Morpheus Fantasy Services: Military Drills

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#4 of Morpheus

Morpheus Fantasy Services

Military Drills

My name is Drake Somers... Well... It used to be.

Four months ago, I was a short, skinny, red-haired farmboy who had aspirations of becoming a doctor sometime in the future and was barely scraping by on what meagre funds I could get and the scraps of my totally hot, roommate, Keith Towson.

Now... Well...

Long story short, I went into a club as Drake Somers... and I came out of it as Dexter Saddler. Instead of the guy I used to be, I was now a smoking hot, 6'6'' Alsatian with the muscles of a professional baseball player. I was far from a professional. Sure I had the potential and I played for the college team but I was still going to be a doctor.

That's my dream...

Actually... My dream is to live happily ever after with my boyfriend... and my soulmate, Keith Towson.

And how did this all come about?

It was thanks to the magic - that I still didn't fully understand, mind you - of a certain enigmatic man and his awesome gay club, Morpheus Fantasy Services. In that club, you could do one of two things. Either you danced and partied in the main club area or, if you were special, you could be invited into the back rooms were one of the club's special 'servicemen' would come in and meet your every desire.

This wasn't just some guy that dressed up and gave you one seven minutes of heaven. No. This was a guy that actually became your dream man and gave you the entire night.

And me?

Well, I'm one of those guys... and part-time bartender.

I swaggered into the club using the employee entrance. The only time I ever swaggered before was when I got a good grade on a paper. These days, it was ingrained into me. I tried to dumb it down so that I didn't seem too cock-sure - pun intended - of myself. But really, when you feel the admiring gazes of girls on you, the jealous looks of guys and the hungry stares of those kinds of guys, you can't help but put on a bit of a swagger.

Oddly, today the lavished, richly decorated atrium of the club was surprisingly empty. Normally, Gwendolyn the receptionist was always behind her desk, tapping away at her keyboard. Today however, she wasn't there. The atrium was also decorated with carnivorous plants... After four months of working in this place, I knew that the type of plants populating the atrium was a reflection of Gwendolyn's mood.

So either she was feeling particularly hungry...

... or she was out to get someone.

God I hope that wasn't me...

I slowed my pace, my swagger slowly fading and I crept towards the door behind the reception desk, my big, fluffy tail tucked between my legs and opened it. Beyond, the club was in its usual state of pre-night preparation. Barstools were being cleaned, the floor was polished free of sweat and other male bodily fluids and the band was chatting with the show manager to make sure everything was good for the night.

What really caught my attention was the fact that the club's owner, one Mr. Jacob Reaper, wasn't at his usual spot in a booth far at the corner of the club. Instead, he was standing at the centre of the dance floor with the biggest, burliest bouncer in the club, Conrad. Standing opposite to them, was Gwendolyn.

"What do you mean you're taking some leave time!?" Gwendolyn shouted, throwing her hands into the air.

Now Gwendolyn had sharp, purple eyes and angular features that made her look like she had jumped out of a fantasy novel as the 'warrior princess' or something. However, compared to the other two opposite to her, she lacked in height, muscular structure or just a pure aura of intimidation. Mr. Reaper was only slightly taller than her but his eyes hidden by his silver, wraparound glasses still penetrated my very soul even as I stood a good ten metres away. Conrad was three times her size and his muscles were huge. Bigger than mine and Keith's combined.

"It's part of club policy," Mr. Reaper replied in his cool, calm drawl. "For every 7.5 hours you work, you get half that amount in leave time. I believe I have accumulated a good week or so."

"That's for the employees!" Gwendolyn shouted, as I approached by another metre. "You're not meant to take leave time! You're not meant to take Conrad with you either!"

"Wah not?" Conrad growled. "Ah've been workin' 'ere jus' as long as yous two."

"Be that as it may, this club would fall apart without either of you!" she snapped back.

"That's an exaggeration," Reaper said, waving absently at her and fishing out a book from inside his coat. This one had an emerald-coloured cover. "With you here, the club will be fine for a week."

Gwendolyn, forcibly snapped his book shut. "Oh no! I'm not letting the two of you out of my sight! Last time I let that happen" - she pointed at Conrad - "you blew up half a continent and threw the other half into a sex-crazed orgy as they all thought they were going to die! Then you elevated some poor sap to become a 'god' who in turn turned every male on the island into his muscular, sexy, hormone driven 'people' who then went across the entire world, converting other 'god's' people by fucking them up the ass!"


Now I knew Reaper and Gwendolyn were strong... Hell, I'm convinced Reaper is a god. He basically told me so himself. Well... the term he used was 'caretaker' and I'm guessing Gwendolyn is like his helper or something. But I didn't think Conrad was part of their circle... I thought he was just a bully... Wow... and here I was thinking I could beat him up with my new body...

"Oi!" the tiger growled. "Ah dinna throw that meteor -"

"Meteor_ite_," Reaper corrected calmly.

"Raight. Meteor. Ah dinna throw it, ya know! That wus sum otha 'god'. An' the bastard offed all the island's women. Wut else wus I supposta do?"

"Anything but that!" Gwendolyn snarled. She spun to face Reaper. "And you -!" She waged a finger at him. "Every time I don't look, you're always somehow messing up the rules of reality for your own personal enjoyment!"

"Give an example," Reaper replied, still keeping a steady gaze and remaining calm.

"What about that world where you turned all the seawater in semen!?"

"That wasn't semen. That was primordial soup. Not my fault it was milky white and had a sticky consistency."

Huh... You know, I'd actually pay to see that...

"And what about the phallus-shaped aliens that invaded that planet and proceeded to extract all men's semen to 'further evolve their species'!?"


"You do realise those 'phallus-shaped aliens' were more rocket-shaped than anything and they didn't extract men's semen. They extracted people essential proteins. Male and female."

Okay... that was creepy...

"Fine." Gwendolyn folded her arms and scowled. "What about the Cream Pie Cannon?"

I thought I actually saw Mr. Reaper's lips twitch a little into a grin. Conrad didn't hide his chortle.

"That was just fun."

"See what I mean!?" she cried, throwing her hands back up into the air. "You have a responsibility to these people! You can't just go gallivanting around reality for your own pleasure! You've got to do what's right!"

Mr. Reaper's expression suddenly darkened and I felt a chill run through the entire club. "What if my departure even briefly is 'what's right'?"

All Gwendolyn's anger suddenly faded... The three of them seemed to have some sort of mental conversation before Gwendolyn sighed and lowered her arms.

"I see..." Then her eyes turned sharp again. "But I'm coming with you. I can't let you two go unsupervised! Besides, it defeats the purpose of the exercise if you two aren't monitored."

Exercise...? Were they working out together or something?

"Jus' 'cuz the first two ideas fer 'clubbin'' dinna work out the way yous wanted..."

Mr. Reaper suddenly turned to me and I froze. "Our first idea was to bring out two wooden clubs and beat each other to a pulp. I won."

Only then did Gwendolyn and Conrad seem to notice me. They both looked a little surprised despite the fact I was standing about a metre from them.

"The second was who could eat the biggest club sandwich," Reaper explained. He hiked a thumb at Conrad. "He won that of course."

The big tiger grinned and patted his chest, showing off his impressive muscles as he did so. "Ah need mah strength, ya know!"

Gwendolyn shook her head with an exasperated sigh. "Fine... But who's going to look after the club while we're gone? I've got clients booked out for the entire week! Someone will have to run this place!"

"I do have someone in mind..." Reaper answered.

Oh god... He was going to get me to run the place, wasn't he?

Isn't that how these situations usually end up? Well, either that or they allocate the worst possible person to do it and I end up taking over and because of that, I end up shining and eventually, I get a higher position or end up Reaper's assistant.

Okay... that's not so bad... but still -!

"How about Tony?"



Only then did I realise Reaper was holding up a large, fluffy, husky plushie...


