Reaper: Graesham Campaign: Finale

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#19 of Reaper 2

Finale: Who Knew?

"You took my hand, you showed me how You promised me you'd be around Uh huh, that's right

I took your words and I believed In everything you said to me Yeah huh, that's right

If someone said three years from now You'd be long gone I'd stand up and punch them out Cause they're all wrong

I know better Cause you said forever And ever, who knew?"

Who Knew



The transport was finally loaded with all they could salvage from the Emerald Crown.

Two days after the Purge of Graesham, Rex Nebula made contact once more with MODD officials and detailed the events that had led to the complete destruction of the once prosperous mining town and the death of almost everyone in it.

The official story was that Father Randall Belford - a former MODD employee - used stolen MODD technology to create the Fossilisation Plague which he aimed to use to cripple MODD. He apparently still held a grudge over his discharge and the events that led to Rose Earthsire's defection and death.

Unfortunately, Rocky Groundwater also perished in the disaster.

Rex and a specialised team managed to stop Belford.

... and currently, they were on their way to Angelsea to meet with the Elemental Lord of Water to explain why her Purge Device had been so heavily damaged and to officially introduce the other 'Heroes of Graesham' to the public.

Jacob wasn't going to lie.

He was nervous.

In essence, they were going to waltz right into MODD... but as long as he had Rex, he was confident they would be safe.

There's no better meat shield than an Elemental Lord after all.

"Ready to go?"

Rex clapped his shoulder and looked out into the Grey Grounds Graveyard. The evidence of the battle was still there... and the aftermath.

Sitting in the middle of the battlefield... was a beautiful, crystal tree. Its leaves were made of an emerald-like material with ruby-like roses blossoming in between each. An ethereal glow spread out from deep inside the three, almost bringing light to the surroundings regardless of the time of day.

"Yeah, I am," Jacob answered, turning around and boarding the transport plane.

After two days, Myron had managed to salvage one more transport for them to use. Bill worked on all the programming and Sergeant Canis was set to fly them to Angelsea. The rest of the Branded were already onboard and waiting.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Canis barked.

"I am getting your scent," Leo answered innocently poking his nose against Canis' crotch. "So if we ever get separated, I will be able to track you."

"Who says I want you to track me!? Get the hell off me!"

"Just let him do it, Canis," Max said, rolling his eyes. "You're not going to stop him."

Jacob chuckled and remained standing as Canis shoved Leo off and started the transport. The suddenly jolt threw Leo down onto his rear as they lifted off the ground, turned northeast... and left Graesham behind.

He had a good view of the ruins of Graesham... and Jacob couldn't help but recall all the events that had transpired there.

"You look a little lost in thought there," Rex observed, standing beside him on the open side door of the transport.

"Just a little..." he answered softly. "With all the mess around memories being tossed around the past week or so..."

"Not regretting anything, are you?"

Jacob shook his head. "No. If anything, I've learned it'll only bite you back in the ass if you don't try to figure out your past. Rocky kept denying it and look what happened to her..." He closed his eyes and smiled. "That's why... I've decided that I'm going to find out who I was in the past..." He winced as he leaned against the doorframe. "Even if it turns out I was a cute, fluffy, big-eyes ball of cuteness with a sunny disposition, I'm going to find out."

Rex chuckled and crossed his arms. "So if you have an identity crisis, do I have permission to knock you back to your senses?"

He gave Rex a smirk in response. "I'll think about it."


The transport suddenly shuddered. A massive dent in the hull appeared right beside Jacob's head.

Heart suddenly pounding in his chest, he poked his head out of the door... A large rock was embedded deep into the transport.

"Son of a -" Canis cursed. "We're under attack!"

Jacob grinned. "No we're not! Bring us down, Sergeant!"

"The hell!?"

"Just do it!"

Sighing, Canis brought them slowly down to ground level. There was a small assortment of black specks that grew steadily bigger as they approached. Within minutes, it became apparent that the specks were people... People dressed in black with hoods over their features... well... all except one.

"You didn't say goodbye!" Rocky shouted over the roar of the engines, running up to the side of the transport.

"We thought you needed more time to be with Luke," Jacob answered.

She grinned at him, dug into her pocket and pulled out... a keychain... It looked like four of the leaves from the crystal tree bound together to the shape of a butterfly and attached to a silver chain.

"Nah! I just needed more time to make you this!"

She tossed it to him and he barely caught it in time. He held it up to eye level and exchanged glances with Rex.

"Uh... don't you think... It's a little... I dunno..."

"Too soon?" Rex finished.

"What?" Rocky replied, looking perplexed and hurt. "Why?"

Jacob pointed at the trinket. "After Belford's spiel about making everyone into 'diamonds' you're giving me something like this to remember you by?"

There, Rocky's grin returned. "But it's not a diamond." She winked. "It's crystal."

Jacob didn't get it at first...

... then...

