I lost my balance, falling onto my rear.

My balls became engorged in his form as he slid his left leg... and then his right down my cock! My heart beat and my cock would throb in response. The massive appendage was practically slapping my face! It was more than two feet in length and almost as thick as I was! My balls were pushing my legs wide apart as Keith slipped more and more of himself into me!

His thick chest slipped down into my cock, pushing my piss-slit wide open. He gave me a wink as his head slowly vanished into my cock...

Then he popped up again, tongue lolling in glee as he knew what that sensation brought to me!

It was the ultimate tease!

He dove back inside my cock... I could actually see his face pressed up against the flesh of my cock!

Then he would jump back up, pushing his face out of my cock, stimulating the sensation of orgasm but without actually shooting anything!

Damn you Keith! Why must you know me so well!?

He dove down... deeper this time...

Then he would push up again, giving me that teasing, adorable grin...

Down... and up...

"K - K - Keith..." I begged. "I... I can't..."

He went down lower....


And came back up...

I seized my cock with my paws, trying to prevent him from sliding down... But he slipped past my defences... and touched my balls with his face. He licked them... before shooting right back up and oozing out of the pointed tip of my cock.

Gah! I was going to lose it!

Then, Keith dove down...

... and much to my relief... he settled right in my balls... I let out a soft sigh... But the only thing on my mind was... I needed to cum.


I stroked my cock hard, trying to get myself to orgasm bad... but... But something was blocking me... It felt like there was this dam right at the base of my cock just where my engorged knot that was stopping the flood.

Keith! Damnit!

"Dex...? Are you alright?" Corey asked, coming up beside me. Troy flanked me as well.

"Gotta... cum!" I moaned.

I couldn't think of anything else.

I needed to cum bad!

Keith... please...

Troy placed a hand on my shoulder. "Hey man... What's wrong?"

To my relief, whatever was blocking me suddenly faded away.


I threw my head back and let out a howl.


Cum erupted from my huge, 5 foot cock, my massive balls churning in excitement at the long-awaited release!

Then... to my horror... the thick, ropes of cum that shot from my cock suddenly froze in midair... and twisted together... forming two, huge tentacles.

Oh crap...

Keith no...

Before either Troy or Corey could cry out in horror or even move away, the tentacles wrapped firmly around them, lifted them up into the air and brought them hovering perilously over my dick.

"Keith... Don't..." I whimpered, my mind hazy from my semi-orgasm.

Keith... He didn't stop.

Corey went first... Wide-eyed, he was plunged feet first directly down my cock. My cock just stretched to allow him passage, letting his feet slide down my cock. He tried to wiggle free but Keith's grip was too strong! Every time Corey tried to twist away, he would turn my cock from the inside! It was the sensation with Keith all over again but Corey was more solid!

Once again, I was brought onto the verge of cumming as Corey was pushed deep into me. My brother took a deep breath as he was pulled into my cock and Keith drove him down to my balls. I gasped, never having realised that I had held my breath.

My moment of relief was short lived as Troy was pulled down into my cock... head first!

I could only watch, moan and twitch in pleasure as his head, shoulders, hips and then legs vanished down my cock. His flailing feet was the last thing to vanish down my cock. I watched his form grow still as he was slowly pulled down into my engorged sack.

I moaned... still gripping my cock and stroking it madly. That need to cum was coming back... I really needed to cum...

And I couldn't hold myself back any longer!

Just thinking that I had three guys in me... Three guys worth of cum...

Oh god... it was too much!

Why... Why couldn't I let them all out!?

I growled in frustrated as I stroked myself zealously. I pressed my feet against my huge sack, trying to stimulate them. I watched the vague outlines of both Corey and Troy twist and write against my furry sack... and I watched as those same forms slowly began to fade. I could actually hear the loud churning of my cum as it washed over their bodies and turned more and more of them flesh into salty, man-juices!

Please... Please let me cum!

I threw my head back, howling in frustration as my arms and legs grew tired...

I couldn't keep up this stimulation...

Why... Why...!?

Suddenly, that damn broke...

... and...


I let out my loudest, most powerful howl as copious amounts of thick, ropey cum exploded out of my cock, struck the high ceiling and came raining back down on me in massive, salty drops.

Exhaustion suddenly hit me and I couldn't keep myself at a sitting position. I rolled onto my side -


... just as my cock spasmed again and shot another thick, powerful load strong enough to actually throw me again the wall!

I was left panting, my head spinning both from the impact and the undeniably, euphoric orgasm!

My vision was blurring... but I could feel one more coming... One last one... And it was the biggest yet...

Oh crap... it was Keith!

I tried to straighten myself but -



Splat... splat... splat...

My whole body was left weak... Cum kept shooting out of my still hard, hyper cock, the last bits slipping out into the huge pool of seed that was building beneath me. I was shaking... and panting, completely lost in bliss and cum...

I barely noticed as the pool beneath me began gathering and reforming the muscular form of Keith who wrapped his arms around me. I felt him lick me... keep me warm... and stop my shaking. I was aware of two more people build entire out of cum slowly advancing towards me...

"He looks tired..." one of them said... it sounded like Corey.

"Aww... I was hoping to have more fun tonight," Troy whined.

Keith pulled an arm away from me and stretched it all the over to the table of syringes that mysteriously remained standing. He pulled a syringe away and brought it over my muzzle. It was filled with that same, green liquid.

"Oh... I think I've got a way to get him back in the game..."


I woke up soon after with dreams of cum, lots of roiling and coiling and a sleepless night spent experimenting with all sorts of positions amorphous blobs made out of cum could get into.

I sat up, stretched, yawned and looked around.

We were still in the dungeon.

No surprise there...

But something seemed off.

Troy sat a few feet away on one of the examination tables, back to being human of course. But... In his hands... he held a book... A green book.

My brow furrowed. "Hey... You're not allowed to bring your book in here..."

Troy regarded me... His eyes were different... There was a cold menace to them...

"This book isn't mine, Dexter..."

My heart suddenly froze as I remembered where I had seen that book before.

"It's Corey's."

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