The situation turned from me freaking out about running the place... to me once again wondering if Mr. Reaper was completely and utterly insane. Only this time, I had solid evidence.


I jumped back in shock as the splinters of a barstool smashed over Mr. Reaper's head, forcing the owner of MFS to bend over but not to actually fall over. Gwendolyn was holding the remains of the stool, her eyes shut and a vein popping on her forehead.

Did... did she just hit Mr. Reaper?

Better question... how'd she get a barstool so fast when we're standing in the middle of the dance floor?

Suddenly... I didn't view the three of them as three all-powerful gods...

... I saw them as three parts of a dysfunctional family...

"I swear..." Gwendolyn growled. "If you bring that thing out again, I will find some way to bring that thing to life so that it can haunt you until the rest of your days!"

Reaper straightened, rubbing the back of his head and grinning broadly - the first grin I've ever seen him wear. His sunglasses were askew and I saw his bright, cheerful eyes. So different from the intense, sharp gaze he usually directed at people.

"Would you actually do that? I've got a client coming in tomorrow who has a plushie fetish and I don't think anyone on the crew is feeling much up to being turned into a stuffed toy." He leaned over to Conrad with a sly grin, elbowing the big tiger. "They'd rather be stuffed with something else apart from cotton if you know what I mean."

"Ah dunno," Conrad sniggered, grinning broadly. "All depends on wuh kinda toy we're talkin' 'bout 'ere."

I couldn't believe he went there...

... I mean, turning into someone's dildo...

Strangely... I know a few clients who'd probably be into that sort of thing... Hell, I bet my older brother would love to be some man's toy of pleasure.


Gwendolyn turned to face me, tapping the large, aluminium bat she had somehow acquired. Reaper and Conrad were on the ground this time, the tiger on top of the owner. Both of them looked dazed and I could see a lump starting to form on their foreheads.

I was starting to see a bit more of Mr. Reaper's personality outside of the professional air that he put on... and quite frankly... it scared me... Imagine having your fate and your world put into the hands of a character like him...

"I'm guessing Jacob had intended for me to ask you to run this place while we're gone, Dexter," Gwendolyn said, her eyes still firmly shut but I could see that she was still incredibly pissed. It was really hard to focus on anything else apart from the bat she was patting threateningly. "If you want, I'll go through the rules with you so you don't end up obliterating other people's realities and shattering the very fabric of existence."

Oh right...

I completely forgot that Mr. Reaper had opened this bar 'as a favour' to Iterion's god... or something along those lines. I never understood that and I'm not entirely sure I believed him since he seemed to be playing with the very fabric of this reality. I could've sworn that in his role as 'caretaker', he was just meant to ensure the place didn't fall apart... not mess with it entirely and increase the population of gay, horny men out there.

Though... I guess this is equivalent to a babysitter looking after someone's cub... They're welcome to anything in the fridge... and if they so happen to fuck the kid while they were at it...

Yeah, no.

I wasn't going to go there.

"Umm... Can't I get the rules handed to me by Mr. Reaper?"

Gwendolyn gave me a devilish grin, her eyes sparkling with a sort of evil glee. "Mr. Reaper is out at the moment. He can't take your call at the moment but I'd be more than happy to assist you in any way I can."

I had a feeling both Reaper and Conrad were in for a hell of a time on their 'holiday'.

And there was no way I was going to get in Gwendolyn's way.

"Uh... Sure..." I answered, trying to hide the shaking in my voice. "That sounds great!"

With an almost predatory smile, she threw her bat over her shoulder - which landed conveniently on Reaper's head - and gripped my shoulder, steering me back towards the atrium. There, she led me to the back of reception desk.

"Considering the impromptu nature of this... holiday," Gwendolyn continued with a scowl, "I'm going to ensure that the rest of the bookings for the week will be easy for you. I'll get our most experienced drivers to bring over the clients. I'll roster everyone accordingly. Get the appropriate bands and everything. All you need to do is basically ensure that the place doesn't burn down and you lock up afterwards."

She clicked her fingers and wagged a finger at him. "Also ensure that after every night, you collect the pages from the servicemen and throw them in this shredder." She indicated the paper-shredder sitting next to her chair. "That's very important."

I nodded. It was club policy to make sure the forms servicemen filled out at night to become their client's fantasies was given to Gwendolyn in the morning for shredding. I think it had something to do with 'signing your reality' away to another person. In either case, it was a safety procedure that I didn't fully understand but followed nevertheless.

"Another rule," Gwendolyn stated, locking gazes with me, "do not under any circumstances use the back rooms for your own pleasure. You're running a business here, Dexter. When you clock on, it's business time."

Damn... and here I was hoping to entertain myself during my 'breaks'.

"Awww... but ah do it ahll the time!"

I jumped and spun towards the door. Conrad was sticking his head out, a big grin on his face.


A flower pot shattered against the doorframe and I heard Conrad's bellowing laugh as he ducked away.

"Honestly..." Gwendolyn muttered as she shook her head. I felt her gaze on me again. "Next, no special discounts." She wagged a finger at me. "I know you're getting suspicions about guys on your baseball team and in the locker rooms and I know you're thinking about bringing them over to see if they're at least curious but that is not your business. You're not going to use this establishment for your own goals. Yes you have the choice to invite them but remember we have the choice of providing those services to them. Understand?"

Damn... And here I was about to ask Mr. Reaper if I could get a staff discount or maybe good deal on bringing in a group of guys...

"But why not?" I asked, feeling a little brave and curious at the same time. "From what Mr. Reaper said, this place is all about choice... If they want to experiment, why not let them?"

"There's a difference between 'experimenting' and 'being pressured into experimenting'," Gwendolyn answered, turning back to her computer and typing away at the keyboard. "I've seen it all too often, Dexter. People ruin other people's lives because they think they can 'educate others' with something new. What they fail to realise is that it shatters a person's existence, their reality."

"But if their reality is so narrow-minded -"

"It isn't a question of whether or not their reality is narrow-minded in the eyes of others," she interrupted. "It's whether or not they're happy." She turned to me, eyes drilling into my very soul. "You are a prime example. You were miserable in your previous existence so that is why Mr. Reaper gave you the choice to take one of several paths. However, how would you have felt if Keith had dragged you into bed and practically raped you?"

Gwendolyn tapped my chest, her finger bouncing against my rock-hard pecs. "When that occurs, the subject always blames the other person and nine-times out of ten, it ends horribly. Both realities end up getting shattered and we're left to clean up the mess that was made by the choices of both parties. It's a nightmare and I simply hate watching people agonising over regret or deities begging me to undo what their charges did to themselves."

She sighed and turned back to her screen. "The irony is, sometimes even we cannot do anything..."

"How can you not do anything?" I retorted. "I mean, aren't you gods?"

Sighing heavily, Gwendolyn shook her head and said, "We're mortals, just like you. Sometimes, some of us forget that... But just like you, our actions have consequences. We take action only if the subject wants us to take action."

I frowned. "I don't recall asking for your help."

The sly smile on her face told me I was missing something pretty big. "Yes you did."

I wasn't going to argue... I bet she was going to say something about how my soul was crying out for help or something.

"Fine," I answered, raising my paws into the air. "No messing with people's minds. Are there any other rules?"

She raised a finger. "Just one more: do not enter Mr. Reaper's office."

Funny thing was, I wasn't even thinking about it until she brought it up... What was beyond those big, golden doors at the end of the back room hallways? Did he have a personal harem in there or maybe that was where he kept all his 'books' which seemed to be representations of people's realities.

Damn... Out of leaving a form, giving out special 'staff discounts' or getting a peek into Mr. Reaper's office, I had to say that it was the last one that had me really tempted.

But did I really want to piss of a trio of gods...?

"Okay, no going into Mr. Reaper's office," I repeated. "So I just basically keep the place from burning down, right?"