He threw his head back and laughed. "Damn... You got me there!" He held the keychain in his paws, admiring its design and beauty. "You sure Luke won't mind?"

Rocky's grin turned into a gentle smile. "I'm sure."

"You going to be okay without him?" Rex asked.

She tapped the side of her head. "I'll always remember him." Then she patted her heart. "And he's always living in here. Besides... I know one day, we'll meet again." She broke into a grin. "Not quite the ending to Starboy I had always dreamed of but I like this ending better!"

Jacob made a mental note that he'd have to watch the end of that show.

"Okay!" Canis shouted impatiently. "Can we go now!? This thing barely has enough fuel to get us to Angelsea. Wasting it hovering here is like asking to go down in the middle of the ocean!"

"Alright! We're going!" Jacob shouted back. He turned to Rocky and waved. "Good luck!"

She gave him a firm thumbs up. "Hey! I got the easy job! I'm just going to 'spread the word'. You're going to act them out!"

He laughed as the transport slowly began to lift into the air. "Hey! Remember, I'm ten feet tall, have devil horns and devour people souls!" He caught Rex in a headlock. "And Rex here wears other people's jockstraps!"

Rex's eyes widened. "I do not!" He spun towards the quickly shrinking Rocky. "I don't! It was only once and I had no choice!"

Jacob shut the side doors, shutting off any of Rex's other protests.

His half-brother turned to him, looking both pissed and amused at the same time. "You know, one of these days, I'm going to swap your underwear for someone else's."

Jacob's smile remained in place. "I think I'm just grateful that there will be days ahead of us."

Rex's anger faded and his nodded in acknowledgement. "Yeah... And I'm glad we'll remember all those days that pass us by."

Taking Rocky's memento, Jacob took out the golden pocket watch he always carried around with him. Attached to the broken watch was another keychain... one he had obtained in Pollenburn. With a smile, he attached Rocky's memento as well.

"What's that?" Rex asked, poking the watch.

Jacob looked up at his brother and grinned.

"Funny you should ask... It's something from my past. Wanna hear the story?"


Balthazar Palmers, Head of the Experimental Intelligence Troops of MODD sat at his desk and watched the battle against Randall Belford over and over again.

Part of him was disappointed that Belford couldn't come back to him with the results of his experiment. Greed overtook the gorilla obviously and power got to his head. Thankfully, Balthazar had prepared for such a plan and he had his people take all the research documents from Belford's residence and laboratory back to Central where the Head of ExIT resided.

While he was interested in the end result of what Belford had done to Rocky Groundwater, he was more fascinated at the development of the Branded. They were progressing well in their abilities but it was all over the place. Just raw power being thrown around in random directions. Even Reaper was merely mimicking the abilities of others and using them against his enemies.

Those sonic blades... a dull copy of Gale Winthrop's Wind Blades.

His cloning ability? Just something he picked up from Belford.

They needed proper training... They needed to become stronger.

"Here are the test results, sir."

A set of papers were set in front of him...

He gave them a glance over... and he cursed.

"Are you sure?" he asked. "Is there no other way?"

"We are positive, sir. The unification of two opposing entities only leads to an immense release of energy that ultimately destroys both entities and damages its surroundings."

"And what of Rocky? How did her personality remain intact when the opposing entities of Rocky Groundwater and Rose Earthsire met?"

"Our scientists claim that because Rocky began to accept who she was before the two personalities fully met, there was time to assimilate. That allowed her to survive with both personalities intact."

Balthazar rubbed his chin... and narrowed his eyes.

"Hmmm... I see... That sounds promising... So we must proceed my slowly combining the two... letting them get used to one another before they merge as one..."

"That is what the results state, sir."

"I see... Very well. Proceed with the next phase of the plan. Also inform the Elemental Lord of Water that she is to treat Rex and his guests with hospitality. They are not to kill Rex or the Branded. Understood?"

"Perfectly sir." His assistant turned to leave... then froze... "And sir... what of the... other?"

Balthazar frowned. "Other?"

A photograph was put in front of him.

A black wolf with golden hair wielding a fusion of gun and blade... His eyes were sapphire-blue...

Balthazar's eyes narrowed.

"This... This worries me..."

Reaper: Graesham Campaign: Episode 9

**Episode 9: End of the Earth** "If you need me, call me No matter where you are No matter how far Just call my name I'll be there in a hurry You don't have to worry 'Cause baby, There ain't no mountain high enough Ain't no valley low...

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Reaper: Graesham Campaign: Eighth Interlude

**Interlude 8: Ain't No Mountain** " But when you touch me like this And you hold me like that I just have to admit That it's all coming back to me When I touch you like this And I hold you like that It's so hard to believe but It's all...

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Reaper: Graesham Campaign: Episode 8

**Episode 8: I Feel the Earth Move** Three blind mice, three blind mice, See how they run, see how they run, They all ran after the farmer's wife, Who cut off their tails with a carving knife, Did you ever see such a thing in your life, As...

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