It wasn't much of a 'responsibility' really... I guess everything was all set up and they just wanted a 'manager' to be onboard even if said manager wasn't really 'managing' anything.

"Essentially," Gwendolyn answered, tapping away at her keyboard. "I'll print out the itinerary for you. In the mean time, I'm giving you a break for today. I believe Keith will at least want you to treat him after he just finished his final."

A bolt of shock ran through my body. I had almost forgotten that Keith's final was today! I had come to work early in the hopes that I could get some time off anyway.

Talk about lucky...

... or was that just 'divine intervention'.


"Don't go for anything overly fancy," she added, her purple eyes drifting from left to right. "Keith is a man of simple tastes."

I had no idea what she meant by that but I just took the advice, gave her another 'thank you' and hurried out of the club. I jumped on the bus - I still didn't know how to drive - and waited anxiously until I got back to dorm rooms. Just thinking about the night free I had with my boyfriend and soulmate just made me giddy.

We spent every waking moment we could together but the thought of having a longer period of 'togetherness' filled me with so much joy that... Well... It was indescribable. My surroundings just blurred as I let myself drift into that fantasy land where it was just me and Keith forever in happiness. Sometimes, we had pups. I think that would've been possible... and the thought that I could make it a possibility aroused me a lot.

I just had to wait until Mr. Reaper gave Keith his book and then we'd be able to live happily ever after.

No distractions, no ties to school, work or anything else.

We could make our own world... just the two of us.

"Hey there, hotstuff, is this seat taken?"

I pulled myself from my fantasy land and looked up at the source of the voice.

I don't think I've ever been more horrified in my life. Not even when I first started transforming.


Because standing right in front of me was one of those very 'ties' that I wanted severed.

My older brother...



Now one thing you should know about Corey... He's gay. Not the 'manly gay'. The flaming gay. One drop of testosterone was all that kept him from cross-dressing. Two from getting a sex change. Regardless of the weather or where he was, he always wore something revealing and... suggestive. The denim short-shorts he wore rode all the way up his thighs and accentuated the big bulge in his crotch. The fishnet 'shirt' he wore exposed his lean midriff while a rainbow feathered necklace hung around his neck. There was a big, heart-shaped stud in his right ear and there was a lollipop hanging from his big, rosy lips.

Without even waiting for a reply, he sat down right next to me and pressed himself against me, taking no pains to run his hand over my abs and pecs.

"Hmmm... You're one meaty hot dog, aren't ya?" he whispered in a sultry voice.

I instinctively shied away.

I mean... seriously, this was my brother... and he was feeling me up!

Worse... I was getting goddamn aroused by it... Not the feeling up part... the fact that he was my brother part. Hell, images of me on top of him as he kept moaning my name and calling me 'bro' filled my head... both heads.

"So what's yer name, pup?"

My muzzle started moving without me. "D -" I caught myself quickly. "Dexter... Dexter Saddler."

"Well, the name's Corey," he responded, holding out his hand. "Corey Sommers."

I moved to shake his hand. His grip was surprisingly strong. He was always much more of a farmer than I was. His skin was nicely tanned, his muscles built from years of working out in the fields. One could say that he was a good balance between 'too manly' and... 'girly'... but the extremes of both aspects. His bright, ginger hair was swept back into a smooth, ruby ponytail. If seen from behind, it was entirely possibly to mistake him for a well-built woman. But from the front, that soulpatch of his distinctly made him a man. It sort of matched my goatee.

"So where's a hot stud like you heading off too?" Corey asked, not so subtly leaning back and crossing his arms against the back of his head, showing me his impressive arms.

"The local college," I murmured, curling my tail around my groin in an attempt to hide my growing erection.

"No kidding! So am I!"


"I got a brother living there. Shorter than you." He appraised me in a gesture that transparently an attempt of his to check me out. "Way shorter than you. Our sister went to visit him a several months ago but he sort of dropped out of contact from that point on. We're worried."

What was a good word to express my frustration mixed with a face-slap for having forgotten another one of the ties holding me to my former life?

Oh yeah...


"Last my sister heard of him, he was having a bit of an identity crisis." He winked at me slyly. "She thinks he's gay."

Boy am I ever...

But could I tell him that?

Heck... Could I tell him who I was?

Corey was a great influence in my life. He was the guy that inspired me to always be myself and I guess he was the one that started me on the path to freedom. When I watched him come out to our parents... It took a lot of courage. Courage I wished I had.

And from that... I guess Gwendolyn was right.

I did ask for help... in a way.

So... Should I ask for help now?

Is if on cue, the bus stopped to let on a few more passengers. On the opposite side of the street, three figures stood... messing about. A tall, lithe but firm-looking woman with purple eyes was chasing a massive, muscular tiger with an aluminium bat. They ran circles around a black-haired businessman wearing a pair of sunglasses despite the overcast with what looked like a large map in his hands. At that moment, the businessman held up the map in his hands so that he was blocked from my view.

Written on the side of the map facing me were the words 'We're on holiday'.


So much for that idea...

"What's your brother's name?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from shaking.


Damn... he remembered.

"You know where he's staying?"

"I got the address from my sister," Corey answered. He reached into his pocket and took out a piece of paper. "Some dorm room."


Why hadn't Keith and I moved out when we had enough money!?


Oh I remember why...

It's because I was fantasising about saving enough money, buying a brand new house somewhere in the suburbs and living a typical 'white-picket fence' lifestyle even if I was living with another man and our children would somehow be magically conceived using my semen mixed with Keith's and we'd carried our kids for 9 months in our engorged testicles while our cocks grew bigger and bigger ready for delivery...

... oh god... what was I turning into...

"Oh... Well... I live off-campus," I lied very quickly. "I was heading there to meet my boy" - I shut myself up quickly before saying a little too loudly, "friend." I hoped that my sudden accent on 'friend' would throw him off my orientation.

No such luck.

What did they call it... 'Gaydar'?

Yeah, obviously there's no escaping it.

"Your boyfriend huh?" Corey sniggered, waggling his eyebrows at me. "Is he a friend that's a boy or a boy that's a friend?"

I wasn't quite sure what the difference was. Either way, I didn't like how he was looking at me.

"So what was a hunk like you doing in the Black Light district anyway?" he asked, once again letting his predatory eyes rove my body. "Out late last night?"

"Sort of..." I whimpered. Lying to Corey was always impossible for me. I don't know why. It just is.

I guess it's because I've always trusted Corey with everything in my life. He was the best big brother in the world. I was lost in my memories for a moment as I recalled him always bandaging my 'boo-boos' and carrying me back from the park when I hurt myself. He always helped me with the chores back on the farm and when I broke something, he was always the one that encouraged me to be honest and fess up to the crime because, as he always said, 'honesty is the best policy'.

In retrospect, it's why he came out of that dingy closet... because he wanted to always be honest with himself and everyone around him.

That said... where did that leave me...?

"What were you doing?" Corey asked, snapping me back out of my memories. When I locked gazes with him, I didn't see a flamboyant, raving sexually confused individual. I saw my brother who knew who he was.

"I was at a club..."

He leaned closer, breath held. "What sort of club?"

I flicked my ears around, listening for anyone that might be trying to listen in on us or looking for the tell-tale grunt of disgust from someone who was simply appalled at the fact that there were 'cocksuckers' in the world. I didn't trust my ears and glanced around. The seats directly in front and behind us were empty. The seat on the opposite side of the isle was occupied by two girls who were shifting through a celebrity magazine.

I dropped my voice so that only Corey could hear me. "... a gay bar..."

Corey smiled broadly and he straightened. "Well, that's refreshing. Don't get many of your kind around here." He suddenly stood up and I realised that the bus had stopped.

We were in front of the dorm room and I remembered I had to get Keith. I had to get him before Corey did. I sent so many letters - later emails when I could afford a computer - back home and talked about Keith a lot. If Corey didn't know who Keith through those, then he surely would've heard about him from Jenna.

Before I knew what I was doing, I was suddenly on my feet and following him. My muzzle moved without my permission, asking, "What kind?"

He waved over his shoulder at me while he swung his hips from side to side. "Usually, it takes a lot of coaxing before a big manly-man like you admits to liking another guy's junk. Sometimes they even need to sleep on it. It's nice to know that there are some people out there that aren't so scared."

I was grateful for his subtlety on the matter especially as we exited the bus and headed up to our dorm. There was a lot of students out and about and they had the capacity to make a lot of assumptions. A lot of them were already pointing and whispering as I walked past them with this clearly homo. I was tempted to turn tail and run but I needed to find Keith.

I didn't want to leave him with Corey.

My brother just had this way of making you spill you inner, deepest, darkest secrets with a stare.

Or was that just me...?

"Oh... Well..." I rubbed the back of my head, feeling a blush against my fur. "Let's just say that I've had a lot of help... Lots of changes in the past few months..."

"A recent convert eh?" Corey asked as he stopped off at the fourth floor. He grinned at me and I managed to sneak a look past him just in time to see Keith's big, fluffy, black tail slip into our room.


"Want me to show you some of my special moves?"

I gulped loudly.

I couldn't lie to him... I just couldn't...

He always taught me to be honest... and if I ever wanted to be in anyway like him... I had to be honest too. Honest with him... and honest with everyone around me.

He was my brother... a person I looked up to for so many years and was an inspiration throughout my life. Corey was who I aspired to be emotionally and mentally. Someone who was confident in who they were. I guess that showed in his physical form as well. I may look like a hot hunk but on the inside... I was still little, wimpy, Drake Somers...

I needed to change that...

"Corey... Can I tell you something...?"

He shrugged and headed towards our dorm room. "Can it wait, big guy? I haven't seen my little bro for a while. I wanna make a big impression." He licked his finger and pressed it against his ass. "What do you think? Hot enough for him?"

Hell yeah.


Corey grinned and knocked heavily on my dorm room. "Hey, Drake! Guess whooooooo!?"

I had to hide my wince as the door opened and Keith stood there wearing only a pair of tight-fitting gym shorts and a black muscle shirt.

"Ooooh! Hot hunk alert!" Corey exclaimed, elbowing my ribs. "Can you two boys make me a sandwich?" He reached over my waist and Keith's, squeezing our butt cheeks. "You've got the buns." Then he squeezed his own crotch. "I've got the filling!"

Keith gave me a look that said, 'Who is this whakco... and can we keep him?'

"Um... Corey..." I began softly. "This is Keith... Keith Towson. My boyfriend."

Corey's jesting immediately stopped and he turned towards Keith with a puzzled look on his face. "Towson? Aren't you my little brother's roomie?"

"Erm..." Keith began softly.

I pressed a paw against Corey's back and pushed him into the room. "About that thing I wanted to talk to you about..." I shut the door behind me as we essentially trapped Corey between us. "Corey... It's me... Drake... I'm your brother."

Corey spun around and laughed. "You're shitting me. No way you're my little bro!"

I exchanged glances with Keith.

This was going to take a lot of explaining...

... but there was one sure-fire way to guarantee his trust.


"Are you sure about this?"

I kept asking myself that very same question as I waited anxiously at the front of Morpheus Fantasy Services.

Night had fallen and the bar was in full swing. From the description of my job as 'temporary manager' from Gwen, I realised that I really didn't have to do much. I just had to make sure the papers were shredded at the end of the night. So... that meant that I didn't have anything to do until the morning really.

The more I thought about it, I was getting this eerie feeling that I was meant to do this...

The way Gwendolyn made sure everything was set up for me...

... how Mr. Reaper chose to have a sudden holiday...

And_how neither of them actually _banned me from inviting anyone else.

No discounts and no using the rooms for my own pleasure, yes, but Gwendolyn never said I couldn't charge anyone full-price. This wasn't pleasure either. This was business. I was clearing the air between myself and my brother.

After all, if I had Corey on my side... Well... I guess then I wouldn't have to worry about my family breathing down my back.

Though... I did wonder... Did I want to leave my family behind? I mean, I had a great life with them... but I had an awesome life with Keith...

If given the choice... which one would I choose...?

I guess tonight was when I would decide.

"I'm sure," I answered Keith who stood behind me, his paw intertwined with mine. "I need to tell him, Keith... He's my brother. I love him."

Keith leaned over and nuzzled me affectionately. "Alright... I just hope you don't get into trouble from Mr. Reaper for this..."

I let out a soft rumble and leaned into his gentle caress, taking in his beautiful, musky scent. "Me too..."

A figure rounded the corner and there was Corey... But he was dressed more... conservatively now. Instead of the short-shorts and fishnet shirt, he wore a long, black overcoat with black pants beneath. I think he was wearing a plain, white shirt under his coat as well. He didn't look at all that 'gay'. Though that could be counter-argued with the fact that he looked like one of those guys that would walk up to a corner store, pretend to be interested in some boob-filled magazines and when no one was looking, slink over to the gay man-on-man section.

He was wearing a big, black panama hat too.

I didn't pull away from Keith and held him tightly.

More than ever, I needed his strength.

"Well... Here I am..." Corey murmured softly, stopping in front of us. "What did you want to show me, 'Drake'?"

His scepticism was almost painful. I was used to him always believing me... Always trusting me. That... That just hurt. Though, considering the circumstances how I am a six foot plus Alsatian, had gained over a hundred and fifty pounds of muscle and working at a gay club that I offered as an explanation on how I became a six foot plus Alsatian that gained over a hundred and fifty pounds.

I gestured behind me and pointed at the big neon signs that showed the big double-male signs with the words 'Morpheus Fantasy Services' written just beneath it.

"This club," I answered shakily. "It's... special."

"I can see that," Corey answered, one eyebrow raised. "Not many gay clubs are so blunt about their preferred orientation." His eyes drifted across the back alleyway where Morpheus was located. "Though I guess it is well-hidden. I swear, I must've passed this place like a dozen times..."

I furrowed my brow at him. "A dozen times? What were you doing here?"

For a second, Corey appraised me further but there was no flirty 'you-look-hot-let's-yiff' edge about it. It was serious... appraising. Suddenly, my little fantasies of getting in bed with my brother and him suddenly accepting that I was, in fact, Drake Somers had gone out the window.

"I work here now... Erm... Dexter," Corey answered, looking a little confused. "I guess you would've known that if you really were my brother."

Crap... I should have known that. I've been so busy trying to live as Dexter Saddler that I had started to reject my life as Drake Somers... not remembering that there was a part of my life back there that I still valued the most!


I had to remember to go back to the dorms, grab my 'book' and edit that part of my life out.

Tonight would be the last night that I would spend as Drake Somers. I'll probably make it so that my parents never had a middle child. I'll erase my own memory too so that I never have to live with any regrets.

Sounded good. Maybe I should consult Gwendolyn about it thought...

Of course, just thinking about asking her brought up images of being slammed with a barstool.

Maybe Mr. Reaper would offer more impartial advice...

"Okay... Okay..." I said, lifting my paws into the air. "You can take this in one of two ways." I offered one paw to him. "Either that I'm your brother that was transformed into this hunk using the magic of the club. As your brother, I want to share the magic with you." I offered him my other paw. "Or, I'm a complete stranger who listened to your story about your brother and used this elaborate lie to pick you up."

I shrugged and grinned sheepishly at him. "Either way, you gotta give me props, right?"

Keith chuckled softly beside me. Even I had to admit I was getting pretty desperate.

Either desperate to prove to Corey I was his brother... or desperate to get him in bed... Funny thing is... I actually wanted the latter more...

I'd stopped denying it at this point.

Yes, I wanted to get Corey in bed.

My cock was screaming to show my brother, my idol, just who I had become in more ways than one. I wanted to thank him the best way I knew. In theory, I could give him some money but really, what money in this world?

I didn't need the three and a half grand I got per night - I got a raise since I've been working at Morpheus for so long. That or Mr. Reaper just liked me though it was sometimes hard to tell.

I gripped Keith's paw tightly.

As long as I had the man of my dreams, I didn't need money.

And I guess that was why I had resolved to bring Corey here... I wanted him to experience the joys that I experienced.

Corey rolled his eyes at me. "Fine... You at least get points for sticking with such a harebrained scheme." For a moment, he and I locked gazes. I tried to look as 'honest' as I could but really, I was Drake Somers in Dexter Saddlers' body. After tonight, I'd just be Dexter but I just wanted to convinced Corey about who I was.

"Okay, let's just say I believe you," he said, averting his gaze. "What do you want me to do with this information? Do you want me to keep mom, dad and Jenna off your back?"

I shook my head slowly. "No... I've got that covered..."

Keith gave me a hard look. I knew he understood what I was hinting at. No doubt he probably had the same thoughts long before I even came up with my 'brilliant' escape route. He's been living as someone else for far longer than I have even if Mr. Reaper hadn't given him his book.

"Fine..." Corey answered, narrowing his gaze at me. "How were you planning on convincing me anyway?"

I shrugged and hiked my thumb behind me. "By taking you into the club. I'll set everything up so that you can experience what I did."

Interest sparked in Corey's eyes. "So what? I get to live out me deepest, darkest desires in there?"

Without pausing, I said, "Yeah. Anything you want."

For a second, Corey rubbed his chin, deep in thought. "What's the catch?"

"You pay full price," I answered bluntly. "There's no free rides here..." I struggled to say his name. It was almost like I subconsciously didn't have the strength to say, "... Corey." I took a deep breath and continued. "It's either you believe me and step in there or you walk away."

My older brother laughed and shook his head. "Oh man. Now you sound like some crazy con-man!" He ran a hand down his face. "Man... I keep thinking there's a bunch of bouncers on the other side of that door ready to pounce me..."

Crap... I must've sounded like some demon-dog after his soul...

I opened my muzzle to say something -

"But you know what?" Corey said, shrugging. "What do I have to lose? Bring on your magic club!"

For some reason, my mind conjured up an image of Mr. Reaper and Conrad suddenly popping up with big, wooden clubs ready to beat Corey to a pulp.

Thankfully, they didn't.

I wasn't grinning, however.

I knew I was going to extreme lengths just to prove to my brother I was his brother... and to get peace of mind. Tomorrow, when the sun rose, none of this will have ever happened... well... at least not to those that participated. No doubt, Mr. Reaper would know but I was willing to deal with the consequences of my actions.

"Can you take him to the dance floor, Keith?" I asked. "I'm going to get things ready."

I turned around to leave but Keith quickly seized my shoulder.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Dex," he whispered.

"I hope I do too..." I whispered back. But I wasn't listening to my head anymore... or my cock.

I headed into the club and, as usual, the atrium was filled with flowers. The guests were already sorted into the dance floor or the club's back rooms so I didn't have to worry about that. I passed through the opposite door into the massive club's expanse, letting the speedy throbbing of the bass and the flashing strobe-lights soothe my heart into a slower beat.

I entered the hallway leading into the back rooms and passed all the doors. I had looked at the schedule for this evening and I knew Room 9 was empty. I could definitely use that for Corey. Part of me wondered if this was what Mr. Reaper had intended. That sort of comforted me...

... but then that brought up images of 'divine trials' and me failing said trials.

Gwendolyn only gave me 3 Do Not Rules...

Don't use the back rooms for my own pleasure.

Don't give out special favours.

And don't go into Mr. Reaper's office.

So... I was effectively breaking one of the rules... and now I was about to break another.


If I stood in front of the golden doors at the very end of the back rooms hallway. Everyone had wondered what was beyond these doors... and now I was about to find out in a desperate attempt to win over my brother...

What did I have to gain from all this... I mean... seriously... I was risking punishment from a divine entity who had been nothing but good to me all for what?

The instant I asked myself that question... I knew the answer.

It was for my brother... the man I respected and loved. I respected him more than I respected Mr. Reaper and that was enough for me.

I got my happiness... and to tie up loose ends, I had to give my brother his own slice of heaven.

I took a deep breath... and pushed the golden doors open.

All I saw was complete and utter darkness...

Nothing... Just absolute blackness... and I felt cold...

I remembered thinking, 'Oh god... This was punishment, wasn't it? Punishment for looking into the face of God? Being plunged into the darkness and being lost forever!'

Then I realised I had closed my eyes.


Slowly, I peeled open my left eye... Then I snapped open my right in utter surprise.

On the other side of those golden doors was a rather ordinary office... It wasn't even that well-furnished. I stepped inside, my shoes padding across a rather plain, beige carpet that looked kind of like a tree bark-brown in the dim lighting. All four walls were covered by tall, floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and only the two wider ones right behind the desk were covered in books. The others were decorated by a weird variety of ornaments. The desk was probably the most interesting thing there. It was made completely out of glistening blue-green crystal.

I stepped up to the desk and ran a finger across its surface. It felt strangely warm. The green book that Mr. Reaper had been reading this morning sat on the desk with a pen sitting right next to it. I had to wonder who Mr. Reaper was targeting this time so I flipped open the book.

I saw the words 'Impossible Fantasy' followed by the name 'Corey Somers' on the inside cover.

I immediately pulled my paw away... feeling a shiver run through my entire system. Questions flew around in my canine skull...

Did Mr. Reaper leave it here on purpose?

What did Mr. Reaper want with Corey?

And if I messed with Corey's book... what will Mr. Reaper do?

Well... It was a case of damned if I do and damned if I don't so I decided to take the plunge. I flicked through the book quickly and stopped at some random page.

My heart sank when I saw the word 'Cancer'.

Suddenly, Corey's words about having nothing to lose made so much sense.

He had cancer... He was dying... and he didn't tell anyone about it. As I read, I realised the only reason he came here to see me was to say goodbye.

I felt a little glad he chose to confide in me first...

... and horrified that I was going to lose my brother.

... I was going to lose my brother...

My brother...

I shut the book with a sharp thud, picked it up and stormed out of Mr. Reaper's office, closing the doors right behind me. I marched straight back into the dance floor, ignoring the pinches, slaps and gropes I got as I cleaved my way through the crowd straight to Corey who was dancing with some guy. I grabbed his shoulder, tearing him away from the dance and half-dragged, half-carried him towards the back rooms.

"Hey!" he cried, slightly laughing. "I was just starting to have fun!"

"The real fun is about to begin," I answered with a grin as I pulled him through the big, black door into the back room area and Room 9. "This is where the magic happens," I said, pointing at the room. I held up the book and opened it to the last page with writing which was conveniently shaped as the form used by clients. "Okay, just fill out this form, put it on the pedestal in the change room and then step out into the room beyond. I'll get someone to meet you there."

He still looked dubious but shrugged and took the book from me. "Hey, can you get that hot guy I was dancing with? I kinda liked him. We had a lot in common."

Somehow, I seriously doubted that. Still, I guess I couldn't deny a dying man his last request. Of course, he wouldn't be dying for long if I had anything to say about it. "Sure. Just do what I said and I'll have him join you."

Corey let out a heavy sigh before he locked gazes with me. "You know... I don't care if you're 'Drake' or 'Dexter' or whatever. Thanks for doing this. It means a lot to me."

I wanted to hug him there... to tell him that everything would be alright. I resisted though. I didn't want to get my hopes up. "No problem," I answered gruffly, turning away and heading back towards the dance floor.

I glanced over my shoulder just in time to see Corey step into the change room. It touched me that he was so trusting... Then again, he was dying. Whether it was because of the tumour in his head or because of a serial rapist that killed his victims in the backroom of a gay club, it probably didn't matter to him.

This was not the Corey Somers I remember...

But I was going to bring him back.

No matter what the gods said.

I found that guy Corey had been dancing with sitting at the bar, nursing a beer and looked a little depressed. I tapped him on the shoulder and the light brown skinned man in his mid twenties turned brown eyes that were heavily lined with bags towards me. It looked like he hadn't slept for days and his athletic physique looked to be degrading rapidly.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, shaking his hand. "The name's Dexter Saddler! I'm the temporary manager of this place!"

He gave me a weary smile. "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Saddler. I'm Troy. Just Troy." That name just didn't seem to fit for me. I didn't feel like I commanded the respect like Mr. Reaper did. "What can I do for you?"

"That guy you were dancing with? He's in Room 9 requesting you." I hiked a thumb towards the backrooms. "Go on in."

The guy threw his head back and laughed. "Man... he doesn't waste time, does he?"

Probably because he doesn't have much time left, I thought. The guy jumped up from the barstool he was occupying and headed straight for the back rooms, tossing his beer over the crowd, splashing people with the alcoholic beverage much to everyone's enjoyment.

I wondered what fantasy Corey could be indulging himself in. Some part of me thought he'd be doing some stereotypical gay orgy. Maybe Troy would walk in there, they'd cuddle and suddenly, Corey would realise he didn't have brain cancer anymore. Or maybe, he'd just wish for it all to end... and Troy would walk in there to find my brother dead.

... wait...

Suddenly, fear gripped my heart...

What if... What if Corey decided to be really vindictive and swore to kill whoever pass through those doors as vengeance for the world being so unfair to him?

Or... or what if he decided to steal Troy's body so that he didn't have cancer anymore?

Maybe even transplant his cancer over to Troy!

I shook my head... reassuring myself that the Corey I knew wouldn't be so... evil.

Then again... was the guy that I gave that book to the Corey I knew?

"Dex? You okay?"

I turned and found the comforting smile of my mate. Keith sat down on Troy's abandoned barstool and regarded me with concern and a gentle smile.

"What would you do if you found out you had cancer and was given the chance to make your deepest desires come true?" I asked softly.

His smile slowly faded and his eyes turned serious. "I'd get rid of the cancer." He leaned over to me, eyes narrowed. "Do you...?"

I shook my head furiously. "No! Corey does... and I just gave him his book and sent a complete stranger into the backrooms with him."

Keith's eyes boggled and he immediately jumped to his feet. His strong, big paws seized me shoulders, almost completely crushing them. "What!? You gave someone their book!?"

I nodded... A little puzzled. What was the problem with giving Corey his book?

"Dex! You just gave Corey his whole world!"

Now, my first reaction at the time was to think, 'Was that such a bad thing?'

Then I realised exactly what Keith meant...

My eyes widened and I immediately spun around, knocking a guy's drink over as I bolted straight for the backrooms with Keith in tow. Heart racing in my chest, I didn't even want to think about the repercussions of my actions were. Even just thinking about the kind of power I could've just given Corey made my mind spin and my heart sink. But in the back of my head, Mr. Reaper's retribution continuously plagued my mind.

I don't know what was worse... possibly unleashing the incarnation of the end of the world in the shape of a demonic, horny, gay man in the shape of my cancer-inflicted brother... or the wrath of Mr. Reaper.

I decided I didn't want to find out as I pushed open the door into Room 9.

I was too late...

The room was empty... Discarded clothing lay everywhere, shredded to bits.


Corey's book was also gone.


"We've got to get that book back," I announced, storming up to the opposite door in the all-glass room.

Keith seized my shoulder. "Dex! You can't go in there!"

"I've got to save my brother!"

"Who knows if he's even still your brother?" Keith's eyes were full of panic. "He could've messed with his entire personality and history. If we step in there, he could keep us trapped in whatever warped world he has set for himself! We can't go in there!"

I lowered my ears and whimpered softly. "I know... But he's still my brother, Keith... I can't... I can't just let him turn into a monster... Worse... I can't let him get destroyed by Mr. Reaper..."

Keith's paw slipped from my shoulder to slide into my paw. His grip was strong as we intertwined our fingers. "I can't lose you, Dex... I just found you..."

"I know..." I whispered in reply. "But he's my brother, Keith... I can't just abandon him now that I've put him in this mess..."

Slowly, Keith's paws slipped from mine. "I understand, Drake..." His ears lowered and his tail slowly tucked between his legs. "But... I can't go in there... I just can't..."

At that moment, I realised that there was still so much about Keith that I didn't know... But I did know that I wanted to be with him. Right now, though... I didn't know if I wanted to be with the rest of my family or not... I glanced over my shoulder at the door leading into Corey's personal fantasy... then turned back to Keith... and wondered...

'Why can't I have both?'

"You're going to have to tell me why when I come out of there," I answered with a shaky grin.

My mate tried to force a smile. He failed but he did manage to say, "Sure... Just make it out, okay?"

I nodded and kissed him one more time. I didn't even want to think 'one last time'. As I pulled away, I winked at him and swatted his thick thighs with my tail as I turned my body towards the door. "You owe me a story!"

I could hear him let out a choking laugh but I didn't want to turn back. Tear would start soaking into my fur if I did. I placed a paw on the glass door... took a deep breath... and pushed it open. I closed my eyes and stepped through.

Crisp, clean air filled my lungs.

I heard the door shut behind me and I slowly cracked my eyes open.

It looked like... I was in some sort of... army camp...?

Sentry towers slowly washed the area with their roving lights while a high, metal fence marked the perimeter. Wooden, compact structures were littered around the area in an orderly manner. I could see the training course near the rear of the facility and there was even a tank not too far away.

What kind of fantasy was this?

It was certainly bigger than any fantasy I had experienced before...

I quietly snuck around the camp, looking for any signs of my brother. I peered into the barracks through one of the windows. There were a lot of half-naked muscular men in there. All humans I noted. I couldn't see Corey in there and as I dropped down back to the ground, I realised there was an easier way to find him.

I sniffed the air and instantly caught a plethora of male scents. This was Corey's fantasy alright.

But I found him. I knew his scent off by heart even if I had only been a canine for a short time and I had only just met him again. I followed the trail, navigating through the ordered mess of bland, cookie-cutter, wooden buildings until I came to one that had the words 'Command Centre' written above the door.

Never thought my brother would be in a place like this.

Quietly, I made my way up to the door... and pushed it open.


The metal barrel of a handgun pressed up against my forehead.


I raised my paws to the air. "Consider me frozen."

Suddenly, my assailant lowered the gun, eyes wide. "Drake?"

I was surprised when I found myself staring straight at my brother... Only he was wearing a military uniform. He wasn't some overly flamboyant stereotype or some guy that was enormously beefy. He was just my brother...

Was this his fantasy?

To be in command of a military base?

"Corey...?" I asked, lowering my paws. "What...? I don't get it..." I glanced around at his office, thinking this was his 'love dungeon' or something. He'd get some lowly recruit to enter upon his command then he'd press a button and the poor guy would get knocked out and then raped by some hidden erotic machinery. "This is your fantasy?"

He gave me a big grin. "Sure is!" Corey shook his head and lowered the gun. "Oh man... I just can't believe this, bro! It's just like you said it was!" He jumped at me, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tightly. "I can't thank you enough for this!"

I laughed softly and pushed him away with a smile. "You know, I half-expected for you to be running some sort of S&M thing here. You know, with the military and stuff."

Corey rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, bro. I mean, I know I act all flamey but really, deep down" - he tapped his chest - "I'm far from ordinary. My greatest fantasies aren't as shallow as what you might think."

I laughed again. "So your greatest fantasy is to be in control of the military?"


There was just something about his grin that unsettled me though... Like... he wasn't telling me everything... His eyes just screamed something was up. My mirth slowly faded as my ears picked up an odd sound.

The lights suddenly flicked off.

"What the -?" My eyes quickly adjusted to the light... and I saw Corey's big grin in the darkness. "Corey...?"

"You want to know my greatest fantasy Drake?" he said, dropping his gun.

I hear loud cries erupting from the camp grounds. As I flung around, I saw big shapes darting from the shadows. Gunfire rocketed out around the sentry towers and a scream was cut short by a thunderous thud.

"It's to have total and absolute control... Perfect discipline and rigorous order..."

Those dark figures bolted into the barracks. There was a multitude of screams mixed with the sounds of struggle.

"... only to lose it..."

I slowly turned back around to face Corey, my eyes wide as two massive figures emerged from the shadows behind him. Two enormous furry forms that had to be at least eight feet tall! They were brimming with muscles, their eyes glowing a feral yellow. Four large, fleshy tentacles writhed from their backs, each one ending in a pulsating cock that dripped precum all over the floor to match the fifth 'tentacle' that throbbed between their legs. One of the creatures, a towering lion, drew open his muzzle and a sixth cock slowly slid out of his throat instead of a tongue!

Corey lifted his arms wide, grinning broadly. "Come on, bro. Join the party."

All those screams behind me... They suddenly turned into wild, lustful cries.

Oh crap...

Before I could move, the other creature suddenly pounced upon me, catching me in its powerful arms and slamming me hard against the floor. I screamed but my muzzle was quickly clogged up by the thick, throbbing cock that emerged from the creature's muzzle. Hot, salty precum shot down my throat. It was like ingesting molten lava and I could feel every drop sliding down my throat, the heat spreading throughout my entire body and causing my entire body to shudder.

I tried shoving myself away but my body just wouldn't respond! My arms twisted of their own accord to wrap around the massive creature's muscular back, holding him even closer to me! I felt the monster's thick cock press up against my ass. I clamped down hard, trying to prevent access but that massive member easily pressed through, shooting a familiar pleasurable pain through my entire body, ripping right through my pants like they were nothing!

He began thrusting into me, pushing more and more precum into me. I felt like I was being slowly cooked from the inside with all that hot liquid being pumped into me.

But oddly enough... I wanted more...

I tried to fight it... but as my muzzle clamped down on the creature's cock-tongue, I began wanting to suck at that fleshy member... I started lusting for it... I never had a threesome before but just thinking about having the cocks of the same creature from both my muzzle and my ass was driving me insane. My cock was rock hard and it slid up the rock-hard eight-pack of the creature.

The beast's massive paws ripped my shirt off and he growled lustfully as he tore my pants clear away. My legs curled around his body, pulling him even closer to me. I felt the heat and lust from his body, building up that overwhelming warmth that was already boiling inside me!

Those four, fleshy tentacles slid over my shoulders and under my armpits, slithering up my back. My eyes boggled when I felt a pain erupted from just between my shoulder blades! I tried to twist my head away but this creature seemed to have a knot in his cock-tongue as well! He kept me in place but I could see the tentacles pulse and the waves of pain shoot up my back.

Without warning, the creature seized my back and suddenly rolled onto his back, pulling me right above him. From the corner of my eye, I could see Corey being similarly 'raped' by the lion. I watched as the lion's tentacles pressed themselves into Corey's back, parting the skin with no blood and shoving their cock-tips deep into Corey's back!

I realised that was happening to me too!

The pain in my back suddenly intensified but a spurt of precum shot into the wound, acting like a salve that turned all that pain into an arousing, warm, comforting feeling like being massaged from the inside. The creature's cock rubbed up against my prostate, making my cock jerk and spray precum down against the massive pecs of the muscular beast.

I grunted and the creature moaned, shooting more of his precum down my throat. Whatever reservations I held went straight out the window. My body and my brain were working in tandem now. I wasn't just sucking on his cock-tongue... I wanted to suck on his cock-tongue!

I had his dick in my ass...

I had another one of his dicks down my throat...

... and I had another four pumping his precum into my back!

God... It was too much!

I squeezed down on his cock with my muzzle and my ass, drawing more and more of that glorious member into me... I wanted more! I wanted him! I was rubbing myself against him, pulling myself up and down his member. Every time I drew away from the cock between his legs, I drove myself deeper against the cock jutting from his muzzle!

Endless bliss... perpetual pleasure from both sides and even from the middle!

It was maddening!

I could taste his precum getting thicker... I could sense him getting ready to shoot!

Not so soon... I wanted more!



The beast beneath me roar, his cocks vibrating as cum shot into my ass, down my throat and into my back. I felt so hot all over as his molten seed seeped into me. All that cum wasn't just going into my ass and gut... I could feel the heat running through my veins, filling my muscles and running into every strand of fur on my body.

The cum just kept coming... I drank his seed that flew down my throat like a wild firehose. I felt bloated with all the cum that was seeping into me!

I suddenly couldn't take any more!

I pulled my muzzle away, gasping and letting the cum I held in my muzzle spill over this monster's face. I was practically blown off his cock as my ass could take no more. I felt his tentacles pull away from my back as I barely managed to keep myself held up over him...

My eyes widened when I looked at the face of my suddenly slumbering assailant.


"He's just a copy, bro. I thought you might like that..."

I glanced over my shoulder to where Corey stood, wiping his lips of the cum. The lion beneath him had fallen asleep just as the monster-Keith beneath me had done.

He groggily rolled off the lion and sat forward, gripping his cock in one hand. "But you'll really like this... Urgh!" Corey suddenly doubled over.


Suddenly, all that sweltering heat inside me built and exploded! I felt hot before but now I was reaching supernova temperatures! Every degree of heat pooled into my back. I was forced onto my paws and knees, my entire body shuddering in agony! I felt intense pressure building in the sockets where the alien had jabbed me with his tentacles. With every beat of my heart, the pressure built and built and built!

I didn't want the pressure to build anymore but at the same time, I didn't want to release it either...

"Oh yes!" Corey cried, throwing his head back. There was a series of loud splats and four, thick, fleshy tentacles erupted from his back, each one spraying hot cum from their cock-ends like hoses!

All that pressure in my back was too much!

I threw my head back and roared!



The release I felt was just like orgasming... times four! My entire body shuddered as those four, fresh tentacles sprayed cum all over me. I could feel them thrashing about... The pleasure I felt from them was just... just so amazing!

I watched in awe as Corey's whole body began to shudder and shake. The muscles all over his body began to bugle and twitch. What fat was on his body bubbled away, defining each crevasse and cut even more. In the scant light, he looked absolutely ripped. Even more so when veins began popping all over his body and those glorious muscles began growing, pulsing outwards with each pump of blood in his veins.

Every time his muscles bulged, they would absorb his veins... Then the veins would pop out again... and the muscles would grow to encompass them. I watched his form grow larger and larger. His cock reached monstrous proportions, rising up past a foot in length.

The heat all over my body tore my away from my brother's glorious transformation and I glanced down at me paws. I watched as the veins pulsed outwards at the back of my hand and my bones and muscles growing to encompass them. With every inch that I grew, I became more and more aroused. I grew with every wave of hot lust that washed over all my body. My shoulders tightened, growing and building out further as my spine cracked and stretched upwards.

I had to stagger off the monster-Keith beneath me as my legs lengthened. I found new strength in my entire body as I lifted myself up to a tremendous ten foot height. My ears brushed the ceiling and I growled as my gargantuan 16-inch cock pulsed right between my watermelon-like pecks. I squeezed it with my head-crushing paws, feeling fresh waves of lush pulse throughout my body and precum drip out of the pointed head in gallons.

Looking past my own member, I watched my brother's form twisting and writing as his body began to shift and change. Fur began sprouting all over his body with every push his muscles made. He was on his hands and knees. A small nub of a tail emerged above his ass cheeks, wagging excitedly as his entire body took on a new shape.

Whatever reservations I had of having my brother were gone.

I realised I wanted that hot piece of meat.

I lumbered over to him, wrapped my arms around him, catching him in a tight embrace. His kiss was cut off by my kiss. I pushed my long, flat tongue down his throat. I wasn't sure... but there was an insane amount of pleasure rippling from my tongue. I felt it harden... take on a sausage-like shape. The pleasure of a cock began dripping out of my tongue and I drove it further down Corey's muzzle as I felt his own cock-tongue start to form and slide underneath mine and into my own muzzle.

I thrust into his mouth as he thrust into mine. I felt his face stretch forward into the shape of a muzzle as I curled two of my tentacles around his form, pulling us even closer together. I felt him do the same. Our monster cock pressed up against one another, compressed by our sweaty, muscular bodies and being stimulated by our writhing, grinding motions. I pressed my other two tentacles right between his ass cheeks, pressed them into his ass and rubbing his prostate.

He did exactly the same and it drove me wild.

I tasted him...

... he tasted me...

God... it was... it was so unreal!

I couldn't take it anymore...!

I was inside Corey in so many ways!

I... I just couldn't -!

I roared in absolute pleasure. Cum erupted from all my cocks... My two exposed tentacles sprayed cum all over us... The other two in Corey filled him with so much of my seed that I felt his bell bulge outwards. My main cock shot stream after stream of my seed all over us, seeping in between the twin, muscular valleys which were our pecs. My cocktongue sprayed cum straight down his throat and I had this vision of a father 'feeding' his pup and that simply drove me wild!

A second later, I felt Corey orgasm as well and we were stuck in a writhing, twisting mess of cum as we both tried to squeeze every last drop of the other male's seed from them.

I squeezed my ass tight on his tentacle cocks.

He sucked hard on my cock tongue.

We pressed hard against one another, squeezing our compressed cocks between our rock-hard twelve-packs.

It must've been whole minutes before our orgasms ebbed... and still, we continued to squeeze more and more cum from one another. Eventually... I regained some semblance of control over my body and I pulled my muzzle away from him, my cocktongue instinctively sliding back into my muzzle.

I wasn't sure where it went but when I finally was able to speak again, I said, "Corey...?"

The huge, muscular Doberman beneath me grinned, his own cocktongue slipping into his muzzle. "God damn that was hot..."

I replied with a weary smile.

"So... When do I have to face reality again...?" he asked softly.

I remembered Mr. Reaper's 'One Night Policy'.

"Until the end of the night," I answered, bending down and nuzzling him.

"Dang... Then I guess I've got to go back and face my cancer again, huh?"

Remembering his illness, my heart broke. But then again... I did give him his book... But perhaps now wasn't the time to tell him that he could change everything about him if he wanted to at a single stroke of a pen. I mean, if he turned himself into a horny, tentacle-beast with cocktongues that could infect others, who was to say that this fantasy of his couldn't become the reality of Iterion?

"Yeah..." I answered. But I softly kissed his cheek. "But you're always welcome back here..." Then I lifted myself up, finding myself ridiculously aroused again. "And besides... we still have the rest of the night, right?"

He returned the grin that crawled onto my faces as the monster-Keith and the lion slowly woke up from their slumber.

"Let's go wild."


The next morning, Corey had to go but he promised that he'd be back and we could catch up with one another. He said he'd give me the details of his cancer and how long he had.

Maybe I could convince Mr. Reaper to hire him on as an employee and before he succumbed to his illness, he could be given his book properly and everything would be okay.

But before that, I had to make it as if none of this had ever happened.

I had no doubt that I would get caught. I mean, I was dealing with the 'caretakers' of Iterion after all. I bet they already knew what I did and were on their way back from their holiday to punish me.

But still... I figured if I placed the book back, I could show them that I was really sorry.

I snuck back into Mr. Reaper's office after cleaning myself up and bidding Corey a good day. Oh, I also kissed Keith and asked him what his take on threesomes were. He told me that if it was with Corey, he was fine as long as he had dibs on being in the middle.

I loved Keith.

Back at Mr. Reaper's office, I was relieved to find that Mr. Reaper wasn't at his desk. I half-expected him to turn around in a stereotypical bad-guy sort of appearance and say something like, 'Hello, Mr. Saddler. I've been expecting you.'

I placed Corey's book back on the table where I had seen it.

Interestingly, I never noticed the sticky note on the desk before.

It only said one word... and I sent my heart plummeting.


"What did we learn?"

I looked up... horrified.

At the door stood Mr. Reaper flanked by Gwendolyn and Conrad. Gwendolyn looked like she was about to break another barstool over me while Conrad was taking not-too-inconspicuous steps away from her.

"Um..." I began softly. "My brother has some weird fetishes?"

Gwendolyn advanced.

He closed my eyes, expecting a wham.


... no wham.

Slowly, I opened my eyes...

Mr. Reaper stood in front of me... holding Gwendolyn back by simple pressing a finger against her forehead.

"And?" he asked.

I racked my brains.

"I... I can't live without my family," I answered softly. "I kept thinking that I wanted to break away from them and live with just Keith but I can't bear to be without them. After this... After seeing Corey's courage again concerning his cancer... I realised that I have to be just like him... I have to tell my family what happened because I love them too..."

I raised my eyes, meeting Gwendolyn's eyes pleadingly. "I thought I could just erase their memories by altering my past... Make it so that I was never their son... I would rub my memories clean too so I wouldn't feel any regret... but after meeting Corey again... I couldn't do it. That's no way to treat my family... I can't escape that way... I don't want to escape that way. Hell, I don't want to escape at all..."

The fury in Gwendolyn's eyes faded slowly

She sighed and lowered her arm. "I see..."


Mr. Reaper hit the floor, the splinters from the wooden plant Gwendolyn had used to hit him covering him.

"Why didn't you just tell me, you goddamn idiot!?" she roared, pointing an accusing finger at the owner of the club. "Don't you trust me!?"

Mr. Reaper laughed, rising to his feet and completely unscathed. "No, Gwendolyn. I trust you completely. And that is why events turned out exactly how they did." He smiled at me. "You've taken a major step forward, Dexter. Now comes the next and hardest step."

I whimpered softly. "What's that?"

"You're going to have to come out to your parents."



"Can't you do it for me...?" I asked softly.

He grinned at me and lifted his hands in a helpless gesture. "Sorry. But when I gave you your book, I no longer have any power over you or your life. This is something_you_ have to do."


... that wasn't fair...

Okay... so I may have asked subconsciously for help and he gave me my greatest desires... but surely that still gives him responsibility over me right...?

... though... I guess he did give me ownership of my whole reality so this mess... the one with Corey... it was my fault...

... and this desire in my to tell my family the truth... that was all me...

... but still...

It was at that point, I realised just why Gwendolyn could be so irritated at Jacob Reaper.

"You had this all planned, didn't you?" I asked sourly.

"Would you rather I didn't?" he asked with a sly grin.

I sighed and shook my head. "I suppose not..."

He clapped his hands and grinned. "Great!" Mr. Reaper turned to leave. "Now if you'll excuse me, that little bout with the infectious aliens with tentacle-cocks and cock tongues that your brother conjured just inspired me to write something!"

A bolt of panic shot through me...

What have I done...?

Party Pack

**Party Pack** **A birthday gift for werewolf666** **_For he's a jolly good fellow..._** There was a rule with birthdays. Ages 1 - 7, it was all about how fast you were growing and your parents showing you off to anyone and everyone around...

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Reaper: Graesham Campaign: Finale

**Finale: Who Knew?** "You took my hand, you showed me how You promised me you'd be around Uh huh, that's right I took your words and I believed In everything you said to me Yeah huh, that's right If someone said three years from now You'd...

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Reaper: Graesham Campaign: Episode 9

**Episode 9: End of the Earth** "If you need me, call me No matter where you are No matter how far Just call my name I'll be there in a hurry You don't have to worry 'Cause baby, There ain't no mountain high enough Ain't no valley low...

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